Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martin County. VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 90 Tobacco Market Reopened Fire insurance rri« i • Sat* • ii t Association in Tuesday; Prices Are Better Meeting H*fe Small Amount Tobacco Is Sold Account Snow 15 Carloads of Tobacco Shipped to China and Japan Sales on the local tobacco market got off to a slow start this week when the weather prevented the weed being moved. The sales were small al' the week; in fact there were no sales at all on Tuesday and Wednes day. Yesterday, while no great quan tity was marketed, the prices were good, comparing favorably with pre holiday prices, and proved better than those received 8 to 10 days prior to the market's closing; .for the Christ mas holidays. All the buyers were back for the opening, and yesterday's sales went around twice. There is a very small amount of the tobacco crop unmar keted, -but it is understood the ware houses wijl. remain open here during the next two weeks. Ship Tobacco Direct lo China The W. I. Skinner Tobacco Co., of this place, shipped fifteen carloads of tobacco to China and Japan this week. The shipment was" billed direct to Shanghai, China, and Yokohoma, Japan. Special packing of the tobac co was necessary, and several days were required to prepare it for ship ment. As far .as it is known, this constitutes the largest shipment ev«r to be made from here direct to a for eign country. Increased Acreage Kxpeeled According to meager reports circu lated in this section there can be ex pected an increase in the acreage of tobacco here this year. While the in rease is uncertain, for weather condi tions will be felt one way or another, many farmers have stated their in tention to add to their last year's acreage. The result of an increase can net be measured in any definite terms, but those acquainted with the tobacco in dustry seen-TTo think that ft will be t'i the interest of all should the crop be held about the same or decreased a bit. Increases in the crop are ex pected in Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The crop in the Olrt Belt, under last year's weather condi tions, is expected to be about the sume this year. Few Failures Recorded at Oak City Hitfh School OakjCity, Jan. 14.—(Special to The Enterprise.)— The 'Oak City High Si hool has settled down to the regular rrutine after the temporary confusion mused by the holidays and mid-term txaminations. The athletic program is at a standstill on account of the snow; but the attendance during the rough weather has held up remark ably well. Few failures were record ed On the fall semester's work, al though a high standard of excellence is demanded in all departments. Thrfee boys seven girl* are can didates for graduation May. Begin Remodeling Main Street Store The W. C. Miller contracting firm of Washington began work remodel ing the store recently vacated by B. S. Courtney, which now belongs to J. T. Barnhill, of Everetts. The store will be occupied by Mr. Barnhill'R'j' .sons when completed. STRANH THEATRE | J TONIGHT r • \ Corrine Griffith in "INTO HER KING DOM" TOMORROW Richard Talmadge —in — . v * "THRU the Flames" *-« • . Always a Good Show St ' ;• afe-• THE ENTERPRISE Bold Bad Bandif VRSfe' fc. • jfcKs \ . 'IAvTOCA«TCR I -w - £.\. .S~ - New photo of Mrs. Rebecca Rogers of Austin, Texas, 22 year old co-ed bandit, who is charged with holding up and robbing the Fanners' National Bank at Buda, Teneas. When released on bail sh» went off to be married and face; trial after her honeymoon. Local Program atKiwanisClub Number of Local Men Make Suggestions on Needs of Section The Williamston Kiwanis Club held one of its best meetings Wednesday. After several friendly songs and happy greetings, the president, E.