THE ENTERPRISE .. * Published Every Tuesday and Friday by !he ENTERI 'RISE PU BLISHLN (; COM I 'AN V Wiliiamston, Nor th Carotin a W. C. Manning" - Editor Subscript ion Hi Ice "T . •' (Strictly cash in advance), • '! year ' $l5O £ months £ : *BO 8 months —. . -45 Entered at the post office N. C. as second-class matter uncle'* the. i:ft of March -3 1879. . Address all communications to The Enterprise Need Law to Stop Thoughtless Marriages , Let our legislature make it a law requiring every "person proposing to hiurry to post announcement of the fact two weeks previous to- the eere nidny. In the early iia> 111 many sections of our State proposed marriages were brought before the churches, especi ally the Quakers, when the fitness of the parties to thi jiropo: • 1 marriage was discussed, o-prciaily tue cliarac tei as" well a- the ph>"-;cal fitness of both the man' and woman. jHe Weakness ol Secret mii ! .uveinment Meiiibul of the Glutei l ip'r Rial), cf Craven Count). ;• Ii i:nu tines or ,-.e 11V I.' I' * I '—— H —ti'ii' i Mi JU(l>;i'— Cranmer laftt week. *. * This case again emphasizes ' the weakness uf set if', i^overnment. A buncji of. g**od iume t eo^iiit r\ men in this ca.-« I -a> i• 1 themselves together fur the purpn-* -t4~io*»ev,t-. ir.g the wrong.-- of the »"'i'hU>rhood-. This time they attempted to kidnap - unii beat Koy Meilaoai:. a yv'nu#.* man who was charged with mistreating an lh-year-old girl of the community. The law says the virtue and honor of woman is tile mo t sacred ol all things, anil proposes to defend them. Vet it makes so ninny botches, and offers so many technkaJitie, and loop holes where men with money or those up who care to put op false te.sti-. mony are -able-tog'■ clear of many . crimes. Thi.- i • i> all} true in the case of betrayaJ of wefne'n; the world is cruel enough to charge her with the fault and look on let with scorn. The protection of the woman who has been overtaken in her weakness, is not always satisfactory, tor this reeVon men who fail to consider rush to correct - such .affairs by ,Uy ir own force. This i.- perhaps one of the principal grounds u]K>n which ,the (ira'id Tiger Klan was formed. I'ossjbly they honestly thought Me llwean needed correction and that ii sound thrashing would be better than to drag the girl into coucL to have the finger of scorn pointed'st her. Klansmen all profess lawfulness, yet practice lawlessness. In fact, there i- ;i law to care for every one of their demands. It seems that Klansmen are "usually good fellows disgusted with courts and,, and they Murray & McCabe Co. SUCCESSORS TO Williamston Lumber Company Operations Will Baffin as Soon as Logs Can be Secured and Start Coming to the Mill - ' *•.. \ 4 _ «- V • " ■« . .-We want an experience. I man in drying grading, and the manufacture of lumber. Attractive for the right man, but must be* willing to work and able to handle thejpb.. • , Pine and Poplar Logs Wanted \ Address all Communications to Murray and McCabe Co., Hertford, N. C. in tha. day. theie was more con : iiO r.,t 101 i;ivt n .o ill" sacredliess of the: man.. nnp,.v .Ji -ling thought -1 |e.-'s girl*. v\ i i not nr.irnt u|i by'some ' (.rtlib -- nip i.nd ettri'ie.l away to have bet 11! i. Mille d l»y soine unworthy dunk. a- i hN Ir-.juetitly the case ' thr-e day:- - . . ' \ f»l !»• ■»' i- '(' L iature make law i • ij'. .M'f Ji'.ild.i i.otice before Icon n.te.- y..u will stop many 11.CUI 'li e* > • .Vs. t !♦ idm-Ivcs. • \. 11 jj. may 1 it*, ii is , ; v i>:i T . v ' public is tired (• h ■ ,ii'r (' .'i iitik* so much v t :\ . i:l 1 w ——rr —■■■• wr Kiw .utui ii'iiii.i > v.t- * * it >•. . ii Ui«' t \ >ec them 7" iI-.i ',«•» ' * I ■ U>!\ Iciiows i hat \\ i . ■ ■ .i .»• white tnun i; t til!*«'• fcrl ■ a fair ~4*+ul. v -U»al the.y. !«» ■4 ot) ■ .—ul— lffljtst. oT h ' folk , i k i. the i,ii'li and I'ivii: ie u ■ I iiv.ii I, tiiey get too, "iair ;> , li aie thousands ».t i n v I. (Hi powerful. lawyers, Ix'li.'lr. .: i• . ■ .-mutinies, hired jlijlor: . ihi 'lack l ju t:ee and turn I'Miuiniti i" tar-world. It is Lm in-, ii, ,i „ iiij. e\i'ii in our North e-n 11.1 iii.t court#. . .'iii .' a '- ii pinioii,, uie the rea- I iviuiis. the Ku Klux J-.!; 111 ..« : , •! till Ml elves together t, ti, !