Watch the Label Oa Your Paper; It Carries the Date Year Subscription Expiree. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 8 Superior Court Finishes Trial Criminal Cases Hollis Found Guilty of Manslaughter is Given Suspended Sentence The superior court concluded the trial of criminal cases Tuesday, since which time the tedious civil processes have thrown everything into slow K»ar, so that every stump, every tree, and every ditch can be described in detail by * -multitude of wiflneesea. The jury in the Joseph Hollis case returned a verdict of guilty of man slaughter after a short deliberation Tuesday. The judgment against him was a fine of SIOO and costs of the case and a four-months suspended sentence. , It will be recalled that Hol lis killed John Keel during an alter cation between the two in Poplar Point Township seveial weeks ago. W. V. Ormond and Mary Hyman, who were chaiged (with forgery, en tered a plea of guilty of ah attempt to defraud. The plea was accepted and Mary Hyman was sentenced to jail for 60 days, judgment being sus pended upon payment of one-half the costs of the ease. Ormond /was fined SIOO and charged with the other half of the coats. * This case was apparently an at tempt by Mary plymtn to defradd a Durham insurance company. Mary Hymen procured a policy on the life of her mother, Ada Hyman, who she claimed lived in the .Indian Woods sec tion of Beitie County. The policy carried both a sick and death benefit clause, and Mary Hyman paid the weekly installments from the time the poKcy was issued in the spring of 1926. In the late fall of 1926, she procured blanks upon which to make claim and death proof, saying that her mother had been killed in an au tomobile wreck and was buried in the Indian Woods section. Mary then procured the .services of W. V. Or mond to fill in the blanks for the un- dertaker and reoorder of vital statis tics in Bertie county, and he signed the .blanks for them. When the reports of the death went in, it seemed that suspicion was a roused, and before paying the S3OO claim, the company sent investigators 10 Bertie County, and they found that the Bertie undertaker knew nothing about such a funeral, nor did he au thorixe the use of hia name. Neither did the recorder of vital statistics that county know anything about the death of a person by that name. The name of the recorder of vital statis- tics who had held the position some years ago, and who had been gone for a year or more, was used on the blanks. The insurance company, named the matter over to the State insurance de partment, which sent representatives hero and worked up the case. The case was so plain that the de fendants waived trial. Ormond ad mitted that he did all of the work, but simply at the request of the Hy man woman, and that he had no In terest in It whatever, nor did he ex pect to receive any reward for the service he did. It was upon this plea that the gcfttleneae of the judgment was based. Representatives of the State insur ance department were here for the trial, as was Attorney S. T. Thome, who had (been re'ained by the depart ment to assist in the prosecution. In the case against Pred Jones, who w%s convicted by the jury of driving an automobile while drunk, the de fendant was fined SIOO and charged vith the ooste in the case, and his driving license was suspended for 90 days. Only one divorce had been grant ed up to yesterday afternoon, which wafc in the ease of S. Smith va. Mary Smith, colored. , STRANH THEATRE! J SATURDAY TOM TYLER And His Pals in "OUT of the WEST" Also Our Gang* Comedy 4 and "OFFICER 444" 'Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Personnel of : Firms for 1926 Season Announced |L ; Partnerships for the running Stall* and Grittin at the Brick of the local tobacco warehouses V, .irehouse, while the Messrs. were completed the early part of Meador and Meadows operated this week when seven of the mem- the Koanoke-Dixie. The Farmers bers of last year's firms reorgan- iiuimagement remains the same as ized and two from other markets last year, 'Messrs. Frank Bennett, organized to operate the third Jule Barnhill, and Hubert Mop-ton house. operating it. For the third house, The Roanoke-Dixie will have for the Brick, Messrs. Victor Shel its proprietors this year Mesars. burne, of Washington, and ltob- Joe Taylor, W. T. Meadows, Har- en Grimes, of Kobersonville, will ry Meador, and Claude Griffin. be its proprietors. All of these men were connected All of these inen are well with the market last year, but known throughout this section of were not with the same house. the State, and they bring