ENTERTAINS AT DINNER PARTY Mrs. Leßoy Everette charmingly entertained a few of her friends at a dinner party February 7 at her beau tiful country home, near Hamilton. The guests included Miss Vivian Davenport of llocky Mount, Misses Annie Lee Anthony, Helen Davenport, and Norma Hines, of Hamilton. Undergoes Operation Little Roger Critcher was operated, upon at the Washington hospital yesterday for appendicitis. According to reports from the hospital this morning, the little fellow is getting along very well. , Mrs. John P. Boyle and Miss Effie Waldo; of Hamilton, were in town yesterday.' Mr. Charlie liarkclay of the Swift Fertilizer company and who is station ed spending the day in Au-j lander and Ahoskie. NOTICE FOR TAX DEED To Nathan Harrington, or to any •ther person or persons interested. in the following land: Yeu will take notice that H. T. Jtob erson, sheriff and tax collector for Martin County, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County oil l Monday, the 7th day in June, 1926, "2 acres of Simpson land listed in Jamesville Township by Nathan Harrington," for taxes for the year 1925, and at -said sale 1 was the highest bidder for said land and the said sheriff issued me a certificate of.said sule. You will take further notice here under, that unless you redeem said certificate, 1 shall demand a deed for said land on or after June 7, 1927. January 21st, 1927, C. G. GCRKIN. [ W ANT si I>r. Robert J). Mahood SI'UGEON DENTIST 315 Sycamore SI. W illiamston, N. C IIOl'RS: 4:00 to 9:00 I'. M.. Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 I'. M LAST CALL: SET PECAN TREES' soon or another yeer is lost. Arfk for price?- and valtwble—J. 11.. Wight, Cuiro, Ga. fl 8t WANTED: MAN OK LADY SALES man for WilliaiiVstoii. Bif? money for live wire. Experience not neces sary. For particulars write Box 144, Farmville, N. C. • ,f4 3tpd PLANT NOW: PEONIES, DAHLIA, Gladiolus, Tulips, Peonies, red, white, pink, 3 to 6 eyes, 3 for $1; 12 for $2.50. Darwin tulips all colors, 100 for $1; 20 giant dahlia, all differ ent, for $1; Gladiolus, rainbow mix ture, all new sorU, 40 for $1; 100 for $2. Postpaid. P. S. Birch, Laurel Springs, N. J. f8 4tw FOR SALE: 200 lIAGS VIRGINIA bunch seed peanuts. J. W. Green,' Roadview Farm, W illiymston. f8 8t NOTICE: A SMALL MALE PIG, unmarked, red with a- few small | Llaek spots, has been in and around! my field for about 4 months. The owner will please get same, at once. 11 not, 1 will sell him for damage and cost on February 21-, at 12 o'clock.! George A. Williams. f8 2t j FOR SALE: 1 SOW sow to farrow soon; several 50 lb. nhoats; 2 beef cattle,'and about 200 bales peanut hay. Lucian Hardison, Williamston, Route 4. f8 2t ___ __ j I - SAM J. RESPESS Engineering and Land Surveying All Branches No Job Too Small or Too Far Reasonable Kates Phone 38 fll Rocky Mount, N. I. 4t JOS. W. BAILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Office Lower Floor Old Farmers & ' • Merchants Bank Buflding ( Hours: - 9:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.— Phone 87 Other Hour* Everette, N. C. f8 ResiJi/hc,' Tel. phone, 2803 ' tf FOR SALE; 2-foot well tile and sewer tile. See John R. Peel at the Dixie warehouse. -v It BEGINNING MONDAY FEBRUARY 14th corn will be ground at the Daniel and Stat,on mill (Big Mill). J. A. TEEL. Money Raising Sale Continues Until Feb. 19 • -* • vsr ~ 'V ~ •" _"■ _ ' : * *'"• " I ??T" " "J6_ Jx\ • * r ' •fi VISIT OUR STORE. WINTER AND SPRING CLOTHING ON HANI) AND GOING AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES • v ♦' * 1 • yf WE SELL IT FOR LESS, SELL NOTHING BI T BANKRUPT STOCKS NORFOLK UNDERSELLERS STORE In Raleigh Today Superintendent -it A. Pope and Mr.j K B. Crawford are in Raleigh today attending to matters. Misses York a»l Garren of the Jamesville schoorfaculty were here last night. / • NOTICE FOR TAX DEED To Claude Woolard, or to any other person or persons interested in the following land; You Will take notice that H. T. Rob erson, sheriff and tax collector for Martin County, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday, the 7th day in June, 1926, "20 acres Lanier land listed in Griffins Town . hip by Claude' Woolard," for taxes for the year 1925, and at said sale I was the highest bidder for said land and the said sheriff issued_me a cer tificate of said sale. You will take further notice here under, that unless you redeem said certificate, I shall demand a deed for said land on or after June 7, 1927. February sth, 1927. fll 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL. NOTICE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS l : nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain dee«l of trust executed and delivered unto J.