Entertainments Club Meetings Engarements Wcddui(t Etc. Miss Maud Leggett has returned from her sister's, Mrs. A. E. Manning, near ttaruison s Mill, wnere she spent last week. A. F. Manning, who represents the Montgomery Lumber Co., of Sutfolk, is in town this week. Carol White, Powell Edwards, and Otcar Paul, of Washington, visited friends' here Sunday. Rev. B. Duke Crncher, of Battle boro, visited his motner, Mrs. R. S. Critcher, who continues very ill, on last Saturday. W. C. Manning is attending the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance As sociation's annual meeting and the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge 01 North Carolina, both of which are being held in Raleigh this week. Miss Anna Pope fias returned home from Battleboro, where she has been with Rev. and Mrs. Duke Critcher since before Chris.mas. She was with them during the illness of their little daughter, Rosamond, who is conval escing from- a case of penumonia. Mr. anWtors. John Corey, Mrs. Al fred Hardison, and Mr. Williet. Whit ley, of Hardison's Mill, were visitors here yesterday. Mesdames J. H. Saunders, J. S. Khode.-i, S. H. Biggs and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Godurd ijnd Rev. Clarance O. Pardo motored to Rocky Mount yes terday, where Mr. l'ardo went to have liis eyes examined by Dr. Quillen. W. L. Stalls and Luther Peel spent yesterday in Wilson. They brought home the car which was 5 wrecked sev eral weeks ago with ex-Sheriff H. T. Roberson. W. M. Bcacham was a visitor in «uur office yesterday. Mr. Beacham is from Jamesville K. F. D. James L. Col train, secretary of the Martin County Unit of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Assocaition is in Raleigh this week,- attending the annual meeting. Mr. Coltrain is a very efficient officer, and the mutual association is doing a big business in the county, insuring only farm prop-' crty. Mr. and Mrs. H. F Freeman and son of New Yo.rk, are visitnig Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Cone. Sam Anderson, of Leggetts, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ander son, at Mr. and \Jrs. C. A. Harrison's. Mr. A. T. Lilley, of Koute 4, was a business visitor, here todays D. G. Matthews, of Hamilton, spent yesterday in town oh business. Mendall Susman, of Washington, ■was a business visitor here yesterday. C A. HAKKK TO MANAGE NEW HOTEL AT DUNN "Dunn Hotel Company cordially in vites you to attend the formal open ing and banquet of the Cottondalc ilotel, Dunn, N. C., on Friday even ing, the twenty-first of January, 1927. deception at 7p. m. Banquet at 8:00 p. m. Dancing. C.. A. Baker, manager." The above invitation has been re ceived by friends of Mr. Baker in Williamston. Mr. Baker is a former resident of Williamston and has many friends here who that] he has been so successful in his worki and that he will have such a modem j and up-to-date hotel as the Cottondale under his management. It is one of I the most modern hotels in any small •city , in North Carolina. * • Statement of the Condition of FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK WILLLAMffTON NORTH CAROLINA AT CALL OF DECEMBER 31st, 1926 UKTH CAROLINA RESOURCES X *. ;■ - ' Loans and discounts ....: L v .......v...5471,189.55 > - LIABILITIES ffitds::: * , 1 : *ioo,ooon 0 • Banking- house ....:, ...1 16,240.51 \ ®J? r P{ us f nd undivided profits 8,217.66 * Real estate ... e • -•* Cash and due from banks 164,025.48 - DEPOSITS 723,392.77 * * L —• *" ... V ■ $831,634.42 ' . 1831,634.42 We have enjoyed serving: you in the past and look for- DEPOSITS COMPARED ' 1 % DIRECTORS ward with greatest pleasure in serving you in the future. n . 01 IflOC \ - December 31,1925 ~..5620,633.77 C. D. Carstarphen J. Eason Lilley R.W, Salsbury Jno. D. Biggs, President C, D; Cartsarphen, jr., Cashier December 31,1926 723,392.73 f. U. Barnes Javan Rogers Jno. D. Biggs ———— mmmm^mmm —————— —— —J -j Society & Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor A. Corey and the Martin twins, , 1 Russell and C. 8., of Jamesville, and | Clayton Moore returned to Raleigh j yesterday after spending the week ! end in their respective'ho'mes. I I » |CELEBRATE GOLDEN 1 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Rev. and Mrs. George J. Dowell, j 218 Polk Street, Raleigh, celebrated 1 their golden wedding anniversary on ! 