Watch the Lafei OB Your Paper; It Carriaa the Date Tow Subscription Expiree. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 5 Many Present at Banquet in Robersonville Outline Work to be Done • in Creating $300,000 Endowment Fund Christian Church Educational cru saders mat at Robersonville last night where more than 200 members from all parts of the county were royally entertained by the BobersonviUe chttitk The meeting outlined the work to be done in creating a $300,000 en dowment fund for Atlantic Christian college at Wilson. Dr. Sidney R. Bradley, who is in charge of the cru sade, spoke on the purpose and need for the educational drive. Dr. H. S. Hilley, president of the college, was the next speaker introduced, and his address was followed by John M. Waters, of Pamlico. Dr. A. E. Corey, pastor of the Kinston Christian church was the last speaker. While each speaker took some spec iay feature of the work to be done, j each spoke from the same great, point, the need of an endowment for > the college. In the several speeches,! the need of educating and training j the race was stressed, that the train-1 ing shall be for the uplifting of others a? well as ourselves. Hence, the need for the church college was shown. The ( church colege must give the same, tiaining the state college is giving,, and more, it must stress the worship of God as the first duty of man which applies to all the educated and the un educated alike. Again the call to stewartahip was impressed upon the audience. "The meeting was all the way through one otf inspiration for the large number of attenders. One of the most enjoyable as well as the most inspiring features of the meeting was the singing of the col lege songs by the college glee club. The crusaders, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Waters, Mr. Alvon, Mr. Wise and Mr. Harris assisted by Miss Lowery, will make personal calls on as many of the church people in the county as is possible to solicit pledges that the $300,000 endowment fund may be raised and the college placed on a firm financial basis. All reports since the beginning of the campaign have been very en couraging. Nellie C. Perry Died Saturday Nellie C. Perry, the daughter of Henry Perry, died in Poplar Point Saturday morning, (pllowing an ill ness of only a few hours. Although she had not been well for two or three days it was not thought to be more than a slight ailment She, however, was taken violently ill Friday night, and before a doctor could reach her Saturday morning she was dead. She was only 17 years old. The funeral was conducted by Rev. C. H. Dickey and the burial was at Rcddicks Grove Church. Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cherry Dies The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Cherry, who Jive on the old Ever •tts-Williamston Road, died shortly sifter midnight today. Interment will be made this afternoon in the ceme tery on the home place. Officers Capture one Still in Raid Friday A search /or illicit liquor stills all day Friday resulted in the capture of a 60-gallon copper outfit on the Mark Ballard farm near here. Deputies! Grimes and Ballard destroyed six bar rels of beer and brought the still here. The cap and worm belonging to the outfit could not be found. At The STRANn THEATRE I J WEDNESDAY Fred Thompson and Kingr in "The Two Gnn Man" Also Comedy Lloyd Hamilton in "Hooked" and "Trooper TT Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE County Teachers to Hold Last Meeting of Term in Robersonville Saturday The last meeting of the 1926-27 term for Martin County teacher., will be held next Friday afternoor. at Robersonville at 2 o'clock. Classes in all the schools of the county will be suspended at noon on that day, anil a large represen tation of the teachers is expected at the meeting. A special program is being ar ranged for the committeemen of the several schools in the county, and one of the best meetings of |he year is expected. Just how Should Put On Clean-up Drive Movement the Town's Civic Organizations Should Sponsor " "Clean up and beautify" is the slo- j gan to be written on the gates ot many Carolina towns in the near fu ture. Durham, one of our leading towns will begin their drive on the 28th of March. They are going to add "paint" to their slogan; which will make three objectives, clean up, beautify, and paint up. All the towns in our own county have been warned of the danger thai is lurking in the rubbish and filth that accumulates in our back lots and yards and along our streets. The board of health (has asked that our towns do the same things that other towns are do lug to make life, health, and property stfer. It has been suggested that a proces sion of 400 school children, 400 church members, the Kiwanis Club, the Par cr.t-Teacher Association, the Woman's Club all get together and march thru Williamston shouting down with ty phoid and malaria and colitis; away with the dangerous disease-breeding and unsightly rubbish, and plant a ro6C in the spot where the weed grew. The campaign may come yet. ... . t