WANTS; LOST: 4 HOGS, MARKED SWAL low fork and underbit in the same ear, smooth crop off the left ear, plain white and tails cropped—H. K. Peel, Route 1, Williamston. I'.ARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS for setting; 16 for SI.OO. Stock roosters for sale. B. S. Courtney. fls 2 PLANT NOW: PEONIES, DAHLIA, Gladiolus, Tulips, Peonies, red, white, pink, 3 to 5 eyes, 8 for $1; 12 for-92.50. Darwin tulips nil colors, 100 for 51; 20 giant dahlia, ali. differ ent, for $1; Gladiolus, rainbow mix ture, all new sorts, 40 for 51; 100 for $2. Postpaid. P. S. Birch, Laurel' Springs, N. J. . fß.4tw| FOR SALEi RHODE ISLAND—RED 1 eggs, $2.50 for 18. C. IS. Clark, Williamston, fJ. C. ,fH> 4t »' ___ EARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS for setting; IB for SI.OO. Stock roosters for sale. B. S. Courtney, fIB 2 FOR SALE: RHODE ISLAND RED I eggs; SI.BO per setting of IB; Mrs. C. R. Mobley, Churct St., William son. * - ' ' • 2t V ANTED: 50000 STANDARD OAK Cross Ties and 5000 cord.- poplar, gum and pine pulp wood, delivered New Bern, Washington and Elisa beth City, North Carolina. Good in spection an I cash when loaded. Bl liWELL-TIE CO. • 2-18-Ct •' Stovall, N. C. SAM J. KESPttSS Engineering and Land Surveying • i All Branches >»> J«l> loli Small or 100 Jar Reasonable Ku'cs- Phone 38 f 11. Uock}. M«unt.' N. C. 4t Jos. w. HAH . V ah 6rni;v at law V. ILLI A.MSTON, N. C. Dllii ; Lower Floor Old Farmers & Merchants Bank Huilding 'Hours: 9:3(1 a m. to p m. Phone 87 Olher Hours Eveietts, N; & [k Resident'? Tel-pholiK, 280S tf I)r. Robert I>. IMahood SI KG EON DENTIST 315 Sycamore St. Williuinston, N. C HOURS: 4:00 to, 9:00 P M. Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 P- M ADMI NI ST R ATO R'S NOTIC E Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the es'ate of E. H. Taylor, til! persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the sae to the undersigned for payment on or before the 17th day of February, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immwliirte 'settlement of same. This 17th day of Febraarv. 1927. .. H. D TAYIOR, 118 6tw Administrator. , Just Received A Car of WIRE FENCING . , : J ; .. ....', 1 .? - Maine Grown Seed Irish Potatoes; Plant Bed Guano; Tobacco Cloth; 500 Bundles of Hay Wire; Building Lime; Cement, Prepared Plaster, Finishing* Lime; Windows and Doors; Carload of Burt Oats CHEAP FOR CASH C. D. CARST ARPHEN & CO. Special Rate To 10 Women \v e are offering at a special to the first JEMT pgy ten ladies who K'et a permanent wave in our shop, the special price of SIO.OO. IttM Citizens Barber Shop G. P. Hall, Proprietor Li«T CALL: SET PECAN TREES soon or another year is lost. Ask for prices and valuable facts. J. B. j Wight, Cairo, Ga. , *1 8t . NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County. Federal Land Bank of Columbia vs. L. A. Sykett, Et Al* . Pursuant to an order and judgment j entered in the£»bove entitled civil ac ' tion on the Ib£ day 'of November, lS>26,j t ' in the superior court of Martin Coun- j >| ty by the clerk, and a further order! j signed by Barnhill, judge, on the 12th day of February, 1927, 1 will on the! ' 2bth day of March, 1927 at 12 o'clock ,j ro., at the courhouse door of Martin l| County, sell at public auction to the , highest bidder therefor the following • i described lands, situated in said coun •| ty and State, in Jamesville Township, 'j containing 682, acres, more or less, and I bounded as follows: >\ A tract of land in Martin County, j Jamesville Towrnship, Martin County, ' adjoining the lands of Dennis Sim mons Lumber Co., J. Z. Brown, J. C. ' Sexton, and Theo Long, containing , 682 acres, more or less, and being j same land conveyed to L. A. Syke.s by 1 J. Z. Brown by deed dated December ( : 20th 1918, and pf record in the public J ' registry of Martin County, in book Y-l, at page 37. Being described by 1 metes, bounds and distances by mar on file with Federal Land Bank, Co lumbia, marie by A. Corey, C. E., .' June 15th, 1919. All bids will be received subject to ; rejection or confirmation of the clerk | superior court, and no bids will be ac-! • fcpted or reported unless its maker I shall deposit with the clerk of the su ■ periol court at the close of the bid-! - dinif the'sum of five hundred dollars j as a forfeit and guaranty of compli | tuice with' his hid, the same to be cred ! iienl oil his bid when accepted. Notice is now given that Baid lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clobk p. m. ol the. same day unless said deposit is ooner made. Every. deposit not. forfeited or ac-j i ipUxi will' be promptly returned to the maker. ili' aFave property will be offered' in two .trie s or in accordance with or der signed by Barnhill, judge, said-or-, lier being duted February 12th. 1927. This the 16 th day of February, 1 Hi 27. • • . j-- WHEELER MARTIN, fIK 