cz Advertisers Will Find Oar Col- UUU ft Latchkey to Over 1600 HOBMS of Martia Coaaty. VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 100 Redrying Plant Is Sold to Tobacconists Now Owned by W.I. Skinner and Jim King Brings Two of Country's Foremost Tobacco Men Here . i Messin. W. 1. Skinner, of Green riUe, aad Jim King, of Washington, bought the rodrying plant of the Im perial Tobacco Co. here this week. Thi | amount involved in the transaction • could no. be learned at noon today. During the past two years the plant has been known and operated by the W. L Skinner Tobacco Co. Whether' or not the plant will operate under j that name in the future has no; been J announced. The plant will continue i its operations this year as in the past, but will do *o on a larger scale. To bacco will be furnished the plant from J this and surrounding markets. Mr. W. 1. Skinner, one of the part ners, is well known here. For the past two jraars he has been one of the market's greatest assets, as well as an influential citizen in the community. Mr. Jim King, Caswell County, this State, is also well known hare. During the past four years he has been manager of the Washington Tobacco Co., at Washington, which position he resigned a few days ago to enter the transaction here. Al though Mr. King is a young man, he is a capable tobacconist, having been in that business practically all his life. Th* sows of the tranaactigp—haj* bean well rcx.'ejyt*( m tSustneiw circles _jf hstafWfif the town will welcome Mr. King aad hi family, who expect to I f move here about June 1. Friends of Mr. Skinner will be glad to know that he has purchased the plant from the Imperial, which he ha* £ successfully operated for the past two years. With this combination of two of. the most capable tobacco men in eastern Carolina, the Williamston market may expect great gains as a tobacco center. Sunday Services at the Baptist Church "The Man Who Stole the Lord's Money" will be the theme of the Sun day morning sermon, while the text at the evening hour will be "Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, aaith the Lord." This text is found in Zechariah 4:6. This church feels very grateful for the community support it has had in the operating of its church school of missions. It feels very kindly to wards the churches who did so much to make it a success. Nothing is lost which tends to bring men and women closer together about the central and irAgnetic figure of the Man of Nazar eth. It is to be hoped that the people will arrange their affairs so that it will be possible to give Dr. Vann a great hearing Tuesday night at the church at 7.30 o'clock. Bill Up to Permit Heavy Trucks on Highways A bill before the Legislature which would permit trucks weighing 20,- 000 pounds to run on the State high ways is being pushed by the Standard Oil company. The State Highway commission is fighting the measure in the interest of the roads which the find* we damaged more by heavily loaded trucks than by any other thing. STRANrv THEATRE! SATURDAY Tom Tyler in "Tom and His Pals" Comedy "Don Key, Son of Burro" Last Chapter of "Casey of the Coast Guard" Also new Serial Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE County Banks Will Have Holiday 22nd The banks of the Couaty will not open for business next Tues day, it being Washington's birthday. All the clerks, cash ier* and officials will take the day as a holiday. There will be a meeting of the Group One Bankers' association at Hertford that day and many of the county'* bankers are planning to attend the meet. l - / Week's Work in Legislature Bill Creating Hospital for This County is Passed The work of the Legislature this week at Raleigh took on a more im portant aspect when several bills of significance went through and other matters were settled. The Senate bill, increasing the number >of superior court districts from 20 to 27 was killed iti the last night by a vote of 68 to 46. The question a-s to the need of seven more judge*; and seven more so licitors was hotly debated, many lead ers of the body lining up on oppggito- sides of the question. -•'HfC optnion that fl&tXf more judges, but Tfiat we do not need more solicitors seemed to be admitted. About half of the time of the superior courts of tho state i« taken up with civil courts which do not require the attention of solicitors. For that reason it is claim ed that we need more judges and few er solicitors. It was also claimed that the bill would add about SIOO,OOO a year to our present court expense. The Senate sent the $2,000,000 Great Smoky Mountain Park Bill to the House, every senator present vot ing for the measure except Lloyd Lawrence of Hertford county. The bill presented by Senator W. S. Clark, of Edgecombe county, authcr izing Edgecombe, Halifax and Martin counties to establish a general hos pital for the treatment of tuberculosis as well as other diseases, was passed. The committee on appropriations bos approved an increase fcr improve ments at the East Carolina Teachers Training school of 400,000. The liudget committee had recommended only $280,000. A personal visit to the Greenville college by members of the I Assembly who saw the needs of the j institution, was the cause of the raise. l Square Dance at Local Warehouse Wednesday With no admission charge, thetdd— time square dance at the Roanoke- Dixie Warehouse here next Wednes day night promises to be well attend ed. Even though the dance has not been advertised no more than through personal conversation, it is under stood that a large number will takv> part ' One was held last Wednesday nighi on the farm of Mr. Leamon Taylor near here, and a large number at tended The same musicians, with one or two exceptions, will play her" next Wednesday. Methodist Church Services Sunday Preaching; services 11 a. m., and 7.30 p. m. at the local church, and at Holly Springs at 3 p. m. The Woman's Missionary Society will meet at the church Monday at 3.30 p. m. County Teachers To Meet Here Tomorrow According to Supt R. A. Pope, one of the largest teachers' meetings of the year will be held tomorrow in the local high school building. The meet ing will be held at 2 o'clock. " Father of Murdered Man Died Wednesday Rev. A. L. Ormond, a prominent Methodist minister, stationed at Ox ford died in Philadelphia Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Ormond was the father of young Ormond, the mln who was shot down by W. B. Cole in Rockingham late in the year 1926. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Haislip, of H*»- sells, weit here Thursday. Williamston, Martin County, North CarolinarFriday, February 18,1927 Daugherty Again fl "" r«nn«r Atty. - Osn. Hanv M to face rttrlal for allsgod fnui j Can Talk From Here to London Williamston People Can Talk to London at a Rate of S7B ♦ 4 / Williamston was put in touch by telephone with England, Scotland, ami Ireland Wednesday morning at 8.80, when arrangements ploted by telephone in might call any tele phone in Great Britain and carry on a conversation with "Sir George," or with any peasant in that country who has a telephone or access to one. If the conversation should be of such a nature that it would require but three minutes, the charge would only be |7B; but if it become* social and require* several minutes longer than the initial 3 minutes, then it would cost $26 per minute for each additional minute. tf a telephone subscriber in Wil lianjston wishes to speak to a person in London, Liverpool, Edinburgh, or Dublin,* all he has to do is to call the operator in the usual way; the opera tor then passes the ticket to tfte New York operator on the regular (7-1 •* plwne line. The New York operator then calls London; ami the Ixnxlon operator (Hisses the call on to the lo cal station called. When the circuit is completed, then the conversation commences just as if a call had been completed to Windsor or Plymouth, except that the New York operator is required to keep constantly on the watch to see that the radio apparatus is in perfect, order. The message travels for tha first 1,000 miles on wires; then it is shot into the open and is carried through the ether waves 3,000 miles over the roaring ocean, where it is caught by a radio receiving set and again placed on wires and passed on to the resi dence or office of the subscriber called. One of the wonders of the world, electricity, is truly being mas tered and simplified. Many Visitors at Masonic Meeting Conoho Chapter, R. A. M., of Wil liamston, held a special meeting Wed nesday night and was host to the Moye Chapter, R. A. M., of Washing ton. Many members from the Wash ington chapter were in attendance, and their degree team assisted in the Royal Arch work. Dr. John B. Griggs, grand secre tary of North Carolina, of Elizabeth CRy, was also present. Other visi ters from Plymouth and Oak City were also present. At the close of the meeting a lunch con was enjoyed by all. Dance Here Next Tuesday Nigrht Next Tuesday night will be a busy J one at the Brick Warehouse; the , town basketball team meets thfc Naval Air Station team and Frank Carstar phen holds a Washington's Birthday \ dance. Stub Johnston's orchestra will ' furnish music for the dance. Peaches Bloom Here; People Freeze in West While perspiration is popping out of the folks on the Atlantic side of the country and peaches are almost in t bloom with dry weather prevailing, - the people on the Pacific side arc ■ freezing to death and being washed f away by the heavy flood rains pre t vailing there. > Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waldo, Miiu Lfhe Waldo, and Mrs. Don Matthews, ■ of Hamilton, were visitors in town Ihuraday. h : Ask Extension Bishops' Crusade Begins Boundaries of in: Local Church Monday School District 1 Crusade to Williamston the week Committee Appointed to of February 21, beginning Mon- Investigate Such an £** Undertaking in the F.piacopal church. The Parent-Teachers Association held its regular meeting- in the school ; auditorium Wednesday afternoon. The attendance was fair, in fact, larger than usual. The principal question discussed was the enlargement of the district boun daries to embrace all of Williams ton Township. At present we have three! small rural schools in this territory with only One teacher to each school.' There are about 200 pupils of school I age within those three districts, only! 82 of them being enrolled as pupils,: however. If the township is to be made a ; high-school unit, it will require an election for all of the voters of the township. A committee was appointed to pre sent the question to the people of the entire township for their approval. If hey act favorably on the question, lien an election will be ordered fey the •oard of county commissioners for the urpose of levying a uniform school ix for the whole., township, the same h is now levied in present Wil amston school district. In case of a consolidation it will be fccessary to build a new building or ...crease ttie sise of th«? present build ing by the addition of at ittart Tout more rooms. , ii-wtlTaKo become nec- the pupils In by truck. There has -been a general expres sion of approval of thfci plan or some thing that would enable the pupils of; the small districts to enjoy better schools than they now have. The consolidation plan would also lengthen the term for tin' children of the smaller districts as they now have but six months, whereas if they were to come to the Williamston school they would have the advantage of the eight-months tfljrm. f I Dr. R. T. VarifAo Speak Here Tuesday Night As the closing feature for the local/ school of missions, Dr. R. T. Vann,! former president of Meredith College,' v.ill speak here next Tuesday night at 7.30 o'clock. The place will be at the Haptist church. There wil be no class recitations or lectures at this-service—only Dr. Vann's lecture. This is an opportunity for the peo pie of the entire community to hear a most remarkable man. And the gen eral public is invited to the service. Big Still and Outfit Captured Last Night Sheriff Roebuck and his deputies made a rich haul last night, when they accidentally ran upon a big liquor plant, consisting of a new HO-gallon copper still, a worn-out still, and 8 vats 6 feet long, 2 feet wide, ami 3 feet deep containing about 230 gal lons of meal and sugar beer. The en-; tire plant was destroyed and the still| taken away. This was the most com plete plant that Sheriff Roebuck has cuptured since he has been in office, lie did not know whose land the out fit was on, but says it was about 2 1-2 miles southeast of Bear Grass. No one was at the s ill, and appar ently the beer was not ready to be run.- Revenue Man to Be in Williamston Monday The State Department of Revenue will be represented at Williamston, Monday, February 21st by Mr. Ed James. Mr. Jariie» will be at the Hritt hotel for the purpose of helping any tax payer in the county to proper ly file his income tax. All unmarried person* who had an income of SI,OOO and every married person with an in come of $2,000 will be required to file a return to the State Revenue De partment on or before the 16th of March. Prospects Bright for Best Herring Season in Years According to the Roanoke's old est and most experienced fisher men, the approaching season wiit be a good one for the fishing in dustry in that river. No definite date-has been set when the seines at Jamesville will begin work, but it will be in the early part of next month. Already repairs are being made to ' the two fisheries at Jamesville, and it is thought the nets will be at work not later than the 10th. The hut few days have seen ■■ ■} } . . . .» - . Rev. E. \Y. Halkck. of Wil mington, will the Bishops' The Bishops' Crusade in the Episcopal Church is a great move ment in evangelism and is at this lhe Hi shops Crusade in the Episcopal Church is a great move- I ment in evangelism and is at this Recorder Has Number Cases Judge Particular Strong I- Against Drunken Auto Drivers j Judge Bailey and Solicitor Horton had a good-sized docket Tuesday, and while it did not produce as much cash | income as af some previous sessions it \ took care of itself and carried a good j balance to the treasurer. Judge Bailey J jis particularly strong on drunken drivers, yet not too much so, for one! of the most dangerous things in the country today is a drunken man driv ing un automobile. Nine cases were tried; one was bound over for want of jurisdiction; one continued under bond, and one nol pressed, as follows: ■ G&inor TfSflty~ to a charged «>nTTfle~~assault. Judgment -' Vas"s us pen ded upon payment of the costs.— The case against Paul Hollkluy for assault with a deadly weapon was nol pnoosed. Tom Moore was found guilty of non- j support of his children. Judgment ! was suspended upon payment of the | costs. BiAhel Clemmons was foumi guilty of reckless driving and was relieved 1 of $20.00 ami the cost of the action. Jesse Bryant plead guilty to a | charge of manufacturing liquor. He | was fined $75 and the costs and sen- ' j trnced to the Edgeoombe County I roads for four months, sentence not to begin until capias is called for. The case against Herbert L. Brewer, | for driving an automobile without a ! license, was continued under bond un f til next Tuesday. Crissie Clark was found guilty of! an assault with a deadly weapon and tiixed with the costs. A verdict of not guilty was return ed for J. A, Wynn, charged with as suult witli a deadly weapon. Charlie Kpruill, who will he remem bered as the first inmate of the new jail, faced two charges before the recorder, assault and resisting an offi cer. He was found guilty on both counts arid sentenced to the Edge combe county roads for 80 days on the assault charge and two months for re sisting the officer. Edgar Edmondson was found guilty of driving an automobile while intoxi cated. He was fined S6O and his right to drive an automobile revoked for nine months. W. V. Ormond and Mary Hyman wore charged with forgery. They waived examination and were bound over to the superior court at the March term. Pictures of Town to Appear at Expositions Secretary N. G. Bartlett rf the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com merce was here last Wednesday get ting pictures of the Main street and several business houses to prepare a loop/ Each loop carries 36 pictures and of that number Williamston will liave twleve. It is possible that of the twelve, part of them will give way to advertising slcgans. "s These loops, as they are called, will appear at the Eastern Carolina ex position and also at other shows in pertain parts of the United States. HEAIJTIFY GROUNDS OF TELEPHONE BUILDING The Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co., have put their lot in apple-pie or der r planted hedges ami lawns and fixed up the walks around the yard, adding greatly to the beauty of the building which they have recently moved into. many fishermen on the river, and es many as three to four thous and herrings are being landed each day. At the present time only ekim nets have been used in the catch. The season this year has seen i the earliest, run of fish up the Ro anoke in vrnrs. Many fishermen say it is the earliest they can re member. Meaarf. C. C. Fleming and J. -M Hpis'll will operate the two fisheries at Jamesville this year. time beinK conducted all over the United States. Williamston is forfunate in hav in« Mr. Halleck here for this com ing week, as he is a forceful and inspiring preacher. It is hoped that the people of Williamston will attend these services and that many may be helped by them. State Has Best Tobacco Crop Careful Study of Con ditions is Vitally Important A review of the tobacco situation in North Carolina shows that for the first time in the history of the "tobac co industry, North Carolina produced 'more tobacco in 11)26 than any ether : i.ate and the value of the £ro|) was over twice that of Kentucky, over four times that of Virginia, and many millions more than any other pro ducing state. *" A close similarity appears between the period fer the past throy —jxmTtr" ami that betl9l7 and 191i^__iU>4rT5erikIs have bepn marked "tTy substantial increases in acreage with enormous Increases in production and in both instances, prices- have ad vanced with the increased Should the 19527- season l>e a repeti tion of that of 1920, a most unfortun ate situation would be the result, es pecially since it follows, so close upon the heels of the disastrous experiences with the cotton crop of 1926. The State's 1926 tobacco drop was the third most valuable crop ever pro duced, being to that of 1918 ami 1919. It was second largest crop ever produced, being only 40,000- 000 pounds less than the 1920 crop. The acreage was the second largest ever grown, being exceeded only in 1920. The average of prices during the season was only exceeded in 1919. While the foreign" situation in re gard to exports is considered favor able, it its much mure so for the dark hurley types than for the bright flue cured, (cigarette type). The reduced acreage of hurley last year with the consequent lowering of stocks has created a favorable situation for this type, whereas the increase in the bright belt and the decrease in the exports to China and the United Kingdom, our two largest purchasers, with the large stocks on hanl of this type havo created a condition that should caution the bright tobacco grower. These facts are,Wor|,h careful study by the tobacco farmer at this time when possible disaster may bo so osaily prevented by an understand ing of the conditions that he must confront. He Who Laughs First (iets a Lautfh, Anyway While walking behind the line of spectators ut the Parmville-Ahoskie basketball game here last Tuesday night, Police J. >S. ('> ok wfts hit when one of the players missed a hard-! thrown ball and it landed on the po -1 iceman's forehead. Mr. Cpok was dazed for a few minutes, but soon got '• all right. The w|rst part, for him, however, was when I't-te Powden, the insurance man, blurted out with a hee-haw laugh. It was in the best o' spirits though. The very next night Pete attended a square dance near here" and ffll out the barn steps when his foot caught. Mr! Cook expressed his