Watch the Labr. OB YMT Paper; It Carries the Date Yaw Subscription Expiree. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 2 Business at Standstill, Impossible as Result 20-Inch Fall Is Recorded Here; RoofsGiveWay Rural Carriers Unable to Coyer Routes for ' s ' PastTTireeDays All honor to the weather mau; in fact, to all the weather men, for they all said early Tuesday that it was going to snow 12 hours before the snow actually came. By the middle of the afternoon dark clouds began to show signs of cracks opening up, so tite flakes could sift through; and just as soon as the shades of night came on, the flakes began to dance and fall here Ad there. People still did not pay very much attention to it just took it in the general receptive spirit that folks generally hail the beautiful snow. Even early Wednesday morn ing, when there was only about 6 inches of snow, nobody was looking for an increasing storm and blizzard. But it increased in force and fury until everything was covered to the full depth of 20 inches, on the gener al level, and in many places it was three and four feet deep where drifts were formed by the wind, which reached the point of a real gftle end which blew almost all day. The snow continued to fall for about 22 hours, Anally stopping at 6 o'clock The State Highway Commission of ficials here measured the fall and gave it an official depth of 20 inches, which makes it the largest that ha* fallen here in more than 70 years, its two nearest rivals being on March 17th about the year 1886—that snow being so heavy that it was more than a week in melting, and lasting to within a few days of April 1. The Mr now ef 1877 was almost as heavy as this. Icame In and the fr/ofind for nmost a month. TOt "Ma-" orlc snow of 1867, which begmn fall ing January Ist, lasted tor more thaa two days and is said bo be deeper than the present snow. It was accompanied by one of the coldest snaps known in this section of the oountry, and it kept everything icebound for about two months. We have no official his tory of its depth, but nearly every old person whose memory runs thst far gack can give a vivid description of the "big View* For seeral days of this week, cars were unable to go and were stuck a long the streets and roads, wherever they attempted to go. No rural car-, riera were able to make their trips, All of them started from here Wed nesday morning, but several turned back when they saw they conld not make it The others, continuing on their routes, were snowbound before noon, and had to walk back to town. No attempts were made by the car riers to go out yesterday. They start ed this morning, but it is very doubW fa! if they get around their routes. The Washington- Aulander busses running through here failed to oper ate, The big bus reached as far as H. L. Gardner's, 8 miles from here, where it remained, its driver came in ahead of it when he walked, reach ing here yesterday. Several Roofs Caved In Just before the snow ceased to fall, the roofs of several stores and other buildings began to crack and eave in. Andrews' hot-dog stand was the first to give way. The root ef the Am bers' Pressing Club boiler room fell in on the boiler and caused right much damage. The roof on the main build ing of the pressing club also gave way and caused considerable damage to all the recently installed machinery. The fire hoee was brought into play to At The STRANG THEATRE! J SATURDAY TOM TYLER in 5-Reel Western 2-Reel Comedy 3rd Episode "OFFICER 444" Always a Good Show T 1 1 THE ENTERPRISE Highway Force Is Given Huge Task The State Highway force had it* greatest task this week when millions of tons of snow cover ed the highways of the State. The policy of the comraisaioa to keep the channela of traffic wide open 24 hours each day in the year wasj given a 36 hour set back by 1 the heavy snow fall. The machinery waa inadequate to handle the situation, it being designed to handle mud rather than snow. The main tracks were finally opened up Thursday so travel tag was not so hard; yet, few people have ventured out. Walks 5 Miles Through Snow A. F. Coburn, of Norfolk, Completely Exhausted On Arrival Here Mr. A. P. Coburn, of Norfolk, Va., reached the Atlantic hotel here last Wednesday completely oxhauated and half frosen after trodding in the heavy snow from the Old Mill Inn* a distance of four and one-half miles. Upon his arrivel hare, Dr. Saunders was called and it was late yesterday before the patient was able to be up. Mr. Cobum abandoned his car at the Old Mill Inn wheer It was stuck in the snow and started to walk here. The first three miles he made very well, but the last two found him in a weakened condition and was by the aid of a colored man who was walking here that Mr. Coburn reached ilhc hotel, A little oveT six hours were required for him "to mate If fieri fro ai the Old Mill Inn. Mr. Coburn is a brother of Mayor R. L. Coburn here and travels out of Norfolk. While Mr. Cobum was entering frem the south, Messrs. Tho«. H. Aderhaldt, of Asheboro, M. F. Sig mond, f Durham and C. J. Desßoys ler, of Haw River, were enjoying a fourmile walk from over the river. They got almost to Conine creek when their car stalled, and from that point they started their walk, reach ing here four and a half hours later. 