Third Fire of Week Breaks Out Here The third fire f the week broke out just before our going to press thjs i afternoon whan a small blaze caught at the home of Mr. Titus Critcher in New Town. No, serious damage was done. The cause of the fire could not be -learned. White-Plott Thursday evening at !• o'clock, Lon M. White, of Danville, and Mi- Earl Virginia Plott, of School field, were married at Chatham. Rev, H. B. Hardway, pastor of the Baptist church performing the ceremony, 'lb- bride iind groom were accompanied - b\ W. T. Underwood and A. C, White. of Danville, and Airs. G. D. Canar!\ • Miss Maggie Wilson, of' Scb o Mr. and Mrs. White'will tnak • ttn : i home in Danville. —Danville (\a.)' Register. • Mr. White has been residing in Danville for several years. Ife is a native of Williamston, the son of Mr, J. R. White,, The Baby's Cold Cortlnuil "doting" with itomacbß Trent colds A v" * •*tern«Hy with Vicks. You juat rub It on. WANTS KING COTTON IS YIELDING J' Queen Pecan. arn wjiy and .how by writing J. B. Wight, Cairo, Ha d" fct i, • 666 is a Prescription for COEDS, GRIPPE, ILL, DENCI-'K, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Germs 11., i l LOST: SI IT CASK CONTAINING ram*.-' clothing Sunday rnorniitg, December 26, between (! and K oVJoek, Between Will iainsl,on.- .ami J Ferry. Finder please notify T C. Lunch. Edenton, N. C., Route. 1, care 1i R. Bunch. Reward offered, jl 2t PECANS WILL HELP TO PAY your taxes and debts if you will I t them; Learn why find how. Write J. B. Wight, Cairo, Ga. jl 8t BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES ■ Ji, ]-FOR-40--I)MS 40- ■ CO&tS fm ' Beginning I*o " Drwws %,Wed., Jan. 12th U3L TO CLOSK 01 IAT I.VM I ONE LOT OF BOVS'AND GIRLS* ALL-WOOL d» -t Sr if n/\n fn j g IMp I SWEATERS; to close out, each Jp X J H—J V/VfCl 1-2 OFF i LADIES COATS f MEN'S & BOYS' SHOES ]j]J -| 33s OFF ' Vou win be ail* 10 find some londerful '' ~ •" '' • ..J ' ' These are the biggest bargains in suits and liar mins in-this lot Come in early. - One special lot of ladies' One special lot of men's overcoats that we have ever offered. — coats —Be sure to come in and boys' shoes; there are -j r— —n and gee them; they are the some real high-grade shoes ( LADIFJ/' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES best coats ever seen for the in this lot; we have your size, SPECIAL LOT OF MEN'S SHOES price; to close to go at, per QQi^ —. ■ out for JpO P a i r vOv One spot fel lot of Indie*'and children's One special lot of men's high-grade shoes— Thcrp ■ wre a number of odd lots of " ~~ 1 shoes—never before have you ever seen real finp* 1 " incl'ided in this 110 Our buyer has just returned from Baljttmore, w ere e bargains like this; don't miss d» -t QQ r ff enw.r oeß .eroar 98C bought some bargains. You wdl find them allthrough this; to close out at, per pair.. offering, to go i U pei pair - t/Uv our big department store. Come early. _ . : ✓ —■—-'• / x '' —" * —* ' v ' HAIvRISON BROTHERS & ,CO. EVERETTS AND JAMESVILLE TO MEET AGAIN HERE FRIDAY | It was learned heite today that the ; Jamesvilie and Everett* basketball ! teams would meet again here next j 1 Friday night at K o'clock. Both teams will continue their prac-j tice for the event and it will be, justj a jjoud a,- tflb one seen here last ■ r.jgbt. [*|( KLI) ll' IN M> FIELD. TWO mule , on- black „and one 'Uark brciwn, weight "he about !»00 pounds one aboil! 1000 p u ds. Otfnei - j,|:i : i . 'I avlor, KVelettk; N. C. ' ' „ 1-'-31-2 J1K1.1.0 1 OLKS:— ,Who.-c br> ai ii \«>u ' t today ! '.Maybe. it i-oji f- lik * a, fo»lislh>ques-- t ion to ask w'hetifer yo« ate mother's bread or baker': l»r» a- and if so, ■. tii e bread wa i . I! it • ki.ow that many of you iu.v a- during • ~dnV Jepea'.i i lie- !>•.. • ' ! >>ve U : i- day, our >'.• I> I tea t.' :. ■: t-n t ,■. ito know tie • ing ftbn ii rad ue pra> for i* :. re just 11:,k>■ f. " | V ■' 1 '"'d , .. few" people in ur great ra iiut fi.i ,i few n i 'it«-- v- • wan! ;. i-.i ,ii,, >i, i, inn b.ikery and show m u iur i-i (■! at r. .1 , i.ui cake "and pie-, and ii!) TTo • n »r"f hintr -we bake with the utm t >an > that M rnav b your ■ 1 and most ! .tome food.. .SALLY ANN . I!A KI.UY. NOTM I 01-'.S \ 1.1- HI L \NP -1.-nder and by virtue of a judgment of fife li t'of Milt tin coun ty. eale in >:n a■, • at bI I' '"I , i I* ; i i , ' I !a M ia,,V -,L AV ja . i-* al . tbe aine beii',jf No. . 