Don't Fail To Do Your Share Cleari-Up Week - April 19-24 - Clean Up! Advertisers Find Our Columns a Key to 1,600 Martin County Homes VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 14 Woman's Club and Officials of Town Are Backing Clean-Up Compaign Here Next Week Prize Will Be Given for Prettiest Yard Later In The Summer The plans for Clean-Up Week be ginning next Monday are being per fected . It ia a campaign with "All to gether for a more beautiful town" for a slogan. The Woman's Club is urg ing the housekeepers to get their an nual spring cleaning in the lots done now, and flowers planted, as it will soon be 100 late. For the prettiest yard—with, of course, some rules, regulations, etc.—the club will give a prise, probably during the month of July. While cleaning up, the weeds should be uprooted now while they are young, this decreasing the num ber of mosquitoes and eliminating much malaria. This campaign will not man so much to our housekeepers as it will to the business men and those own ing vacant lots. There are one or two of our near-by towns that can be compared to ours, but most of them have clean streets, clean lota, and beautiful yards. For the size of the town, we appreciate the way the yards are kept and beautified and the vacant lots are cleaned in our neigh boring town, Windsor. One more thing we should remedy— as much vacant woods space as we have to dump trash, we should put it behind some obstruction to the view of tourists. In Tuesday's Enterprise we will state what sections of the town tho trash carts will be in each day, be ginning Wednesday. If any one needs oite before that time, call 252, police headquarters; or 74, the mayor's of fice, and one of thefee places will send the dray over that day. We sincerely hope that it will not be necessary for the mayor to order the vacant lots cleaned, because we want this to be a campaign waged solely on the town pride of our citi sens. The lots will" be inspected by city officials next Friday afternoon. Catch Thieves Who Robbed Smokehouse Mr. IL C. Butler, of Windsor, lost seven hams and four shoulders from his smokehouse Wednesday night. Mr. Butler had no clue as to the thieves until a phone call was received from the police chief of Washington, say ing that three suspicious negroes with a lot of meat were being entertained at the Washington headquarters. Whereupon, Sheriff Cooper and Mr. Butler immediately went to Washing ton, where they identified both the meat and the three negroes, who were Robert Hyman, John Hendrick, and Wright Askew, who wert taken to Windsor and placed in jail. The thieves were picked up in Wash ington because of their suspicious ac tions in trying to dispose of the meat Bank of Robersonville Purchases New Quarters The Bank of Robersonville has pur chased the building formerly owned and occupied by the Farmers Banking A Trust Co., of Robersonville, and will move their banking business there in the near future. ■■■Hk STRAND THEATRE Tonight—Friday SHIRLEY MASON in "CURLY TOP" Fox Sunshine Comedy Only 15c Saturday LEFTY FLYNN in "The NO-GUN MAN" OUR GANG in , -ASK GRANDMA" 'SECRET SERVICE SANDERS' Episode No. 2 7 aad 9p. m. 1 20c and 40c - : THE ENTERPRISE MAN CAPTURED IS ! NOT LEROY WHITE BerMe People Excited Over Report of I Capture of Man Who Brutally Murdered Wife 10 Years Ago All of I'.ertie County was thrown into a state of excitement yesterday 1 when Sheriff Cooper received a telej gram from Mount Airy, N. C., that Ler >y White had been caught and was bei 'g held at Hillville, Va. Sheriff Cooper immediately sent a deputy sheriff and two friends to Hillville to get the prisoner, but upon their ar rival there today, they found the wrong man. The man arrested was not White but a much older man. Few murders in this State have been more brutal than that charged against White, He married a Miss Mountain, the owner of a large farm on the Cashie Neck road between ] Windsor and Woodard. He soon be came cruel to her and happiness was banished from her life. Some time : during the day of the murder, sup posedly in the early part of the day, , [ she was killed with the barrel of e j gun, with which her head was crushed « in by many blows. No one was pres ent except a baby which could not j walk. , Some time that night neighbor went to the home and were alarnted : by the cries of the baby and as no one could be aroused they broke in the door and found the woman cold ' in death with the baby sitting on her. The baby had crawled over the floor in its mother's blood perhaps nearly all day. When found, every door and win dow to the house was locked and the husband gone, and so far as the pub lic knows, never a word nor a sign of Leroy White has been had since. The mystery of White's disappear- 1 ance, connected witlj the tragedy, nat- ' urally caused great excitement a- 1 mong Bertie people when they heard that White had been captured. Methodist Program For the Next Week Sunday school, 0.45 a. m.