Advertisers Will Find Our Col umn* a Latchkey to Over 1600 Home* of Martin Gouty. ' VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 93 Teachers Hold Regular Meet Here Saturday Superintendents Jones and Ainsley Make In teresting Addresses On Saturday afternoon, January 22, the teachers of the county met in the Williamston school auditorium for the fifth regular meeting of the current year. The meeting opened with a song, "Onward, Christian Soldiers," led by Mr. J. L. Jones. After the song service, Rev. E. W. Mason, of the Robersonville Baptist Church, con ducted the devotional part of the pro gram. After the minutes of the December meeting were read and approved, Supt. R. A. Pope spoke of the bill now being agitated for the abandon ment of certain very worth-while de partments of education. Ha»raention ed the one relative to State aid for home economics and the one pertain ing to negro education; but he en thusiastically discussed the need for the department of certification and the misfortune that would befall the profession were it to be discontinued. He insisted that each principal realise fully his responsibility and asked that each write Secretary Jule B. Warren his views. It was his suggestion that they ask that the department be main tained and submit any recommenda tions agreeable to themselves. There were only two numbers on' the general program. Mr. H. M. Ain- ! •ley spoke on "High School Discipline | —What Is It?" By way of definition hie said that high school discipline is promoting the seven cardinal princi ples of secondary education, ethical character, citizenship, health, worthy home membershi orthy use of leis ure time vocatl »n«l command of fundamental p. Each of these he explained and applied to the secondary child. It was his opinion that a well-regulated school is one in which the pupils, the teachers, and the kame properly function. Home con ditions must be realized; children must be considered partners in the govern ment; and the teacher must insinuate themselves into the scheme in a ju dicial and unobtrusive way. TTieir po sition, while an active one, must be democratic. Mr. J. L. Jones spoke on "Worthy Qualifications Found in High School Principals and Teachers." Prepared cess was his key-word. The various qualities that go to make a teacher or principal prepared, as given by him, were: (1) Personal appearance; (2) schol arship; (3) common judgment; (4) ambition; (6' conservative spirit; (6) skill at "peace-making." r Brief discussions of these were giv en; after which Mr. Jones impressed the teachers with the responsibility of trying to make them increasingly characteristic of themselves profes sionally. Both talks showed careful thought and preparation and were thoroughly enjoyed by those present. The pres ident, Supt. R. I. Leake, expressed his appreciation to Messrs. Ainsley and Jones for the help and inspiration that they might be to the association. Jiut before the general session was Superintendent Pope ask ed all the teachers to take the read ing circle work seriously, to remain tor each meeting, and to avail them selves of the opportunity thus afford ed for professional growth. BEAR GRASS WOODMEN TO HAVE OYSTER FEAST The Modem Woodmen will serve an Oyster supper at their hall at Bear Grass Friday night. All Woodmen are cordially invited to attend. STRANH THEATRE! J WEDNESDAY Big Double Program —and — Free Ticket to the Friday Show —All for— One Admission Price COME EARLY Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE New Assistant Secretary W mm jH A > UTOOA«TKR.i j Photo shows Carl T. ochuneman the new assistant secretary at U. S. Treasury. He succeeds John B. Winston who has retired. Lose 105 Bales Cotton by Fire Coast Line Platform and Boxcar Burn in Early Morning Fire - Robersonville was aroused by the fire alarm early Monday morning when a blaze was discovered at the freight platform of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad station. By the time the fire company reached the scene, they found the roof was in flames and the fire could not be stopped until the platform and one box car had been destroyed with 105 bales of cotton. The origin of the fire, according to reports, came from a lighted cigar ette' thrown down by a bunch of boys who were thought to have been play ing cards between the rows of cotton bales on the platform some time Sunday, and the fire gradually ate its way through the cotton until it fired the timbers. About half the cotton was already billed and will be lost by the railroad company, the other half belonged to individuals who had > placed it on the platform, but had not gotten bills of lading for it. A portion of the cot ton was salvaged after it had partly burned. Some portions of a number of bales will be saved and repacked. Entertains Large Crowd Courthouse Last Night Richard B. Harrison who is doubt less one of tfte greatest entertainers of the colored race, appeared before a large audience at the courthouse here last night in a well received re cital,. Harrison is a native of Canada, is 62 years old and now lives in Chicago He is working under the auspices of the Federated churches of New York City. His purpose is to help kindle the fires of higher ideals in the Negro race. The program last night was adjust ed to his hearers. Keeping very close I to his audience, he rendered readings from Paul Dunbar, Moses Camp Meeting and other sources that both teach a lesson and touch the heart. "When Malinda Sings," was pos sibly the best received of his reatTTngs, but "Little Brown Boy", "In the Morning" and half dozen others were well given. * The speaker seemed to be master of the finest English complete with the most homely of the Negro dialect ut the same breath. Rehearsals on Parent-Teacher Association Play Begun; to be Presented Friday, February 4 Play is George M. Cohan's Big Musical Comedy Success, "A Bachelor's Honeymoon"; to Have 40 Local People in the Cast Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mclver, of the National Producing Bureau, Omaha, Neb., arrived here Sunday and start ed directing George M. Cohan's big musical comedy success, "A Bachelor's Honeymoon" last night. The play, which is being staged under the au spices of the parent-teacher aasoia tion here, has gained a most favorable record in the eyes of the people of this section. It has been staged at Green ville, Wilson, Farmville, Kinston, and Fayetteville, and many other towns have it booked for future dates. At each of the places shown it met with hearty approval. The National Producing Bureau stands high in the peoduction of plays throughout the country, and only re cently has it been in this immediate section. While the cast has not been d*fl- Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, January 25,1927 Local Tobacco Market to Close Season Friday Approximately 100,000 Pounds Sold Since the Holidays N. ——. The Williamston tobacco . market will close for the 1926-27 season next* Friday, after maintaining a splendid record established last year. Since the reopening of the market following the Christmas holidays, ap proximately 100,000 pounds of tobacco were sold. The price paid for this amount is said to be a little better than that received a few days prior to the market's closing before the Tobacconists throughout this; section were badly off in their es ! timates as to the amount of tobacco to be sold after the holidays. In most casus only a very small percentage of the estimates has been sold. The lo cal market only got one-third of its after-Christmas estimate, a much bet ter percentage than most of the mar kets have gotten so far. * According to those who have long been acquainted in the tobacco bus iness, the amount of tobacco held over after Christmas for sale was the smallest ever known. The statement is very correct, as far as this county is concerned, for Martin County farm ers have been about as scarce on the warehouse floors in the past few days as teeth in a chicken' head. The record made by the William ston market here this year has been most favorable, ami indications are that the town is in a position to build j a much larger market than it now has and one that will rank with the lead- I ina: markets of the State. Crusaders to Visit Washington Church Bishop Johnson, of Missouri, will be the speaker and Rev. Mr. Klowman will be the conference leader when the Bishop Crusaders visit Washington February 6th to 11th. There will be three meetings of the general crusaders in the Diocese of Eastern Carolina, Wilmington, Wash ington and Elizabeth City. The program will begin in Washing ton Sunday morning, the (ith at 7:30 with holy communion. At eleven o' : clock there will be the regular prayer service and sermon. A mass meeting will be held each night at K o'clock except on Sunday, at which time the meeting will be held at 7:30. There will be a men's noon day service at the theatre each day except Sunday. Conferences will be held at 3 o'clock each week day. Colored Burroughs School Burned Friday The Hurroughs school building, No 9, was burned early last Friday morn ing, the building and its equipment being a total loss. When the fire, supposed to be incendiary origin, was detected, the building was almost con sumed, and there was nothing to be done in the way of saving it or any of the equipment. The building housed a one-teacher colored school, and was located sev eral njjiles from here on the old Ever etts Road. At the present time, and until other arrangements can be made, the children will be cared for in a church not far from the place of the fire. The building was a very cheap one, and the loss was practically covered by insurance. i nitely decided upon, there will be 40 , local people to take part in the play. The producing company has an elao; : orate display of costumes and other i material necessary in the production i ot the play. Rehearsals will be held every day thia week and until Friday night of 1 (he next week, when the play will be > shown. - • ' I STOP MINORS FROM DRIVING AUTOMOBILES During the past several days lqcal officers have been warning minors to stop driving automobiles. Up to the i present time, however, no second of ■ fenaes have been brought to the at ! tention of the police,and it ia thought the warning will be respected genera lj. Crew Is Here to Start Installing New 'Phones ) Hope to Complete Work By Latter Part of This Wesk tl Mr. S. H. Baker, of'the Carolina t>j Telephone and Telegraph comp .ny ar -11 rived here this morning with a crew of 20 men ready to effect the change t j from the old magneto system to the I-! common battery one. Early in the o morning employees of the company s ! will start work on Main street, re r ' placing old telephones with news ones, r; There will be two groups of installers, e i onu going up the, main street and the t other one .down the street Piactic#l i- j Ij all the rural lines will be switched o! through the new office late this after -11 noon. Approximately fifty town sta f j tions will be working on thediew sys -1 tem tomorrow night, while it is hoped s a complete change will be made ,by -i the latter part of the »eek. The change is under the supervision iof Mr. Mullins, chief construction r manager of the company. ,1 Miss Guanila Hough is now instruct r ing the operators, in the use of the e new board. Several days will be re ,t quired for the operators to become y thoroughly acquainted iwth Che new ,- switchboard, but everything "'possible e is being done vo effect a -smooth s change. There will be some confusion at first, no doubt, and the cooperation i- on the part of the subscribers in n agisting in making the change will e ! be appreciated by the officials of the d company. Fined for Speeding On Main Street mrnmmmfr: |' —. (i. J. Sherman, f Baltimore, was fined .$25 in Mayor's court here last Friday when ho was m tried before j l\jayx>r Coburn to face a speedinr charge. Sherman, according to eye witnesses, drove his car down the town's main thoroughfare at a rate j of 30 miles .ait. hour dodging traffle land turnniß torners, The Mayor reconsidered the fine j and decreased*it-several dollars. Mr. Sherman is in the employ of the Western Klectric company and I assisted in the installation of the new telephone swtich hoard here. His case was the first to come be fore the Mayor in tlv\ past several weeks. f Ovei'speeding is a common occur rence here, very few paying any re spect to the auto law* of the town and state. HKGILAH MKHTING MASONS TONIKIIT. There will be a regular communi cation of Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. F. & A. M., tonight at 7;16 at "the Masonic Hall. * All Masons in good standing are cordially invited to at tend. Members of the third-degree team are especially urged to be present for practice work. C. 1). CAKSTAItPHEN, Jr., Secretary. {'lay Smith field Here Tuesday v February Isi Tuesday, promises t> be another big day-in basketball here. The Srriitjilield National Guard will be here that night to face the town team, and a good (fume is as sured. The WilUamston team has had gto many victories, this season that it i., afraid of nothing; so the challenge v,us readily accepted. The visitors will bring with them three college players, but yet the locals ate unafraid. At any rate, the people who wattt to see a real (,'ame of basketball will have that opportun ity when thene two teama meet on February Ist. T. Gray Coburn Farm to Be Sold at Auction __ j Mr. A. F. llhurles, of the Atlantic | Coast' Realty Co., was in town yester- I (iay advertising the sale of the T. | Cray Coburn farm, which will be sold !at auction next Saturday. Th«-* Co -1 burn farm, probably one of the best j developed farms in eastern Carolina, is being sold in order to effect a set tlemenet of the estate. The farm has been subdivided into 20 tracts in size from 1 to 99 acres. During Mr. Coburn's lifetime he spent approximately improving the land and property, and the farm is said to be one of the most modern type. The Atlantic Coast liealtyCo., sell ing agents, have just completed large bales in South Carolina, and they come from that State to auction the Coburn farm. TheMand is loclled in Washington County, just four miles below Plymouth at Westover SUition. County Commencement Plans to be Made at Steering Committee Meet in Robersonville Saturday Plans for a county school com mencement will be made next Saturday when the steering com mittee meets in Robersonville a: t 10 o'clock. The members of the committee, Professors Ainsley, Davis, Leake, Jones, Lilley, and Wynne, represent respective com mittees, and they will map out the program for the event. The meeting is open to all teachers of the county, and those who are in terested in the working out of a Teacher Hurt Mission School in Auto Wreck Again Tonight Three Pinned Under Car Hope to Hold Up Good When It Turns Attendance Record Over Made Last Week Prof. 1,. IS. Ezell, of the Oak City 1 High School, suffered sevefe v injuries-j 1 Friday night when a Ford driv i en by Kelly Hunting, in which Ezell ' and Abner Brown were riding, turned j over at Hassells after striking an- i other car. The young men were re- 1 i turniiJii from Robersonville, wherj i they had attended a basketball game, m Just as they reached Hassells, where there is a sharp curve in the road, j! they met a colored man driving with only one dim light, causing them to strike the negro's car and turning;; their own car over; pinning all three j of them underneath the