Educational Commission Met in Raleigh Tuesday • i . TheA_&Wrth Carolina Educational Commission, which met in Raleigh on Tuesday of thin we k. went into many - details of/the educational question. The question of nf>» sources of rev enue was discussed exhaustively. —nrssjrrrr- - tnxrk- -hr -rr "p-roptrrrct" —Srotiy wide property tax, larger; equalizing fund; additional leviej.on and irasojino, Jii 11 Boi i x; ti nn. boosted inheritance taxe-. The ques tion of a reduction of;the tax rate oti intangible property in o£der to pre ftble securities or other wi*i cirnpin.e tlu tax liooks wu, also broia h' 'tip. The coninu. sion went into the i|it"s'-' t'on of revenue from two am, lis fer the present six months• "chnel term alnl for the. projio *1 • i«• i* month term. Wants KING COT'I'ON IS VI ELDIN'i. I U Queen. Tecan. Lean: v. iiy and how by vwiting J I'. V\ (.'airs . (,u dT 8t , STRAYED- ONE ki:I». sn\\, ,\nh MX red spotted hunt.*, weight, 'about Cu pounds. .""boat- yiaik'd crap in liv.lit i ;il amj.slit fn it ft. K- waid lei their wheresibouU J. Haywood 1;. i,a . ( i:j_, Kour .. l2i 3tp.i Childress (,/k!s A.-c l„ „t . f larrta!'v iliem . V'-CKS 1 V V*poßua [ NOI l i: )I s \LE I nder nti'l fry \ c,, Ih" jh-\' ,-t ef trust exiH Uloii to the under . tru--tH on the -itiTh itS'y of •■Xnyimi.lwr. - HKili. iaw ut "i'i Mariin I .'unity I cgi*try iii b ...k M* I.' pttge 470 m'cih ei'l'taill bond en.daU tll■ t«• Willi, ui.'i tii tipula ton-, not iunitie been complied withf and- at tin- r .'.quest of- the holtt*f - -surd bnne) th" undei' ii-I,.! ii tru- t:»■ will, un 11-e 21s!" - ndii|i'.-;a£f JBim'uTyy . iyii'.X li'ttoifc: •itowli, of!i I a', |ui i. ii, riuir 'of the. i-nu-rihou 1 •! n.r. i"i 'iii- hivlie, bidder' t■» -« .i liTHj;,- 'oliowit.i- i■»> i; 11 - ed |U. p. rl\T ThollUi- oliejihel'i- ,u, l l,e>i \ aif un the east. Edgar. ti\i tliwick mi .-the south, and Sa'nui- i I• ■. -11 on the v- e-t. a IVI UU'te" pa!', H i i.nly .!e . ■ « ■Stilldev Sill •. 'v. i k t I'l-la' nv (ill at ri->,'' 'i; i , l > . . 1.. t" .» -an. ' lan'd t);i da\ m!:-: • > rd--to ~l;iixaima ' ■ S'nii'.hwii kb\ .1. • ' ■ y U llil liard an I wife. *\\ Hl.l'fr i: M Vi; 11 y l-1 i lvi , - TiuM. . -s - W - .. . ! Nt | K |; ll| sATi —->ll .-ah l T-nTrtirirrrTt in U in t "ItTfTiTTtFHT" st tru-t t'x. i'ii i-I : • ' • .i n!i i ii-nnli tllL-tio nil !'■*■ —' u!" ,Kiif. 1!'22; 4 and .of record 'UT -Hariii. •m t\'" nji ; istiy in >Hwth .Wti.Mp.if- I 11, i-i-ovinr - a.certain bond of e\ n date tlitirttilb : "timt the i-iipaitri-tofr—"fHitivtn- Wis complied with, and at tin; renir>l "of i the holder of said 1 >« ?rl. 'lm- under ] of' January, 1 iiiil, a' 12 u'clock noun, ' in, t mill of tli" out lieu i- door 11f - Martin ' unty, olfi a! (nitdie aiicfinir. . for cash, the .foSlowtiv «le -crilieil property: yII the rntun highway- fioiu James \ille. to (iardner's ( leek and Same be "i_ • ing hi iim-half undividiNi i-isii*i, t. Adjoiii.i« tlu land- ■• r , ill" Hennir- Sinjiiioe.^"-].umber Co and O'thei and beine the same place ' luirlie -MiiUrt'.vL: iind ,'nnw li\«'. and boujrht from th I tennis Himinen- - Lumber Co. Said to eontaiji 15 acre-, more or l^ss. This 21,-t day of December.* l!>ifi WHBF:LKI MARTIN', d 24 4tw. " Trustee. NoricK OF ,s.\M:' " North'"Carolina Martin Coun.ty'.' " ' In the superior court,. before the cletk. * • I t In.the matter of liarr.) Waldo, 1,. IV Waldo. Rtir Waldo.,Ht ntue Mallard, N. 11. (irimes. Dixon, Mary Salsbury, Ernest Waldo, and J. K. Waldo, ex parte. I'nder anl by virtue of the atitfiori J ty conferiVd upon ",h undersiig commissioner by virtue Tit an erier of Rf3. Peel, clerk the superior court,' of Martin Ciiunty, made ffTtlje above! ntitled ot tis- l'ith dav of December, 1926, lite. . ccmmissioner will on Monday, the' 17th day of January, 1!)26, at 12 o'clock! in front of the. courthouse door" in the town, of William, ton; North Carolina, offer for sale to the hon est bidder for cash, the follow.yig de- ' scribed real estate, to wit: ' 6 6 6 is a Prescription for COLDS, CKII'PK, FLU, I)PNGL!K, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Germs . j Lj'liig uind being the town of Ham ilton, N. C., bounded on the north by ' .tire lands of J. iT 'Edmond.