WANTS FOR SALE: PECAN TREES; Prices Reduced. Write today. Southern Nut Tree Nurseries, Thom as ville, Ga. JlB 6tpd MILK COWS FOR SALE: A THREE gallon Jersey with young calf, or a better Jersey that will he fresh a bout January 31. Will sell either. O I'. Roberson, Robersonville. j25 tf Dr. Robert D. Mdhood SURGEON DENTIST 315 Sycamore St. Wiiliamston, N. C HOURS: 4:00 to 9:00 P. M. , Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M NOTICE I have shut up on the Bland farm one stray hog, weighing about 100 pounds, back with four white feet and nose. Owner can get same by pay ing damages and cost of this ad.; — J. W. Anderson, Wiiliamston. 2t LAST CALL: SET PECAN TREES soon or another year is lost. Ask for prices atid valuable facts. J. B. Wight, Cairo, Ga. fl 8t GRIST MILL REOPENS: FOB THE past several weeks I have made ad-, ditions to my grist mill at the fair grounds anil am starting operations' today in a better position to serve the trade than before. John 11. Mi selle. fl 2tpd Y, ANTED TO KENT . ONE-HORSE farm." Notify The Enterprise. It -STI.AYKD. liOAl: MOO, WEIGHING about I r«o pound.* "strayed to my premise,* two or three weeks ago. Owner ol ma\ get him by paying cost of iici'.cra :hk* and feeding. It ,S 1 iv.'i . V. illiaij;. ton, Boute 5. fl 2t FOB SAI.i: OM. JERSEY HEIFFER tiin. ai.i. i'ii hat years ol'l at right pi Si Misse-lle, Jamesville, N, C. ' J-27-2'. IVANi I MAN OR LADY SALES nian lor Wiiliamston. Big money for live wire. Experience not neces sary. For particulars write Box 144, Farmville, N. C. f4 3tpd WANTED: 100 HEAD WEANLING j pigs, 35 to 60 lbs. Top price paid I foi good stock. J. S. Whitley, Oak hurst Farms, Wiiliamston, N. C. i Phone 103-2. f4 2t WANTED: A colored tenant with family to work on farm. Good house and good living conditions, near j town. ,See F. L. or J. H. Rogers, 'R 2,W illiamston, N. C. 2tpd! NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County: To Neet Rogers, her heirs, adminis-l trators, and assigns, and to any per son claiming the land listed for taxes by her: You will take notice that I bought one residence- listed in Wiiliamston, Hamilton Township, by Neet Rog ers, at a tax sale made by H. T. Rob erson, sheriff, on the 7th day of June, 1926, for the taxes fuf the year 1925 due on said property; the same not having been paid. At which sale a cer tificate was issued to me. You will further take notice that 1 shall pre sent said certificate to the sheriff and demand a deed for said land unless the same is redeemed on or before June 7th, 1927. February 3, 1927. f4 4tw J. W. WATTS. RESALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust from C. L. Vick and wife, Varina * Vick, to the undersigned trustee, de fault having been made in the term* and conditions as expressed in said deed of trust and under an by virtue of an order "of resale signed by R. J. Peel, clerk of the superior court, on the 2nd day of February, 1927, the bid at the former sale having been raised, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the 21st day of February, 1927, at 12 o'clock m„ in front of the courthouse i.Uioi-of Martin..County iit Wiiliamston, N. C., offer for j-esale to the highest bidder for cash, the t . ■ | ANNOUNCEMENT » - r * N. C., to take charge of my undertaking- establishment. Mr. Hoi jmmi liday is a licensed embalmer and has had considerable experience. , ** • »• ' V. • * ' „ k ; . v ' ■- ' * • r " -*i B. S. COURTNEY Day Phone 155 Night Phone 44 following described lands, to wit: Situate on Ford and Second Street in the town of Robersonville, State and County first above written, and Leing all those certain lots or tracts of land adjoining the lands of Jesse ; Ben Roberson, Mrs. Briley, Slade ■ White, W. R. Marshall, Mrs. Martin, ' and others, and owned as tenants in ' common by Varina Vick, Luriene Johnson, Thelma Ross, Hilda Ross, and Kathleen Ross and being the un divided interest therein owned by Varina Vick. This 2nd day of February, 1927. J. N. COBURN, f4 2tw Trustee. Dunning & Moore, attorneys. NOTICE OF RESALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale Contained in a certain deed of trust I from C. L. Vick and wife, Varina Vick 1 1 to the undersgned trustee, default hav -1 j ing been made in the term! and con j ditions as expressed in said deed of trust and under and by virtue of an order of resale signed by R. J. Peel, clerk of the superior court, on the 2nd day of February, 1927, the bid at the former sale having been raised, the undersigned trustee will on Mon [ day, the 21st day of February, 1927, , at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse I door of Martin County nt Wiiliam ston, N. ,C., offer for resale to the I highest bidder for cash, the following j described lands, to wit: Situate on Outterbridge Street, in the town of Robersonville N. C., Mar ' till County, adjoining the lands of L. ' A. Briley and others, and bound on , the north by the residence lot of said 1... A. Briley, on the east by the cen ter of Outterbridge Street, on the 1 south by the center of Second Street, on the west by a ditch, and being the house and lot formerly owned by the late S. L. Ross and now occupied by his widow, Neva S. Ross, and allotted to her as her dower out of the lands cf the said S. L. Ross, deceased; and it being the one-fifth undivided inter eft therein owned by said -Varina Viek, subject to the dower right of hi..id Neva L. Ross. This 2nd day of February, 1927. - J. N. COBURN, f4 2tw Trustee. 