• i•. i• ■ the failures of the nun i i'> n i'. they can not mend ii.;:t{' i • i;. I.i. .Hue lawbreakers, i!uny i ' T. i i htMnselvoa Til,-:'LKi « i;U-BOX .III:N I !•:'■ lM.t HEN 111 WD. IS THF '•ruilll 111 \IM IN (Ol NTV" 111 the editor: It is -in|.11.-into what exti nl pn>\ iiu-'.al is w" |i:'per reporters auc poljticians « i'l u'o irf oider to get in t:> ihf .linst lie lit and to git cheap-MO' teriety. The e. ii lying of Reub >r liland, oi Martin County, to Wa; h ii!»[nn " In vif wed li_\ the ("otign sf and .to visit the President is a notablf exampl" .of what one will do to gel thi: publicity - There are. many per sons ill thi roan l ) who are of th sume sentiment a - Norn Hayes, th notetl actress, who. when she was in formed that Reuben Hland, the futhei of ."1 childt > n \v.t- her at th( , White ilotisi , said, "Thank Cod, I an I ,'vitv, town t*. 'ayr* / One n wspjpi r cei re>|fondent spok ol Reuben Bland as "the pride of J Martin County." Surely,' this county J has not sunk to such an extent as to j allow this assertion to go unchalleng-1 ' ed. Reuben Bland is a man, perhaps | a good man, who lives in this county, | near JCobersonville; and who, accord j ing to his own statement, is not a 'philosopher. fWhen he asked who, Socrates and Plato were and was in-! formed they were philosophers of a by-gone age, who perhaps had no chil dren, he said, "Well, 1 ain't no philosr opher." For such a man as this to b-i pointed out at the capital of this' nation as the pride of Martin County is too Tudricous, There are many of; the other animals of the animal king-1 oom who haye the same record as ( ' Reuben Bland; one's hogs, one's sheep and cattle reproduce themselves with similar regularity and numbers. This fact that he is the father of 34 chil dren does not make him stand alone among the others of the animal king oom. And for him to be called "the pride of Martin County" is an affront to the splendid citizenship of the old County. The pride of Martin County is not in such a lnan'as this. Our pride is | in the men and women who are cul- j tivated, educated, enriched, and who I are doing things for the betterment lo maifkind. The pride of Martin lies i in those citizens who are of real serv- ! j ice to the communities in wheh they ! reside and .not in those who fill the ! county with useless, worthless citizens ■ who in many instances, become public j charges ami nuisances. Our roads, our ! - si hool system, our splendid crops, our cultivated and enlightened citizenship are the pride of Martin County, and oui pride does not lie in a man whose ( nly claim to distinction is that he is the father of 34 children. The New York World very aptly expresses itself in this matter when i f . said, "When a man causes his'"wife] to become the mother of 17 to 19 chil-1 dren, we think he needs npt the ap- j plau.-e of Congress but the investiga tion." It is a scientific medical fact | well known among the profession and j iht more intelligent of the laity that j children who are born of immature parents and in such rapid succession never mature, either mentally, physi cally, or morally, as those children who -are more fortunate in having for their parents who hold themselves un der control, and who are born under more satisfactory circumstances. Rec ords show that most of the criminal world is composed of those persons who are thus so unfortunately born, the insane asylums show a similar record; and If one wishes to he may investigate,, the records of local his tory and find a similar fttate. liet it be hoped that never again will a man from Martin County who claims to be the father of 34 children be pointed out as the pride of Martin j County. Our people are too far ad i vanced, too intellectual, too cultivated . to Kohl a man in such esteem. One might point with pride to the splendid records of his Du roc-Jersey hogs, his j highly pedigreed dog, or horse; but for the average man in this county 1 who allows this many children to be \ boH> to hit wife when he is not able j ; 'o clothe properly, to educate and en lighten, and to have thrown around ; them the necessary protection which j i very parent us supposed to give to f I, is children, to which every child born j is entitled, he must never again be | pointed out as the pride of Martin j County, wheih boasts of as fine a cit izenship, as cultivated a society, as ! enviable a history and as high ideals as any county in any State of the ' United States of America. A SUBSCRIBER. 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE . Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Mrs. Har riet E. Ward, late of Martin County, jail persons holding claims against the ,estate of the said Harriet E. Ward ', are hereby notified to present same ■"to the undersigned for payment on ■ j or before December 11, 1927, or this ' | notice will be plead in bar of their re co very.- \ | All persons indebted to the said es r | tate will come forward and pay same '•promptly. This December' 11, 1926. S. M. JONES, Administrator, i) Bethel, N. C. dl 4 6tw TUfci ENI ERI'KI.SU—WILLIAItSTOIt, N. C NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power ol sale contained in that certain mort gage executed on the 31st day of March, 1921, by Alexander Hill and wife, Cora Hill, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Lk ok H-2, at page 56, said mortgage being given to secure the payment of cettain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said mortgage not having been complied with/ and at the request of the par ties interested, the undersigned mort gagee will on the 17th day of Janu ary. 1 U27„ at 12 o'clock m., at the ■ ourthous*'(ioor in the town of Wil liamston, C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auc tion the following described tract of land, to wit: Hcin;r in Jamesyille Township, and bounded as follows: On the north by YV. G. Gaylord, on the south by W. li. JumeF, on the west by the Daily lioud. containing 40 acres, and known as ine I'ollie Ange tract of land. This the 17th day of December, 1926 C. C. JAMES, l2 i 4tw Mortgagee. Robert L. 'Coburn attorney. S'iATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF MARTIN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Willie-Ann Nichols, Plaintiff, - \ x- Gcorjre • N'ichnl , D ft ndant. Strviie by Publication, The defer,iart above named will tale notice 'hat ui. a".ion entitled as abo.T htu ' I.IM. cjiiimenceH i,. the Su pi ridi ( jouri id' Martin County, North C-.r lira, u.i absolute divorce; i,ni iii, u' "u findant will further t; k ii.a:f it •is required to ap p ar bcfi t ■.he Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County on the 14th I'uy of February-1927 at Williams ton, N. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said com plaint. This the 11th day of January 1927. R. J. PEEL, Clerk pi' the Superior Court. Hugh G. Horton, Attorney. NOTMIi (1% SALE Under and by virtue of the power: of sale contained in that certain deed| of trust executed on the 15th day of! June, 1926, by Julius S. reel, and ofj record in the public registry of Mar-j tin County in book Q-2, at page 58.'i, j said deed of trust being given to se-; cure the payment of certain note* of oven date and tenor therewith, and! the stipulations in said deed of trust' no having been complied with, and at the request the parties interested, he undersigned trustee will on the ;. . • MLE & PEAKED I Texas Lady Was Adriitd by ik Mother To Toko Cardui, Which She Did With Good Resalts. Hamilton, Texas.—Mia. Gladys Poitevint, of thia city, says: "At times I Buffered awfully with pains across my through my ; aides. I would have to go to bad ' and stay two or three days at a time. It waa very warriaonML I ! managed to keep going, but • . . did not eayjy myself at-aIL "One (lay iny mother remarkad on how bad I looked. She said: *You look so pale and peaked, why doot you take a bottle of Carduir She bad taken it herself a uumm of times, and it had always improved her health, so she thought t had i bettor try it V I got the Cardui and began tak ing it, and from the first ooae or two I could aee a change for the better. The first thing I noticed was that my appetite waa improved. I began to be hungry and I enjoyed my meala. I slept better at night My rest was so much quieter that 1 got the benefit from ft I kept on with the Cardui and took ft tor several months. The pains in my back and sides grew less until thay finally quit l>othering ma." Try Cardui for your cam. At all