-«n, and ti iSeiiredl hen.--, on the east by ' i ront .Street, 011 the south oy a t sUt«7-jind on , the west by another ' . i.i-et and being more commonly known and designated as the -home - (dace 01 the late Jos. 'l'. Waldo. 4 ■ ■i In- the 17th day of December, 192b EETTEurS: TEEL, ' tilV-Hvi ' , Commisioner. NOTICE uj sale 1 ndir and by virtue of the power 1 ~alc contained In that certain deed >i iru.-t executed on the 18th day of hi liv 1 try ol Martin County in Book 1 it-'j. al ]iaKe 2H;i, said deed ol trust - ' hi injf.fciven to secure the payment of r 11 ain notes of even date and tenor n ' 11;• n wiln, and the stipulations in .aid deed of li u.--l not having been ! 1 un,pned with', and at life request of parlte.- inti rested, tae under, ign tru tee will ' on the lfitii day of '.'...luary, l!»27 at 12 o'clock M., at the 1 t.uui ttiouse Door 111 the. Town of Wil- I hain.-toii,- .\. C.i oiler lor sale to the . 11 eL ladder lor cash at public auc ! f un the following described tracts of , 1, . i, 10-' wit: : t I racl. ■ Beginning at a -tob in i ■ linl ry and .Slade line running j. • 1.. iJ. ea I .'JO jioles 11 lengths ilooj'cs iuid• Cherry line a corner; j 11 .1 nee .South u'V VS e-t along the line i poi .• . to the I'oor I 1: LI • J.iii"' a corner; thence 89 1-2 -■—, 1 -1 —jTr-tTe —tT7 - t-'iade —and —Cherry I I 1 nef, thence along .Slade and Cher- J1 .*« Ni.rlh 1« l-» East 107 poles to ii' c..1,11 :i.|', containing 2(1 acres.. , I ,un.. 'I raci. I lie sume as de cribed j .1 .. need I roin Marshall Cherry and )|-v\ i lo j!. )'. (ladwm, known as part , 1 In. liurrought. i.and and recorded ,ne 17.i1l day of January 1919 in | -k 11 at page GUI of the Martin ...aitiy l'ubiic liegutry. . I lin l-lih day of December 1926. G. C. GODWIN, I 1 _ i . 1 j 'Trustee! I j i!ulert. 1,. Cnhurn, Attorney. NO'IUE L nut 1 and by virtue ol a judgment t-—1( wu t ol -Alartin COUI.I ■ iii an action entitled "W. A. Cray -t-t—til- \ - (.uftdttm Hanking and Trust 1 : el al, Ihe undesigned Cominis aiiier w ui, on the I■ ■ 111 day of January .7, ;l! the (.'tiiirlhouse duoc of Mar- Count) al -12 oVlock,- Noon, sell • tlie iiighest- bidder,- jfor cash, the lowiiie de 1 tjblHl land, lo wit: ' I hat 'pa 11 01 a certain piece of !•! .1 d 111 I ai nude, N, C., which uii-divuled and "plaited as shown .> inaji ol record in the public regis t'l.i 111 Ajartiu County in ilook'No. 1, . 1 112; that the lots to be sold as . I'tiwii iiy said map is a- follows: 1,1 -. ■ 1, t>, 7; b; 9; Id;. 11; 39; 41); 1 .1, 1... 111, aa, ;»4, 42; 40; 47; i . I'.; iK; 02; 0-' l; 04; 00, ob, 70, >, 79,'H0, si, H2; .JS3; 84; Bf>; U, 89; 91; 92; 93; 94 , 95, ' . ;i, :iB, 99, 100, lUI, 102; 1(13; 104; . ' I-II0; 107; 112; 113; "110; 117; ,IV.|; I2(i, 1 2. r >; 120; 127; 128; I. *!-".(>, 131', 132, 133, 134, 139, 140; II; 112; 143; 144; ' 14b; M 0;" 147;- ,119, lbo, llil, 152, 153, 154; 155;- l >s; lOd; 101,. 102, 163, 104, 165, -i lib! . lath day of December, 1920. I!. A. CRITCHER, . t: S I'liil-:I. —VV'—4s ; —— - » ('onrmisMoniTS. I * 1 n.di-i and by virtue 'br the powder" (jSh sale contained in that certain Deed o' I nist executed to tin under.