Mrs. J. E. Pope, John, jr., and War ren, and Mrs. P. B. Cone and children, Sarah and Howard, will leave tomor row for Pamlico Beach, where they will spend the coming week. The Willie Winkle Shoppe will close every afternoon during August at 5 o'clock. 1 Misses Louise Crawford, Velma, Ma(tha, and Esther' Harrison and Carrie Cell White left this morning for Lake Lure, where they will spend e few days. > The Willi#-Winkle Shoppe will close every afternoon during August at $ o'clock. . Claude Baxter Clark was unable to go with the boy scouts on their camp ing trip to Silver Lake Sunday on ac ceunt of an attack of chronic appen dicitis; ' ■ .. /■ ___ i,' The Willie Winkle Shoppe will close every afternoon during August at 5 o'clock. s Mr. James Durfey, of near Norfolk,' .arrived Sunday to visit Relatives here. Jlc- will leave Friday accompanied by ,Mr. Durft-y and little James, who have teen spending some time with Mrs. W. C. Liverfnan. The Winkle Shoppe will close! every afternoon "luring August at 5 o'clock. MOVED Fron the Old ' ANDERSON-CRAWFORD BUILDING to (iODARI) BUILDING—Second Floor Robt. L. Coburn sls—For The Farmer Only—s 15 THE BEST ADVERTISEMENT ADVKRTO THE FARMER WHO WILL WRITE TISING THE WILLIAMSTON TOBACCO MARKET sls in Gold Will be Given Away by the Williamston Chamber of Commerce i lght. We ai ( most desnous of leai mng just what I eatui es you like about the \\ illiamston market and why you sell your tobacco here It is as easv as falling off . ut^anlllmt e SS^ rmer *** ** ** WWle Watdlin * your barn ' could the things as they come ?o you!'aid thena fiwTmn EVEN IF VOIT I)()NT SELL YOUR TOBACCO HERE, YOU CAN WIN THE PRIZE Now, it may be that you do not sell your tobacco in Williamston. If that should be the case, vou have a to wi r» «i K AH,„, U-> „± J • write an advertisement giving *y our views on the Willliamston tobacco market and why you do not sell here We are esnpriallv intpv«f£?in tv w +° know the faults of our market, so they may be corrected. , ft6re * We are mterated m this because we want to This Offer Closes Tuesday, August 10, and the Right is Keserved to Run Any Advertisement in Various Newspapers, With the Signature of the Writer If Desired —— ' » —■—— ' - '**. •"**!._ . Only These Few Rules and Regulations ' i. All copy for advertisements must be matter to be put in it should not be crowded vnil fKJnt w , . in the hands of the advertising manager of too much, nor should there be too little to s ' vour line* for HisiWnv ll marking' the chamber of commerce by August 10. • till the space and make an attractive ad. " arranging- vour reirW& uTf 2. The completed advertisement should . 3. Write on 6ne side of paper only. If wav vou see fit g mattpr- the best .be 10 inches long by 6 1-2 inches wide; that •■ % possible, get a piece of paper a little larger 4 p»t vour nam P nnH ao Q f a* is, when it is printed it will be that size; and than the size of the ad and write it just as page or pages ancTmaU to Advetising Manager, Chamber of Commerce, Williamston, N. C. ~ , Glen-James The announcement below has just f been received by friends of the bride ,in this county. The wedding must ,have been rather unexpected and a surprise to their friends. Mrs. Glen, who formerly lived in Williams-ton and ,Everetts, is an exceptionally fine woman, and her friends in this section wish her every success in 'life. The announcement follows: "Mr. Meluel C. James announces the marriage of his daughter, Myrtle Ma lone, to Mr. Frank W. Glen, jr., on Saturday, the 26th of June, 1026, Ma rion, North Carolina." Many Farmers Borrow From Joint Stock Dank Durham, July 22. —Seventy-five- North Carolina counties are represent eu by the 3,126 farmers who have bor rowed'a total of $11,4U7,TU0 Xur awfi , cultural purposes , from the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham, President SouthKate Jones reported to the board of directors at the meeting held in Durh*nr last [week. In Virginia 128 farmers in 1!) counties have borrowed from tin.