R. SUMARA'S BIG FALL SALE- $15,000 STOCK- Everything Reduced Ladies Black Felt Hats $2.95 to $4.95 Full Line ot DRESSES and COATS By virtue of authority vested in me, as commissioner, by judgment ot the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, at the January term, 192t>, in the suit of Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk vs. Bank of Jamesville, and others, which is hereby referred to, 1 will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday, November 22, 1y26, at noon, the following de scribed notes and securities assigned to and held by said Seaboard National Bank of Norfolk: Name Unsecured Notes Date Amaut J. B. Allen January 7, 1924 $ 120)0 E. H. Ange, April 28, 1924 300.00 E. H. Ange, May 1, 1024 1 300.00 E» H. Ange, May 15, 1924 217.69 K H. Ange, June 27, 1924 276.00 Sylvester Ange and (J. B. Ange, February 23, 1924 - 21X>.00 W. F. Ange, L. W. Ange, and Ida F. Ange, June 6, 1924 50.00 W. F. Ange and E. H. Ange, April 16, 1924 200.00 W. h. Ange and E. H. Ange, July 12, 1924 60.00 C. A. Bailey and J. H. Bailey, June 28, 1924 100.00 Percy Brown and Mrs. J. B. Brown, Feb. 7, 1924 200.00 F. G. CaLoway, April 11, 1924 60.00 James Carney, June 1, 1924 ; 226.00 Monlord Coil rain and J. D. Bailey, May 31, 1924 26.00 G. Li. Cooper and James Cooper, June 10, 1924 ' 79.00 James Coupdr and L. Cooper, March 6, 1924 100.00 A. L. Cordon and Sanford Cordon, July 26, 1924 15.00 G. F. Coruon, sr., and G. F. Cordon, jr., April 21, 1924 30.00 W. C. Gardner August 14, 1924 . tfi.OO W. G. Hardison, June 24, 1924 ; 50.00 Louis Hardison and W. A. Lee, July 8, 1024 26.001 W. F. Holliday and J. F. Holliday, July 25, 1924 a 25.00 H. M. Holliday, June 24, 1924 * ,5.00 W. A. Lee, August 2, 1024 \ 80.00 B. F. Lilley ana Mrs. W. B. Lilley, January 18, 1924 360.00 B. F. Liliey and Mrs. W. B. Lilley, Nov. 20, 1924 400.00 A. M. Long and C. M. Long, June 14, 1924 60.00 Wheeler Martin, February 7, 1924 270.00 N. K. Manning, March 14, 1924 60.00 J. F. Mai tin and K. O. Martin, Nov. 26, 1919 1,908.76 J. F. Martin and It. O. Martin, Nov. 26, 1919 1,968.76 W. 11. Mizclle &. Co., Sept. 26, 1924 220.39 W. M. Micelle and G. L. Cooper, May 29, 1924 150.00 C. W. Miiclle, August 8, 1924 _ 30.00 G. H. Mizelle, August 1, 1924 26.00 C. T. Mizelle, Nov. 11, 1924 60.00 Clyde Modi in and J. A. Davis, April 2, 1924 16.00 I Henry Modiin, June 14, 1924 „ 80.00 A. D. McNair, June 1, 1924 _ 246.66 W. W. Roberson and L. W. Mizelle, February 26, 1024 609.261 C. E. Simpson and J. F. Martin, April 12, 1924 100.00' Clinton Shcppard and N. K. Manning, May 6, 1924 20.00 Mrs. J. E. Smitliwick, December 8, 1922 66.00 J. C. Styoiis and E. H. Ange, May 6, 1924 16.00 J. L. Waters and E. H. Ange, June 7, 1924 26.00 11. D. Watson, June 15, 1924 , 260.00 J. O. Willis and L. W. Mizelle, April 21, 1924 146.06 F. C. Williams, November 3, 1923 34.11 F. C. Williams and J. E. Smithwick, June 7, 1924 30D0 , Williamston Land and Improvement Co., by J. G. Godard, 1 president, August 11, 1924 2,000.00 SECURED NOTES Name Date I Amount L. L. Ange and Oresa Ange, May 16, 1924 X 822.43 (Note and Deed of Trust) E. H. Ange and Maude Ange, April 30, 1924 _ 2,000.5) (Note and Deed of Trust) W. H. Ange, July 12, 1924 ■_ 84 27 (Note and Collateral) ~ E. W. and Anna Harden, February 6, 1922 ; _ 383.80 (Note and Deed of Trust) Luther Hardison, May 1, 1924 -if, 0000 (Note and Deed of Trust) - " ' W. Jackson Holliday, July 12, 1924 2fUfc\B6 (Notes and Deed of Trust) Geo. H. and Hattie Mizelle, Dec. 17, 1921 _ ' 6 050 (Notes and Deed of Trust) Johnson G. Modiin, April 10, 1923 v 2 s>«7nn 1 (Notes and Deed of Trust) ~ * ' N. J. Modiin, September 4, 19a*f _ 650 00 .« (Note and Deed of Trust) 1 W. W. Walters, February 16, 1921 .... 5 000 B0 * (Note and Deed of Trust) i>,uo».TO The several amounts stated above represent principal, ami the same bea> interest either from date or from maturity, according to the tenor of the notes, which the undersigned will exhibit to any prospective purchaser; and ' the several deeds of trust above referred to are executed both by husband " and wife and will likewise be exhibited. Terms of sale, cash, subject to im- . mediate report to and confirmation by the court as provided In snid Judgment. , This November 1, 1926. A. D. MacLEAN, " W Commissioner. PLANING MILL —— ——a —im——P—W— Formerly Operated by the ROAI VOKK SUPPLY CO. * was purchased and is now being operated by .Mr. V. G. Taylor, of Everetts. Messrs. Robert Gurganus and BelKflower have the mill in charge and they are in a position to sa w 1U mber, make doors, windows, and do any first-class planing woi -k. LARGE STOCK OF PAINT, LUMBER JlNti bUILDIMG MA TERIALS We have the material fdr any Job at a reasonable p rice. V. G. TA YLOR WILLIAMSTON v NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE $29,686,214 in Dairy Products and Eggs Shipped Out of U. S. y j HAUtOT I \ N XArttSICA J I I \ Dairy products and eggs valued at to be Cuba, which took two-fifths of $20,008,214 were exported from the the egg" shipped abroad and was next United States In the y*ar ending to the United Kli.gdom as h tuiyer of June SO, M2D, according to • state- canned milk Oreut Britain was the inent on the export situation issued second largest customer for these by the Sears-Roebuck Agricultural products, with tlm Philippine Islands Foundation Canned milk topped the lin third poMilon. Mexico, Germany, list, wtth eggs second, cheese third ' *hlna and Japan, Panama and fan and butter fojirth. The principal ex- ada were the other markets which port market for I heap- products proved bought the surpluses of these products. Red Cross Life-Saving Service Is Nation-Wide Scarcity ot water apparently has ae effect oa lsterest la water rescue. Arizona, popularly associated with wide desert stretches and cactus, haa gone la with enthusiasm tor ths Red Cross Lite-Savlac program The building of new lrrlgatlen ' dams is rapidly transforming Arizona Into a swimming Stats despite popu lar conception of that country. In more than 800 swimming InstV tntss conducted by ths Red Cross the last sumoser, lite-earing Instruction Iras given by ths Red Cross. Daring the flseal year ending Juae M, IM4. 7,144 men, 1,408 women, and lf,Tl! Junters passed the rigid tests of ike Red Cross Llfs-Savtng Service, aad were awsrded Insignia. The to tal for the year of 19,266 represents aa increase of 6,874 over the previous year. The total membership of this j eorps at the close of the year was 191,071. The Tenth Annual Roll Call from Kwvember 11 to SS is an opportunity encourage these efforts through nMmbership In the Rsd Crass. „ NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the powers vested in me, under orders of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina,ln the suit of Sea- U>ard National Bank of Norfolk vs. Bank of Jamesville, et al, and by vir tue of the deed of trust from Luther Hardison »nd %ife, Minnie Hardison, dated January 3, 1921, and recorded ir book O-I, page 698, register's office Oi Martin County which is hereby re | ferred to, I will sell at public suc tion, for cash, to the highest bidder, Children's Colds Art b.» « *rwt.d »« Ctwck them THpj| ■ov«rnls»»« without siK/ 1 *%, I dohlni" b> rubbing » L I Vaiovtrl*' 1 "" 1 " 1 «hril ll btdlH VSSK2 ESl'] THE ENTERPRISE—WILLI A MSTQN, N. C- at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Thursday, December 2nd, J 1926, at noun that lot or parcel of land I in the town of Jamesville, North Car-'f olina, bounded as follows: Beginning in the middle of a ditch I on Elm Street, being the southeast-] em corner of W. 11. Lilley's lot; thence' westerly along and With the middle of ' said ditch to said W. H. Lilley's co«-- . ntr; thence in a northerly direction to j Water Street, and along said W. 11. j Lilley's line; thence westerly along j said Water Street to St. Johns Street. l the corner of the Mill lot; thence a-1 long St. John's Street in a Souther-1 lv direction to the Street leading from | Dr. U. S. Hassell's farm, itnd known as Middle Street; thence easterly to Mrs. Donie Stallings' line; thence a long and with said Stallings' line to It. O. Martin's line; thence along anA wth 11. O. Martin's line to the said Elm Street; thence in a northerly di j rection along said Elm Street seventy feet to the middle of the ditch, the be ginning, containing four acres, more or less. This November Ist, 1926. •*A. D. MacLKAN, n5 4tw Commissioner. The GOLD STAR STORE 223 Washington Street V ' » We carry Nationally Advertised Merchandise at Economy Prices. We Deliver at Cash and Carry Prices FLOUR MEATS GOLD STAR FLOUR " Rib Bellies' O f\i* 12 lb. _ 24 lb. 48 lb. 'b. -, 50c $1 $1.95 t a Breakfast Sausage, 1 1-2 lb. can 35c IJJ\Ki I 9 IWookfield Butter, II). 58c Pure Kettle Rendered, lb 20c •'««»" !»l«. »>• - - 25c Compound, Old Glory, lb. s 15c Cheese, lb. . 31c CANNED GOODS ~ Corn, can, No. 1 11c Rose Dale Apricots, can 30c Sliced Peaches, No. 1 can 15c Monarch Ketchup 25c ROWENA BUCK-WHEAT ANI) PANCAKE FLOUR, 2 lb. bag ... A 15c NATIONAL FRUIT CAKES, per lb. 1.00 DATES, Package . 25c MIXED NUTS, lb.:: :. - —: 25c FRUIT SALAD, No. 1 Can :i 25c CABBAGE lb . ....A. ~ 4c SELECT MACKERAL, 3 fish for ...: * ..... - 25c BRICK CODFISH, lb « \ - 121-2 c PRUNES, lb. .'. ' 16c EVAPORATED PEACHES, lb. 25c ' Your Patronage Will WE DELIVER TWICE DAILY—9:3O and 4:30 \ ' " , --*> SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred in us in a deed of trust executed by L. D. Roebuck and wife, Hannah Roebuck, on the 30th day of March, 1923, and recorded in book of mortgages 0-2, page 535, we will, on Saturday, the 20th day of November. 1926, at 12 o'clock noon at the court house jjoor in Williamston, Martin County, sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol "trwfng land, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel ot land lying and being in Robersonville Township, Martin County, North Car olina, bounded n the by the kinds of Mrs. Jane Carson, the school lot, and the national highway; on the Williamston, N. C. STKANI) Theatre ONE DAY ONI.V .TI'KSDAY, NOV. 9th See a r. w. A. M«H ORMAI.K VVkat ."fit" . "TELL ME WHY?" £i£ SSf 111 RT ll™C*ON TltOL £% Tells All WHO' SHALL DECIDE? Daughter All A Tremendous Drama of Mother Love Should See A True Story of Real Life That Makes You Think and Reflect Approved and Endorsed by Pulpit, Press and the Public If DOES IGNORANCE MEAN VIRTUE ~ IS BIRTH CONTROL RIGHT OR WRONG r WHO SH ALL ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS * LEARN THE NAKED TRUTH! Nothing of Its Kind or Counterpart Has Ever Been Seen or At tempted on the Screen Because of the Delicate Nature of the Subject Special Shows I FOR WOMEN ONLY LIFE'S I FOR MEN ONLY AT 3:30' EVOLUTION I^A^3o^^ Children under UK? of 1- yearn not admitted* unless with Parents or Guardian. east by the land s of W: A. Nelson and Joe llryan, on the south by the A. C. L. Railroad and K. K. Powell, H. Ward E. G. Speight, and G. C. James, on the West by the lands of Church Crisp, H. O. Van Nortwick, the pub re street arul the school lot, contain ing 38.76 ai res, more or less, and be ing the same land deeded to Hannah Roeliui'k by J. A. Mizelle, trustee,-and I more particularly described as. fol-1 lews, to wit: Beginning at W. A. Nelson's Corner! Ie "the ditch, thence south 77 E. 11.10 chains, thence S. 5 W. 2.50 chains, S thence S. 85 W. 16-10 chains, thence) N. 2 1-2 Wi 4.37 chains, thence S. j 89 1-4 W. 13.10 chains, thence N. 8| 1-4, K. 3 25 chains, thence S. ti'.i 1-4 E. 1.60 chains, thence N. 23 E. 7 chains, thence N. 42 W. 5.25 chains; thenc.; N. 21 1-2 E. 11.67 chains, thence S. 68 E. 2.64) chains, thanaa N. 21 1-4. E. 71 links, thence S. SB X. 2 chain-, thence N. 21 1-4 E. 4.70 chains, thence S. 75 3-4. E. 13.40 chains, thence £.14 1-1 W. 24.10 chains to the be tfir.ninK, This sale is made by reason of the failure of L. D. Roebuck and wife, Hannah Roebuck, to pay off and dis •harsre the indebtedness secured by aid deed of trust *o the North Car olina Joint Stock Land Bank at Dur ham. This the llth day of October 1426. FIRST NATIONAL 00., INC., OF DURHAM, ol!) 4tw Trastae. Formerly First National Ernst Co.,

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