-igned ; 1 1' ■'(' ' J "ii bill .day of November, I'-'-'O. and of record in Martin County ' l eg i,* 11 \ in I look C-2, page 31, se -4' " I tli;- i el' l ;| 111 J"e I' | S —. of evil || da to 'H iew it h and stipulations not having I- iis complied with and at the re cue 1 of the holder of said bonds, the, u'ldei Trusee,.will, on the 13th j oa\ nf Jai]uaiy, 1927, at 12 o'clock, ■Niop. oiler al public .--ale to the high • i (adder for cash, the following de libed tract of land: liounded on the N'orth by Joseph Ji.iie.-, lioundeiLon the Souih by Fan- Keys, bounded ijn the East by tlrook>. bounded on the West ; lie mi.- Simons l umber Co. Con-1 i.nini' fifty-eijviit (f»H> acres, more or I. s. ' '* I 13th day of Uecombei, 1926. * 11. 1H KK CRITCHER,. * 12-17 It Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE i l ljiiu ufttL. by. virtue of the power ah centained in that certain deei i trust cxi iue lon the 23rd day of far ual'y, 1925, by I''. 1,. Allen, and of jTtih 1 in the public registry of Mar ti!; County in book y-2, at page 283, aid deed of trust being given to se • cure the payment of certain notes of i veii dak and tenor therewith; and 111.- stipulations in taid deed of trust nul having boiln complied with, and at | tl i request of the parties interested, .tie - undersigned trustee will on the day . of January, 1927, ut 12 o'- ; leek m, lit the courthouse door in i tfc' town of Williamston, N P., offer i'foi sale to the highestbidder for cash ft* public auction the following de scribed tract of land, to wit: A house and lot in the town of WH 1' ni ton, North Carolina, on the wt*t -ide of iElp) Street and bounded as | follows: ' ■ , Adjoining John Respass on the | north; Elm Street on the east; Lloyd Cih'R oVi the south, and Merqellia Watts on the west. Thi the 6th day of December, 1926. WHEELER MARTIN, dip 4tw Trustee. j Robert L. Cobum, attorney. — w" —: "V" 1 T ■ ■ —■ — NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHAT j i TEL MORTGAGE I Under and by virtue of the authori : . ty conferred in a certain' chattel mort ';gage executed to me by A. B. Wal- ; " lace, the said mortgage being duly recorded fn the public records of Mar ;| tin County. if I will sell at public auction for » ffifih. in . town of - Witltamstofi, ori * j Monday,' January the 3rd, 1927, one : Colts-Armory printing press cbm | piete. 'I his December 10, 1926. r ; W. C. MANNING, Jr., ' dl7-4tu- Mortgage. •jSiOTK'E:" 'TRUSTEE'S SALE OF c LANDS Under and by virtue of the power I of ' sale contained in that certain deed • of trust executed to John W. Manning, I I y It. E. Crimes and others, on Janu-1 ' ury'Mth, 1920, and of record in Mar-i *_ tin County public regi try in book i ■,A-2, page 520, and the stipulations ' therein contained not having been B j complied with, and upon demancj of " the owner of the debt secured, the, B ( undersigned will, on Saturday, the " Bth day of January, 1927, at 10 o'- f clock a. m., in front of the Hank of | Kobersonville, in the town of Rober- j 11 1 sonville, -,-iaid county, expose-to pub i lie sale, for cash, the following de- H j S cribed landn, to wit: ' | Situate on the south side of Acad-' 1 1 emy Street in said town and county, r jand adjoining the lands of Carrie ). I Roberson, G. D. Grimes and others, * arid being loir/ N'os. 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; 13; 14; 15; 16; .26; 27;' 2s, 29, 30, J 31, 32, 33, 3, 8, and 59 on map of sur-- vcy of Kobersonville Hosiery Mill ' l iopertv, made by B. Dutro, and 1 I . I sold by Atlantic Coast Realty Co., for 'j Carolina Farm I>and Co., on January I 1 4, 1920, and which said map of sur -1 ( vey is of record in said registry in 1 land division book three and page three, and reference is hereby made to aid map and records for a more pi rfect description. This December Bth, 1926. JNO. W. MANNING,, ] "dlO 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE ~ V Notice Is' 'hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale I contained in that certain deed of trust ; bearing date of March 5, 1920, and executed by Jesse Williams and wife, . | Cora Williams, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book L'-l, at page 233, the terms and londitibns therein named not having I ecu complied with and default hav -1 big been- made in the payment of the . 