Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey ta Over 1600 Homes of Martin Comity. VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 98 Feature Nights At Firemen's Circus Program Tonight and Tomorrow to be Best Yet Presented Since the opening Monday night, the volunteer firemen's indoor circua I*B added to its program until k has worked itself up to a very creditable position. Of course it ia limited in certain respects, but for the admis aion charged the show has otfered everything within reason. There is an absence of gambling devices which appears to make the ahow small, but lint tfsaaideration is given every J ffcwe of the circua it is to be judged taod. At least that is the opinion of many who have seen indoor circuses at other places. Sareral of the circus acts measure up and go ahead of acts staged in the big city theaters. The Mansfields have offered a tyM of acts that one generally fail* to Jee even in the big theaters of the country. With his two children, Miss June and Master Frank, he has pleased a large au disnse each night with his several •eta. Tka Charleston contests for the P*st three nights have met with much success in that they delighted all those who could even as much get a dim view of the stage. Other free acta have been good also. Tomorrow night will see a continuation of them. Tonight the old fiddlers from thia and other counties will appear with their instrument to bring back a few of the tunes that have been wrapped up by the present-day jass music. Just how the performance will turn out no one knows, but it ia safe to say it will be good and that the fid dlers will have a large and appreci ative audience. Tomorrow night the last game of the tournament will be played with Jamesville and Everetts doing battle for the silver loving cup. The program will continue in full swing until mid night, when the circus closes. Last night saw the largest crowd •f the week here, the dance being the main drawing card. And while the colored Charleston contest was a aide issue, it was thoroughly enjoyed by the crowd. William Slade, with his difficult steps, won first prise, while tfie second and third went to Larry Johnson and Willie Wright. The attendance has held up well during the week, and the basketball game between Everetts and James vill is expected to attract one of the lurgaat of the week. These same two teams will play again tomorrow niglt but under different groupings. Children's Charleston Contest Very Popular With seven competing in the Char leston contest at the indoor circus here last Tuesday night, Misses Eloise Cook Gwen WatU and Carrie E. Williams won. The first prise went to little Miss Cook, while the other two win ners received half the sum made when the second and third caah prises were added together. Wednesday night there were five competing for the prises in the Char leston contest. The dancing of all was good, and a motion was carried to award the three prises evenly a mong Misses Eloise Cook, Julia Watts Carrie Williams, and Z. Hardy Rose and Billy Watts. Town Commissioners in • Special Session Monday The Board of Town Commissioners will meet in a special session next Monday night in ti»e Mayor's office at 7:80 o'clock. Several matters carried over from the regular meeting last Monday will come up for consideration. ICTRANH § THEATRE I gBBB II ■ S TONIGHT "Sweet Daddies" —with— George Sidney, Charlie Murray, and Vera Gordon SATURDAY Bob Caster in "The Border Whirl wind" - : l Also Serial and Comedy. ,: Always a Good Show . ltd - £*%.* ' ... * THE ENTERPRISE ' Time to Begin Planning Your ■ Spring Garden ■i . » Advisable for the Farm j! Family to be as Self „ Sustaining as Can t By MUSS ANNA TRENTHAM | y l Home Denmonatartion Agent d; Now is the time to begin planting n and planning for the spring garden, s | The vegetable garden can be made : one of our most vwluable farm assets, e but in many placea, it has been wholly j n neglected. The existing agricultural j s; conditions have made it advisable for e the farm family to be as nearly self- j ( sustaining as possible, nothing else a' contributes so much to this end as a r productive farm garden. ■ | The money value of the garden, ,|: however, is but one of it* important e features. The preservation of the h ' health of the family in the greatest ( ll' of all the benefits. a Vegetables furnish certain food, s substances minerals, vtiamins and | t roughage which are essential to the, 1 growth and health of the