THE ENTERPRISE ... 4 Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning 1 - - - Editor Subscription Price •e (Strictly cash in advance) \ year - $1«60 F months -80 8 months - -45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise Too Little Attention Paid Sidewalks Williamston pays too little atten-j tion to its sidewalks. Even after a small rain lakes of considerable mag- j nitude may be seen at many place.;, on our Main Street sidewalks. Ouri sidewalks give the town a very ra£-1 fred appearance. Another bad practice in our town; is to let owners of property place tln-ir fences and hedges away out in I tin sidewalk, making it look almost It is practically certain that every mail lias some kiwi of\ religion or at ltfii.U'tomV'ideal tJnre he call* religion, w.iiiiijr has mven the world nibtc toncern than religion. It sometimes becomes -so tenacious that it destroys its. own principles and inllueiicefa. It cai* Ik' truthfully that religion i.; the worst thing a 'man can argue livery aire teeni; to think it lias the best type of religion Some arc go iuft far eivMtgb to enlightenment as a substitute for all former religion. Extracting some of the ideas from nn address made here by W. O. Saun-» ders, one would gather that the en lightenment anil the love that have followed in the great wake of the Christian religion is religion itself; apparently being unable to understand that it is not in itself religion bub simply the fruit of it; forgetting that it is only the fruit that comes from the heart of the Christian religion. Religion, according to such a theory, is Eastern North Carolina Advantages We have just received a letter from dry, cold, windy inquiring l a-| bout Eastern Carolina opportunities and as a place to live. The inquiry centered around three fi Is your medicine chest incomplete? Replenish" it and be prepared for any emergency. We have a full line of drugs and sundries. Call on us for anything you may need; we will gladly give you the benefit of ouroex perience. . ► : » Our prices are moderated Clark's Drug Store Free Delivery like a cow path instead of having a nice straight line giving it a decent | appearance. And still another thing that should! jnot be allowed is bulletin boards j stretched across the sidewalks, as so! j often can be seen on our busiest thor-i I oughfiires. A proper clean up and j | keep clean drive on our sidewalks' would improve the town's looks con-! siderably. i . Religion / in/ more than to praise the light of t day without recognizing the sun as * • -i . toe lather of the light. All experiences of the past show , liiat ttMjti and nations soon worship i their works,' and their t. power if left alone. We have more i feuds in America than i'aul en- j, ■ cuu|Uered in the ancient city. We ure out own god, bragging and boasting ■ 01 our superior knowledge and our • good works. The ideal of Jesus has not yet been I, attained by man, and there are yet j thousands of years in which man may i be able to attain that high estate which will give us all the good things ■ we now have and have them more abundantly, more universally. Our ■ ignorance, our selfishness, our greed ; will gradually pass away. A broader I knowledge, a deeper love, a peace on " earth and good will to man will come into our lives—all coming from a i higher power, a power we have noth ing to do with except live within its i laws and under its ordinances. i things, the climate, the price of land, and the price of eggs. Evidently that Kansas farmer has been digging in a field that will not produce half so well as our farm lands do, being capable of growing only a few Crops. Again, it is certain that ' lie has suffered many climatic hard ships, ranging all the way from be low the zero mark, with the blizzard I whipping his face into blisters with the cold, to the parching, cooking, > hot winds of summer that scorches und blisters the farmer and the crops in the summer. Of course, we have a climate twice as pleasant as he. Then comes the price of eggs. We have a better clijnate for the hens to scratch and work in; not much too hot in summer and not much too cold in winter; making them lay better. Then, if an egg in KansSWfwd one in North Carolina are wortnthe slime money as food, ours will bring more, because we have twice as big a mar -1 ket as Kansas, because we are more thanifcree times as near the bulk of the folks. The difference in freight t from Kansas gives the North Carolina . poultryman a fair profit. When it comes to looking for com- I parisons for agricultural advantages, , [ Eastern North Carolina has 'fib com j petition. Climate, both sunshine and ! rain; soil that produces every one of II the great American crops; transpor | and proximity to -the centers lof population. We'can feed 40,000,000 ! people in 24 hours. When we answered the Kansas far mer, we had a lot to say, and it was all the truth. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank those who have so kindly ministered to us during the ex tended illness of my husband, Joshua , Daniel Griffln, and those who so gen erously offered their services and sym path.v at the time of his death. Bettie Staton Ward Griffln. STATEMENT of the CONDITION of the FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK Williamston - North Carolina AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JANUARY 28th, 1927 : *\ , _ * ' « LIABILITIES Capital 1 ; $100,000.00 Surplus 5,000.00 Undivided profits ....... 3,742.49 Deposits 667.297.28 $776,039.77 RESOURCES -* • _ Loans and discounts $439,136.30 Liberty Bonds .• 87,350.00 Other bonds and stocks 69,053.72 Banking house and fixtures 16,240.51 Other real estate 24,332.88 Cash and due from banks 139,926.36 - $776,039.77 We have stood every storm for twenty-one years. We know we can stand any that may come. ..B anks my come and go and "bust," but the FARMERS and ME&CHA NTS WILL STAND ANY TEST. We invite the closest inspection o f our affairs. If we can be of serv ice to you, call on u&. We have pi enty of money to loan on good se curity. - • ' • .. ■ •• -"I Farmers & Merchants Bank WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ' •-» ..Vf 1 - > ' OFFICERS J JOHN D. BIGGS, PrwMwt C. ft CARSTARPHEN, Jr, Cashier H. A. BO WEN, Aart. Cashier , DIRECTORS P. U. BARNES J. EASON LILLEY C. D. CARSTARPHEN JAVAN ROGERS R. W. SALSBURY JOHN D. BIOGS C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Jr. •"W- 4 ' 1 THE ENTERPRISE—WILILAMSTON, N. C hnWngs 2 c.