to the Messrs. Taylor and Griffin were | market this year prospects for the in partnership with Messrs. Biggs best market eVer witnessed here. , New Auto Laws Baptist Revival !Go in Effect Ist Begins April 3 State Speed Law Raised Hev. Arthur O. Moore of from 35 to 45 Miles Salisbury Church Will - Per Hour Preach at Services Many new laws passed ! by the recent general assembly will ! go into effect April Ist. Tlie speed limit has been noised j from 35 to 45 miles per hour outside I towns; in town and city residential sections tihe new limit is 20 miles per hour, and 16 miles per hour in bu i ness sections, and oji curves and within school zones. The drunken driver penalty has been doubled, and those convicted for this offense will have to ju to prison for from 1 month to 1 year, or pay a fine of from SIOO to SI,OOO. Cars will onl>y have to stop at such crossing's as may be designated by tl»e State Higthway Commission. No car, including its load, shall weigh above 9 tons, taiid none shall be more than 7 feet 9 inches wide. 1 Every driver in a car to which an accident occurs is required to stop. This law was designed to curb the j "hit-and-run" driver. No driver shall throw his gears .in to neutral and coast down hills. Another new regulation prohibits posters being "attached to the wind shield, «ide or rear .windows. A license tag good for six months will be issued July 1 this year, and ptte regular yearly license will be issued on January ,1 thereafter. Every oar is required to carry its registration card in a container at tached to the car. The State fur nislies this container .to., the motorist for 60 cents. First Sturgeon of Year j Caught Here Yesterday The first sturgeon of the season was caught yesterday by-Furney How-j ard in a fishing machine on the river| near here. The sturgeon, however,] was so small he had no value, being only about 20 inches long and esti-> mated to weigh about 2 pounds. The sturgeon was once a gnat com mercial fish on the Roanoke River, and ihe fisheries landed many of the big fellows, weighing as high as 350 pounds each. After the seine fishing I ended early in May, large numbers of sturgeon would continue to be taught through Auguit. The indus try was destroyed by the lower sound i aiid inlet fisheries year ago, when they j practically broke the seed of the sturgeon fishing with net*. If the new fish and trame commis sion will make it unlawful to take sturgeon from the waters for a num ber of years, then we may have plen ty of them. Several Americans Killed by Cantonese 'United .States and English warships engaged in shelling Nankin Thursday •ftWCI group of foreigners, including several Americans, had been attacked and killed by Cantonese soldiers. It seems that the Cantonese forces charged the Standard Oil plant a L . Nanking and killed a number of the Amerioans gathered there, some of them being sailors and marines. The; warships on guard then began firing f to prevent reinforcementa reaching the | Cantonese attackers. Other ships from Manila are rush ing to the scene to protect the small force? and foreigners now in China. Meet of Robersonville Parents-Teachers 31st Robenonville, March 25.—(Special to the Enterprise.)— The pa rents teachers' association will meet Thurs day evening, March .1, in ihe school building. The association's members are urged to attend and take part in the business to oome before the meet ing. ' Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, March 25,1927 I Rev. Arthur 0. Moore is coming to 1 i for a revival which is to ' be held at the Baptist Church^just I bef\>re Easter. s The dates* of this meeting are as II follows: It will bigin on the first rj Sunday in April and will close on - Easier Sundays , 11 The special meetings at the I'.pU | copal church will close just as these i j meetings .ut the Baptist church begin, r! '1 herofore, the protracted services at | ij the Baptist church will be the only i ■ special services going on in William ston the last two weeks before Easter, j i This being true, the people of the j ■ Ituptist Church wish to extend a spec-' lul invitation to the general public, I I and in addition to the other church J I congregations in VVilliamston. As' I nearly as is possible it is hoped that' i ail those congregations may merge; . their efforts for this common under- i > taking. Mr. Moore has been invited to come here boceausa of his splendid abilities as a preacher. It is not claimed that! i he is a "big preacher," but it is claimed that he is a real and powerful one. He preaches wi h groat aimplic- 1 i ity, earnestness, and power. The fact I that he is pflstor of the strong First , l;u|»ti*t ( htirch in Salisbury is evi dence that he is an able and woll i (|iialifled man. Mr. Moore is a man who has both j religion and sanity. He is not a freak ! but anUn st man of God. Cotton Ginnings Not as! as Were in 1925 Jii lUUU Martin Comity -i-aiaed and | ginned 7*3 ( m les of cotton less than I in 1925, according to a report issued ,1 by the State and Federal depart • mcnts of agriculture. In 1926 there , I wi re 7,H98 bales ginned as against 18,0X1 bales ginned in 1925. The to j tal number of bales ginned in the Niute amounted to 1,238,180. The report estimate*! the amount of , cotton left in the fi Ids to be around! 