Pitt Shoe -eo. Removal Sale We are going; to move in our new store at Five Points next Tuesday. So for this week and Monday of next week we are going to con tinue— OUR REMOVAL SALE We are offering bar gains in fine shoes that you can't afford to miss. We have today and will continue each day to put new ones on our $i PER PAIR TABLE All these shoes are -A absolutely new and are the kind that we can guarantee the wear and fit of every pair. 4 All sizes and widths, Triple A to EE. - *> Pitt Shoe Co. GREENVILLE, N. G "We Keep Your Feet Happy" WMIS LOST GRAY OVERCOAT ON THE Jamesvile road, Wednesday. Please return to Luke- Mizelie, Williams ton, N. C. pd FOR SALE: SOY BEANS. PEA nut Hay and Fielu Peas. Hay in good L. Coltrain Williamston, Route 4. a64tp NOTICE 1 have taken up in my lot a black ~ Bbatd "fnarked halt moonTn eacTi ear. Will weight about KO pounds. Owner can get it by paying charges. F. U. Rawls. WANTED: . YOUNG MEN AND young women bookkeepers, stenog raphers and salesmen, learn in a few weeks in the oldest business college in North Carolina's largest, small fee, easy terms. Board and room for boys and girls in the dormitory reasonable Howard's Business' College, Winston- Salo'm, N. C. mch9 16t CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the large number of friends who were so kino to me in my recent affliction and misfortune tn the losing of my eye, rendering me totally blind, and to all who bestowed the kindness of vifiitng as well as the large numlmr who donated to my hos pital expenses. 1 , extend sincere thanks. E. HOYT MANNING. NOTICE OF HALF OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the'lien ae i|tiired by virtue of section 2435 of 'the consolidated statutes of the State 7of North Carolin:TTfie hT'ieinal trr de j scribed personal property having been 1 repaired by the undersigned on the 1 16th day of January, 1926, and not having been paid for within 90 days as allowed by law the undersigned will on Saturday the Ist day of May, 1926-, offer for sale to the highest bid j j dcr for cash at 12 o'clock m., in front of the garage of the Williamston Mo- I tor Company in the town of William- I ston, -N: C„ the following described personal property, to wit: One Ford touring car, Motoi'.No, #793783. ' ' This the 16th day of April, 1926. WIU.IAMSTON MOTOK TO. aid 2tw By J. D. Woofard. - . Rupture EXPERT HERE F. H. Seeley, of Chicago audi Phila delphia, the noted truss expert, tvill personally be at the Proctor Hotel, and will remain in Greenville Wed j nesday only, April 21st. Mr. Seeley i says: "The Spermatic Shield will' not only retain an.t case of rupture per fectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the average case. "Being a vast advancement over all former methods—-exemplifying instantaneous effect immediately appreciable and withstanding any strain or position, no matter the size or location. Large or difficult cases or incisional rupturn* (following operations) specially solic-l ited. This instrument ' received the only award in England and in Spaiir, producing results without surgery, in jections, medical treatments or pre scriptions. CAUTION— AII cases should be cau tioned against Ihe use of any elastic or web truss with understraps, as same rest where the lump is and not where the opening is, producing com plications necessitating surgical op erations. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Government, W ashington, D. C., for inspection. He will be glad to demonstrate without charge or fit them if desired. Busi ness demands prevent stopping at any other place in this section. N. B.—Every statement in this no tice has been verified before the Fed eral and State courts.- —F. 11. Seeley. Home Office, 117 N. Dearborn St., * Chicago P. S.— Fraud arning —Many com plaints have reached me from dissat isfied purchasers that certain parties have fesen traveling about under mis representations—imitating my ads and claiming U- he associated with me or my establishment. Substituting an inferior imitation for ipy goods and improperly fitted, all of which is false and fraudulent and an imposition on the purchaser. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ,» r The undersigned, having duly quali fied as administrator C. T. A., of the estate of W. Henry Daniel, all per sons having claims against said estate are notified to exhibit same before him on or before the 9th day of April, 1927, .or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in- The Baby's Cold Continual "doting* with internal modtein« up.et. d.ltc.t.Httl. •tumtctev. TYoot cold* 0 littrmlif with Vicko. , K\\ You ju.t rub it on. .debted to said estate will please see me and mt»Ke immediate payment. This the 9th day of April, 1926. J. U. STATON. Administrator, c. t. a., of the estate of V- Henry Daniel, deceased. Hugh G. Morton, attorney. a 9 6t NOTICE OF SALE lJy virtue of the power and authori ty vested in the undersigned trustee by the terms and conditions