-S. l*eel, turned the meeting over to W. C Manning, jr., leader for the day, who, in turn, asked several memoers to talk on the thing they would do to help the community. Mayor Coburn suggested a better system of stabilizing the mercantile business of the community. Mr. E. P. Cunningham also spoke on the same subject. A committee; ccmposod of W. 11. Carstarphen, F. J. •Margolis and N. K. Harrison, was ap pointed co study the question and re port. Dr. John D.' Biggs was called on tJ give a., summary of Babson's "New Seuth" speech at Raleigh last week, which he described as being both sun shiny and rosy for the Southland. —Mfr Cunningham talkeid onJhe suit ject of roads, especially the proposed road through the black-land territory of Hyde, Beaufort, and Washington Counties. Mr. Cunningham favors the present location of the proposed high way leading from Pantego to Ply mouth, rather than change the route so that it would reach from the Lake Phelps section to ne town of Washington, whifch project seems to be bobbing up, a thing some folks say needs to be looked after. Other speakers' were Rev. C. 11. Dickey, who talked from some of his observations In cotton-mill towns, R. A. I'ope, and E. S. Peel, all of whom had something to say about the needs of this section. Parents-Teachers to Present Play Soon Early in February, the Parents- Teachers association will give a play, "The Bachelor's Honeymoon". . The director fo rthe play will arrive next week to begin practicing. In the past all the directors who have put on these contract plays have been v.bmen; a man comes this time. This performance has made great i hits where it has been in this section, according to press reports. Mrs. P. B. Cone, president of the Association, says that the recom mendations are fine and she hopes to stage something that will be pleasing 'to the public and at the same time raise funds for the association. Woman's Club to Have Shower . ! The social committee, Mrs. C. R. Fleming, chairman, will give a show ier next Wednesday afternoon at the | Club rooms. ~ The public is invited and every one who wishes to donate something to complete the furnishings of the Club car. do so and it will be greatly ap preciated. Anything that can be used in the average kitchen or dining room can be used at the Club and those things required when giving parties will be very acceptable be cause the rooms will be used for parties of any size. The hour will be announced in our Tuesday's paper. Misses Annie Harper and Lucy Claire Ivey left yesterday morning for Wilson where they are spending a few days. Misses Qrpah Steed and Norma Ramsey visited in Washington yester i Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, January 14,1927 Series Games to Decide Basket ball Champions Tentative Schedule Is Made But Likely to Undergo Change In a meeting of the Martin County! Athletic Association here this week, u tentative schedule for the county I championship series of basketball pames was made. Ail the members of the association wore not present, and while the plans made will not, be accepted as final, it is expected they will be followed in the staging;' of the basketball champion hip games in the county. The exact date for the. schedule to begin was not defintely decided upon, but the series of games to be played will be over before the time set for the State championship series. While no definite date was assigned, the first game of the series will be played between Jamesville »and Wil liamston at Jamesville. About the sumo time Oak City will meet Rober tfonville on one of their courts. As t he schedule now stands, each of these {earns will play'three games; that is, if three are required to determine who shall advance in the* sories. Should Jamesville win the first two, then .it will play the winner of the short se ries between Robersonville and Oak >City. Qne . game-will be played be tween the winners of the first series, the winning team will then meu4 a 'teaSn advanced from group two. While there are only four teams In! group one, Jamesville, Williamston,! Robersonville, and Oak City, there are six in group two. The"series will go | forward in the second group '» the; ; manner as In group one. Everetts, j Hamilton, Gold Point, Parmele, Hear I Grass, or Farm Life will meet tin 1 I winner of-group one in a final game. The schedule will hold that all j games will be .played as near the lat ter part of the week as possible. On" I game will bo played on each of the courts,.with the third, When IIOC-~ ■ cssary, to be played on a neutral court. j The rules for the series, which arp I not quite complete, will appear with in the next few days along with the Echedule, This scries of games put on by the Martin County Athletic Association is | to be looked upon as separate, and i distinct from the tournament to K (staged under the direction of the To ! eul Kiwanis, Club. Sunday Services at Church of Advent | Rev. C. O. Pal-do, rector. January 10, 1U27: Second Sunday in Epiphany. , Church school, 10 a. ni. • 11 a. m. —Morning prayer and'ser mon. 3.30 p. m.