regret witli a retaliating laugh and said how *orryj he was that Pete had T»ot broken his | neck. ' . J Okk City Senior Play Next Wednesday Nitfht The play, "An Adopted Cinderella," will be presented by the senior class of the Oak City High School in the Oak City High School auditorium at 7.30 p. m. Wednesday, February 23, 11/27. Every one is cordially invited to be present and weep and laugh with the orphaned Cinderella and follow the career of the talented prince, who is also a violinist. A small admission will be charged. AM HERS PRESSING CLUB ADOS TRUCK The Ambers I'resing club this week added a Ford truck to its ' business. Regular trips will be made around this and other towns in collecting and delivering clothes. Mr. Ambers, the owner of the pressing concern, has recently installed modern equipment in the plant and has secured the serv ices of expert workmen. He has now one of the most modern and best e quipped cleaning and pressing plants in this section. .- ■ ■ JM Watch the Laferu OB Your Paper; It Carrie* the Date Your Subscription Expires. ESTABLISHED 1898 County Schools Plan to Enlarge Their Libraries Local School Now Has Over 1,000 Volumes in its Collection One of the most commendable re ports tominjf from the office of the fporintendent of county schools re ft'ly, and one that i.* deserving of special mention, deals with the inter est and work in school libraries. At present there are four schools in the county ha\injflibraries that are rated by the S'ate, To this "liumber will be added two more within a short time, lor they are at work building .up li braries that will meet with the State requirements. In the local .school library, a special committee, composed of Mrs. Wheeler Martin- ami Misses Or pah Steel and Lucille Allen has been doing exten sive work in the past several weeks classifying ami cataloging the books. A' the present time there have been almost I.OdO volumes catalogued and classified into certain groups. The li brary is handled partly by the _ dents, and a growing.JjiAciiaaT-tir the' building and—cafe of the library is -wwSTevident. » '- —' Oak City has at present some 800 Volumes. The handling of the library is worked on a highly efficient basis —- and is proving a great success. Jamesville and Hobersonville each have around 51)0 volumes. The work for a greater library in the latter oityjs most intensive, the parents arid teachers are interested in the project and are doing much to add to the li brary. Hear Grass recently ordered JIISU sjorth of new books to go into its library, and the people of that com munity are bijsyirtg themselves wi. h the task of securing more. EveretU is preparing to build to its collection. time in the past has there been a greater interest shown in the building up of libraries in the various schools of our county than there is now. The interest, while it is not complete, covers practically all parts of the county, ami it is understood that several of tht other schools are making plans for book collections. 100-Uallon Still and Outfit is Captured Sheriff Roebuck and Deputy Grimes anwsered a call yesterday and found a big copper still near the~Eli Powell place near the lioaufort County line. 'I he still was not in operation when found and no one was near. The outfit consisted of a complete 100-gallon copper still, properly equipped, four barrels of beer, and a few buckets, funnels, etc. Signs around the place indicated . that much business had been done there. ■ \ ■ Otto Wood, Jail Breaker Extraordinary, Caught S. Otto Wood, the famous one-arm prisoner who has escaped our State penitentiary three times, the last time in November, 1926, has been cap tured in Indiana. He is under a 30- year sentence for murder, and though he has but one arm seems to be able to break jail and drive an a£ito with more ease than a person with two hands. Resides his escapes from the North Carolina penitentiary, Wood has also made spectacular get-aways from both Ohio and Tennessee prisons. When he made his last escape from our prison, Governor out lawed him and offered a reward of S6OO for him, dead or alive. ,He stole an automobile in Roanoke, _Va., and did several daring robberies and hold-ups in Indiana before he was . shot down while robbing a drug stordM in that State. He recovered and was identified by finger prints. / Domestic Science Class Entertains Officials The domestic science class, Miss Selma Frazier, teacher, of the Oak City High School, had as its guests at a luncheon yesterday Supt. R. A. Tope, several other school officials, and other special guests. That the class is doing real work was evidenced •by the delicious meal served. There are 30 enrolled in the class, and the department is making splendid prog ress. i Road Commission Force Improving: Town Streets The road commission's work on the _ streets of the town this week is meet ing with hearty approval on every hand. For the past several months many of the streets of the town have been in an unbelievably bad condition, and the work comes m a relief to local residents. y