Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martin County. J VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 89 Recorder Had But Two Cases | for Trial Today Alfred Evans Is Man Who Wrecked Jail j Furniture The recorder's court was all but \ snowed under here today, for there \ were only two cases to come up, and j there were very few people attending. The two cases to come up were of a minor nature, and everything in gen eral when put together made nothing but a small day for the court. A. L. William.'', jf Cross Roads section, plead guilty to a charge oT* simple assault. Judgment was suspend ed upon the payment of the costs of \be case. Williams, u young white £%oy, had trouble with hi: brother last • week, and during the quarrel one or were passed. Alfred Evans, a world war veteran ami a former resident of Pitt county, plead guitly when he was charged violating the liquor laws. 11 in CCse was not heard, but was continued until next Tue day. Evans, a young white .man, is the one wflo tore up tne jcil furniture last week when he was lodged in the county's storage house. H« is said to be a tubercular, and suffers greatly from attacks of a th noa. During the past year he farmed with a Mr. Mills near Robersonville, tut it is understood that he will re turn to Pitt county as soon as he L cleared of the trouble here. He is out under bond. Snow Causes Increase In Railway Traffic When the evening train of the A. ! C. L. pulled in last night, it reminded ; one of the times when people used to j ride the rail;'. More than a down ' pr.ssengers eanve from the train, a ; happening that -has not been seen J since 1921, unless there was some j special event taking place. The snow ran a large percentage ol the highway traffic into the garages and storage houses, and the travelers ran for the trains. There were one or two things ing last night, however; one of them was the large crowd that use to gatluv. _ to welcome the-visitors , 'while other was the old yell of the hotel porters. Oil Truck Turns Over; Driver Unhurt A Texaco oil truck loaded with gas oline and driven by Elbert Manning, turned over yesterday on highway No. 30, just as the driver attempted to turn into the road leading to Bear G'ass near Mr. Robert Lee Perry's farm. The driver escaped injury, but was forced to break a glass in one of tho doors„tp»/, get out. The glass in the other doorr-w&q broken when the truck turned over. Other than this no damage was done. No gasoline was lost while the truck remained on its side. 4 j Car Turns Over in Snow Near Everetts An Oakland sedan, driven by Mr, Robert Campbell of Plymouth, was turned over yesterday just this side of Everetts when it clipped off the concrete. Mr. Campbell and a friend escaped injury, and not a single glass in the car was broken. Other than a bent fender, no signs of a wreck were noticeable. The two gentlemen had started to i Raleigh, but when they turned their ! j car back on its wheels, they drove j back here, left the car, and returned f. to Plymouth on the train. ~,r • S TRAM nil THEATRE I ) WEDNESDAY I J Double Program h Free Ticket to FrflS I day's Show— 91 I Always a Good Sho>B THE ENTERPRISE 110 Stories High m ■ s & John A. La rkin, is tho prospec tive builder of tta new monarch of Now York*a akvUne—a 108 story j oflce bulldlnf. lt will bo tho Wjr |wt thin* mado by BUD and will * «• 1208 foot, overtopping tho oolwwth Building by U« loot ■Ad wttl eoet IMyWMWI, Postpone Woman's Club Dance Account Snow |, . ' I The Woman'? Club dance, which was to have been given last night in the club rooms, was postponed on account of the deep snow. All arrangements and preparations had been completed by Mrs. A. R. Dunning, chairman for the dance, yes- j terday afternoon, but the rough ' weather seemed to be too much to i brave last night. Word was sent the Robersonville orchestra, which ha- offered its serv ices free to Mrs. Dunning to furnish the music. The boys will be accom panied By Mrs. W. B. Watts, who will also ocntribute her service. The date for the dance will be an nounced