1 Dunning & Moore, attorneys. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authori ty conferred upon us in a deed of trust | executed by Jesse A. Leggett and wife, Katie Alen Leggett, on the 2hth day of May, 1923, and recorded in book 0-2, page 357, we will on Sat ! urday the 26th day of February, 1927, at 12 o'clock noQii, at the courthouse i door in Wiiliamston, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Poplar Koint Township, Martin County, North Car j olina, containing 96 and 1-3 acres, ; more or less, bouded on the north by the lands of Taylor and Leggett, on the east by the lands of J. L. Wynn, on the south by the lands of Griffin and Harris, and on the west by the ' lands of Joseph Harris, and being the Firemans Indoor Circus OPENS Monday Night, 7 o'clock v "' *> » ® » Double Header Basketball Game Starts at 8:00 o'clock •" ' • • Everetts High versus Washington High , Hamilton High versus Robersonville High ■ FREE ACTS AND MUSIC ' WILIJAMSTOA'S BIGGEST EVENT EVERYBODY INVITED ! Season Tickets, sl.oo—Genral Admission, 35c I - 11 1 ; -» I same land deeded to Jesse A. Leggett :; by J. W. Allen and wife, by deed dat !' ed December 10, 1906, and of record in IS the public registry of Martin County, i i ir. book SSS, at page 16, and more > i particularly described as follows, to > | wit: Beginning at a pine stump, the cor i i ner between Joseph Harris and the ■ land herein described; thence S. 32 , 3-4 E. 119 poles to Moon Spring Branch, thence N. 8 1-2 E. 40 poles, ' thence N. 51 E. 43 poles, thence S. ' 81 1-2 E. 36 poles, thence S. 23 E. 16 poles, thence N. 60 W. 10 poles, thence N. 16 W. 40 poles, thence N. 68 W. 38 I poles, thence #5. 45 1-2 W. 56 poles, J thence N. 83 W. 40 poles, thence N. ' €4 W. 64 poles, thence N. 81 3-4 W. 24 poles, thence N. 76 1-2 W. 34 poles, . thence S. 45 1-2 W. 23 poles to the , I beginning. This sale is made by reason of the . failure of Jesse A. Leggatt and wife, Katie Allen Leggett, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by • said deed of trust to the North Caro , Una Joint Stock Lan Bank of Durham. This the 12th day of January, 1927. FIRST NATIONAL CO., INC., OF DURHAM, , J2B 4tw Trustee. I Formerly First National Trust Co.,i , Durham, N. C. • Elbert S. Peel, attorney. 11 NOTICE : Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Martin County, >| in the cause entitled "D. G. Matthews ■j vs. Edward Williams," the under ■ j signed commissioner will, on Monday, 1 March 7, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at I: the courthouse door of Martin Coun ■ ty Offer for sale, to the highest bid • der for cash the following described >1 property: i j A tract of land located in Goose Nest Township, Martin County, ad 'j joining Orren Jaines, L. B. Fleming, I S. P. Green, et al, containing twelve ' acres more or less, and known as the I Abram Williams home place. This the 29th day of January, 1927. B. A. CRITCHER, f4 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power of sale eontained in that certain Deed of Trust executeiL-V the undersigned Trustee on the 2nd day of January, SHIP TO S WINBORNE & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS M t NORFOLK, VA., (otlon SUFFOLK, VA., Peanuts f ' Get their latest prices on nitrate of soda, lime and fertilizers before buying. 1 . j BUSINESS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED ———— '• THE ENTtWaSE—WI LLi A WI9TO*, W. C 11821, and of record in Martin County P.egistry in Book A-l, page 217, se curing: certain bonds of even date > therewith and the stipulations not ! having been complied with and at the ' request of the holder of said bonds, the undersined Trustee will, on the 10th day of February, 1927, at 12 o'- | 1 clock, offer for sale to the highest ' bidder, for cash, the following de : scribed tract of land: Being about one acre of land in the. town of Williamston, N. C. and bound -1 cd on the N by W. H. Biggs, on the E by a street, on the W by a street and being the land purchased by W. C. White and wife. This the 10th day of January, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, ' 1-14-4 Trustee. DR. W. L. DAVIS I EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST I Bell Jewelry Co. I WASHINGTON, N. C. I NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of a certain deed of trust executed by W. T. Alexander and wife, the 3rd day of April, 1924, of record in book H-21, page 391, office of the reg ister of deeds for Martin County, and i also by virtue of an order of the su perior court of Martin County, a de posit having been made to raise the ! bid and a resale ordered, 1 will on Wednesday, the 2nd .day of February. 