Teachers Hold Last Meet of School Year (Continued from the first page) and booster speeches. The two-stories told by Oak City pupils was very good. Songs rendered by the homo ~ economics class of the Robersonville soiool met with much approval from the large numbr of teachers and com mitteemen present. There are 75 pu pils in that school registered in the class, and reports on its progress are very encouraging. Professor Overby's vocational-agriculture class offered a demonstration on the use of the rquare. The professor told the meet ing what to expect, and Messrs. Jim mie Brown and Ralph Davenport per formed, showing how to make step stringers ' and figure the pitch of a roof. Miss Annie Harper's health poster project? were, in some way, left from the program. The discussion of school problems By the various committeemen present offered a new feature in the routine cl the teachers' meetings. Representative J. A. Everett stated that should there be any more bonds issued, they should be for the pur pose of building better buildings. He stated that he would not favor the is suing of bonds for any other purpose,! All the schools of the county were praised by Mr. Everett, and lie is very Uglily pleased with the progress made, j Mr. £>. C. Matthews; of Hamilton, stated he was pleased with the prog ress made in his town's school, but at the saijje time it seemed necessary that the compulsory attendance law be enforced in many cases. Mr. Eli Fdmondson, of Hassell, after hearing Sh Matthews, talked along the line of compulsory attendance. He siuted that he favored a part-tim •, if not a full-time welfare officer, to attend to such matters, and that it wasn't the duty of the teachers to see to such Matters. In fact, Mr. Edmondson stated, the teachers had enough to con tend with without adding or expecting them to go out and see that the chil e'en attend school. Mr. J. M. Oakley, committeeman of the Whitley school, stated his greatest problem came when he. tried to get the children of his district to attend school. Mayor Cox, of Robersonvill ■>, and Mr. K. O. Martin, of, Jamesville,. turn ed their discussions, to athletics and offered many suggestions in the way of bringing better,..cooperation in the line of sporis. Several other commit teemen made short talks tpproviug the work of their schools. The leaders of the various groups in ' the reading circle brought the series I of meetings to a close when papers were assigned covering the work of ihe year. The meeting was the last on the scheduled lust. Kobersonville Woman's Club Reviews Work (Continued from the first page) to collect books to add to the library A letter from Miss Tabitha DeVis eonti, chairman of planting in district Ke 15, urged beautification of the, tllWll and iiimmiinii y by planting trees, flowers, and shrubs. One from fill-.. McKee, state president, request ed the club to send in (lie money to pay for the club's quota of federation listories, stating that the books could be .--fild at our convenience. Only eight Uooks of oUf (jUOl'a ii'inain unsold, and the club voted to send to Mrs. Davis, State treasurer, in payment for them. Mrs. Mason, history sale chair man, stated that the histories were not only interesting, but that they were witty and humorous, ami that she hoped the members would pur chase? them. It was discussed and decided that the club would employ Mrs. Anna Grimes of the State Department of Vocational Education to come to the community in the late summer or early autumn and conduct a two-weeks course in home economics for the wo men, both club members anil non-club members and that the tuition for this course would not exceed $1 for the two weeks, or 10 lessons. JOHNSON'S KLEEN FLOOR f Johnson's Kleen Floor will keep finish ed floors in perfect condition, regardless of how they are finished. It will remove spots, stains, discolorations and water marks without injuring the finish in the slightest, and prepares the wood for a new coating of finish. « ~ Half-pint $ .25 Pint....... . 40 Quart 75 Half-gallon ...; 1.25 Gallon 2.20 Let us send you a half pint. Guaranteed to remove spots, stains, dirt and grime. B. S. COURTNEY Williamston, N. C. jry-fr • v * ViA ; The nominating committee, Mrs. dated December 4, 1916, which is of Cox, chairman, submitted the follow- record in the public registry of Mar ing report: tin County in book L-l, at page 261, Mrs. C. L. Wilson, president; Mrs. to which said deed reference is hereby \V. R. Jenkins, vice president; Mrs. R. made for a more accurate description K. Adkins,Secretary; and Mrs. R. L This Bth day of March, 1927. • Smith, treasurer. They recommended A. R. DUNNING, that the duties of corresponding sec retary be performed by the president ant 1 general secretary. The report of the committee was unanimously a nopted. • By this time 45 minutes had elapsed ! and the chicken and beans were ten- i di r. With the assistance of the home j economics girls and Miss their teacher. Miss Trentham made Sniad of the chicken and the- beans, ane each gues-t was served chicken salad and navy bean . sandwiches, v hieh hal taken less than one hour and fifteen minutes to prepare and Serve. Thanks were extended Miss Trent ham for her demonstration and f> Miss Murray for the use of her rooms. M rs. Wilson, the newly elected president, came forward and expressed lit r appreciation of the honor con fined upon her and requested coop eration and support from the mem bers. The club then adjourned until the second Tuesday in April. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams visit-1 i'l the hospital in Rocky Mount yes- j terday, where their little 8-months-old granddaughter, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Ktallings, of Tarboro, j was operated on for appendicitis re- j cently. NOTICE I OK TAX DEED To K. M. McGowan, Adm., J. I!. Mr Cowan, or to any other person or persons interested in the following land: • , , You will take notice that M. S Moore, tax collector for the town of Williatnston. N. C., sold at the court-J house door of Martin County on thei ■2nd day of August 1926, one lot on Main Street, listed by J. B. MeGowan, I for taxes 1925 and at said sale 1 was the highest bidder for said land, and | the sai I M. S. Moore, tax collector, issued me a certificate for said sale. You- will further take notice here under that unless you redeem said cer-i tifieate, 1 shall demand a deed for the! said land on or after August 2nd i 1927. . February 21st, 1927. mrl 4tw Mrs. NANNIE ROGEIiSON. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under | and by virtue of a power of sale con-j tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Ben D. biggs and wife, | Pessie liiggs, to the undersigned trus tee and bearing date of January Bth, 1924, and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in book Q-2, ut page 6, said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default liaving been riade -»in the payment of said note, and the terms and conditions in said | lifted of trust nul having been com phr»tf with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 11th day of April, 1H27, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, N. : C., offer at public Aiic 'to iy lyriiHit hidili' r for cash, the fallowing described leal estate, to wit: Beginning on the Williamston and U ashington road at the bridge below the old Kawls or l'eel thence N. I'i 14 E. 24 polesup the Williamston Umd Washington road; thence N. 19 ! 1 2 W. 25 1-2 poles up said road to an iron stob or stake, thence N. 77 ! 4 E. 80 poles to an iron axle; thence N. 88 1-2 JO. 80 poles to a post; thence 11 1-2 W. 42 2-3 poles to a black gum in a branch; thence S. 15 1-2 W. about 68 poles to the Mill Run; thence up the various courses of said run to the bridge, the beginning, containing | seventy-five (75) acres, more or less, ! ; ( nd being the identical tract of land conveyed to Clayton Moore by James | liiggs and wife, Tamer Biggs, by deed mrl 1 4tw Trustee. , NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE Under and by virtae of the powe ( of sale contained in, a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigne' trustee by John E. Mizelle, Arthur Mizelle, and Lucy Mizell on the 23rd, day of March, 1925 ,and of record In. the public registry of Martin County [ in book S-2, at page 52, said deed of trust having been given for the pur-| pose of securing one note of even date) and tenor therewith, and default hav I ing been made in the payment of thej said note and the stipulations con | tained in the said deed of trust notj having been complied with, and at thej request of the holder of the said note, i he undersigned trustee will on Thurs- j day ,ths 24th day of March, 1927, at 12 o'clock nr., in front of the Planters; & Merchants bank, in the town o( Everett*, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the j following described real estate, to wit: Beginning in Bear Grass Swamp at road in the corner of Caleb MizelP land, thence down uie said swamp a west /course to Aaron Mizell corner, thenee a northerly course along Aaron Mizell line to Jorda» Mizell corner, thence in the same direction to Wil-j ham Wynn line, thence down said line to the public road in Caleb Mizell line j thence "down the road to the begin-j ning, containing by estimation (66). sixty-six acres, and of record in Mar- ( tin County public registry in book NN, page 250, also 2-3 interest in one: other tract, containing 80 acres ad joining A. W. Bailey and others, a full description of which can be found j in book M-2, page 55, of Martin' County public registry and known asj the Win. Mizell home place, *vlych the ( LOST, (Government note hook between Central filling station and James ville. Finder please re turn to this office and re-! ceive reward. It ANNOUNCEMENT On all monumental work sold directly to customers between now and Saturday night March 26. a discount of 30 per cent from our regular prices will be allowed. In our twen ty-two yeai'S in business this is the greatest reduction that we lmve ever offered the public. ij These special prices on f~\ 4 a work in stock only. Come y fix iTi' *c i /Tij | j jff """" "TT to see us; we may have in ' Jul 1 stock just the memorial IftMMMMfctiMMtaariftkvMMlMMflt you want. We Deliver Without Extra Charge Dees Monument Works GKEENVILLE, N. C. Let Us Enclose Your Cemetery Lot With Iron Fencing—Cheaper Than Wood MAKE YOUR GARDEN THE FINEST