TH E ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMVAN Y Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning- —.l. Editor ■ Subscription Price ♦ (Strictly cash in advance) lyear - sl-50. 6 months • .80 8 months >4s Entered at the post office at Wiiliamsi on, N. as second-class rnatl* r under the act oi March 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise BUSINESS ETHICS GOING INTO WASTE PAPER BASKET—I That business ethics ane going into tlie wastepaper basket i- eviuenced the first of each month and especially is such a trend noticeable at the first o! the year. This year is the worse yet noticed for the lowering of an honest bu-iness - standard.. Go back a few years to the times when the afthers of many right here in our towjj-used to mail lull - - They djd their book work on rainy days, and when a bill went dtit, it brought a ready 'response. The ac count was investigated and a certain settlement was made. Today a large percentage of tin- l»i 11 • sent.out are never o|»ened, and wlica the time comes for a show clown, tli■ account is usually disputed. "We ignore our accounts in a great niiinyv cases with the hope that the party owed will die, lose hi- books or .some other niisfortune befall him.' • The collection tetter is playing a big part in the increase *if postal re c ipts, But their life is altrfbut play ed. Even those letters with" picture ot c-onvicts crushing roclts up in one corner of the letter are locked upon ail a huge joke, and probably that type constitutes a huge joke. With such conditions prevailing in the business world, becomes hard, de'alngs are lessened aid the exchange of money is decreased vjiis is a matter of about as much impor tance as the pri& of cotton, peanuts and tobacco. oYu would not think so, however. Yet, a man in our own midst leaned back in bis desk chair und ut tered one of those contemptible laughs when he pitched the bills of his groc er, market fiian and dry gods mer chant in the paper basket. THE PERSONNKI. OF THE LEGISLATI VE General Assembly and only 25 of *" them dirt farmers not cause ■ so great uneasiness. If there isn't an cqtlul distribution of representatives among ihe, various profe-sii.ins, we arc inclined to believe that the minor ity da. s represented will suffer. Such an attitude can mean no other than that the Assembly is run'by might rather than having reason as a base. l As a general rule members of law making bodies do not legislate en tirely 4 in favor of the profe sion to which they belong. Vet, many of us think once'the legislature is composed t , •'l n '(• entirely of lawyers, the farming class along with many others- will suffer. To tell the truth in no ill" way certain professions represented by a small . nuiwlier suffer, hut tin y do so alonsg with all others. Suffering i a general thing when law after law is passed and when wc practically ig nore each as it is turned from the mill. It's VI right, no doubt, to check , up on the who's who in the legislature but it's too often the case that wc reach unfounded conclusions. Now should you be considering, s try for the legislative bodies, whj investigate and what ever professior ha* the greatest number of represen tatives then put yourself in that lin of work. i I li.ll l\ ON VEHH LES— Amung the first bds introduced in the pue.-nt legislature was one'to re ' ijUire all vehicle traveling Ton. the i.hiatir of thfc Slate Inmi onc-httf hour '' after sunset to-one-half hour before ' *-un rr-e to carry a lit' 'it both ? .i! front and behind the vehicle. 1 A similar bill wa.- delected in the i'.'2s Legislature, hot the way looks • clear fur it- j»a .-'age this time. There i- evidently sornjrtJppo.-itioll . to ,-uch a law because the person who i to cairy a light on his buggy, t v oj-on, -ti i cart, or wheelbarrow - v ill oi .ir !j>-ct to a line and impri oti i i.i nt i people In' t acquainted with tl i hardship# of life .anil who " • frequently have te> USE- several i' N.ur- of the night in t» rfurmiag.4ii» i utie 'pressed, upon them' will find . much inconvenience in providing , I,glits. t- I The automobile battery furnishes • lights, but the mule battery is tat a loss when such ft duty is called for. ( . 'Oie.prel.lem i not ,oea yas one i v. hn tjHp ha!| peri ence of hamllmr itor-e~drawn veiiieles would think. '-I ■ i. ■t.♦ '• It will of course !