'fuesuay, January ,11. Mrs. Dowell ! was Miss Franquilla Yatea, daughter j of Alvis and Mary Yaies, and was ' married at the home of her parents, J one mile from Cary, 50 years ago to ; Kev. Geo. J. Dowell. Dr. J. D. Huf ham, then pastor the Baptist Church | of Raleigh, performed the Since then Mr. Dowell has held pas torates in Wake, Martin, Durham, ' Robeson, Rutherford/, and Pitt Couu ■j ties. The last Mr. Dowell I has liyed quietly, only occasionally j doing supply work. | To this ynion seven children were born, all of whom are living: Dr. Spright Dowell, of Auburn, Ala.; Mrs. Refund Bea.sley, of Monroe; Mrs. M. ('. Jenkins Jacksonville, Fla.; Miss l'attie Dowell, Newton; Mr. A. Yates Dowell, 1 Washington, D. C.; Mrs. R. T. Coburn and Mr. Geo. J. Dowell, jr., Raleigh, besides nineteen grandchil dren. i Mr. Will B. Dowell of Birminghai.i, Ala., is a son of Mr. Dowell by a mer marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Dowell were the re | cipients of numerous congratulations 1 and best wishi * nad many llowers and | gifts from relatives and friends. I ——' ———-rr: ——— j D. A. R. MEETING WITH MRS. J. R. SAUNDERS The regular meeting of the Gideon Lamb Chapter of the D. A. R|'s was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Saun ders last Friday evening with Mrs. Saunders hostess. Mrs. A, R. Dun r rung, regentpresided ~snt Tfte meeting ! was opened with prayer and the creed i repeated before the program was be ! sun. Mrs. J. H. Saunders read a paper on the "History of the Constitution" i pnd Mrs. John D. Biggs explained the "History of the American Creed." A short busines session was held and it was Voted to send a donation to the State chuiraman of "Old Trail." | Three new members were enrolled at the meeting, Mesdames, F. U. Karnes, Z. 11. Rose and E. P. Cun ningham taking membership. The hostess served a delicious ice course before *he meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be held with vMrs. John D. Biggs the first Friday i.. February. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE Under and by virtue" of the power j of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned tnistee by W. R. Roebuck and wife, Dora Roebuck on the 28th day of November, 1923 securing certain notes of even date and tenor therewith and j recorded in Martin County Registry Book N-2, page 421 and default hav ing been made in the payment of the said notes and the stipulations con tained tlferein not having been com plied withand at the request of the holders of the note the undersigned trustee will on the 4ttrday of Febru ary, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. in front of) the courthouse door in the town of V.'illiamston, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash ( the* following described real estate, to-wft: Situate in Hear Grass Township, Martin County, North Carolina, bound the North by the lands of W. R. Roebuck, oiy'fhe East by th«sand.s of Warrfer Cowing and tHe Harrison lands, on the South by the lands of Henry Legett and Jerry Leggett heirs. Containing 200 acres more or THE ENTERPRISE—WILLIAMSTON. N. C PHONE Anything for This Department To 4 6 i, CARD CLUB MEETING lj HELD LAST THURSDAY l j The regular meeting of the Card i Club was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Saunders last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, wlio made high score, was presented a paperweight. Mrs. K. B. Crawford and Mrs. C. i O. Pardo were special guests. 