| ('. Smith, trustee, by B. H. Roberson and wife, on the first day of .. Jan.,; 1923, to secure a certain bond of even date, cind of record in the office of I the register of "deeds, for Martin County, in book H, 2, page 201; and the stipulations therein contained not j having been complied with and the ( .said bond being past due and unpaid j and upon demand of the owner of j said bond, the undersigned, will, on 1 Saturday, the sth. day of March, 1927,! at ten o'clock a. m., in front of Bank j of Robersonville, in town of Roberson- | ville, said cpunty and state, expose to J public sale, for cash, the following i described lands, to-wit: Situate in Robersonville Township, | Martin County, North Carolina, and i bj-tte.r described as follows, to-wit: First Tract: Being, the house ami lot where the said 1!. H. Roberson t and wife now live;, and on the corner of Green and Main Streets in the town I ol Robersonville, and bound on the j North by Green street, on East by Main street, on South by lands of Beeta Roberson and on the West by' the lands of J. C. Smith. Second Tract. Being a one-fourth undivided interest in and to the Tom Johnson gin-house lot, situate on the North side of the Railroad (A. C. L. " H. R.), in said town, adjoining the lands of J. H. Roberson, Jr., Spier Cochran, J. E. Roberson, W. R. Jen kins and others, and being known as the Tom Johnson gin lot. Third Tract. Situate on the East side of Main street in the town of (•old Point and bound on N- % lands of J. H. Bell, on South by lands of Susan' Edmondson, on West by said street and on the East by lands of Jack Covurn. Fourth Tract. Being the Thomas L Johnson, Ben Whitfirled and others, and being a one-fourth undivided in terest therein. Gold 111 Store 223 Washington Street Exum L. Ward, Store Mgr. PHONE 157 AEROPLANE SERVICE AT SUBMARINE PRICES When Cheaper Groceries Are Sold, the Gold Star Will Sell Them A Few of Our Many Money-Saving Items TUB BUTTER -J: - pound, 59c Higgins' Nut Products pound, 27c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 3 cans for 25c Campbell's Pea Soup, 3 cans for 25c Campbell's Pork and Beans, 3 cans for : 25c -i, , ' ' CORN, sweet and tender, can :... 10c Asparagus Tips, Del Monte, can 35c LARD, Old Glory, pound 11c BORDEN'S MILK, Evaporated, can 10c Fresh Spinach, Carrots, Iceberg Lettuce, Celery, and Other Ve?e- THE GOLD STAR LEADS THE WAY . Fifth tract: Being a one-half undi- i vided interest in and to the old W. A. j Roberson & Co., store lot, situate on the west side of Main Street m the town of Robersonville, bounded on E. by center of said street, on north by lands of Lida Parker, on south by lands of Jno. Highsmith, apd known ar old W. A. Roberson & Co. store lot. Sixth tract: Being a one-half undi vided interest in that certain tract of lai>d, situate on north side of road leading from Gold Point to William- ! ston, N. C., bounded, on north Ijy lands j ol' Jack Cobum, on east by lands of J. J. Weaver on south by lands of others and said road, on west by the linds of John Williams, containing 25 | acres, more or less. Seventh tract: Situate in said Town ship, and on canal in picture swamp, bounded on north by lands of Henry Roberson, on east by J. R. Roebuck lands, on south by lands of S. L. Grimes, on west by lands of J. E. j Roberson and known as the pasture lands. This January 31, 1927. J. C. SMITH, fl 4tw ' J Trustee. NOTICE Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Martin County, in the cause entitled "D. G. Matthews vs. Edward Williams," the under signed commissioner will, on .Monday, March 7, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin Coun ty offer for sale, to the highest bid der for cash the following described property: A tract of land located in Goose Nest Township, Martin County, ad joining Orren James, L. B. Fleming, S. P. Green, et al, containing -twelve acres more or less, and known as ihe Abram Williams home place. This the 29th day of January, 1927. j B. A. CKITCHEK, (4 4tw Commissioner.' I NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE I'nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Daniel