later, but it will probably notfbe given before next week. Bill Introduced to Care for Auto wreck Victims There has been a bill introduced in the legislature requiring every -per son driving a motor vehicle to carry insurance amounting to at least SBOO. for the benefit of the person and property of any one who may be in jured in an auto accident. There has been much demand for such a law for a long time, and it is predicted that the bill will pass by a j- Snow Closes Many Schools of County Several schools of the county were closed yesterday and today when th* roads were made impassible by {he snow. The local school operated yes i terday, but when a poor attendance i present it was decided to sus- j i pend all classes today. Practically all I the school trucks in those district* !!' re the roads are bad remained in ■ sheds today, and those schools ed by the trucks operated with 1 attendances. BERT CLARK TO MOVE 4MILY HERE FROM DURHAM r. Herbert Clark who is now as ted with his brother, C. B. Clark, Is drug ftore and is at present ng with Mr. and Mrs. Clark, move his family here in a few I from Durham. They will oc ithe Lilley home in Watts grove, land Mrs. Clark have a little ■. Cook and little ion, Hubert, ftturned from Miami, Fla., where ■sited Jim Cook and Raymond ■daring the holiday*. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, January 11,1927 Name Faculty For School of Missions Here Course of Study to be Followed Is an Ex cellent One The Memorial Baptist Church an nounces its faculty for the school of missions, which is to begin in tho church on Tuesday evening at 7:.'50 o'clock, January 18th. There may bo a few changes in tha teaching loree, but substantially it will be as follows: Mrs. P. B. Cone and Mrs. C. H. Dickey will have the "tiny tots," age three to five; Mrs. C. A. Harrison will have the intermediates; Mrs. John 1). Biggs will teach the juniors; Mi s Sleed, of the high school, will teach the young people, boys and girls from, say, 14 to 18 years; and the pastor of the church will teach the adults." The course of study is an excellent one; Mrs. Cone and Mrs. Dickey will ; center on China, teaching with |jit j lure, story, and soiyj. Mrs. Harrison will center oil Africa,, and has. for her j class' a wealth of pictures and stories, and her main character will be David Livingstone. Mrs. Biggs will for her general theme, "God's Family,'' and will take her children on mission ary journeys to many of the foreign countries. Miss Steed will major on j Adoniram Judson and the young wo man whom he married. Mr. Dickey will teach the most delightfully in terest book of the decode, "The Christ i of the Indian Road." Every one will as iambic -in the au ; ditorinm at 7.30 o'clock for a brief" period of worship, after which those present will be broken up into grad ed cla ses, where a delightful half j hour will be spent. As will be seen—this is to be a [ family i-ehool, classes' for each mem i l.i r of the en'ire family Jamesville and Everetts To Meet Friday The Jamesville and Everetts basket - i ball teams will'meet in a second gafne i here next Friduy night at 8 o'e! >i*k These two teams played here last ■j Thursday before a crowd of f>oo | spectator . The game was thorough !ly enjoyed by tho. e attend nil', ;tn«! I since the score was so close it is ex pected that an even larger attendance ' will be on hand here next Friday. The game was arranged by the ' coaches of the two teams la t week ' at the clo-e oif the Thursday game | for the one next Friday. Everetts won over Jamesville in the first game I by a one-point margin, the score be ing 10 to 9. , Double Show on at the^* Strand Tomorrow Niurht —— The management of tho Strand theatre is offering a program to local picture goers that is hard to beat. While the pjrlurri. —may not be the . latest, they are exceptional ones. "Red Dice" is a splendid picture and I one you'll enjoy. There will be a dou | ble program on, besides the free tic k( t to Friday's show whicli is' given Ito each one intending on Wedne - day. Local Program at Kiwanis