Watch '.be UM Ob Ynt Paper; It Carries the Date Taar Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 12 County Banks Show Healthy State of Affairs Martin's Five Banks Are Rendering Many Services to People It hardly seems possible that the Ave banking institutions of Martin county with the money they have in trust can finance trade transactions up to $16,076,815.26. On March 23, the five banks, Bank of Oak City; Bank of Robersonville; Planters and Merchants Bank, Everetts; Bank of Hamilton, and Farmers and Merchants Bank, Williamston had around $700,- 000.00 deposits. On these deposits practically every trade transaction in the county is based. There are a few exceptions, of course, and they are to be regretted, for money drops in value and usefulness when it is not in circulation. If you place SIOO in the bank, give a check for SSO. to your merchant, who in turn pays S6O to a clerk, and then the clerk pays you SSO for board, there distinct trade transactions have been carried on. It has been figured that as high as 26 or more such transactions have been carried on in such a manner and all based on one deposit. It hardly ever happens that so many transac tions take place, but such has been known. But decrease the number one-half or even more and then you still have a large chance to see the service rendered by Martin's institutions. We too often fail to realize the many services rendered us as depositors by the banks. They are used as our bookkeepers in many cases, we pay bills in far away states with the check, and when we stop and count up these along with the many other services we can then appreciate the banlu. The five institutions in this county are handled by competent men, men who make banking their life's work and who take a real interest in their duties. They are invitining your pat ronage on the bapis of service and safety, and an offering every service in keeping with sound banking prtn-] ciples. Baptist Program For Sunday Mr. Moore will speak three times in the church Sunday. Sunday School meets, as usual, at 9:46 o'clock. Ar rangements have been made that the teachers and pupils shall go to their class rooms for a very short period, and be back in the church auditorium by 10:16 o'clock, at which time Mr. Moore will conduct an evangelistic service for the young people of the Sunday School. From every stand point, this Bhould be one of the great est evangelistic services of the entire meeting. Then, at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, there will be the regular morning church service. It is expected that a large number of people will be pres ent. Mr. Moore will preach and the are invited to hear him. Sunday night at 8 o'clock the church is expecting a great congregation of people from this and other commun ities. It should be one of the greatest services we shall hold. And since Mr. Moore will be with us only this one Sunday (for the meeting will close Friday night, April 16) every one should find it possible to hear him for these Sunday services. - This church wishes to acknowledge the attendance and fine cooperation from the other churches of the town, and to thank them for same; as welt as invite them again ,to all these services when not in services of their own. - *•. Miss Orpah Steed and Norma Ramsey will " spend tomorrow afternoon in Rocky Mount. STRANH THEATRE SATURDAY AlHoxie —IN— "The Son of a Gun" , —ALSO— Comedy "Laughing Ladies" —AND— -BTH EPISODE "Officer 444" r— Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Third Poultry to be Here Ne Poultry Market Stated To Be Unsteady; County Agents Advise Farmers To Sell Now The third poultry car of thia year ia scheduled to atop here next Thursday, April 14. The farmers in this section are having theri at tention called to the placing of the car, and are advised to cull their flocks and sell all the old hens sod roosters, jl The poultry market ia reported unsteady, and a decrease in prices is likely to Many Attend Services Here Services Will Continue Through Friday of Next Week Th 6 people of Williamston are de lighted with the preaching of Rev. Arthur 0. Moore, who is here from his pastorate at Salisbury to lead this community in a two-week's meet tof- Rev. Moore is a young man who has made for himself a fine record in this State. Pasturing,the church at War saw until a constructive work had been {accomplished, he then went to Clay ton, where he stayed until four years when he was called to the im portant pastorate of the First Church at Salisbury. During these years his hus been a remarkable ministry in that city. He came to Williamston for hia first service Monday evening, and irfnce that time, has been speaking each night to increasingly large con gregations of people. Williamston has given to him a fine hearing from the very first. The peo ple of Williamston, irrespective of churtch affiliation, have come and are coming to his services, and it is a source of great delight to note the fine whole-hearted support which the peo ple are giving him. l' As a preacher, Rev. Mr. Moore is capable, sane, pleasing and winsome. He is a man who knows the Ix>rd and In hia own heart has had an experience of grace. He is dead in earnest; his sincerity is beyond question. It is his consuming desire to see the Kingdom of God set up in the hearts of the people. He preaches nothing at all except the Gospel. He hews to the line and does not stray from his Bible. His preaching is characterized by a sim plicity which makes it irresistible. Every word he speaks can be under htood by even the children of the con gregation. All of what he says cen ters about Christ Jesus. In what he says there is nothing of the sensational. He is altogether con structive and his coming will, without a doubt, mean much to the people in this community. In