Tri-County Doctors to Hold Next Meet Here Dr. William E. Warren attended the meeting of the Tri-County Medical Society at Greenville last week. The society is composed of doctors of Martin, Beaufort, and Pitt Counties. The meeting was attended by 90 doc tors. . » . . - ' - The next meeting will be held in' Williamston with the Martin County Medical Society as hosts. Dr. War ren is now and has been secretary of the society since its organization sev eral years ago. Shot Man Dies in Hospital * The body of John T. Harell passed through here late yesterday on its way to a final resting place near Re publican church in Bertie county. Several days ago while handling a pistol in a careless manner Mr. Har rell shot himself in the leg. Blood poison resulted and he was carried to the Washington hospital where he died late Saturday night. Interment will be made today. Mr. Harrell managed a Ailing sta tion near Windsor on the Williamston Windsor highway. He was a veteran of the World War. D. A. R. Meets with Mrs. F. U. Barnes Mrs. F. U. Barnes was hostess to the D. A. R.'s last Thursday evening at hel- home on Church street. There was a shower given for the immi grants who aie detained on . Ellis Island. A box will be shipped to them at once. The most important thing done at this meetin, however, was the passing of a resolution to place a bronze tab let to the memory of the Martin County's World War veterans. A committee was appointed to begin work on the undertaking. Two new members were received into the chapter, Mrs. Jan>es G. Sta ton and Mrs. J. Dillon Simpson. The hostess served a salad course which WM wjoyed by her guest*. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. March 15, 1927 many of the 84 committeemen in the county will attend the meet ing: could not be learned, but it is understood that each school will be represented. The work carried on by th.' reading circles during the year will be brought to a close, and delegates to the North Carolina Teachers' Association meeting will be named. The meeting will be held March 23, 24, and 25, and this county may send as many as eight delegates. , Episcopalians Won Friday Episcopalians and the Baptists Meet in the Finals Tomororw By JACK Too much Pete Fowileui just about | sums up the defeat of the Christiana, by the Episcopalian Friday night, in the second round of the basketball tournament for the purpose of raising funds to provide the boys of the town with a baseball diamond. The Epis copalians won, 13-10, and will meet the Baptists in the finals of the se ries Wednesday night immediately af ter prayer meeting. The Christians started out to win and led at the half, 8 to 6. The Epis copalians came back strong, however, and with Pete playing one of the best games in the line at guard (although his regular position is quarterback) ver seen here, held the fast-traveling Christians without a field goal in the last half; while Francis Barnes got his eye tuned in and put the game on ice with two field* goals and a foul.' The Christians put up a fine game, and on form were due to win. Their line-up included Harper Holliday and lieamon Bamhill, who alternated at center and forward; Z. Hardy Rose, forward; and Elbert Peel and Stanley Sessoms at guard. Francis Manning went in for Z. Hardy Rose at the end of the first quarter and put up a fine game, ringing the most difficult shot yet seen in the tournament. Leumon Bamhill was high scorer with 7 points, 2 field goals and 3 fouls. Francis Manning made'the other 3 points for his team. For the Episcopalians, Joe Godard played center; Cortez Green and Charlie James, forwards; and Fruncia Barnes and Pete Fowden, guards. Dick Smith went in for Pete Fowden in the second quarter and distinguish ed himself by a number of fine flying tackles. Barnes was high scorer for his team with 5 points; Green counted a field goal and a foul for 3 more; Joe Godard accounted for 3; and James made the other 2. The Episco palians put on a nice exhibition of floor work, Cortex Green and Charlie James being particularly elusive for their guards. ' , The game was thoroughly enjoyed by the spectators, and |l2 were real ized for the diamond fund. This makes a net total of $23.25 profit from the two games of the tourna ment. A large crowd is expected at the finals Wednesday night, as the competing teams are evenly matched. The fact that Messrs. Gus Harrison and Pete Fowden will appear on op-( posing teanis should pack thf Roan oke and Dixie. ! Three Autos Wrecked ov the Washington Road ' „ ) Nothing more than minor bruisM wejre reported when three lautomobiKs were wrecked on the Washington Ro»d Sunday night. The most complete of the three was at the edge of town, when a practically worn-out Ford touring car hit a locust guy pole of ihe Carolina Telephone Co. The speed of the ear waa so great that it mowed Ihe tough piece of timber down at tfie ground's level. The driver, whose name eould not be learned, escaped unhurt with the exception of a bruised nose. The second wreck of the three took place at Old Ford, where a Urge touring car