Advertisers WUI Find Our Cal on a Latchkey to Over 1600 ■MM of Martin Coaaty. VOLUME XXIX—NUMBER 102 School Tardies and Absences Big Expense 314 Pupils Absent in the Local Schools During the Past Month In a statement made by school of ficials this morning the problem caused by absences and tardies and the effect on school work was clear ly outlined. The absentee-tardy problem is both detrimental to the work of the teach on and costly to taxpayers; besides the child 'is missing so me of the most important work done in school. At 8:60 sharp in the local school, five minutes after the morning bell rings, each teacher checks up on her presences and passes immediately to the work of the first class. Oftentimes | the teacher makes the assignment for the following day; or she introduces' the immediate lesson by necessary ex planations. It takes about five minutes for this. If three pupils are tardy, coming in at different times, besides interfering with the interest of the class, it takes 16 minutes of the teacher's time which is due the class. To go back and explain or assign again for each of the three puts her behind fifteen minutes for the day. The teacher must go bacjc and ex plain for the benefit of those late comers or they will get behind in their work and grow to be constant sources of trouble to the teacher, hindrance to the class, and worry of parents, for surely a chronic late-comer will sooner or later fail in his work. Besides worry over a child's fail ure in school, which is not infre quently caused by the child's late coming and his being absent, the parents pay for something that is never delivered. TVe schooling that is provided at no little cost is run with the absent or tardy child not getting the benefit. Hera are the facta as th* exist in Williams ton. Not counting interest on bonds, the depreciation of school plant, nor the 1 annual cost of repairs to the building,' the cost of running the school is ap-j proximately SI6OO per month. This includes teachers' salaries, fuel, jani torial service and miscellaneous items. For each of the 20 days in the school month this means SBO. expense. This means approximately 20 cents per day for each of the 426 pupils en rolled. Last month there were 314 absences which amounts to $62.80. 1 These pupils failed to get the benefit of that 162.80 which came from the pockets of taxpayers. Each tardy fe valued from every angle to be one half as costly as one absence. It dis turbances and costs of teachers' time could be computed in dollars and cento, tardies no doubt would be more costly than this. Then tan cents for each of 346, tardies in W. H. S. lust month means a monetary loss of $34.60, bringing the cost of both tar dies and absences up to the large sum of $97.30. What this $97.30, if rightly used, would mean to the pupils of William • ston can't be determined. Doubtless, if the number of tardies and absences was cut about 96 par cent, there would be on the part of those who come late now greater interest in this work and fewer failures at the end of school' Teachers would have more time for individual work, pupils would get what has been provided for them by the taxpayers, and a more unified purpose and more definite accomplish ments would be the results. Club Dance Here Next Monday Night The Woman's club's third dance will be given next Monday night in the club hall from 9 to 12. The Robereon ville orehestia with Mrs. W. B. Watts at the piano will furnish the music. At The STRANn THEATRE I 1 SATURDAY Do Not Miss— A 1 Hoxie in "The Fighting Ranger" Our Gang Comedy CHEER" Episode No. 21 "OFFICER 444" Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE One-Half of Town Taxes Collected To ; 2 Months To Collect Rest i » i Small Loss Incurred in the Collection of the Town's light Bills Taxes paid in by property holders i in the town during this week ha« car- i I ried the amount collected to over one • half the total or slightly over $lB,- 000.40. A ten months' period has been , used to ccllect that amount, and there . remain only two moaths in which to , complete the task. No information : could be had from the treasurer's of fice this morning relative to the pros pacts of collecting the outstan#gg | sum. It was stated .however, that . when the first of May came, the time for advertising all delinquents, the | administration would be forced to re j sort to the process provided by law I in those cases where the taxes re main unpaid. At a meeting of the ooard of com-j missioners several months ago the J budget was prepared for tho year, j Basinjf its action on the budget's; figures local taxes were reduced by! the board, but it was clearly seen that' a 100 per cent collection would be' necessary in order that the reduction might hold. This morning the town met a very largo obligation when R paid R S. Dixon, New York, $10,000.00, the last payment on a $16,000.00 note made around four years ago. In a talk made 1 before the Kiw.anis Club a few weekn ago Mayor Coburn gave a brief gum- j mary of the town's finances. The pay-' nient of the Dixon note is another; feature to be added to the Mayor's J summary, for the commissioners did { What seemed impossible when they paid the note in the face of a reduc-j tion in taxes. The treasurer's books are packed fuU of all sorts of information. One place it was noticed that the light commission is establishing a record in its collections. This May will bring to a close a two-year peroid in which . hardly three hundred dollars will be ! lost in bad light bills. | Many Enjoy Square Dance Wednesday j The old-fashioned square dance came back into its own here last Wednesday night when many couples' { from the community assembled in ths Dixie warehouse and engaged in the steps for over two hours. With Mr. Will Taylor, of near here the twenty and more couples Ailed the orders, not as accurately as was in the case of years back but with equally as muchi pleasure. The orchestra, composed of citizens from the surrounding com munity, went through tho evening with! j all ease, time out every now i and then to tune up 'for the next set Not all the pleasure was on the dance floor, for it was a real treat to hundreds of spectators who were not so well acquainted with that type of dance. i One of the present-day college chaps thought Mr. Taylor was calling signals like they do in football games. Another spectator tried in vain to understand the figures, but decided it required practice instead of observa tion to learn the dance. No admission was charged, and the dance was free. It was a gathering where every one enjoyed himself. Proof of "Where There's a Will There's a Way Dr. R. T. Vann, who visited our i town Tuesday and preached at the Baptist church that night, demon strates the truth of the saying, "where there is a will there is a way." A man now 76 years old, he is with out a hand, the right arm being off well above the elbow and the left a bout 4 inches below. Yet he succeeds in being secretary of the board of benevolence in the Baptist State con vention, at present acting pastor at the First Baptist Church in Raleigh, and he also preaches at various places in the State upon frequent calls. He . also fishes in the summer and hunts in the winter. Dr. Vann is said to be a good shot at birds on the wing; and as to turkeys and deer, they find him just as dangerous as a young man with two hands. , *»■ He had the misfortune to fall a few months before Christmas and broke his longest piece of arm and sprained his short piece. This accident slowed him up for a few weeks, making it necessary for him to enter a hospital for a while. It seemed that it was not so lonesome for the Doctor whil« he was in the hospital, as his wife was also there at the same time as 1 the result of an automobile smash up. I We have boti?w citizens of the State who have made a greater con- ' tribution to the people than Dr. Vana. fl** ■■ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Byndy, of Hert fprd visited friends bei^ppght WUliamston, Martin Oonnty, North Cuoliiui, Friday, February 25,1927 Kiwanis Hears Rev. Halleck Tells of Work His Club is Doing in the City of Wilmington Local Kiwanians at their meeting here last Wednesday had the oppor tunity of hearing Kiwanian E. W. Halleck, of Wilmington, discuss the principles of the club and the work it is doing in the country. While these principles, according to Mr. Halleck,J may be divided in many ways, they come under on« great principle, that is to acquire worth-while and un selfish ideals of citizenship and carry it to others that we might help in; the thsks laid before them. To do this,! wo must educate and train. He 11-: lustrated this by explaining a phase' of the work now being carried on by! his club in the City of Wilmington-! Tho club has undertaken to care for 426 boys who are underlings so far as opportunities go. They are really wayward boys with insufficient home opportunities and