Tomorrow The Kiwanis Club will hold iU reg ular mid-week luncheon tomorrow at 12.80 p. m. A local program has been prepared, one full of interest for all the members, and every one is urged to be present. The program is in charge of W, C. Manning, jr. Soybean Association To Meet in Belhaven Hon. Fred P. of Belhaven, president of the National Soybean Association, has succeeded in bring ing the next meeting of the associa tion to Belhaven, which will be held in the coming summer. This will the first meeting of the national or ganization in the southeastern section of the United States. Mr. Latham has proven the siybean t'» be one of the most valuable crops for the black lands of this section; as well as ( one of the best combination crops to be grown with corn. CHARGED WITH ENTERJ>'G STORAGE WAREHOUSE Mayor R. L. Cobum issued a war-, runt against R. A. Rolferson Satur day on a charge of entering the stor age warehouse of C. O. Moore Fri day hight, where automobjle tires were stored. Roberson was required to give bond j in the sum of S3OO for his appear- . ance in court to answer the charge, j v , -*■ ""s- First Snow of Year Falis Here Sunday The first snow of the year tell early Sunday morning when the i flakes laid a two-inch coat over this section. . The sun came out j for » short while in the after • noon, but J. Pluvius held his fro/. •' " en white form until eight more inches were added yesterday. ' The flakes started their do via- _.J ward course about 7.30 yo-il erduy and continued, throughout the day, r bringing to this section the larg • est snowfall in fifteen years. Hold Reunion First oi ¥ ear 1 . - i itoberson Family Is One i Of Largest in Si if■ lins Township P I l!y A. DAWSON GKIHIN On January 1, of thi your, there ' sva held a reunion of om of the larg est families in Grifflns 'J livnship, at 1 the huine of Mrs, Whitley ■ Koberson. Mrs. Itoberson married Mr. ■ Noah I . Uobersot , who di 'l about It! 1 years a pro, leaving hor W'lji i'J chil iiiui. uighi. sun and four oaughti rs, now living. . . Of the eight sons, two, Mes.-rs. Si-' 1 mon "ami Thomas, saw actual service 1 in Krartce in the World Mar and fought in thp many battles of the .Argonne Forest. They wept oil' with li e first draft from tin unty and •en'ed until the rlos?#of thrwnr.' She bud other sons -drafted hu none of, them "saw actual service. ' The four daughters, Mary K., mar- , 1 , :iiiil W. T. Griflln; Matilda M., mar-1 r'.ctl the writer; I.ucy, niurriel David T. flriltlii:. and Klirabrth", married Mr. li. Hardison. - Oft. January 5 we were ail invited to speTii'l the day with the good mother, •with onr children; and IW Piovidence would have it, none were | sick, and upon arrival there were 12 children and .ID . grandchildren., Tim ' | writer i j*lail to. say that Hi out of i I tin llt call him "I'" AI the noon hour the pood mot her • : erved dinner to bur chimin n and —rntndrhild fen,- a -m»*nt» Hiitt in 1 Mid variety would please a king tr ) «pi in. After the feast, the remain der of the day was spent, in simple I—i.,i iiw, J .ai.uai and Mi..giynn 11m11k-» lnr the opoprtuni.ty to pay reverence to » ear mother, has spent her life' in loving, protecting, and earing for ■ those of her own. r~" ; )S Iwi a pica -ii'iv ii wa for un to • be gathered together in one ro'otn and i to receive her Christian advice and > admonition. When the hour camu for Ui to de part fof our respective homes, sll" presented each of her children and £ grandchildren a valuable. present. f. May God spare her many more continue to watch over and iiift met her family, J\lr. Henry Crawford Orders Plenty Snow In his shirt sleeves leal early Sun .1 ay morning, Mr. Henry Crawford was heard beckoning the snow to come |on down. Ili call brought two inch that day, while it Is'-understood hi piayers Sunday night brought. K t.ln fillowint.r day. Mr. Crawford is a general ■ believer in all sport , tint ' when it comes to the snow lie is a . j real Kskinio. Mrs. ('.A. Harrison Taken to Hospital Mrs. C. A. Harrison was tak n to n. Washinton Hospital Monday afternoon ) j f' r medical tr ativemt, probably fire ! ( paratory to an operatitm. Her many friends who were o anxiou.i about her are ve'ry glad that . he is getting a-> long so nicely. She was accompanied to the ho pital by hi r mother, Mrs. lilaiuJje Afiderson, Mr. Ilarri.on, and Dr. Saunders. f"■ * • |"- ' I Popular Meeting Masons Tonight — !i - • Thern will be a lobular eommuni cation of &kpwarkee Lodge, No. {Hi, 1 A. F. & A. M., tonight, at 7.45' p. m. All Ma on.; in good -.landing -are cdi*=— dially invited to attend. Visiting' 1 brethren welcome. Fourth Barber Shop To Open This Week Williaihston will have four barber shops when Mr. W. J. Jernigan opens , fi|)fi-in the—Atia'-itic Hot 1 here this we k. The s hop will occupy the room l once u.ed "by the hotel as a guests' i parlor. , « ■ -i Mr. Jernigan war with the Citizens I Hcrber r Sh'op here for a number ofj ; j years, but recently he ha - been work- I . ing in Norfolk. He leav ># there to \ [ open a shop hen. v. •" X Work Finished on Quarters of Woman's Club J he (lub Rooms Will be Fsed as a Com munity Center 1 lie Woman' Club rooms were fin ished to tin- last detail yesterday, and they are really a credit to the town. Williamston has never had a com munity house before, but now these rooms, which /were so kindly leased [by the Ma roll for a period of 1(1 j years to' the Woman's Club, have been completely remodeled by the club. Ihe old stage has been taken (jut, ] 'living added space, a very attract-' ; iv kitchen, fully equipped, hns been added; dressing rooms for both men and women; lockers for material and cloak rooms have been fitted in to j make it an almost ideal community i home. Much credit is due the club as n whole., but especially well have the building committee, of which Mrs. J,. (' Staton is chairman," and the bouse • imittee, of which Mrs. A. R. Dun ii'i'ir is chairman, fulfilled their du !■( - in superintending the work. 'I lie room are for rent and are available at most any time. *lore Snow Here Than Many Near-by Points " " i, Aeeiiivliiij. to reports from several i prris of this and other States, the I snowfall was greatr \ here than at any i ' other point-. Kichmund, Va., saw none 1 iil the white (lakes. Points right here !e the county had only 4 to ti inches, . v.hije there were 10 here. While ltichmond bail no : now,-Norfolk re- I ports a Innre one. The snow at Hol- RSR n -i 11red about 2 inches. Around I o'clock this morning the i'.. k - «.•(,. Iftrtfe and fell faster than a' any time during the previous day. •This did not last long, however. . Many.'of the local citizens state that tlii is (he largest snowfall here in 15 years. I _— Nose in Automobile Wret-k Mr. Cooki'sy, of llaltimore, an agent o' the StandardT)iTT'iiZ~haiFhhTTuise iiit practically olf and one eye badly hurt last Sunday night when a Ruick roadster, belonging to Jule Elliott, WBM wrecked on Highway No. 90, hear I'lymouth. Sterlin Marriner, a young boy of I'lymouth, was driving the ear and was going , around 60, miles an hour when he ran the ma l ine into a bridge at Conaby Creek. ' Hi was Injured, hut not seriously, ac cording to reports from I'lymouth* The car was completely wrecked,] ami it is understood that efforts to j repair it will prove to lie useless, Snowballing Order of Day Yesterday Snowballing was the general order j i tlie street- yesterday. As usual, i'. grew too rough, when such heavy | II issles were hurled through show Windows and damaging goods; also clashing into the eye of a player or a passer by occasionally, there being ijuite a number of such purposely j committed "accidents." No arrests were made, so far as the i ■court record shows. Jones Electric Shop Moves Across Street The Jones Electric Shop moved last! week from the Chevrolet Garage to ! tin .building,, just" across the street. The move came about when the busi- , ne s of the Peel Motor Co. expanded tn a point where all the available! room was needed. 