50,(MX) bales. In this country there | was a very small amount of the crop left in fields, but in many of the coun-' j >uos where the crop was late a great- j | er percentage remained untouched in ! the fields. While the decreased experienced in this county last year was not great, it is the gennal belief throughout this section that the crop in this coun ty will undergo a gre.a- er this year. Robersonville - School" Seniors to Stage Play I Robersonville, March 25.—(Special Ito The Enterprise.)— The seniors of i the local school are practicing daily tor their play, "Mammy's Lil Wild Rose," which ,they will present Tues | oay night, April 5. The play is a , c jmedy-drarmi of the Sunny South in l ,aots. it has an abje cast select ed from the membere of, this year's graduating class. The entire action of the play takes place in the cabin -0001 yard of Uncle Joe and Mammy Celie in the mountains of Virginia. I Various committees are at work now trying to make the play a big success. The teachers are acting as : chairmen of the committees and they ■ will be loyally assioted by members of the senior class. The play is be ing directed by Miss Eva Peele, of the lugh-achool faculty., Supt. R. I. Leak,, is acting as general manager. Methodist Program of Services Sunday --Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m.; text from Genesis 1:28; and at 7:45 p. m., text from Romans 2:8. Services at Vernon at 3 p. m. AskPermitto Remove Two \ Daily Trains Kiwanis Club Members i Plan to Represent the Town at Hearing That the Atlantic Coast Line Itail road desired to discontinue the Tar- , boro-Plymouth trains haw been heard i more than once in the parft few years.' s Recently the company filed a petition ■ i with the corporation commission at' i Raleigh asking permission to discon-1 I tinue the noon-day train. This would 1 also mean the discontinuance of th« ' west-bound train at 4:45 p. m. A/t a meeting of the Kiwanis Club ] ■ last Wednesday the secretary of the club was authorize*! to write to the i corporation commission and ask the 1 date of the hearing, so that the towns alTtvted might send representatives 10 it. , , i . The "1:16," as it is generally known- 1 , "iid callod by locai citizoens, has for | years brought a greater part of the i mail and express to the towns in this section. Since the schedule of the Koi-folk-Wilmington train wan chang ed, passenger traffic on the afternoon train going to Tartof'' shown a considerable drop. 1 The Kiwanis club will send several ui its members to represent the town when the hearing is hel l If the corporation Commission ap l roves the railroad's resuest, every 1 ('ay will be Sunday here, as far as train service is concerned. 1 Fire Truck Wrecked While (aoing to Fire I A near-dangerous accident took i place just before no«ft today when a ' Ford touring car Mongip? to Suss : nian Motor company of Washington, i and driven by A. C. MeDuniel, ran in- to the town's fire truck while it was | n: hing to a Are near the Corner- I •tone colored church at the edg« of I town. ( Henry I). Harrison, fire chief, was i driving the truck wh fi( j the collision I r>(* ufrred. fc *" I Hugh, the son of Mr. McDaniel, ' in the car with his father and i lie received bad bruises on his knee t p.nd forehead, but they were not «' serious. ! c The fire truck and the car were' both damaged to a great extent. |] The local firemen find thatt when i i' fire alarm sounds many cars rush-! i>round * through the streets in I j perfect disregard of the law. Thenars |* rush in front of the fife truck and a J | was the case this morning fail l -to 1 I stop when signaled to do so. Two 11 | mm w*w» «ign a !ing the cars to "Stop ' where the Jamesville roads branches ' | from No. .'!), but their warnings were 1 j i isregurdod today. ' I he deluy caused by the wrek, how- i+*ver, did rot hinder the firemen from ' | i'f aching the fire in timo to save the ® little colored residence from being " consumed *}>y the flames. v A- t ( 'ollejre Crusade Closes 1 in County Tomorrow j The educational crusade which has j been go in;, on in the several Christian j churches of the county , during th" l>a-t two weeks will cloee tomorrow. ' The purpose 'of the crusade is to ruise an endowment fund for Atlantic ' Christian college. The Martin county churches responded liberally, meeting I * j the goal which was. set. j Thoae engaged in the work will go ' I from here to Beaufort county Sunday I | to continue the task there. f Sinfce the beginning of the work six I weeks ago, the church people have A far .exceeded the expectations of the 1 campaigners. A far larger number of 1 people have contributed than to any I other call the church has made for educational purposes. ' Hamilton Preacher to Address Federation J * lc Rev. Paul West, the Baptist preach- j ct, of Hamilton, will preach to the Federation to night at the Disciples' Church at 7.30. It is to be hoped that the community will avail itself of this " f rare opportunity and iba present. 1 L 11 Dr. Perry Case Will Preach at Jamesville I Dr. Perry Case, of Atlantic Chris tian College, will preach at the James ville Christian Church on Suhday night. Everybody is cordially invited' !' to hear Dr. Case, who is a very force- " ful speaker and preacher. f s Friends"of Mrs. Joe Roebuck will be ' glad to learn that she is improving n from a serious illness which has last- 0 4 for several weeks. - _ T mm Miss Lula Mae Keel, of the loeal n high school faculty, is spending the a week end at her home Id Rocky i p Mount. ; , ,^J|l| h A Episcopalians Start Services Here Monday Schedule of Services to Be Conducted by Rev. Mr. Cook The evangelistic services in the Episcopal Church begins next Monday night at 8 o'clock. During this week special prayer meetings have been held in various home in the community and a general interest in the meeting has been shown. The Rev. James E. W. Cook, the preacher for the meeting, is well and favorably known throughout North Carolina as a preacher of pow er and force. Not only is he recog nized as a preacher but as a public speaker he is in great demand. Mr. Cook is the grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Masons of the State of North Carolina, and thus honor is not conferred except in the case of ex ceptional ability. Below is a schedule' '4f the services to be conducted by Mr. Cook: Monday night: Special sermon to' church mtimbers of all churches. . j- Tuesday morning, at 10:15: Address in graded school. Tuesday morning:, 11 o'clock, in the C hurch: Meditation for Women of the town. Tuesday night, 8 o'clock: Sermon to youth. All young people invited. Wednesday .morning: Holy Com-' inuniun at 10:80. Wednesday night: Sermon to Ki u'ai liana. Thursday morning, lb .DO: Medita tion in the Church. Thursday night: Sermon to the Ma bona. Friday morning, 10:30: Holy Com munion. h riday night Service: Community service. Friends from Windsor, Ham ilton, Everetlts, and Robersonville, are cordially urged to attend. Saturday night: Service in St. Mar tin's, Hamilton. Sunday morning, 8 o'clocfi: Holy Communion with junior choir. Sunday, 3:00 o'clock: Service at Holy Trinity Mission. Sunday, 8 o'clock: Evening prayer and sermon. I The public is cordially jnvited to at-! tend these services and the prayerful coopereation of all churches is request- ! ed. Many Shad Caught at Jamesville Tuesday • Shad catches at the Fleming fishery, l J'umesville, last Tuesday almost l equalled those of the best days of the' season last year. One catch netted 68 ™f Uic anocner oss, while those 1 during the remainder of tho day were j llfil so large.' Last season the fishery 1 hardly ever caught so large a num-' her of shail at one haul. Wedneesday | and yesterday- the weather was so cold that the catches dropped con- at times the seine] woukl bring in no more than one orj two shad and only a" few hundred herrings. I*i«r Meeting Monday of Everetts Woodmen Everetts, March,24. —(Special to the Enterprise.)