—E. P Cunningham, superintendent t Preaching services, 11 a. m. and , 8 p. m... i Junior Epworth League, 2.80 p. m.. ' Miss Emma Roberson, superintendent Preaching services at Holly Springs at 3.30 p. m. Meeting of the Woman's Mission ary Society, Monday at 4 p. m., at the church; Mrs. W. C. Liverman, ' president Senior Epworth League Monday at 8 p. m.; Mrs. J. W. Watta, Jr., super- J intendent Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. , m. Choir practice, Wednesday, 8.46 p.m. j Bear Grass School Finals Tonight The Bear Grass School will close i its most successful school in history tonight The school, under the lead- j ership of Prof. 8. M. Lee, has done i good work. This is the ftret year that the new SBO,OOO school building has been used. The high-school pupils were convey ed to the Williamston school during the term Just closing, because the number of high-school pupils was not sufficient to justify teaching all the grades. The finals will take place tonight The program ia a play by the school pupils. Christian Church Sunday Services Rev. A. J. Manning, Paster Sunday school, 9.46 a. m.—W. C. Manning superintendent There will be no services in the lo cal church, as the pastor will be at Msple Grave for their regluar month ly service. All of the church mem bers here are invited to attend this service. Rev. A. J. Manning attended the re vival services at the Christian church last night * Messrs. J. R. Porter and C. P. Mc- Cluer, of Tarboro, were visitors ia the city this morning- WiUiarnston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 16,1926 SCHOOL IS READY FOR GROUP CENTER Pupils Who Will Take Part ia Elimi nation Contests at Jaaiesville Sat urday Finish Practice The local schools yesterday com pleted the final touches in prepara tion for the group-center commence ment to ba held at Jameeville Satur day, April 17. Work will begin at 10 a. m. All those who have been named to take part in the various contests are requested to meet at the graded school building at 9 o'clock Saturday. Many of the parents will accompany children to Jameeville. We request those parents to come to the school before leaving in order that the prin cipal may know that all entrants are present The following will represent Wil liamston in the various contests: Arithmetic: Hewett Edwards. Story Telling: Christine Jenkins, Elmer Jenkins, and Billie Pope. Spelling contest Josephine HarrU son, Mary Alice Dunning, Chaifes Fleming, Wheeler Manning, Edith Taylor. There were two different preliminar iee for each event before the contest ants were chosen. Every precaution was taken to eliminate anything that might smack of partiality. Jamesville Baptist Church Services By A. Corey, Pastor Sunday is your day; it was given for rest and devotion; let me suggest that you give just a little of it to the Lord in His services. There will be a very special service at the Baptist Church both morning and evening. The morning hour will be devoted to the town and community thoughts, and the subject one of inter est The evening service will be for the school and also special subject for that hour. The subjects are as follows: 11 a. m., "The Town's Best Assets." 8 p. m., "The Sight Angle-Triangle of Life." We want the parents to attend the morning service, and this is a special service for the community, and every one of every home is Invited, regard less of church homes or not. There is no other serice to hinder, and we want you to come and bring your friends. The Sunday night service for the benefit of the school will be one of in terest as the school beys and girls are expected to meet at the school build ing and come over in a body to the church, and there will be special music by the school group. Sunday school at 9.46 o'clock a. m. Let's go and have a good day all day. Sermon Subjects At Memorial Baptist Sunday morning at 11 o'elock the paator will have for his theme "Un answered Prayers." Every Christian prays. The Lord has promised to answer prayer. And sometimes the Christian says his prayers have not been answered. "If he could solve this problem, he could believe anything." An attempt will be made to give the congregation help at this point At the 8 o'clock hour the subject will be, "The utter Futility of Hold ing Out Against God." The story of Sisera will be told, of whom it was said, "The stars in their courses fought against Sisera." The person who pits himself against God's pur poses and the march ef righteous events does find that the very forces of nature are arrayed against him. It is eventually a losing game. To play this game in the hope of beating it is utterly futile. Cotton Manufacturer" Visitor Here Thursday Mr. W. T. Shaw, of Weldon, was ia town Thursday. Mr. Shaw has been engaged in the manufacture of cot ton for many years, and ia now sell ing direct to the retail trade, which brings the goods directly from the mill to the merchant the consumer only having to pay one profit Mr. Shaw states that the cotton-goad" trade ia dull, since cotton is low, and the outlook now point# to a big crop this season. AMERICAN FOREST WEEK, APRIL 18-24 State Forester Outlines Program For Week; Forest CNNrfitioa la Important Subject Following is tho program for North Carolina for the observance of Ameri can Forest Week, April 18-24, 1926, as outlined by J. & State Forester, North Carotin:, department of conservation and development: Sunday, April 18.—Trees and Re , ligion Day.