69TH CONGRESS ADJOURNS TONIGHT AT 12 O'CLOCK The last term of the 69th Congress expires today and tomorrow marks the beginning of the 70th term. The retiring Congress has apparent ly attempted to help all the folks. One of the chief things discuaeed was the Farm Relief Bill which finally passed only to be vetoed by the President who claimed he did so be cause of its unconstitutionality. Most every member of Congress was free in expressing a desire to help the farmer, yet no one offered help. It was quite significant to hesr them express their great desire to help, but at the same breath they would criticise everything that was suggest ed in a way that might help. They were unable to find a way in which help could be rendered. There was no trouble to find a way to help the banker. The McFadden Bill which the President approved with a great deal of relish because it help* the banks and is. constitutional wis passed. Services at Church Of Advent Sunday Rev. C. O. Parda, Sector Pint Sunday in Lent 10:00, Church School. 11 KM), Holy Communion and sermon. 8:00* Holy Trinity Mission. Lenten services Wednesday and Friday at 4:00 p. m. Litnay and ad dreaa. wash the snow from the roof, but ac tion was too lata to be of much value. A portion of the roof of the Standard Filling Station at the Newberry Stables fell in. In Greenville and Wilson the roofs of several warehouses gave way un der the heavy strain caused by the snow. H»e blizzard has so stirred and dis turbed the ocean along the Oaroljna coast that some fishermen declare the shad and herring have taken to the deeper waters of-the ocea bed and are not coming in the inlets to oar in land North Carolina waters. If Uiat statement is true, then we may n ojr get so many of those good fish aa wAtn hoping Itt. t , Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, March 4,' 1927 Travel of Snow Train Service on Branch Line Is Demoralized Get Back on Schedule Today After 2 Days Sporadic Service The late trains yesterday running through here got back on their regular schedule. But it war. a different story Wednesday and the early part of yes terday. Wednesday, the noon train met iUelf at Jamesville, that was ac cording to schedule, of course. The train .supposed to arrive here at 6:30 spent almost four extra houis pushing snow from the tracks between here and Rocky Mount. . Here is how the trains \jui Wed nesday and early Thursday. The 1:18 pulled in at 4:30, the 4:55 hurried back from Plymouth but did not get here until 7:16, and the 6:30 drove in at 10:15. According to Agent V. D. Coil win, everybody around here know4 what time the 6:30 came, for he says he told over a hundred what time it was expected. Yesterday the morning train arrived 30 minutes late and the noon train came in one hour behind its schedule. Freight service won light and by tracking behind the passenger trains, the two freights eame and went about on time. The freight trade was so light Wednesday that the train steamed on through without entering the switch. Yesterday morning she slipped in and went right out again, leaving nothing and takin away one freight car. The trains carried snow plows on their engines, but these failed to pre vent tfce delay caused by the heaviest snow of yean in this section. Train service on the main lines suffered to an even greater exten than that rendered by our trains. It is un derstood that traffic Is getting back to noimal on the main lines and delays are few. Baptist Sunday Schools To Meet Here Sunday ltoy D. Clarke, educational director of the Roanoke Baptist Association, has called a meeting of all the Bap list Sunday Schools in Martin Coun ty, to meet with the Memorial Bap tist Church at Williamston this fom ing Sunday afternoon ait 3 o'clock. A. good program is promised, and a large number of people are expected to attend. > • The people of the local church, who are hosts to this convention, will be supposed to attend in large numbers r.nd do whatever is possible for the in itial success of the project. Local School Closed Yesterday and Today The local school, after making a ni/ble attempt to hold classes Wed refday, Was forced to close yesterday and today. Studies will be resumed Monday. This is the second delay in school work this year caused by snow, and it is not certain what steps will be taken to make up the lost time. While the local school Was held Wednesday practically all others made no attempt to open that day. Yes terday and today were taken as holi days all over the county. Bishops' Crusade Ends at Hamilton R«v. C. E. Williams, of Creawell, preached his closing sermon in the week's crusade services at St Mar tin's Episcopal Church, Hamilton, on Sunday night His subject was, "To know to do good and doeth it not, to him it is fin." This waa a great climax to the cplendid seriea of sermons which he had preached since he began the serv ices on Monday, February 21. The attendance was good all the way through from the people of the town and country around. Other church people around joined heartily in the meeting. in wic iucvuiiij(. Enterprise Caftches Up With Itself Tuesday's issue of The Enterprise caught tomorrow by today's issue. The paper issued Tuesday has not been, able to go its round on the rural routea, except in one or two cases where the carriers were able to go a short distance from town. At tempts were made to make the rounds today by the carriers, but they were unable to go *ll the way. Doubt as to whether or not they will be able to go Teir entire routea tomorrow to ax pressed b yseverai of