THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY - - Williams ton* North Carolina i j W.C. Manning Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) 1-year —...._ $1.50 6 months 80 8 months . .45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3. 1879. Address all communications tp The Enterprise Tarboro-Ply mouth Trains Are Needed .. i It now iookii like we are to two farmer* cultivate parte of their fields of our passenger trains, numbers 56 which nev?r yield any profit, because ( and 67, known as the Tarboro-Ply- the type ol' soil will not produce aj mouth trains, and which are dOsignat-! crop that will pay its cost of produc ed here as the "one and five o'clock, tioli; but the farmer cultivates it to trains." fhe Atlantic Coast Line Rail- make his farm square up and look load has filed a petition with the! Letter. North Carolina Corporation Commits- The railroad's policy of discarding sion asking permission to'discontinue everything in their system which does these trains. - not yield tut actual profit is more »el- The people serve*! by these trains fV-!* -than the fanner or the merchant, have the right to be heard In the mat- It is a fact that not so many people ter. are riding these 'rains. Yet they are It will have to be admitted that the hauling mail and express. The largest J trains are not used so much and may j outgoing mail froni Windsor, Ply rot pay the expens? of operation,' but I Mouth, Witliamsto?)>-and every town! these trains are a part of a system west to Tarboro goes on these trains, that is paying big dividends. The rail- j it means that much of the traffic will load is u public-sen-ice institution have to stay at Parmele for about j coverng a large area for the purpose, half a day. • ~ .. . on the one side, of living by service. I'BUJSS the people who are interest- 1 They are like the good merchant who ed take si me action and go before carries a full stock to accommodate fhe commission with a protest, these 'he needs of every customer, though trains will be taken off; so it is up to there may be many articles that he the people to get busy, as they will i.tually loses money on. Many good | have to do if they save these trains.! Enlightenment Falls Behind lieorge Washington doubtless ex- The structure of government is now pected greater progress in enlighten- j , hupt>(l am | handed down to the peo ru-nt when he said, "In proportion as , ~ ... pie rather than conceived by the peo the structure of government gives! .. ... I P'i and then fixed in goverqmont. The iorce to public opinion, it is essential i —*- that publi - opinion be enlightened." | politician. Yet enlightenment is about as far!" ri! now fixing the policies, whereat behind in the great onward sweep oft 'here was a time when statesmen the universe as any other-factor in looked after the molding of our poli •he vast machine. j tiia. . THE LETTER BOX j ever small, will never be forgotten. | | Mr. and Mrs. JOHN R. COI^ CARD OP THANKS |- TRAIN and CHILIDREN. As it is impossible to speak to each' ™ *"" 1 one personally, we take this means to' ' ARD OP I HANKS try, in our feeble way, to extend to | _ v each individual who in any way aided ' Editor of lhe Enterprise: —Please i's or mirfistered to our darling Sulfa, [ l,llow mc "P** to "PW" "7 thmklj somc of the gratitude with which our j 1,1 lhe ,ar K ,, number of persons who ; "keartß- aw overflowing. p rrently contributor to paying my hos-rt While nothing thai tender hands or j j ital bill, where 1 remained for three loving hearts could do could stay the I weeks and underwent two operations, j hand of death, each act or deed, how- I also wish to thank those of my Gold® Store 223 Washington Street Exum L. Ward, Store Mgr. PHONE 157 The unequaled values we offer you are made possible through our judicious methods of buying. We carry nationally advertised groceries, which insure you of the best, at super-values. DEL MONTE ASPARAGUS TIPS, can t 35c DEL MONTE SUGAR CORN, No. 2 can A ~ 20c Goodie, Goodie—TOMATOES—California packed 16c DIAMOND STATE SNAP BEANS, can ... 