Entertainments Chib MMttip Buicnnti Wedding. , Etc. Mrs. Frank Newheiser, of Richmond, spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning. She re turned home this morning. Jimmie Harrell of the State college is spending the week end with his aunt, Mrs. L. B. Harrison. • • . Mrs. S. S. Lawrence and children, Daisy Manning and Simon Jr., who have been visiting her parents left lor their home at Richmond this morning. They will spend the remaind er of this month there and then move to Wilson where Mr. Lawrence has accepted the cashiership of the Branch Banking and Trust company. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lamb, of Wil ton, spent a few hours here on Wed r.etday visiting relatives and friends. K. B. Crawford left this morning for Georgia where he will de special agent's work for the Hartford Fire Insurance company. Mr. Crawford will be away from home several weeks. Miss Anna Crawford and M. Stubbs are visiting Miss Mllttred Purvis in Kittrell for several days. Mrs. Ned Laughinghouse and Mrs. C. H. Montgomery visited Miss Eliza Laughinghouse in Greenville Wednes day. Mrs. Ralph Parker of Dunn is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Harrison at their home on Haughton siireet. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson left Wednesday for i/ouisburg from which place they will motor to Southern Fines to visit Mr. Atwood Newell who is there recuperating from a severe ease of pneumonia. > NOTICE OF SALE Under aiwi by virtu* of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the lOih day of November, 1923, by L. D. Roebuck and wife, Hannah Roebuck, and of record in the public registry of Martin Coun ty in Book N-2 at page 417, said deed of trust being given to secure the payment of certain notes of even date i>nd tenor therewith, and the stipula tions in said deed of Trust not hav ing been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on the 28th day of March, 1927, at 12 o'clock M., ut the Courthouse Door in the Town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at pub lic auction the following described tracts of land, to-wit: First Tract: Adjoining the lands of J. H. Bryan, W. A. Nelson, E. C. Speight, Manuch, N. O. VanNortwick, J. O. Andrews, and school house lot in I'armele and being the place where on L. D. Roebuck and wife now re side formerly owned by D. S. Powell and b6ing the-first tract described in deed from D. S. Powell and wife to 1. D. Roebuck. Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of John Mayo, D. D. Overton, and on the West side of the public road lead ing from W. A. Jenkins home to Bethel road, containing fifty (60) acres, more or leas. The above two tracts of land being the same land de&cribed in deed of trust from L. I). Roebuck to J. A. Micelle, trustee for D. S. Powell dat ed November 2nd, 1918 and recorded in the public registry of Martin Coun ty in Book Q-l at page 387. This the 28th day of February, 1927. ELBERT 3. PEEL, m4-4t Trustee. Robert L Coburn, Attorney. SASH —DOORS —GLASS HOLLAND & BEAM ON Distributors SUFFOLK —l_ VIRGINIA FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMER DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I have bought the undertaking establishment! formerly owned by Mr. F. L. Edwards, and have secured the services of Mr. Harper Holliday, an expert funeral director and licensed embalmer. Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. Courtney WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day Phone 155 ' Night Phone 44 *== ' 1 ' . . ' gq*^™——————*?—■■*— -. __ GOOD IRISH POTATOES AT_ YOUR OWN PRICE I , One-half carload good eating potatoes to be sold at once. Come in and get quotations and look at the quality. A Real Bargain. \ I Call, Write or See . . p. p. STALLS, WILLI AM STON, N. C. | Society &P Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Lee returned from Rose Hill today where they have teen for the week. Mr. Lee dedicated the new Rose Hill Methodist church v/hile there. Mrs. C. H. Montgomery of Hunting ton Park, California is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ned Laughinghouse at her home on Smithwick street. Among those of the local school who attended the basketball game in Bel haven Wednesday were Frances Wil liams, Ruth Peel, Mary Alice Dun ning, Mary Carstarphen, Dorothy Modlin, Elsie Andrews, Josephine Harrison, Neal Roebuck, Haael Ed mondson and Misses Orpah Steed and Norma Ramsey. Friends tT Mrs. J. W. Watts, Sr. will be gald to learn is im proving after a severe attack ox in liuenia at her home in New Town. Miss Catherine Lee returned to her heme in Norfolk yesterday after . pending several days with Miss Dora Mae stalls. She was accompanied to Aulander by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward ; nl Miss Dora Mae Stalls. Miss Orpah Steed will spend the week end at her horn? in Richlands with her parents. Mr. Pete Doub, of Rocky Mount was ' a business visitor here yester day. Mr. C. T. Roberson of route 4 was a business visitor here yesterday. D. R. Mizelle, subscriber of The Enterprise for 25 years, visited our ttice Wednesday and renewed hisr subscription. Mr. Mizelle lives near Jamesville on route number 1. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator Tf the estate of E. H. Tayior, all persons holding ciaims * against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the sae to the undersigned for payment on or before the 17th day of February, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted' to said estate are re quested to make immediate settlemen of same. , This 17th day of February, 1927. H. D. TAYLOR, !18 tftw Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE L'nder and by virtue of an order of Xhe superior court of Martin County made in the special proceedings en titled "F. A. Taylor, administrator of 1. T. Taylor, vs. F. A. Taylor, Palmer Taylor, and Gladys Taylor," the un dersigned commissioner will, on the 4th day of April, 1927, offer for pub lic sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door of Martin County, the following land: That tract of land on which the said F. B. Taylor now lives, known as-one half share of the Pender land, ad joining: the lands of the late John A. Purvis, William S. Everett, Mollie S'mith, and others. Containing: 133 acres, more or less. Also one tract beginning at a stump, Edmondson's corner, in Hates Branch, and running S. to a cedar; thence W. to a stake pine and oak; thence W. to Bates Branch; thence up* aaid Branch to the first station. Containing 22 acres, more or less. This the 2Hth day of February, 1927. B. A. CRITCHER, m 4 4tw Commissioner. PHONE Anything for This Department To 46 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Harrison expect to spend Stinday in Louisburg with their daughter, Miss Evelyn Harrison, at the college there. The Rev. C. O. Pardo, Rector of the Church of the Advent, Mrs. Pardo and Jimmic, who have been the rooiif quests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hassell for the past three months, moved into the removed and ronovated rectory Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. George Biggs, of Fayetteville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stanley. Professors J. L Jones and S. E. Kiaer of aJmesville were in town yes terday afternoon. CHRISTIAN PHILATHEAS MEET WITH MIS BLEGGETT The Philathea class of the Christian church held its regular monthly meet ing with Miss Maude Leggett at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. O. Man ning on Simpions avenue last week. Alter the business session the hostess served a delicious salad course. The ne*t meeting of the class will be with Miss Martha Harrison. FOR SALE: 200 VIRGINIA BUNCH seed Peanuts.—Jno. W. Green, mBSt Williamston, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under! and by virtue-of a power of salo! contained in that certain deed of trus; executed by John Hill and wife, Lela 1 Hill, to the undersigned Trustee and bearing date of December 11th 1922, | and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book N-2, at page 329, said deed of trust having boen given to secure the payment of j m certain note of even date and tenor I therewith, and default having been 1 made in the payment of said note and , the terms and conditions in said deed of trust oot having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said note the undersigned Trustee will, on Monday the 18th day of April 1927, at 12 o'clock M., -at the Court house Door of Martin County, at Wil liamston, N. C., offer at public sale ML, 1 Anhvjri ROCKY MOUNT MARBLE WORKS Marble and Granite Monumenta R. S. COREY Representative—Route 4, Williamson i Don't wait longer neighbor! JJilsjgsF T his week order Swift's Red - Steer, the right fertilizer Why wait longer, neighbor? help you select the right arml- You know that the right kind y g j s un ,| the right amount of of fertilizer will give you Swift's Red Steer Fertilizer laa-ger yield of tobacco. You to make you the most profit, know Swift's Red Steer Fer tilizers are made right. Let ' recommend Swift's Red me fix up your order this Steer Special Tobacco Grow week. crs ' *"8-4. Because of its high I know the successfuf to- ' can save you real bacco growers in your locali- money on this fertilizer. You ty. J know the kind and a- Ket thf> benefit of lower costs mount of fertilizers they use. for freight, lajipr and bagging I know what our Agricultural Come in this week and let's College recommends. I can talk this over. James L. Coltrain Authorized Swift Agent R- F. I). Jantesville, N. C. ~r ... \ 188 SNTBKPBJSK—WILLIAMSTON. N. C to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Being in Croaa Roads Township, Martin County, adjoining: Ernest, Chance et als. Beginning at an oak Harmon Coffields and Joe .Joyner's corner, thence Easterly -with Eli Tiwmpson's line 517 to a stake, thence southwesterly course with Clark's and Chance line 451 yards to a pine, thence a northwesterly course 792 yards to tbd beginning, contain in? 12 acres, more or less. This 15th day of March, 1927. S. b. BKOWN, malß-4t Trustee, j A. R. Dunning, attorney. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. To Martin & Fowden, and to any and all other persons who may be in terested : You are hereby notified that I bought one residence anil lot listed in Williamston Township by Martin & Fowden, occupied by Robert Ever ett, at a sheriff's sale June 7th, 1926, for the taxes due on sani > for the year 1925; That certificate of said sale was is sued to me by H. T. Roberson, sher iff; And will take further notice that if said certificate is not redeem ed as provided by law, 1 shall demand a deed for the said property at the expiration of one year after its date cf June 7, 1926. February 14, 1927. fls 4tw J. W. WATTS. NOTICE OF SALE OF SK( URITIES Under ami by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain collat eral note executed to the undersigned by Beverly G. Moss, on the sth day of October, 1926, and in execution of the power of sale contained in the said ■ INDIGESTION North Carolina Lady Say* SIM Had An Awful Tine With Indifutioo, Till She Took Black-Draofht. Pilot Mountain, N. C.—"For sever al years I suffered with a bad case of chronic indigestion," says Mrs. Sam C. Inman, of place. "I had bad spells with my stomach. At times I had severe p ains in my right side. My stomach would get upset and I would have an awful time. It seemed like everything 1 ate disagreed with me. I was in pretty baa shape. "My husband had been using Thod ford's Black-Draught for some time for indigestion. He had spells of it too, so he mymested that I try Black-Draught I took some from his box, just to see if it would help ma, and I found it was the very thing for my trouble. It did roe a great deal of good. My condition was brought on by a chronic caso of constipation and, by getting relief from this, 1 found ray general health was much better. "We koep Black-Draught in the house all the time. Whenever I find I need it, I tako H, veral doses and thus avert a bad spell of in digestion It in a splendid medicine and I am glad to say so." v> Sold everywhere. N C ;;, I note, the undersigned will on the 23rd ! day of March, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., 1 ; Urvfront of the courthouse door in, : • the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder ■ for cash the following described property >« wit: Certificate No. 5 for 10 shares in 1 tJie Moss Planing Mill Co., of Wash ington, North Carolina. Certificate No. 24 for, 10 shares in the Moss Planing Mill Co., of Wash | ington, North Carolina. , This the 2nd day of March, 1927. PLANTERS & MERCHANTS BANK, I jm4 8 11 16 28 Owner of note. | Elbert S. Peel, attorney. SALE OF KEAL .PROPERTY Vnder and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the undersign ed by that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by W. T. Pierce ami Bessie B. Pierce, his wife, dated March 13, 1923, and duly recorded in the Mar tin County Public Registry in Book R-2, Page 397, default having been trade in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, the undersign ed will, on Monday, March 21, 1927, ■ jL ITV. BW-P*) V HE KNOWS! The man with the hoe knows where to .uo for good-seed. He conies here, of course FRESH SEED For Field or Garden C / NOW READY Clark's Drug Store world's largest producer of gearshift . _ , tfllCkS* Jbr Ceonomical Tramportoliom With Its powerful valve-in-head motor /JTIT'IaWTTWI4If/ —now equipped with AC oil filter and /jrfL'l afiiijf -Wf AC air cleaner; with a 6-inch channel liiPWSf steel frame, super-rugged rear axle and these modern 3-speed transmission, recently improved—it is praised by users every- Low Prices I where as the greatest commercial car l*Ton Truck $/ QA value of all time. » , r TrIT Only the economies of tremendous $ volume production make possible such Cab and Chasaia 610 super quality at Chevrolet s low prices. i-Ton Truck $ 495 Come in and see the truck that has won wTon Truck worldwide leadership. Learn why it has given such supreme satisfaction to so k «u W «,„ lh «. to ., d « p> many users of every type —big fleet 1 chevroiet-sdeHveredpHcsin operators and individual owners. fi^l^'^'r^ef"'.vlu.bu! HARRIS PEEL MOTOR CO. MOTOR CO \ ■ '* \ ! N. C. Williamston, N. C. QUALITY AT LOW COST between the hours of 12 o'clock M,' and 12:30 o'clock P. M. at the Court House door of Martin County, In' Wiliiamston, North Carolina, sell at : public auction to the highest bidder J for cash, that certain t *piece or parcel of land lyinp and beinj* situate in J Martin County, titate of North Caro line, near the town of Hobgood bound ed as follow*: BEGINNING at a gum in Cypress Swamp, J. G. Staton's corner, then up lauding from Hobgood to Oak City, then down said Road west to Alice I Hilliard's corner, then down said HiK 1 "MAKE GRASS GROW WHERE IT NEVER GREW BEFORE." This year you can have the kind of lawn ; you have always wanted. Beautiful tiowfl's and shrubbery will also be yours if you apply VIGORO, the new specially prepared plant food. There is nothing else lil\e Vigoro Easy to apply and free from any objection able odor. VIGORO is a scientifically formu lated plantfood. It gives your grass, flowers, shrubbery, trees, and garden plants the necessary nourish- I ments in just the right pro- ( Y~— portion to produce the maxi- vH'ir, . , " . . . SMHI BHIH* j mum growth and beauty. . \ \ ORDER VIGORO TODAY J l For Sale by i Harrison Who I liard's and I. M. Parker's lines to the j Cypress Swamp, then down said Cy | press Swamp to the beginning, con ; tainwig 125 acres, more or less, and bfing the identical piece "or parcel of I land conveyed to the said W. T. Pierce by said B. F. Shelton, Trustee, by a deed duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Martin County in Book 0-2, Pane 166, to which reference is hereby made as a part of this instrument. , This February 14, 1927. B. F. SHELTON. 2-l«-4t Mortgagee.