Moore and wife, Lendora Moore, on the 31st day of ( March, 1922, and of record in the pub lic registry of Martin County in book H-2, at page 105, said deed of trust being given for the purpose of secur ing certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the payment of the said notes, and the stipulations contained therein not having been complied with and at the request of the holders of the said notes the undersigned trus-1 tec will on Monday, the 21st day of February, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the j town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following de scribed real estate, to wit: Lying and being in Williams Town ship, Martin County, and State of North Carolina, bounded on the north j by W. W. Griffin and Warren Gray,! on the east by Romulus Moore and THE ENTMUrKISE—WI LU W. G ; Dennis-Simmons Lumber Co., on the ; boutk by Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. and on the west by Henry Williams containing by survey made by J. R. Mobley 97 1-2 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeded to Daniel Moore by J. G. Godard, and being the same land described fn mortgage deed to Federal Land Bank given by Daniel Moore and wife, Lendora Moore, and being the same land described in deed of trust dated November 13, 1918, and of record in book 0-1, at page 374. ! Reference is made to said conveyances ; for a more perfect description. This the 20th day of January,' 4927. ELBERT S. PEEL, j2l 4tw • Trustee. NOTICE OF RESALE j Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the powpr of sale 1 contained in a certain deed of trust from C. L. Vick and wife, Varina Vick to the undersgned trustee, default ha\ - ing betjn made in the terms and con ditions as expressed in said deed of trust and under and by virtue of an order of resale signed by R. J- Pee), clerk of the superior court, on the 2nd day of February, 1927, the bid at the former sale having been raised, I the undersigned trustee will on Mon day, the 21st day of February, 1927, > at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County at William ston, N. C., offer for re.sale to the 1 highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, to wit: | Situate on Outterbridge Street, in the town of Robereonville N. C., Mar tin County, adjoining the lands of L. A. Briley and others, and bound on the north by the residence lot of said L. A. Briley, on the east by the cen ter of* Outterbridge Streut, on the south by the center of Second Sti"eet, - on the west by a ditch, and being the house aad lot formerly owned by the late S. L. Ross and now occupied by his widow, Neva S. Ross, and allotted to her as her dower out of the lands of the said S. L. Ross, deceased; and it being the one-fifth undivided inter est. therein owned by . said Varina Vick, subject to the dower right of said Neva L. Ross. This 2nd day of February, 1927. ' J. N. COBURN, f4 2tw Trustee. I Dunning & Moore, attorneys. 1 ■»' Mothers Treat Colds The New "Direct" Way No L**c« r Ntcwwrj to "Date" Chil diw With Internal Mwtidui to Break Cold*. Children'* digeo- ; tions are easily up- I I'm/ set by too much afly A * . "dosing." Vicks JW/ Vapoßub being ex ternaliy applied. r 1 0,18 001 "I*** little \ \ At the first sign of — 1 croup, sore throat, or any other cold trouble, apply Vicks freatar. There is nothing to swallow — you just "nib it on." VISISS Ovts UNHJJO* JABS USMO YIAMUT The Service BarberShop Has Moved to Its New Location • * ON MAIN STREET—ATLANTIC HOTEL BUILDING ' '■ • • • 4yS jl * Its proprietors, W. D. Jernigan and C. E. Jenkins will see that you Ret the best of service that it is possible to give. Yours to serve, «• « Service Barber Shop Five Big Nights AT THE t ' 1 "*0 r '- T—"! " ! ■ .*- ■ - \ - " ' Indoor Circus The Week Is Almost Gone, But the In door Circus Continues With an Added Pro gram, Making Tonight and Saturday Night the Big Ones at the Show. Jamesville vs. Everetts PLAY TONIGHT IN FREE FOR ALL 1 REGULAR PROGRAM AND Fiddlers Convention SATURDAY N* • Jamesville vs. Everetts IN FINALS OF CLASS A CONTEST * i .' ... -j 1 Silver cup will be awarded each night. These nights will see the hardest-fought * , (fames of the tournament. THE PROGRAM HAS BEEN ARRANGED SO AS TO MAKE THESE NIGHTS THE BEST OP THE WEEK. THERE'LL BE NO LET UP UNTIL THE FINAL CURTAIN. BE SURE TO BE HERE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW. * . JL- ' •