THEENTE RPR IS £ I Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning: ! !... Editor; Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 1 year 6 months 8 months ;v 46 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise The Work of the Women's Clubs * That the women of the State o while the efforts of the ladies may not 1 North Carolina are playing'no small j bring about astouding results, it is part in the-politics of our State t.* afe to say they will not be ignored. 1 seen by the inquiries made to senators : j,,„ ,u ' M • I'raise in full measure is due the and members of the House. These \n- , . - . tK „ : . members of the-e clubs; for since the quiries were made through the L,„ ' H •» it gislatures all over the country be women's clubs throughout the State. . , , , . j j an to function there have been lob- Earnest in their efforts and ever , . ... , ; I.yists anil agents in the capitals ask-1 » striving to better the conditions of . ... ■ , 4 for favorable,, bills. 1 our State, the various women's clubs . 11 'i he w omen are tasking for that legis- j , are not limiting their work toHocal lation that will reduce the need of the j . communities, but are combining theij- | jf divorce laws, legislation that will af-1 1 efforts to effect a greater work for j ] feet the well being of the people as ; . all. .. whole. i Opinions have been a ked of the senators and representatives who are Surely their attempts are worthy j t now at work in Raleigh relative to ones and they are made with all sin-M certain matters of vital interest to the cecity; we trust that law makers of e people of the State. The work is be our State will give them de-erved at- I ing handled in a systematic way, and tention. The New Year New Year comes and brings ;, with it bright hopes, brighter "ories than those furnished by MW6.- The old year went out leaving things better than it found them, and when it did go it .handed over, to its young successor peace and good will and stores of plenty. . «= We believe the moral standard .i- j just a little higher and the social fabric just a little stronger than a year ago. Financially. 192 C was a great year for all the bi>r folks. The railroads and other big interests made as much if not more money that'the law al lows in most cases. Lat»or was on a favorable shelf. It bids to occupy an even more favorable position before the year is over. Railroad labor has just been granted a raise by the court of arbitration. The raise*amounts tOj seen and a half per cent over the 1926 scale, which' means good times for railroad workers. They,, of course, re ceived this raise by demanding it. ~T come? Thv farrru'r, one-third of the American population. He is not quite so well otT. He lias suffered low prices and depressed business pre vails in his line. The farmers have made good crops. God has abundantly blessed them, but the price fixers and the money folks have not so generous., They have given them * ' r "weak, jjestless Tmmn LARFY Had So UTTKT Stresfth She "Couldn't Get AimmL" Took Cardai With Benefit. Qaanrn, Tenn. "I wasnt able to do any at njr work, and it aofln* td likaThad SO little strength I just couldn't g®t aroond," aaya Mru. Frank good Cardai .ooold do, mo iht told mm to tab it I aent and got a bottl®, and mmmmd Ukm all the thorn 1 grew nSjrasggsjg-csas fctlptd thfe wood^^ 'M. . » the lowest prices for what they have contributed than to any other class of people. So the.farmer complains, and ju. tly does he do so. Yet there is hope for him with a better diversity of ' ci>i|') and. a small cut in . the high ■ I ».>st crops such as cotton and tobac co. I WILLI A MSTON AND THE EXPOSITION— The-expo-ition at Windsor pro pounding the greatness of the lowly goober is over, and as for Williams ton it would have been just as well i.f the show had never been held. Sure, we were there, had a glorious time and thought the exposition was fine. Isut there was not one thing other I | than the presence of our citizens that j I L -SS-SSS-S?!