1 ■ 11)27, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse in Williamston, N. C., | resell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following de scribed lands, to wit: That certain lot in or near William- Blon, Martin County, N. C., bounded 'I on the north by Jane Garrett prop ■ I . For-Sore Throat ■| | i ■ i. ■■■■ Rub throat and cheat with Vlcke; cover with warm flannel, double (Inhaled and abeorbad) bring* welcome relia^ /> jHWICKS JZAIN W VAPORUI . erty, on the south by the lane running from Garrett Street, on the west by Tom Bagley, on the east by Garrett Street, containing three-fourths of aa acre, more or less. The bid on said lands will begin at the sum of $266.20, the same being the bid of S. O. Mason. The successful bidder will be requir ! {.mount bid on date of sale. | ed to make a 10 per cent deposit of . This the 17th day of January, 1927. NOAH CHERRY, ; J jlB 2tw Trustee. ;'j Craig & Prilchett, attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE Notice its heerby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Ben D. Biggs and wife, I Ilcssie Biggs, to the undersigned Trustee and bearing date of January Bth 1924, and of record in the Public Registry ,of Martin County in Bookj Q-2Q, at page 6, said deed of trust j having been given to secure the pay-; ! nieht of a certain note of even date I and tenor therewith, and default hav ing been made in the payment of said note and the terms and conditions , in said deed of trust not having been ( complied with and at the request of the holer of said note the undersigned Just Received A Car of : PUNT BED GUANO L Tobacco Cloth, 500 Bundles of ment, Prepared Plaster and Finishing: Lime, Windows and -*■«*» / * 1 CAR LOAD BURT OATS Cheap for Cash * # ***• • -u . . . ' - 4 .... ' - . C. D. Car&arphen & Co. Gold Store I 223 Washington Street Exum L. Ward, Store Mgr. (II PHONE 157 | ■ We Deliver at Any Hour | At Cash and Carry Prices | WE STAND BEHIND WHAT WE SELL \ When Cheaper Groceries Are Sold the Gold Star Will Sell - Them fl AEROPLANE SERVICE AT SUBMARINE PRICES »| || A Few of Our Many Money-Saving Items FLOUR CANNED GOODS I ( i £ erti ?,!l! 241b !! ?? Campbell's pork and beans, ||| '■old btar, 24 lb. j;j Kowena (If better flour were Campbell's Tomato Soup," made, its name would be o fnr '' I , Rowena) 24 lb $1.40 f * " ~tT H - I. X. L. Corn, can 10c ||j Snap Beans, R R and B, can 10c Old Glory, lb. 11c Peas, early June, can 14e Snowdrift, 4 lbs 80c Asparagus tips, Del Monte, Burkhart kettle rendered, lb 18c Pound size 35c B] PurcJPork Sausage, lb. 28c Bordens Evap. milk can 10c jj COFFEES Tomatoes, large size can .... 15c I Gold Star, every drop hits the BUTTER n lonesome spot, lb 45c T , ~ Green FYont, lb 35c - A. a, pound _... 45c Prints, lb . 61c |f| Maxwell House, lb 53c Higgins Nut Products lb 27c [| Luzianne, lb. 42c Breakfast Bacon pkg. SZt ffl Fresh Spinach, Carrots, Celery, Iceberg Lettuce and Other Vege —. „ tables at All Times—Chickens and Eggs * Save your coupon slips; accumulate $250.00 worth ; present them at our store and receive $5.00 in cash. , ■ Trustee will, on Monday the 14th day of February 1927, at 12 o'clock M., ; at the Courthouse Door of Martin i County, at Williamston, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bidder ; for cash the following described real, i 1 estate, to-wit: Beginning on the Williamston and ! Washington Road at the Bridge be j low the old Rawls or Peel Mill; thence '. N 17 1-4 E 24 poles up the Wilhams , ton and Washington Road; thence N 19 1-2 W 25 1-2 poles up said road to an iron stob or stake; thence N 77 5-4 E 80 poles to an iron axle; thence N 88 1-2 E 80 poles to a post; thence S 11 1-4 W 42 2-3 poles to a black . gum in a branch; thence S 15 1-2 W about 68 poles to the Mill Run; thence up the various courses of said run to the bridge, the beginning, containing seventy-five (76) acres, more or less, . and being the identical tract of land , conveyed to Clayton Moore by James Biggs and wife, Tamer Biggs, by deeJ ; ! dated eDcember 4th 1916 which is of .! record in the Public Registry of Mar ' tin County in Book L-l, at page 261, to which said deed reference is here by made for a more accurate descrip tion. This 11th day of January 1927. A. R. DUNNING, l-14-4t Trustee. FOR RENT Rooms up stairs in, Godard Bank building, single or en suite. Terms reasonable. One 3 room unfurn ished apartment up stairs, located Haugh ton street. One 5 room apart ment, first floor, locat ed on Haughton street One 6 room bunga low on Smithwick st The above property has water and lights and is well located.me and is splendidly lo cated. Terms reason able. Phone 7;... 223 Smith wick Street, City. J. G. GODARD

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