iffij i After 501>to 600 Mile Run, Have Yo ® »Texaco Golden Motor Oil % tjf THE WORLD'S BEST * JjjJn Do This to Save Your Motor and to Save Your Time and Money \(js fl You Owe It to Yourself to Know the Facts About Texaco! (J Geo* and Gus Harrison Know Oil I HARRISON OIL COMPANY | Robersonville School Honor Koli Past Month It is with great interest, tiiat we nuU' new names upon the honor roll (or the, month ending March 5. How-j ever interested we may be to see im provement, we are not forgetful ofi those who month after month win this coveted distinction. The following are students' whose scholarship, deport ment, and attendance average ninety j er cent or more: First grade: Ivey Whitehutvt, Nfew . J. L. William.-i, Claude Gr/ene, Car Adam#, JVlinnie Everett, Gladys Everett, Henry I>. Whitfield, Ronald Ross Johnson, \cru l'owcli,! Julian Koebuek, Jesse,Glynn Cannon, Janie Everett, James Gray, Irma Kogerson, Frances \an NorLv. Uk, Grace Everett, Essie Kuth Roebuck. , Second grade: Carl ijdward Nor-; man, Frances Ward, Edith Wilson Sumner, Emetine Roberon, Christine. Roberson, Magdalene Raw Is, Virginia Smith, Mary Frances Stalls, Joseph Lrake Roberson, Bergie Glynn Bailey. Third grade, Evelyn Sumner, Cleo James, Janie Everett, Louise Blount, Marjorie Edmondson, Alice Hunting,! Margaret House, Nolie Keel High sinith, Doris Thomas, Gary D. Moore,' Russell Taylor. Fourth grade: Stuart Jones Ward, Clifton Everett, Simon Woolurd, I'hilip Keel, Hoke Roberson, Theresa | Rogers, Geraldine Cox, Chloe Rober-1 son. .... ..J Fifth grade: Margaret Norman,] Randolph Chandler, Walter Elliott Ward, Elizabeth Keel, Lovie Louise' llawls. Sixth grade: Hatti* IVUe Bullock, Mary Everett, Ma/jori/ Gurganus, lrma Fae House, Bailey, Fauine Whitfield, Russel Oakley. Seventh grade: Emily Roberson, Sel nia Gurganus. Selma James, Hazel James, Magaleen Bunting, Curtis Smith. Eigth grade: Christine Taylor, NLrownle Roberson. grade: Magnolia lioberson. Eleventh grade: Thuiston Weaver. Music department: Margaret Nor-j man, Mary Johnson, Fllu Staton Gur-, ganus, Christine Taylor, Margaret Moore Everett, Mary K. Robertson, T+aZPt JaTTTTFr KTrrrly" Robers'on.- Home economics department: Mag nolia r^iim. Brownie Roberson, Mary Johnson, Christine Taylor, Beatrice Stalls. MANY SPECIAL GUESTS AT KIWANIS LUNCHEON HERE Many'special quests were in attend ance at the KiwaiUß meeting here) Inst Wednesday. Among them were, Carl Goerch and Lindsay Warren, of Washington, Francis D. Winston and j S. W. Kenney, jr., of Windsor, A. Corey, E. H. Ange, L. W. Mizclle and K. 0. Martin, M Jamesvillf 1 , P. Peel, of Grifflns, W. F. Haislip, of Hamilton, H. S. Everett, 1. H. Johnson and J. W. Hines of Oak City. The guests of the occasion were invited in honor of Judge Clayton JOHNSON'S KLEEN FLOOR ' f ' i Johnson's Kleen Floor will keep finish ed floors in perfect condition; regardless of how they are finished. It will remove spots, stains, discolorations and water marks without injuring l the finish in the slightest, and prepares the wood for a new coating 1 of finish. i Half-pint $ .25 Pint .• -- .40 Quart 1 75 Half-gallon » * 1.25 Gallon ; i. .. 2.20 Let us send you a half pint. Guaranteed to remove spots, stains, dirt and grime. B.S. COURTNEY WiUiamnton, N. C Returns From Meeting of Chevrolet Dealers The Chevrolet Motor Co. is prepur-! ■ng Tor tin* greatest >' La '' 1,1 ' ca lory, according to Mr. L.^ 1' ■ Hurris, of liobevsfftvilh ■, who has jfetumcd from; ( wli iv lie attended the Carolina convention ot niofe than (00; Chevrolet dj meeting was the/fourteenth til a series of 21 meot irigs liiut art- to be held this winter fioni coast to coast. !.in.hu.