individual. ■ The aim of the good gardener is to n have vegetables all the year round," v but the ordinary garden receives at-j i ttntion in the spring only; the table !.' is well supplied with fivsh vegetables [) during the summer months, but in the 9 fell, winter and early spring, too i i . many of our families do not have the . J fresh vegetables so essential in their i i daily diet. (| Many gardens are too large—too ) I many seeds of a vegetable are plant , cd at one time resulting in waste. To , keep an adequate supply during the . year, there should be several plant ings at successive dates. j Successive planting requires much leas space in s garden than the old method of "making garden" in the spring of the year. What is said of the farm garden would be applicable to the town gar den, for many times the supply of fresh vegetables on our markets is not sufficient for our needs, j Begin now and plan for a year j round garden. ■t *— J Bishops' Crusader is t Coming to Williamston Beginning Monday, February 21st, 1 there will be a week of special serv ices in the Episcopal Church. The ' liev. W. C? Halleck, rector of St. j John's Church, Wilmington, N. C-, will i .I be the Crusader. Mr. Halleck has > | been selected to carry the crusade to t • V.'illiamaton because of his ability as II a forceful speaker. All over the , Uni'.ed States bishops, priests, and .! laymen are going out on the Bishops' t Crusade carrying the messages of tha I i essential Gospel, of Christ. Without sensation or hysteria they are pre > senting the Christ way as the way, . the truth, and the life for mankind. | Further announcements as to the i I hours of service, etc., will be made in ] . this paper next week. , ;. Mission Study Class at j! the Methodist Church i 1 M- -H A mission study class will be held j 1 at the Methodist church next week on Monday, Wednesday and Thurs- 1 day nights at 7:30 o'clock. The book 1 ' to be studied is entitled, "Yet An ' other Day in Missions." AH the peo- 1 pie in the community who are inter ' ested in this study are cordially in ' vited to attend. We are very grateful to the various church people of the community for their cooperation in every branch ofl the church work, especially on last Sunday night Since there wil| be no' service at the Methodist church, Sun- ! day, we hope that our people will re turn the same courtesy. The public of Hamilton is cordially ' invited to attend our services ihere ' Sunday both at if £ m. and 7:80 p. m. • T. W. LEE, Pastor. • vjj CoL H. C. Bragaw Kills ! Self Accidentally Col. Henry C. Bragaw, of Wash- 1 ington, accidentally shot himself yesterday while cleaning his gun, the load entering his side near his hip > and ranged upward, death resulting i almost instantly. Mr, Bragaw was i preparing for a hunt, telling his in- valid son that he was going to ItD) a •] bird for him. i He was a brother of Judge S. C. I Bragaw, and had two other brothers and one sister. He also leaves a widow and six children. 1 :'4 ■ t » '."if Williaraeton, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, February 11,1927 r *\| Dr. Poteat Here Next Sunday Dr. Wm. Louis Poteat, Presi dent of Wake Forest College, will speak in the Baptist Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The geenral public is invited I to this service.- At this regular service an nouncement will be made as to the evening service. Those wishing to hear Dr. Poteat will have the opportun ity only in the morning, for he will return to his home Sudijr afternoon. > - | Exposition at Rocky Mount April 4 to 8 . i Famous Weidemyer Or chetsra Booked for the Entire Week Eastern Carolina music lovers will !>e delighted to read the announcement Mutt the famous Weidemyer orchestra has been secured for the entire week of the Eastern Carolina Exposition io be held at Rocky Mount, April , 4 to 8. In making the announcement 1 Friday the management said that the I exposition officials had been importun ! Ed every year to get this orchestra. ' There will be ten pieces in the ag gregation anil with the special num bers that the orchestra carries, the afternoon and evening programs wfT) be worth all the admission charge at the door, if there were nothing else. \ according to those who have heard this wonderful organization of musi- 1 cians play. A Week of Artist^ Not itf a long time, if ever, hasj Eastern Carolina had so many real | artists in one week, as the exposftion, 1 has booked for this exposition. Open-, ing Momlay night, the