'JL'ho building belonging to the S. R Biggs Iron Works is now undergoing repairs, and work will be completed witfiin the next few days. Firemen Meeting Is Postpon&d Until March I bentiCe'ting of the Eastern Caro -Tna Firemen's association, scheduled ( t-> be held in New Hern tonight, was , postponed by an order of the presi- , dt n't of, the As>ociation on account ( oi' the heavy Hnow. The meeting wjll be held on the :«cond Tuesday in March. .Record Sales of Boots , and Overshoes Here t According to reports of several lo- 1 cal merchants more overshoes and i boots were sold here yesterday than at any time since 1918. One or two . men hant sold the particular lines of i godfls completely out, while the tocks of all were greatly reduced. 1 1 * " rrt ... .1 • I To Broadcast , Walter Dumrosch, for 42 yaars conductor of the famous New York Symphony Orchestra, is to retire in April. He intends to devote his time to broadcastinfr which is wonderful news for the millions of music loving radio faoe. 1 j Few Farmers File Returns . ' V North Carolina Stands Forty-third in the List of Returns Filed Nevada furnishes more income tax payers than any, other State, accord ing to population. California come* set ond, New York third. The three h.west are Missis ippi r South Caro lina and Arkansas. , - North Carolina sTaiuis low in the list, being lorty-t hil'il, Texas .stands tl.e highe. t of any Southern State, being • thirty-fifth. Every Southern State stands below that nuinhcr, an4 i only one State above tin; Ala>uii aiuH-, 1 »ixcm Line stands lower, that being 1 North Dakota. New York pays $21.57" income 'tax for every person in that State; the next highest State is Itliodo Island,' which pays an average income tats of |1().62 per person. North Carolina farmer were: not burdened by income laxe -, there lie ing only (sf> out of a quarter of a mil- ' lion that filed un income tax repp'rt. j There* are, however, more than 100,- j | 000 North Carolina farmer-, who own automobiles. Meeting of Colored (traded School Forum —The futuin uf —the cnl(iivd~trrctr)ort"~ • chool held its annual meeting at the school auditorium Sunday. The purpose of the forum .is to dis cuss important relative t• the civic and industrial life of the negro in the eomibiunity. The ques tion of better am| happier homes, a promotion of the divic pride along all .lines of citizen hip are also brought up.» Kobort. li. Cobui;n, W. C. Manning, and Deputy Sheriff Crimes were in vited to attend, all of whom were ' called to speak uf some phase of the question of citizenship and development. Prof. Edgar J. Hayes, who is in charge of the school, has proved to 1 be a very good man fur the ioli: ami he ami hi teachers are making good plogress in their work at the colored school. (iather to Study the Production of Ho«s Mr. W." tl"'-*- Overhy, agriculture teacher in tlje Jaiuesville .eehools, is arranging' a serifs of meeting l to be j held iri that school for the purpose of studying the production of hogs, TheJ first of the series of meetings is ,-ehe- ' duled for tonight at 7;.'10. Certain communities mako hundreds | of dollars each year by rnisingdiogs, and these meeting' wTH-Judp to stimu late a greater interest along that fine and to assist those farmers who care tj raise swine for the market. Harrison Brothers Offer Big Reductions r . —— Beginning, tomorrow, llarrijion Pros. & Co., will offer to thCpeiipjo o f this section big reductions in prices on all merchandise. Those re ductions, in many cv.-iss, con titute a marking down to hfelow one-half the market price. This firm each year offers these re ductions in prices, making it ailvan t;»peous to its large number of cus tomers to supply their needs in gen eral merchandise. j Griffin-Dunning Miss Kuth Dunning, of Aulan'djr, and Mr'. J. Roger Griffin, of Woodland, were married on the last day of the old year. Miss Dunning' is well j known in Wyiiamston, where she has j often visited her uncle, Mj. A. , 11. j Dunning. She won the beauty prij?e - at the Eastern Carolina Exposition at Greenville, last year. Mr. and Mrs, Griffln will make their home in Charlotte. . T;' • , -*> - Watch tkc UlKi On Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. ESTABLISHED 1898 New Telephone System Ready About Jan. 20 Material Shortage I)e --|, lays Opening of the New Office The Carolina Telephone & Tele . citph Co. will not move to it.