1 note thereby secured, and at the re quest of the holder of said note, and ' under and by virtue of authority con t.lined in an order of the clerk of the ' superior court of Martin County en tered in the npecial proceedings pend ing in said court wherein A. J. Wynn , , is the , plaintiff and Jesse Williams ; and others are defendants, the under- I signed substituted trustee, the trustee I in said (leed of trust having died, will i on Monday, the 3rd day of January, i 1!'27, at 12 o'clock m., at the court- 1 house door of Martin County, at Wil- I Hrmston, N. C., offer at public sale ( 1 to the highest bidder for cash the fol- 1 §' N J lit lose jirm by letting the little scratch that seems to insignificant become infected. Blood poi soning may set in. HANFORD'S BALSAM OF MYRRH ha* cleansing and healing qualities. Use it to protect yourself against HANFORD'S Balsam of Myrrh USE IT FOR THE HARD CASES I f"" _ . —— -Y— ——— i ■ ■ 1 n i —— '-i i THE Pender *. r * Yellow Front Stores • Wish You A Very Merry Christmas ll". , ■! I "true ENTERPR IS«J—WRULIAM* ON, IT. - lowing described tract of land, to wit: Beginning in, Alex Powell's corner, thcrice a south course to John Ben nett's corner, thence an east course along Columbus Williams line to Co lumbus Williams' corner, thence a north course to Scott Pippin's line, thence a west course along Fred Har iell's line to Alex Powell's corner, the , beginning, containing 17. l-'Z acres, ' trpre or less, «nd kncwn'as the Bob [ Williams lands, lot No. 9. 4'his 29th day of November, 1926*' A. K. DUNNING, iIC 4tw I Substituted Trustee. - ADMINISTR \ TOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of J. B. Nicholson, , deceased, late of Martin I County, North Carolina, this is to j notify all persons having claims ! again t i?aid estate to present them | for payment, on or before December j I 7. 1927, or this notice will be plead j iin bar of their recovery. All persons . | indc bted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This 7th day of December, 1926. ( W. H. GURKIN, I I llO 6tw Administrator. j NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION NOTICE is hereby given that a new registration having been ordered by the BOARD OF COUNTY COM MISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUN TY in the BIGGS. SCHOOL- DIS TRICT, WILLIAMSTON TOWN SHIR, for the purpose the qualified electors residing in said District to register in order to vote in the Special Election to be held on January 31st, 1727, in said District, ■ that I will be at my home between the 18th of December, 1926, Sundays! excepted, and January 22nd, 1927, for the purpose of registering all the qualified ejectors residing in i I >istrict. NOTICE is further given that it is' I necessary for all tliosd who desire to vote in said election to regi.-ter be- tween the above dates, as this is a i I new registration ordered by the HOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS-I SIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY. 1 D. O. BO WEN, - | 12-17-41 Registrar. | Tliif the 6th day of December, 1926. RE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by J. Wynn and wife, Maggie Wynn on the I t day of February 19&J, and recorded in book of Mortgages X.