was wrecked. A Ford roadster took to the ditch bank be tween Old Ford and Washington, but no great damage was done. Superior Court to Begin. Here Next Monday Two Murder Cases Are on the Criminal Docket The March term of Martin County superior court begins next week for the trial of criminal and civil cases. Judge R. A. Nunn, of New Bern, will preside over the two weeks' session. I On the criminal docket there are 11 cases. There are two murder cases i but only one is likely to come up for trial, since an arrest in the other ha.i never been made. J. H. Holiis, charged j with the murder of John Keel several | weeks ago, will ftght his case. About' two years ago Perlie Sogers, colored, j killed a negro in the Free Union sec-1 tion. He made his escape and hasn't | been heard from since, but his case! continues on record. The other cases take the nature of forgery, assaults, disorderly conduct, manufacturing li-' ouor, and house breaking. The first two days will be used for the criminal cases, while the remain der of the time will be devoted to the hearing of the civil actions. Citizenship Department (Jives Program at Club The Woman's club had its regular monthly meeting Wednesday after- : noon with a representative number of its members oresent. The committee reports were good and the treasurer's report was encouraging, the debt as sumed by the club for remodeling the | rooms is fast disappearing through the | united efforts of the club's members. | Miss Anna Trentham, home demon- j stration agent, made i> motion that] the club ask the Kiwanis club and the chamber of commerce to assist it in petitioning the City Fathers for a sanitary market for j>ur people and this was passed unanimously. The civic committee Was asked to see if there could be any means found 1 v, hereby the people could find out' whete fires are as there are times 1 wh« 1 the department needs the as-; sisti .nee of the citizens. Tie program was under the super vise n of the Good Citizenship de partment, Mrs. T. W. Loe, chairman. She had arranged a very instructive proj ram, having for her subject, "Co inty Government". She was as sist! d by Mrs. L 11. Harrison and 1 Mrs, Henry D. Harrison in giving] the tteven recommendations made by; | the commission appointed by the Governor to remedy county govern-! mer t. Mrs. Lee had gone to the county j offlc als and was able to tell the club the status of our government and how theie remedies would affect it I.■ club had as its guests two members of the Woman's club of Wiidsor, Mrs. C. J. Rhea and Mrs. C. J. Sawyer. Aid Storage Building to Tobacco Plant Here 'lie W. I. Skinner Co. began the erejtion of- a building last wee|t at its tobacco plant here. A ! large number of brick masons and j carpenters are at work on the struc-! tur« this week. The building, which will be 96 x 117 feet, has a Storage ! capacity of 1,000 hogsheads of tobac co. It will be a one-story metal struc ture, and connects with the main plant. r. Skinner, who is here this week, sajs with the present business out lo4c they were forced to have in ceased storage room to handle suc cessfully the business increase this yV»r. Mr. Jim King, a second part n/r in the firm, comes from the Wash ington Tobacco Co. This makes a arong team of tobacco experts. I The company will have buyer* on liveral markets this year and also j jontracts to dry tobacco for several j jt Che large buyers in this section. /Home Department t Meet Next Thursday The home department of the Wil liamston Woman's Club, Mias Anna Trentham, departmental chairman, will meet Thursday, March J7, at 4 p. m., in the club rooms. "Vegetable a«j Flower Gardens," will be the subject for study at this meeting. Smithfield Guards Play Town Team Tonight The Smibhfleld National Guards come here tonight to do battle with the local tomcats in the last basket ball game of the season. The champ ionship title of Eastern Carolina's in dependent teams is the goal for both teams, and the best as well as the last game of the season la expected. - Two games have been played by these two quints this season, and each has won one. In each case the win was registered with a three point margin over the losers. f -y Poultry Car To j Be at Depot\All Day Thursday * . -J I The second poultry car of the year will arrive st the A. C. L. station this week ready for the loading of hens, roosters, ducks, guineas, geese, and broilers. The rar will received poultry from 11 a. m. to 6p. m. Thursday. From here the car goes to Hobgood and Scotland Neck. Prices will be a bout the same as those paid last f week when a car was here. The bureau of markets, in con nection with the county farm and home demonstration agents, ar ranges the schedules for these / cars, and the dates are so fixed that the farmers are able to cull their flocks and do away with the "boarding" stock. Town Demurs Against Suit Judge Nunn to Pass on Validity of Demurrer Here Next Week City Attorney Robert I'. Coburn fi'ed"a demurrer to the action brought by Mrs. Lucy Modlin, administratrix, against the town of Williamston last