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of, sale contained in a certain deed of; t rust executed to the undersigned j trustee by A. B. Ayers and wife, La -1 vinia Ayers, on the 28th of August,' 1919 which said deed of trust is of; record in the -public regitttry of Mar -1 "tin County in Book A-2 at page 190, , said deed of trust having been given t I for "the purpose of securing notes of -1 even date and tenor therewith and r default having been made- in the pay f j ment of the sa'id notes and the stipu ej hitions contained therein not having I been complied with and at the re ! quest of the holder of the said notes I j the undersigned tru»'e® will on Mon- I day the 21st day of March, 1927 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the court -1 house door in the town Williams ton, N. C. offer for sale to the high —i 11 - est bidder for cash the following de- I scribed real estate, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of S. H. Mobley, T. U. Rawls, and others and being i two tracts of land purchased, one from ( S. H. Mobley and the other from ; James I. Roberson, Dawson Roberson , and others and known as the John I.! Roberson land. This the 17th day of Fob. 1927. i, R. J. PEEL, C. S. C. , 2-18-4t v -Trustee. 1 SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of "the power and authority vested in the undersign ed 'by that certain mortgage deed ex-| ecu ted by W. T. Pierce and Bessie B. Pierce, his wife, elated March 13,' 1923, and duly recorded in the Mar-1 tin County Public Registry in Book 11-2, Page 397, default having beenj made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, the undersign- j ei. will, on Monday, March 21, 1927, between the hours of 12 o'clock M.,j and 12:30 o'clock P. M. at the Court! House door of Martin County, Mr Williamston, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that certain piece or parcel 'of land lying and being situate in Martin County, State of North Caro line, near the town of Hobgood bound ed as follows: BEGINNING at a gum in Cypress Swamp, J. G. Staton's corner, then up 1 i said Staton's line to the County Road ' leading from Hobgood to Oak City, ' then down said Road west to Alice J Hilliard's corner, then down said Hil liard's and I. M. Parker's lines to the | Cypress Swamp, then down said Cy -1 press Swamp to the beginning, con taining 125 acres, more or less, and I being the identical piece or parcel of | land conveyed to the said- W. T. | Pierce by said B. F. Shelton, Trustee, by a deed duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for sfiid Mariin County in Book 0-2, Page 166, to which reference is hereby made as :i part of this instrument. This February 14, 1927. B. F. SHELTON, j 'c -18-4t Mortgagee. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County: , | To Neet Rogers, her heirs, adminis trators, and assigns, and to any per son claiming the land listed for ! taxes by her: You will take notice that 1 bought : urn* residence listed in Williamston, ! Williamston Township, by Neet Rog ers, at a tax sale made by H. T. liob ' erson, sheriff, on the 7th day of June, 1926, for the taxes for the year 1928 j due on said property; the same not j having been paid. At which sale a cer- I tifu ate was issued to me. You will ! further take notice that I shall pre -1 sent said certificate to the sheriff and demand a deed for said land unless' the saipe is redeemed on or before! ' June 7th, 1927. | February 3, 1927. f4 4tw J. W. WATTS, i NOTICE FOR TAX DEED ■ To Nathan Harrington, or to any other person- or persons interested in the following land: L Yeu will take notice that 11. T. rtob c rson, sheriff and tax collector for • Martin County, sold at the courthouse ■ dcor of Martin County oh Monday, THE ENTERPRISE—WIULAMSTON, fl. C. the 7th day in Jane, 1926, "2 acres of ( Simpson land listed ill Jamesville Township by Nathan Harrington," for taxes for the year 1925, and at \aaid Bale I was the highest bidder for said land and the said sheriff issued me a certificate of said sale. You will take further notice here under, that unless you redeem said certificate, I shall demand a deed for said land on or after June 7, 1927. January 21st, 1927. C. G. GUKKIN. NOTICE FOR TAX DEED J To Claude Woolard, or to any other i person or persons interested in the following land: You will take notice that H. T. Rob-j erson, sheriff and tax collector for Martin County, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday/ the 7th day in June, 192 C, "20 aero 1-anier land listed in Griffins Town ship by Claude Woolard," for taxes for the year 1925, and at said sale I was the highest bidder for said land and the said sheriff i sued me a cer-j tiiicate of said sale. You will take further notice here under, that unless you redeem said certificate, 1 shall demand a deed for .said land on or after June 7, 1927. February 6th, 1927. fll 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL. nr NOTICE FOR TAX DEED :To Alex Woolard, or to any other person or persons interested in the following land: You will take notice that H. T. Rob erson, sheriff and tax collector for Martin County, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday, the 7th day in June, 1926, "16 acre:; residence listed in Griffins Township by Alex Woolard," for taxes: for the year 1925, and at said sale 1 Was the hig-hest bidder for said land and the sp.id sheriff issued me a c.