TOWN FATHERS HOLD REGULAR MEET MONDAY (Continued from the first page) The mayor expressed the hope that before the present town administra tion goes out of office it would have have the various ordinances of the town revised and assembled and print ed in pamphlet form, so that their successors would not have as a hard a time finding out what the law was as they had. This idea was enthusiasti cally received, and the mayor was as- j signed the task of assembling and re- i vising the ordinances. Several other matters of little in terest were discussed, a number of bills approved, and the board called it a day without the word "dance" even ; being mentioned, at least while the re- j porter was present, for the first time I in many meetings. People seldom improve when they j h*ve no model but themselves to copy j after.—Oliver Goldsmith. Knowledge is not what you learn, J but what you remember. —Colfax. ( WANTS FOR SALE: SEVERAL KINDRED, pounds of live or dress ed.—Haywood Rogers, Route No. 2,: Williamston, N. C. 2-26-2t' . ■ LOST: HAMILTON, OPEN FACEI Watch, lost Fob. 22 in or near Wil liamston. Initials L. K. H. on back.; Finder return to this office and re- 1 ceive reward. WANTEIf: TWO OK THREE KELI-j 1 able tenants with help; ones who' j know how to grow tobacco and pea-; nuts. See J. G. Staton at once. FOR SALE: RHODE ISLAM) RED cockerels; Owens strain. C. B. . Clark. " f25 2t j. LOST: ON ROAD FROM W. W. ROB-' 1 erson's to B. McManning's, via . Jamesville, new suit case full of wo men's clothes and a few pictures and letters addressed to Pear 1 Wells. Please return to Dempsey Koberson. : | mrl 2t pd FOR SALE, AT AUCTION: FORD ' touring car in . fair condition; car r goes on sale In default of owner's pro- | curing license. Place of sale: Ever ett*. Time: March 12, 1927, at 1 p. m. »l P'UBU 0 H WANTED: 50000 STANDARD OAK Cross Ties and 5000 cords poplar gum and pine pulp wood, delivered' New Bern, Washington and Eliza- i beth City, North Carolina. Good in spection and cash when loaded. BIRWELL TIE CO. 2-18-6t Stovall, N. C. FOR'SALE: RHODE ISLAND RED: eggs, $2..)0 for 15. C. H. Clark,' i Williamston, N. C. fls 4t i I 1 S. C. DARK DROWN LEGHORNS, i . the original egg machine; eggs for! i hatching, 15 for |h. Stacy S. Cox,! 1 WllHapuaon, X. tT • f22 4tp' 1 I I Dr. Robert D. Mahood | SURGEON DENTIST 315 Sycamore SI. Williamston, N. C HOURS: 4:00 to 9:00 P. M. Saturday: 0 A. M. to 9 P. M JOS. W. BAILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Office Lower Floor Old Farmers A Merchants Bank Building Hours: • ;30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.—Phone 87 Other Hours Everett®, N. C. , to Residenca Telephone, 2803 tfj ; J. C. Meekin*, Jr. M. W. Meekina! Meekins and Meekins ATTORNEYS AT LAW WASHINGTON, N. C. State and Federal Courts WANTED: AMBITIOUS WHITE man with team or car to distribute Whitmer's guaranteed line of toilet ■ articles, spices, extracts, and medi cines in Martin County. Denton made $124.40 one week. Cherry 126.60. Neither had any experience. We teach you salesmanship. Write today for our new plan. The H. C. Whitmer Co., Columbus, Ind., Dept. 31. m 4 3t FOR SALE: 200 VIRGINIA BUNCH seed Peanuts.—Jno. W. Green, mß3t , Williamston, N. C.; FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMER DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I have bought the undertaking establishment ftmnerly owned by Mr. F. L. vlwariln, and have secured the serviW»B of Mr. Hurprr Holliday, an expert funeral director and licensed cmbalmer. Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. Courtney WILUAMBTON, N. Phone 165 Night Phone 44 {"NORTH CAROLINA, MARTIN COUNTY. To George C. Bunch and to any | other persons claiming under, through I or by him, You will take notice that I bought! ,i a l , a tax sale on the 7th day of June .' 1926, for the taxes due and unpaid, i 1 residence listed in Williamston ! township by George C. Bunch for taxes in 1926. »! Unless the sheriff's certificate of , .said tax sale is redeemed on or be ; J fore June 7th, 1927, 1 shall demand a deed for said property as provided i by law. This February 7, 1927. J. W. WATTS. NOTICE FOR TAX DEED To Alex Woolard, or to any other person or persons interested in the following land: You will take notice that H. T. Rob erfon, sheriff and tax collector for j Martin County, sold at the courthouse dcor of Martin County, on Monday, j the 7th day in June, 1926, "16 acres ) residence listed in Griffins Township I by Alex Woolard," for taxes for the j year 1925, and at said sale 1 was th? ( highest bidder for said land and the; said sheriff issued me a c .-rtificate of j said sale. You will take further notie'e here under, that unless you redeem said certificate, I shall demand a deed for I lan I on or after June 7, 1927. February fith, 1927. I fll 4tw Mrs. FANNIE B. PEEL, i NOTICE OF, SALE Under and by virtue of an order of i the superior cour of Martin County in the cause entitled, "Farmers & Merchants Bank, Inc., vs. W. C. Man-1 ning, J. G. Godardu, et als, sigfiod by | U. J. Peel, clerk superior court Mar-: tin County, the undersigned commis sioner will on Monday, March 28th, 1!»27, at 12 o'clock'in. at the court- ! house door of Martin Ceflnty" offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, > at public auction, the following ae weribed pr«|»erty: Being lots Nos. 