Society & Personals Mis. ELBERT & PEEL. Editor Weddtega Etc. Mr. C. IX Carstarphan returned Tuesday from Baltimore wbare ha had been on a business trip. Mrs. Ned Laughinghoua, Mrs. Kader B. Crawford and her house guest, Mrs. Rachel Ross, of Seaford, DeL Asa Crawford and Ned Laughingfaouse motored to Durham today for the week end. - Miae Lula Mae Keel, of Rocky Mount, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson this weak. Mr. T. P. McNair of the valuation department of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad in Wilmington has been a business visitor in town thie week. Mrs. Ethel it. Clapp, Miss Lyda Cooke and Mr. Bruce Wynne are spending the week end in Oxford. Mrs. Robert Heydenreich, of Rock ingham, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watts. She was met in Rocky Mount by Mr. W. B. Watts. Miss Catherine Matthews, and Mrs. Polly Whitly, of New Bern, attended, the George Washington birthday j dance here. Miss Delia Peebles, Mrs. J. W.j Watts, jr. and Jimmie Watts are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Larry Moore in' New Bern for two weeks. Friends and clients of Attorney E. S. Peel will be gaki to learn that he is improved from his recent illness and is able to be at his office again. Mr. Vance Bunting of Bethel was in town yesterday. Meaera. Ronald Rhodes, Molvin Duke, Harold Edwards, John Myers, Dick Cherry, Waiter Beatty, Dick Leach, of Washington attended the dance in the Brick warehouse here last Tuesday night Miaaas Elisabeth Oden, Helen Hodgea and Mia. Taylor, of Wash wera hero a short while Tuesday af ternoon. Warm Everett, student at Buiea Creek Academy is spending a few lays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Everett BALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power and authority vaatod in the undersign ed by that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by W. T. Pierce and Bessie B. Pierce, his wife, dated March IS, IMS, and duly recorded in the Mar tin County Publk Registry in Book R-2, Page 897, default having been made'in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, the undersign ed will, on Monday, March 21, 1927, between the hours of 12 o'clock M., and 12:30 o'clock P. M. at the Court House door of Martin County, in Wiliiameton, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder 1 tor cash, that certain piece or pared of land lying and being situate in Martin County, State of North Caro line, near the town of Hohgood bound ed as folio was BEGINNING at a gum in Cypress! Swamp, J. G. Staton's comer, then up said Staton's line to the County Road leading from Hobgood to Oak City, then down said Road west to Alice Hilliard's corner, than down said Hil- 4 liard's and 1. M. Parker's lines to the Cypxeas Swamp, then down said Cy press Swamp to the beginning, con taining 126 acres, more or leas, and being the identical piece or parcel of land conveyed to the said W. T. Pierce by eaid B. F. Shelton, Trustee, by a dead duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for saidj Martin County in Book 0-2, Pags 166, to which reference is hereby made as a part of this instrument This February 14, 1927. B. F. SHELTON, 2 18-4t Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain dead of trast executed to the undersigned tree tee by A. B. Ayers and wife, La viaia Ayers, on the 28th of August 1919 which said deed of trust is at record in the public registry of Mar-j tin County in Book A-2 at page 190, said deed of trust having been given fer the purpose of securing notes of, even date and tenor therewith and default having keen made in the pay-' ment of the said notes and the stipu lations contained therein not having bean complied with and at the re-; quest of the holder of the said notes the undersigned trustae will on Mon day the 21st day of March, 1927 St 12 o'clock M. in front ef the court hease door in the town of Williams ton, N. C. offer fer eele to the high eat bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of S. H. Mobley, T. U. Rawla, and others and being two trasto ef land purchased, one from S. H. Mobley and the other Irom James L Roberaon, Dawson Roberson and others and known as the John L Wahanrrn land. This the 17th day of Fsk 1927. B, J. PEEL, C. 8. a j Tn— | Missses Mad line James and Frances Lewis of Enfield attended the dance here Tuesday night Dr. John D. Biggs returned Wed nesday from the bankers' meeting in Hertford by way of Norfolk. Mr. Leonard Graham, of Wash ington rcfereed the Coleraine-Everette