11:■«-i:11 j,i m■• ii ■ 11; - docket, the llll r-iri'', ei mm loner- will on Mon , -Fein ii.arv, 7tb, 1927, in front of i 'mi- - i—a-*- 11 in the Town of ', "iae , N. ' ►(l*l ') i b 'to ' '-;•( for i a. toat el In 7r • in Jamesvilb- il ,»w-H-hip, .'ikiT'ii. •I v, North -Cat'dina, alid more particularly descrijied a. fallows: A traet of land in' Martin Couiity, .lamesVille Town.-hip. North* Carn litia adjiftning Hie ian ! ~o! tin* iWuttis ■■h i,i I"■ ■■ i—' Ijunipaii) J-—-L~ •hiown, J. 'b Sexton,' and 'I In o, I, one, containing. Six Jlundtud Hiphty Lif-ht CH4s) Ai-i-i-:,. and bein:r liie same land conveyed .to L. A. Syke.s by .1. 'I,. I'i'iwn by deeil dated I If, 20th, t;"jy."ntrd of reeord in the jiubLe rwin tr(\ of MarUn County in nook Y I at and bounds and di-aances by ihap on file with l''eiTeial Land lianit, oT Cel utnli'u, Made by A Corey; C. K on June, ir.tbQ^). At tbi.s ale the sireees fill bid b r • :il be i i ail': I■ to ib posit with the eommisKiont r l/> per cent of the u lie unl bid for tlni land. Ist day of January 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, 1 -7-4 Commissioner. North Carolina, Martin County, In The Superior Court J. W. Bailey, adm. of the estate of Amanda Bailey, deceased. vs . ~ J ('J. * jnillt y, A. .W. Bailey, Henry JSailey, Marcellie Coltrain, W. H. Col train, Linda Kogerson Arden, Roger son Sarah iiogerson, Harry Rogeraon, C lia Yi'iUktins 'and others. Ih Uefendajit Mary Bet Hoard villi lake notice that, an action entitl- V.h above has been commenced in the Superior -Court of Martin County, North Carolina for the purpose of i iiing the lands to Amandy Rogcrtioii, decoas'ed, for assets; and the- said, defendant will further take rob o t ~t .-be is required to appear before R. J. i'e l, Clerk "St the Sui P' fior Court of Martin County at his office in Williamston, N. C. on the 2ti-.h day of Jan. 1927 and answer or nur to The Complaint of the plain- the plaintiff will apply to the court for-the relief demanded in the uid .Complaint. Ih, the Lt»th day of Dec. 192'J.. R J. PEEL, Clerk, 1-7 '4 Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE I'nder ami by virtue of the autnor i ity contained, in that certain deed of, trust executed to the undersigned ' rustee, on the 14th day of May, 1924, ! by J. L. Ilassell, and Of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book Q2 at paK l ' 1 IG, said deed of tru t having been given to -ecure a certain bond of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations con tained in said -deed of trust not hav ing been copiplit-d with arid at the )-ci|iie t of the parties interested, the i.rab r i;■ in 11 ru tee will on Friday, February, 4th, 1927, at 12 o'clock M in front of the Court House Door 1 1, ..liie. 'Town of William ton, N. C. offer for sale at public auction to the bigbe. t balder for cash, the follow birth-scribed real estate; A lot in .t be Town "of Williamston, .North Carolina adjoining the lands of r i ii i,. iit urn! bounded as follows; Deginninir at a po.-l in the South Hast corner of. .!.. L. Hassell's front yard on; SmithwLck Street, running j down safd St-ree't 140 feet to a corner, a post at Academy Street, running thence a South'.vest course lilt) feet along Academy Street to a corner, a post at Ilassell SJreet, running thence a Northwest emir e 140 feet along ll,is.ell Street to a corner in J. L. Hassell's line in North Easl course fill) feet to the beiniiing on Smithwick Street. This the 3rd day of January, 1927, WHEELER MARTIN, lc7 it Trustee. THE ENTERPRISE—WILUAMSTON. N. C NOTICE OF SAL® OF LAND By virtue of the power and author ity gil'en in a certain Deed of Trust executed by P. S. Bullock and wife, Ella Bullock to the undersigned Trus tee, of record in Book tj-2, Page, Office of the Register of Deeds for Martin County, -North Carolina, de fault hflving been made in the pay ment of thfe indebtedness , ecured thereby, I will on Monday the 7th day of February 1927 at 12 o clock M. at the Court House Door, Williarq s,on%'N. C. sell at, public auction to the "highest Jiridder fdr cash, the fol lowing described tract or parcel of ]and ,to-Wjt! Situate in the Town of Williams ton, North Carolina, adjoining the lot of the Wiiliamston Ginning and Mill ing Company, beginning at the corner of aid LriTy running thence Easterly o.'ith the Street 89 feet, thence South erly Street 9& feet, thence with «nfc of the Witliamton Gin (ning.una