* , 1 hink About h By JAMBS D. TAYLOR " MAN s » Man, made in the image of God, is always, as should bo, seeking for e happniess, Since the first man, men have sailed the ships of their dream; , > } seeking the harbor of happiness. In I this search, which goes forever on, great discoveries are made for the ad i vancement of mankind. Some pass on before happiness is found and others take their places at the wheel and on' > . j end on the quest continues. It will al- j • 1 ,! ways continue just so long as its ideals j f are high. t ! Man, in his quest for better things, uses his helpmates. Art, which is of ' his spirit; science, which is of Ais t jf 1 mind; ahd industry which is of his i flesh; play the mportant parts in t ' bringing, to the doors of millions every I where a message of a standard of j | higher living. What a great privilege it is to have B ! u body, mind and soul bearing the j| image of God; and given the power to enlist* those things necessary to make a life complete. And he who , I appreciates these things, 'is -looking i forward into the future to learn and to welcome whatever life may brinp in each new day. But with all tfie great things man > I . | has done, although directed, by thr i hand of the Father, they aie nothin;; ) [ compared to the things that God doe., j J Himself -rfirtect without the hand of | j man. In the production of peaches, 1 I grapes, apples, corn, cotton and every thing else, man through the things God has given him power to enlist, contributes only 5 per cent. The 95 per cent comes direct from heaven. ; There has never been any thing yet ' discovered, or ever will be, that can j supply the 95 per cent. LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF VALUABLE FARM 1 PROPERTY i-j Under and by virtue of the authori-j ty conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by Jesse A. Leggett and wife, Katie Alen Leggett, on the ~ 28th day of May, 1923/ and recorded in book 0-2, page 357, we will on Sat urday the 26th day of February, 1927, i at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Williamston, N. C., sefl at ' public auction for cash to the highest ' bidder the following land, to wit: ' All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Poplar Point | Township, Martin County, North Car-1 olina, containing 96 and 1-3 acres,] ; more or less, bouded on the north by j the lands of Taylor and Leggett, on j the cast by the lands of J. L. Wynn, 1 on the south by the lands of»Griffin r and Harris, and on the west by the j lands of Joseph Harris, and being the same land deeded to Jesße A. Leggett by J. W. Allen and wife, by deed dat , ed December 10, 1906, and of record in the public registry of Martin County, : ir. book SSS, at page 15, and more; particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a pine stump, the ner between Joseph Harris and the land herein described; thence S. 32 S-4 E. 119 poles to Moon Spring Branch, thence N. 8 1-2 E. 40 poles, thence N. 61 E. 43 poles, thence S. j 8L 1-2 E. 36 poles, thence S. 23 E. 16 poles, thence N. 60 W. 10 poles, thence N. 16 W. 40 pules, thence N. 68 W. 38 . polesj' thenye S. 45 1-2 W. 56 poles, thence N. 8S W. 40 poles, thence N. C 4 W. 64 poles, thence N. 81 3-4 W. 24 pales, thence N. 76 1-2 W. 34 poles, thmce S. 45 1-2 W. 23 poles to the ' beginning. This sale is made by reason of the ■' failure of Jesse A. heggett and wife, , Katie Allen Leggett, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness second by - said deed of trust to the North Cam i lina Joint Stock Lan Bank of Durham. This the 12th day of January, 1927. | FIRST NATIONAL CO., INC., OP DURHAM, ' j2B 4tw Trustee. Formerly First National Trust Co., Durham, N. C. Elbert S. Peel, attorney. — NOTICE OF SALE ——— Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 4th day of i May, 1921, by John T. Chance and wife, Annie Chance, and of record in i the public registry of Martin County in book R-2, at page 82®; said deed of trust being given to secure the pay ment of certain notes of even date ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ''- v . WHAT! DO YOU THINK I'LL SELL 8-3-3 At $20.00 a Ton Come in to see me before buying. I han dle A. S. Lee & Sons Co. Fertilizer, Land Plaster, and Lime. 44 years in the business behind my people. C. B. Hassell Flat Iron Building $68.88 Uniform High Grade Magnesium Lime stone at the Tobacco Station at Oxford in Granville County, gave for 5 years a yearly increase of $68.88 per acre. Mr. Moss, the specialist in charge of the Station states "That the work reveals that while a small amount of available magnes ium will control sand-drown, the quality of tobacco is vastly improved from its use." Not many men would hesitate to make an investment of SIO.OO or more per acre that . would give annual returns of $68.88 per acre. The gi ower of Quality Leaf will get the profit this year. M'AS COT (MASCOT) TRADE MARK REGISTERED vßest for All Crops Sold always under a minimum analysis... guarantee. See your local Mascot dealer. Harrison Bros, and Co., Williamston, N. C C. L. Wilson Robersonville, N. C Bailey and BarnhiU Everetts, N. C. V. G. Taylor Everetts, N. C T. W. Davenport Oak City, N. C. - M. O. Blount and Sons ..J, Bethel, N. C Or Write Us American Limestone Co. Knoxville - Tennessee , und tenor therewith, and the stipula- I tions in said deed of trust not having ' been complied with, and the itipulan . been complied with, and at the re . quest of the parties interested, the . undersigned trustee will on the 28th day of February, 1927, at 12 o'clock nt., at the courthouse door in the town oi Williamston, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at pub ' lie auction the following tracts of land, to wit: Being lots numbers 108, 109,19, and 20 in the town of Parnate, N. C., as described in a certain may. made by F. W. Sec rest, C. E., which map is registered in the register of deeds of fice of Martin County in book 7, at page 412, reference to which is here by made for further description. This the 27th day of January, 1927. D. A. JAMES, jZB 4tw Trustee. Robert L. Coburn, attorney.