Mrartitm Will Find Oar Col ■mac a Latchkey to Oyar 1600 Hoaes of Martia County. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 1 County Bonds Sold For Good Premium 22 Bidders at Sale Held Here Last Saturday St Louis and Winston- Salem Companies are the High Bidders Martin County sdtt—sl2s,ooo ir bonds Saturday in two scries. The first $50,000 county home bonds, bear ing 5 per cent annual interest, wew sold to Kaufman, Smith & Co., of St Louis, at a premium of 3.07 per cent bringing $51,877. The second $76,000 courthouse and jail bonds, sole for $104.09 per SIOO in bonds, bring ing a net total of $78,075.00. They were sold to the Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., of Winston-Salem. There were 22 bidders for the bonds coming from 10 cities and 7 States. It is rather strange that only one bid came from the rich State of New York while the smaller State of Ohio made 11 bids; 5 each coming from Cincin nati and Toledo, and 1 from Cleve land. Next to Ohio, North Carolina is second; Winston-Salem and Greens boro each presenting two bids. Other bids came from Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, and Minnesota. New York was the lowest bidder for the court house and jail bonds, and only missed being the lowest for the county home bends by the small margin of S4O. This would indicate that New York is a poor bond market, but doubtless they know their business and And it more profitable to deal in distressed bonds than in free bonds. Martin County now has outstanding seven bond issues, follows: $160,000 bridge bonds, dated June 1, 1919, bearing 6 1-2 per cent inter est. $76,000 funding bonds, dated April 1. 1921, bearing 6 par cent interest. * $300,000 road and bridge bonds, dated March 1,1922, and bearing 5 1-2 per cent interest. SIOO,OOO school bonds, dated Decem ber 1, 1923, at 6 1-2 per cent interest. $176,000 road and bridge bonds dat ed April 1, 1926, 6 per cent interest. Adding the two issues dated March t of this year, for $75,000 and $60,000, makex the county's total bonded in debtedness $926,000; of which $6,000 on the SIOO,OOO school bond issue fcas been paid, making a total due of $919,000. The board of county commissioners has set aside a sinking fund sufficient to mature the proper proportion the total issues, which amounts to per haps enough to reduce the bond debt to around $876,000. K wjjtl be observed from each issue that almost the entire amount of out standing indebtedness was to build aehools, roads, bridges, or county in stitutions, all of which would be ap proved by an overwhelming vote of tlie people to(ay. F Cars Collide on Main Sreet Corner Saturday Kader Brown, colored, ran his Ford touring car into a Ford coupe owned and driven by Mr. W. H. Edwards here last Saturday night. Brown was en tering Main Street at the Atlantic Hotel when he stepped on the accel erator of his car and plunged into Mr. Edwards, who was going out Main Street There were several passengers with Mr. Edwards, but none were hurt. The front wheel on the Brown car was completely demolished, while the fen der, running board, and a tire were torn up on the Edwards' car. At The STRANrv imral J WEDNESDAY Rod La Roque in "THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B" Third Episode of "TROOPER IT and 2-Reel Comedy Also Free Ticket for Friday ■ wi 1 r Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE | What to Do With Him? Iti.v, 11. ShooU and kill* ire F M fi -ft 2S& K4 wm nrfsa-t- -■ - JBr f Oaten a' 1.-." o, Mir'".:i«l Por krsshaw, 11, went into :t :-'orc, J attempted a I>--t■*: lier.irru* ex cited—aii.l i.!»nt sr. I tlv proprietor. M i:i.«l to. I . I,- ;• w 2 yeai - ;.t • «'c •'! -:.ul .\V» ~ \ crk au I >.