Entertainments Club Meetings Engagements Weddings Etc. Misses Marjorie and Louise Mash burn have returned to their home in Charlotte after visiting Misses Tillie and Louise Perry at their home in New Town. I . j ij » Messrs. Oscar Paul and Jesse Giles j oiWW ashington were visitors here '• Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Bunting and children of Bethel were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perry Sunday. They carried their ; little daughter, . Sullie Wilson home with them. The little girl had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Perry dumg the holidays, Misses Margaret Manning, Laura Orleans and Emma Bell Harris left this week to resume their studirs at the N. C. College, Greensboro for the spring term. Bill Harrison and Bryant Carstar phen left Monday afternoon for Durham where they are students at Duke university. Miss Ethel Griffin, who is a teach er in the public school* of Charlotte left Sunday for that city after visit- j ir.g her people during the holidays. Mr. Norman Harritfon ha.- returned ' fiom Cleveland, Ohio where he visited J his brother, Chester, for several days, i Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brown ana Dr. and Mr.*. P. B. Cone returned today from New Bern where they attended the shrine ceremonial. Mrs. Anna Harrison left Saturday for Tarboro where she visited her siter, Mrs. A. Mizelle until Tuesday. She left Tuesday for Blacksburg, S. C. where she will spend this visiting her mother, Mrs. Shearer. Mrs. L. B. Harrison and Mrs. G. W Hardison accompanied Miss Evely.t Harrison to Rocky Mount Wednesday Miss Harrison was en route to Louis burg college. Miss Evelyn Harrison has returned ho Louisburg college where she is .. student. ' ■ ■ v NOTICE Having qualified as execu tor of the estate of Emma Sheppard Everett, la|e of Martin County, all persons having claims against said j estate arc hereby notified to present same for payment on' or before the j 27 day of' December 1927 or this notice will be plead in bar of their j recovery. All persons indebted to [ aaid estate will pea.-e come forward and make immediate payment of the j same. _ This December 27, 1926. ■ f T Wm. SHEPPARD, Executor, 12-31-4 of Emma Sheppard Everett | MUPSUI Under and by virtue or the power; of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned Trustee on 6th day of November, l!) 20, and of record in Martin County Registry in Book G-2, page 31, He curing certain bonds of even date and stipulations not having been complied with and at the re quest of the holder of said bonds, the under igned Trusee, will, on the l£th day of January, 1927, at 12 o'clock, Noon, offer at public sale to the high eat bidder for cash, the following de scribed tract of land: Hounded on the North by Joseph Jones, bounded on the South by Fan- T.ie Keys, bounded on the East by liftsie Hrooks?- bounded on the West IJV Dennis Si.mons Lumber Co. Con taining fifty-eight (58) acres, more or less. This 13th day of Decembe», 1926. B. DUKE CRITCHER, . t 12-17-4t ' Trustee. CHILDREN'S ILLS AHUMM LJj Says She Has Never Found a Better Lax* .lire HUB Thedford'T Black-Drufk. liberal Springs, Ark.—"We «N Black-Draught In our family of six aaya MM. C. E. Nutt, of this place, "and we find it a good bowel regulator. I give it to my children for colda and constipation, o* any other stomach disorder*, and it certainly is very helpfel I have never known it to fail them. Where there are so many children, it is a good idee to keep a laxative on hand, and Black-Draught is what vaoaa, 1 have taken tt myself fbr indi gestion. I would feel dizzy, have raa and soar stomach. I would also feel a ttghtneaa in my cheat I took a good dose of Thedfard'a Black-, Draught when I frit that way and It would relieve me. I would feel better for days. Hy husband takes Black-Draught for biliousness. Ha aaya he naa never found its equaL When he haa the tired, heavy feeling, ho takes Black-Draught night and morning for a few days and ho do Bant com plain any monk I aura do recom mend Black-Draught" Sold everywhere. Get a packaan of Black-Draught, today Coats only! ene cent a doee. NC-l7s\ Society & P ersonals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor Julius S. Peel left Sunday for Cin cinnatti, Ohio to visit the bonding company he represents. While en route there he will visit friends in Roanoke, Va. Miss Lillian Sample returned Sat urday night from Davidson where she j spent the Christmas holidays with her : parents. —— l - \ J ; Mrs. Mary E. Peel, Mrs. F. L. Minga, Misses Essie Peel and Mary Davis Hardison have returned to Petersburg after spending Christmas here. They