Advertiser! Will Find Our Col ■ntas a Latchkey to Over 1600 Hoaaes of Martin Gouty. VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 99 Teachers' Meet to be Held Here Next Saturday County Commencement Plans Are Slated for Discussion The fifth Martin County teachers' meeting will be held here next Satur day in the ichool auditorium at 2 o'- clock. Supt. R. A. Pope is calling: special attention to those teachers who have not attended previous meet ings, urging that they be at the one' Saturday. Meetings of the teachers have been very well attended during the pres ent school year, there being about an 80 per cent average attendance record ad. According to Superintendent Pope, that average is not a bad one; however, among the 20 per cent there are many who have not attended at all. Under the State law, for an in crease in a teacher'# salary to take place, the teacher must attend such meetings as held by the county in question. It is under such a ruling that the teachers of the county are urged to attend. At the mee4ing next Saturday plans for the county commencement are to be discussed, along with general is sues. In an interview with the* sup erintendent this morning it was learn ed that the value of these meetings w groat, especially is it so in thesup erintendent'i office. The amount of detail reaching that office in the form of reports requires much time, and ♦here reports are properly treated by the various schools, a large amount of time is saved. At these meetings, the Accurate handling of reports has been (tressed, and as a result practically all the chools of the county are now submitting correct reports. Land Sales Bring: Unexpected Prices Land sales under deeds of trust at the court house yesterday surprised many when the bids far exceeded the prins expected by the attorneys in charge of the sales. In one or two in stances, the sale price increased 400 per cent over the first bid. Five salee were made at the noon hour yester day. Robersonville Plays In Pinetops Tonight The girls and boys basketball teams of the Robersonville High School leave ttaia evening for Pinetops, where they will meet the two teams of the achool there tonight. On Thursday, the Robersonville boys play Nash ville at Robersonville. Income Tax Man to be Here Friday, Feb. 18th The national income tax man will be in town Friday, the 18th, for the purpose of assisting any Federal in come tax payefs in making out their reports. Although these reports have to be made each year, few people have yet learned how to make them out Miss Louise Hoolu, of Ayden, is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Rose at the Atlantic Hotel. Mr. Paul B&iley, cashier of (he Planters A Merchants bank, Everetts, was a business visitor here this morn ing. Miss Hattie Thrower, assistant to the County Superintendent of Schools, is suffering an attack of influenza at her home in New Town this week. During her absence at the superin tendent's office, Miss Thelma Brown is handling her duties. S^^RANn^ THEATRE! / ■ I ! I TONIGHT Bardleys "The Magnificient" TOMORROW Richard Talmadge . —in— The Merry Cavalier* Don't forget the free ticket to Friday's show. ; ! ; Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE F.ufure of Local Schools i Before Parents-Teachers Meet Tomorrow One of the most important par ent-teacher meeting; called in years has been announced for to morrow afternoon in the school auditorium at 3U5. In short, the meeting will deal with the future of the local school, and every par ent in the town is urged to at tend. The public at large is invit ed to attend. Superintendent R. A. Pope, and HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? Helpless Old Dad Asks Aid - IWMtvi the war an old fiisnd said hs had Mfn him is franco—on the war to the trenches, he thought, the Rainbow division. Tile father, W. J. Mlxon, Route 4, Lumberton, ML CL," writes this newspaper. "I am old and almost helpless and I want my son Any information will bring comfort to a lonely man." New Jail Receives its First Inmate Monday Martin County's new jail received it* first prisoner yesterday afternoon when eDputy Grime*, placed Charles Spruill, colored, behind the combina tions. While all the details have not been completed in the construction of 1 the jail, Spruill rested safely there, last night An extension was used to carry light to tht jail until the regular fixtures can be installed. a Spruill was placed in the new jail under two charges, assault and re-1 sisting an officer. His trial comes be fore Judge liailey today in the county court. Firemen Realize But Little on Week's Work Picture the local volunteer firemen riding down the street in a big new fire truck, and you will be in keeping with many who think they made a "killing" at the indoor circus last week; the statement drawn last night by the chief throws a different light on the topic and shows that after all expenses were paid $139.66 went to the organization. The statement sliowed the gross receipts at $400.66, this amount coming from door re ceipts and Bingo and Coco-Cola stands. This figure was badly smash ed when rental fees, equipment, and the many Expenses were met. During the week the entire com pany, with one or two exceptions, served in some way at the circus, and once the value given is considered, the firemen have gained little or noth ing- Red Oak Calls Game Off With Everetts Tonight The Everetts-Red Oak basketball game, which was scheduled to be played here tonight has been called off. The game wan cancelled when the extension department of* the Uni cersity set that date for Red Oak. to play a game in the State champion ship series. The championship sched ule takes precedence over all others, but the manager of the Red Oak Ave stated that his team would be glad to come any other date suitable to Everett*. No date has been mentioned at this time, but according to Coach Hlx a game will likely be arranged for next week. The Washington-Everetta girls' game scheduled here for tonight also will not be played here, but the two teams will meet in Everetts instead. Opened Beauty Parlor Here This Morning The Citisene barbershop announces the opening of a beauty parlor in its shop in the Peele building. Mrs. E. F. Burnell, of Norfolk, Va., arrived here yesterday and she will manage the parlor. . > Mr. G. P. Hall, owner, has recently installed several hundred dollars' worth of new equipment in the parlor, and • large patronage Is anticipated. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, February 15, 1927 Mr. K. B. Crawford, a member of the Martin County Board of (Edu cation, will address the meeting. In their talks they will undertake to acquaint the public as to the future possibilities of the local school. Just what conrae they will follow in donig this has not been announced, but the meeting will not last altogether over 45 minutes. Poorest Games ofTournament Seen in Finals Everetts Gets Two Cups Ottered When it Wins Over Jamesville Running along in a happy fashion for four days, the indoor circus bas ketball tournament took a turn down- ward Friday night when rumors were started and when Everetts licked Jumesville 14 to 9. The game was a sorry one; Jamesville took advantage of the free-for-all classing and ran in several supposedly good players. That was all right, but Everetts look ed upon the doings with contempt and fought to win. ,Under such a setting the game dragger, Everetts playing rings around the imported stars in every quarter. The work of the Everetts guards stood out ami they allowed their op ponents to register but one goal from the Held, seven points coming via the free-throw route. Joe Dowell and Jack Yarborough, of Lincolnton, played an individual game and ham pered the progress of the Jamesville boys; this was due, no doubt, because there had been no practice with that purticular line up. Britt, for Jamea ville, was guarded so closely that hia work in making long shots fell through. So the second cup awarded in the tournament went to Everetts. Group A Finals Called Off The final game in group A pf the indoor circus basketball tournament failed to take place when Jamesville withdrew from the contest early Sat urday morning. It is understood this action war taken' when charges were made as To the referee of the Friday game and when the tournament was said to have been conducted under Loo strict a commercial basis. State ments from those in charge of the tournament are not in keeping with the action taken, nor do they give any cause for Jamesville withdrawing. The game was called off too late to make an announcement, and a hurried game was called between the local high school boys and Everetts. Out classed in every phase of the game, the locals dklj however, make a ci ed itable showing and went through the contest in a manly fashion. Everetts won by a large score, many of their points resulting from free throws,. The locals failed in the main to reg ister free throws, and the majority of its points were made from the field. I)r. Poteat Pleases Large Congregation Dr. William Louis Poteat, president of Wake Forest College, delighted his audience Sunday morning at the Bap tist church when he spoke on "Educa tion and the Kingdom." Dr. Poteat is a clear, concise think er and a master of the art of "getting it across." The Baptist church hopes, from time to time, to bring into the com munity men with marked and rare ability. Dr. R. T. Vann will speak one week from tonight. An effort has been made to secure