11c Del Monte peaches, No. 3 can 27c BUTTER Hillsdale Peaches, No. 3 can 23c Brookfield . s tub butter lb; 59c Just Rite Corn, can 12^'c I {rook field stick butter, quar- Rib Side, lb 23c » ter8 ' lb 61c Plates* lb 17c Higgins' Nut Product, 1b..... 27c Bacon lb 53c Norva Peanut Butter, 1b....... 25c MERITA BREAD (The Kind "U" Have Been Looking for) 10af... 9c | • FLOUR ; , A. G. Certified, 24 lbs. ......... SI.OO Gold Star, 24 lbs $1.15 L ROWENA (Jf Better Flour Were Made, Its Name Would be ftowena), 24 lbs. $1.40 friends who were instrumental in rais ing said fund. Very truly, THAD ROBERSON, Jr. /Williamston, N. C., R. F. D. , . / BER GRASS LOCAL I NEWS AND WfRSONALS Mr. Urban Rogers, who has been attending: State College, has returned ' home, where he will remain for the summer vacation. Miss I.ukie Rogers, a teacher of this place, was called o her home near Durham Friday on account of the ill ness of her mother.' Little Miss Evelyn Mobley, who un derwent an operation at a Washing ton hospital Thursday, is recovering rapidly. Wants FOR SALE: THOROUGHBRED | white leghorn eggs; $1 for -15; call, either at the residence of E. P. Cun-! ningham or G. W. Blount & Co. "666 is a Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Germa FOR SALE: ONE PIANO; GOOD condition; cheap for cash. See Mrs. 1 S. Rhodes. m 25 'it ! J. C. Meekins, Jr. M. W. Meekins Meekins and Meekins ATTORNEYS AT LAW WASHINGTON, N. C. State and Federal Courts JOS. W. BAILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ! Office Lower Floor Old Farmers & Merchants Bank Building Hours: 9:30 a. m. Lo 4:30 p...m.—Phone 87 Other Hours Everetts, N. C. f8 Residenca Telephone, 2803 tf CHILDREN'S ILLS Arfr—— Lady Says Ac Haa New Found a Better Laxa tire Than Thedford'a Uack-DranfhL Mtowral Bprings, Ark.—"We use Black-Draught in our family of six children." says Mrs. C. E. Nutt, of this place, "and we find it a good bowel regulator. I give it to my children for colds ana constipation, or any other stomach disorders, and it certainly is very helpful. I have never known it to fail them. Where there are so many children, it is a good idea to keep a laxative on hand, and Black-Draught is what we use. "I have taken it myself for indi gestion. I would feel dizzy, have gas and soar stomach. I would also feel a tightness in my chest I took a good dose of Thedford's Black- Draught when I felt that way and it would relieve me. I would feel better for days. "My husband takes Black-Draught for biliousness. He says he has never found its equal. When he has the tired, heavy feeling, he takes Black-Draught night end morning for a few days and he doesn't com plain any mora. I sura do recom mend Black-Draught" Sold everywhere. Get a package of Black-Draught, today Costs only ens cent a dose. NCI7S THE ENTERPRISE - - WILLIAMSTON. N. C. - \ ULCANIZiNG 4 TIRES & TLBEs! Flexible Balloon Repairs that hold.j . it will supjj'iie you how chacp and: I quick you .can send me a tire by in jured pare 1 post, have it repaired ■ j and get it back. City Vulcanizing & Battery Station 4 Luke L. Roberson, Proprietor i 119 Re-spas.' Street, Washington, N. C, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE .! Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate of E. H. Taylor, persons holding cialms against faid estate are hereby notified to pre-: sent the sae to the undersigned lor; payment on or before the 17th day ofi 'j February, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All' persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate settlemen of same. This "lTfh day of February, 1927. H. D. TAYLOR, 118 6tw Administrator, i NOTICE OF SALE j 1 Under aiul by virtue of the power of ] j rale contained in that certain deed | of trust executed on the 10 h day of, | November, 1923, by L. IJ. Roebuck and wife, Hannah Roebuck, and of record j in the public registry of Mi.rtin'Coufl- I ty in Book N 2 at page 417, said deed jof trust btftiur to secure the 1 payment of certain notes of even date rnd tenor therewith, and the stipula | lions in sai l deed of Trust not hav ing been c«>i'i|»l i«ul with, a-iil at 1 lv' request of {!•• ji ir.ies interi-stwl, the undersigned tru tee will on the 28th ' Li T-Y * T ?