were carried by Mrs. G. W. Hardison who returned home Tues day. Fred Taylor, William Hodges, Ben Courtney and Hearbert Peel, jr. re turned to Wake Forest Sunday- W Miss Eleanor Stanback returned Sunday from Miami, Fla. where she spent the holidays with relatives. Miss Martha Anderson returned to Dunn Sunday where she is teaching in the public schools. Mr. James L. Coltrain of Griffins was a business visitor here yester j tiny- Mr. E. S. McCabe, of Hertford j was a business visitor here yesterday. Mr. T. F. Harrison left yesterday -tor Baltimore where he went to pur chase goods for Harrison Brothers. Coach S. E. Riser of aJmesville Coach S. E. Riser of Jamesville Messrs. J. S. Rhodes, J. G. Staton, K. B. Crawford and W. R. Parker have returned from a hunting trip dt>wn on Currituck sound. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Harrison, Mrs. A. R. Dunning attended the shrine dance in New Bern last night. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Brandon have returned from South Carolina where they spent the holidays with friends and relatives. PEND ER'S Yellow Front Stores Quality Above All _——_™...__________________________ BULL HEAD CATSUP, Bottle ... 10c OCTAGON SOAP, Large cake ... . ; (ic Van Camp's Evaporated Milk, tall can t>c CALIFORNIA BLACK EYE PEAS, pound 7 1 -2c Wonder or Palace FLOUR Higewt (Quality Canned Judge by the Quality Not by the !®w Price FRUITS AND V Itfi ETA ISLES 12 lb. Rag 24 lb. Ba K 4# lb. Bag Colonial Siring Beans, ND. 2 ran . _ 20c 54c J $1.05 $2.05 Colonial Corn, No. 2 can _ 17c bbkvm tm mi^ _ Colonial Peaa, No, 2 can i -J _ I'm • Cranberry Sauce, No. 2 cun 25c Pancake or Buckwheat FLOUR A PP ie Sauce, Chapel lirand, can 12 I -2c Colonial Peaches, No. 2 1-2' can 24c (Jold Medal Pancake . 10c Buckwheat. _loc _____ > ■,..... . • Ballard's Pancake ... 15c Buckwheat,. 16c . r L , „ t RINSO, pkg 4 5c Pillabury a Pancake 14c Buckwheat ..17c —. Aunt Jemima Pancake 14c Buckwheat--17c . THE SUPREME i>ESSEKT , • -f Karo Blue Isabel Syrup, No. 1 1-2 can 12c Pender S Old V ir^inid ¥ '. : l' " " * ' t, • Karo Bed Label Syrup, No. 1 1-2 can l3c FRUIT CAKE LOR Cabin Cane and Maple Syrup 29c . . .. on Vermont Maid Maple Syrup 27c 1 H>. tin ... 75c 2 II). tin $!.•>() CANDIES - DAINTY CAKES I). BACON Fig Bara, lb. ...i —_ 14c BUKAKIAST SlyJ( Kl> French Mined Creamy lb . 25c Home Made Cookies, lb. .!. 20c " Colonial Chocolate*, lb. 35c Atlantica, lb. -Ic lb. carton lb. carton Planet Minta, lb. 25c „ 2oC .)lC Chocolate Cream JDropa, lb. - 25c Land O'Lakes Sweet dCream BUTTER Our I'ride BREAD FOR THE HOME Pound J CUt fr ° m „ ~ tub 61c loaf -10 c D. P. Ammonia, bottle 12c Borax, pkg. v 15c ' p. p. Blueing, bottle . .. t ioc Pickles, sweet gherkins, pt., 28c; 7 o/., 15c D. P. COFFEE, The World's Best Drink, pound 47c PHONE Anything for This Department To 46 Mr n E. D. Roebuck of Robersonville i was a business visitor here yesterday. W. G. Peel returned today from New Bern where he went for the ■ .Shrine ceremonial. • — Mr. W. L Taylor of Ruto 1 was a! pleasant caller to our office yester- j day. , w Mr. John Price was in to see us: ' Monday. He as cheerful and 1 looks almost as young as he did >2O • years-ago,, although he says he is pass ■ ed 72. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Stalls returned 1 from Norfolk this week where they " had visited Mrs. Stalls' brother who is in St. Vincent's hospital. ' Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, Mrs. J. s H. Saunders, Jack Higgs and C. D. Car.starphen, jr. returned 'today from I New Bern where they attended the 3 1 Sl.rine ceremonial. Mr. G. D. Ward of RohersonvilleJ I was a bu mess visitor in our office R was here this week. Misses Esther Harrison and Ruth Manning; left Monday for Wilson 1! where they are studen.s at A. C. C. Miss Nannie Murrill of liiehlands /j is visiting her sinter, Mrs. G. 11. ■ j Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Horttin, Miss - Trulah Ward Page, Mr. and Mrs. (>.' 5 S. Anderson attended the mid-winter ceermonial in New Hern this week. r Mrs. R. J. l'eel, Edith and Francis ) Peel and Mrs. Jim Harrison depve "to Greenville _to "carry Miss PurHe Lee Peel Wednesday afternoon. 5 Mrs. Bliinche Anderson of Leggett is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 0. A. Harrison. ' Mr. James W. Griffin anil son, Marion i of near Jamesville. were "visitors here yesterday for a short while. THE ENTERPRISE—WILUAM3TON. N. q. C. A. Askew of James ville was in town yesterday. Air. Luther l'eel made a business trip to Raleigh Wednesday. DINNER I'ARTY >Alrs. J. G. St/aton entertained >vith a umer party Tuesday evening at six thirty. A delicious turkey dinner was served with peas, potatoe., lettuce and ..celery salad, lruit cake, ice cream and coffee. •' After dinner the guesis were in vited to play btitlge; i «ins Celebrate heir Twenty-Third liutlulay t,veretts, JatiJ (i.