tho carriers. Wind Wrecks Poultry Car to Remain Smoke Stacks j Here Through Tuesday at Light Plant Does Not Affect Power Supply as OU Engine Furnishes That Wednesday morning: eight o'- click a strong north wind blew down vhe two smoke stacks at the electric light plant here. The stacks were well anchored, but the wind wuh clyconi? force pulled up a pole buriod several feet in the ground and a 15-inc i eal nian to to which the stacks' guys were fastened. A few minutes before the stacks fell, Mr. Price, one of the electricians, vas on his way to the plant ami jutt after he croised the ra lread th> v ind causht his Ford an J carried it ii'to the di>ch ttside the rot.J. He had just walktxl :nto the engim- room and wa talking to one of the men at the plant when tie stacks turn uc I Thr two men, thinking the house fall ing, made a dash for the front en trance of the plant. The two over sued pipes fell against the water tcwer, doing little damage to neither house, tower nor stacks. There was no fire in the furnace at the time. . The crude oil engine, according to Superintendent M. S. Moore, will more than take care of the town's electri cal needs until the stacks can be raised again. Preparations were made to have one of the stacks fixed at once »r as soon as the weather per mits. It is not certain, but it is under stood that only one of the stacks will be repaired, the other not beinK need ed. While the wind gave trouble at the plant it helped out on the case of the wires, for evary a time spec of snow fell on a wire the wind would blow it off. A few wires broke, however, but that was due to contraction. Walks in Snow Five Miles to Join Team Loyalty to his team was expressed in no unecrt&in terms when Alphonso Roebuck set out from liis home at five o'clock yesterday morning to catch the train at Everetts. The Everetts team, of which Alphonso is a member, was going to Raleigh to lake part in the State tournament and the boys did board the train, but Al phonso's walk proved of no material value for when the team reached Rocky Mount H was learned that the basketball tournament had been post poned. Young Roebuck arrived at the sta tion an hour late, but the train was that late also, and he made connection. The long and difficult walk had almost whipped him, and it required nibbing from all his teammates' hands to warm him up. Simon D. Perry Traps Washington Sparrow Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Simon D. Perry who lives near here on Route four, made a deadfall for his children to catch sparrows. In the catch an English sparrow with a band around its leg was caught On the band was the stamp of the Biological Survey, Washington, D. C. The number as signed to the trapped bird wu 181,- 062. It is not known whether the bird was tagged in Washington, D. C. or some other station maintained by the Survey. Many Without Wood During Heavy Snow While may of us were camped by the warm Area and admiring from eur windows the beautiful scene* caused by the snow, a number of fa uiliea moat of them colored, were out of wyhd. Deliveries could not be made all day Wednesday, and it i« under stood that many of the unfortunate ines went under the bed covers in the early afternoon to keep • warm. As aoon as the snow cleared a bit orders v/cre being filled rapidly. Loses Finger and Thumb While Oiling Band Saw Mr Dawae Lilley ia In the Waahing- ton hospital with his right hand al most cut off. Last Tuesday afternoon Mr. Lilley was oiling a band saw at ' his mill six miles from here and in some way he caught his hand in the : saw. His thumb and third finger were i dismembered and the other fingers were badly cut He was rushed to the i hospital at Washington where the wound was dressed. At this time he > has not been able to leave for home. i SERVICES AT THE CHRISTIAN " CHURCH FOR NEXT SUNDAY > ———• Sunday school, 9:46. Evening service, 7:M. There will be no morning service. John Cameron, of- New Jersey, was on hsnd promptly Thursday morning with his poultry car, which he expected to have loaded yesterday and today, but all the farmers were unable to get to town on account of the heavy snow. Upon advice of County A Rent T. B. Brandon, Mr. Cameron will bold his car here until Tuesday, March 8, and will receive poultry at any time prior to leaving on the Recorder Had 2-Hour Session fotal of Six Cases Before Judge Bailey; Four are Continued Recorder's court lusted jiwt tv*A> hours last Tuesday and final dispo sition of sir casus while faux - were continued for various causes until next Tuesday. The case against Charlie lx>ng, in which he was charged with an as sault with deadly weapon, was nol proseed. . John Barfield', charged with oper ating an automobile without license, pl»ad guilty and was fined $16.00 and costs. Hardy Ropers and Edward Cordon were each charged with operating automobiles without licenses and were fined 115.00 and the costs. Jesse Williams, who was charged with operating an automobile while drunk plead not guilty, but upon hear ing: the evidence the court adjudged him guilty. He was fined SSO , charg ed with the oost and cannot drive an auto within three months. Willie Price, charged with assault on a female, was adjudged guilty. He was sentenced to the Edegcombe roads for nine months, sentence not to be operative for two years upon good behavior in his community and the proper treatment of his wife and children. This ~wa# the