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,' 38; 39; 40; 44; 45; 46; 48, 49, 50, 51. 54, 55, 66 ; 57 of that tract of land in Robersonville Township more com monly known as Robersonville Hos iery Co., plat of which is of record ir. the public registry of Martin Coun-1 ty, in land division book No. 1, at! page , and being part of the same land that was conveyed to J. G. God-! aid, W. C. Manning, J. S. Peel, and j L. Wynn by A. E. Smith. This the day df February, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, f22 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Joseph J. Stroud and wife Lelia Stroud, to the undersigned trus tee, and bearing date of March, 1918, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book O-l, at page 479, said deed of trust having bfen given to secure the payment of a cer tain note of even date and tenor there with, and default having been made in the payment of said note, and the terms and conditions in said deed of trust not having been complied with, : and at the request of -fhe holder of j said note, the undersigned trustee , will, on Saturday, the 12th day of . March, 1927, at 12 o'clock m. t at the ] We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Makes EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write for Prices and Terms One of our salesmen will gladly demonstrate one in your home. All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. Williamston, N. C. Washington, N. C. Plymouth, N. C. courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston N. C., offer at public uU o the highest bidder, for cash, a one third interest in and to the following described real estate and personal property, to wit: First tract: Beginning at an iron take, Gattie E. Bailey's corner on the A. C. L Railroad right of way; thence running S. 84 W. 70 yards to an iron take, S. F. Eve/ett's corner; thence north 84 E. 70 yards to Thomas Bail ey's corner, an iron stake; thence S. " E. 70 yards along Gattie A. Bailey's line, containing one (1) acre. Second tract: Two acres of land ad joining the above tract, which was purchased by Stroud, Bailey k Barn-: hill from S. F. Everett, and which to-! gcthe'r with the above one acre tract comprises, the mill site and yard of "■Stroud, Bailey & Barnhill, located at Iveretts, North Carolina. Third tract: That certain tract of • end containing 196 acres, more or leu! I urchased by Stroud, Bailey & Barn-; I.ill from J. G. Staton by a deed' vhich is of record in the public regis- J try of Martin County, to which ref erence is made for a more accurate inscription. Also the following personal proper ty situated on said mill site, to wit: ! 40 H.P. boiler, 1 planer and out fit, 1 grist mill complete, 1 saw mill complete, all from the Gibbs Machin ry Co.; also 1 26 H.P. engine, L. St T., 1 gin complete, L. & T., 1 lath i'.g mill complete S. & Braggs, all I ulleys, shafting, belting, hangers, tools and fixtures of all kinds belong ir.g to the said mill; also 1 125 H.P. •boiler, 1 90 H.P. engine, 1 resaw, rip iw, 1 plainer, all of said machinery bring located in and on the mill and "FORD" /•.. 1 " " ' \.. ' ' We Are Now Running a Special Sale on USED FORI) CARS, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 1 which have been put in good condition. If you are interested and want to save money, it will pay you to see us before buying. Remember, too. that we are selling the > genuine 13-plate Ford Batteries for $12.00. 1 11 Williamston Motor Co. v- * . "Service That Satisfies" SATE JMfeh Time and Money We Sell You Groceries Cheaper and Deliver Them Statesville 16 per cent Middling, bag: $2.00 Ballard's Middling, the best on the market, bag 2.25 Ballard's Scratch Feed, best made, bag 2.90 Purina Dairy Feed, bag t 3.00 Purina Scratch feed, bag * 3.25 Purina Baby Chick Scratch, bag 3.50 Purina Baby Chick Butter Milk Starter, bag 5.25 Seed Irish Potatoes of All Kinds—Price to Suit your Pocket Book 0 . Fresh Tomatoes, lb 25c 121b SI 95 Fresh Lettuce - 20c - or 2 for 35c Je'rsev Self Ri'sinir » Fresh Celery, 20c or 2 for 35c. 121b 60c; 241b $1.15; 481b sJfe Irish Potatoes 4 l-2c lb or 60c pk Ballard's Self Rising B «t Green Cabbage, lb 5c 121b 73c; 241b $1.40; 48Mt> $2.75 Rutabagas, lb. 4c MEATS AND LARD Best Compound Side Meat, lb. 22 l-2c Plate Meat, lb. 17 l-2c We Buy All Kinds of Country Produce for Cash or Trade. John A. Manning & Co.. Williamston, N. C. -■* - , THE ENTERPRISE— WIULAMgTOW. N. C. ; mill site of Stroud, Bailey A Barn • hill, which ia located in or near the ■ *town of Everett*, N. C., on timet* : Nos. 1 and 2~*s above set forth. y I This 7th day of February, 1927. CLAYTON MOORE, i f8 4tw Trustee. > NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES i TATE - * • North Carolina, Martin County; in ■ the superior court. . J. W. Bailey, Adm. of the Estate