«viiie i...0w »«»t .i .it how to deal Will. ' Sii 1 *! It. be triad on a r..u .. . P.T. A. Meeting at Bear Grass Association to Present Play, "Out of Court" in Near Future The Bear Grass Parent-Teacher As sociation held its regular meeting In the school auditorium last Thursday evening at 7.30 o'cloc. The sixth and eoventh grades rendered a splendid "Good English" program, after whicn the children were dismissed. The busi ness meeting followed. Mr. Leon Malone and Mr. Lee, prin cipal of the school, were chief speak ers. Mr. Malone spoke on "The Value of athletics in the schools." He re ferred to basketball as example. He pointed out the benefits derived from physical exercise—chiefly the benefits gained by the individual, such as de velopment of body, muscles, mental development and self-control. Mr, Lee made a very impressive talk on "Beautifying the School Grounds." He spoke of teachers as being dream ers; he said the Spaniards dreamed of a shorter route long before their dreams were realized. The Panama Canal project was dreamed of a cen tury before it was completed during Roosevelt's administration. Public sentiment must first be molded in fa vor of these dreams before they can. be accomplished. The parent-teacher at sociation can help mold public sen timent in favor of these things by working together as a solid unit. He spoke of protecting school property und showed how this school would look when his dreams have been real ized. The school should be a communi ty center of which everyone should be proud. Planting hedges, flower plots end trees would add to attractiveness oi the school grounds. The parent-teacher association will pre sen in he near fuure a play en titled "Out of Court." Watch for the date. V SALLY ANN BAKERY MAKES SPECIAL BREAD OFFER The Sally nn bakery is making a specail bread offer for next Thurs day. All people visiting the bakery that day will receive a loaf of bread for only 6 cents. JAMES UPTON HITS COLORED BOY HERE SATURDAY In Mayor's court yesterday moming James Upton was required to pay the cost of a trial brought about when he slapped a .iMored boy last Saturday. J Crusade Closes in Local Church Sunday Night The Crusade services at the Episco pal church all of last week closed Sun day night when the Rev. Mr. Halleck jpreached a big sermon on "Little Things". Mr. Halleck handled his topic in a most entertaining and instructive manner. There was a large attendance, the other churches of thetown suspending their service*. The sermon the week were able ones and the services were attended by large crowds LEAVE THURSDAY AFTERNOON TQ ENTER STATE TOURNAMENT "Coach Hix of Everett* and Coach Phillips of this place will leave with their school teams next Thursday af ternoon to enter the State Tourna ment at Raleigh Friday and Satur day. Both coaches have talked little of the prospective results, but a win is in order for Ereretts while the locals are expected to make a creditable i Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, March 1,192 ft 7. Jamesville and Durham Play in Finals Tonight Game Will Decide East ern Basketball Champions Coach S. E. Riser of the Jamesville basketball team left with his boys yesterday afternoon for Chapel Hill w here his team meets ' Durham to night. The contest will decide the eastern champions and the winners of the game will meet a team from the west to decide the state-wide cham pions. Jamesvflle has eliminated in the State championship series Edenton Farmville, New Bern and Fremont, and goes to Chapel Hill with a chattce to win from Durham. The team has gained a wide reputation this year, first when it won in the peanut ex position at Windsor and when it de feated four strong teams to meet I Durham in Chapel Hill tonight. Last Friday night in Wilson, tne county lads played one of the best games of the season according to re ports from that town, and won overi Fremont 26-17/* An account of the, » game stated hat they outplayed, out-1 passed and kept Fremont guessing throughout the contest. While the odds are slightly against; Jamesville in the Durham game to night, members of Coach Kiser's team expressed a great determination to fight the game to a finish. Graded School Honor Roll for Fifth Month Following is the honor roll of the local graded school for the fifth month: First grade; Miss Ellis, teacher: Velma Bennett, Joseph Barnhill, Jo seph Gardner, Janie Gurganus, Mart: Gritfln; Myrtle Nicholson; Bert Felix Peed; James Warbleton. First grade, Miss Lincke, teacher: Ella Wynne Critcher; Pete Kgan; John Fleming; Carlyle Hall; John F. Thigpen; Jean Watt's; Gwen Watts; , Addle Lee Meador. Second grade, Miss Ivey, teacher: Edna Ballard, Howard Cone, Clayton Moore, jr., Shamma Ramsey; Mary! Robertson; Dolores Stalls; James Wil liams. Second grade, Miss Darden, teacher: Frances Cox, Bolton Cowen; Milton James; Jesse M. Hoffman; Kathleen Price; Thad Harrison; Ben