—Let Sunday school teach ers, preachers, and speakers at religi ous forums refer to and emphasise the aesthetic and spiritual value of trees and forests as beautiful and benefic ient gifts of God, and as the friends and servants of man. Antomobilists can on this day enjoy tit* beauty of the dogwood, rhododendfWk, mountain laurel, and other forest (lowers with out destroying them. Monday, April 19.—Forest Resource Day.—Let speakers, writers, and teachers emphasise the economic val ue of trees and forests, past, present, and future. Our industries, our farms and our homes need a regular and permanent supply of timber. Owners of woodland therefore, and the gen eral public, must be brought to real ise the necessity of taking every pos sible step to perpetuate our forests. Tuesday, April 20.— Foreut Protec tion Day.—The fundamental import ance of protecting our forests from /fire will be stressed. Let every for est warden devote the day to effect ive publicity work, especially distrib v uting matter and talking Are Control. Lft newspapers and adver tisers •eoout'rate in placing forest-fire slogans in their advertisements to run throughout the week. Let lumbermen, railroad companies, and other user* of coal or wood burning engines is sue special warnings for ftrv prefun Hon Wednesday, April 21.—Bbragg Re newal Day.—Let the perpetuation of our forest resources be considered by i luncheon clubs,, women's efci i, and ; similar organizations and gatherings. >. Proper" methods of cutting, and the selection of Suitable seed trees, will i secure a second crop in most cases. Planting of desirable species will be necessary where the forests have al ready been destroyed. Thursday, April 22.—Public Forests Day.—Forest and scenic areas owned by the public and administered by the Federal government, the State, the county, the city or the community are rapidly increasing in number and im portance. Demonstration ami experi mental forests, recreation forests and parks, protection forests and wild life sanctuaries should furnish the topic for speeches, addresses, newspaper ar ticles and editorials, and general con versation where two or three are met together. Friday, April 28.—School Observ snce Dsy.—The superintendents, prin cipals, and teachers of the public schools, both for white and colored, might well arrange for a general ob servance of this week along appropri ate lines. Speeches, essays, or exer cises within the school, reading the president's or governor's proclamation tree planting on the school ground, or tree study in the near-by woods should all emphasize the importance of trees and forests to the next generation. Saturday, April 24.—Know-Our- Woodlands Day.—Go camping, picnick ing, fishing, hiking, photographing— anything to get to hte woods. See if you can name the principal trees. Can you find abundant seedlings, young growth, or mature timber? Have the, woods been burnt over? With what result? Is there a full even stand of ' timber of desirable species ? If not, 1 why not? Compare a farmer's woods 1 with his field crops. Should the State ' help to bring about better conditions? Note.—This program may be tran«- • posed and used in any way which may ' better suit local and individual condi tions. i | Improvements Made in Woman's Club Rooms I Under the supervision of Mrs. J. G. i Staton, chairman of the ways and t means committee of the club many r improvements have been made to the t club this week. Running water has been installed, a butler's pantry has been very conveniently arranged and outfitted, and the i tage has • been cleared; the old curtains moved back and gone over, giving the rooms a > much better appearance. > Heretofore, when any church or ■ civic organisation us«d the reoms, an • awful lot of trouble wa* caused be -1 cause dishes, stoves, water, etc., had 1 to be carried to the rooms from the " homes of those interested. y Now, for a nominal sum these or > ganiiations are allowed the use of the I rooms with all the accommodations > attached. A list of the things donated and 150 Invited to Banque By Y. M. C. A.; Dr. Chas. O'H. Laughinghouse There hsve been invited 150 rep resentative citizens of the town to a banquet to be given by the Y. M. C. A. at the Woman's Club roms tonight. Dr. Charles O'Hagan Laughing house, of Greenville, who is well known here, will make the princi pal address of the evening. His subject will be "The Youth, or North " Carolina's Greatest Re- COLORED COUNTY I COMMENCEMENT Being Held Here Today; Twenty-nin« County School* Represented; I'arade Feature* The county commencement of the colored graded schools was held here today, with colored kids, teachers, and old folks from every nook in the coun ty. ~ Some were on hand before break fast time this morning, and they con tinued to flock in until the school campus was overflowing. At 10.46 the long parade began; each school lined up, making a chain more than a mile long, reaching from the schoolhousc almost to the fair grounds. Many of the schools wore uniform dress, mak ing a very attractive appearance. The marching was characterise 6y that military musical accent, which is seldom seen except in the negro race, the members of which never seem to have trouble in keeping step, regard less of whether they are large or small, old or young. . There were twenty-nine schools of the