-, new office- this week. a., wa- stated a few l. y ,il,i». The d iay fn moving was , lii ubt about when material for the new -ivjtchiioaii! failed to arrive on .+m*heduled timV" Judging from pres j 4 ■>' in.iica ion ..he change will not be cllieU .I beleie th- 'eth, with the j probability that i will iie even later j that da e befon the new .'sys tem wiU be put into i!M\, Kmploy,, . \if- t!j >, \\, stern Electric I Co. from a. far away as Illinois and I' nil( It..' ,!i h v orkinrr for the . p;i l several wo»k installing ■ . w'jtchboiird. ai.d had th; 1 material l.achci! lii !.■ ;.i line-, tin- tn k ty,).| have been completed by the time an nounce I. Mr. Mullin , head construc tion superirit intent of the telephone company, arrived here last night, and lie will have In ; man tini h the out- Mi' • work ready for Ihe change whep .tl.e work on the switchboard• i comf pteted.' . - . . "I I'pon eomplet u>n of'the new plant, • the company will hold i\ general eel ■ebr.-ition with th. public a it - gue ts. 'I he exact date and nature of the | event- will in '.announced later. According to plan - made a few days the .exchange at Ahoskie will be ijpvitched tu th; 1 cominon-batterv . Vs on the ame'day as the one here switched. The- change to the n>w . system will lie effected without inter- • t fi ling, with t.h • service. New Lumber Firm To Begin Operations "Mr. K. S. McCain, of Hertford, * I v.... iii tile city last' week , making pti parato ii'' for tai ling -iperatioii of llr luiiiiii i' mill which was I'm merly tin \S 1111 a m-K.iii I.umbel co. The null i now owßeil ljy Mr. Mct'abe and Mr. Murray, TIThTI of llertfonl. i'lnv e gentlemen have been in the liunlier business for . omelime and ■ luiVm a large mill in llertfonl. .They are advertising fijf pine e.nd poplar logs and'it i.-. their intention, accorl it)g to ,ftlr. McCabe, to begin work as .soon as n ullicLent numb, r of logs "111 lie; .1-cured regular to ki'ep the mill running once it starts. Deacons to Attend Ordination Service file. G raci n llaptist ,Church, newly .organized .at Washington, N. ('., ■ through it. pastor, Ite.v. '('lrtHlew I!. Tiainniell, extend'il all invitation to pt+ii pastor and board of deacons of the local liaptist church lo assist them \\eilne day evening in the ordination of a deacon. jl , Ai'eon'.ingly. Ihi 'lpa lor, Me is. J. \\. Amler pii t li. Fleming, .1. C. Amlei on, ll'. S. Courtney, A. Y. Ctawfonl. and W. T. Hunter are ex pi c ed. to MI. .i>» to Washington Wed -1 iiesday evening, where the (bacons will take part in the ordination serv ice and Kev. Dickey will preach the sermon. — . , lourtli of July Likely lo lie Celebrated Here There is nothing definite jibout it, but carried, talk is pouring forth on the subject of a Fourth of July cele bration liel'e thi y'ear. liii!her early for plans for an event tliiit far of! to be mentioned, but those iiflerested in offering one of the big irest celebrations -ever held in thts section are luixious to book those feature that require early work. \ The nature of the should it be [held is. not known, but if plans woikvout, all right, a gay and v big tin)e can lie expected. 1 • > Fourth of Jul|' celebratiorts'" in these parts have as a general rule bet ii of little consequence because of a lack of interest.' ~ L ~: t "" ' District IVlanajffer To Move Office Here W. H. Heins, dlst'tict manager of the Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co., will move h*re this week from Ti.rboro, where he has been having his headquarters for the past 10*, months. He -will .have room, in the Tor Heel Apartments. William&ton is about the most cen trally located office in his territory, which includes Tarboro, Pinetops, Williamston, Windsor, Aolander, Ahoskie, Winton and MurfTeejbero. Mr. Hein is very popular with our people and we jjre very glad that It is possible for him to locate hark. ...-1- ■ ■: