tMUlh—ll CM MMitap wu mill Etc. Jim Kirby, of Norfolk, wu a visi tor here this week. Henry Everett, of Oak City, attend ed a meeting of the Royal Arch Ma sons Wednesday evening. Faxie Badham, of Edenton, visited Mr. and Mrs, £>. K. Biggs this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Edwards, of Kinston, spent Wednesday with (Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brandon. Miss Esther Harrison, who has been taking a secretarial course at Atlantic Christian College, has completed her work and is at present employed by Harrison Bros. * Co. JL G. Harrison has returned from Wilmington, where he went on a busi ness trip. Mr. Harrison will be con nected with the Acme Fertiliser Co., this year aa special representative. Irving Margolis has returned from Warsaw, where he visited his brother, Max Margolis. C. M. Tetterton, of Plymouth, was a business visitor here yesterday. Seth Baughm, of Washington, was a visitor here Thursday, \ The Philathea class of the Chris tian Church will postpone its regular ntti| from Friday night to the oexi Friday night on account of the play which will be given at the school house LO night for the Parent-Teacher Association. Mrs. R. W. Allen, of Creedmore, has returned to her home after visiting her daughter, Miss Lucille Allen, and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pope. , Miss Hilda Haskett, of Kins ton, vis ited her sister, Mrs, Hubert Morton, this week. Howell Wad*worth, of New Bern, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. W. Watts, jr., and Mr. Watts. Mr. W. H. Mizelle, of RobersonviUe, editor of the Weekly Herald, was in town yesterday. Messrs. C. C. Coltrain and George E. Roberson, of Griffins Township, were'visitors here yesterday. S. S. Lawrence, who has been spend ing this week in Washington and Swan Quarter, will be heie for the week end with his family. Mrs. B. A. Critcher left Tueeday for Baltimore, Where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mn. Proctor, and also buy millinery for the Willie Winkle Shoppe. Miss Juanita Hough, operating in structor for the Carolina Telephone A Telegraph Co., who has been coach ing the operators for the new ex change, left yesterday for Rocky Mt., where she will instruct a class of sup ervisors. ~ SANDY RIDGE LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Mrs. Annie Roberson and Misses Beatrice Cherry and Vida Mae and Bally Roberson motored to Dardens Tuesday tMgM Messrs. N. S. Roddick and Haulsey Hardison and Miss Coralle Peed and Mrs. J. H. Reddick and Mrs. T. A. Peed motored to Dardens Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hudson, of Rocky Mount, are visiting relatives near hers. Mr. Aaron Howe, of Rocky Mount, is visiting friends here this week. Mr. N. S. Reddick, Mrs. J. H. Rod dick, and Mrs. R. D. Jones and daugh ter, Myrtle, motored to Everetts on Tuesday afternoon CHILDREN'S ILLS Aifamat U4y &0* fti Hu Nmr M a Btfter Last- IWa TUh/i Wrlrftrmfcf other strawarh disorders. Mi if certainly is vw helpfal. 1 * SET* known U to fsif than. Wham thsn An so assay children, it is a good idea to kssp a laxative eahsJUad Hi*-Hrsagtrf to whet Tfr FEF UTTBMWS. He HS he Eae apMvOTWKiu nifni ana morning JBLRSS£S , I££S& Society & Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor HAMILTON SCENE OF * NUMBER OF PARTIES The last week in January witnessed many.delightful parties in Hamilton, many of them given in honor of re cent brides and visitors. During the week Mrs. T. B. Slade, jr., entertained at bridge in honor of Mrs. W. J. Starr, of Gaineboro, Tenn Those attending were Mrs. Ernest Harrold, Mrs. Gladstone, Ufa. Boyle, Mrs. W. J. Starr, Miss Waldo, Miss Delia Purvis, Miss Ayers, and Mrs. Slade. Mrs. Starr was presented with a silver tray, a pair of hose was giv en the high scorer. A delicious salad course with fruit cake and chocolate was served. A second party was given in honor of Mrs. Star by Mrs. Don Matthews, with many of Mrs. Starr's friends present. A salad course with coffee, nuts, and candy was served during the evening. On Wednesday night, Mrs. P. H. Davenport gave a shower in honor of a recent bride, Mrs. William Edmond son, of Portsmouth, Va. During the evening a salad course with candy, nuts, and punch was served a large number. Many useful and pretty gifts were received. Mrs. Don Matthews charmingly en tertained Mrs. Wm. Haislip, Miss Pip pen, Miss M. B. Purvis, Miss Dixon, Miss Phillips, Miss Norma Hines, and Misses Annie and Maggie Bell Jones Thursday of the weak with two tables of "600." Mrs. Matthews served de licious refreshments. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. W. J. Starr, at the home of her parents, en tertained several of her friends with two tables of bridge. Sandwiches, tea, cake, and nuts were served by the hostess. Mrs. T. B. Slade received a guest towel for high score. Mac Hardison was in town yester day. The Philathea Class of Memorial Baptist Church will hold its regular business and social meeting Monday light, February 7, at 8 o'clock, with Mrs. Herbert Cowan. All the mem bers are requested to be present Miss Margaret Everett and Oscar Paul attended the show in Roberson ville Wednesday night. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in, a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Daniel Moon and wife, Lenders Moore, on the 81st day of March, 1922, and of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in book H-2, at page 106, said deed of trust being given for the purpose of secur ing certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the payment of the said notes, and the stipulations contained therein not having been complied with and at the request of the holders of the said notes the undersigned trus tee will on Monday, the 21st dky of February, 1927, at 12 o'clock m-, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for T. F. Harrisonn Mrs. Anna Harrison i Miss Martha Harrison — ; | V iA ■ ' 1 'l*.- i,. - are now in New York buying our t ( *-* , . * ♦** Spring line of Coats, Dresses Millinery and Piece Goods *' • . , /» Watch for their return with the new spring goods. Harrison Bros. & Co. Williamston's Largest Department Store / " tl KNTMtMtIMfc—WILUAMMDOM. M. C. PHONE Anftklng for TUs Department Te 46 HARRELL-WHITLEY Wilson, Feb. 2—Miss Hilda Whit ley, of Pantego, a student of Atlantic Christian College and Mr. William Clyde Harrell, of Rocky Mount, were quietly married Monday in Whi takers at the Baptist parsonage. Miss Whitley left Saturday to visit friends in Whitakers. The happy couple left immediately! after the ceremony for Rocky Mount,' where they will make their home. The above account, taken from a, State paper, will be of general inter est to people of Williamston, where the groom was reared. He is the' youngest child of Mr. S. H. Harrell and has until the last three years al ways lived here. He is employed by the Studebaker-Star agents of Rocky Mount, and is making good as an auto salesman. J sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following de scribed real estate, to wit: Lying and baing in Williams Town ship, Martin County, and State of North Carolina, bounded on the north by W. W. Griffin and Warren Gimy, on the east by Komulds Moore and ' Dennis-Simmons Lumber Co., on the south by Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. and on the west by Henry Williams containing; by survey made by J. R. Mobley 97 1-2 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeded to Daniel Moore by J. G. Godard, and being the same land described in mortgage deed to Federal Land Bank given by Daniel Moore and wife,'Lendora Moore, and being the same land described in deed of trust dated November IS, 1918, and of record in book 0-1, at page 874. Reference is made to said conveyances for a more perfect description. This the 20th day of January, 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL, j2l 4tw Trustee. Murray & McCabe Company Successors To Williamston Lumber Co. Operations will begin as soon as logs can be secured and start coming to the Mill. PINE AND POPLAR LOGS WANTED Address sll Communications to Murray and McCabe Co., Hertford, N. C. NOTICE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS Under and by virtu* of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed and delivered unto J. C. Smith, trustee, by B. H. Roberson and wife, on the first day of Jan., 1923, to secure a certain bond of even date, and of record in the office" of the register of deeds, for Martin County, in book H, 2, page 201; and the stipulations therein contained not having been complied with and the said bond being past due and unpaid and upon demona of the owner of said bond, the undersigned, will, onj Saturday, the sth. day of March, 1927,j at ten o'clock a. m., in front of Bank of Robersonville, in town of Robcrson ville, said county and state, expose to public sale, for cash, the following described lands, to-wit: Situate in Robersonville Township, Martin County, North Carolina, and better described as follows, to-wit: First Tract: Being the house and lot where the said B. H. Roberson | and wife now live, and