Manning; ! Exum Ward, Jr. Third grade, Miss Harper, teacher: Jessie Mae Anderson, Billie Griffin, Henry Gurganus; Alice Harrison, Grace Manning, Lawrence Lindsley. Fourth grade: Josephine Anderson,! Hilly Clark; Nell Clyde Harrisonrßil-' lie Pope; Ruth Price; Julian Roebuck, i Fifth grade, Miss Allen, teacher; Myrtle W. Brown, Jane S. Moore; Jennie Green Taylor. Sixth grade, Miss Stanback, teach- { er: Ruth Ward, Wheeler Manning. Seventh grade: Chaarles Manning, i Albert Leslie Clark, Edith Peele. I Citizenship Department | Meets Thursday at 4:00 The good citizenship department of 1 the Woman's club will have its regu lar monthly meeting in the club room, Thursday, March 3 at 4:00 p. m. All members of the department are urged to be present, and visitors are cor dially invited. The subject for discussion will be "City government and public utilities." We expect to have good talks which will be well worth your while to hear. THE BUCKS ARRIVE WITH THEIR PICTURES OF WONDERLANDS Mr. and Mjp. Charles E. Buck have arrived in the city with their pictures of American wonderlands. As we go to press the pictures are | being shown in the Strand theatre to a large audience of school children and townspeople. A second entertain ment will be given tonight at 7:46 in the theatre. —/ „ Woman's Club Meets Wednesday at 2:30 The president of the Woman's club announces a meeting of the organiza toin for next Wednesday afternoon at 2:80. Raleigh Celebrates 22nd by 'Telling the Truth" The reporter who stated that the only phase of George Washington celebration in Raleigh on Tuesday was the telling of the truth failed to explain just how much strain i was *o the city to engage in such a celebration. He also failed to explain whether or not the Legislature par ticipated. Mr. Harper Holliday visited rela tive* in Dunn during the week end. 00 Leases Made Doheny Canceled The gevemMat yesterday wea its Ight it the United States Suprewa Court, to csncel the ail leasee and contracts a warded Edward Doheny while Albert Fall was Secretary of the Interior. In a sweeping opin ion the court held thst the lesse by which the Dnheay interests were to develop the Elk Hills Nsval Oil Reserve end the con tract by which they were to build storsge facilities st Pearl Hsrbor, Hawaii, #err tsinted by frsud and corruption. The de cision canceled bath lease and contracts, confirming the find ings of ths lower court. 22 Permits to Marry Issued Marriages in Upper End of County are More Nume*jfus While the February record of mar riage licenses issued showed a de crease of 10 from the previous month, it held its own and went ahead as compared to the number issued in February of 1926 and 1926. In Feb ruary, 1925, the number issued wsa 17; in 1926, the sama month, It wss 14; and in last month the number jumped to 22. The whites maintained the lead for the greater part of the time but last month the colored went ahead when they secured 15 permits, as compared to 7 issued to the whites. The permits were well Mattered, some going to the lower part of the coun ty, but the greater, part going to couples in the upper and of the county. Licenses were issued as follows: White Harold Elester Hopkins, 20; Sudie Asby, 18. Seth Bailey, 26; Atholeen Dail (Beaufort County), 18. James C. Gurkin, 40; Hilda V. Leggett 20. Si mon Clayton Bailey, 19? Ethel Csppe, 19. William S. Corbett, 36; Mrs. Ly dia Manning 25. John Williams, 21; I Clyde Rogers, 18. Dempsey Rober son, 23; Pearl Wells, 22. Colored William H. Brown, 21; Rüby Turner Hines, 22; Lucile Lee, 19. Dave Davis, 22; Letha Council, 20. i Bennett Stancill 21; Estelle Roberson, 18. John Edwards, 39; Maggie Wig gins, 26. Roosevelt Coffleld 22; Hat i tie E. Barnes, 20. Willie Rogers, 20; { Tower Williams. Brisco Davis, Hettie i Edmonds. Murray Walker (Washing ton County) 23; lola Hunter, 18. Ulys j ses Swanner, 43; Ida Cobum, 25. James Black, 26; Lossie Jones, 22. Ar ! thur Taylor 21; Lillie B. Draper, 18. Henry Knight, 40; Addie Clark, 21. I Louis Sheppard, 21; Lottie Council, 22. William Blount 18; Chelate Williams, 21. ,■ | Announce Rules for Beauty Queen Contest | Tho Eastern Carolina Chamber of | j Commerce beauty Jjuecn contest will, be held at Rocky Mount during the exposition, April 4 to 8. There will be two prizes, each $250 in gold. One j prize will be given to the winner in ' the city of Rocky Mount; the other; prize will go to the winner outside of. Rocky Mount. All candidates must register with Secretary N. G. Bartlett, Kinston, N. C , by 6 o'clock Saturday, March 5. It costs nothing to enter. Candi dates must be single, over 17 years of age, and pretty. The people of Rocky Mount will en tertain each entrant in tho contest during the week of the exposition. Local Highs' Stock Continues Upward Basketball stock of the local high school boys' team took another rise j last Friday night when they decidedly defeated Pantego 20-10. 