Educational Commission Met in Raleigh Tuesday The North Carolina Educational Commission, which met in Raleigh on Tuesday of this week, went into many details of the educational question. The question of sources of rev " enue was discussed exhaustively. Dis cussion took in a proponed State wide property tax, larger equalizing fund, additional levies on automobiles and gasoline, billboard 'taxation, boosted inheritance taxes. The ques tion of a reduction of the tax rate orr intaniriirfr- propertv-mnrtW tr»-pr«-- from hiding it.self in non-tax able securities or otherwise escaping the tax books was also brought up. The commission went into the ques tion of revenue from two angles; for , the present six months school term and for the proposed eight months tc nr.. WANTS KING COTTON IS YIELDING TO Queen Pecan. Learn why and how by writing J. B. Wight, Cairo, ,u d 7 8t STRAYED: ONE KED SOW AND six red spotted.shoals, weight, about right ear and slit in (eft. Hi ward I'm thetr whereabouts. J. Haywood Rogers, City, Route 2. >l2l iltpd Children's Colds * Are br«t treated ex f*T tarnallv. Check thetn _ | overnight without I "doling'! by rtsbbing J Vu-ks ever throat end ■ V'' J chest nt bedtime VfCKS rry 1 Vapoßub I | Notick »r s m I: I ii'Ler and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in thai certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trusti• mi thi» 16rii ilay - of NovejrrbfTv .1926, and'of record in Martin Count*' registry fti book M-lv page 470 secur ing a certain bond ol even there with, and the tipulalions .not having, been complied with, and at the _re quest of the holder el- said bond thf .undersigned trustee - Willi on the 21s!, day of January, 1927. at 12 o'clock .noon, offef at .public auction, in front of the courthouse door,.'to the highest bidder for ca h, Ihe following describ ed property, Clayton Moore estate on-"the, north). Thomas Shepherd and lvvi Yates on the east, Edgar 1 Smithwick on the south, and Samuel Leggett on tlje west, and nunc 'particular!} de eribeil in deed from Edgar Smlthwirk to Stanley Containing -CO. . acres, more, or. l«v.», Beiiir tin* sanv land this day ■ conveyed 'to Roxanna 'Smlthwirk by d?ed from W. A. Mil liard and wife. This 21st day of lioc.inber, 1926. WHEELER MARTIN', . d 24 4tw .«. Trustee \OTITIC op s.M.i': Under and by virtue of"the power ol sale contained -in that certain deed of trust executed to the under i{> tied trustee on the 17th day »f June, 1922, and of record iff Mactio County reg-' fsti'y in book H-2, pajfp 144, securing a certain bond of pverr'date therewith jiind the .-tipulations not having- been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the under of January, 1926, at ,12 o'clock noon, in front of the cour.hoy-e door of Martin County, offer at public auction for cash, the following described property: On the nrtun highway from James ville to Gardner's peek and samu be ing hi one-half undivided interest. Adjoining- the 'land? of thV* Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. and others, and being the same -place where Charlie MidgeHe and Izral Midgette now live and bought from the Dennis Simmon? Lumber Co. Said to contain 45 acres, more or less. This 21ft day of December, 1926 WHBELFR MARTIN, d 24 4tw » . Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Nlorth Carolina —Martin County. In the" superior court, before ■ the clerk. In the matter of Harry Waldo, L. I'. Waldo, Kfiie Waldo, litniiir Ballard, ■Mrs. N. G. Grimes, Mary Dixon, Mary Salsbury. Ernest Waldo, and J. E. Waldo, ex parte. Under and by virtue of the authori ty conferred upon the undersigned commissioner by virtue of an order of R. J. Peel, clerk of the superior court, of Martin County, made in the above entitled proceedings on the 16tji day of December, 192 ft, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, the 17th day of January, 1926, at 12 o'clock m.s* in front of the courthouse door in the town, of Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the higu est bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, to wit: 666 i« I Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BIUOVS FEV*R AND MALARIA It Kills the O«nM . ," - •« . • ■ tA V. . , I Lying and being the town of Ham ilton, N. C., bounded on the north by the lands of J. E. Edmondon, and tut Sebrell heirs, on the east by I I Front Street, on the south oy a i street, and on the west by another ' street and being more commonly known and designated as the home ■ place ol the late Jos. T. Waluo. •, J his the 17th day of December, 1926 ELBERT S. PEEL, r tf- dl 7 4tw _ Commissioner. J NOTICE OF SALE - j L nder aud by virtue of the po ( wer ■ T oi ,ale contained in that certain deed • i til trust executed on the 18th day off - April 1921, anti of record in the pub-! ?' lie registry of Martin County in Look j I C-2 at page 2811, said deed of trust -' being given to secure the payment of I r cci\ain notes of even date and tenor i n' therewith, Juul the ■ stipulations in! si said .deed of trust not having been! I complied with, and at the request of . tfie parties interested, the undersign- 1 | etl trustee will on the- 16th day of ! .i:..iuary. 