—Holy Trinity Mission. 7.30 p. m.—livening prayer and sermon. Beginning Sunday morning and a gain Sunday night and then for the next few Sundays the rector -will preach a series of sermons djfijjing with the "Trend of the Times," re lated to the teachings and principles of the Christian religion. That every aspect of life is changing is obvious. Our social consciousness is apparent 1/ undergoing a change. What does this portend? The general public is ccrdially invited to attend these serv ices. To Flay Washington Collegiate Institute Everetts, will meet the Washington Collegfate Institute basketball team here tonight at 8 o'clock in he Brick warehouse, according to a message torn Kveretts shortly after noon to day. The game was arranged when it was learned that the Jamesvjlle- Everetts game could not be played as was scheduleel. A good game is expected. MARGOLIS BROTHERS SALE STARTS TODAY Following their usual custom, Mar j jfolis ' Brothers started their sale on all winter apparel and dry- goods this morning." They are offering their customers real baragins in "a line of ; merchandise that will meet with your hearty approval. * This firm since its establishment here, has builded a reputation that is hard to beat, and the main purpose of , their sale is to make room for new stock. \ ~ Entire Cost to Farmer Members Only 22c 011 Each *IOO _i. f r- • The Martin County Branch ol' the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance As i bociation of North Carolina was held ! at the courthouse Wednesday. The meeting was culled to ord>*r by ,W. C. Manning, president. James 1.. Coltrain, secretary an* tieasurec, j 1 made his annual report, wiich was ai cepted and ordered recordtu. The 'ri port showed a jiet gain of il l \ , members during the year tV2)>, briji k * I "'A iKt number up to (it>4. , There* wut> a gain of $112,0(H) insurant m force, v making the total insurance in force in of $1,009,600. i We report also showed (that there were 14 losses in the cotyuj .during the year; 5 tire, T wind, ai:d.2 light iiing. » r " The entice cost for till year for x loss by tire, wind, and to- | gether with the entire cost of man agement of the company, amounted to only 22 cents on the in. m ance. • W. It. Harrington, who had audit ' cd all the books and accounts of -the t association, submitted his ftport, fully | verifying the correctness of the re- | jvrt of the secretary and treasurer end approving the method of tiir a sedation's bookkeeping. The report ■■ el Mr. Harrington was adopted .uid : he was appointed to make Hull and | complete examination of the books in | the yiiat 1927. ' , ! \ t# The following officers were elected | (or this year: W. C. MAnning, pre. i | dent; James L. Coltrain, suiaolaiy and | treasurer; Sylvester Peel. Henry C. Green and Samuel T. Kvr r 'tt, dtr.i ;tors ... . . '1;, The following township .upervi or, wire elected: J. F_. Jackson, H. (>. Sexton, and John 11. ltuiley, Jainesville; W. W. ' ( liflin, Jo.-hua L. Coltrain and I>. 1.. v • . Gardner, Williams; It, McManning, ,v Henry Hoburton and k'. i'eel, CrilUn.-; ' ' Joseph S. (irillln ,A. W. llailey anF James I). Ifowen, Hear Crass; W. S. ' I'eel, L. li. Harrison, anil W. 11. Hog- ' ers, Williamston; J. A. Ausbon, J 11. ' 1 1). I'eel and- Henry I). Peel, Cross ' 1 bonds; li H. Jenkins, A. 12. Smith and "T A. Kui'iling; KoT.ofsdnville;- ■JV R."j ' Harrison, It. !. Taylor and Loioy Taylor, l'oplar I'o.iip; Kd Pur\ is, \V. ' S. Rhodes and T. H. Slade, jr., Ham .TTton; W. li. Everett, \V J. Johnson, anil N r.TJrown, Goose J antes. IJ. Coltrain was elected dele- I ' • gate to the meeting of the State as- I !. —.ouiatiou -at Uahigli January 18. W. ' C. Manning, who is vice president ol > the State association, and who will « nl o elected alternate, j After discussing the, question of li , nance, it appealed " unnecessary to : make an assessment, as from the e . perience of the association there is . ■ i.ow sufficient funds, in hand to pay , the average expected losses until' the ; ' early fall. jamesville-Everetts (>ame Tonight Canceled 1 With no certain.explanation for the ' oct, the Jameaville Everetts basketball : I K«me, which was to have been played * I here tonight, has been called off. Not | "until last night was it learned that • j the game would not be played, when • ' j Jamesville inforrnel the Everetts I oueh that its team was scheduled to | •' 1 plu/ Edenton tonight.. The game has