-2, page 527, we. will on Wednesday'the sth day of January 1927, at 12 o'clock noon at the Court house dor in Williamston, sell at pub lic auction for cash lo the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: Being all Hint certain tract, parcel or piece of land, containing 344 48-100 more or less, situate, lying and biing on the Ballard Roftd, which load- into the Williamston and Ham-1 ilton Road, about 4 miles Northeast of the Town of Everetts, North Card liiui, Martin - County, and adjoining the lands of B. A. Critcher and the Bowen I-and on the.North, the Stalls land and the lands cf R. E. Adams j on the East, the lands of W. E. White on the South and Conoho Creek on the West, and more particularly described as follows: , \, v Beginning at the intersection of a Mill and the Ballard Ro«d, corner of W. E. White and R. E. Adams; thence with said Road North 37 3-4* East 480 feet 7 NSrth 25*" East 1226 BetT North 20 1-4* East 640 feet, North 16 1-4* East 965 ,ieet, North 87* West 400 /eet to Conoho Creek; thence with Conoho Creek North 150 feet. North 57* West 600 feet, North 64* West 90 feet, North 60* West iWS. •#*«*,• North 62*- Wo T 75 feet North 12* West 230 feet, North 83* West 442 feet, South 35* West 475 fret, South 70* East 225 feet, South 55* West 190 feet, South 89* West' 350 feet, North 46* West 150 feet, South 89* West 300 feet, South 34* West 300 feet, North 80* West 150 | feet, South 76* West 525, North 41* j We t 300„South 51* West 125, North 78* West 140 South 60* West 311, South 22* }Vrst 300, North 85* West j 168, South 60* West 225, North 34* I West 300, North 23* West 150, North •52* West 225, South 45* West 225, South 54* West I'5G, South 66* West 150, South K4* We t 3157, South 25* West 35, South 61* West 300, South 230* West 225, South 14* East-375, South 37* East 450, North 18* West 610 feet to the line of W. E. White; thence with White's line South 58* East 1626 feet to a branch; thence with said Branch N. 56 1-2* East 167, North 84* East 300, South 84* Fa.-t 1325, South 66*. East 480 feet to a j land; thence with said land S. 60* East 1320 feet to th:. beginning, and ' being the same land conveyed to the ' said J. L. Wynn by A. R. Dunning, j Trustee, by . Deed dated Marc'i 10th, 1921, ami of record in th Martn. County Public Registry in Book F-2, , Page 467. The vabove land was sold on the I 201 >i Jay of November 1926, at which ITHOSEI who put off their shopping- until the last minute will find Margolis Brothers the ideal i)lace, as our stocks are always full of timely gifts for both sexes— and, in fact, for the entire family. We Suggest— We Suggest Belts "Silk Hose Buckles I y Silk Underwear Shii'ts V J Negligees "jpf*7— * Robes ' Rath Robes Neckwear Novelties And Hundreds of Others •' ' - ' In a few simple words we extend to our many friends and customers our best wishes for a Merry C hristmas. . • . , 0 MARGQLIS BROS. A Solid Car Load * * / .. 7 , - i f See Me Before Buying I Have the Mule at Right Price 0 » ———■—■■——————— ii '■ * > John F. Thigpen 9 ' f.ale. North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank became the last and highest bid der at the price of $4,900.00; within ten days from said date the above bid was raised by a dppos-it of 5 per cent of the price with tfce Clerk of the Court by The North Carolina Joint | No Waiting Our Meats Are Cut the Modern Sanitary Way With Jim Vaughan 'M * . The New Sanitary Electric Mea i_Quick Service Even Cut Meats No Bone Splinters Theo Roteferson MEATS OF ALL KINDS Washington Road Telephone 2433 Stock Land Bank of Durham where upon the said land was ordered re sold. _ •• -"S. FIRST NATIONAL CO. ifcc. Of Durham, Trustee, , 12-17-2 Formerly First National Trust Com | ps.ny, Durham, N. C.

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