-rtificate of said sale. —r You will take further notice here : under, that unless you redeem said certificate, I shall demand a deed for aid land on or after June 7, 1927. February sth, 1927. : fll 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL. i ~ NOTICE North Carolina;^ Martin County: In Superior Court. Peter Thompson vs. Penina Thompson The defendant above named will take notic* that an action entitled as above has been- commenced in the su perior court of Martin County, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute di | verce on the grounds of statutory period of separation; and the said de fendant will further take notice that the is required to appear before the clerk of the superior court of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., on j March 10, 1927, and answer or demur j to the complaint in said action, or the p'aintiff will apply to this court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the Bth day of February, 1927. R. J. PEEL, fll 4tw Clerk Superior Court. BISHOP'S CRUSADE A . ■ •r v ' ■ !i" ' ' • J ' ' . , ' * • • •' • . . * ; /. » Williamston - Feb. 21st - 27th «' ' V Episcopal Church Rev. E. W. HALLECK, Crusader Services Dailey -10:00 A. M. - 7:30 P. M. The Public Is Cordially Invited , NOTICE FOR TAX DEED tTo L E. Corey, or to any other r person or persons interested in the following land: You -will take notice that H. T. Rob erson, sheriff and tax collector for Martin County, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday,! the 7th day in June, 1926, "160 acres residence, listed in Griffins Township by L. E. Corey," for taxes for the year 1925, and at said sale I was the | highest bidder for said land and the, I laid sheriff is ued me a certificate of ; mid sale. | j You will take further notice here-) | under, that unless you redeem said; ; certificate, 1 'hall demand a deed for id land on or after June 7, 1927. j February 6th, 1927. ! 1 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL 1 Gold HI Store 223 Washington Street Exum L. Ward, Store Mgr. PHONE 157 AEROPLANE SERVICE AT SUBMARINE PRICES Fresh Spinach, Carrots, Iceberg Lettuce, Celery & other Vegetables Cold Star Coffee 45c Campbell's pea and tomato Maxwell House Coffee 50c Re^ U h Rs'h ZZ 24c Rice, whole grain, lb. ..... 7 l-2c Kippered Herring 17c Evaporated apples .1 17c English peas He Dromedary Dates, pkg. . 19c Corn, sweet and tender, . 10c Campbells pork & beans 3 cans 25c Tablets & composition books 3 for 10c ' "T"~ SEEDS AND FEEDS ; Burt Seed Oats, government Eshelman's Baby Chick Start inspected, bu. 75c er, bag M-20 A ~w , ai . Dixie Scratch Feed $2.90 t Apple Oats, J A. A. Dairy Feeds $2.50 (joia Medal Wheat Middling, 1 Eshelman's Laying Mash, bag I bag - $3.25 Rye Meal, bag $3.25 —* THE GOLD STAR LEADS THE WAY l ... NOTICE FOR TAX DEED To Chelsey Woolard, or to any other person or persons interested in the following land: You will take notice that H. T. Rob erson, sheriff and tax collector for ' Martin County, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday, the 7th day i$ June, 1926,'"64 acres residence, listed in Griffins Township, by Chelsey Woojard," for taxes for the year 1925, and at said sale I was the highest bidder for said land and the said sheriff issued me a certificate of said sale. You will take further notice her#- ui der, that unles6 you redeem said certificate, I shall demand a deed for said land on or after June 7, 1927. February sth, 1927. , fll 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL. NOTICE FOB TAX DEED To Mr* Jho. Grmy Pml, orto any other person or persons interested in the following* land: You will take notice that H. T. Rob crson, sheriff and tax collector for Martin County, sold at the courthouse door of Martin County, on Monday, the 7th day in June, 1*26, "65 acres residence listed in Griffins Township by Mrs. Jno. Gray Peel," for taxes. for the year 1925, and at said sale I was the highest bidder for said land and the said sheriff issued me a cer tificate of said sale. • You will take further notice here under, that unless you redeem said certificate, I shall demand a deed for said land on or after June 7, 1927. February 6th, 1927. fll 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL. I

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