been well advertised, j' ' and devotees of the sport from as far 1 away as liethol have called for infor- 1 ' nation relative to the scheduled meet. While no one seems to know, .and vhile it cjpi not be taken as final, it 1 i'i understood that Keretts called off 1 a game a few weekH ago, and that > j Jame. ville is retaliating by calling off , the one scheduled for tonicht. ' * A statement issued by D. U. 11 ix, ( ' a', noon today reads "Jamerfvillo- ' 1 Everetts game po tponed until next 1 week on account of misund' Ts! anding. ' Jamesville plays in Edenton toni'gljt. ' Everetts will probably"play Washing- , ton Coll»giate In titutie in .William; 'ttorr tonight." ' - 4 , I Methodist For the Next Week Ij > 1 p ! Sunday school, !>. isa. m. m Preaching service, 11 a. m, and 7..'!() | ■ p, in. I 1 "Intermediate Epvvorth League. Si.n --•! day, 2p. r breaching service, Holly Springs, f Sunday, 3pm| y J" Wojnan'a Missionary Society, Mon-j ; day, 3 p. W., at the home of Mrs. W. i I C Liverman. r , i Senior Epworth league, Monday at i 1 7.30 p. m> I Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 7.30 \ p. m. , i - . U ' . » Local School Children Given Unexpected 4-Day Holiday On Account of Bad Weather An unexpected holiday was handed the' children of (he local school Wednesday when the bad weather made impossible more than u 50 pe# cent attendance. The school closed down Tuesday with the intention of reopening ~ Wednesday morning, and it did reopen on : hat day, but the small attendance and other things com- Deputy Sheriff Women's Clubs Struck by Car Ask for Laws S. 11. (.rimes Painfully Australian Ballot and Hurt in Accident Child Labor Laws Last Nitfht Most Important lioputy Sheriff S. 11. Gritnes, had . uairow escape last night*when he \ ;.s .struck by a Dodge car driven by I yman Britt. • .Mr. (iri'me.. who had been to Rober :ei;ville was on his way to Williams about 11 :;;o when his nt and "toft him in the middle of the lead ,\.L (,'ollie swamp. He got out of the car and stood on the running beard and waved I yman Britt down. Britt applied the brakes, too huriedly mi.l >an .ed his car •to skid, the rear . i.d hilling "Grimes' cyr so hard that] it knocked it anil-Grimes both into the .' Vaiwfi. Grimes' thigh was cul very bad) Ijj' not knowing jiK-t how it was Ttrt. Mir wf.und was dresed by Or;:.' Ward', of Robersonville. lie Was car ried to his father's home near Gold Point lie w ill .not be* able to resume hi.| dutie for some weeks. Vhe iiiinif car, a Chevrolet, coupe, was not "badly damaged, just one wheel was knocked off and a window i rokeii In tb" accident, Mr. Britt oi'.caped injury while Miss I .aura Norton, who wa,', iiccompanying him from Robersonl .villo, . offered minor scratches and I i Wi es on one hand. '' The Dodge car was knocked intof the .swamp on the sicfe opposite the place whore Grimes and his car land-| id, two doors wore broken off.-a.nd ii iisidorable other damage done to-it. j invites Public to School of Missions From the nature of the church! . cliool of missions to be held at the, I : ptist Church, the pastor and people | feel justified—hriitking the people of oilier i h i|re lie . to at to nil, .win n to doj 0 would not conllict with their own church duties. f p'or this is by no means to be a| ( oiiiominational school.. It is a mis sion school. Some of the teachers i re nofmembers of the Baptist church • lid some of the courses of study have no connection with Baptist work, but appeal equally to all who are'interest in the subject. Iho pastor of the church did not , In j 1 in to promote the school until af ti i lie had gone into conference with , the other pastors of the town. Each one agreed that it was u wholesome thing to do awl volunteered, so far a possible, to lend any possible as sistance. - Accordingly, it may be assumed that especially the- women's mission- 1 ary societies of Williamston would 'p'ofit by attending these series of services. There will be a lecture per iod once each' week, Tuesday nignts, at 7.30' o'clock. No examinations, j Missionary . songs, missionary Scrip-! tore mid missionary lectures will con-, .