Clob Meetings Eiiafeanli Waddings Etc. Lieut and Mrs. C. H. Yost and daughter, Miss Muriel, spent the week end with her sister and family, Mrs. Lawrence Lindsley. Mrs. Lawrence Lindsley returned to Norfolk Navy Yard with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Yost, where she will spend several days. Messrs. P. D. Bain, president Ameri can Peanut corporation, and Mr. Woodley, president Columbia Peanut coroporation and Tom Birdshong, of Suffolk, were visitors here yesterday. Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Godard are spending today in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. McMasters, Mrs. F. U. Barnes and Francis Barnes spent yesterday in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Ned Laughinghous, Mrs. R. B. uoss and Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Craw it rd visited in Oriental Wednesday. Rev. C. H. Dickey attended a church conierence in Monday. Mrs. R. L. Smith of RoOersonville v visited her sister, Mrs. A. R. Dun ning Wednesday. Mrs. L. P. Hornthal of Plymouth and her daughter, Mrs. i.yone of Ayden viaited Mrs. W. B. Watts Thursday. Mrs. Rachael B. Ross of Seaford, Del. is spending a month with her sister, Mrs. K. B. Crawford. Doctors W. E. Warren and J. E. Smithwick and Harry A. Biggs re turned last night from Columbia, S. C. where they attended the Tri-State Medical Society meeting. Friends of Mrs. C. A. Harrison are delighted with the good news from her bedside. She underwent an Oper ation Tast Tuesday at the University hospital, Baltimore, and is getting along very well. Miss Mary Spruill of Windsor visited friends here Wednesday. S. R. Biggs will leave tomorrow night for New oYrk where he will take a six weeks course at the Ren ouard Training school for embalmers. He will, alßo take a course in plastic surgery. Mrs. S. R. Biggs and children, Bil lie and Nancy left today for Ed en ton where they will visit Mrs. Paxie Bad ham for two weeks. They will then visit relatives in Norfolk and Rocky Mount Little Roger Critcher, who was oper ated on at the • Washington hospital last week is recovering very quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wynne returned today from Norfolk, where they saw George White's scandals last night. C. D. Carstarphen spent several days of last week in Baltimore buy ing spring merchandise for his store. Frank Margolis returned today from New York where he has been buying and looking over spring styles for Margolis Brothers for the past two weeks. Miss Mildred Darden attended a dinner dance In Windsor last night Mrs. B. Bloom of New York ar rived this afternoon for a severaf weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Margolis and Mr. Margolls. Mr. W. J. Cherry of Rout four was a business visitor here yesterday. A large number of fans attended the basket ball game between the lo cal highs and Windsor at Windsor last Tuesday night. PALE & PEAKED Toat La* Was AhkU If Har Ma&ar T. Tab Cariai, . . Wild Ska Oil Wkk Cmi Kmb. TWm —Mm QUdyi Pwurriat, ti this dtf, aamac "At I inftmd awfully with paina acroaa ay back and through my aidaa. I would have to go to bad .fi and ataar two or (fan* day* at • tea. ft was vary wodiKm I ■aanagadtokn» goiag, but ...did ■ot aajoy mafaeß et-aIL Dm oaf m mother ramnrkadoa ( how bad! lookad. She said: "Yoo Ed tSm* fchanatf • onmhar'af « hatter try *> 1 cat the OanW and began tab taw 8, and from tha toat dose or two I ooold aaa • ttango for tha better. Tha ftnt tbtag I noticed wm thai n» MjiHHi WM improved. I began to Da hungry and I enjoyed any mate. I slept better at night nat waa ao modi quieter that 1 «ot tha baoeftt tew ft. I kaot oft with tha Cardui and took n tor ISEibss Society & personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor MRS. F. U. BARNES ENTERTAINS TUESDAY— Mrs. F. U. Barnes entertained Tues- j day night at her home on Church street in honor of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. of Pocomoke, Maryland. There were nine tables of bridge and thj games were played in the parlors and living rooms decorated with jonquils and ether early spring flowers. Mrs. Chas. lawyer received a lovely hat box for making high score and Mrs. P. H. Brown an embroidered handkerchief for low score. Mrs. McMaster was given lingerie, Mrs. Rachel Ross a box of stationery and Mr. McMaster a tie for guest priies. The hostess served creamed chicken in pattios, potato chips, sandwiches, pickles and hot coffee at the contusion of the games. Those honored by Mrs. Barnes wtre Mesdames. Kader B. Crawford, J. W. Watts, jr., A It. JSJ, S. PeeL Clayton M.ooro, Pr"tf.'