on the corner I of Green and Main Streets in the town of Robersonville, and bound on the North by Green Street, on East by Main street, on South by lands of Beeta Roberson and on the West by the dands of J. C. Smith. Second Tract. Being a one-fourth undivided interest in and to the Tom Johnson gin-house lot, situate on the North side of the Railroad (A. C. L. R. R.), in said town, adjoining the lands of J. H. Roberson, Jr., Spier Cochran, J. E. Roberson, W. R. Jen kins and others, and being known as the Tom Johnson gin lot. RHEUMATISM While in France with the American Army I obtained a noted French pre scription for the treatment of Rheu matism and Neuritis. I have given this to thousands with wonderful re- I suits. The prescription cost me noth | ing. I ask nothing for it. I will mail i it if you will send me your address. I A pohtal will bring it Write today. Paul Case, Dept. 0-44, Brockton, Mass. Third Tract. Situate on the East aide of Main street in the town of Gold Point and bound on N. by lands of J. H. Bell, on South i>y, lands of Susan Gdmondson, on West by said street and on the East by lands of Jack Covurn. Fourth Tract. Being the Thomas L. Johnson, Ben Whitfirled and others, and being a one-fourth undivided in terest therein. Fifth tract: Being a one-half undi vided interest in and to the old W. A. Roberson & Co., store lot, situate on BAUOH'S ANIMAL BONE FERTILIZERS . BAUGH & SONS COMPANY "The O/J Standby" NORFOLK.V FOR SALE BY D. D. STALLS : Williamston, N. C. R. W. SALSBURY Hamilton, N. C. Salsbury Supply Company Hassell, N. C. v - I has S/.n my pleasure for eight \^T-/ M> |y\j/ \l '' & '* : - year* to use 'A A Quality' Fertilizers. For Ffc^Wlfo in-T* cotton, coin and peanuts, the principal IJJi) * k crops gcobm in this section, 1 have never riPk.TTiIrT/fly"K^L h J 113vmJ found a fertilizer that as good re- '"j*" a * yours. I expect to continue "® 7 ° r *«* v ** ri »l years I hive used 'AA fMnlK^ll^WHl vlif' J[ Quality' Fortili/t rs on all crops in Wprjjjy § 'ttkAi TV rJ^w^lL/Jr * >(>^(>n with excellent results. ■ IkW 1 1 llp|nP flj Ijy fjjtji "last spiinj I hesitated in buying on * "''• 1 ' ' M '°* ,r than I IIM U p'-inuti ami 8 1 4*e?eH in corn. The re- [||j| |jj —- —•- sulls from crops proved that 1 Why not make every crop on the farm a money crop? FARMERS who are making the a special "AA Quality" Pertil most out of, their farms make izer for every crop. He will show money on every crop. you why an invest ment in "AA It doesn't cost much more to Quality" Fertilizers is the most plant, cultivate and harvest big, profitable one you, as a profit heavy, quality Crops from every seeking farmer, can make, field than it docs to get only one "AA Quality" fertilizers are or Two good'erops. made of the finesi materials ob- The use of high-grade fertil- tainable. The ingredients are izers makes the profit- so scientifically pre able difference in yield -*■" v pared, so thoroughly per acre, in crop qual- m'h '—- &.-' v blended aifd cured 4, ity and a most wel- y,;- that they are always come difference in the ' n P cr f cct condition, bank account. (• UmjM•| A Backed by sixty See the man in your > years of experience, community who han- Proved by-thousands dies "AA Quality" PEftTTTTErKS i of tests. Guaranteed Fertilizers. He will _ '/""J by an unbroken rec- Ths WMVI ik» A tell you why there is f i ord of crop successes. 'AA QUALITY" L FERTILIZERS ' f' . r • * ■** Ji est known to youunder POCOMOKE—IMPERIAL—PATAPSCO ZELL'S—LAZARETTO Manufactured only by THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY Norfolk Sales Dept., of Commerce Bldg., Norfolk, Va. the west side of Main Street in the town of Robersonville, bounded on E. by center of said street, on north by j lands of Lida Parker, on south byj lands of Jno. Highsmith, and known as old W. A. Robernon &. Co. store lot Sixth tract: Being a one-half undi-i vided interest in that certain tract of land, situate on north side of' road It&ding from Gold Point to William ston, N. C., bounded on north by lands of Jack Coburn, on east by lands of: J. J. Weaver on south by lands of others and said road, on west by the lands of John Williams, containing 26 acres, more or less. Seventh tract: Situate in said Town ship, and on canal in picture swamp, bounded on north by lands of Henry Roberson, on east by J. R. Roebuck i lands, on south by lands of S. L. ' Grimes, on west by lands of J. E. ' Roberson and known as the pasture j lands. This January 31, 1927. J. C. SMITH, fl 4tw Trustee.

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