«■ some safer for t those trawling, but to ri ijuire lights i - a ea e .of desertion of friends and tie hor e and his driver being left be hind to give room for the' mad rush l ii progres that .has us in its grip. ' J:EI QCM'i inv >!' ABILITY— L _■ People isf the Second District are d« that Clayton Moore gained such an honor when he wa 1 ; (iiipinted -chairman of Judiciary Com inittee No. I by Lieutenant Governor .This is one of the most proifti —■"rtrl-mH-t'-e* nf—llie GOKM W'S .MARKET REPORT The' Greenville Tobacco Market will reopen January 11 tli., "and while a definite date to close has not been fix cd, it is generally under tood that wc will close on January 2Xth. The wea tlrtT between now and the liMth will . date. We look for better prices than pre--' ' vailed around and after Thanksgiving i as .recently been a lot of trading in «1 logs head lots held by the - Dealers. , (iii i'iiville old up to closing Christ i:ias pounds averaging s•>. 15 for all sod. COWMAN'S NEW not Si: sold of this 8,720,612 pounds averaring S2B.C(i. GORMAN'S aver -1 aged 21c per houndreil more than the t n'iirket for-all we : old and this in 1 the -face of sidling a larger percent of common tobacrtr than any wure v iiouse in !rt;envilli"- There is a rea - , .on! GORMAN'S SEI.LS All GRADES HIGHER: " Don't let u'Trucker who is pain by s a warehouse mislead you. (iO It MA N't j. Iras no paid Truckers, no neighbor hood drummers and pays no rebate.-, s We do our work on the sale floor. aS'istied customers have made u the leaders of Greenville Market. y Send us your tobacco and you will be satisfied with your -sales. Your to serve, ~--?.'N! OORMAN and SONS-.- H > NOTICE OP SALK By virtue of the power of sale contained, in a certain deed of tcuht e tii- the undersigned dated October 27; I'J2O. and recorded in book G-2, page 1 .""f), of Martin County the unersigned k vr ill, on .Friday the 14th day of Janu nry, 1927 at 12 o'clock noon, before ' the courthouse door of Martin doun e tv, N. C., offer for ale at jlublic auc tion for cash and to the highest bid : dcr the following land.: a Beginning at a gum and a boll> !y tree in Thin Branch, running a wesi • course to a stoh in W. M. Mizell line ® thence a north course with W. M. Mi »- j zell and A. W. Bailey line to a cor , e ner in J. G. Bailey's line; thence ai east course with J. G. Bailey to thi i Charlie Whitfield corner; thence witl said Whitfield line to a corner in Thin Jhen with said branch to the beginning, containing 67 acres, more , o: less. Terms of sale: Cash. This lath day of December, 1926. JOHN E. MIZELL, , 1124 4tw - Trustee. . . —1 NOTICE OF SALE k Lnuer and by virtue of the power j t of i.alfe contained in that certain deed i of trust executed on the 18th day of "j Ap/il 1921, and of record in the pub j he regi.-try of Martin County In Book j '»j G-2 at page said deed of trust ] ) bi ing given to seture the payment of j ■ lur.ain notes of even date and tenor ) • I therewith, and the stipulations in | ..aid deed of trust not having been 1 j complied with, and at the request of |l [ the parties interested, the under.-ign- i j i'tl trustee will on the 15th day of, J Ja.iuary, 1927 at 12 o'clock M., at the ! Courthouse Door in the Town of Wil- I h.-immion, N. C., offer for sale to the! j highest bidder Jor cash at public auc-_ j i.on the following" described tracts of ' I land, to-Wit: Ist Traoi. Beginning at a .-tob in n I 1 lie Cherry and ■ Slade line running ,'■l 1-2 eat uU poles 9 lengths to Hodges and Cherry line a corner; e tiience South 37 Weot aloiig the iludg'c.. line 77 poles to the l'oor Ifou.-i Line a corner; thence 89 1-2 e V, est f,2 poles to Slude and Cherry I, corner; thence along Slade and Cher ry line North 45 1-2 East lof poles to ! the beginning, containing 26 acres, e 2nd. Tract. The'same as described in a deed from Marshall Cherry and vvile to B. F, Gadwin, known as part of the Burroughs i-anii and recorded j n on the 17th day of January 1919 in! Book T-l at page 601 of the Martin! County T'uhlic Registry. ', This 14th day of December 1926. G. C. GODWIN, 12-17-4 Trustee. - l.'ol ert L. Cobum,. Attorney. i V : : -J NOTICE I i Liuki'-and by virtue of an,order of . jc ale' by the clerk of the superior! court in the special proceedings en-1 ' titled "Maybelle Mae Johnson vs. Lil 1 r hair A. Laughinghouse, et als,' 'the undersigned commi. sioners wil.l on the -Tiith day ol January, 1927, at 12 o'- I - clock noon, in Iront'of the j dci.r of Martin County, offer at public] sale to the hi j.' best bidder, for cash,, • the following ih cnbed tract of land. j ; That certain tract or parcel of land 1 j. that was conveyed to said Henry T. SfaUings by deed of Seth Hardison I ' iifid