*Cone, Frederick Hoyt, Wheeler Martin, H. M. Stubbs, J. G. Staton, S. R. Biggs, J. S. Rhodes, Earl Wynne, J. H. Saun ders Tom Brandon, Louis Bennett, Roy Gurganus, Maurice Watts, Perlie E. Brown, Leslie Fowden, George H Harrison, J. D. Woolard, Titus Critch- er, J. G. Godard, Misses Anns Craw ford and Carrie Delle White and Mr Frederick Hoyt Her out-of-town guests were, Mrs. Fred Dunstan, C. J. Rhea, Charles Sawyer and Mrs. W. T. Tadlork of Windsor, Mrs. Rachel Ross of Seaford, Del., the house guest of her sister, Mrs. K. B. Craw ford and Mrs. 'S. S. Lawrence of Richmond. Mrs. Barnes also entertained in the afternoon for" Mrs. McMaster. Her quests brought their fancy work at hei request and enjoyed sowing and conversation for two hours before re freshments were served. Those en joying Mrs. Barnes' hospitality at that time were Mosdames. Charles Fleming, B. S. Courntey, W. J. Hodges, C. B. Clark, Henry Crawford, W. E. Warren, Chas. James, C. O. Pardo, C. D. Carstarphen, W. G. Hurdison, J. D. Biggs, Asa T. Craw ford, Carrie B. Williams, Myrtle Brown, Anna Harrison, Caroline Martin. Mr. S. E. Ange was a caller in our office yesterday. Mr. J. W. Davenport of Rocky Mount was a business visitor" here yesterday. CM m* ANNOUNCING Our Spring Showing of [fm Ready - to - Wear, f[ I Millinery, Silks r and Piece Goods * " ''liil' • NOW ON DISPLAY .. I i 11 mm Never before have we seen goods as I [ / beautiful as they are for this Spring | / and Summer. The Pleasure , \ J of Your Presehce J Is Hoped For Harrison Bros. & Co. . Williamston's Largest Department Store WtLLIAMSTON , V * % . " PHONE Anything for This Department To 46 MACEDONIA LOCAL NEWS AND PERSONALS Mr. Joe Shepherd Holliday, of W. C. 1., spent the week end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L Holliday. Miss Sat>e Perry, of E. C. T. C\, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Perry. Mr. Leonard Coltrain and Miss Sadie Mae Hadley motored to Wil liamston to see the basketball game last Friday night. j Little Johnnie Rodgers underwent a:i operation Wednesday at the Tarboro i hospital. He was accompanied by his parents and Miss Carrie Ward. Friends of Mr. J. L. Holliday will regret to know that he is quite ill. Miss Sadie Mae Hadley spent the week end with Miss Mary Bailey. the 'cegi'Stry" of Martin County 'tfTTiook R-2, at page 326; said deed of trust being given to secure the pay ment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipula tions in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and the stipulan been complied with, and at the re quest of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on the 28th day of February, 1927, at 12 o'clock ( m., at the courthouse door in the town , ot Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at pub 1j lie auction the following tracts of ,| lui:d, to wit: Lleing lots numbers 108, 109, 19, and j 20 in the town of Parmele, N. C, as ; described in a certain map made by . F. W.. Secrest, C. E., which map is . registered in the register of deeds of fice of Martin County in book 7, at I page 412, reference to which is here i by made for further description. This the 27th day of January, 1927. D. A. JAMF.S, i j 2B 4tw Trustee. Robert L. Coburn, attorney. NOTICE OF RESALE Notice is hereby given that under ' and by virtue of the power of sale ! contained in a certain deed of tryst • from C. L. Viek and wife, Varina Vick Sell Your Logs At Home WITH Murray & McCabe Company Successors To Williamston Lumber Co. THE ENTERPRISE—WILLI AM BTON, N. C. | - ~ Small Hat 9tffl Rnle> fog Spring, * | - rh * "yj *y • fl F a tf* L ? l - b * * Bptl| y to the undersgned trustee, default hav ing: been made in the terms and con ditions as expressed in said deed of trust and under and by virtue of an order of resale signed by K. J. Peel,' clerk of the superior —the" 2nd day ofjfcYUnuwry, 132*, the bid at | the" former sale having been raised, the undersigned trustee will on Mon-, day, the 21st day of February, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse j door of .Martin County at William-! ston, N. C., offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands, to wit: Situate on Outterbridge Street, in the town of Robersonville N. C., Mar tin County, adjoining the lands of L. A. Briley and others, and bound on the north by the residence lot of said L. A. trilly, on the east by tho cen ter of Outterbridffe Street, on the south by the center of Second Street, on the west by a ditch, and being tho houue and lot formerly owned by the late 8. L. Ross and now occupied by his widow, Neva S. Ros.