of a deed of trust executed by Joseph Yarrell and wife, i'annie Yarrell, to O. S. An derson, trustee, of record in the office of the register of deeds for Martin County, in book 11-2, page 113, he will on. Monday, April 38) 1926, at 12 o'- clock m,, at the courthouse door of Martin County, in the town of Wil liamston, N. G\, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following real es tate, in Martin County, North Carolina to wit: A certain ttact of land bounded oil th'i north Ly Paul .jSmithwick, on the (mm by the J. E. IVioore estate, on the south by Wiltz Veneer Company, and Leg get t hinds,, and on the west by La'wrence Jam;s, and containing tl ir ty (,;10) acres, more or less, and oe.ng the same land conveyed by W. C. Man ning, trustee, to J. B. Knight, datec January 10, 1907. ' ""Ttrts M arch U'-i, - o°. S. "ANDERSON, m 26 3tw • Trustee. Gilliam & Davenport, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a judgment of resal signed by Calvert, judge, at the Marcl term, 1926, of the superior court of Martin County, the bid at a former .sale having been raised, the under signed commissioner will on Tuesday poles to a water oak stump; thenc till? 20th day of April, l'J26, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., 1 offer at public salu to the highest bid der for casif the following deseribed tract of land, to wit: First tract; Bounded on the north by the lands of K. 13. Holliday and T. J. Holliday; on the east by the lands of It. 11. Holliday and T. W. Hol liday; on the south by tlie road lead ing. from the Jordan Thick road to the Washington road; and on the west by the load leading from the Jordan Thick road to the' Washington road, I and containing 5 1-2 acres, more or fTTSs, and commonly known as "the (.i iH'gt' W. Holliday home place," and in'ituv the same premises now. occiL pie;l by W. li. lloiliday and wife, and Ms sister, Elizabeth Holliday. Second tract: Beginning on George I W. Holliday's corner in the Holliday! the house where Simon S. l'rice lives; thence extending along! George W. Holliday's line north 7 1-2' west 64 poles to the head of Big Bot tom; thence north SI W. 2b poles; thence N. 40 W. 8 poles to the mouth of Big Bottom to a maple standing near the run of .Shot Bag branch, a corner tree; thence N. 15 W. 9 poles; thence N. 4& W. 16 poles to a black gmn; thence N. 28 W. 82 poles to the run of Cooper's Swamp to a Horn Beuiu; then up the run of said swamp to Gainer Holliday's corner to three horn beams; thence south 6 3-4 east along the old T. L. Holliday line 25 S. 5 W. 12 poles to the, fence'; thence S. 0 1-2 W. 74 poles; thence S. 14 1-2 I W. 43 poles to the Holliday road; tlwtnce west along the road to the be ginning, containing by survey 67 acres more or less. The above description li being' recorded in book VV, at page 600 in Martin County public registry in deed from T. J. Holliday and wife, L. M. Holliday, G. W. Holliday and wife, S. F. Holliday, and Thomas H. Davis to B. M H.olliday. Notice is further given that under the terms of the judgment signed by Calvert, judge, in the case of F. W. Holliday against T. W. Holliday, et als above referred to, this sale will be final and that no raise in the bid at said will be permitted. This 20th day of March, 1926. A. K. DUNNING, m 22 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by the undersigned trustee May 10, 1923, an of record in Martin County Registry, in book G-2, page 696, securing a bond of even date therewith, and the stipulations not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said bond tH'O undersigned trustee will on the 22nd day of April, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, offer at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property: Beginning at a corner on the west side of the old Duiley road, known as the corner of J. T. Taper, Jno. A. PURE Mexican Big 801 l Cotton - Seed $1.25 Bushel W. C. Pitt TARBORO, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE —WILLIAMOTON, N. C Pierce land, Gilbert Boston, Warren Hill, and Charlie Davis corner; thence running a western direction along Charlie Davis and Wealthy Pearce lines far enough to make one-half of the entire tract of land deeded to Brighton James by Haywood James and wife, and known as the Brighton James tract, which runs a straight di rection to the old Dailey road, and with the various courses of said road back to the beginning, containing ten (10) acres, more or less, saving and excepting the part of said land sold to Stewart James and reference is hereby made to said deed for full de scription. 1 "this the 22nd day of March, 1926. B. 