drug store*. NC-ITt 1 ■—l'l 11 if.l I'Mi'jiliT 17th day of January, 1927, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door in iht town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following de scribed tract of land to wit: Beginning on the western extension I ( f Main Street in Williamston, N. C., at J. B. McGowan's corner, and run ning thence along the State Highway ! a straight course westwardly for a bout 200 yards, to a corner, Luke i lamb's line; thence at angles and a 'long said Lamb's line to a corner, the A. C. L. right of way, about one hun dred and seventy yards; thence at angles and along said A. C. right of way towards McGowan's line and run ning to McGowan's line, a corner; thence at angles and along said Mc- Gowan's line to the beginning, con taining five and one-half acres, more or less, and being part of the origi nal Garden Terrace property pur chased of Mrs. C. A. Martin. This 18th day of December, 1926. ELBERT S. PEEL, . d2l Trustee. Robert L. Coburn, attorney. NOTICE: TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS w, Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed and delivered unto J. C. Smith, tniftee, by trustee of Middle Ground Roanoke Missionary liaptist Association, on the 10th day of February, 1920, to secure certain indebtedness, and of record in Mar- How Doctors Treat " Colds and the Flu To break up : a cold overnight or to cut short an attack of grippe, in fluenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, phy sicians and druggists are now recom mending Calotabs, the purified and refined calomel compound tablet that gives you the effects of calomel and salts combined, without the unpleas , ant effects of either. One or two Calotabs at bed-time with a swallow of water, —that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, work or pleasure. Next morning your cold has vanished, your system is thor oughly purified and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break fast Eat what you please,—no dan ger. Get a family package, containing full directions, only 35 cents. At any drug store. (adv) New Low Prices •.V . . - Cars and Trucks EFFECTIVE JANUARY Ist, 1927 , • f . . * , . ' Delivered In Washington Touring car .1 : - $590.00 Roadster - - 590.00 Coupe 710.00 Coach - 680.00 Sedan I - 772.00 Landau - 833.00 Ton Truck $595.00; Cab, $125.00; 80dy,.575.00 One-half ton truck -....r. Jj>450.00 Cabriolet .. 800.00 All passenger cars have disc wheels and balloon tires. Wood wheels $lO extra. Carloads of the new models are being received daily, ready for immediate delivery. Before you buy see B. R. Barnhill, local representative. B. R. Barnhill * REPRESENTATIVE OP- * Susm&n Motor Co. WASHINGTON, N.G . • tin County public registry, in book A-2, page 530; and the stipulators therein contained not having been complied with, and upon demand of the owner of said indebtedness, the undersigned will, on Tuesday, the first day of February, 1927, at two o'clock p m., in front of Bank of Roberson ville, in town of Robersonville, said county, expose to public sale, for cash the following described lands, to wit: Situate in the town of Papnele, N. C., in raid county and State, and on the corner of Cross and Second Streets, and beginning, at the east cor ner of Cross and Second Streets, and beginning at the east corner of the W. W. Harper line, and running thence along the south line or line of No Waiting Our Meats Arc Cut the Modern Sanitary Way With Jim' Vaughan The New Sanitary # Electric Mea Quick Service Even Cut Meats No Bone Splinters . A . Theo Roberson MEATSOFALL KINDS t • «*" - ' ' Washington Road Telephone 2433 Cross Street 70 yard? to Second St.; thence southerly along Second Street 140 yards to Church Street; thence northerly along Church Street 70 yards to Church lot; thence easterly along a ditch 140 yards to the begin ning, and being same lands conveyed to S. R. Riddick, H. C. Jones, and others, trustees for Middle Ground Ro anoke Missionary Baptist Association by deed of record in Martin County registry, in book G-l, page 16, ami beingrthe same lot of which said as sociation's "school building now stands and this" description includes said building. Thi; January Ist, 1927. J. C. SMITH, j4 4tw Trustee.