-, bank a total of $440,900, the report showed. The North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank, operated in the two states under supervision of the Federal I P'arm Loan Board, a bureau iof the I Treasury Lk-partment of the I nited ! States, is capitalized at $600,000, with earned surplus of SIOO,OOO, paid in burp Jus of $80,615 and undivided jfto fits and reserves of $80,812.24. It has been in operation for three and a half years and the growth has been very pleasing to the officials and di rectors. The loans run. for 33 years, with semi-annual payments. In Martin county, President Jones reported that there are 171 farmers who have borrowed from the bank, the total amount beinjr ssßs,sfK),.The ] Thedford's \ I BUCK-! I DRAUGHT I - II For Constipation II jj - and jj 1 2 (Purely Vegetable) £ n- rrrmTrvifl "rtfT arid Chickens hustle, Won't eat nary tater Scramble out the road, Neither meat or greens All de 'cotton pickers, I'm at de steering wheel Killing in a fode. Eating sardines. Pack 'em oh de cushions Nuther car behind him, Jain de runin bode, Don't you let him pass, Chunks cr grinning happiness Heat um to the crossin In a shinning fode. Steppin on de gas. , - ("rank 'er up with muscle _ • Skid round de corner, Hit de grit fer town Bridges at a jump, Never mind de rattle, # Mlit a* little bull calf, While de wheel turns round. Biff, Bam, Bumps. Bun into de ]>hone pole, * ' '.. Tumble in de ditch, , » •» Who can tell the difference, Everybody's rich. Now that you have made your Tobacco Crop, is it worth pro tecting while you are going through the dangerous "Curing Seas off'? 11' so see the man who makes a specialty of injuring Tobacco Curing Barns against fire loss. % x,. v. Leslie Fowden Day 'PliQne-78 Night 'Phone 133 THE ENTERPRISE—WILUAMSTON, N. C i directors expressed their satisfaction . with the loans made and with the t splendid manner in which the farm x ers arc meeting their payments, - wMch, the y said, indicates a healthy . and stable condition among the farm , ers of Martin county. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under arid by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned . trustee by Henry D. Griffin,on the 9th day of Dec. 1924 and recorded in the public registry of Martin County if: Hook Q-2 at page 259, the stipula tions contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with and sale having been heretofore had on the sth day of July, 1926 and up set bid ha injr been made and a re sale ordered the undersigned trustee will on Wednesday, the 4th day of Aug. 192' i at 12 o'clock M. in front of the courthouse door in the town of V\ illiamston, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, 4 to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of LEGAL NOTICES State Highway No. 90 and Mill Street in the town of Robersonville, running thence along said highway westward 150 feet, thence SouthWardly parallel with Mill Street 120 feet, thence Eastwardly 150 feet to Mill Street, thence Northwardly along said street 120 feet to the beginning, being a part of lot No. 38 in the Hosiery Mill Property. This the 17th day of July, 1926 W. C. MANNING, 7-20-2t Trustee. NOTICE OF PAKOLE Please take notice that application will be made • to the Governor of North Carolina for parole of J. S. Williams, convicted in the Superior Court of Martin County and sentenc ed to fifteen (15), months on the roads. Those having any protest to the granting of such parole will please forward same to Hon. Hoyle Sink, Commissioner of Pardons, Raleigh, North Carolina- This the 14tli day of July, 1926. H. L. SWAIN, Attorney for pe titioner. 7-16- y Alberta Peaches FOR SALE $2.00 per Bushel Q Call 182 ; James Manfting a Best Farm Hand You Ever The KohleV Automatic Electric Plant is a hard worker. It will pump the water, milk the cows, separate the cream, chop the feed, do the washing and ironing, and a dozen other jobs. It's a hard worker because it is built to be a power plant as well as a lighting plant. It is not handicapped by storage batteries— full rated capacity is always on tap. A small starting battery pro vides for fully automatic operation. Its 110-volt current carries long distances, saves wiring expense, operates standard appliances, and gives brilliant light. If you want a real helper, you owe it to yourself to investigate this proved successful machine. Why buy an ordinary light plant when you can get a Kohler on easy payments? Let us give you the facts. Jones Electric Shop WILLIAMSTON, N. C. KOHLER OF KOHLER GAutomatic Eledhic Wants-u o Volt DC. "Bmttines