world's great-.' est tenor, Giovanni Martinelli, the. only possible successor to Caruso,' they say, will be the headliner; Tues day night the famous soprano, Miss Luella Melius, who is the highest priced woman singer, the exposition has ever booked; the artist who re ceived an ovation in Chicago recently, that has been given to but two other artists within twenty-five years, will 1 .old forth; with Weidemyer's ag gregation of artists for every after noon and every night, together with our qjvn Eastern Carolina talent, Eastern Carolinians are in for a week of real edification. The office in Kins {on is buisly engaged now getting all details worked out for staging this big ptoram, which will open two months from next Monday. The Week's Work of the Legislature, in Short The Legislature is getting very busy; so far it has done no big things. But realising the fact that they are bound to pass some kind of a law t-> tax the folks it is now studying hard to fix a law that will bring the 1 most money with the least money. I They are working over the appiopri- 1 ation budget -and fixing a revenue law. The Haywood health bill was killed. At the present time they are killing the Pool Anti-evolution bill. The bill which will require a lighted candle to be tied to every horse's tail that j goes on the road at night is about to j be passed. Then the body is preparing for more und better judges and have them paid nu>re money. A bill to pay Confederate soldiers and .their widows larger pensions has been reported as favorable. A bill has passed the House mak ing '"Hie Old North State" the official State song. I Reduce Electric Light and Power Charges The Town of Plymouth has recent Jy reduced the charges for electric current from 20 cents to 15 cents per kilowatt and reduced the motor charge to 5 cents per kilowatt. For a number of years, Plymouth i has had a higher rate for electricity j than any town in this section and its people refused to be charged a rate so much out of line with the one charged by other towns its FIDDLERS' CONVENTION AT JAHjSSVILLE NEXT FRIDAY *r>The fiddlers convention announced to take place at the Jamesville school next Friday is attractntg a great deal cf attention in that part of the county. Reports from those in charge 'ef the arrangements for the contest hold that the entire coraunity is much interest ed and that a big time is assured. The proceeds go to # the atheltic fund of the school. Robersonville Organizations Plan Library i Parents-Teachers and Woman's Club to Un dertake Project Itobersonville, Feb. 10.—(Special to The Enterprise.)— Members of the woman's club and parcnt-teachets as sociation met in joint session on Tuesday afternoon, February 8, at the school building to initiate a project looking toward the development and maintenance of a public library. Previous to the business session the music department of the woman's club gave the choral, number, "Winter Fairies." Mrs. V. A. Ward, presiding, intro duced Miss Mar*. Flournoy, field worker of the Stat* library Commis , sion, who pleasingly addressed the) body. Among her introductory re | marks she gave the rank of North ' Carolina as a read .jx State. In this lirstance, she stated that we can not even "Thank God for South Caro lina," as North Carolina stand i at the bottom of the list. She very utrong tjTy emphasized the value of books as ,; a social cultural, and recreational as | ; sot. Very good suggestions were , | given as to the possibility of various i j types, either the public library or the . j combination of public and school II ,! brary to meet the needs of both. She | recommended the latter as being more practical for Robersonville, at least jat present. Whereas the school li | brary is lacking in standafd equip- 1 ; I ment, she suggested that future ad ] ditions of furniture meet standard re i quirements, so that eventually the J equipment would be adequate. As an I immediate step toward the proposed ( ! improvement the following library 1 i committee was appointed: Me.sdames | W. H. Gray, V. A. Ward, N. C. Ever- I ett, and Miss Eva Peel. Mr. G. H. j Cox proposed a plan by which the II ways and means committee might iraise funds for the library lie offered free to the library cause one-half of each subscription.reeved. This of fer was prompted as an expression of his interest in such a movement and was heartily endorsed by the chair. Mrs. C. A. Roberson, chairman of the American Home Department of the club, brought* to the