V Entertainments [Ctak VNtiin WwMiaxa Etc. L«n>y Anderson, of Emporia, Va., spent the week end with hia parents, Mr. and Mis. J. W. Anderson. Bill Harrison, of Duke University, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. aqd Mrs. L. B. B&rrison. Bom to Rev. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher, of Battlefooro, Friday morn ing, April 1, a daughter, Martha Cot ton Crawford Critcher. Mrs. K. B. Crawford and Mrs. Ned Laughing ho use accompanied Miss Eliza Laughinghouse US Durham, where she attended the Sigma Chi dances during the week end.,. Ed Flsnnigon, of Greenville, was a business visitof here Friday. Mrs. J. O. Manning spent last night in Washington with Mr. Manning's mother, Mrs. B. McManning, who is in the Washington Hospital. Friends of Mrs. Manning will be glad to know that she is getting along very nicely following an operation last week. Mrs. Chas. Mobley and Mrs. C. B. Harrison visited relatives in Winter ville yesterday. A. R. Dunning spent yesterday in Goldsboro, wheie he appeared in the Wayne County superior court. Mr. and Mrs. Rome Biggs and chil dren, Billie and Nancy, arrived home Sunday evening after extended visits. Mr. Biggs has completed his course in undertaking in New York City, and Mrs. Biggs has been visiting relatives in Edenton, Norfolk, and Rocky Mt. Ray McKenzie left yesterday for South Hill, Va., where he will work with the Haimer Construction Co. Mr. Clyde Anderson, of Tnrboro, was a visitor in the city Friday night. Mrs. J. fawrence Peel has returned from Suffolk, Va., where she visited her mother last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. Orleans, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Orleans, and Miss Laura Orleans attended the wedding of Miss Minnie London, which took place in Wilson Sunday. Jimmic Harrel, of the State College, Raleigh, spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. L. B. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robertson and family, of Ahoskie, spent Sunday with Mr. Robertson's mother, Mrs. J. L Robertson. Bill Harrell, of Ahoskie, was in town Saturday night Mrs. Erah Cobb has accepted a po sition as secretaiy to Dr. J. H. Saun ders. He has recently remodeled his offices and has addod several rooms for surgical and examination work. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ander son, Friday, April 1, a daughter, Susan baballe. Rev. B. Duke Critcher, of Whi tak ers, is here visiting his family. T. Jones Taylor, of Bethel, was here yesterday. EASTER APRIL 17th Every woman wants a new coat, t " V derss, hat, and slippers for this occa sion; and if you haven't got yours, it ii • " v t will pay you to visit our store, as we have a large selection to choose from and are making special low prices on them. - Harrison Bros. & Co. Society & P ersonals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor " Miss Hope Hardison, of Plymouth, visited Miss Mildred Daiden here Sunday. t ) . Rev. James E. W. Cook returned to his home in Greenville yesterday, after conducting the series of evan gelistic meetings in {he Episcopal church here last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Liverman ac companied their son, Billy, to a Wash ington Hospital Friday, where he was operated on for appendicitis. Billy's friends will be glad to know that he is rapidly recovering and will prob ably be able to return home within a week. Charles Knight visited friends in Washington Sunday. Messrs. Will Rhodes and D. G. Mat thews, 6f Hamilton, were here yes terday attending to legal business. Misses Murt Wynne and Laura Nor ton and Messrs. Frank Carstarphen and W. H. Williams attended the dance at Tviscarora Beach Friday night. r * | 1 Miss Lula Mae Keel spent the week.end at her home in Rocky Mt. She was accompanied heie by her brother, X. T. Keel, jr., Sunday after noon. • Mr. Ed Harditton, of Oklahoma City, Okla., is visiting his sisters, Mrs. J. W. Waitts and Mrs. W. Henry Craw ford. Mr. Hardison has not been home for several years, and ho is be ing very warmly welcomed by his childhood friends ami relatives. Lester Davis, of Dardcns, was in town yesterday. The family of L. T. Fowden has recently moved from their home on Sjnithwiek Street to tlie old Crawford home on Church Street. Mr. Fowden has purchased the home from Miss Anna Crawford, the daughter of the late "Judge* Crawford and the late Cot tie Bigg* Crawford, whose home it was aft>r their marriage. It is one of the old landmaiks of Williamston, and its hospitable doors have been opened to as many guests as those of any home in this section. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad- j ninistratrix of J. T. Rogereon, de ceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims ag«in»t estate of said deceased to present them for payment on or before the 26th day of March, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of March, 1927. ADDIE MATTHEWS, mr 29 6tw Administratrix. E. L. Co burn, Attorney. NOTICE j Under and by virtue of the power of Bale contained in that certain deed, of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 7th day of May, 1919, end of record in Martin County regis try in book A-2, page 146, securing certain bonds of even date therewith, and the stipulations not having been PHONE Anytklac for \ This Department T. 46 Rev. C. 0. Pardo returned Sunday night from Greenville, where he filled the pulpit of Rev. James E. W. Cook, who was holding a mission here, at the Sunday morning and evening services. complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the under signed trustee, will, on the 29th day of April, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, of fer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described proper ty: Bounded on the north by the run of Conoho Creek, «n the east by the lands in possession of John Chesson and the Cbnoho public road, on the south and west by W. R. Whitley, running the agreed line that was a greed to by and between William R. Whitley, sr., and Jbhn D. Biggs & Co., Report of the Condition of the FARMERS A MERCHANTS BANK at Williamston in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, March 23, 1927. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts , $342,992.03 Demand Loans 14,360.00 United States Bonds and Liberty bonds 87,850.00 All other stocks, bonds, and Mortgages 65,900.00 hanking Houses, $12000.00; Furniture ami Fix tures » $4240.51 16,240.51 All other real estate own ed 19,103.63 Cash in vault and net a mounts dua from Banks, Bankers and Trust Com panies 160,010.18 Cash Hems he4d over 24 hours 113.60 Checks for clearing 6,760.79; | Total $712,310.64 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $100,000.00 ( Surplus Fund 5,000.00 Undivided Profits, less cur rent expenses ami taxes paid 4,284.50 Deposits Due Banks, Bank ers, and . Trust Com panies 23,693.99 Deposits subject to check, Individual 393,592.52 Time Certificates of De posit, Due in less Than 30 ays 6,311.29, Cashier's Checks outstand ing 3,731.85; Time Certificates of De- • ] posit, Due on or After 30 Days 174,246.49 Certificate Deposits issued for Bonds 2,650.00 r 1 ■ Total $712,310.64 State of North Carolina—County of Martin, March 30, 1927. I, C. D. Camtarphen, Jr., Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. C. D. CAROTARPHEN, JR 1 Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of March, 1927. M. J. MOYE, Notary Public. My commission expire# August 30, 1928. Correct—Attest: JNO. D. BIGGS, I F. U. BARNES, Directors. Tffll KNTKgPRIBK —WILLI AM ETON. N. C reference of said settlement of line is hereby referred to, arid being the Bame land sold by John D. Biggs & Co. ,to R. P. Stftterwhite to N. S. Feel, tnd N. S. Peel to Woodley Thompson, containing 300 acres, more or less. This the 26th day of March, 1927. J. C. ANDERSON, mr 29 4tw Trustee. NOTICE Under and by virtu* of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 24th day of March, 1920 and of record in Martin County reg istry in book A-2, page 610, securing certain bonds of even date therewith, and the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request of he holder of said bonds, the under signed trustee will, on the 26th day of April, 1927, offer for sale to the high est bidder, for eaati, the .following de scribed tract of land: A house and lot in the town of Wil liamston, N. C., on the north side of Smithwick Street, and beginning at a stob on Smithwick Street, running thence seventy-one feet ami six inches to a stob, C. D. Carotarphen'n line, thence a line at right angles with the last-named line and along the line of C. D. Carstarphen to the line of