wife, dated October 6, 1900, and | of' record in Martin County regist»y,: in book 000, page 5K7, the property i r in ulg more fully described as follows:! s Lying and being in Jamesville town-] I ship Martin. County. Beginning ill | l'oplar Branch" at the road to a black ;■ um; lhouse south up said branch to li Tl os, Bemhride corner, or avenue; tlx nee aloiiK said avenue by Charlie Ileitihridge place to the east corner; thence north along his line to the.cor ' ihj in J. 11. Griffin's line, being the , John Hardison patenT lint*;" thence north to a dead pine, Griffin and. \\ a'shington Coltrain's corner; thence north to the old patent line to the ■ read; theifee 'easterly against sail read to the beginning. Containing j i' one hundred and fifty acres, more or : less. j This. 30th day_ of December, 1926. _ A critcHERT GCY T. HORNER, j; 2tw Commissioner?. NOTICE OF SALE I'.nder and by virtue of the power! _; o 1 sale contained, in that certain deed j I if (rust executed to the undersigned , trustee m t,he 17th day of June, 1922, and of record in Martin County reg -v istry in book H-2, page 144, securing :v ci rlaiit bond of even date therewith with,* and. at the request of d I thei holder "of said thf under signed trustee will, on the 21st day i .liinuarv, 1926, at 12 o'clock noon, ] in front of the courthouse door of j Murtjn County, offer at public auction for cash, the following described ~ | property: _ - . I 'On the main highway from James ( \ille to Gardner's Creek and same be ! ing hi one-half undivided interest. Public Sale I will sell at auction Saturday, January 15, at 11.o'clock: 'J" - .| * V 1 Mule, 1 Cart, 2 Harrows, 2 Plows, Hoes, Pitch Forks, Household and Kitchen Furni ture. . _ __ William Sheppard ADMINISTRATOR TIIK KNTjtRPfcISE—WILUAMdtON, ff. C Adjoining the lands of the Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. and others, and being the same place where Charlie Midgette and Izral Midgette now live 1 and bought from the Dennis Simmons 1 Lumber Co. Said to contain 45 acres, more or less. This Ol t day of December, WHEELER MARTIN, d 24 4tw Trustee. lIE-SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by L. D. Roebuck and wife, Hannah Roebuck on the 30th day pf March, 1923, and recorded in book of mortgages o*-2 page 535, we will on the 13 day of January 1927, at 12 (fclock noon at the Courthou e tloor in Williamston, Martin County,) soil at public auction for cash'to the highest bidder, the following land, to-wit: All Ihat certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Roberson ville township, Martin County, North Carolina, bounded on the North by the lands of Mrs. Jane Carson, "the school lot and the National Highway; on the Eat by the lands of W. A. Nelson and Joe Bryan, on the South by the A. C. L. Railroad and E. E. Powell, 11. Ward, E. C. Speight and p. C. James, on the West by the. It fids of Church Cri, p, N. 0. VanNort wick the public street and the school lot, containing 58.75 acres, more or less and being the same land deeded t Hannah Roebuck by J. A. Mizelle, tiu tee, ami more particularly describ- j eci as follows, to-wit: _ Beginning at W. A. Nelson's cor- j ner in the ditch, thence S. 77 E 11.10 j chains, thence X. 5 W. 2.00 chains, | thence S. 85 W. 16.40 chains, thence N. 2 1-2 W. 4.37 chains, thence S. ! 69 1-4 E. 1.60 chains, thence, N 23 E. | 7 chains, thence N. 42 W. 5.25 chains,' thence N 21 3-4 E. 11.67 chain ,1 thence S. 68 E. 2.60 chains, thence N j 21 3-4 j3. 71 links, thence S. 68 E. j 2 chains, thence N. 21 3-4 E. 4.701 chains, thence S. 75 3-4 E. 13.40 chains, thence S; 14. 1-4 . W. '24.10 chains to the li ginning. The above land was sold On the 20th day of November 1926, at which sale R. L. Coburn became the last and highest bidder at the price of SL,OOO. within—ten days from said date the above bid was raised by a deposit of 5 percent of the price with the Clerk of the Court by The Roy ster (iuano Company whereupon the said land was ordered resold. This the 22 day of December, 1926. PIRNT NATIONAL CO., INC., OF DURHAM, d3l 4tw , Trustee. Formerly First National Trust Co., | Durham, N. C." NOTICE OF HALE I'rider and by virtue of the power ol sale contained in that certain mort- j gage executed on the 31st day of [ March, 1921, by Alexander Hill and wjfe, Cora Hill, and of record in the public .registry of Martin County in In ok 11-2, at page 66, said mortgage being given to' secure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor tiierewith, and the stipulations in said mortgage not