'Even though the game went without /natures, it was one of the best the local boya have played this season. The team work wss evident and improved pass ing over former games was noticed from the beginning of the contest The visitors played a hard game, and showed up well for a first year team. The locals are scheduled to meet Nashville here tomorrow night in the last game on the home court Oak City School Will Carry Play to Jamesville The senior class of the Oak City High School will present the play "An Adopted Cinderella" in the Jamesville school auditorium next Friday even ing, March 4at 7:30 o'clock. The play met with much success when it was given in Oak City last * 7 • Invite School Committees to Teachers' Meet Demonstrations Will be Held Showing Current Year's School Work Members of the several school | committees of the county have been ; invited to attend the Martin County l'eachers' meeting in Robersonville the 18th of htis month when demon strations *of the work done during the present year will be given with vari ous school officials in charge. Messrs. I>ee, of Bear Grass, Jones, of James ville ami Pope of Willi&mston met here yesterday and discussed plans under which the demonstrations will be held. . Several worth-while demonstrations are being planned for the meet that day, and it is hoped that a large , number of the committeement will be' 'in attendance upon the meeting. A • j demonstration in the use of the square | i will be given with Professor Overby jof the Jamesville school, in charge. The short story will take its place' | on the program, Professor Ainsley, j of the Oak City school, having that particular phase in charge. The meeting which is the last one, of the year is expected to be the largest one yet held. Bad weather in-1 terferred with the last meeting herel and much of the work ia being carried over to the one to be held in Rober sonville, Friday the 18th. The date was set for Friday so an to make it possible for the school committeemen to attend. While it has not been an-, nounced, it is likely that the schools of the county will have a haff-day liolliday that day so it will be possible ' for all the teachers to attend. Woods Fire Cost County Thousands of Dollars Woods fires that were raging in many sections of this county several days ago have about burned out. Few .signs were seeti of fires in the past) two nights, but there were some of little consequence. The loss resulting from the fires of several days ago hasi been variously estimated to range It oin $35,000 to $60,000. Adjoin inn count e have suffered similar fires, but 1 the damage estimated only includes that done in this county. While sev-l e*al houses were threatened by the flames, there have been no reports that 1 enything other than timber was burned. The early part of the week fires in I lower Beaufort were devouring large I litretches of timber, but none of the 1 , details could be learned. The State forestry bureau is spend ) ing thousands of dollars each in an effort to prevent such fires, but each' year this section suffers heavy losses j from them. Estimates of losses suffered in other! counties have not been given out at I this time, but they arc thought to be I equally as great as those in this coun-.l t> ' ' ' I (bounty Man Joins, J 101 Ranch Shows Mr. George R. Roebuck, of Hamil ton, will join the 101 Ranch Shows, of Marland, Okla. this spring. This is. regarded as the leading show in the I world for "wild west" and horseman- J ship exhibitions. The firm that owns the shows, Miller Bros., is composed of three brothers, Colonel Joe, Colonel Zack and George L. Miller, and all ore men of high type and determined oi> keep alive