«, and allotted to her as her dower out of the lands of the said S. L. Ross, dt ceased; anil it beinjf the one-fifth undivided inter est. therein owned by said Vartiia Vick. subject to the dnwir rijtht of siid Neva L. Ross. I)R. W. L. DAVIS EYE SIGHT SPECI \LIST Bell Jewelry Co. WASHINGTON, N..C. This 2nd day of February, 1927. J. N. COBtiRN, f4 2tw Trustee^,. Dunning & Moure,. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority conferred in me by a "Deed of Trust" executed to me by I,ee S. James and wife, Mar tha C. James, on the 20th day of December, 1921, and duly recorded in the register of deed's office in Martin County, in bookf~i-2, page 100, to se cure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the Stipulations in said deed of trn t not hHving been complied with, I shall ex pose at public auction, for cash, a* 12 o'clock on Friday, the 25th day of February, 1927, at the courthouse door in Martin County, the following prop erty: Bounded on the north by the land of, Jesse Thomas heirs, on the east by the county road leading from Oak City to Hassell, N. C., on the south by Lee S, James, and on the west by the Announcing a NEW lino by an Old Company (BUILDING SUPPLIES DIVISION) > HOI LAND & BEAMON COMPANY Established liXM) DISTRIIU TORS SASH DOOKS (H.ASS , Ds Your A We Are Close Orders - / Atlantic Coast Line To YOU ■_ \ Norfolk & Western Quick O ISSl A * Lower Shipment RR , (?£&* So " t '"' n ' Freight Rates ORDER THROUGH VOI R DEALER \ * ftl 3t Hertford N.C.Oct. 19, 1926 iHed |A A Quality* Fertilizer for first time this year under niv cotton crop ami results nece' highly satisfactory. ' used 4JK) pounds per acre "and picked BP *iVm, * > >ww(flkv \ C 4 i 20fM poiuu . of «eed cotton." . _j ' NT -' n * \kA'y'. limp.ii i, Va., IV,. 4. 1926 I "We u:«l 'A A Quality' Fertilizers at '•> ' jVfc , r fajSLt * 'he rate of 600 pounds to the acre on * . 16 acre*. Wc have puked 60 bales of v > v W x^Hty ? ' jiJc KFD No. 2, Colerain, N. C., Oct. 28, 1926 W w u w rt. M Undei, my cotton this year I used 600 * '**-i_ pounds per .»ire of 'AA Quality* I'ertil i/ers. I in* perfectly satisfied with my i V > /-v 0 * ■ crop «r*tl brlirve the fvrtilwer to be the A jf" best I have evur used." "^ L C UwrCnC§ Plant fewer fields in cotton— but make each fiel produce more , , 4 IT ISN'T the number of acres of manufacturing experience, you plant in cotton that makes They can be distributed easily the big cotion-money. It's the and evenly, number of dollars that each in- The materials used in "AA dividual acre brings back lo you. Quality" Fertilizers are care- Intensify your yield through fully selected, thoroughly the use of "AA Quality" Cot- mixed, cured and remilled. ton Fertilizers—made expressly Blended so as to give each plant for cotton growing. Their for- a correctly balanced food and mulas arc the of years of scientific jfc" J* ' \ even development, study and test by fa- pp Tj*^§■ "AA Quality" mous soil and crop IFertilizers give you experts. Their abso- more cotton to the lutely dependable i acre—and better cot mechanical condition ' ton too! They are has been obtained FERTILIZERS ' always reliable. Play through sixty years -»j& i safe and use TU W«W. ttmu X s VI - l>» Ew>j W \ "AA QUALITY* FERTILIZERS^ Best known to you under the following brands POCOMOKE - IMPERIAL—PATAPSCO ZELL'S—LAZARETTO Manufactured only by THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY Norfolk Sales Dept., Nat'l Bank of Commerce Bldg., Norfolk, Va. ( Guilford Cotton lands. ' No. 1, at page 26. This is intended | For further description r fernce >tc convey lot No. 2of said division. ! made to Charity Avery's land Divi- j This January 24, 1927. I .'ion, recorded in the public registry j , P. L. HAISLIP, in Mawin Couniy in lanu division book j25 4'.w Trustee. See me >/' r " this week! This is a big year for Swift's Red Steer—make sure you get yours I know one thing that's going right amount of Swift's Red to make a bigger wheat crop Steer Fertilizer to make you and more money for farmers the most profit, around here next year. Swift's j recommend Swift's Red Red Steer Fertilizer! Success- Steer high analysis fertilizer ful wheat growers are using f or wheat. Because of its high Swift's.Theyareordcringtheirs analysis, I can save you real now. Have you ordered yours? mo ncy on this fertilizer. You I know the best fertilizer get the benefit of lower costs practice in this locality. I know for freight, labor and bagging, what our Agricultural College Let's talk this over. Come recommends. I can help you in thin week and we'll make select the right kind and the plans. D. D. STALLS Authorised Swift Afent

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