attention of ' the members the possibilities of hav ing an institute conducted by Mrs. Anna Grimes, a State home economics expert. Mrs. RobeTson highly recom mended her, having known her per sonally and having observed her high - standard of instruc* ion. She assured the club that practical bene'ttts might j be derived from sttoh an institute as Mrs. Grimes presented her courses on a workable basis. However, should tht club decide to secure Mrs. Grimes ' she would be unable to fill an engage- I ment earlier than next fall, as her j ; time is fully scheduled until that date, j It" is hoped that the joint meeting | of those active organizations will tend j to carry out the movements initiated ! Hamilton l*rogram of Bishops' Crusade 1 The St. Martin's Episcopal Church til Hamilton begins its Bishops' Cru sade meetings February 21 and will continue them through the 27th. Rev. C. E. Williams will be in charge of the daily services. Bible study and conferences will be held each day at 11a. m. On Wednesday and Friday i young peoples' services .will be held ' at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The public is cordially invited to attend all the services. Special Communication Conoho Chapter No. 12 There will be a special communica- j j tion of Conoho Chapter, No. 12 Royal . Arch Masons, Wednesday evening,' February 16th at 7:46 o'clock for I work in the Royal Arch degree. The Washington team will be with us and I hflp confer the work. Refreshments will be served after the work. All companions are urged , j -to be present. By order of N. C. Green, H. P. N. K. HARRISON, Secretary. | T h 4 Prop Labor . - * By "X" In the brief accbunt given in Acts 6:1-7 we have the history of the or-, ganization of the first board of lay activities. This organization grew out of the division of labor in the Church of Jesus Christ. At that particular period, just as-in _ other periods, those who had been peculiarly chosen as ministers of the Word were attempt ing to administer everything in con nection with the church and naturally ,• .. ' - .V Plan Attempt to Reinstate King Cotton on His Throne Attempts to reinstate "King Cotton" were'made at a meeting J of the Robersonville Book Lover's Club this week when a commit tee was appointed to undertake the task of staging a cotton com mencement at the school closing there this spring. The committee will ask the co operation of the school and its patrons in making the proposed plans prove successful. Each girl appearing in the music recital or Recorder Has Small Docket Here Tuesday Large Number of Peo ple from all Sections of County Attend Few cases found their way to the docket of Tuesday's recorder's court, but. the hearings were attended by large crowds* from all over the county, j Charged wttft aiding and abetting' the manufacturing of liquor, Pete Brooks was found guilty of the charge and was require dto pay SSO and the ccsts of the case. Brooks came into ci>urt and plead not guilty to the charge. Columbus Ward plead guilty to a charge of simple assault. His plea was accepted by Solicitor Horton for; i the State. Judgment was suspended; upon payment of the cost. Pleading not guilty to the charge, J Arthur Manning, of Edgecombe County, was found guilty of driving an automobile while intoxicated. He was required to pay a fine of SSO and cost of the action. His light to drive a motor vehicle for four months was revoked by Judge Bailey and 80 days allowed -the defendant in which to pay the fine and cost. The case of Gainer Holliday, charg ing him with assault with a deadly weapon, was continued. Bond was forfeited in the case of j Tom Moore when he was called and i foiled to appear in court., Moore's i case came into court when he failed to support his children.- Ben Mason, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, plead not! guilty to the charge. In its findings the court adjudged him not guilty. MRS. GLADSTONE ENTERTAINS THE MEMBERS OF BRIDGE CLUB Hamilton, Feb. 10.