-ii.aani ov.tr .tiu* Chevrolet out look for-the yeai uml the wide-spread popularity of cars WHS evident every where. Dealers from all quart,' rs of j the .State joined in the opinion that 1 the current year will nurpusn IMB6, v, hen Chevrolet established* a record j in this territory, WANTS '1 WO KOI R-JiOOM HOI.SHS FOR, ' rent. S-e VV. H. Wynn, William-, mtou. inl& 4tpil, j FOR SAIJE; TWO SOWS AND I'KJS.j I 4 plows and 1 mule. W. M. Micelle j : J tur.esville, N. C. 3. C. -Meekin«, Jr. M. W. Meckiiix Meekinsand Meekins ATTORNEYS AT LAW WASHINGTON, N. C. State and Federal Courts JOS. w. BAIttEY ATTOKNEV AT LAW WILLI A MSTON, N. C. Office- Lower Floor Old Farmers & Merchants Hank liuildiiiK Hours: | 9:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.—Phone 87 Other Hours Kveretts, N. C. ! ("h Residence Telephone, 2803 tf NOTICE FOR TAX DEED I To K. M. MeCowan, Adm., J. H. Me Cowan, or to any other person or persons interested in the following J. land: - j . | You will take notice that M. S • Moore, tax collector for the town of Williams-ton, N. C., Bold at the eourt- 666 is a Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Germs I DR. W. L. DAVIS EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Bell Jewelry Co. | W ASHINGTON, N. C. louse door of Martin County on the, I Liwl day of AUgust, 1926, one lot on ■ Main Street, listvd by J' B. McGoMjan, . tor taxes 1 i»25 and at said sale 1 was tut- highest bidder for said land, and tl.e said M« S. Moore, tax collector, issued me a certificate for said sale. ou will further take notice here under that unless you redeem said cer tificate, 1 shall demand a deed for the . aid land on or after August 2nd i!U27. February 21st, 1927. mrl 4tw Mrs. NANNIE ROGERSON. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under mid by virtue of a power of sale eon-1 tuined in that certain deed of trust executed, by lien IJ. Biggs and wife,' Bessie Biggs, to the undersigned trus 'te and bearing date of January Bth,, U>24, and of record in ths public reg isliy of Martin County in book Q-2, at page 0, said deed of trust having !);'>n given lo secure the payment of a i rtain note of even date and tenor ti.e.ewith, and default having been i laiie in the payment of said note, and the terms and conditions in said i.i e I of trust not having been .com piled with, and at the request of thej holer of said note, the undersigned; trunt.ee will, on Monday, the 11th day! of April, 1927, at 12 o'clock m„ at thej i-'Uithouse door of Martin County, at' Williamston, N. C., offer at public ale to the highest bidder for cash, the 1 'Mowing described real estate, to wit: Beginning on the Williamston and 1 Washington road at the bridge below the old Rawls or Pefl Mill; thence N. 17 i-4 E. 24 polos up the Williamston :>hl Washington road; thence N. 19 1 2 W. 2.1 1-2 poles up said roan to an iron stob or stake, thence N. 77 ' JJB. HO poles to an iron axje; thence N. St 1-2 E. 80 poles to a f>d"4; thence S. 11 1-2 W. 42 2-3 poles to a black gum in a branch; thence S. 15 1-2 W. about 68 poles to the Mill Hun; thence up (he various courses of said run to The CI lain Store with the Personal Contact Leadership in Values Gold Star Store 223 Washington Street —I'hone 157 (oil lin lies to lead the way in Daily Savings. Everyone of our Prices Carries with it a Heal Value Opportunity. BLACK KYi: PEAS, can 15c | SWISS-BRICK CHEESE, lb 27c MOTHER'S COCOA, 2 lb. can 25c NUT PRODUCT FOR COOKING, 1b... 27c i ___________ | NORVA PEANUT BUTTER, lb .... 25c | CAMPBELL'S PORK BEANS, 3 for 25c MEAT, 1b..... , 1.:..,.. 17c | I. X. L. CORN, can 10c ■ GOLD STAR COFFEE, Pound 43c | SUGAR, per lb. 6 l-2c DIAMOND SNAP BEANS, can 11c | Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Eggs & Chickens V THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. . . f the bridge, the beginning, containing seventy-five (75) acres, more or less,i and being the identical tract of land conveyed to Clayton Moore by James Biggs and wife, Tamer Biggs, by deed dated December 4, 1916, which is of record in the public registry of Mai-, tin County in book L-l, at page 261, to which said deed reference is hereby | made for a more accurate description.; This Bt*h da.y of March, 1927. , A. R. DUNNING, j tnrll 4tw Trustee. I NOTICE OF SALE OF KEAL ES TATE . Under and by virtue of the power i of