the thrills of the west. Mr. Roebuck has trained his horse, a Kentucky Jhorptighbred, for several years uirtilnow he is to be taken to Oklahoma to exhibit a new trick to the horse family, not even known in the west. Mr.' Roebuck has taught his horse to hold a small piece of paper, similar to a cigarette, in his mouth for his master to cut in two j v/ith a 16-foot Australian lash. It seems that so far as is now known, i no other hone has had such unflinch ing confidence in his master that he! stands stock still while the crackling lash fans his lips. Mr. Roebuck will leave for Okla homa about April 16, taking with him this horse, this particu lar trick has taught many others. He has exhibited him at the Martin County Fair, where he did excellent! work Mr. Roebuck will doubtless make good in his new work, as he is a man who can be depended upon to do his duty well, and he has the patience necessary to train and work horses. GREENVILLE HOMEGUARDS / FAIL TO SHOW UP FRIDAY The Everetts-Greenville basketball game, scheduled for laat Friday night, went through when Greenville's home guards failed to appear on the, scene. Three games were scheduled for that night but only two were played. | IS Dcs| >itc evasive denials, report is current that Judge !■". H Gary, head of U S Steel, plan* .to retire in April ami that former governor- Nathan Miller of New York (above) is to take hi- place al SJt*I.UM .1 vear Barnhill Bros. Open Thursday Have One of Most Up to-datc Stores in Section Williamston welcomes the opening of u new general store on Main Street in the building recently vacated hy 11. S. Courtney. The new firm, llarn hill Hros., is composed of Garland, leamun, and Aibram I'. liarnhill, the lueo olden sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. liarnhill, of F.veretts, will formally open Thursday,. March v l'hey have remodeled' and made the store one of the- most up to date in this section. They will carry a full line of general merchandise and will also handle gen eral farm supplies and deal in coun try produce. i These young men have lieen raised up in the mercantile business and are well equipped with the experience es sential to success. Mr. N. K. Harrison will'be with thom. He, too, has had a long experi ence in the mercantile business. He was for a long time with Hailey & liarnhill, and after returning from the World War has been with Harrison Hros. & Co., of this city. Local School Leads in Comprehension Test The results of a comprehension test held in schools in the State last April weregg i ven out yesterday by the Superintedent of Public Instruction, Raleigh, and according to them, the local school led the county and went slightly above the Stale For the State, as a whole, Athe median was, for thorough word knowl edge, 64.7.1; for lowa comprehension; 16.3K, For Martin County, the median was, for the, first, 60.57 and for the hitter, 14.25. . Williamston ranki>l highest in the two, having 65.00 for through word knowledge ami 19.00 for the lowa comprehension. Other schools in the county ranked as fol lows, Jamesville, -60.83 and 1I.0U; Oi«k City, 55.83 and lit. 16; Roberw ville, 60.8H and 17.00. While this method of testing the rating of schools by many, little weight can he given it since the test is not truly comprehensive, that is it test* in two instances while there 1 are dozens allowed to remain out. To Begin Bible Study at Baptist Church Beginning tomorrow night (Wednes day) the llaptist mid-week services will go back to the usual time of meeting, Wednesday night at 7.30 o'clock. The pastor has been preparing for, ami at this service will begin, a .se ries of short studies on the books of the New Testament. t The first book to be taken up is the little book of James, which many of the scholars think to be the first be ok ever written in the Now Testa ment series. The people interested in a fuller ami more accurate study of their Bibles will profit by following this course of study, and are heartily invited to do so. "• ■ : -%B Kobersonville Wins over South Edgecombe On the Dixie cotiirt'here last Friday night Roersonville high school g!rls outplayed South Edegcombe in every phase of the game and won 23-9. While interest lagged in certain periods, both teams fought hard from the first to the final