Rev. A. E. Corey, of Kinston, and it is hoped that before long he Way speak in Williamston. Swine Production Speaks in Jamesville Tonight By W. T. OVERBY (Agriculture Teacher of JMM ville High School) Mr. W. W. Shay, from the swine extension division, North Carolina Department of Agricul ture, will meet with the evening class at the Jamesville High Sahool r .Tuesday night, February 16, at 7 30, to discuss swine pro duction in Martin County. Mr. Shay is widely known and recognised as one of the best au thorities on swine production, and Noted Lecturer to Appear Here Benefiit School Will Give Two Perform ances in Strand „ Theatre Tuesday afternoon and night, March 1, Charles E. Buck, a humorous lec turer, will give two lectures showing the scenery of the United States by pictures projected on the screen in the Strand theatre here. The title of Mr. Buck's lecture is "Picture Stories oi American Wonderlands." Prof. A- L. Phillips, head of the Durham High writes that it was a great success in his school. The lecture! contains comments and pictures on such topics as "Out Where the West | Begins," "Racing a Storm on Kansas Plains," "float Likli a Cork on Salt Lake," and 50 other topics of romance and adventure. Mr. Buck has visited all these places and gives us first | hand information about them. In the ; afternoon from 2.80 to 4.00 one lec ture will be given in the theatre at 26 cents admission. "Classes in the lo cal schools will be luspended at 2.15 and all children will have the oppor tunity of seeing these pictures. At 7:45 in the evening the same' lecture will be given at the Strand Theatre f«T the benefit of those who are un able to get off in the afternoon. Mayor Speaks at * WomanVClub Meet Mayor K. L. Coburn yesterday af ternoon uddressed t*it Woman's club here. Using- "Good* Citizenship" as his theme, the Mayor stressed the politcal and social life of the citizen , in the community as it uffect.s good l government. The duties of a good citizen as pointed out by Mr. Coburni require an ever increasing interest in j politics and town affairs. Under town 1 affairs comes the beautifying of lots,! hunies and streets, the speaker stat-1 ing that the job cannot be success- i fully handled in a mall town by the' officer* alone, and (Mat the task be longs to everyone within the borders of the town. The meeting was poorly attended, leas than fifty per cent of the mem bers of tho club being present. Town Commissioners Fail to Attend Meet The meeting: of the ®bwn commis sioners announced for last night wan not held,' The mayor ami clerk were out of town and 30 minutes (after the time set for the meeting only one of the commissioners hud arrived at the scene. A committee from the Woman's Ciub called on him for favorable law* regarding the club's activities. The committee's requests will likely reach the board at a special session some time within the (tP*t few days. , LedtfepDisnatch Now (iets Here Day Printed T h'e Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch, which has for u long time come to us j as a morning p'aber, has found a wayj to get it to us on the same day print ed and has changed the dating, bring ing us what was formerly tomorrow's paper today. The paper heretofore has printed its f'tgst edition just after li. o'clock and then brought out a' later edition, which wa« mailed in the j kte afternoon, coming on the Nor-1 folk-Southern to Plymouth and on to \ Williamston on the A. C. L. train the next morning. It now leaves Norfolk I about 12:30 and comes by A. C. L. to! Aulander and then by bus to Wil liamston, reaching here at 4:30 the same day printed. CHRISTIAN IHI LATHE AS SILVER TEA FRIIM* The Philathea Class of the Chris tian church will have a silver tea Fri day afternoon f{om 3:30 to 5 at the home of Mrs. George H. Harrison on Main Street. The public is cordially invited. \ J we are fortunate in having him come to this county. He is not only able to give much informa in swine production, but he MR had much experience in mar keting hogs and knows the busi ness side, as well as the produc tion side of raising hogs. • When Mr. Shay came to this State very few hogs were raised and sold profitably, but thousands of dollars were spent by farmers for northern and western grown meat each year. Now, hundreds of carloads are shipped from this Her Home Now Temporary White House Mk'' RV' ft . *». PT DM frnmmm. of CWe.™. offwtsd h«r P!*~ **^ > .*" * IWDEOT HD MIK AWTTD^-WHIIE W4Mra are oo the White House. Thoefh ten y— Coalttg® majeSto M> - * — —- Review of Town Tax Books Shows 85 Taxpayers Who Pay More Than SIOO Each Three Pay Over $1,000; A. C. L. is Largest Payer in GroUp The town tax roll shows omit 3 tax payers that pay more than $M)00 in .town taxes; 8 who pay from SSOO to $1,000; and 74 who pay from SIOO to SW>O Of this number 10 are partner ships, 10 corporations, the others in dividuals. All are white, except two. Following are those who are listed as paying above SIOO town tajtes: W. U. Ambers $ 161.92 A. C. L. R. R. Co. 1,966.42 Mrs. A. Anderson 150.H0 Anderson, Crawford & Co. _ 112.60 F. U. Barnes . 