blessings to make them the eqdals of the other boys in 1 the same town. His club is fostering these 426 boys by offering them the' opportunities so badly needed, and by' extending thorn a hand that cares. The address was of a very high order and full of that kind of material thut builds up man in every aspect. Willie W. Lilley Died at His Home Last Night Willie W. Lilley, of Smithwick's Creek died last night from an attack of pueumonia which had lasted for only about three days. Although he had not boon very well for two weeks oi more, Mr. Lilley went about hie work until he was stricken by pneu-, monia. Mr. Lilley was about 46 years old.) Three years ago he married Miss Claudie Harris who with a six months old son survive, also two brothern, S.' J. and Simon Lilley and two sisters, Mrs. W. S. Barber of Jamesville and! Mrs. G. S. Lilley of Merry Hill. Mr. Lilley had lived all his life on the farm upon which he was born. He was a good farmer and a good niegh- j bor. Burial will take place this af- j ternoon at 3 o'clock in the family | plot on the home farm. The funeral, service will be by W. B. Harrington and A. J. Manning. Dr. Vann Closed Mission School Tuesday Evening With the addresß delivered by Dr. R. T. Vann Tuesday evening, the church school of Missions formally closed. - All of the sessions were well at tended, there being an average of j something like 180 during the six! weeks. In this week's issue of the' Literary Digest gives much space to! the book which was featured in this school, "The Christ of the Indian Road", which tends to make the peo ple feel that they made no mistake in choosing this splendid book. Sp gratifying have been the re sults of this school, that it is hoped that another may be held in William ston in the future. Dr. Vann, former pastor here, was greeted by a large audience Tuesday evening, and delivered an address on "Thq Motive of Missions." Dr. Vann is loved and revearod by great hosts of people, and is living an example of what one can do in spite of one's handicaps. Society Conducts Chapel Exercises The high school chapel program was conducted this morning by the Emer son Literary society. The program was as follows: Quotations from Emerson—Jose phine Harrison; Jokes —Paul Simpson;! debate, resolved, "That Student Gov-1 eminent is Advisable for High Schools." In the debate several good points were brought out on the affirmative j-ide represented by John Wadsworth; and Hazel Edmondson. Some of these| points were, teaches students self control, respect for self-government, development of character. The nega tive side, which was represented by Martha Bbuise Roger;,on and Edwin Peel, offered these arguments to com bat that of iho fcP.fmative, student go\ernmen' creates if'-feelhig or. pit of student* u- tb.«w who a-e in au thority, stu-lcnt* lot mature .nou»H to freedom, lessens the au thority of the faculty. The judges ran dedrad their decision in favor of the affirmative. k' it • - Crusader Has Big Audiences Every Night Services Will Continue Through Sunday Evening Rev. E. W. Halleck took for his text last night at the Episcopal church, "What God hath Joined To gether, Let no Man Put Asunder,"; which- text, according to the preach er means far more than the mere re lation of man and womkn in the bonds of marriage. If its meaning was re stricted to the marriage only, the language would have been "Who God hath Joined" and not "What God hath Joined," which the preacher de i scribed as all things in nature where they may be found, that na ture pays justly, that it i« without lsve or mercy, that it never pardons mistakes or forgives errors as does' Christianity.. All must reap what they! sow according to the perfect law of Uature. While the spirit of man may be changed from sinner to saint, the nature of the tares can neter be changed to produce wheat. Nature cun never be cheated, nor the flow of the onward tide be arrested, yet na ture, with all its wondrous powers OJKI with all its perfections, it is not Christianity and can in no wise be culled a substitute. Whatever we weave in youth, ws are forced to wear in age. Yet, God hath joiped us so closely to the thing* of uatuii that it becomes a duty to so order our-' selves that we harmonise with things of nature. We are to taju our proper place, such a place as wo can best fill. If we cannot display ten talents on the mountain tops and sand forth their gttttering gold to bless the world, then we may use our one talent