Milling Company 105 feet £o the beginning, beihg the ame land conveyed to Joel Bennett by deed f/om H. I). Peele and wife Emma Sexton Peel, dated June 30th. 1922, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin CpurUv and being the same land this day conveyed to P. S. Bul lock by Elbert S. Peel, Trustee, j '"This January 6th,, 1927. Time of Sale: Monday, February 7, 1927, 12 u'#Jock M. plaiv of sale: Court House Door, Williamston, N C -Terms of .Sale : Ca-.h. WHEELER MARTIN, ]-7-4t { Trustee. I'raig ,an I Pntchet*, attorneys. NOTICE OK SALE I'nder and. by virtue of the powers of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned , trustee on the 16th day of November, 1926, and of recort in Martin County registry in hook M-l, page 470 secur ing a certain bond of even date there with, and the tipulaiions not having been coiunjied witlr, and at the re quest of the holder- of said bond the undersigned trustee will, on the 21 f*l day of January, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon,-offer at public auction, in front of the courthouse door, to Jhe highest bidder for cash, the following describ ed property, Clayton Moore estate on the north, Thomas Shepherd and Yates on the east, Edgar Smithwick >ri the south, and Samuel Legs'itt Wi the west, and more particularly described in deed from Edgar 'Smithwick to Stanley Smithwick. Containing 60 acres, more or le h. Being the same land this day conveyed to Roxanna Smithwick by deed from W. A. Hil liard and wife. • Thfr Jilst day of December, 1926. WHEELER MARTIN, ,124 ltw Trustee., NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES-i TATE Under and by virtue the power of sale contained in a ceitain deed of trust ' executed to the undersigned trustee by W. R Roebuck and *vife, 1 Dora Roebuck on the 28th day of November, 1923 ?ecuring certain notes J of even date and tenor therewith and recorded in Martin County Registry Book N-2, page 421 arid default hav- 1 ir.g been made in the payment of the; ••.aid notes and the stipulations con- ; tained therein not having been com- j plied withand at the request of the | holders of the note the undersigned trustee will on the 4th day of-Febru ary, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the, following described real estate, U,-wit: Slttfate in Hear Grass Township,! Martin County, North Carolina, bound ed on the North by the lands of W. R. Roebuck, on the East by the lands of Warner Cowing and the Harrison lands, on the South by the lands of Henry and Leggett heirs. Containing 200 acre.*-; more or let. 1 and being the same land that was deed-to W. R. Roebuck by his father, E. B. Roebuck and mother, Mary E. Roebuck; reference being made to said deed for a more perfect l description. Saving and excepting | r rom the operation of the deed about j It acres heretofore sold to Warner Cowing. This the 3rl day of January 1927. ELBERT S, PEEL, l-4-4t Trustee. EXECL'TORS NOTICE Having this day qualified as execu tor of the estate of William A; Hardi- \ son, late of aMrtin County, all pers on.-' holding claims against said es tate are hereby- notified to file same ' for payment with me on or before January 4, 1928 or this notice will be plead ip bar of their recovery. All I»♦-r ens indebted to said estate will ; plase come forward 'and s make im- j mediate payment of same. This the 4th day of January, 1927. W. li. HARRINGTON, 1.74 Executor. \. . I NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL , PROPERTY I'nder and by virtue of the power of /ale contained in a certain deed of tru t executed to th" undersigned 11u tee by A- L. Hogerson and wife, Mary Amanda Rogerson on the 23rd (fay of February, 1925 securing cer tain notes of even date and terror therewith and recorded in Martin County Registry, liook Q-2, Page 316 and default having been made in the payment of the said notes and the stipulation's contained therein not having been complied with and at the request of the holders of the said notes the undersigned trustee will on February 4th, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real es tate, to-wit: Beginning at Dennis Peel's corner in Adkin Branch, running thence a South course with Dehnis Peel's line to Dennis Peel's and Claude White hurst's corner in Bee Tree Branch, thence a West course dowp the run of Bee Tree Branch with Claude White hurst's line to C. T. Peel's* corner, thence a Northern