. This Stock was purchased by the Norfolk Undersellers it to the Williamston people and adjoining Counties at 514.000-81 MM Anderson Crawfor Sale Begins Friday, June 11th—9: - BANKRUPr BARGAINS IN Men's heavy denim 1,000 boxes Winchester A . M|| " m Overalls, Bankrupt sale Gun Shells, Bankrupt /t n Wf i NOTIONS '~ ir Sal. Price V 0. N. T. Cotton 4c spool Bankrupt Bargains in itStL- . Snap fasteners, card 3c BOYS'KNEE PANTS Bankrupt Bargains in 10c menus' handkerchiefs each*' 63011 4c !}'- Va ! Ue ' Pa !'' «£ MEN ' S SUMMER JJJBM »( , Jj I j|j c me, | s nanaKercniers, eacn «c gg value, pair ...... 89c UNDERWEAR 8c embroidery cotton, skein 3c $1.20 value, ia' $1.50 Sealpax union I \\ iik \yr 1 50c brushes, each 0 .! 1 ...^.^.'.. 6 . ZZZ ZZZI 33c Bankrupt Bargains in 98 value union suit.. 59c IflVf |VI ' Needles, package 3c Men's HATS and CAPS 75c shirts & drawers 39c WmK/\ ■ 'i!IIIIIbM > 25c Mavis talcum powder, box 15c $5 value hat $1.98 $1 B. V. D.'s 49c #// __.. 60c face powder, box 33c $3.50 value hat .... SL39 o=-== ■ V, nn iNnLnm. i„ 25c tooth brush, each : 15c $3 vahie hat ...98c MEN'S PANTS WVA I bankrupt Bargains in ~O OM ~ , [ ~ , lkQ $2 value cap 98c , . , // ym *i LADIES' HOSE lad.es umbrella, each 98c $1 .50 value II r -tl $1.25 high silk 69c 35c Paris garters, men's, paiTf :. ..19c' ' value, bankrupt sale V?S ' iWhighsilk ... 11l 49c . $2 ladies'gloves, pair 69c price 12-98 I /Wllff TAi l t l 75e hitrh silk 1 33c 25c ladiesn garters, pair* .' 12c Bankrupt Bargains in = AjOOiV* XJvl Mjjw! 35c mercerized 19c 50c ladies' garters, pair 29c MEN'S SHOES Bankrupt Bargains in it 19c black and white , lie .$2 pocket knife, each 98c |6 oxfords —51.98 TO BACCO and SNUFF The first 200 custom f?* . -* Jl-50 pocket knife, each 75c $5 heavy worit $2.98 $1 worth tobacco 69c Friday, June 11th, anrfi I • A Never before and ucr- , . «i IV nrth innflp fi%* t #1 it IZ4 haps never again will ?1 worth snuff Wc receive one pair of lad.e ß Tf r? BOOTS „ SSSwwcSaSiSmw MEN ' S WORK PANTS ■ri cheap. To miss this,, $7.50 value hip Ball Band boots $4.98 MEN S WORK SHIRro • ■ rpi bankrupt sale would be $6.50 value three-quarters Ball band boots „ $4.25 $1.25 value 79c $• v * Iwj like your throwing g(K)d $5.00 value knee Ball Band boots $3.49 SI.OO value «r L iui • o« 9P 9 kjJ money away! • 75c value 35c $1.50 value, khaki.... 98c . rM POSITIVELY STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE Ijj No goods will be sold to Showcases Tables | fftl ■Tlk. 1 Y merchants during the Counter Cases Mirrors JZZBMM^M^mmmmmkmrnmrnrnh first 10 days of this sale. Floor C ases Chairs U .—.! .- ' - Burroughs Adding Machine I Don't Forget the Date Frw M PA SDR LSS SIIIKIS Typewriter, Scales, Etc. Pfl Up to $2.75 value 98c ALL KINDS OF STORE FIXTURES AT A BIG Aki JnVPrin PyAvjPr C^r\ LkJ 50vaiue - ™ c sacrifice /\nu6i ex m SI.OO value 59c ■ BEARSKIN Please do not compare this Bankrupt Sale " SALE COIf I BOY'S HOSE with every day, common, mark-up, mark- -* . t + .. V 9 * down sales. This bankrupt stock has been IMAV4AII/ InnDVCAIL - 3 boght by the NORFOLK UNDERSELLERS I £ ZVZCZ VlZyJllv at less than 30con the $1 .(H), and we can afford PAIR to sacrifice. ~ "7 U K ( Space Does Not Permit Us To Mention Our Entire Stock in This Circul Been to a Good Many Bargains, » . h- - ■ ■ ■ THE ENTERPRISE—WILLIAM3TON, N. C-