basketball game here last Wednesday night Attend Dance Here Taeeday— ■ Misses Margaret Duke, Elisabeth Mix on, Ella Gaylord, "Dodie" Rodman, Augusta Clark, Lottie Delle Ross, Margaret Duke, of Washington, Ce celia Bell, "Honey" Rhea, Bettie Per ry, Lois Spiuill, Mrs. Steve Kenney and Mrs. Gillam, of Windsor attend ed the dance here last Tuesday night Miss Elsie Bkalock, of New Bern at tended the dance here last Tuesday night ' Mr. Harmon Roberaon, of Smith- Wick's Creek, was a business visitor here yesterday. ; Mr. C. *P. Aycock, of Pantego who I is chairman of the board of commis sioners of Beaufort county and Messrs | Karl Leggvtt, P. H. Johnson and Fred : Latham of Belhaven and Captain Bullock of Leechville, spent some time shaking hands with friends in town yesterday. They were en route to Norfolk. Mr. C. M. Meekins ,of Washington was a business viaitor here yesterday morning. C. D. Carstarphan, jr., cashier of the Farmers and Merchants bank and Paul Bailey, cashier of tho Planters and Merchant* hank, Everetts, attend ed the bankers meeting in Hertford last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L B. Harrison are ex pected to arrive from a two weeks' visit to relatives in Florida tonight. Prof. R. L Leake, of the Robereon ville schools, was a business visitor in town yesterday. MACEDONIA LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Mr. Sidney Beacham, student at Buiea Creek, came home Wednesday to spend the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beacham. Friends of Mrs. Eliza Coltrain re gret to hear of her illness. A speedy recovery is hoped for. Miss Sadie Mae Hadley and Mr. Leonard Coltrain went to Williamston Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coltrain and Miss Gennie Grey Beacham spent Saturday with Mr. and Mra. Jesse Coltrain of Hardison Mill. Miae Sarah Hadley came home Mon day night after spending several days with her brother. , ■———■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Gold||l Store 223 Washington Street Exum L Ward, Store Mgr. PHONE 157 AEROPLANE SERVICE AT SUBMARINE PRICES MERITA BREAD f\A- BURTOATS, fTr _ Fresh Daily, loaf J/4C Bushel f uL A. G. Flour, barrel $7.90 Gold Star Coffee, lb 45c Gold Star Flour, 24 lbs $1.15 Maxwell House Coffee, 1b..... 50c * Rowena—lf better flour were Arbuckles' Coffee, lb 35c made, its name would b» Tub Butter, lb 59c Rowena —24 lbs $1.40 „ r, r» i u i. oiv 1 c Swift's Breakfast Bacon, lb. 53c Rowena Buckwheat, 2 lbs. —. 15c J ' CANNED GOODS - CEREALS Brunswick stew, Mrs. Mc- Shredded wheat 12c Donald's - 30c Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Just Rite Corn, 2 for 25c Puffed wheat' 14c Early June Peas l4c Post Bran Flakes 13c Stringless Beans llc Kellogg'sPep 13c Newark Snap Beans 20c , Cream of Wheat 14c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT ALL TIMES PHONE Anything far TUs Dutrtant Te 46 i MRS. H. M. STUBBS HOSTESS i Mrs. H. M. Stubbs was hostess to the Twentieth Century Club Wednes day afternoon from 3.30 to 6 at her ' home in the Tar Heel Apartments, 1 Besides the club members there were a number of invited guests. The gen eral topic of the afternoon's program " was "Health, Roads, and Public Wel- I fare in North Carolina." Mrs. J. H. r Saunders read the first paper, "Pub lic Health Work in North Carolina." Ths article was in truth a biography of Dr. W. S. Rankin's contribution to ' the State of North Carolina while he • was head of the public health depart > ment The "About Twenty-Five Years ARO There Was a Man Named Aycock," taken from French Strother's article on North Carolina's Dreams Come True, in the World's Work, of Novem ber, 1924, was a memorial to Aycock and was thoroughly appreciated by r the audience. This reading was by Mrs. W. a Watte. Interesting current events collected " by Mrs. Warren Biggs were read by r Mrs. Clayton Moore. Mrs. Stubb's refreshments consist ed of chocolate ice cream with whip > cream and angel food cake. ■j Her invited guests were Mesdames » John D. Biggs, Asa T. Crawford, P. II B. Cone, Hugh llorton, and S. S. Law i reive a. »■ F « ) Don't wait longer neighbor! This week order Swift's Red , Steer, the right fertilizer Why wait longer, neighbor? the right analyst* and the right t You know that the right kind amount of Swift's Red Steer y of fertiliaer will give you a larger Fertiliaer to make you the moit yield of wheat. You know profit. Swift'* Red Steer Fertiliaer* I recommend Swift'* Red ain made right. Let me fix up Steer high mnatytia fertiliaer your order thit