whistle. RobersonVille meets Conway in a semi-Anal game next Friday night in Windaor. * Watch the Laboi On Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires. ESTABLISHED 1898 Mrs. Nannie M. Manning Dies Result of Burns Relatives Try to Put Out Flames with Hands but Efflbrts Fail Mrs. Nannie M. Manning, died at the home of her son-in-law, A. \\ illiford Hardison, in Williams Town ship, yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock, a the result of burhs received when her clothing "caught tire about 7 o' clock In the morning. Her 9-year-old grandchild had got ten up and built a fire in a heater and gone back to bed. Mrs. Manning then got up and was dressing when her •clothing caught tire. The children saw the tire and cried out, but before _Mrs. Hardison could reach the room she met Mrs. Manning at her room door wrapped fn flames. Mrs. Har dison found it impossible to beat the | flames out with her hands and had to | run for a bucket of water and it re quired a second bucket to entirely ex tinguish the flames, after which it was found that she was burned to a blister almost all over except her face and the top of her head \Slie did npt seem to suffer so much, mplaining very little except with her hands. She retained per fect clHWciousness until about an hour before her death. Mrs. Manning, before her marriage, was Miss Nannie M. Stewart, of Wil liamston, am) was raised by Elder Joseph I), Biggs near Skewarkco Church. She was about 70 years old. She was married to Joseph A. Man ningh who died about 25 years agp. She Reaves four sons. Henry and Joe Manning, of Wilson, John E. Ma ruling, of Merry Hill, and Will 11. Manning of Williamston, and two daughters, Mrs. I.Cl'cian Hardison and Mrs. Mary 1 Kedilick, id' Williamston Mrs. Manning vyas noted for her 1 gentleness and kindness. She passed 1 through the long span of life, the j three score and ten, with such devo : tii n to duty that she died a friend ; of all. Sho was, since early life, an ardent member of the Methodist Church, and will In' buried by Rev. T.'W:, as ; .-listed by Rev. A. J. Manning, at the Short burying ground near Holly Springs this afternoon. Frank Brinkley, Well Known Tobacconist Dies .T, Frank lirinkley, one of, the most widely known tobacco men in East ern Carolina died at his home in I Greenville Sunday morning. He was a native of Halifax county, born .in ' Scotland Neck, lie was- 72 years'bld and Wlls at one time Register of deeds j-cf Halifax county. After four years work at that post he entered the to ! luicco business and opened the first warehouse in Halifax county. A few I years laU'r lie went to"? Greenville and was one of the proprietors of the 1 Center llrick warehouse for more than j2O years, operating as Brinkley, i Hooker and Spain. He sold his in trost in that lirm two years ago and since"thu't time he has beetl engaged as a buyer and solicitor of tobacco. Mr. lirinkley was well known in this county where he had visited every tobacco farm regularly for almost 20 I years, lie was highly, esteemed by ; everybody for his friendly and kind ly way among his fellowman had en j cleared him to hundreds of people. „ | New Series B. & L. Stock to (»o on Sale Saturday The Martin County Building & Loan Association will open sits 20th series Saturday, March 5. This association was organized in 11)14, since which time it has matured and paid out eight series. The as«o --1 u.tjon hail its best year in 1926, mak ing a net earning of 8 per cerrt on all stock. The period of maturity of stock was fixed by the directors at 5:12 weeks. The office of the association was ! recently removed from the Dennis I Simmons Lumber Co, building to the Farmers &. Merchants Bank building, wnere Mrs. Earl Wynne, who is treas urer, may be found Mondays and Sat urdays'. The building and loan has proved a very convenient things to many of cur townsmen, enabling them to build at a minimtfm of cost with e«asy pay ments. Then others have paid little by little, saving the small sums that would have gone through the little outlets that get most of our money. ' Double Header with Nashville Tomorrow A double-header is scheduled here for tomorrow night when Nashville sends its two teams down to do bat tie with the local girls and boys. The games will be played in the Dixie warehouse.