_T I T-Y f Y I^l ' \ym # WFREE/F r- F^B»^GROCERIESA^HP .and CHINAWAREWJ% O^P^SF ( K i-T C H E N C A BIN ET S . . ■ T '*> ' * week will be too Cabinet. You need this great kitchen k l . u ,' f L V^ a 'n {*• e !abt/ K* ay f° f V liS helper ri«*ht now. Install it now while greatest o F all kicchen cabinet sales. , ~ ~u . j T\w av is the lrst day you can get you can Ret a) 1 of these eocenes and al! of > (:ese grocc ries and chmaware chinaware free. Remember, our sale wii houi ' aco it. We are giving terms make it easy for you to get the them free \ ith e-teh Sellers Kitchen cabinet now. -March 26 - 28 - 29 ill Selleri Kitchen Cabinet just radiate* ▼enience. No listing of attractive features can begin r L w . ■p V to P^ clure to you many advantages. You must Have this superb cabinet in your kitchen—you must J& == prepare meals upon its oversize white porceliron - work.table with everything within easy reach— \ to appreciate how it takes th« drudgery out of the « kitchen work. You can get the Sellers Cabinet in 1 g BpSS ** 1 many fascinating colors and styles. Come in and jj ♦ PjU S. COURTNEY ' v # * Williamston N. C. i tiay of March, 1927, at 12 o'clock M., !at i he Courthouse Door in the Town! of Vv illiamston, N. C., otfer for sale ! lo the highest bidder for cash at pub- j fiic auction the following described! I tracts of land, to-wit: First Tract:"Adjoining the lands of J J. ii. Bryan, W. A. Nelson, K. C. bpeight, Manach, N. O. Yanftortwick,, j . LT. v Andrews, and school house lot ' i;i Farmele and being the place where - oil L.' D. Roebuck and wife now re side formerly owned by D. S. Powell and being the first tmct described in uued from D. S. Powell and wife to i . D. Roebuck. Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of John Mayo, 1). D. Overton, and on the West side of the public road lead ing from W. A. Jenkins home to Lcthel road, containing fifty (50) acres, more or less. The above two tracts of land being the ;.urae land described in deed of tiust from L. D. Roebuck to J. A. .Micelle, trustee for D. S. Powell dat ed November 2nd, 1918 and recorded in the public registry of Martin Coun- . ty in Look Q-l at page 387. This he 28th day of February, 1927. 1 ELBERT 3. PEEL, m4-4t Trustee. Robert L. Coburn, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE I nder and by virtue of an order of tin; superior court of Martin County made in the special procnedings en u : I "F'. A. Taylor, administrator of I" T. Taylor, vs. F. ATT&ylor, Palmer i Taylor, and Gladys Taylor," the un dersigned commissioner will, on the ; 4th day; of April, 1927, offer for pub ■ lie sale to the highest bidder, for cash, lat the courthouse door \of Martin j County, the following land: That tract of land on which the sai£ I F. B. Taylor now lives, known as one i half share of the Pender land, ad i joining the lands of the late John A. I Purvis, William S. Everett, Mollie ; Smith, and others. Containing 133 acres, more or.less. Also one tract ' beginning at a Vump, Edmondson's I corner, in Bates Branch, and running ; S. to a cedar; thence W. to a stake: ' pine and oak; thence W. to Bates - Pranch; thence up said Branch to the 1 first station. Containing 22 acres, more or less. This the 28th day of February, 1927. B. A. CRITCHEK, ni4 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under ] ;;iid by virtue of a power of sale c, ntained in that certain deed of trust: ■•.cecuted by John Hill and wife, Lela Hill, to the undersigned Trustee and bearing date of December 11th 1922, i ■ ml of record in tlie Public Registry SASH —DOORS —GLASS I HOLLAND & BEAMON CO. Distributors SI'FFOLK —VIRGINIA , of, Martin County in Book N-2, at | pag«. 329, said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been . made in the payment of said note and the terms and conditions in said deed ov trust not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of said note the undersigned will, on Monday the 18th day Of April 1027, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court bouse Door of Martin County, at Wil liamstoii, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest biddtr for cask the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Being in Cross Roads Township, Martin County, adjoining Ernest Chance et als. Beginning at an oak Harmon Cofflelds and Joe Joyner's corner, thence Easterly with Eli Thompson's line 617 yards to a stake, thence southwesterly course with Clark's and Chance line 461 yards to a pine, thence a northweaterly course 792 yards to thj beginning, contain ing 12 aerce, more, or less- This 15th day of March, 1927. S. B. BROWN, malß-4t Trustee. A. R. Dunning, attorney.

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