of 1 i Amanda Bailey, vs. J. G. Bailey and Others, Heirs at Law. Pursuant to an order of the super ior court in the above-entitled action J signed by R. J. Peel, clerk of the su ' j perior court, of Martin County, on thf ■i 7th day of February, 1927, the under signed commissioner will on Thursday, | the 10th day of March, 1927, at 12 o'- | dock m., in front of the courthouse | door in the town of Williamston, North '| Carolina, offer for sale to the highest j bidder for cash the following describ ' ec real estate, to wit: Beginning in Davis Harrison line, a J corner, thence south down the road to _ a post, thence a west course to John W. Bailey line, thence along J. W. Bailey line to Henry Bailey line, thence Henry Bailey lint and Fannie Rcgerson's Una-to the beginning, con taining by estimation ten acres, more or less. This the 7th day of February, 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL, f4 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF HALE OF REAL ES TATE Under and by virtue of the power, of sale contained in a certain deed of irust executed to the undersigned trustee by John E. Mixelle, Arthur Mizelle, and Lacy Mizell an the 28 rd day of March, 1926 ,and of r*covd in the public registry of Martin County] in book S-2, at page 52, said deed of trust having been given for the pur pose of securing one note of even date and tenor therewith, and default hav ing been made in the payment of the said note and the stipulations con tained in the said deed of trust not havingibeeh complied with, and at the requesfrof tjje holder of the said note, i he undersigned trustee will on Thurs day ,th» 24th day of March, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the Planters £ Merchants Bank, in the town of Everetts, North Carolina, offer for Kale to the highest bidder for cash, the How Doctors Treat Colds and the Flu To break up a cold overnight or to cut short an attack of grippe, in fluenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, phy sicians and druggists are now recom-1 mending Calotabs, the purified and j refinod calomel compound tablet that gives you the effects of calomel and I salts combined, without the unpleas t ant effects of either. One or two Calotabs at bed-time with a swallow of water, —that's all. | No salts, no nausea nor the slightest I interference with your eating, work | or pleasure. Next morning your cold 1 has vanished, your system is thor oughly purified and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you please,—no dan ger. . ' Get a family package, containing full directions, only 36 cents. At any drug store. (adv) following described real estate, to wit: Beginning 111 Bear Grass Swamp mt road in the corner of Caleb Mixell land, thence down me said swamp a, west course to Aaron Mixell corner, 1 thence a northerly course along Aaron ] Miieli line to Jordan Mizell corner, I thence In the same direction to Wil liam Wynn line, thence down said line to the public road in Caleb Mizell line thence down the road to the begin ning, containing by estimation (66) sixty-six Seres, and of record in Mar tin County public registry in book NN, page 250, also 2-3 interest in one other tract, containing 80 acres ad joining A. W. Bailey and others, a full description of which can be found Annual Statement For the Year Ending: December 31,1926 of the Condition and Affairs of the v-- of Martin County Building And Loan Association WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ASSETS Mortgage loans $ 87,875.45 Stock loans ' 17,130.00 Real estate 4,929.73 Accounts receivable 2,133.62 $112,068.80 LIABILITIES Installments paid $86,325.50 Cash on hand 80.90 Full paid stock 5,250.00 Borrowed money 4,000.00 Accounts payable 2,690.13 Reserve for interest, full paid stock 207.35 Surplus and undivided profits 13,514.92 V $112,068.80 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Insurance Department • Raleigh, February 11,1927. I, STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Com missioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the state ment of the Martin County Building and Loan Association, of Williamston, filed with this department, showing the condition of said Association on the 31st day of Decem ber, 1926. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. STACEY W. WADE, /> • » B. &L. Form Insurance Commissioner. i ' OFFICERS President P. B. Cone Vice President C. A. Harrison Secretary- .« Wheeler Martin Treasurer Mrs V. A. Wynne Attorney Wheeler Martin . DIRECTORS C. D. Carstarphen E. P. Cunningham John D. Biggs * N. C. Green P. B. Cone B. M. Worsley G A. Harrison V. G. Taylor K. R Crawford - Wheeler Martin in book M-2, page 66, of Martin County public registry and known fti ' the Wm. Mizell home place, -vhich the | «aid Wm. Mixell deeded to John E. ' Mizell and- his boys, Arthur Mixell and j Jim G. Mizell. This the 24th day of February, 1027. V. G. TAYLOR, norl 4tw Trustee. DR. W. L. DAVIS EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Bell Jewelry Co. WASHINGTON, N. C.

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