county represented. ... The exercises consisted of recitations, addresses, and presenta tions of certificates. The principal address was made by Dr. G. T. Davis, of Raleigh, super visor of the Rosenwald Schools in this i State. The exercises were all held in the grand stand at the fair grounds, which was filled to overflowing. The display of work by the schools filled the wman's building and con sisted of almost any article you can think of. Among the displays were drawing, map-making, needlework, woodwork, etc. Many articles of use ful were on exhibit also. _ The entire program was a credit to the negro race and demonstrated the power of education on humanity. e The soberness and behavior of all was commendable and would have graced a race of even longer culture thun the negro has been blessed with. Subscription Parties Are Very Successfulj The subscription card parties given yesterday and last night by the Wo mans Club were very successful. On account of the- rain many children were kept away, but those who went had a very happy time. Last night every table was taken; various games played, and it was a real community get-together affair Several tables were reserved in ad vance, but many others who had bought tickets efijoyed playing with friends they did not have the oppor tunity to see often. Mrs. A. R. Dunning served delicious fruit punch. Misses Eugenia Hoyt, Frances Williams, Mary Alice Dun ning and Ruth Peel served cream and no me-made cakes. To the ways and means committee and the special committees appointed to help these women goes the credit for such successful parties. Those attending from out of town included Mr. and Mrs. J. Gold, Sol Gold, and hil Robbins, of Rocky Mt., Miss Sylvia Levy, of Tarboro; and Mrs. S. S. Lawrence, of Richmond. , Cooperative Power Plan For East Carolina Towns Eastern Carolina towns aprepare i ing to join in a plan in i the providing of electric power for i lights and power. I The commissioners of Tarboro havj?' i decided to enter into an agreement : with a number of the town of the . State in a plan to build connecting lines and furnishing cheaper current. The towns which are expected to i enter the merger are Greenville, Washington, New Bern, Kinston, Ay- I den, Farmville, Wilson, Rocky Mount, s Scotland Neck, and Tarboro. Attorneys and electricians from Greenville are taking a leading part i in the technical details of such a i project and when the advantages aro presented to a town it appears to have I received hearty approval so far. source." The address will be wt\ worth the time of any one, for Dr. Laghinghouse is probably one of the best-informed men of the State, and as s physician has come in contact with many of the vital problems of life. Mayor Coburn will be toastmss ter. The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church will serve the " f " supper. SIX DEMOCRATIC MEETS TONIGHT Township Conventions Will Ik' Held Tonight and Tomorrow to Per fect I'arty Organization Six Democratic township meeting* will be held tonight, at Jamesville, Williamston, Everetts, Robersonville. Hamilton, and Oak City, and meeting* will be held in Williams, Griffins, Bear Grass, and Poplar Point Townships Saturday at 3 p. m. All of these meetings will be held at the usual voting places, or at some convenient place which may be ar ranged by the local committeemen. These meetings elect candidates for justices of the peace, township con stables, and township executive com mitteemen and elect delegates to tho county convention which will be held here at the courthouse April 24. The township convention will also elect a chairman, who will be a mem ber of the county executive commit tee, which electa a county chairman and secretary. The county convention will elect delegates to the State convention, which will be held at Raleigh April! 29. No nominations for county or I State offices are made at either the county or State conventions, but plat forms will be adopted and general plans of organisation of State, con gressional, senatorial and judicial dis tricts will be effected. Free Tombstones For Dead Ex-Service Men The following has been received from Congressman Lindsay C. War ren, which should be of great interest to many of our people: The Government will furnish, free of charge, upon application duly made to the War Department, a white marble headstone for the grave of every soldier, sailor, or marine who has served in the army or navy of the United States, whether regular or volunteer, and whether he died in the service or after honorable discharge. This does not include Confederate sol ! diers. Civil and Spanish war headstones are 89 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 2 inches thick; top slightly round ed, with emblem cut within a sunken shield. World War headstones are 42 inches long; 13 inches wide and 4 inches thick, and within a small circle will be cut either a Latin cross for a Star of David for He brews, or no emblem, as select*!. The inscription on every headstone will consist of the soldier's full name, the State from which he came, his rank, division and date of death. The stoner will be shipped, freight prepaid, by the Government, to the nearest rail road station. Senior Class to Present Play Here