— fgggßgq- 1 f ■ — ' Office Phone 87 ResidenCe Ph ° n ° 221 F. L. EDWARDS UNDERTAKER ' Funeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance Service Day or Niicht WILUAMSTON, N. C. .. i ' . -1 j 1 December 30 th, 1926. —————— : ; |_* ' •- ' ,1 • » ' "" ■ ■ ■ 4 * I • To my friends of Martin County: I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for the many kimines e» shown my family and myself whfle a citizen of your ' community. I assure you that it is with sadness that 1 am leavim? the County of Martin, but when duty calls (especially when it ia to mother or dad) I feel that 1 should an-wer it. I have sold my business here to Mr. B. S. Courtney, whom you all know and who is in a position to meet any competitive price and furnish you with quality and A-l servee. Mr. Courtney will very soon be moved to his new store, where he will run a fir b-class furniture and funeral ' , establishment. Any kindness that my warm friends of Martin can do for Mr. Courtney 1 will tfreatly appreciate. 1 will stay in close ■ * { contact with Mr. Courtney, and any service that I can be to him or to any friends of Martin County I a sure you that I will do so. - " ' Hoping my friends of Martin a very happy New Year, I remain, • j : S(,;& * * IraSflV itw mßt I i " ~ would have the people know we lived just 12 milea west of Windsor. Our | county, divided from great old Bertie jby the Roanoke," remained on this | side of the river and never even con-; I sidered sendfng or preparing an ex- j i hibit. And while we proclaimed our I greatness direct from hundreds of j I mouths to the throngs who visited Windsor, we sincerely hope no bad' i impressions "Wire gainetf from many c-f our people's actions. Martin countv missed a good chance! - to tell about a good county and its j towns. The legislature is at it again. Look out for laws. Pray for the day when they meet and repeal some that are of no value but are doing harm. NOTK K OF SALE OF HEAL ES * TATE Under and by virtue of the power o sale contained in a certain deed of I trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 26th of July, 1916 and . of record in the public registry of Martin County in' Book M-l at page 225, securing certain note- of even date and tenor therewith and the stipulations contained in the said deed l of tryst not having been complied with and default having been made in the payment of the said noies and at the request of the holders if the said notes the under ignej) trustee will on | Wednesday the 26th day of Jan. 1927 j at 12 O'clock M, in front of the | courthouse door in the town of Wil-1 liamston, N. C. offer for sale to the I highest bidder for cash the follow- i ing described real estat", to-wit: Being the same tract granted by | the state of North Carolina to John | Coltrain by letters patent on Sept. 24th 1786 recorded in the public regif- Public Sale I will sell at auction Saturday, January 15, at 11 o'clock: 1 Mule, 1 Cart, 2 Harrows, 2 Plows, Hoes, Pitch Forks, Household and Kitchen Furni % ■■ i ture. * . - • r * 1 j William Sheppard ADMINISTRATOR THE ENTERPRISE —WILLIAM3TON, W. C w-r?—, . try of Martin County in Book A at page 318 bounded as follows, to-wit: ■ Lying on the North side of Smith wick's Creek, beginning at a pine John Manning's corner, running East 06 poles to a pine, thence S 54 E 42 polet- to a pine, thence S 80 E 120 pole* to a pine, thence N 160 poles to a maple, thence N 71 W 310 pole? to Manning's corner, thence S 160; poles along Manning's line to the be ! pinning, containing 300 acres more or 1 loss. Reservig and excepting abojit 50 ! acres now owned by the said J. O. J Manning. This being the identical ' tiact conveyed to said J. 0. Manning j by,said E. L. Shultz dated 7th day of j July, 1916. This the 25th day of Dec. 1926. SYLVETSTER PEEL, l-4-4t Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. NOTICE of sale Under and by virtue of a laborer's li«>n, the undersigned will, on the 19th day of January, 1927 at 12 o clock, noon at The Planters and Merchants Bank, Everetts, N. C., sell at public auction 1 log cart, being the property of Ed Bunting and 'upon which the j undersigned has a lien in the amount . of $42.65. This the 3rd day of January, 1927. j i_ 4 J. H. STALLS. 'BANKRUPT SALE ! Under and by virtue of an order of ■ Marshall C. Staton, referee in Bank-, ruptcy, I will on the 10th day of Janu-, ary, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of , the Bank of Robersonville in the town | !ol Robersonville, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at pub | lie auction, all the notes and book ac counts of Anderson-Crawford & Co., j bankrupt, and all the notes ami book accounts of J. L. Roberson & Co., j j bankrupt. Said sale to br made sub- J I ject to confirmation by the district court of the United States for the j easern district of North Carolina. E. «. ANDERSON, J4 It Trustee in Bankruptcy. Robersonville, N. C. ' NOTICE OF SALE r Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 27th day of January, 1920, by Henry Carson and wife, Etherise Carson, and of record in the putffic registry of Martin County in book A-2, page 4.58, said | deed of trust being given to secure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, trustee will, on the 29th day of January, 1927, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer /orffiale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the following de scribed tracts of land, to wit: ""First tract: Bounded on the north by the Bill Jones' (now Henry Car-, son's) land; on tho east by Ned Lee; ; on the south by Ned Lee; on the west by William Williams land, con- i taining 11 acres, more or less, and being the same land where the said i Carson now lives. Second tract: Bounded by Ella Smithwick, Henry Knight, Henry Car-; son and Lizzie Williams, containing 30 j acres, and being same land bought i from J. G. Godard. L This 2t9h day of December, 1926. e W. J. HUNTER, a Ij4 4tw Trustee. 1 C I NOTICE | % I wish to announce that I haveopened a branch office on the lower floor of the old Farmers and Merchants Bank Building, for the sale of fertilizers, fertilizer materials, nitrate soda; will represent the old re liable firms F. S. Royster Guano Co., Norfolk, Va., W. R Grace and Co. New York; buy cotton, peanuts, and cotton seed; make loans on satis factory collateral; buy gilt-edge materials, and will loan one hundred cents on the dollar on government bonds. t For the present I will be in my office in Williamston every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from ten until four o'clock. Mr. W. F. Haislip will have charge of my office and will receive any applications that rpay be made .luring my absence. The public will finl him polite and a K reeable. We will be K lad to have all persons interested to come in Hid talk over with us any proposition they may have. W. R. Salsbury HAMILTON OFFICE PHONE NO. 14 WILLIAMSTON OFFICE: tall "R. W. S.lsbury" # ——— Cheap Groceries at C. 0. Moore's Store -T • Always the best place to buy your groceries, when weight and quality are considered. We deliver promptly and sell 'on time or for cash. 5 per cent OFF ON TIME ACCOUNTS IF PAID PROMPTLY. COMPARE OUR PRICES 1 ~ FLOUR BALLARD'S 0. K. LUXURY FLOUR „ 1K ,nc 12 ">• •» - 600 If V 241b $1.20 ! BALLARD'S BEST FLOUR FLOUR 12 lb. 72c il2 lb. 68c 24 lb 3s_ SL4O 24 lb. «.32 i MEAL, full 12 lb. pkg 35c Guaranteed or Money Back Canned Goods r Del Monte Com, can 20c Newhall asparagus, large size Sweet corn, can 12c can --*-«• 35c Tender sweet peas, can 18c Del Monte best peaches, can 30c Extra sifted peas, can 23c Yellow cling peaches, can ... 23c Peas, midget, sweet, can....... 33c Appfe aauce can ; 17c i K," ran * ' Del Monte fruits for salad, Cut Refugee Beans can ...... 22c _Z 47c Baby Lima Beans, can 18c * . Snider's Bartlett pears, can 42c s ® " 91 Tomatoes, 1 lb. 3 oz. can .... 10c Tumi Fish, can 21c Tomatoes, 2" lb. can 15c Libby's Tripe, can 33c Pineapple, Libby's sliced 23c Morris Cooked Brains Pineapple, Farm House: sliced . •/ 13c ' Del Monte red pimentos 16c Herring roe, small size - 13c Del Monte asparagus tips .. 19c Herring roe, large size _.... 18c| ——J WE WANT] everybody to read wfcpf we have to say ii^IHNHHHH'' newspaper Next Friday HARRISON BROS, and CO. I L7se an EnterpfHse

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