mMt aggra vuitnig case of the day. It had for Its base the most beastly principles of man. Mr. Price is a young man who has a wife and several children. Ho has farmed all his ufe, but according to the general statement* of a large number of the good people of Oak City where he now lives, he has recently neglected his family and hangs around another man's wife and family in or near Oak City. Certain such conduct provokes his own wife and when she reproven him he proceeds to choke, knock down and drag out. It waji for beating his wife that he was placed in Jail last week and carried before Judge Bailey Tuesday. The large number of citizens of Oak City attending the trial clnaHy shows that they are on tho right side when it comes to protecting the honor of their community and that indecency and immorality shall not exist in their midst. Sunday Services at The Baptist Church "Whom having not seen, ye love", is the Scriptural text for Sunday morning. At the evening hour, "Free from (iln" will be the text. The people are asked to bear in mind the mid-week Bible study which has just begun in this church. For several weeks the books of the new Testa ment will be taken up, one by one. An attempt will be made to answer such questions as the following: Who wrote the books? When written? To whom written? For what purpose written? What is the central teach ing? These and a great many other relative points will be brought out in the discussions. Let all the people join in worship at the regular services Sunday. Thieves Raid Store Of Lawrence Peel Thievea broke into the Jewelry store.j of J. Lwarence Peel on Washington Street aome time Tueaday night dur the snow storm and stole about 20 watches, practically all of them be- j ing of an average good grade. Abouti a dozen were men's watches; the other wens ladies' gold watches. Mr. Peel could not definitely check the type and kind of all the property lost, but can give pie type of abc|t two-thirds jof it t The store was entered from the rear, the thieves boong out a large opening near the lock and removing the bar which held the door. There is no chie as to who the guilty parties are. Just one of many similar robberies which have so fre quently happened in our town. * The amount of the loss will be a bout S3OO, according to Mr. Peel's es timate. - -•. L \ early morning train Wednesday. He expects to get a full, load by that time, as it is thought the farmers will be able to reach town all right by Monday. Mr. Brandon and Miss Trent - ham, the home demonstration agent, are urging poultry raisers to cull their Hocks and sell the non-producers while the car is here. The scale of prices paid is given on another page of this paper. Firemen Make Difficult Call Answer Alarm Through 18 Inches of Snow; Little Damage The volunteer firemen had their first real test last Wednesday when a call was made from the little home of Mercedes Xpruill, near the upper end of Church street. To drive the truck in 18 inches of snow seemed: impossible, for autos were unable to . go and were snowed under in prac tically every block. Hut the small, group of heores rolled the fire weapon ; out in the face of all odds and the way they went. Main street was used for a couple of blocks, Haughton lost the group when it turned up Church anil from there on up the street the red wagon plowed its own path, reach- j ing the scene where the firse was sup posed to be, under the conditions, in a very short time. Mercedes ,aw a little burning soot fall and heard the wind in the top of the chimney and calculated ttuit her home was on its way to-nowhere. The firement- turned til? truck back toward its home niter proving their willingness to render i aid under any and all circumstances. The alarm was phoned In from the home of J. W. Manning, ami, for n while, it was thought thnt dwelling was burning. The truck sailed on by there and on it went to the spot where the Sprtiills lfteS!, reaching there way Ahea.f of Williamston's fast spectators.' Chief Harrison's force deserves much credit for the work /of last Wednesday and that of the past sev eral months. County Statement for Past Year in This Issue The financial statement published in thi.s issue, .showing the receipts and disbursements of Martin County, will be of interest to those who pay taxe as well as to those who re ceive benefits. ' The totals indicate big expenditure:;, yet when a careful study of the re port is made, the general county ex penses are seen to be comparatively small. Of the expenditures, tho fol ic wing ifems, $22,.'170.15) repaid to the school board; -40,000 paid notes for borrowed money and the $179,551 00 paid on outstanding notes, make a total of $241,921.19. Then comes the amounts paid on new County home, court house and Tirw jail of nearly SIOO,OOO and these with the $32,- 535.59 Iwilance on hand and sinking fund investment of $9,850 runs tho sum up to almost $385,000. Accord ing to the statement $30,000 is seen to cover ,he care" for the poor, tiro bridges, t.h" courts and Hundreds of the small things coming up before the county. Schoolhouse Dynamited; Moonshiners Get Blame According to raports from Kil kney or lower part of Tyrrell county, the moonshiners of that section re cently dynamited a school house be cause the teacher, a young lady whose ifome is in Columbia, was outspoken against the liquor influence in' the section. The schoolhouse was so bad ly torn by the heavy explosion that the school could not continue. The dynamite was plactvl in the stove flue judging from the appear ance of things after the stove had been removed. The explosion about midnight and shook windows in all parts of the neighborhood. There seems to be a large number of people in the district.