IN THE BLOCK There is a great satisfaction in growing the finest garden in your neighborhood. Not only that, but vegetables from your own - garden taste much better than those you buy. Your garden will produce more and better vegetables this year if you apply Vigporo to the soil now. Vigoro i„ a scientifically compounded plant l\ food, i 6 clean, free from unpleasant odor, and VIGORO I oasy apply- This ideal plantfood gives to I garden plants the necessary elements in u»n> | just the right proportion for rapid, beautiful, (AMDINI I ■ 1 and sturdy growth. \ Order Vigoro Today /- \ For Salm By Harrison Wh Co. - • THE ENTERPRISE WILUAMSTON, N. C. .said Wm. Mizell deeded to John E. Mizell and hi» boys, Arthur Mizell and Jfrn G. Mifull. "This the 24th day of February, 1927. j V. G. TAYLOR, mrl 4tw • ' Trustee. _ WANTS! IWO FOUR-ROOM HOUSES FOR rent. See W. H. Wynn, William-: ston. mls 4tpd 1 ~i j IjOR SALE: TWO SOWS AND PIGS,! 4 plows and 1 mule. W. M. Mizelle Jamerville, N. C. J. C. Meekins, Jr. M. W. Meekins Meekins and Meekins ATTORNEYS AT LAW WASHINGTON, N. C. State and Federal Courts i —I JOS. W. BAILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Office Lower Floor Old Farmers & Merchants Bank Building Hours: 9;30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m.—Phone 87 Other Hours Everetts, N. C. fb Residence Telephone, 2803 tf 666 ia a Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Gtnu • FOR SALE: 2110 VIRGINIA BUNCH Heed Peanuts. —Jno. W. Green, i mß3t Williamston, N. C. i \ I LCANIZING TIRES* TUBES , Flexible Balloon Repairs that hold, i It will surprise you how chaep and I duick you can send me a tire by in-, I :;ured parcel post, have it repaired | and get it back. 'city Vulcanizing & Battery Station Luke B. Robertton, Proprietor ll'i Res pass Street, Washington, N. C. JOK SALE. THOROUGHBRED white leghorn eggs; $1 for 10; call either at the residence of E. P. Cun ningham or G. W. Blount & Co. NOTTCIS OF SALE Under and by virtue of the author ! ity oonferred upon me in a certain i deed of trust executed by Charlie ] James on the 7th day of April, 19X9, secure a certain note, the same not J having been paid according to the j terms of said note, I shall offer for | ..ale at public auction at the court ' bouse door in Martin Cousty on Mon day, April 18, $&7, at 12 o'clock, the j lanii described in said deed of trust, jas follows, viz: - \ •Several tracts of land in Jamesville ' Township, Martin County, North Car olina, numbers 7, 9, 10, 12, nad 14, ! a subdivided and survey by the Bur ! ton Bros. Realty Co. for J. G. God afd; said ntsp or plat being of record ' in the public registry of Martin Coun t ty in land division book No. 1, page ' 473. Said tracts of land being a part ' of a tract of land known as the Jones 1 or Norman farm, and more common ly known as the "Tarkel Neck," and J b;.'ing the same land this day cou i vtyed to me by J. G. Godard. This 18th day of March, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, ! iv,22 4tw Trustee. : ... ,1 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue o£.the authori- I t; conferred upon me by a deed of r ti ust executed to me on the 30th day j of October, 1918, by Paymon Gorham, ouly recorded in tin Martin County j record in book page ,to se j iure certain notes, the terms of which j have not been complied with, and at thr request of the holder thereof, I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Martin County, on Monday, tt «■ IKth day of April, 1927, the fol | lowing described land, viz: !" The lands in Williams Towmdjip known as the Jphn Perry land and J. We will Give Away GROCERIES DISHES J m B. S. Courtney _We Invite You To See Our New Spring COATS NOW ON DISPLAY i. • » ... • (V NEW STYLE NEW COLOR ALL SIZES Coats Dresses Suits Hats Lingerie Gloves Hosiery In \ , Accessories " i '' " " ~ ~ * ' v"'" 1 —• ■" • • - ; \ • Compelling Admiration ; • A. t n , " - V- Ci°eations authentic with the Spring mode, yet of a dignity and restraint reflecting, the usual distinctiveness of a Forbes offering. C. Heber Forbes "Exclusive But Not Expengive" - , - ( GRBSN VILLE, N. C — £Z . -" Mr v 4 IPs .1 Kd Williams land, and bounded as fol lows: Alex Brown land on the north; Stanley Smithwick on the east, Betsy Jones land on the south; and the pub lic path leading from the Jones road to Wilti Siding, on the west, contain- - FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMER DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I have bought the undertaking owned by Mr. F. L. Edwards, and have secured the services of Mr. Harper Holliday, an expert funeral director and licensed embalmer. Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. Courtney WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day Phone 155 Night Phone 44 , DRESS I RIGHT Hall-Tate Clothes V . . j It., IJ "j.rr J '-vrn.il Crossett Shoes Aetna Shirts - Trufab Socks ' Etchison Hats Specials in Hardware, Guano, Groceries, and General Merchandise BARNHILL! BROTHERS ing 60 acres, more or less, and being same land this day deeded to Pay ■ mon Gorham by J. G. Godard. This 18th day of March, 1927. J. E. POPE, in 22 4tw ■ Trustee.

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