—(Special to The Enterprise).—Rtiih and l'aul Bailey delightfully entertained u number of tKeir friends on Thursday evening, December 30, at a birthday party at (heir home. The home wa beautifully deeorat c'!. in the Chri.-unas culors. In the center of the table was a birth day cake.' The tw inkling lights of'the twenty-three-Fed and green candles added charm to the dining room. The evening was spent playing game's, and 'in contests. Cake, wine, and ambrosia were served. Those present were Mioses Fae, Kdna, ic, I l.ila iiarivbill, -Alae, Dell', Beatrice and Blanche Wynn, -I'attie Cherry Fannie Hell Alobiey Frances Hou. e, \ irginia liogerson, Annie Hardy,' Gladys, - Bailey, Charity (aiiye*) T.illian Capps, and Mrs. J. V.. liailey; Messrs. Garland, Leman, tiiui A. I'. Hivrnhill, C, H. and Hubert I talk, Charlie and Junior Mills, Key Cuilipher, Robert and Henry Ihxin, Herman Ho wt«n, Dennis Handy C. W. ' Fiftbes, Jasper llou e, George Taylor, Jr., George Alobiey, Dennis Campbell, ■ James Staton Ayers jr. Hubert Moore, John W. Wynn, JJillon Peel, D. J. Gaston James, J.. \V. liailey, and R. N. tirimes. MITItH ill' SACK OF RICA I, TS- I A IK _ I nder and uy virtue of th- author ity contained in that certain"deoiFoF trust executed to the undersigned Trustee, on the 2nd day of May 1921, by 'the. Brick Warehouse Cum puny, of record in the - l'ublic Registry of Mar tin County, in Hook (5-2, nt page 26(1; saiil deed of trust having, been given to secure certain boml of even date and tofipr therewith, and the stipula- tions contained in said deed of trust J not having beui complied with and at { the request of the parties interested, j the undersigned Trustee will, on Mon day,' January 31st, 1927, at 12 o'clock J M. t in front of the Court Houre Door j in the Town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the j ■highest bidder for cash—the folowing i described real estate: Ist Tract—Beginning at a «tob, the corner of Mrs. Van Williams' lot on | H oft on Street extended; thence along llorton Street extended 100 foet to a slob;' thence Norh 60 ea»- 246 1-2 feet to the center of a ditch to a stob; thence along said di'ch to J. G. Sta tin's line? thence along J. G. Staton's j line to the line of Mrs. Van Williams ANNOUNCING v y * - The Most Beautiful CHEVROLET •V v ; - In Chevrolet History AT THE New AND Lower Prices " i v -rf" ... ■ . , - » NEW PRICKS, EFFECTIVETODAY,DI:iAYERKD IN WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Touring, Balloon Tires, 1 )isc Wheels $593.00 Roadster, Balloon Tires, Disc Wheels 5593.00 Sedan, Standard $772.00 Coach $680.00 Coupe ! i $710.00 Landau Sedan 1*;. $833.00 Cabrolet SBOO.OO Commercial Chassis, Balloon Tires a $439.00 Ton Truck Chassis 1 $550.00 Ton Truck Chassis, 30 x 5 tires all around $595.00 Oak Wheels Optional on open cars SIO.OO Extra Watch for the new cars and let us demonstrate the new features. Ask Luther Peel or 11. T. Robcrson—They will be tflad to show you. Harris Motor Co. * » .... • j, roueksonVuxk, n. a Peel Motor Co. *•" * % * » x J* WILLIAMSTON, N. C. and B. 11. Williams's lot; thence alongji Airs. Van Williams' and B. B. Wil-j lianu,' back line to the corner; thenctj ; along Airs. Van Williams and B. 8.- Williams line to the beginning. Also , a lot of land bounded by Horton St., 1 Washington Rail and the lands of Dr. Loyd. Said piece of land being near ly ,'in a triangular shape and being in front of house and lot of Mrs. Van Williams and B. B. Williams and the fir*t tract of land herein conveyed and being the same tract of land con veyed to Brick Warehouse Co. Inc. from J. G. Godard by deed dated the 9th day of June, 1917, ami of record tii the Public Registry of -Al irtin j County in Book T-l, at page, 12. 2nd Tract—Beginning at a stob in the Brick Warehouse Co. southe«n j buck corner; thence a straight Line • about 41 yards to a stob in the bend iof a ditch to J. G. S taions une; thenee up said ditch and branch a lcng Staton'i line to the Brick Ware '{■ house Co.'s corner; thence a southern , direction alopg said VV arehou»e Co. , i back lino to the beginning, and being . the .same tract of iand conveyed to l | the Brick Warehouse Co. Inc. from J , *J. Godard by deed dated the 14th day 1 el l''eb.. li>lS, and of record in the , l'ubiic Registry of Martin County, in Book 'll, at page 2DO. j - WHEELER MARTIN. ' ; i-4-4t Trnste'e.

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