'DUKE CRITCHER, m 26 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLI CATION „ North Carolina, Martin County. Edna Shields and Ben Shields vs. Mary B. Long, Christopher, Shields, Fan-1 nie Fields, Frank Shields, et al.' The defendants, Christopher Shields and wife, Maude, and Rommy Fields and vrtfe, Fannie, defendants named in the above entitled action will take notice that a petition has been filed by an heir of Ben Shields, deceased, and Edna Shields, his widow, for the sale of that tract of land known as the Rawls land, containing one hundred and sixty acres, for division and for the granting to the said Edna Shields of her right of dower as provided by the statute in the proceeds of the sale, ond that the said defendants are required to appear at this office on or before the Bth day of May, 1926, and file their answer or other plea to the petition or the relief demanded will be granted according to the demand set forth in said petition filed in this of fice of the clerk superior court of M;irtin County on the date of this [ summons. This March 27th, 1926. R. J. PEEL, a 2 4tw Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF SALE liy virtue of the power and authori ty vested in the undersigned trustee, by the terms and conditions of a cer tain trust deed executed and delivered by Woodley Thompson to O. S. An derson, trustee, of record in the office of the register of deeds for Martin Quimty -in/book- j-2,-page 221, he will Monday, April 26, 1926, at 12 o'- clock m„ at the courthouse door of Martin County, in the town of Wil llumston, N. C., expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing real estate, in Martin Coun ty, North Carolina, to wit: A certain tract of land beginning on the north by the run of Conoho Creek; on the east by the lands in possession of John Chesson and the Conoho pub lic road; on the south and on the west by W. li, Whitley, running the agreed line that was agreed to by and be tween William R. Whitley, sr., and John D. Biggs & Co., reference to said settlement and line is hereby re ferred to and being the same land sold HOW'S THIS? IIAIJI/4 (ATAIUWI MHUM'INK will d«» what we claim i .• It—rid your ayn atem of Catarrh or Deaf neat » uuseri by Ciiturrh. It conalata of an Ointment which ci»;ifkly Relieve*. and the Inter nal Mt, dlclne, a Tonic, which actn throutrh the Blood on the Mucous Sur facea. thy* norma I condition®. HAI.I/M MRDIf'INM nn a Blood I'wlltar give* wor. ieiful r*>sulta Sold ly druKrlati for over 40 ycara. . V .1. A i o , Toledo, Ohio. SERVICE OF RESPECT To a sorrowing family there is no greatei comfort than a service of respect, where memories are hallowed and true love ana esteem emphasized. We understand this, ancLdo everything possible to so order our work that the service is all it can be. * " - F. L. Edwards UNDERTAKER EMBALM ER , UILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phones N®. 872 and 9/3 Special Dinner H Sunday Night , Old Mill Inn by John D. Biggs A Co. to R P. Sat-j terwite to N. S. Peele, and N. S. Peele to Woodley Thompson, containing three hundred (800) acres, more or less. This Match 22nd, 1926. O. S. ANDERSON,' m 26 4tw Trustee. Gilliam A Davenport, Attorneys. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue o£ the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Mamie Woolard and husband, Mack Wool ard, on the 16th day of January, 1920 and of Kecord in the public registry of Martin County in Book A-2 at page 382 to secure certain notes of even , date therewith and the conditions therein contained not having been complied with and at the request of the parties interested the undersigned trustee, said land having been sold and upset bid made as required by law, will on Monday the 19th day of April, 1926 in front of the Court House Door in the Town of William ston, N. C. at 12 o'clock M offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property, to-wit: Beginning at a black gum in a small branch, the South western corner of the land surveyed for Sherman Williams, thence running N. 73 30 W. 68.64 perches; thence N 39 30 W. 25 perches to the center of a branch at the intersection of the Tar Landing Road, thence N. 16 30 E. 15.- 48 perches down said road, thence N. 5 11 E. 32 perches down said road to a post, Richard Knight's corner, YOU CANT FIGURE out your chances on the black board of fate, because years ago fools used to blow out the gas now they step on it, and here's about as good a recipe for a .first class tragedy as anyone could ask for: One natural-born fool; a cou ple drinks of moonshine; so roe kind of an automobile; directions: soak the fool in the moonshine, place him in the car and let him go; after due time remove from the wreckage, place in a satin lined box and garnish with flow ers. If you really must step on the gas, be sure to head in the direction of our yards, where coal is now being offered at a sacrifice. This does not mean a sacrifice of quality, but simply indicates a spring advent sale of Lindsley- Lilley Ice Co.'s coal. PHONE 99 We Make Warm Friends and Keep Them Cool Lindsley-Lilley Ice Co. Phone 99 thence N. 88 E. 36 perches to the ; Lightfoot Avenue, thence S. 2 E. i 23 1-4 perches up said Avenue, thence S. 37 30 N. 56 82 perches, thence S. 12 E. 19 perches to the beginning, containing twenty-three and one half Candidates' NOTICE 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff to the voters of Martin County and solicit their sup port at the Democratic primary to be held in June. I also wish to express my thanks for favors heretofore rendered me. Yours very truly, H. T. ROBERSON. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the superior court of Martin County, subject to the action of tlfe Democratic primary, and solicit the support of the voters of said primary. This March Ist, 1926. W. H. CRAWFORD. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Mar tin County subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solicit the votes of the good men and women of the county. This the Ist day of March, 1926. W. JOE TAYLOR. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY 1 hereby announce myself as can didal for the office of representative of Martin County, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary, and solicit the support of the men and women of this county. J. ALPIiONSO EVERETT. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY Upon the request of quite a num ber of citizens of Bear Grass and Griffin* townships 1 announce my can didacy for the office of county com missioner representing said town ships, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held in June. JAMES L. COLTRAIN. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY To the Democratic voters of Martin County: —l hereby announce myself a candiadte for the office of sheriff of this county, and solicit your support at the primary to be held in June. If elected, 1 promise to perform the du ties of the office in a proper and sat isfactory manner. m3O till myl A. L. ROEBUCK. | ATTENTION! Democrats J lii accordance with the call of the State Democratic Executive Committee there will be held township Democratic conventions at the time and place in each township aa listed below for the following purposes— 1. To elect five active Democrats in each township to act as Township Committee, the chairman of which will be the member of the County Executive Committee; 2. To choose delegates to the County con vention, which will be held at courthouse in Williamston at 12 o'clock Saturday, April 24th, 1926. Robersonville Friday Night, April 16,8 p. m. Williamston Friday night, April 16, 8 p. m. Oak City Friday night, April 16, at 8 p. m. Hamilton Friday night, April 16, at 8 p. m. Everetts Friday night, April 16, at 8 p. m. Jamesville Friday night, April 16, at 8 p. m. Griffins Saturday afternoon April 17,3 p. m. Williams Sat afternoon, April 17, at 3 p. m. Bear Grass Sat afternoon, April 17,3 p. m. Poplar Point Sat afternoon April 17,3 p. m. At the county convention there will be elected delegates to the State, Congression al, Judicial and Senatorial conventions, which will be held in Raleigh Thursday, April 29th, 1926. A full attendance at all meetings is ur gently requested. Clayton Moore Chairman of County Executive Committee acres, more or less, and being the same land known as Spear Keys land. This the 2nd day of April, 1929. W. W. WALTERS, Trustee. MARTIN and PEEL, Attys. " a»2t. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of county com missioner of Martin County from Grif fins and Bear Grass townships, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary June 5. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to an economical administra tion of the county office. Respectfully, ltw tf T. C. GRIFFIN. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Solicitor of the County Recorder's Court of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solicit the votes of the good men and women vot ers of the county. This the Ist day of March, ltt*. HUGH G. HORTON. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY - I 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of clerk of the superior court, subject to the action of the Democratic primary on June 6th. And 1 sincerely thank the people for their support inthe past, and if nominated and elected, 1 promise to give the peo ple the best service of which I am capable. R. J. PEEL. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I take this means of announcing my self a candidate for the office of regis ter of deeds of Martin County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June, and kind ly p.sk for the votes and support of the voters of the county. Please accept my sincere thanks for all past favors accorded me. Respectfully submitted, J. SAM GETSINGER. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY I take this means of announcing my self a candidate for the office of treas urer of Martin ounty, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June, and kindly ask for the votes and support of the Toters of the county. Please accept my sincere thanks for all past favors accorded me. Respectfully submitted, C. D. CARSTARPHEN.

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