■ Unite the program. Every one who waiits to come will 'be welcomed, and class accommoda tions will be ready for all. Especially are*', the minister* of the other, 1 lurches wanted. ' , . ' I Squire Crawford Has a Busy Day 'Squire A. T. Crawford had a busy Juy when he answered Cupid's sum mons to the courthouse last Wednes dny,. where he married two couples in the grand jury room. Hardly had he married Leroy Clemmons and Priscilla Ruffin than ,hn was called again to unite Wjti. ('. Slade and 0. V. Keel. The two c'ouples, both colored, were very much please with the knot, and h ft, the of justice rowing the boat together. . , Dressed as she was never' dressed b fore, one of the brides entered the wedding ceremony with white shoes, white hose, white silk dress, white ; iovesj and a white garland of flowers upon her head. A third courthouse weelding was missed when W. M. Walton took his girl, Annie Mae Cherry, to the home, 1 v. here they were married and where a "breakdown" was held. * I • > i bined prompted the school heads to announce a holiday for Ihe « rest of the week, (. lasses M ill be resumed nevt Monday. The onl) desirable p.irl con nected with the four days off came when it was stated that all lost time will be made up before !' school closes. - • ■ _ _ _ i The measures which tile legislative council of the North Carolina women is asking the North Carolina 1.-gisla- ; tui'o to pa s a'iv receiving much at . tention throughout the .State, ami art? . interesting within themselves. The | local Woman'-, duh has asked the •views'of Scnaii.i Clayton Moore ami i keprcseiitativo Kverett regarding the i suggested mesiiure-. Their views are . Similar'in a Hernial way, but as to de tails they, (lull'!' to -OIUO extent. The j \ievvs of various senators ami repre- | sentiltives are being • asked by the .( mi men's clubs.;. ill various pi aces. On the face of it, the Two Weeks , Notice Hofoic Marriage measure is ut'tmeting -Uw-wiowl interest,. - Kepre- , si ntative Everett is in favor of.such a measure. while Senator Moore i - a hit dubious as to any" real worth to - IH> do ivied from it. The measures asked by the ladies: 1. A State-wide Australian Ilallot La, 12. A I .aw Limiting the Working- Day of Children Under "Hi to K Hours a Day in Industrial and Mercantile . l'ui suits. Very few people in North Carolina know that there are children, thoug-, j amis of tJiein, are having their lives stolen from Ihem by. the greed ,ot | our State's rich manufacturers. The Kstahli' liineut of a Farm j Prison for Women OlFeinlers Older | Than, Those UeceiveiL at Samarcand. 4. Two Weeks Notice llefore MaP»! rluKi". ——— '5. 'Caking over by ■tin 1 State of the Reformatory for Colored (iirls. Baptists Make Announcements l lii' big rrmt-w+rirti n.nifrotttvthr- — i llurch now is the M'IIOO) of missions, | which begins Tue day night at 7.H0. o'clock. All the teluhers lue secured, Miss Kleanor Stanlmck kindly agree ing to take the la .-■► which Was to have heen taught hy Mr . ('. A' liar rison. 'lhe church member. sliouliT (Teiii" the deck for this great effort and , Hp port i' ino."t royally and enthusiast! tally. The adults and the children of all ages_will lie included. The Sun day school teachers vhould, hy all moans, not miss a sis,- inn. of course, the aid and tins ionaiy .-ucietic ; wilh prominently attend. I'arent.j -children young people all of tin in will lie ex pected to rally strongly to' help make the school a great success. A letter has already Jieeii (uceived from I» r. Wm. I.oui I'oteat, saying he Would he here to speak to us, an nouncements of which will lie made later. ' , Sunday morning the sermon will i safind the keynote in-the series. Sunday evening the. text used will I he the one with which" Martin fiuther ; shook the .world and inaugurated the I ] J roto.staiit"f{eformaHop. , - Let uS make Sunday a great day, from which we can go into the mis sion school with great spiritual fer | Vor and zest> Town Team Defeats Hertford Five, 35-10 * In'a featurc-les.s game, here last night, the town team defeated Hert ford's fivu by a score-of 35 to 10. Jn dividual stars 011 either team remained dormant, while the all around team work of both fives was evident. Hert fcrJ played a good, game, but the hoys I here had it outclassed.;——l .. The support off-ml the* town team here is decidedly weak, and the boys ;Oe playing under financial handicaps. The local hoys have played good bajl in the past, an have proved them f elves a credit to the uport in this section of the State, and it is little less than a shame that we allowtheir team to go unsupported. On Thursday, January 20, Snow Hill will send its. team here to do bat- ! | tie with the town team. A good game ; in expected, and