having been complied with, and at the request of the par tic-. interested, the undersigned mort- j gagee will .on the 17th day of-Janu-j nTy." I92*r, at 12 o'clock m., at' the courthouse dpor in the town of Wil-j liarnston, N. C., offer for sale to the| highest bidder for cash at public auc-j lion the following described tract of land, to wit: Being in Jamcsville Township, and bounded ii follows:,On the north by, \Y. G Gaylord, on the south l>y W. R._ James, on the- west by the Daily: TvoalTT"containing TO ac res, and krtown as the Pollie Ange tract of land- This the 17th day of December, 1926 C. C. JAMES, il2l 4tw Mortgagee. j Robe rt L. Coburn attorney. NOTICE Ol SAI.K .Under and by virtue of the poww of sali' contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 15th day of June, 1926, by Julius S. Peel, and of H'cord in the public registry of Mar tin County in book Q-2, at page 583, said deed of trust being given to se- cure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust no having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, he undersigned trustee will on the 17th day of January, 1927, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door in ihc town of Williamston, N. C., offer for ale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following de scribed tract of land to wit: Beginning on the western extension if Main Street in Williamston, N. C., at J. B. McGoWan's corner, and run i;ing thence along the State Highway a straight course westwardly for a- { bout 200 yards, to a corner, Luke lamb's line; thence at angles and a long iaid Lamb's line to a corner, the A.-C. L. right of way, about one hun dred and seventy yards; thence at angles anil along said A. C. right of way towards McGov/an's line and run ning to McGowan's line, a corner; tl.eiice at angles and along said Mc- Gowan's line to the beginning, con taining five and one-half acres, more or le s, and : being P art of origi nal Garden Terrace properly pur chased of M*s. C. A. Martin. This 18th day of December, 1926. ELBERT S. PEEL, d2l Trustee. Robert L. Coburn, attorney. ■NOTICE I wish to announce that I haveopened a branch office on the lower floor of the old Farmers and Merchants Bank Building, for the sale of fertilizers, fertilizer materials, nitrrite soda; will represent the old re liable firms F. S. Royster Guano Co., Norfolk, Va., W. 11. (irace and Co. New York; buy cotton, peanuts, and cotton seed; make loans on satis factory collateral; buy gilt-edge securities, and will loan one hundred cents on the dollar on government bonds. For the present'] will Ik; in my office in Williamston every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from ten until four o'clock. Mr. W. F. Haislip will have charge of my office and will receivfe any applications that may be made during my absence. The public will find him polite and agreeable. We will be glad to have all persons interested to come in and talk over with us any proposition they may have. R. W. Salsbury HAMILTON OFFICE PHONE NO. 14 WILLIAMSTON OFFIC E: PHONE NO. 87 Gold ® Store 223 Washington Street E. L. Ward, Store Manager ; ■' ' PHONE 157 t -i- WE DELIVER AT CASH AND CARRY PRICES i Bread, 14 oz Loaf 8c ! Rolls, Fresh Daily ... 9c ! Kerosene, Texaco, gal., . - . 18c i LARI), Old Glory pound, 11 l-2c I SNOWDRIFT, 4 pounds 84c ! TUB BUTTER pound, 59c CHEESE, full cream ..4.. , pound, 31c | MEAT, Best rib side '... pound. 20c BACON, Swifts Premium ...,. ...r.. pound, 53c i BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Rowena,2 pounds 15c SYRUP, LOG CABIN, 2 1-4 pounds 1 58c I TOMATOES, Large size ! 14c | ENGLISH PEAS, DELMONTE I 29c } STRING BEANS, R R and B „ 12 l-2c CORN, Sweet and Tender ..: ...: 11c j COFFEE, Maxwell House 53c I FEEDS and SEEDS MIDDLING, 17 percent $2.25 LAYING MASH, Produces RED POG 2.70 more Esgrs, 100 lb bait ..$3.25 RYE MEAL ;... 3.25 LAYING MASH, trial pkg 40c TANIfAGE ~ 3.50 DAIRY FEED, A A 2.90 SEED OATS " BEET PULP, Produces FULGHI'M OATS, bu. 86c more Milk $2.35 APPLER OATS, bu. 81c ASK US ABOUT OUR PROFIT SNARING PLAN The Gold Star Leadstlhe Way Notice of Sale mmmmmmmmmmmam' mmmm OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY M*' On Wednesday, January 15th, at 10 o'- clock, I will sell at my farm at Cross Roads Church, near Everetts, for cash, to highest bidder, the following personal property: 2 Mules, 1 Wagon, and all other farming implements and corn, etc. DON'T FORGET DATE AND PLACE Mrs. W. F. Wynn

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