— The regualr meeting of Everetts Modem Woodmen will be held Monday night, March 28, at 7.30. All members in good standing are in vited to attend. is to be three tancfidates .initiated at this time if nothing prevents, and a good time i* promised both the candidates and the piemlMrs. From all reports there will be a /ew visiting members from Kocky Mount and other camps. Aside from the ini tiatory service there will be social en tertainment for all. MOVES TO OFFICE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY H. G. HORTON Mr. W. ;. Peele, agent for the Life Insurance Company of Virginia, mov ed his office to the Farmet-g and Mer chants bank building this week. Mr. Peele, for some time has had his of fice in the building once occupied byl the late Dr. J. B. H. Knight. He will 1 occupy the office recently vacated by Attorney H. Mr. Horton I IMJ.S moved to the office recently oc-' cupied by Biggs and Stalls. New State Laws to be i Out the First of April Ihe State printers are giving the heirt service in the history of the State in printing the laws of the General Assembly in 25 days after the body's adjournment According to Secretary ' Everett,- a new speed record will be made this time by putting the laws ' cut fy the first of next month. TTiere has been much delay hereto- ' fore in Issuing the laws, causing much embarramment to the courts and the public for months after the ' passage of the laws they could not be had - , *' ' , 'L 1 ' \ % • V* State Dentist Will Be Here Week April 4 Or. L. H. Butler, one of the State school dentists, will arrive here April 4 to examine the teeth of all the school children in the county and to treat those cases where it is possible to'do so. >lr. Butler is now holding a clinic in Tyrrell County, but he will com plete his work there next week. I)r. Butler is sent out by the I. State Board of Health, and a per iod of two months will be neces sary in treating the school chil dren of the county. The treat ment will be for those children be ' tween the ages of 6 and 12 years, inclusive. Death of Miss Jennie Boyle i Was Former Resident of i Martin County; Dies in Brunswick, Ga. Yesterday aftemoonXat four o'clock Miss Jennie Uoyle of Ifrunswipk, Ga j was buried in the Hamilton cemetery beside her parents. She was the daughter of the late John Mac. Boyle of Scotland and Mary Plumb Boyle, of I England. In early womanhood her j parents came to America and lived in j Plymouth where her father was a prominent citizen. The family later moved to Hamilton where she was reared. ' •> r She was educated at Mount dc Sales School for Girls near Baltimore and while there became a member of the Catholic church. She has for the last several years lived with her sitser, Mrs. Robert Everett in Brunswick, Georgia. The deceased was in her seventy* i-ifrhth year -an»f~ts 'survived by three niters, Mrs. Irene Smith, of William ston, Mrs. Robert Everett, of Bruns wick, Ga., and Mrs. Augusta Cotton* of Baltimore. Accompanying the body were two j nephews, Frank Howell of Waycross, ;Ga and Richard Everett, of Bruns wick. Rev. Father Manly, of Golds l>ono assisted by Rev. C. O. Pardo of the local Episcopal church, conducted ' the funeral. " " Roberson ville School Girls Persent Program Robersonville, March 24.—(Special jto The Enterprise.)— The home eco- I n^r>^c | * of Robersonville high s. hoof showed originality in the com j position and presentation of the home j economies program given at the coun ty teachers' meeting here Friday, March 18. In the first chorus, a wel , coming number, the girls appeared very neat in their food laboratory uni ] forms which they made the first of the year. After this chorus, a short play, "Proper Dress for High School Cirls," was given. In the chorus which followed ithe girls wore the dresses which they had just finished. i he exhibit on the wall spaces in the lower hall was an indication- -»f the persistent work of the new seam stresses, who did well. The refreshments on sale, especially the lemonade, aided in making those who attended more comfortable. .Pro ceeds from the sales will go towards the home economics maintenance fund. Judge Nunn Speaks to Kiwanians Wednesday I h weekly luncheon of the Kiwanis Club was held at the Woman's Club Wednesday, with Robert L. Coburn in charge of the program. Kiwanian Coburn invited Judge Nunn to speak preceding a short business discussion. Judge Nunn, discussing briefly North Carolina «Jid particularly east »rn North Carolina, described the progress and development made in this section within the last few years. He referred to the living conditions, ihe prices of land, and the contrasts generally found in the different sec , itions of the ,St#te. The Judge insist ed that eastern North Carolina, with ite fertile land and natural advan tages, would demand an increase in >aluartion in the future, and would en joy a more prosperous period in its liiwtory. Children's Service at Baptist Church Sunday The children of the Baptist church and Sunday school will be addressed at the 11 o'clock service Sunday morn ing. ' At this service "one of these little onts,' Alta Critcher, will be baptised. The children, their parents, and their Sunday school teachers are ask ed to keep this service in mind. Sunday night the pastor will pra*eh •t the regular hour. » t Advertiser! Will Find Oar Col umns a Latchkey to Orer 1600 Homes of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 18 JWill Test New Type Tobacco Here This Year Two Test Farms Will be Run in the County During Season A new kind of tobacco, the cash va- - liety, .will be introduced in this county this year when experiments are car ried on at two test farms in the coun ty. 