231.30 S. RAliggs Iron & Motor Co. 116.02 W. H. Biggs ..... 100.28 John D. Biggs 147.6!) Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs 514.49 •Geo; W. Blount & Co. 654.43 John M. Bowen ! 243.83 Brick Warehouse Co. 225.00 H. M. Burras 119.10 C. D. Carstarphen i 672.78 I'. H. Cone 106.87 It. S. Courtney ._ 200.58 Mrs. B. A Critcher ... 102.83 K.\P. Cunningham 11012 A. /R. Dunning 270.38 J. A Everett 142.67 Farmers & Merchants Bank 683.68 J. G. Godard __ _i 676.01 Mrs. Alice Codard ; 101.25 Mary P. Godwin 183.02 Mrs. E. L. Godwin _-f. 212.57 Mrs. R. T. Griffin 133.36' J. S. Griffin i 270.91 Mrs. Eli Gurganus 316.24 Eli Gurganus _._ T __ 329.86 T. S. Hadley 185.11 8. S.Hadley Estate _ 317.36 G. H. Harrison .... 346.76 Harrison Oil Co. ' 343.22 Harrison Wholesale Co. 634.60 L. B. Harrison 21»>K!I Harrison Bros. & Co * 1,408.76 John L. Hassell , : 631 25 A. Hassell' r 102.37 Mary L. Hassell Z 363.10 Mrs. Fannie Hassell 126.82 Mrs. W. J. Hodges 166.51 Imperial Tobacco Co. 337.50 Mrs. Ada Knight 343.08 W. G. Iamb, Adm. : • 116.40 Luke Lamb, agent 316.16 Mrs. J. D. I/eggett 256.94 Lindsley l(;e Co. r 152 50 W. C. Manning .1 151.09 John W. Manning 101.35 Wheeler Martin 112.59 Mrs. C. A, Martin 378.35 Margolis Bros. 168.75 W. T. Meadows 165.84 Moore, Crawford & Martin 170.93 Clayton Moore : 100.79 C. O. Moore 200.72 M. S. Moore 148.07 Sol. Orleans , 115.75 Mrs. C. F. Page 165.23 H. D. Peel 220.43 Julius S. Peel J 105.51 1!. F. Perry 1 ? 297.82 Mrs. Helen Rhodes 225.00 Roanoke Warehouse Co. 356.95 Roanoke Supply Co. 282.64 H. T. Roberson 124.77 J. R. Robersftn 125.63 Mrs. J. L. Rogerson 170 88 Mrs. J. E. Rogerson 150.60 Mrs. J. H. Saunders 114.95 Mrs. J. D. Simpson 117.66 W. I. Skinner & Co. 124 88 D. D. Stalls 126.54 Standard Oil Co. 207.09 J. G. Staton ..... 311.68 Mrs. J. G. Staton 1,102.76 Union Storage Co. 270.00 J. W. Watts 325.80 C. D. Webb 110.26 Williamston Motor Co. 278.38 M. D. Wilson 673.88 State and thousands of dollars are kept in this State that one time went to other States. Per haps there is no one man that has dissiminated as much simple spe cific information that has been used profitably as Mr. Shay. Every county agent and agricul tural specialist in this Sta e uses Mr. Shay's feeding directions and directions as to q\«rketing ho*B. We are tf be congratulated on having him with us, and every farmer will be well paid by oom ing to hear him. Booking Free Acts For Roanoke Fair H. M. Poe, manager of the Roanoke Fair, in in Florida this w»*ek visiting many of the win ter lairs in thai State and gath ering ideas for the fair here this year. In a letter from him received yesterday, he staled that contracts were being made for several free acts. The na ture of the acts was no! men tioned, but he assured us they were the latest and would be enjoyed here. The Roanoke Fair is entering its sixth year and will be held September 27 to 30, 1927. Mrs. Bettie Mizelle Terry Died Friday Mrs. lleUUs Mizei'o Terry beloed wife of Geergt> U. Terry, died Friday, February 11, after an illness of two weeks with acute heart trouble in the Washington Hospital. She was 07 J cars old and hail been married 50 years to Mr. Terry on the day she dred. Ihe funeral services were cor ducted by her pastor, He v. Tom I'ol- Wd, of the Free Will baptist Church, frrnl interment was at Hear (Jruss. lie sides her husband she is survived by the following children: Messrs. Jim, Clue, and Lonnie Terry, and lie Wynne, Mrs. Eddie Whichard, Mrs;. Messle Cowing, and Mrs. Maggie White hurst of Heaufort County, aiiil W grandchildren and 2!t great-grand children. She, was greatly loved and honored by her many relatives and friends. " . I). A. R.'s Meet with Mrs. John I) l»i««s The Gideon Lamb Chapter 15. A. K.'h held its regular meeting last Thursday evening with Mrs. John 1). Iliggs at her home in New Town. After the formal opening exercises the business on hand was discussed. A contribution was made to tho North Carolina space in the Valley Forge monument. A shower of clothes, embroidered pieces and embroidery floss for the immigrants at, Ellis Island will be given at the next.,meeting. Mrs. A. J{. Dunning anil Mrs. f. U. Names were elected delegates to the state meeting at Wilmington and Mrs. John I), liiggs alternate. Mrs. E. W. McMaster, mother of Mrs. F. U, llarnes was a special guest. Mrs. Biggs served a delicious salad enurse. Town Team to Hay Rocky Mount "Y" The local town basketball