—.Mrs. F. L. Gladstone entertained the members of her bridge club last Tuesday even-l ing at her home in honor of Mrs. T. j B. Slade Jr's. birthday. Mrs. J. "P.) Boyle made high score and received a 1 beautiful crepe de chine handkerchief and powder puff. A salad course was served after which a beautifully decorated cake was brought in lighted with candles on a silver tray decorated with spring flowers and ferns. Mrs. J." P. Boyle and Miss Cornelia Ayers toasted Mrs. Slade. Ouilding and Loan Office Moved to Bank i The office of the Martin County j Building and Loan association has been moved to the Farmers and Mer chants bank The books of the as sociation will be open to receive pay- j ments of shareholders on Saturdays | and Mondays between the hours of 0:00 and 3:00 o'clock. Cape Fear River to Be Bridged at Wilmington The Cape Fear river is to be bridg ed at Wilmington according to a bill' now before the Legislature authoriz ing the State to issue a special series of bonds in the sum of $1,250,000 for the purpose of building the bridge. The structure will be the most ex pensive one ever undertaken by the State Highway commission. The bridge will carry-a toll charge [ until the bonds are paid. ■ \ /" I division of the Church . • there developed a sharp criticism x>f the administration. , . The Apostles were wise men in their feneration. They called the congrega tion together and made a clear state ment of the situation and laid down a principle which is incomparable in its clear insight into the situation presented and one that is applicable U> any similar situation, past, pres ent, or future, in the history of the Christian Church. (Continued on page four) V ** other exercises will be asked to wear a dress made of cotton ma terial. Parents, teachers, and pupils other thai? those appearing in the exercises will be asked to do their "bit." The members and visitors pres ent at the meetirfg were very much Interested in the undertak ing: and little opposition is expect ed in carrying it over. The meet ing was held with Mrs. C. D. Car raway. * I > f Mail Dividend Checks Tuesday While no official announce ment has been made, it comes from good authority lhat the receiver of the defunct Peoples bank will mail out a twenty per cent dividend to its old de positors Tuesday of next week. Stenographers and clerks of the receiver have been working \ several days at the task of de tcrmininK the amount to be mailed to each of the bank's depositors, and tomorrow and Monday will be required to net the dividend ready for the post. Ifeopsitors of the bank will do the clerical force a favor not to • j ask information about the divi ■j" deiul before that time. Just what the dividend will total in round (inures could not be learned at noon today. I '• / Vanceboro Boy Killed by Train Watches Engine Wheels («rind Older Brother to Sudden Death Roy Moulding, a young man, of \ Vanceboro was run down and ground !to death Wednesday morning by a | Norfolk Southern train, a few miles north of Vanceboro. Young Doubling and hislß-year | old brother, Alton, were on their way j t>) Washington to get flowers for the j funeral of their older brother, Walter, j whose body was on its way home.from j Baltimore. AltonNtays they could not see the approaching tfain on account of box I cars standing on the side track, and | just as they reached the road the | train struck their car. They were both caught on the cow catcher and car ried alomst two hundred yards and before the train could stop he saw his j brother fall off and disappear under | the wheels of the engine. Alton tried 1 to catch and hold him but was un able to reach him. The younger of the two had one of his logs broken in two places and suffered severe hurts in the stomach, when first struck. now in a hospital in Wash ington where he is suffering greatlJC, 'but 'is expected to recover. The other two brothers were buried at their old home, near (Jrifton, ' ~T~ Baptist I'hilatheas in Meeting Monday ; - 1' The regular monthly business and ' toc-ial meeting of the i'hilathea class | of the Memorial Baptist Church was I held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Herbert Cowan-. Plans to raise money during 1927 I were discussed, after which the meet ing adjourned and refreshments were served. A social hour followed. There were 20 fnembers present. * _> EVERETTS WOODMEN TO MEET MONDAY ' The Everetts Modern Woodmen will hold their regular meeting Monday night, February 14. All members of the camp are urged to be present to help plan for a big oyster supper in the near future. A (food program was enjoyed by about 16 members at the last meet ing of the camp. SUNDAY SERVICES AT CHURCH OF .ADVENT Episcopal Rev. C. 0. Pardo, rector. Sunday, February 18, lt>27: 10:00 a. m.—Church School. 11:00 a. m.—Morning prayer and i sermon. 3.30 p. m.—Holy Trinity Mission. 