'Mr. Floyd, of the extension di vision, of Raleigh, was here two days I his week going ov r the plans, for; the test farms with County Agent -'.P. B. Brandon. Besides bringing a new type of tobacco to this section, the . experimenters will test several brands _ of fertilizer in growing U>baceo.' As far as is known, the cash variety is not used at all-in this county; while in Franklin, Granville, aind other coun ties it is the main type. Mr. Floyd k stated Stoat 1 it was more of a cigarette ! tobacco ttoan any other kind raised, - ' 1 und that Its use is expeetel to b> fjoome general within a short time in •this part of the State. Mr. Floyd, a specialist in tobacco raising, will visit the two tost farms I in this county all during the season c and assist Mr. Brandon j >i handling .. j the tests. C I j Similar tesrtls will be catried on in ; J'ertie County, and Mr. Floyd left hero ?| J"sterday for Windsor, wrfliere he will fjgo over plans with Mr. Grant, Ber r lie's agent. i Since tobacco is one of our main i crops, the results obtained from these r farms will be closely watched by * farmers in the county this year. J Washington-Carolina t\ Boat Line is Bought t , The Norfolk-Baltimore aiid Oaiu , lina boat line recently l>.. out t te \N ashington-Carolina. line. The pur - chasing company has for several years j operated l>oats between Baltimore and - Norfolk and points between Norfolk - fend this place. The additional line, t bought from Gilfikin brothers of Morchead City and Norfolk, will aid ) to the Norfolk Baltimore and Caro i»■ ''"a company's schedule trips betwe n - Norfolk and Washington. The lbemarle made its first trip to' f Washington a-few days atr» and will 1 continue that run until the boat re cently bought by the Norfolk-Balti more and Carolina line is equipped for i the service. Gillikin brothers sold interests l|inthe Washington-Carolina line after * their boat was burned several weeks I ago. - 'lhe Dorothy Leigh, one of the Nor- II folk-Baltimore and C::iitliim. -, best boats sprunk a leak in Edenton #j the early part of this week and had to -| be towud~to Norfolk. —Repairs have , been maile and the boat will go back - into the water today or tomorrow. *t — — . Painfully Hurt When t | Motorcycle Hits Truck J James Bitiltop, ly-ytsir-old white boy H of Newport News, Va., was badly cut junt above the heel of his right foot j here yesterday afternoon ,when his mo. ( torcycle hit a Dodge truck in front of . 1 the. Culpepper Hardware Store on Main Street. He was carried to the f ' Biggs Drug Store, where his wound s | was dressed by Dr. Uliodea. J Bishop, accompanied by his friend, ( j Paul Jones, also of Newport News, | (eft Savannah, Ga., about noon Tues | way for their home in the Virginia dty. As they were eoming down Street they started to pass the r Dodge truck, which going in the same direction and at a low rate of 4 speed. The truck driver, Minga , Rogers, of Bear Grass, held out his , hand, but did so too tote to prevent , the motorcycle, going aboi/t 15 miles [ an hour, from hitting the truck. In the collision Jones was thrown trom the motorcycle, but ewaped injury. . I V ery little damage was done to either r j 1 the truck jr the motorcycle. , The two young men remained over | here last night, and ,will continue their ( | journey some time today, but not on j i the motor cycle. Special Demonstrations 1 at Courtney's for 3 Days Mr. J. D. Enright, representative of , the Sellera .Kitchen Cabinet Co., El wood, Ind, will arrive here this af- r' ternoon to hold a three-day demon stration of his company's cabinets at the store of B. S. Courtney. Mr. En right will hold demonstrations for three , days, beginning tomorrow and , lading through Tuesday, t Mr. B. S. Courtney, local dealer, is making an attractive offer to pros pective customers during the demon i stration, and every one is cordially invited to investigate without obliga tion the unusual offer being made. Miss Eloise Darden, of Kenly, visit ed her sister, Miss Mildred Darden, her* yesterday and today.

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