as a single grain of sand to oombine with others to hold the great river firmly in its beat that it may ( serve as a useful stream rather than a muddy marsh. Mr. Halleck said that there are many people whose heaits an too weak, too prone to temptations to stand the ozone of the mountain tops. It is only those whs a* Ala to aland the tribulations of wealth, prominence and power than can safely tread the ledder to its greatest elevation. Again he said we have many chil j dren in our midst who need to be mothered and many fellows who need to be brothered, the Work being the duty of the Church whether they be rich or poor, great or small. They are fully within the program and duty of the Church. The joining together of God's people and his Church must not be put a-' sunder. God hath joinod them to gether in His great ami plan,! and man cannot give his best to the I world outside of the Church nor can he ! get the best blessings outside of the j Church, The man who thinks he can! send his dollar to church and get his sermon over the radio or read It from' whipping and soon he will his spirit j the Sunday paper is not truly wor-1 torn asunder from the true service of' God. • Rev. Mr. Halleck will continue hisj uervice here through Sunday, preach- j ing both Sunday morning and even ing. Pictures of North Carolina at Strand At the Strand theatre Tuesday af ternoon at 2:30 and 7:46 at night, you can have first hand information a bout many wonders of America and see pictures them taken by eye witnesses. Here are some of the won ders about which you will be told by Mr. Charles E. Buck who made the pktures.when he visited these places: "The Cliff Dwellers", "The Great Ocean of American Desert Sand", "Niagara Falls," and dozens of other beautiful places. Besides pictures of the great industrial centers, Mr. Buck will show scenes from N. C. fisheries,' cotton fields and the Ulude Ridge. | Two score of the most beautiful places j in all the United States will be shown! on the screen and talked about. |, After each lecture, Mr. and Mra.! Buck will give an informal party just outside the theatre for the benefit of, those who see the'show. At this party i they will display many things of in-1 terest that they have gathered on, their various journeys. This alone will bt> well worth while. « Methodist Church-- * Program for Week Preaching services, Sunday 11 a m. Because of the special meeting of the Bishops' Crusade there will be no service at night We hope our people will hear Rev. Mr. Hallssk, at 7:46 p. m. 1 •. Services at Vernon at 8:00 p. in. t We shall put on a study course at Holly Springs beginning Monday at 7:46 p. m. and each night throughout the week at the same hour. I; " ' . " , Ongon McNABY - HAUGEN lowa Famous Faim Rebel Pair in National Spotlight ! - L - "u T nsp mrnT T GiibJSt N. | | JV,I| H&v^en Sen. CXaa. L. MIKI, o»nna ind Rep. Gilbert M. Haugen, lowa, have been joint Mken oi km dHfcrent baMs aince poat-war deflation, all of which have aimad at ralef of acricohare. Their present bill is the most importaat legiatMtoa of (Ma maioa, having been fockeyed from defeat last year to piiwat by Hooae and Senate —and now up to the President. MeNary and Haagen have been Mara on the legislative stage 6r five years and Mill gofcs( strong. Waahiagtoo admits. I ■ Require Lights On All Vehicles To Establish a National Park in the Great Smoky Mountains Among the State-wide measures recently passed by the legislature is one requiring all vehicles traveling on the highways of the State to carry , lights while driving at night This law does not go into effect until July 1. The penalty is S6O fine or 30 days on the roads, which places its enforce ment within the jurisdiction of a jus tice of the peace. The light must be HO displayed that it may be seen from both the front and rear. The same light will suffice if placed in a posi- I tion where it may be seen from both ways. While this law will be the source of great trouble to the driver of horse-drawn vehicles, it will make it. some Hafer for them and will give I the automobile driver more freedom t ar.d less danger. Judge Francis D. Winston, of Iter i tie, introduced a bill in the house J Wednesday authorizing a committee Ito redraft the constitution of the | State. This is similar to proposals I which have come before every session of the legislature for ten years or | more. It seems to be the opinign in j the legislative halls that the old sec | tions of the