machine. The Ij colored man was so badly frightened I that he ran to .Hassells, a few-hun- | dred yards away, for help, and left the young men with the car on them, i In the meantime,- other people came i up and the ear was taken oir the men. Mr. Ezell says he would not have been i able, to stand the weight on him j much longer. He suffered internal in-:. juries about the breast and a frac tured collar bone. Brown .suffered bruises on the hip, while the driver et-.caped unhurt, although he was,, caught under the car and the top and the windshield were crushed on him. The car driven by the negro was! not damaged much, except a wheel was crushed dotvn. No special blame was charged to any one, just a case | of failing to see in time. Jamesville Ixises to Red Oak, 19 to 15 | Jamesville lost one of the prettiest| i games of the season here last Friday night when Red Oak walked away l I with 4 more points than Jamesvillel carried home, the score being 19-15. The two teafns offered a brand of basketball that is hard to beat. Mem- j ber.s of both teams played a clean i gume. Of the two, Jamesville work- j ei 1 the harder; but Red Oak worked,' too. The team work of the Red Oak i boys gave them the victory, but even at that they were not sure of their win until the last few minutes of play when a substantial lead was built j up by them, a lead that Jamesville , found impossible to overcome. The first half saw the score tied ! several times; Snd it looked as if tho tournamonjj winners were out for an j other win. In more than one instance ! both teams would offer the spectators tlfe type of ball commonly seen on college courts only. Jamesville was not quite up to its best form, bujt Red Oak had the in that its players were taller ami ap parently older at the game. Ir. . . " Y | County Officers Have Big Day Raiding Stills Monday; Over 2,600 Gallons Mash Destroyed Two Stills Found Within 500 Yards of Each Other; - Beer Poured (Jut and Equipment I)e --stroyed but No Operators Caught Sheriff A. L. Roebuck and Deputy J. H. Roebuck made a pretty good haul Mondays morning, when they made several raids, which nett'ed them 2,600 gallons of beer mash. They first went to a point 2 miles west of liear Grass, where they found 29 barrels of meal and sugar beer, two empty 10 gallon kegs, and 2 water barrels. A still had been op erated either Saturday or Sunday night, but had been removed, evident ly jyhen a three-gun signal had been fired by a neighbor. The beer was poured out and the barrels destroyed. Twelve of the bar rels were new Coco-Cola barrels. The officers then found a still run ning red hot about F>(')o yards away from the first stand. The still was a PO-galloh copper outfit. The opera program and plans for the com r mencement arc cordially invited to attend. The meeting will be held in the school building. While no definite date has been decided upon, the event will be held some time in April at a point to be determined later. It is important that the mem bers of the committee attend the meeting and since there are many details to be arranged, they are urged to be there promptly at 10 o'clock. The second session of the Church j School of Missions will meet tonight in the rooms of the Baptist church *t 7 :.'io o'clock. The attendance a week ago was 1 most gratifying. Many people were unable to attend that first session, j and will want to come tonight. There j will be a place for everyone. It was especially gratifying to have so many people from the other churches last week. Surely, anything which will promote good fellowship and tolerance amongst us is worth while. And this is one thing this school is doing. For while it is won derful to see the way in which the people are rallying to this school, it is. also remarkable to note the ftne spirit which characterizes the whole effort. F»W men, women and children, from all churches, and from no churches are at work, studying the great fundamental, not of any tine church, but of the Kingdom itself. It is a good day in'this community \vhen we can join in a common effort ] like this. The school will open promptly at the above hour, and the itession will ! last sixty or seventy minutes. Runs Ford Car into Electric Light Pole What almost resulted in a very I serious accident happened Sunday af j tcrnoon when a young man from Suf j folk, accompanied by his mother and i sister, ran his Ford coupe head on I into an electric light pole near the | Texas service station. The elderly lady (who wanted her J name withheld) suffered a cut over the I eye und a bruised knee. The others Lescaped unhurt. The windshield and several other parts'of the car were I broken. The driver complained at the pole's being in the way and suggested that | a very heavy suit might follow. JUNIOR ORDER MEETING ON THURSDAY NIGHT To all members of Martin Council, No. 122, Jr.'o. U. A. M.: Thursday night, January 27, is regular meeting night, and all members are expected to be present. We have several can didates to initiate, after which an oy ster feast will be held. Please make kit effort to be with us. Council opuna at K o'clock. liy order of J. Marshall Rogerson, Councilor, ""''-J.,., JULIAN