THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) lyear 1 51.50 fc'months .80 8 months .46 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3. ma. . 7 all communications to The Enterprise A Little Service Is Better Tlian None The North Carolina Corporation Cqmmiasior has asked interested par tics at the various points between Plymouth and Tarboro if thoy desire to be heard on the question of the discontinuance of 'trains Nos. 56 and 57 running between these two towns. This gives the people an opportunity lo present such facts as may be re- , quiied to force the continuance of these trains. It so luyjpais that most of the towns alorg the road are not well enough organized to put the matter before the commission. It is very j doubtful if any of the people can give all the good reasons why the trains | should be continued. ■ Of course, the tailroad has gotten I its figures, upon the showing of which they hope to procure an order to discontinue these trains. .The rail road apparently claims that it costs it $1.25 per mile to operate these i trains. The distance is 54 miles each way, making 108 miles. If the rail road company is correct, the daily schedule costs $135.00 to maintain. It is claimed that the income is only 30 cents a mile, which would make the P „ daily income $32.40, causing a loss of $102.60 daily. 'l"he chambers of commerce of every town as well us other civic organiza tions should get up some figures, too. j Gold® Store 223 Washington Street Exum L. Ward, Store Mgr. PHONE 157 ~ We Deliver at Cash and Carry Prices Side Meat, A. A. Dairy Feed (JJO pound mOC ■ 0 Kraft Cheese, brick, AK Scratch Feed, CJO F\ pimento & American .. Dixie I J American Cream Qrt Scratch Feed, &O Cheese, pound A. G tp^«OU Compound Lard, "I Chick Feed (UQ AA Old Glory, lb ba £ ipJ«UU Campbell's Tomato Laying Mish C?Q t K Soup, 3 cans for bag A O Hillsdale Peaches, HQ Growing Mash dJQ A(f No. 3 can ......... j Li Li C bag JpO«UO Superior English Peas Qr _ Red Dog (CO 7H sweet and tender r Z9C bag Ivf Del Monte Sugar Rye Meal OK Peas, can Zi/C bag Diamond Snap *| -| ' • Beans, can AAC - FLOUR Feed Oats, An ir Gold tar FkMU " (PI IF bag 15 24 - lb - bag , sl.lo Middling, Row ena (frf) OA A. G. Certified A A Middling, 17 UJO OA Kowena> _ (fr-fl i A per cent, bag —*p4«OU 24-lb. bag JpA»4U 1 he ones quoted by the railroad com pany may not be correct. If they are not, then it Should be known. Those trajns carry heavy mails as well as express. We are unable to say what the government pays for the mail or wlwit the express company pays for handling their express. It may be tliat the railroad figures it will haul the' same mail and express that comes from Norfolk and Raleigh and all points north, south and west l>y a train cominjr in 5 hours later, and all mail and express that comes from the east by a train that comes in IB hours later. In such canst! the raff road would got the additional revenue by other trains. Itut how about the people; would that give them proper service? Can they afford to wait 5 hours to receive and 15 hours to seiul their mail and express ? I It is rather significant that if the 52 miles of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad lying in Martin County is as sessed at its true value for taxation that it' is now worth—«/nd selling—at more than $4,(MM),000 more now than it did in 1915), when real estate reached itu peak. Yet that is the real fact, and wv cite actual salen.on the New ork stock market as Bie basis of our statement. The railroads are ap- I«urently riding 'he people rather than Henry Ford and Aaron Sapiro The libel suit again* Henry Ford and hia paper by Aaron for 51,000,000 alleged damage as the re sult of certiain published statements by Mr. Ford in his paper, The Dear born Independent, is attracting na tion-wide attention. The principles involved are far more important than the $1,000,000 to the American peo ple. Mr. Ford will find some day that the very fellows tliat crushed Sapiro are now working for his scalp with as much diligence ami alertness as they ever worked against Sapiro. Mr. Ford will go down in history as the only man up to this time to make so much money before being overtaken or crushed by competition. In Mr. Ford's case, he has outclassed eery mechanical invention and every financial manipulation. Yet the stage is set for him. The combina tion of wealth has grown ravenously hungry and is organizing in what might be described a high-power scale to upset Mr. Ford's motor su the people riding the railroads. Ii may not pay directly in itself to run these two trains. Nor does it pay a bank directly to furnish ice water to its customers. It does it because it owes an obligation to its customer:!. The railroads seem to want to cut out everything that costs them a cent. That is good business. But it is not good business to forget service When the whole system is growing so fat. ■ » ..... NOTICE OF RESALE North Carolina, Martin County. In the superior court, before th cl-rk. In the matter of Harry Waldo, L. P. Waldo, Kffie Waldo. Hen nit Ballard, Mrs. N. W. Grimes, Mary Dixon, Mary Salabury, Kurneat Waldo and P. E. Waldo, Ex-Parte Under and by virtue of an order of resale made in the above entitled proceedings on the 225 th day of Feb ruary, 1927, the undersigned commis sioner will on Monday, the 14th day of March, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real es tate, to wit: Lying and being in the- town of Hnmilton, N. C., bounded on the >"or?l i • the lands of J E. K Imondson and THE ENTERPRISE - - WILLI AM STON, N. C. premacy. 