1927 at 12 o'clock M., at the j Courthouse Door iu the Town of Wil- I Hums ton, N. C., oiler for sale to the highest bidder lor cash at public auc | the following described tracts of i land, to-wit: K \ l;.t Tract. Beginning at a stob in .lie Cherry and Slade line running loi 1-2 eat 30 poles 9 lengths iu Hodges and Cherry line a corner; lj! thence South 37 West along the I 1 lodge., line 77 poljs to the Poor .J i louse -Line a coiner; thence iB9 1-2 I i. est 62 poles to Slade and Cherry . | coiner; thence along Slade and Cher yl i v line North 4u 1-2 East 107 poles to tin- beginning, containing 26 acres. 2nd. Tract. The same' as described in a deed from Marshall Cherry and wiA; to ii. F. liadwin, known as part I of the Burroughs c.and and'recorded I on the "17th day of January 1919 in j Hook 11 at page GUI of the Martin ! Count} Public Registry. '1 his 14th day of December 1926. C. C. GODWIN, -j 12-17-4 Trustee. I Robert L, Coburti, Attorney. NOTICE . i LudeJ and by virtue of a judgment I' in tlie Superior Court oi" Martin Couii llX in'an action entitled "W. A. Gray | ■ T -fv-ai» -vs Carolina Banking and Trust Co", et al, the undersigned Cominis-i . ioncr will, on the 15th day of January i.*27, at the Courthouse door of Mar t tin Count} at 12 o'clock, Noon, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, the foliowing de,cnbed laud, to-wit: I hat part of a certain piece of . land located, in Burhiele, N. C., which , was sub-divided and platted as shown 11' by map. of record in the public regis . | try in Martin County in Book No. 1, j page 412; that the lots to be sold as | shown by said map is as follows: 1, j'l _, o, 4, b, 6, 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 39; 40; 4.>, 44, 4i), 31, SJ, 34, 38; 42; 46; 47; l , 49; o7; 68; 62; 63; 64; 66, 68, 76, jt .2. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82; 83; 84; 86; , | 87; 88, «9; 90; y If, 92; 93; 94, 96, | ' . 97, :»8, 99, 1 J0&; 106; 107; 112;.113; Jl6; 117; jl-jN, 119; 120; 125; 126; ' 127;, 128; 'i JJ!i;-130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 139, 140; | Mi; 142; 143; 144; 146; 146; 147; !4s, 14,9, 150, 161, 162, 163, 164; 165; ! 158; 160; 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, ! 'litis 15th day of December, 1926. I!. A-.-CRITCHER,- • E. S. PEKL,. - - v - s - I ;.'-17-4t Commissioners. Mi;ipua i l nder and by virtue or the yower of sale contained in that certain Deed . of Trust executed to the undersigned ( j Trustee on 6th day of November, »t 1920, and of recdrd in Martin' County I Registry m Book G-2, page 31, se li. uniiH-. cwrtmn bonds of even date II herewith and stipulations not having p'i been complied with and at the re i (jiiest of the holder of said bonds, the I under-igned Trusee, will, on the 13th j day of January, 1927, at 12 o.'clock, Neon, offer at public sale to the high e-t bidder for cash, the following de libfd tract of land: Bounded on the North by Joseph I Jones, bounded on the South by Fan ;i ie Keys, bounded on the East by L' -ie Brooks, bounded on the West "y De mis Simons .Lumber Co. Con taining fifty-ei'vht (68) acres, more or 'litis l.'ltli day of Decembei, 1926. B. Dl KE CRITCHER, 12-17-4t Trustee. ! NOTICE OF SALE I Under and by virtue of the power of ale contained in that certain deed of trust execu • I on the 23rd day of 'January, 1925, by F. L. Allen, and of 't record in the public registry of Mar '. tin County in book Q-2, at page 283, j --uid deed of trust being given to se cure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith; and I the stipulations in taid deed of trust J not Hiving Been complied' with, and at I the request of the parties interested, 'l the undersigned .trustee will on the I Bth day of January, 1927, at ,12 o'- (lock m, at, the courthouse door in (i i the town of Williamston, N C., offer J foi sale to the highestbidder for cash r ist public auction the following de scribed tract of land, to wit: •- A house and lot in the town of Wil , liamston, North Carolina, on the I side of Elm Street and bounded as . 1 fellows: Adjoining John Respass on the north; Elm Street on the east; Lloyd Giles on the south, and Mercellia Watts on the west. Thi- the 6th day of December, 192®. : -| , 9WHEELER MARTIN, * . dlO 4tw Trustee. 1 Robert L. Coburn, attorney. I * NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHAT 1 1 . TEL MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the author!-, t ty conferred in a certain chattel mort r gage executed to me by A. B. Wal- u lace, the said mortgage being duly 1 recorded in the public records of Mar- r tin County. j ,V t I will sell at public auction for i cash, in, the town of Williamston, on ( Monday,' January the 3rd, 1927, one i Colts-Armory printing press com- 1 piete. . This December 16, 1926. _ W. C. MANNING, Jr., , dl 7 4tw Mortgage. j NOTICE: TRUSTEE'S SALE OF ~ LANDS I Under and by virtue of the power ! Jof sale contained in that certain deed jof trust executed to John W. Manning, I by It. E. Grimes and others, on Janu- i ! ary 14th, 1920, and of record in Mar- i tin County public registry in book ' ' A-2, page 520, and the stipulations i therein contained not having been i 1 j complied with, and upon demand of | i ' ( the owner of the debt secured, the 1 undersigned will, on Saturday, the Bth day of January, 1927, at 10 o'~ , I clock a. m., in front of the Bank of | Robersonville, in the town of Rober-1 1 ! sonville, «aid county, expose I I lie sale, for cash, the following de ' scribed lands, to wit; ' Situate on the south side of Acad ! enjy Street in said town and county, and adjoining the lands of Carrie ' Rotrerson, G. D. Grimes and others, and being lot»/ NOB. 17, 20, 21, 22, 28, ' 24;'13; 14; 16; 16; 26; 27; 28, 29, 30, 1 31, 32, 33, 3, 8, and 59 on map of sur vey of Robersonville Hosiery Mill 'j Property, made by L. B. Dutro, and ' | sold by Atlantic Coast Realty Co., for, '| Carolina Farm Land Co., on January '.14, 1920, and which said map of sur ', vey is of record in said registry in 1 land division book three and page three, and reference is hereby rttade to laid map and records for a more perfect description. This December Bth, 1926. JNO. W. MANNING, I dlO 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Notice ii hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale I contained in that certain deed of trust ! bearing date of March 6, 1920, and executed by Jesse Williams and wife, Cora Williams, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in l.ook U-l, at page 233, the terms and conditions therein named not having teen complied with and default hav ing been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, and at the 're quest of the holder of said note, and under and by virtue of authority con tained in an order of the clerk of the ; superior court of Martin County en- | tered in the special proceedings pend ing in said court wherein A. J. Wynn is the plaintiff and Jesse Williams i and others are defendants, the under- I signed substituted trustee, the trustee 1 in said deed of trust having died, will i on Monday, the 3rd day of January, i 1927, at 12 o'clock m., at the court- 1 house door of Martin County, at Wilt liamslon, N. C., offer at public sale J to the highest bidder for cash the fol- I f-Wc by Utting the little scratch that ncmi M insignificant become infected. Blood poi soning may set in. HANFORD'S BALSAM OP MYRRH fcae clausing and healing qualities. Use it I I f f ,|r ™ infection. HANFORD'S Balsam of Myrrh USE IT FOR THE HARD CASBS • -r- " - I H ' I I 111 " * " - " , . ' THE Pender * • , • t # # r Yellow Front ■ i Stores A Very .■ • " . Merry Christmas IL ■ ■ -rJ *HK ENTERPRI***—WIULI I ON, J*. lowing described tract of land, to wit:! Beginning in Alex Powell's corner, thence a south course to John Ben nett's corner, tfeence an eatft course along Columbus Williams line to Co lumbus Williams' corner, thence a north course to Scott Pippin's line, thence a west course along Fred Har rell's line to Alex Powell's corner, the beginning, containing 17 1-2 acres, more or less, and known as the Bob Williams lands, lot No. S. This 29th day of November, 1926. A. li. DUNNING, da 4tw Substituted Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of J. B. Nicholson, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all person* having claims again t said estate to present them for payment on or before December 7, 1927, or this notice will be plead in bar of their eefevery. All persons indebted to the said eitate will please make immediate payment. This 7th day of December, 1926. W. H. GURKIN, dlO 6tw Administrator. NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION NOTICE is hereby given that a new registration having been ordered by the BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUN TY in the BIGGS. SCHOOL- DIS TRICT,_ WILLIAMSTON _ TOWN SHIP, for the purpose of entitling the qualified electors residing in said District to register in order to vote in the Special Election to be held on January 31st, 1127, in said District, that I will be at my home between the 18th of December, 1926, Sundays excepted, and January 22nd, 1927, for the purpose of registering all the qualified electors residing in said District. NOTICE is further given that it is necessary for all those who desire to vote in said election to register be tween the above dates, as this is a | new registration ordered by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY. D. 0. BOWEN, 12-17-4t Registrar. This the 6th day of December, 1926. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by J. Lass Wynn and wife, Maggie Wynn on the lit day of February 1923, and recorded in book of Mortgages X-2, pa*e 527, we will on Wednesday the sth day of January 1927, at 12 o'oloek noon at the Court house dor in Williamston, sell at pub; lit auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: Being all that certain tract, parcel or piece of land, containing 344 48-100 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Ballard Road, which lead.-- into the Williamston and Ham ilton Road, about 4 miles Northeast of the Town of Jiveretts, North Card- Una, Martin County, and adjoining the lands of B. A. Critcher and the Bowen Land on the Noith, the Stalls land and the lands cf R. E. Adams on the East, the lands of W. E. White I , on the South and Conoho Creek on the West, af|d more particularly described s as follows: v Beginning at the intersection of a i Mill and the Ballard Ro~d, corner of , W. E. White and R. E. Adams; thence ■ with said Road North 37 8-4* East ! 480 feet, North 25* East 1226 feet, , North 20 1-4* East 640 feet, North ) 16 1-4* East 966 feet, North 87* West 400 feet to Conoho Creek; i. tlience with Conoho Creek North 150 feet. North 67* West 600 feet, North 64* West 90 feet, North 60* West - 225 feet, North 62* Wert 75 feet North 12* West 230 feet, North 88* - West 412 feet, South 35* West 475 . feet, South 70* East 225 feet, South i 55* West 190 feet, South 89* West » 350 feet, North 46* West 150 feet, s South 89* West 300 feet, South 34* n West 300 feet, North 80* West 150 r| feet, South 76* West 525, North 41* I j West ?00, South 51* West 125, North * 78* West 140 South 60* West 811, e 1 South 22* West 300, North 85* West j 168, South 60* West "225, North 34* j West 300, North 23* West 150, North ! 52* West 225, South 45* West 225, South 54* West 150, South 66* West 100, South 84* Wert BS7, South 25* West 35, South 61* West 300, Soutl) a 2i)o* West 225, South 14* East 375, d South 37* East 450, North 18* West 610 feet to the line of W. E. White; - thence with White's line South 58* - East 1626 feet to a branch; thence - with said Branch N. 56 1-2* East 167, g North 84* East 300, South 84* East (1 325, South 66* East 480 feet to a e land; thence with said land S. 60* n East 1320 feet to the beginning, and t, being the same land conveyed to the n [ said J. L. Wynn by A. R. Dunning, s I Trustee, by Deed dated March 10th, f, j 1921, and of record in th • Martn. o County Public Registry in Book F-2, d | Page 467. The above land was sold on the s I 201 h day of November 1926, at which n ' ■ —— ———— 1 ITHOSE) I I who put off their shopping- until the last minute will find Margolis Brothers the ideal place, as our stocks are always full of timely J gifts for both sexes—and, in fact, for the entire family. f . : J We Suggest— We Suggest— Belts Silk Hose Ruckles Silk Underwear » Shirts Negligees Robes Bath Robes J Neckwear Novelties J % n And Hundreds of Others t . In a few simple words we extend to our e many friends and customers * our best J wishes for a Merry Christmas. MARGOLIS BROS. A Solid Gar Load " . m See Me Before Buying I Have the Mule at Right Price .» • ' * John F. Thigpen ' 1 sale North Carolina Joint Stock Land ! Dank became the last and highest bid- I der at the price of *4,900.00; within ten days from said date the above bid 1 was raised by a deposit of 5 per cent • of the price with tjje Clerk of the '■ Court by The North Carolina Joint No Waiting Our Meats Arc Cut the Modern Sanitary Way With Jim Vaughan The New Sairitary Electric Meat Cutter Quick Service Even Cut Meats No Bone Splinters Theo Roberson MEATS OF ALL KINDS Washington Road Telephone 2433 !) P - i ' Stock Land Bank of Durham where upon the said land was ordered re sold. FIRST NATIONAL CO. INC. Of Durham, Trustee, 12-17-2 Formerly First National Trust Com pany, Durham, N. C.