w—k. for wheat. Bccauae of it* high Y I know the *ucce**ftil wheat analyria, I can eave you real grower* In your locality. I know m°™y 00 thi « fertiliaer. You the irfn/ and amount of fer- « rt the benefit of lower coat* » tiliaer* they uae. I know what f* freight, labor and bagging. our Agricultural College rec- Come in thia waaJt and let'* I ommand*. I can help you aalact talk thia over. _ * ' D.D. STALLS, Agent Authorised Swift Agent THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMBTON. N. C MRS. GODARD ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB THURSDAY Among the moat elaborate enter tainments of the week was the party, given her card club by all a. J. G. God- j i ard, jr. In the absence of three of the members, and the Addition of a third ] table, several guests enjoyed Mrs. Godard's hospitality on this oc casion. Mrs. Titus pritcher made high club score and received a lovely bridge set for priaje. Miss Anna Craw- fcrd received hig» guest prire, a vel- 1 lum bridge score pad. Mrs. Rachel ] Rosa, of Seaford, Del., eistcr of Mrs. Kader Crawford, and Mrs. S. S. Law rence, of Richmond, received guest prizes of Congress cards and Coty's powder. After four games, the hostess, as sisted by Mrs. J. S. Rhodes, served frozen fruit salad, sandwiches, pickles, potato chips, sal tines and tea. The guests besides *he club mem bars were Mesdames J. G. Staton, P. U. Barnes, Kader B. Crawford, S. S. Lawrence, Elbert S. Peel, Mrs. Ra chel Ross, and Miss Anna Crawford. NOTICE Under and by virtue of an order of the superior court of Martin County, in the cause entitled "P. G. Matthews vs. Edward Williams," the under signed commissioner will, on Monday, March 7, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, at ty offer for sale, to the highest bid der for cash the following described property: A tract of land located in Goose; Nest Township, Martin County, ad-i joining Orren James, L B. Fleming,| S. P. Green, at al, containing twelve 1 acm mora or less, and known aa the Abram Williams home place. This the 29th day of January, 1927.; B. A. CRITCHER, f4 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE TRUSTEE'S RESALE OF LANDS Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed and delivered unto Silas House, trustee, by W. R. Roe buck and wife, of the 18th day of Feb., 1922, and of record in Martin County Public Registry in book H, 2, Just Received A Car of WIRE FENCING Maine Grown Seed Irish Potatoes; Plant lied Guano; Tobacco Cloth; 500 Bundles of Hay Wire; Building Lime; Cement, Prepared Plaster, Finishing Lime; Windows and Doors; Carload of Burt Oats CHEAP FOR CASH C. D. CARSTARPHEN & CO. j AN D I Cold days emphasize the merits of the New and Better TEXACO Gasoline.- It forms a dry gas vaporizing instead of atomizing; and con tains no "heavy ends." • Results: Quick starts with less use of the "choke"; ready response to acceleration and an even flow of power to every cylinder. Fewer Jjjfe gallons run more miles. The New and Better Texaco is a "high test" gasoline, available at every Texaco pump. THB TBXAH COMPANY, U, S. A., Ttxaco Peholtum I'rnJuclt I GASO LI N E I•A ' ' made hy The Texas Company, makers of the clean, clear, golden Texaco Motor Oil that flows at zero e THE BEST ON THE MARKET AND THE MOST IN DEMAND THERE MUST BE A REASON . " - ASK • ' • r ( Geo. Harrison Gus Harrison HARRISON OIL COMPANY ' . • , ■ * » • • "..! v-. 4 ■ page 83; and the stipulations therein 1 I contained not having- been complied; with and as directed by an order of| resale made by the clerk of the Su-I perior Court of Martin County, the undersigned, will on Saturday, the' 26th. day of Fe>b., 1927, at ten o'clock, A. M., in fioitl of the Bank of liob-j ersonville in town of Robersonville.j said county, expose to public sale, for cash, the following described lands, to-wit: '> Situate in Cross Roads Township, Martin County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Mack D. Legj?ett, ami E. B. Roebuck, and beginning' at n p-um at »' the goos road, the E. B. Roebuck 1 corner, thence a West course up the !| road to the fork of said road; thence ■ a northern course up the road leading >; toward the Leggett Mill to a ditch, i| E. B. Roebuck's line to a lightwood ,j stob; thence eastwardly along E. B. j Roebuck's line to a lightwood stob; , | thence a straight line southwardly a ■l long E. B. Roebuck's line to the be , srinning, containing 30 acres, more or | less. ' ,1 Thus Feb. 10th, 1927. : SILAS HOUSE, • • 2-18-2t Trustee. J C. Smith, Atty.