1 The hostess served a salad course i consisting of chicken salad, sand- 1 1 wiches, pickles, wafers, and tea. r| ' , s SANDY RIDGE LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Misses Louallie Pate and Beatrice . Cherry spent Saturday night and i Sunday in Robersonville with rela-i ' m j- tives. N | Mrs. T. A. Peel and son, Felix,' [ spent Wednesday with Mrs. Jim Ty ! ree. ! Mrs. Hob Parker has returned to, j Reeky Mount, after speiiding some! ' time with relatives here, j Messrs. A. W'. Hardison and J. B. > ' Lanier visited Mrs. W. 11. Daniel at " | Sanatorium Friday. Misses Eliza and Carrie L. Coltrain 5 and Luvenia Hopkins motored to Wil -1 liamston Wednesday afternoon. Misses Mildred Waters, Minnie Hop ' kins and Carrie Belle Warren were shoppers in Williamstoo Thursday. > father, E. B, Roebuck and mother, " >»®lary E. Roebuck; reference being | made to said deed for a more perfect ■ description. Saving and excepting ' from the operation of the deed about ' 19 Seres heretofore .sold to Warner [ Cowing., . ; : j This the 3rd day of January 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL, | l-4-4t Trustee. 1 less and being the same land that 1 was deed to W. R. Roebuck by his J j NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL j PROPERTY I I Under and by virtue of the power of • sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned [ trustee by A. 1.. Rogerson and wife, Mary Amanda Rogerson on the 23ul day of February, 1925 securing eff tain noles of even date and tenor , therewith and recorded in Martin ; County Registry, Hook lj 2, Page 316' and default having been made in the payment of the said notes and the stipulations contained therein not having been complied with and at the request of the holders of the said note.- the undersigned trustee will on February 4th, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. .in front of the courthouse door "in th«£ town of Williamston, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described, real es tate, to-wit: llcginning at Dennis Peel's corner in Adkin Branch, running thence a I South course with Dennis Peel's line j' to Dennis Peel's and Claude White- I hurst's corner in Bee Tree Hranch, thence a West eour.se down tliQ run of ! Bee Tree Hranch with Claude White-* huri.t's line to C. 'l'. Peel's corner, 1 ttfence a Northern cour e with C. 'J". Peel's line to J. E. Gurganus line to Adkin Branch, thence with Adkin Hrancff to the b ginning. Containing 38 acres more or less. This same be ing all of the land owned by the said A. L. Rogerson in Hear Crass Town-j j This the 3rd day of January, 192(5 ELBERT S. PEEL, l-4-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND j I!y virtue of the power and author | ity given in a certain Deed of Trust I executed by I'. S. liullork and wife, Ella Hullork to the undersigned Trus tee, of record in Book Q-2, Page, Office of the Register of Deeds for Martin County, North Carolina, de fault having-been-made in the pay ment of the indebtedness -ecured ■ thereby, I will on Monday the 7th day of February 1927 at 12 o'clock i M. at the Court House Door, William- I ston, N. C. sell at public auction to , ; the highest bidder for cash, the fol- ' lowing described tract or parcel of j laird ,to-wit: • • Situate in the Town or Williams ton, North Carolina, adjoining the lot of the Williamston Ginning and Mill ing Company, beginning at the corner of raid Lot, running thence Easterly with the Street 89 feet, thence South erly along the Street 95 feet, thence wiih the line jf 'the Williamlon Gin ning and Milling Company 105 feet to the beginning, beinpr thofcime land j conveyed to J oel Bennett by deed 'j from H. 13. Peele and wife Emma j Sexton Peel, dated June SUth. 1922, | and of record in the Public Registry ; of Martin Coun.y and being the same land this day conveyed to P. ■&. Bul , lock by Elbert S". Peel, Trustee. This Jtnuarv 6th, 1927. i Time of Sale: Monday, February 7, P1927, 12 o'clock^. Placo of sa'e: Court House Door, ' Williamston, N C. Terms of Sale: , WHEELER MARTIN, ,1 l-7-4t Trustee. I Craig an I Piitchett, 'attorneys. "NOTICE OF SALE" Notice is hereby given that under in that certain deed of trust executed aiid by virtue of the power contained i b> J. J. F. Modlin and wife, Mary L. I '~>Modlin, bearing date of Januaiy 31st j 1919, and of record in the Public' Registry of Mar.in County in Hook A-2- at. page 3, said deed of