sale contained in a certain deed of ! trust executed to the undersigne' trustee by John E. Mizelle, Arthui Mizelle, and Lucy Mizell on the 23rd i day of March, 1925 ,and of record in .he public lit. iy of Martin County in book S-2, a' page 52, said deed of trust having been given for the pui pose of securing one note of even date njid tenor therewith, and default ha\ ing been made in the payment o: the said note and the stipulations , con U.ined in the said deed of trust not 1 s'.vin:; been complied with, and at the. J request of the holder of the said note, ilu undersigned trustee will on ! lurs | day ,the 24th day of March, 1927, at j o'clock m., in.front of the Planters j I & Merchants Hunk, in the town ofj Everett®, North Carolina, offer .for ! sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to wit; Beginning in Hear Grass Swamp at j load in the coiner of Caleb Mizell kind, thence doi'Tl wfc ' aid swamp a i west course to Aaron Mizell corner, i thence « northerly course along Aaron i Mizell line to Jordan Mizell c4*ner, ' thence in the same direction to Wil li ham Wynn line, thrnee down said line ■ to the public road in Caleb Mizell line ;i thence down the roa ! to the begin , ning, containing by estimation (66) 1 sixty-six acres, and of i*ecord in , lar i tin Couiuy public i eglstryinbook ! NN, page 250, also 2-3 interest in one other tract, containing 80 acres ad-| I joining A. W. Bailey and others, a !' full description of which can be found , iin book M-2, page 55, of, Martin, i County public registry and known asj I the Wm. Mizell home place, -vhich thej aid Wm. Mizell deeded to John E. j Mizell and his boys, Arthur Mizell andj I Jim G. Mizell. This the 24th day of February, 1927.! V. G. TAYLOR, 1 mrl 4tw ' Trustee. I NOTICE ■ Trustee's Sale of Lands Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed and delivered unto (i. Taylor, trustee, by Jonah Cherry and wife, on the 26th day of Nov., 1 1925, to secure a certain note of even dute and of record in the office of the j ■ register of deeds, for Martin County, | in book A, 2, at page 455; and the| si ipulations therein contained notj having'been complied with and upon demand of the owner of said note;j ' the undersigned will, on Saturday,' the 26th day of March, 1927, at ten, " o'clock A. M., in front of the resi-j ! j deijce of the late Jonah Cherry, and •f on the lands hereinafter described, ex- j pose to public sale, to the highest j I bidder, for cash, the following de ' scribed Jands and personal property, j tc-wit: r Tract of lani known as the Noah Tom Leggett place, in Robersonville Township, Martin County and describ t ed in said deed of trust as follows: | 1 One certain tract or parcel of land on » which 1 now live adjoining the lands i r J. H. Roberson, H. T. Brown, Bailey ii and BaTnhill, Sam Congleton and v others and being all of the lands -j 1 ( ught from N. T. Ijeggett. Contain e it-jr JSO acres, more or less. Personal Property One black mare mule; one bay horse ) one Ford touring car, one two-horse - wagon, and one lot of farming imple k ments owned by Jonah Cherry. f NOTICE WILL SELL AT Public Auction _ On the Farm of S. R. COBURN Dardens, N. C. . —— s Monday, March 21st / AT 10:00 A.M. Several Mules and a Large Number of Farming Implements THE FARMING IMPLEMENTS IN- 1 CLUDE 1 MOWING MACHINE, 2 STALK CUTTERS, 2 DISK PLOWS, 2 WAGONS, 3 !? — CARTS AND SEVERAL PLOWS AND CULTIVATORS. ___\ N. C. Agricultural Cor. " _ ROBERT L COBURN, ATTORNEY. 'il'•• f f ; ? This Feb. 23rd, 1927. r G. C. TAYLOR, 2-25-4t Trustee. For Sale 5,000 Bags Seed PEANUTS Peanuts, Bunch, Jumbo small runners and Virginia, at reasonable prices. ( We have 1000 bags of the small runner type recommended by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, as best for seed - this year. Wanted: A two-horse cropper. Slade, Rhodes and Company HAMILTON, N. C. Remember place or sale Is on the j lbnds above described. 1 J. C. Smith, Atty.

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