constitution are better j and more workable than the new ones I and for that reason legislators have i been loath to suggest changes. Now we are to have a national park i in the Great Smoky Mountains. Our | State is to pay $2,000,00 as its share of the purchase price. Well, it doesn't , matter what it coats, it is worth it. The legislature, by it# act Wednes day, expressed great confidence in the future price of cotton. It passed t> bill requiring eVery bale of cotton to bo numbered as it Is turned out of the gin, in order that it may be iden tified in case it is stolen. It will be a great day in the South when cotton gets worth stealing. The senate passed a bill to pull the clothes off of all Ku Kluckers Wednes day. They are about the only folks that are wearing any clothes now; and if they are forced to strip, what a naked nation! The legislature has announced its intention to defer the evolution bill !for two more years. This bill raises Bible questions, things the legislature knows so little about that it is asham ed to discuss them. This attitude ful j fills Davey Crockett's philosophy, "Be ; sure you are right, then go ahead"; and, as he might have added, "if not I sure, stand and grin." ! Sunday Services at the ■' Church of the Advent , Rev. C O. Pardo, Rector 9:00 a. m., Holy Communion. 10:00 Church School. 11:00, Morning Prayer and Sermon by Kev. E. W. Halleck, Wilming ton. ~-U 8:80, Holy Trinity Mission. 7:46, Evening Prayer and sermon by Rev. E. W. Halleck. ' Misses Thelma Cox, Rena Jackson, and Llllie Mae Jackson, of Washing ton, were here for a short while yes terday afternoon. Mrs. Hubert Morton and children are visiting rtlalivse in Kinston. t Recorder Has Small Docket I Joe Hollis Released Last Wednesday Under a $5,000 Bond i court this week found i u rather want docket, though it turri > ed out expenses and carried u small H surplus to the school fund. fj The first case culled was u charge . I of assault with a deadly weapon. The i j action was continued for one week. ■I Moses Hopkins, a colored boy who -| carries groceries in Williamston plead s guilty of «'tirrying a pistol. Prayer ij lor judgment in his case was continu > «d for a week under a $101) bond. Henry Page who was under indict i! merit for beating his wife was allowed ) time to find a witness "in the case, r H. 1.. lirown who had failed to ap ! pear was called and failed and a cap i ias was ordered to issue, i Irving Taj&or, a good farmer-'in the ! Spring Green neighborhood, plead - guilty to driving on automobile while s intoxicated, lie was fined SM) and re b, quired to puy the cost of the case. His b license to drive a car was suspended h ! for a term of six months. With'good a I behavior on his part; bis license" ffiay r b restored at the end of three i 1 months. -| Joseph H. Mollis, charged with r murder, > was given a preliminary «| hearing, and bond was allowed for his b appearance in--the March term of the | superior court. The amount of the bond waii fixed at $5,000 which was given Wednesday morning at which time he was released form prison. Represent Many Towns at Dance Here Tuesday j Prank Curstarplirn's George WaKh- I ington Birthday dance was largely at j tended, numbers coming from 1 near-by towns, and some coming from | i's far away as New Hern ami Prank lin, Va. Too many complimentary tickets cut profty; considerably, ac cording to the promoter. Stub John ston's 10-piece orchestra of Washing ton, furnished the music. Statements coming from' those in H charge of order at the dance hold that ,j the event went by very smoothly when ' the largeness of the crowd was tak- B or. into consideration. Only one in- J stance of disorder came to litrht, but _!no arrests were made. Several rum e ors; were made relutive to the dance, . j but they were apparently unfounded. »I t , tj ' Baptists Have Only One Service Next Sunday t "The Old ami the New" will be the theme of the Sunday morning's ser mon at the' Baptist chuich. There will be ho service at this n church Sunday night, on account of i. the mission which lt> conducted tut the Episcopal church. The Baptist congregation, therefore, is kindly re „ quested to join in this service Sunday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Next week the Baptict people will go back to their usual Wednesday i evening services Tho pastor is pre . paring a series of studies on the books of the New Testament and desires that many of tho people Join him in n these Wednesday