Saturday morning with the clerk of the court, R. J. Peel. The suit, amounting of $15,000, wus brought by the plaintiff's attorney, B. A. Critcher, in January, as a result of the death of Ruth M. Modlin. The child was killed by a halting plank used >by painters on the clock towei last August. The defense in filing the demurrer states that the painting of the city hull Was a governmental function, for which a private action for damages resulting therefrom would not lie in favor of the plaintiff. Judge Nunn will pass on the va lidity of the demurrer next week. If he should pass favorably for the defendant on the question, it will then lie within the discretion of the plain tiffs attorney as to whether the case will be fought out in court or not. Ixical High School Boys Win While Girls U>se The local boys continued their win ning streak in basketball last Friday night when they won over Windsor High School at Windsor, 7-4, one of j the smallest scores of the season. At times in the game the Windsor lads : were leading by a point margin, but in the last 45 seconds of play the lo cals put the game on ice when they threw two field goats in quick suc cession. Coach Phillips stated the game outclassed any he had seen in years. While the boys won by a small mar gin, the Williamston girls dropped a game to Coleraine at Windsor, 16-8. At the end of the first half the locals were leading, 6-2; and during the first periods they played one of the beat games of the soason. In the last part of the game, the Coleraine forces were ( bided by substitutes and came from behind to win 16-8. The two teams journey to Pantego tomorrow night, completing their sea son there with the Pantego boys and itelliaven girls. Shoulder Broken in Fall from Wagon Mr. James 15. Harrison fell from a loaded with wood Monday and the vehicle ran over his shoulder, breaking it. Doctors Warren and Saunders found that the brink was in the shoulder blade and that the main bones of the shoulder were not .broken. He was also otherwise bruised by the wheels passing over his back. Mr. Harrison was alofffc when the accident occurred and was unable to get back in the wagon QX-tp get to bis home, which was about 400 yard? away, for more than ah hour. Violates School Law; Judgment Suspended Before 'Squire Edmondson in Ham ilton last Saturday morning, at 10 o'- clock, a case against 'fom Wells, charging him with a violation of the compulsory school law was heard. Judgment in the case fcas suspended when Mr. Wells agreed and promised to send his children, two of whom are within the compulsory school attend ance age limit to school. The case was brought by school au thorities, and Mr. Wells offered pov erty as a cause for his children not attending school. -4t Is understood the welfare officer Is making investigations in several similar opes in the county, and un less the parents require attendance action will b« brought through the court*. v Down the Potomac IB ' ■-■? often now you will read of the Paaaident, Mrs. Cootidge and tritmda being aboard the "May- ■ fcwer" on week-end vacations. H*m ia tite start of the first cruise, a* the "Mayflower" faced south, Maach h. Exposition Has Good Program April 4-8 Date Set for Eastern Carolina's Big Event The Has tern Carolinu Exposition will be held at Hooky Mount April 4-8. This exposition is the product of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, which has hold expositions in a number of the eastern Carolina towns. The purpose is to present Eastern North Carolina to the world by showing it and its opportunities and products No section has neglect ed itself longer than lias this particu lar territory, an«i others discovered us even sooner than we did ourselves. Now that N. (1. Bartlett has found> eastern North Carolina and shown it its own photograph, it is looking out I on its possibilities. The exposition, according to the pro gram recently sent out by Mr. Hart lett, will be one of the best programs ever presented at any of the frirmer expositions. The queen's contest will of course command the "interest of everybody, at, least it always has. The musical program will be one of the finest ever presented in this section. Governor j McLean will speak Monday, April 4, at 8.30. On Thursday night, Sir Fred erick' McGill, of Ixnidon, will speak. Among the many musical attrac-! tions, Martinelli, the gerat tenor, will 1 appear on Monday night, and Luella Melius will sing Tuesday night. Tut Up Stacks Again at Local Power Plant The smoke stacks at the light plant were misod last week, the second of the two going up Friday. Mr. W. H.I Dickerson, of Wilson, with his crew| and rigging arrived last week andj started immediately on the huge task. | The stacks had to be Removed to a) position where they could be -mended I and straightened out, and yesterday j the first one was occupying its old po-1 iifion. According to the contract, the Wil-| son man is to get S3OO, that amount, covering the mending, replacing, and| painting of the stacks, whicfy we]s blown down during the storifl last Wednesday