team will meet the Rocky Mount ""Y" team here next Thursday night'at 8 p. m. p in a benefit game, the proceeds, going to the Woman's Club. The members of the team here K'ladly consented to play the for the club, and a committee of the at work selling tickets to the event. This will make the third game w l ith the Rocky Mount" team, but this time there will be a different line up of tha visitors. Jimmy Simpson, former ,I)uke star in several major sports, will be in the game. The first time the locals and the "Y" met, the visi tors all second-string m«n; the s cond game saw several members of the first team in action; and this time there will be :jdl the first-string men with stars incllded. Mrs. Kate York 290.15 W mston A gr. Credit Corp. 135.00 Colored W S. Faulk -i. 137.19 W. V. Ormond 203.78 Watch the Label On Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. ESTABLISHED 1898 Indict Two for Fraud Against Insurance Firm W. V. Ormond and Mary Hyman Bound Over to Superior Court Hugh Stephens, deputy insurance commissioner of Raleigh, is in town t day to appear before the recorder's ecurt to prosecute a case against VV. V. Ormond and Mary Hyman," both defendants colored, on a forgery charge; 4 TJae- charge against the defendants originated back in May of last year when a policy was written on the-life of Ada Hyman. It was stated then that she was then living in the Indian Woods section of Bertie county. The policy was issued Wy the Home Secur i y Insurance company of Durham in the sum of $250.00. The premiums were paid by Mary Hyman until De cember when a death claim with the policy went into the company. Whita the proof .seemed to be in correct form, suspicion, in some way, entered' ii:. 1 h» matter was referred to the Insurance department and it was learned from Mrs. Hugh Early, the registrar of vital statistics of Indian Woods township, that no >uch death had been reported to her. The depart ment also found that VV. If. Carter, an undertaker of that section and whose name Hail been affixed to the dratii..'pr&of, knew nothing of the death of such a person. Further inquiry brought an admis sion from Ormond that he filled out all, the blanks and signal the names thereto, but that he did so at the re quest of Mary Hyman, the beneficiary. Mr. Stephens contends * that the -policy was fraudently issued, there b 'irig in fact no such person as Ada Hyman, that it wa» a colusion be tween Ormond and Hyman to have a bogus policy issued and a fraudulent death proof prepared to defraud the insuring company. Ihe charge .comes as a great sur- I "■ if»«> to the people of Williamston as Ornioiul has .always stood well in the community as has also Mary Hyman, i uch being regarded by both the white as well a.s the people of their own race with favor. The two defendants were requir ed to give borwl'for their appearance before the next term of the superior court, the recorder's court being with out jurisdiction in such a case. Hat tie Speller is Aeeidentally Shot tiattie Speller, colored woman who lives below the liver hill, was acci dentally shot in the leg yesterday af ternoon by Joe Griffin. Griffln, in the midst of a hog killing, was in the act ol reloading a .22 rifle when the loose 1i igger slipped and caused the rifle to fire. 1 The wound, while very painful, is '■of considered serious. Judge (.rady Spends Sunday Here Judge Henry A. Grady, of Clinton, spent Sunday night in town. The judge was on his way to Windsor, where he two weeks term of court lor Itertie County. Judge Grady stands as one of the leading judges ojitiwr-Kjiperior court bench of North ( (O'olina in justice, knowledge, and ability in procedure. Although he is high in the councils of the Ku Klux Klan, no one has yet been able to find j.he slightest objection to him as a judge. . , Last Classes Baptist Mission School Tonight I onight ( I uesday) at 7.30 o'clock the mission school at the Baptist church will have its last regular ses sion. It is hoped that the fine aver age attendance will be maintained and that the school will close with a fine session. • Next Tuesday night at the same hour Dr. \ ann, of Raleigh, will ad dress those who have been attending the school; and it is hoped that a laige audience of people from all over town will be out to hear him. Home Department of Woman's Club to Meet The American Home Department of the Williamston Woman's Club will meet in the club room Thursday, Feb ruary 17,' at 4 p. m. "The Home and Its Keeda" Will l>e considered in the program, as well as the nutritional subject, "Building the Body and Keeping It in the Best Con dition." This department ia open to mem bers of the Woman's Club or others who are not members of the club will b- welcomed as visitors,—Anna Trent ham, departmental