-who rather not have schools nor churches but who are very much concerned about their stills and liquor. liarnhill Brothers Extend Special Offer Thursday proved a bad day for the opening of Barnhill Brothers' new store here, for the snow was so deep that even the people right here in town could not travel The trade ac ceptance offer lia/- been extended, and with every |25 purchase an acceptance valued kt $5 will be given the custo mer. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martin " County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Certificate Plan for Schools of Martin County County Certificate Com mittee Held Meeting 1 Here Monday The committee on certificates, com prised of Principals L. H. Davis, of Williamston, It. I. Leake, Koberson ville, and J. L. Jones, Jame.sville, met ill the office of the superintendent, of * tichools Monday, February 28. Discussion centered on two points Promotions and certificates. The grad ing now given pupils of the seventh Made 011 their reports which they carry home was criticised. The chief i hjettion being that several different teachers of same preparation and ap parent capacity to judge might ap- P'aise the value of the same paper in a very different manner, the range of certain experiments being from 18 per tent to 100 per cent; and that *h£n TO per cent is a pass mark a certain type of teacher far too inelastic in sists on keeping the child in the sum.: V,rade for years if hit should make a grade of 09.4 per cent on a subject. In defense of present method there were those who suid the wide range of grades was due to certain type of teachers to whom a wholesonv; thought would be like strychnine and would likely kill them. These teachers should not be hired. Teachers who .really think would appraise a paper more nearly alike, all other things being equal. That grades an- r dative and must be elastic because of dif ferent capacities of teachers if there were no differences in pupils. That grades are a general means of spur ring children to take an inventory of their achievement ami improve their work. 11l short initiative develops from self-inventory and self expression on the part of a child. Therefore a gen eral grading scheme is good for a chil4 however much better may be a scientific test method of grading., Kither plan may damage a child's growth if followed by an inelastic ; teacher and both might prove of help eU li.v* 1* twweher In the final analysis "he teachi t is ar biter and needs to be open minded enough to seek all advice and help it : JK possible to obtain before promot ing a child. In a democracy the chief characteristic of any good leader is to know'where the individual is in growth end to have faith iti him and expect him to progress and to lead him through training processes that will result in progress. Likewise stages of progress in a child's life must be marked, subject by subject, (trade by grade, and school by school for the purpose of express ing approval of work done and ca pacity of child to do work. To mark these steps of progress certificates ore given. It wa.-. agreed that a certificate should he tfiven a pupil who comple'es the work required in the seven ele mentary grades and thaf such seventh grade graduate should be admitted to other schools of the Martin County system. However, a set of standard tests and how to give them will be explained to the seventh grade teach ers and principals of respective schools of the county in the near future. These tests consist of tests in arithmetic, bp/tiling, reading and reasoning, and the results of Riving same are expect ed to be used by the teachers in ar riving at the matter of promotion to hijfh school. Hut teachers and princi pals unknot to be guided by this fac tor alone in granting certificates. The certificates as in the past will state that student has passed in full or in part the subjects written in lines for the purpose and what grades were made. The minds of the principals met on* the issuance of certificates of gradu ation. hundred and twenty clock hours of recitation on a subject is re quired grant one unit of work. Sixteen units of work as prescribed in the High School manual must be per formed satisfactorily to the teachers before a certificate of graduation will hi? issued. r Notwithstanding a pupil may at any time when leaving a school receive a statement in full of his school work completed to date. Records of such work and grades thereof are kept in duplicate, one copy in the office and the other copy in the super intendent's office. On the reverse side of all certificates of- graduation there shall be a transcript of the pupil's record. j Mr. R. I. Leake, Robersonville High School principal, will draw up a certificate of award for winning school in group commencement contests to b* held in April. Alson Mr. L. H. Davis was in«tructed to prepare and present the method of giving the tests in the seventh grade. This work Is the outgrowth of a committee ap pointed at a meeting some time ago. Mr. W. H. Bigg« returned Tuesday from a business trip to Wilson and Raleigh.