evening courses of study. Watch the Label O* Your Paper; It Carries th«i Date Your Subscription Expires. ESTABLISHED 1898 Poultry Car To Be.. Here for 2 Days, 3rd-4th Home Agent Suggests Proper Feeding of 'Boarding" Hens By ANNA TRENTHAM Home Demonstration Ajjent On March-3rd and 4th, a car for shipping poultry will" bo side tracked in YVilliamston. This-will give an op portunity for one to dispose of the old hens wheh have been "boarded free of charge' l during the winter. It is not probable that the price will be any higher by waiting until later, In 1923 the re-we re 112,000,000 pounds of. dressed poultry in r.torag?. Now, in 1927 there are- 144,000,000 p unds in storage. At these figures, one need not expect a high price this J spring. The poultry "should be fattened for [ the market, it is much bet.or to fead s on a mash before shipping tlian on I corn and peas, as is often the case. | The "mush is more of a moist fe sd J find does not absorb the moisture from i the flesh of the fowl as do the corn ajuLptias, the dry foods; thereby, the fowls do not lose in weight so much when taken to the market. It is, a good plan lo crate or coop tlTP"hm"rbefore-selling on the market. — A coal shel makes a good location. % A trough hooked on '.he outside of the cobps can be used for the feed. They, should lie fed three times a day, but give them only what they can clean - up in thirty minutes. Kqual quantities of corn meal and . pulverized oats make a good fatten » ii:g ration. Then at each feeding, if buttermilk can be had, mix two pounds i t each pound of mash. If buttermilk cannot l>c kid, add 15 px-r rent meat meal and wet with water—meat wraps' on the farm may be ground and substituted for the meat meal. . Hens should gain fifteen to twenty per cent in two weeks. . The flocks should be culled care fully, to -be sure the right ones aro dlf.po.sed of, for at this season one ' does not want to sell off the laying I hens even if eggs are at a low price. I An ample number should be kept for jj the eggs, as uggs are very essential in the daily diet. I"' t* 1 If you have never culled your ; flocks, ask the Farm Agent to assist | you. He will be only too glad to' help I J ll u separate the laying hens from | the ones which have boarded with you all (luring the winter. Many Falling for i Blind Man's Ties e — 1 Three years ago the knitted neck s ti went out it little noticed at that time, in the past ij few days the name type of neck tie y law made a quick and thorough ri'ap > pearance. While no definite data can "'"lie had as to the number of ties sold h in this section, iVjs estimated that y approximately 3,000 have been'sold a through .the local post office, o A blind man out in Missouri by the e name of Tyler is the sender of all the H ties, and his plan of selling has met |, with favor to a very large extent. So well was his plan worked out that ap | proximately three-fourths of those re- S reiving ties have kept and (mid for 4 them,.while one-fourth or thereabouts . returned the packages. The salesman secured a mailing list currying all the names of the patrons of the post office here. To each pa tron he sent a package containing four lof the knitted ties. Inside the pack age was an able sales letter, stating various facts about the ties, .-their 5 ales, and a few facts aliout the would be purchaser. Many accepted the of fer as a barguin, while a large num ber looked upon it as a chance to help a disabled person. But what appears to be the strongest selling appeal of all relates to the honesty of the re . ' cipient of the package. | Just what profit Mr. Tyler is mak- J ing is unknown, but some fabulous sums have been mentioned. Several 3 seem to think that since the ties were l' out of style they were bought at a very low price, and that a profit of about 20 cents on each tie is made. At that rate the blind tie salesman y has made S6(H) right here in this im mediate section, for it is estimated e 750 people have bought the ties. The thoroughness of the canvass is .. not known, b.ut even if it covers sev- H oral states, and it is likely that it f does, a handsome profit k being made j by the Missouri man. it i ■ I y Volunteer Firemen Meet Monday Night y The volunteer firemen will hold f- their regular meeting next Monday s night. The nature of the business to s come before the meeting, it is under n stood, wilt be of much interest to the f members of the company, and a well attended meeting 1 in expected.