course with C. T. Feel's line to J. E. Gurganus line to Adkin Branch, thence with Adkin Branch to the beginning. Containing 3P acres more or less. This same Be ing all of the land owned by the said A. L. in Bear Grass Town hip. This the 3rd day of January, 1926. ELBERT S. PEEL, l-4-4t Trustee. ■ NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina —Martin Countyf in the superior court, before the I clerk. In the matter of Harry Waldo, L. P. Waldo. Effie Waldo, liennie Ballard, Mrs. N. G. Grimes, Mary Dixon, Mary Salsbury, Ernest Waldo, and J. E. Waldo, ex parte. Under and by virtue of the authori !ty conferred upon the undersigned ' commissioner by virtue of an order (>f j R. J. Peel, clerk of the superior coujft, | oi Martin County, made in the above ! entitled proceedings/ on the 16th d4y ;of December, 1926, the undersigned ! commissioner will on Monday, the 17th day of January, 1926, at 12 o'clock m.', in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale to the hign est bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, to wit: Lying and being the town of Ham ilton, N. C, bounded on the north by the lands of J. E. Kdmondson, and the Sebrell heirs, on the east by Front Street, on the south by a street, and on the west by another slreTl and being more commonly known and designated as the home place of the late Jos., T- Waldo. This the 17th day of December, 1926 ELBERT S. PEEL, dl 7 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE: TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS Under and by virtue of the power Of sale contained in that certain deed "of trust executed and delivered unto J. C. Smith, tryftee, by trustee of Middle Ground ltoanoke Missionary Baptist Association, on the 10th day 6f February, 1920, to secure certain indebtedness, and of record in Mar tin County public registry, in book A-2, page 530; and the stipulators therein contained not having been complied with, and upon demand of the- owner of .=aid indebtedness, the undersigned will, on Tuesday, the first day of February, 1927, at two o'clock p m., in iront of Bank of JRoberson ville, in town pf Robersonville, said county, expose to public sale, for cash the following described lands, to wit: Situate in the town of Parmele, N. C., in aid county and State, and on the corner of Cross and Second and beginning at the east cor nel of Cross and Second Streets, and beginning at the east corner of the W. W. Harder line, and running thence the south line or line of Closs Street 70 yard to Second St.; thence southerly along Second Street 14(i yard to Church S.reet; thence northerly alone Church Street 70 yards to Church lot; thence easterly along a ditch 140 yards to the begin ning, and being same lands conveyed to S. R. Riddick, H. C. Jones, and others, trustees for Middle Ground Ro anoke. Missionary Baptist Association by deed of record in Martin County registry, in book G-l, page 16, and being the same lot of which said a - sociation's school building now stands and this description includtes saiil building. This January Ist, 1927. J. C. SMITH, j4 4tto Trustee. NOTICE The undersigned administrator will sell for trash, on Tuesday, January 18th, 1927, at 10.30 a. m„ a', the farm of the lute F. B. t Taylor the follow ing personal property: All the team, cr.rts, wagons, harness, hay, corn, of every kind and description belonging to the late F. li. Taylor; also all farm-' ing uten-ils of every kind, including plows, harrows, hoes, shovels, etc. This the Gth day of January, 1927. F. A. TAYLOR, yt 2t Administrator. Hew Doctors Treat Colds tmd the Flu To break up n cold ovewniglife ' r ta cut . an a" la k i f f .ri >>:•. it.- fluenz'i, sore throat or ton.'i I »h" - bicians and druggists arc now rc ot- ■ mending C'alotaH,, tlv purified and' refined ca'omc' roimo'-n 1 tablet that gives j.iu the t.i. t . utoMia aisj '.'alts lombineu, withot th ant dUcdU of either. One or two ('>■' '-HS nt hed-'iir : with, a swaliow ot wiltor, —that's a'i.' No salts, no naii nor the slightcs.; interference with ynirr , rting, wwrfr or pleasure. Next morning your cold has vanished, your system is thor t ughljr pui'iflsi! -and you are feeling fine with n hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you phase,—-no dan ger Get n family pack live. containing full directions, only >o cents. At any drug store. (adv)

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