the Martin Livestock Co., thence along the line of Martin LivestoJi Co., towards Main Street seventy-one feet and six inches to a stake, tshence a line a right angtes with the liist-named line and along the line of C. D. Carstar phen to a stake on Smithwick Street, the beginning, and being the same premises this day conveyed to said We Are Diatributora of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Ma ken EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write for Prices and Terma One of our will gladly demonatrate one in your home. All the Latest Records and Sheet Music » ♦#» t Russ Bros. Williamston, N. C. Washington, N. C. Plymouth, N. C. i Report of C ondition jof Bank of Robersonville ROBERSON VIIJ.E, N. C. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINE SS MARCH 23, 1927 y' ' ' —" * - - - ■ W "" . • RESOURCES " LIABILITIES T , m 9 r n 7 r 9 no Capital stock paid in $41,600-00 Loans and discounts $250,752.63 Surplug fun(J 15,500.00 Demand loans 11,700 00 Uwiivided profits 2,821.11 Overdrafts . . 52.36 Dividends unpaid 156.00 Liberty Bonds 17,900.00 Deposits due banks „ 2,145.19 Other stocks and bonds 11,600.00 j ndividual depo sits , 267,291.12 Banking house and fixtures 27,000.00 Demand certificates of deposit.. 98,953.08 Other real estate ...;: 18,046.63 r«ahipr'«4 oheclca 708 97 * ' from _ Savings deposits , . 5,802.25 banks .. 118,192.67 is onds deposited I 19,900.00 Checks for clearing J . 87 8-31 Del)osits fol . JJoSting - 2,244.88 » 1 _ . * ' ' fn ] ' ■ ' .. . . • \ ' - \ 1 .. ' » -- ' * OFFICERS L* Sf J. H. Roberson, Jr., President "R. A. Bailey, Vice President R. L. Smith, Vice President D. R. Everett, Cashier S. L. Roberson, Assistant Cashier % • SJ- Fowden by C. D. Carstarphen. This the 25th day of March, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, mr 29 4tw * Trustee. o WEAK.JERVOUS Georfia Lady Could Not Sleep Niffcts, Bat After Tkkag Cardui She Was "Like » Different Person." Comer, Qa.—Mrs. C. H. Smith, of this place, related the following interesting experience: "I waa weak and nervoua and run down. I couldn't sleep at night I felt tired and not in condition to do my work. I had Cardui recommend ed to me, but always thought I could out-do moat sickness, but waa one time I needed help. I was so weak I could hardly lift my hand.' "I cant express how bad I felt "I know I improved after taking Cardui. I was like a different per son. I was built up and was strong er and better than in a long time. 1 have a young daughter who had the flu,' and after she got up she would once in a while have such se vere cramping spells, just suffer ter ribly. I knew there was a weakness and, hoping Cardui would reach this trouble, I had her take it, and the first bottle helped her so much she was able to leave it off and does not have this trouble now." Cardui has been in use for mors than 60 years. Purely vegetable, mild, harmless. At all drug stores. JVC-/79 fffSVtPWJLI icuan urn# DR. W. L. DAVIS EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Bell Jewelry Co. WASHINGTON, N. C. One Solid Car Load of Wire Fencing Cheap for the Cash Culpepper Hardware Co. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the author ity oonferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed by Charlfe James on the 7th day of April, 1919,' ♦o secure a certain note, the same not having been paid according to the terms of said note, I shall offer for t.ale at public auction at the lrou.se door in Martin County on Moil day, April 18, 1927, at 12 land described in said deed of trust,! as follows, viz: Several tracts of land in Jamesville | Township, Martin County, North Car- Sell Your Logs Here At Home * WITH Murray & McCabe Company Successors To Williamston Lumber Co. olina, numbers 7, 9, 10, 12, nad 14, an subdivided and survey by the Bur ton Bros. Realty Co. for J. G. God ard; sail map or plat being of record in the public registry of Martin Coun ty in land division book No. 1, page 473. Said tracts of land being a part of a tract of land known as the Jones or Norman farm, and more common ly known as the "Tarkel Neck," and being the same land this day con veyed to me by J. G. Godard. This 18th day of March, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, m 22 4tw Trustee.—

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