1 . ■ Doubtless Mr. Fond is not aware that the same gang that crushed the' Sapiro plans is after him. That is to say, the money power. Nothing has butft the money trust faster than to put out money lavishly to produce farm crops and then smash the prices, retting the crops for less than cost, and absorbing the farm lands to make good the difference. As men gtww more intelligent, they will learn more to admire both Henry Ford and Aaron Sapiro. Sapiro ha* failed largely because of the ignorance of those he was trying to help. Mr. Ford wiM be recognized r'or living so long and succeeding so well when such powerful folks as the Wall Street bunkers have sought to manipulate the motor business. The passing of the Sapiro influence was a sad day for the people's rights,' and the passing of Mr. Ford will like-J wise >e a sail day for the rights of! the folks. t „ the Sebrell heirs, on the east by Front Street, on the south by a street and on the west by another street and be-1 ing more commonly known as desig-j nated as the Jos. T. Waldo homel #aoe. Jor Economical Tromportation jje£ Quality at Lower Prices .. because ofittcreasingV(AxiXSlt Production. J ! ' January 1925 August, 1925 January, 1926 relet which seized a tremendous success. , ure of value based on many new quality Chevrolet value — a model offering many Among its many new features were: anew features —such as motor-driven Klaxon mechanical improvement*, sucn as a and rugged rear axle, an improved unit horn, improved sheet metal construction smoother, quieter motor with three-point power riant, a new single-plate disc-clutch, in the bodies, corrugated steering wheel suspension, a silent V-belt generator drive, a mucn stronger frame, semi-elliptic with walnut finish, new headlamp rimcon- new oil pump, more efficient cooling, an chrome vanadium steel springs, cowl and struction and a more convenient gear- air cleaner, larger brakes, etc. Notwith dash-lamps, and new , shift lever. standing these im- Fisher bodies iinished Off f-o-b. spite all the additions $ A f provements ~ , the AP® in Duco. . . And the / Flint, ... the Coach was re- f%lf Flint, Coach w at reduced llZi jFlint, price of the Couch was • VVMkh. duccd to • > wv I/Mich. to I - » » V* l/MJA. «J95 Beautiful Coach In Chevrolet History | T..T~* 4o§ Climaxing all of Chevrolet's previous value tri- bullet-type headlamps ... AC oil filter and AC '~ 1 umpba, the Chevrolet Coach of today is acclaimed air cleaner .. . finer performance, greater riding W ""* " ' a* the outstanding closed car value of all time- comfort and remarkable steering easel A car so Beautiful new Fisher bodies —paneled and beaded, marvelously beautiful that you rllf ffiTr rakishly lqw and finished in new colors of genu- must see it to appreciate it —Yet jW J > g a *^ 1.1."* ine Duco .. . full-crown, one-piece fenders ... the price has been reduced to f r L - HARRIS PEEL MOTOR CO. MOTOR CO. ROBERSON VILLE, N. C WILLIAMSTON, N. C. > « * >. •• 1 \ ' ' •. vl ■» —«• ' •• - • • - : : ' if. • • QUALITY AT LOW COST >> l ' ' - ■ ■ This resale is made by reason of an upset bid having been made up on a sale heretofore made. The land will be started at the price of the amount of the sale plus the upset bid. This the 26th day of February, 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL, mrl 2tw Commissioner. Statement of the Ownership, Manage ment, Circulation, Etc, Required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, of The Enterprise, published twice each weak at WilUanston, N. C, for April, 1, 1927. State of North Carolina; County of Martin, SB. Before me, a notary public in and for -the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared W. C. Manning, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that he is the editor of the Enterprise, and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true state ment of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the act of Congress of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 411, Potftals Laws and Regulations, printed en the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing edi tor, and business managers are: Pub linher, W. H. Booker; editor, W. C. Manning; managing editor, F. M. Manning; business manager, W. C. Manning, jr., all of WilliaiMton, N. C. 2. That the owners are: F. M. Man ning, W. H. Booker, W. C. Manning, jr., S. M. Manning; all of Wllliamston, N. C. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning- or holding 1 per cent or more of total araoun of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are: None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary re lation, the name of the person or cor poration for whom such trustee is act ing, is gfvan; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements em- L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINT the Pure White Lead and Pure White Zinc Paint simply requiring three quarts umanwioH , of Linseed Oil to be stirred into each gallon to thereby Q&wlßk make | gallons of BEST-PURE-PAINT TOpSF Ready for u»e FOR $3.00 «"■« &S2S22S ftiwrfly SSymmrm of mtmoot Batisfmeiory mom without rupmimUmc for 10 to 12 yomwrn, mmd mm mqmmi quantity pmimtimg aura omwfmoo than hand madm Whit* Lmmd Paimt. FOR SALE BY SALSBURY-JOHNSON CO- Inc HAMILTON HAKDY HARDWARE CO., Inc. SCOTLAND NECK JOHN C. BOND CO.. - ' EDENTON bracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not ap pear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no rea son to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any in terest or indirect interest in the said stock, bonds, or other securtiee than as so stated by him. W. C. MANNING Sworn to and subscribed before mo this: 31st day of Marefe, 1927. MILTON J. MOYE, (Seal) Notary Public.