Clmk Meetings Weddiao Etc. Preacher Pierce, clerk of the Caro lina Telephone A Telegraph Co., vis ited the local exchange this week. Mr. Seth Baugham was a visitor here this week. Mr. Robt W. Salsbury attended the Kiwanis luncheon here Wednesday. Mr. T. Jones Taylor, of Edgecombe, was a business visitor here Wednes day. Messrs. Van G. Taylor and Paul Bailey, of Everett*, heard W. O. Saunders at the Kiwanis meeting here Wednesday. Miss Frances Morris, of Goldsboro, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. P/'B. Cone, and Dr. Cone. - Mr. and Mrs. E. W. McMasters, of Pocomoke CLy, Md., are visiting tfceir daughter, Mrs. F. U. Barnes, and Mr. Barnes. They have visited in Wil liamston for several winters and have made many friends who are always delighted at their coming. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bennett have re- | turned from Greensboro, where they spent several days visiting friends and attending to business. Mesdamej Holly 8.11, C. J. Saw yer, and C. J. Rhea, of Windsor, at tended a meeting here Wednesday. Mr. J. A. Manning, of near Rocky Mount, has been in the county visit ing his mother, Mrs. Nancy Manning and his, Mrs. J. T. Price, this week. '— s Mr. and Mrs George Paul snd daughter, Miss Louise and Jesse Giles, of Washington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning this week. Friends of Mrs. W. H. Lilley were delighted to see her in town again following an extended illness. A. F. Manning, of Middlesex, is in the city attending to business for the Montgomery Lumber Co., which he represents. NOTICE FOR TAX DEED To Chelsey Woolard, or to any other person or persons interested in the following land: You will take notice that H. T. Rob erson, sheriff and tax coHectar for Martin County, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday, the 7th day in June, 1926, "64 acres residence, listed in Griffins Township, by Chelsey Woolard," for taxes for the year 1926, and at said sale I was the highest bidder for said laCnd and the said sheriff issued me a certificate of said sale. You will take further notice here under, that unlese you redeem said certificate, I shall demand a deed for said land on or after June 7, 1927. February 6th, 1927. fll 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL NOTICE FOR TAX DEED To Mrs Jno. Gray Peel, or to any other person or persons interested in the 1 following land i I' You will take notice that H. T. Rob trson, sheriff and tax collector for Martin Coujpty, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday, the 7th day in June, 1926, "66 acres residence listed in Griffins Township by Mrs. Jno. Gray Peel," for taxes for the year 1925, and at said sale I was the highest bidder for said land and the said sheriff issued me a cer tificate of said sale. You will take further notice here under, that unless you redeem said certificate, I shall demand a deed for said land on or after June 7, 1927. February 6th, 1927. fll 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL ■'■■■ m 1 1 * We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Makes 'd&S EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write far Pikes aad Terms One of oar salesmen will gladly 4MMastrate one la year but- All the Latest Records , and Sheet Music t . ■ . Russ Bros. Wtiliamston, N. C. Waahiagtea, N. C. Ply month, N.C. Society & Personals Mr*. ELBERT ft PEEL, Editor Mr. Jesse Harrell, of Pittsburgh, Pa., is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. L B. Harrison will; leave Sunday for Tampa, Fla., where they will visit Mrs. Harrison's broth er, Mr. Henry Harrell, and his family for two weeks. They will also visit other places of interest in Florida away. Mr. T. F. Harrison and daughter, Miss Martha, arrived Wednesday from New York, where they have been buying spring merchandise for Harri son Bros. & Co. Mrs. Anna Harrison, v/ho has been buying millinery for the same firm, returned with them. B. R. Barnhill spent Wednesday in Washington attending to business. MRS. HARRISON HOSTESS TO EMBROIDERY CLUB The Embroidery Club was enter tained by Mrs. L B. Harrison at her home on Haughton Street Tuesday afternoon at 3.30. She had as her guests Mr a. S. S. Lawrence, of Rich mond, and Mrs. E. W. McMasters, of Pocomoke City, Md. A very en joyable af.ernoon was spent by the guests. The hostess served a sweet course, consisting of syllabub, fruit cuke, stuffed, and salted nuts. LEGGETT-GURKIN A wedding of considerable interest «> a large circle of fri nds was tha. oO.umn.zed early Thursday morning a. the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ta> lor, on the Washington