7.30 p. m—Evening prayer and ser mon. - Woman's Club Dance Not to be Held Monday The dance planned by the Womana' lub for next Monday night ha- been en'led off. Arrangements as to when another dance will be ftetd hHvcr nor been made at the present time. / Watch the La bo* Oa Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. V_ ! J ESTABLISHED 1898 W. 0. Saunders Talks to Local Kiwanis Club World is Entering New Cycle of Religion, Says Speaker Editor W. O. Saunders, of the Eliz abeth City Independent, was the guest of the Kiwanis Club at its luncheon Wednesday. HI I had been invited-to | address the meeting and quite a Jjirge gathering of members and their j friends were present. Mr. Saunders chose his own sub- I jeet, which was, perhaps the greatest j subject that the world has or ever will know. He was frank and honest I with his hearers in that he stated that j hi felt sure all the folks would not agree with him, but that he would I tight just as hard to preserve their 1 light tx> disagree with him as he I would to assert his right to disagree with them. Mr. Saunders started off with the N statement that th- world is entering a new cycle of religion; that the re ligion thait has served the world for the past two milieniums is now obso lete and that we would have to find a new religion. Continuing, he said that the en lightenment of the past 100 years has banished the old-time " fear:* under which men moved and which was the basis of their religion. This religion, i ue" said, was borrowed from the J-w.s, who in turn had borrowed it from o her peoples; that the prophets : were nothing more than 'the wisest of | a semi-barbaric people ( who were mjye f capable of leading than others and | who were able to set up a m jre per j feet code Of living; that the type of j relir inn even at the time of-Christ was that of master and slave. He -.aid the id "a of one God was I i'Ven the world about 1,700 years B. jt ~ prior to which time there were j various gods for various things. That among the Jews was one j Jesus, who had a bigger heart and a broader conception than had previous- I ly prevailed. This Jesus took His from amdr.g the poor and ignorant classes, where He "promised them equality with kings, >:o far as alvation of their souls was concerned. Mr. Saunders said this religion has served the world for 2,000 years, first filling them with fear, and then ' with hope; but that it has now ful filled its mission. With the advent of the manufacture of paper and the spreading of knowledge men have lost I their fear and are no longer afraid of hell—and do not believe in it. Fur ther saying that the Bible has been copied from, time to time and some I' l« ft out while other parts added, and tliiit there has not been a single orig inal manuscript of the Bible in exist ence for at least 1,500 years. The civic clubs wire pointed to as the outgrowth of the present genera tion's blind groping to find a modern and true religion. According to the speaker, the world I i.-. not satisfied with the old plan of nidation; and we do not need relig 'j ion to save..our souls but to save our neighbors-. Man knows not from whence h» j came nor whither he goes, but will doubtless be dead millions of years, j Mi. Saunders says, and our problem I is to make this the best of all worlds... Further, we must abolish hatred and intolerance; that we don't know what truth is, and we scarcely know what right is, but must leain through our clubs and o her oi sanitations and through contact with man to pull to ! gether. • I ~ T ~ . Mrs. William Andrews Dies in Robersonville Mrs. William Andrews, of Roberson ville, died at her home there Tuesday night. The funeral was conducted by I -Elder B. S. Cowing, her pastor. She was buried in the Robersonville cem etery. Mrs. Andrews was the daughter of James T. Grimes. She married William Andrews who with geven children, the youngest an infant! survives her. SERVICE BARBERSHOP OPENS IN ATLANTIC HOTEL The Service barbershop opened thto Aeek in the Atlantic hotel after re . pairs had been made to two of the lower front rooms of the hotel. NEW RGOCERY STORE TO OPEN TOMORROW I The John A. Manning Grocery com pany will open tomorrow in tne buiia | mg next to Anderson's store. : The stotte naa undergone uoiapiaN changes in thi last several days. On account of unavoidable condi tions, the Good Citixenship depart ment did not meet Thursday as an nounced, but will meet Monday ' February 14 at 4:00 p. m. I ii t Miss Mary Spruill of the Windaar r-school faculty visited Misa Laey Claire Ivey here laat night.

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