fans are urged to attend. " , W'atch the Lab*-., On Your Paper; If Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. KSTABLISHED 1898 Orders Verdict of 'Not Guilty' In Phelps Case Judge Nunn is Criticised for Verdict in Case at Plymouth Jurttse H. A. Nunn ordered a verdict of not guilty yesterday in the a ; Geo. VV. Phelps and her daughter , l.ula Pritchard, charged with killing Mrs. Phelps' husband on Sunday, December 2t>. The case was btin tried in Washington County su perior court'at Plymouth. Mr. I'help- was found dead sitting in a chair at his Imme, with bullet w uiuls in his head and right breast. .Mrs. Phelp'., and her daughter and lite dead man were the otily people in lite home when the tragedy occurred.,. Mrs. l'hdps stated thut she ami her daughter attempted to visit at the in * iiiof a neighbour named Alexander, ami that .Phelps objected and took nis v il'r's cloak; that she proceeded to get a.',other and went on the front porch and waited for her daughter, and just a he i-itnie out they heard a pistol tire. They both stated that they did not n turn to ,-ee what it meant, but went t , tin- road and hailed a passer by, who went ip and found the husband ■sitting in a chair dead. They stated at the time Vhat sonie one had shot" 1;iill through, tlii: wunlu.w, but the uu tomatic pistol,,which had killed him wtr>; lying by liirn avrd two ejected shells found on the lloor. Neither of the twi) women went to Txirmim> tlic . uri'ounilings rtor to -,> • In.' dead man. - The county coroner, l>r. Hi ay, fend 'Sheriff Heiil, with others, were soon ,on the Fcene and took the case tn 1 charge. Sheriff Keid. picked up the pistol by the barrel, handling it without touch "TTtn the grfir. "Tttr pistol was ta'keii tn — l'.aleigh to a linger print expert, who found that the person who handled the pistol had gloves" on, and it was im possible to gain- uCt imony in that' way, though it appeared significant that Miss Pritchard generally wears gloves, which she did throughout the trial. . The State began its testimony on Tuesday and built up a long line of i iret!mst'intia 1 evidence, yet perhaps lint s't'ruiin enough to convict. The istate continued its testimony through all of concluding in the late afternoon, alter which Judge NAIIIII onlered a verdict" of acquittal against, l.ula Pritchard. Thursday morning, the defense went 1 n the stand and concluded at I o'- clock, when Judge Nunn, on his' own --ei-t t+nr"rhnr[ r ' r "nTrai list ' ~ Mrs. I'helps withoui letting "the iase i'n to the jury. 2 111 formation received here is that a" "general feeling of disgust .seems to I ii-vail in the entire county, certainly a mom; the belter class of people, all believing one of the women did tne kiTl i n g.. "" ~ ; -r — I he wiimmi, who are openly branded a ill famed, are. alleged to have lie-.' mine lired-of Mr. I'helps, who .seemed to want decency to prevail. Some say it was a case of the wrong man killed. The-action of Judge Nunn in dis misKing the case is being openly crit icized, and some are indignant, be- , In ving that he assumed too much au thority'when he took the rights of the State from the hands of a jury. Some see ill to be disgusted with t nulls, it being stated that this is the seventeenth murder in a small section of Washington County without a con viction. > I ive Initiated at Junior Order Meet Martin Council, No. 122, Jr. O. U. A. M., met in regular session Thursday' i ight, January 13, with J. Marshall liogerson, Councillor, presiding. The hii.-iiiess of the evening was trans a. tedj after which the following can didates yyere initiated: Robert E. Man ning, George Harris, jr., J. F). llarri ) yi, ('. E. Jenkins, and J. Claud"*f.«;,t. After all the new membefs a short talk it was decided to hav on- oyster feast for these boys after th ' n:-\t 1 meeting • night, which will" be Jail miry '?7. All members of file cotihcil are uiged to be present. .£ 1 ' Woman's Club To Have First Dance Monday The Woman's club announces' a dance for next Monday night from 9 t', 12. The Robersonville orchestaa with Mrs. W. R. Watts at the piano will furnish the music. 'Hie club rooms have recently been ■ completed and the first dance wa* to have. been held last Monday night, but unfavorable weather prevented it. Sandwiches will be served free, and small, -admission fee will be charg- 4 | ca. The public is cordially invited.

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