road, when Mrs. Hilda Leggett was united in marriage with James C. Gurkin. The wedding hour was 8 o'clock in the moruing, and when Rev. C. H Dickey of the local Baptist Church arrived at the Taylor home, Mr. Gur kin had not yet made his appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor said n was the first time he had ever been known to uirive late. But in due' time he came and led his youthful bride to the altar. Mr. Gurkin is a well-known young man of Martin County, and has a high reputation for uprightness and integ rity. The bride has for some time made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and is loved for her fineness of character and the , many noble graces which are hers. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Gurkin left in their new automobile for an extended tour of the south. They plan to motor through North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia, and Florida. Mr. Gurkin has a brother in Florida, and the happy couple plan to visit him on their wed ding tour. Upon their return home they will be at home to their friends about the first of March at Mr. Gurkin's home. A large circle of friends and ac quaintances wish for this young cou ple al lthe good things in life.—A* reported. DR. W. L. DAVIS EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Bell Jewelry Co. WASHINGTON, N. C. FERTILIZERS The Kind You Have Always Wanted NACO BRANDS Made with the GENUINE PERU VI \N GU ANO on the Open Formula No-l iller Plan . • You Pay no freight on Filler. ■ You Know Whats in the Bag. Easier to Distribute. YOU ARE SATISFIED be cause you know they are made from the finest ingredients. YOU INSURE YOUR CROPS by using only pure plant foods a - ' * Before Buying See D. D. STATES ■ 0 * DEALER For Further Information See T. B. Brandon, Conuty Demonstrator THE ENTERPRISE—WILLIAMSTON. N. C. PHONE Anything for This Department T» ' 46 MRS. MARTIN ENTERTAINS TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB The Twentieth Century Club met Wednesday afternon with Mrs. Wheel ei Martin at hci h «r.e on Fi*t Main: Street. After a short business ses sion a very interesting program was rendered. Mrs. J. S. Rhodes read a paper! which she had prepared on the sub-j ject "Industrial Wealth of North Car olina." This was followed by a piano solo by Mrs. W. B. Watts, Nevin's "Good Night." Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Martin, and Miss Carrie Dell White then sang two trios, "My Heart and 'i '.v Sweet Voice ' ani "To You." Mr*. J G. Godard, jr., read ft- pa per, "The Growth of the Furniture Business in North Carolina," and Mrs. Rhodes rendered very charmingly two vocal solos, "Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses," and "Rose in the Bud." Mrs. K. B. Crawford had current I events for the afternoon. Mrs. Martis served frossen plum pudding with whipped cream, choco-j late cake and mints. She had as her special guests for J lier meeting Mesdames E. W. McMas-! ter, of Maryland, Mrs. S. S. Lawrence| of Richomnd, Miss Francis Morris, of Goldsboro, Holly Bell, C. J. Sawyer, and C. J. Rhea, of Windsor, Misses Mildred Darden, Annie Harper, Lucy Claire Ivey, Emily Lincko, Ellis, Anna Trentham, Anna Crawfrd, Mesdames P B. Cone, J. D. Biggs, A. T. Craw fcrd, Carrie Biggs Williams, C. H. Dickey, T. W. Lee, Frank Margolis, G. H. Harrison, T. B. Brandon, and 1 D. Woolard. Why we sell Swift's Red Steer Fertilizers « V We believe in Swift £s Company. Their slogan, "Every product the best of its kind," has been maintained for more than 50 years. As the A. S. A. (Authorized Swift Agent) we are in partnership with this large company which has a nation-wide reputation for reliable service and square dealing. The high analysis fertilizers which we Bell are those recommended by our State Experiment Station. We thoroughly believe that Swift's Red Steer Fertilizers are the best on the market and we know "It Pays to Use Them." Drop in and talk it over. tD. D. Stalls Agent Authorized Swift Agent STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF MARTIN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Willie Ann Nichols, Plaintiff, -va- George Nichols, Defendant. Service by Publication. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su-! perior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, for an absolute divorce; { and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County on the 14th day of February 1927 at Williamston,, N. C., and answer or demur to the! complaint iu said action, or the plaintiff" will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the said com plaint This the lltb day of January 19271 R. J. PLEL, Clerk of the Superior Court. Hugh G. Horton, Attorney^ NOTICE FOR TAX DEED I To Alex Woolard, or t> any other | person or persons Interested in the following land: You will take notice that ,H. T. Rob erson, sheriff and tax collector for Martin County, sold at the courthouse dcor of Martin County, on Monday, the 7th day in June, 1926, "16 acres residence listed in Griffins Township ! by Alex Woolard," for tuxes for the ! year 1925, and at said sale I was the highest bidder for said land and the said sheriff issued me h c 'i tificate of Baid sale. You will take further notice here under, that unless yoG redeem said certificate, 1 shall demand a deed for said land on or after June 7, 1927. v February sth, 1927. fll 41 w Mrs. FANNIK H. PEEI,. NOTICE North Carolina; Martin County: In Superior Court. Peter Thompson va. Penina Thompson The defendant above namod will j take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the su perior court of Martin County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute di vorce on the grounds of statutory period of separation; and the said de fendant will further take notice that the is required to appear before the clerk of the superior court of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., on Murch 10, 1927, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to this court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the Bth day of February, 1927. R. J. PEEL, fll 4tw Clerk Superior Court. TRI STEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority confer red in me by a "Deed of Trust" ex ecuted to mo by W. M. Sitterson on the 22, day of September, 1926, and duly recorded in the Register of Deed's office in Martin county, in L'ook Y-2, page 37, to secure the pay ment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations iti said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, I shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Friday, Just Received A Car of \ Hay Wire, Building Lime, Ce- ment, Prepared Plaster and '^rc* CAR LOAD BURT OATS Cheap for Cash C. D, Car&arphen & Co. PENDER'S Yellow Front Stores Economy Avenue LEADS TO A YELLOW FRONT STORE APRICOTS, Fancy California, Large No. 2 1-2 can i 19c Curtice Bros. BLUE LABEL J AIM, Large jar 24c NAVY BEANS pound, 61-4 c I). P. Green Label TOILET PAPER, 2 rolls 7c CANNED GOODS TO START THE DAY Shoe Peg Corn, Narrows ti Jersey Corn Flakes Brand, No. 2 can 19c . Package 8 l-3c Hillsdale Aspara us, No. 1 Post's Bran Square can 33c Package —. 12c Mixed vegetables, No 2 can 12 ,/, c Puffed Wheat, Pkg 14c Tomatoes, red ripe, No 2 can, 10c x Comet Rice, Pkg - 9c Black Eye Peas, No 2 can 12c Grape Nuts, Pkg. 18c , . • Wonder and Palace FLOUR Blue Label Catsup, bottle . 20c GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION __ 12 Lb. b«* 24 Lb. b.k .48 Lb. b-k . I). P. Vinegar, qt. ..., 21c 54c $1.05 $2.05 Van Camp's Milk, tall can loc SWAN'S DOWN CAKE FLOUR, 2 3-4 iMfrkg. jfc Duffy Mott's Pure nr_ Sun Maid RAISINS, nr Apple CIDER, qt 2packatces MEATS ° D.P.BACON . D.P.COFFEE Breakfast Sliced—Rindlew* The World's Best Drink Salt Pork, rib bellies, lb. __ 25c 1-2 lb. Carton I lb. C.rtoa pjj- Salt Pork, plates, lb. ..—-18c 26c. 50c '■ " Salt Pork, fat backa, lb. ___ 18c ■ T « vri\ All A rpc Swift'a Sausage Link*, lb. —2Bc w»• j DOPAn LAIN li U liAMiO P. A. Pork Sausage, lb. ... 29c OlfflPtWe BKLAD BUTTER) Lb 6 IC Swifts Premium Franks, lb. 29c G 21 Ounce I-oa Made From Pure Sweet Cream Picnic Shoulders, lb. —2sc P-- IOC Only the 25 day of February, 1927 at 12 M. at the courthouse door in Martin County, the following property: First tract: All that tract of land and improvements thereon in Vyil-i township, Martin County, N. C., containing 213 across more or less, and more commonly known as Joe Sitterson farm, adjoining Joe Nichol son, Frank Bennett on the N., Penny Slade, Joe and Joe Nicholson on the East, and the McCaskey road I f "BUILDING MATERIALS" C. L. WILSON ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Has What You Want When You Want It Ceiling. Flooring, Moldings, Boards, Casings, Also a Good Stock of Shingles, Windows, Doors, Cement, Lime, I'laster, and Finishing. I SELL IT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C. L. WILSON J - -i. on the Southwest. Second tract: That lot in the town of Williamston, N. C. on the N. side of Simmons Avenue, and improvements thereon, and bounded '/by Simmons 1 Avenue, Mrs, Bettie Harrell, Helen j Rhodes and Walter Anderson and f more commonly known as Joe Sitter | son place, W. B. WATTS, l-25-4t. ' Trustee. This January 24, 1927.