morning. Mr. Dickerson, after examining the; anchorage of the stacks, stated that liud the anchors not pulled out of the' ground the wind would have twisted i the tops of the stacks off. i . Knocked Unconscious Returning from Funeral Mrs. Henry Perry, while returning frcm her daughter's funeral last Sun- j day afternoon, was knocked scious when.a truck in which she was! riding ran into the and threw her out. She was brought to a local drug store and at first it was thought she was seriously injured. After she had regained consciousness and re covered from her fright it was learned that her injuries were almost negli gible. The truck, bringing a large number f/om the funeral, turned to the skle of the road for a car to pass, and in doing so it want Into the ditch. Mrs. Perry Uvea in Poplar Point and was in the .Sandy Ridge section when the accident occurred. Advertisers Will Find Onr C®l nmns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Final Rites for.H.M.Poe Held Sunday Body Placed to Rest in VVeldon, I Soy hood Home of Deceased Funeral services of Mr. Herbert M. l'oe were held ut his late home in Rocky Mount Sunday afternoon, with Rev. C. K. Proctor, of the First Meth odist Church, in charge, assisted by Rev. Willard Conifer, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, and Kev. J. M. Daniels, pastor of the First Methodist Church, of Goldsboro. Ma sonic and Knight Templar services were conducted by R. C. Dunn, of En field. Following the services at the home in Rocky Mount, the funeral cortege left for Weldon, the childhood homo of .Mr. Poe, where final rites and in [ torment took place. I N'ews of Mr. Poe's death reached here last Friday afternoon and caused j a great shock in the community among I his many frieivds. An attack of pneu | monia, lasting only two days, resulted 'in his death. • Hanking high in Masonic circles, Mr. | I'o.e had made many friends in sever lal organizations. He was secretary of I the Seaside Division of the Brother- ■ | hood of Locomotive Engineers. For I three years he successfully managed the Roanoke Fair here, and during that time he had made -a large host •of friends. Surving Mr. I'oe, who was nlxiut 4(1 years of age, are his wijlikw; three children, Alice Virginia, Hugh and Nancy f*oe; and his mother, Mrs. Virginia Poe, of VVeldon. In ad dition he leaves an unusually large host of friends throughout eastern Carolina, particularly in railroad and Masonic circles. Strand Offers Varied Program This Week The Strand theatre is offering a most varied program this week. Last night "Tin Hats" was on, a comedy i based on the Army of Occupation. Tonight, a very good picture, Marie Prrvost tin "For Wives Only", is scheduled. Tomorrow, Fred Thompson ii "The. 'l'wo (lun Man", Hubert Kawlinson fn "Trooper 77" and a comedy, l.oyd Hamilton in "Hooked" make up the program. Dunbar's musical recu" starts a three-day run here on Thursday. The show cairies a chorus of six girls, and has enjoyed a good patronage in the towns it has played this season. Then on the same night, Monte Blue will appear in "The Limited a splendid picture and one local theatre . goers will enjoy. , . j The program for the remainder of , the week is good and will be announc 'ed in the box run regulary by the | theatre. Last night in Robersonviljc a crowd ed .the first performance of I Dunbar's musical revue. Reports from j that town state that it was unusually j good, and that an even larger attend ance was expected for tonight's per | formance, Episcopalians to Hold Special Prayer Services In preparation for the evangelistic services to be conducted in the F.pis | copal Church, beginning March 27, i there will be several special prayer j services held in different sections of i the town next week, j On Tuesday, March 22, the women I of the parish will meet at the home j of Mrs. F. U. Barnes, Church Street. | All the women of the church are j urged to attend and any others Who ! are interested will' be cordially wel- I coined. ! On Wednesday, March 23, the pray er will be helt} in the home of Mrs. "Fannie Carstarphen on Main tSreet. ' On Thursday, March 24, the prayer ; service will be in the home of Mrs. I Irene Smith, Watts Street. The meetings will be held at 3.30 [ in the afternoon and last until 4 o'- I clock. All are requested to attend the 1 meeting 'nearest their homo if they ! find it impossible to attend all the ! meetings. I On Friday, March 25, the United Thank Offering will be received at the service of the Holy Communion, whifh 1 will be celebrated at 10.30 Friday morning. This day is the feast of the I Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin : Mary and is celebrated each yqar. Collision on Main Street Saturday , v j A Ford touring car driven by Miss Mae Dell Wynne, of Everetts, atid another Ford touring car driven by James Henry Speight, colored, of Wil son, collided mt the corner of Main and Haughton Streets last Saturday afternoon. While the occupants of both cam escaped injury, the Speight ear was badly wrecked.

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