H. HARRELL, Recording Secretary. tors hud run all of the li |Uor except a small quantity which had run from the still after the oper ators hal gone. There they found 14 barrels of beer, an axe, a brace and Lit, Tunnels,.buckets and a good break fast. After destroying everything at this plant, the officers pursued a due west erly course, where they found a stand of two barrels of beer, but nothing else. , , The 'next search was made near Rear Grass Swamp, where they found 7 barrels of beer and an oil stove. The beer destroyed would have made about a thousand dollars worth of liquor at the prices prevailing. II will save many drunks, much loud talking, and perhaps a few fights, pos sibly a few automobile accidents. Af ter all, it was a fine day's work. Watch the Lab-... OB , Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. ESTABLISHED 1898 Discuss School Problems Here at Class Dinner Faculty Entertains Civic Club Heads and the Class of 1927 \ ————— The class of 1927, the school board, mil presidents of.the Kiwanis and Wo nan's clubs here, last Friday evening, kery fittingly entertained when the faculty of the local school had them M guests to a Wild-duck dinner at the Woman's Club. Mr. Davis, toastmaster, In announc ing the purpose of the dinner and in troducing other speakers, spok oi * mating conditions in and around our town, and showed that a larger school would give the much-needed relief. He suggested that the larger percent age of college diplomas held by our' people are indicative of an uduca el citizenship, and wondered if we were true to the cause of education when we were calmly sitting by and th re by denying our younger people in anil around town educational opportuni ties commensurate with the times. He asserted that other towns were dcing these things and setting he pace for our State, whereas William ston was in danger of letting the State, which has always been behind the towns, set the pace for it. He showed that a large percentage of town students were dropping .TQV of school between the 7th and IHh grh les because of our exclusive school cur riculum, and that hundreds of our rur al neighbors' children, who ought to be coming to . Williamston school, were given only a six-months school opportunity. He suggested that a laigei* school district would take them ill and enable the school to offer a .more varied course of study, which was the crying need of William ton. He warranted a greater Williamston economically, socially, and politically as a result of a more varied and more inclusive educational policy. Mr. Elbert Peele, president of the Kiwanis Club, responded with the as sertion that Williamston was at the bottom of the list in Martin County a;' regards adequate school plant. "Even Everetts has a better build ing and Hear Grass leads William ston." He reminded the seniors i hat only few peo'ple can sit on the pin nacle af fame, that the lots of the masses was to live, to serve, and to die irk a small town, but leave, the town a better placi For others who would follow. He urged that the most successful life was devoted to only one thing and that thing done.well. Mrs. Martin, vice president of the Woman's Club, represented the club-, a;- the president was behind the cur tain helping other members of the club prepare the delicious dishes, and gave a resume t>f the educational work of the club. She joined Mr I'eele in pledging to the board of edu cation the support of her club for larger and better schools in William ston. John Wadsworth, repfesen'ing the senior class in the absence of the pres ident, ■ Eli Harnhill, assured the far "\ilty that the class appreciated Its having them as its guest to the din ne.r, and pledged . the support of the" class in giving Williamaion a lanrer ti'chool with more variety in the course of study. . Mr. C. D. Carstarphen, chairman of the school board, was introduced as the clean-up man—the allusion being to handling the baseball ba\ and no' weilding the knife, fork, and spoon : who spoke in behalf of betted school He stated that th«* board had on foot plans that looked promising for great er school opportunities in Williant ston. After Mr. Carstarphen's re marks, the third course of the dinner, consisting of delicious ice and cake was served. Citizenship Department to Hold Meet Thursday ' u The department of good citizenship of the Woman's Club of Williamston will meet for its first program Thurs day, January 27, at 8.30 p m. The meeting will be held in the Woman's Club room. Thtf topic for discussion will be "The Influence of the Home on Good Citizenship." Four good speakers have been arranged for, and the meeting will last only an hour. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. T. W. Lee is chairman of the department of good citizenship. WOMAN'S'CLUB CARD PARTY THURSDAY NIGHT A second card party will be held next Thursday night in the Woman's club rooms from 8:30 to 11:80. Tke party la under the direction of a committee of the club and those !•- siring to have tables arranred should see either Miss Frances Williams, Mrs. T. B. Brandon or Mrs. S. H. Biggs for tickets.

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