trust having been given to secure the pay ment of certain indebtedness there by secured, and default having been made in the payment of said indebted-1 j ness, the undersigned Trustee and 1 Commissioner will oil Monday the I , 14th day of February 1927, at twelve o'clock M., in front of the Courthouse Door of Martin County at Williams-1 ten, N. C., offer for sale at public j auction to-the highest bidder for! I c".. h. the following described real es-j j tate, to-wit: ■ That certain tract of land lying I nii»l being in Martin County, James- i Mile'Vowrihhip, !W. c. * ' Pounded on the East by the lands] Io r M. F. Modlin; on the We/it by S. i L. Wallace land; on the South by Mill ' li'iad and on the North by Cooper Swamp, and being the same farm land « v ned ami ocupied by J J. F. Modlin about one rtnd one-fourth miles from Jnmesville, N. C. This the 12th day of January 1927. It. DUKE CRITCHER, Trustee. HUGH G. HORTON, I l-18-4t Commissioner. We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Makes Write for Prices and Terms One of our salesmen will gladly demonstrate one in your home. All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. - Williamston, N. C. Washington, N. C. Plymouth, N. C. NOTICE OF SALfc OF REAL ES- j . TATE Under and by virtue of the power ! of sale contained in a certain deed of ] trust executed to the undersigned! trustee by W. R. Roebuck and wife, 1 Dora Roebuck on the 26th day of I Nov. 1919 and of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in! Rook U-l at page 360. said deed of, trust having been given for the pur-i pose of securing certain notes of even date and tenor (herewith and default having been made in the payment of the said notes and the stipulations NOTICE' I wish to announce that I haveopened a branch office on the lower floor of the old Farmers and Merchants Bank Building, for the sale of fertilizers, fertilizer materials,., nit rate soda; will represent the old re liable firms F. S. Rciyster Guano Co., Norfolk, Va., VV. R. Grace and Co. New ork; buy cotton, peanuts, and cotton seed; make loans on satis factory collateral; buy gilt-edge securities, and will loan one hundred cents on the dollar on government bonds. For the present 1 will be in my office in Williamston every Monday, Wednesday, and Frid&y from ten until four o clock. Mr. W. F. Haislip will have charge" ofmy office und will receive any. applications that may be made during my absence. The public will find him polite and agreeal le. We will be glad'to have all persons interested to come in and talk over with us any propdi.i ion they may have. R. W. Salsbury HAMILTON OFFICE PHONE NO. I4__j _—- WILLIAMSTON OFFICE: PHONE NO. 87 sl2 sl2 NOTICE We wish to announce that the price of Genuine Ford 13 plate Battery has been reduced to $12.00 The Ford Battery can be used in 45 other make cars othey f than Ford cars and is especially good for Radios. We have a complete Battery service department and will be glad to serve you at any time. * ■ Williamston Motor Co. "GENUINE FORI) BATTERY" $12.00 contained in the said deed ot trust not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of the said notes, the undersigned trustee will on Monday the 14th of Feb. 1927 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court house door in the i,own of William ston, North Carolina offer for sale - to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Beginning at a Cypress in Turkey Swamp, J. H. Legpett's corner in Harrison line, thence the Harrison line a line of marked trees .to a coi ner a black gum, thence 'down Great , Branch to a little gum, marked trees a'ong a little branch to the public road, thence a Southern course with the public road to a lightwood post corner of the garden, thence a west wp.rdly course with the garden to a lightwood post, thence a Northern course to a gum in a little branch, thence down the run of said branch to H. W. Leggeit's line, thence with 11. W. Legge t's line to the begin ning, ontaining 52 acres, more 01; less. "" This the 13th day of Jan 1927. JAVAN ROGERS, , ' 1-18-4t Trustee.