Next Friday The senior class of the Williamston High School will give the play, "Uncle Fred,' by W. A. Stigler, on Friday, April 23rd. The class is Composed of the fol lowing girls and boys: Elizabeth Gur ganus, Trulah Page, Ruth Manning, Mary Melissa Andrews, Marguerite Cook, Lucille Hassell, Cecil Taylor, and Harry Barnhill. They will be as sisted by Hazel Edmondson, M. D. Watts, Paul Godwin, Darrell Price, and William Cook. \The play will be directed by Profes sor J. S. Seymour, who has had quite bit of experience with theatricals, and he, ft probably few would, will be very ably supported by the cast. There will be a small admission charged, and the proceeds will be used by the graduates to present their alma mater a gift when they complete theii work in a few weeks. , Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hall, and Mr. J. L. Warren, of Cape Charles, Va., arrived this afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Crawford for several days. MUs Vella Andrews will arrive to night to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Andrews for the week end. r Watch Label on Your Paper; It Carries Date Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 WEEKLY SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON April 18—"The Beginning «f Sin."—Gen. 3:1-24. By C. H. DICKJ3Y This lesson opens the problem of sin and suffering. It was a paradise through which we walked last Sun day. Today, it is a wilderness of sin. Milton followed his "Paradise Lost" with his "Paradise Regained." This regaining of paradise is the problem now, which confronts all the forces ifflffitiaitli ill heautn and On earth. We believe it is being gradually re gained. The world is not going all to pieces. Through its heart una in creasing purpose runs. God's in Hi* heaven, and all's well. There is evil, here and there and everywhere; but where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. There is more of good in the world today than there has ever been. We are moving, slowly but surely, towards that one far off divine event, towards which the whole creation tends. . - The problem will be raised, of course, in connection with this lesson, as to why God permitted evil T As to why He stood by and saw His garden turned into a wilderness ? Why Ho remained inactive while His children fell into sin and estrangement? * Without assuming to answer these questions, it may be said, in the first place, that God created human beings —not machines. A machine is de pendent on its maker or operator for every move it makes. Not so with man. He was endowed, from the first, and by his Creator, with freedom of the will and its implied freedom of action. Man is not a piece of machin ery but a living soul. In the s«eonl place, if there is to be a moral being, there must be the possibility of evil— the ability to choose between what is * best and what is not. God could have forcefully kept back these first persons from sin, but in so doing, He would have been en croaching upon their ability to do as they liked. If He had held them back from wrong, there would have been no credit accruing to them. They were made in His image, af ter His likeness—just a little lower than the angels—a little less than di vine—belonging to the same race to which God belongs—the race of th» immortals. Their destiny was with in their own keeping. They had the capacity of' choice, of making decis ions, of choosing, of deciding. Indeed, their problem is the same as ours. In every essential, each of us ha.s followed in their steps. All we, like sheep, have gone astray. Each of us has transgressed the law; none of us are Kood,/ no, not one. "What forbidden fruit," one says, "did they eat?" Nobody knows, and this is not the essential. The out standing fact—the heart of it is that they disobeyed God. In so doing, they transgressed the law. , In so doing, they fell from a state of innocency. But the hidden glory here lies in the fact that those who fall may rise again. That's what the human race is doing. Some call it evolution. It is the gradual ascent of humanity back up to the level of innocepcy. We shall reach that state not by our own good deeds, not by might, but through the imputed righteousness of Christ. The new-born twice-born soul is treated as though he were righteous and inno cent. He is neither righteous nor in nocentpbut through the infinite mercy and love of a good God, he is and will be treated as though he were right eous and innocent. For, as in Adam all die, even so In Christ shall all be made alive. It is human to err. It in like Christ to overcome! God forgets the past. We should. "On t& victory" should be our cry. Farmer Badly Burned in Dynamite Explosion M. P. Hugh, of near Colsraine, Ber tie County, was taken through town this week to the Washington hospital for treatment for burns and bruise* caused when a dynamite charge went off prematurely, badly burning as well as bruising him. At last reports he was apparently doing well. Mr. Hugh is 77 years old. Sunday Services at Episcopal Church Rev. C. O. Pardo, Rector Sunday, April 18th: 8 a. m.—Holy Communion. 9.46 a. m.—Church school. 11 a. m.—Morning prayer and ser mon. 8 p. m.—Holy Trinity Mission. 8 p. m —Evening prayer and ser mon.