the remaining week of his stay! in our midst he will dedicate himself to the very best preaching of which he iB capable, and will endeavor to { bring men, women and children into a saving relationship with Jesus There will be no aervice Saturday night; but with this one exception he will preach every night in the church through Friday, April 15. On this Sunday he will speak three times at the chureh: Sunday morning at 10:16 ofclock to the Sunday School aa a ( body; at 11 o'clock he will speak again, and at night he will address 'what is believed will be one of the greatest audiences this church has iseen in many a day. In addition to these services he and the pastor will conduct some afternoon services for the school children next week. Charlie Rogerson Dies at Home in Bear Grass | Charlie Rogerson died Wednesday : night at his home near Bear Grasa ! after a long illness. For many years he had suffered from a stroke of paralysis, and during the past several week he gradually grew worse until the md came. Mr. Rogerson was a modest farm er, remaining on the farm where he was born. The son of Gib Rogerson, he was 67 years old at the time of his death. From his youth he had a fo | ness for music and took up the violin and practiced without train ing. He never lost the ipusical in spiration and even entered fiddlers' conventions after his hand had been paralysed. \ He was one of the most ardent masons in this section, having been a member of Skewarkee Lodge for more than 80 years. He married Miss Alice Rogerson of Warren county, who with two children Misa Louise and Charles, jr. survive. The funeral was by Elder J. N. Rogerson and the burial waa at the home place by the side of his father where it waa interred with masonic honors. > Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 8,1927 result. Shipments from all over the country are pouring into the big cities, and an increase in prices is not expected. Prices that will be paid here next Thursday are above those offered on the local market, and are almoat as high aa those paid when the last car was here. Fine Violators of Auto Laws l Auto License Inspector Nichols Carries the Cases to Court State Auto License Inspector S. A. Nichols carried eight cases before Justice of the Peace J. L. Hassell, vhen he caught as many violators of the auto-license laws of the State. Joe Moore was fined $26 and cost for operating a motor vehicle with an im proper license. Clyde Roberson, operating a car without license, was required to pay the coats of the case and to procure a license for his automobile. Walter Rogers was called on three different counts. For operating a car with an improper licenae, he was fined $26 and cost. On the second count, operating a car without a license, he was required to pay the cost and pro cure a license. On the third count, he was charged with operating with a stolen license. Probable cavse being shown, he waa bound over to the Re corder's court. The first two cases were appealed, and in the recorder's court Rogers was fined $26 and cost in each case. Amos Moore, operating car without license, was fined $lO and required to pay the coata. | Jesse Rogers, operating car without license, was fined $lO and costs. Alonza Daniel, operating car with out license, was ordered to pay costs «nd procure license. After his last case, Mr. Nichols left town, but stated that he would be back in a few days. The cases were heard in the mayor's office. Standard Oil Stations Change Hands Again The Standard Oil filling stations on Main Street went under new manage ment for the second time within tjie past few days this week when Char lie James and Frank Caratarphen took charge of the one on the corner of Main and Haughton Streets, and Jack Willoughby took charge of the Midway station. It will be two weeks before Mr. Willoughby will leave his home in Plymouth to manage the sta tion. During that time Pat Baker will "dish out" the gas. It is under stood that in connection with the serv ice Btation a repair department will be operated at the Midway. Charlie and Frank, at the corner (Station, have been busy this week painting and caring, for the grounds around their station and are making a strong bid for patronage. Everetts Woodmen to Meet Monday Night The regular meeting of the M. W. A., Everetts camp, will be held Mon day night, April 11 at which time some very important matters are to be discussed. Every member of the camp is urged to be present and help to make the meeting a success. Methodist Church Program for Sunday Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. • at Hamilton at 11 a. m. and at 7:46 p. m. Rev. S. A. Cotton Presiding Elder of the Weldon Dis trict, will be with ua at the 7:46 serv ice and will preach and after the ser mon the second quarterly meeting be held. The people of the munity are cordially invited to hear the Rev. Mr. Cotton. There will be preaching at the Mills Schoolhouse at 3.80 p .m. It is hoped that the people tf the neigh borhood will be present,—Rev. T. W. Lee, pastor. Sunday Services at the Church of Advent Palm Sunday Rev. C O. Pardo, Rector 10:00 Church School. 11:00 Morning Prayer and Sermon. 3:00 Holy Trinity Mission. Lenten Services Wednesday and Fridays: Good Friday Service 11; —3:00. KecorderHad Large tiocket Here Tuesday i Young Colored Boy Asks Judge to Send Him to the Roads Recorder's court, which had taken a three-weeks' rest to accommodate the superior court in the use of the court- 1 house, got in action again Tuesday,! when a large number St offenders and ! their frienls filled the eourthouse. j The first case called was against j Abner James, who failed to answer, whereupon his bond was forfeited and capias was ordered issued. W. D. Boston; m«pufatturinjf™Ti quor. Plead guilty and was fined S2OO and the cost, and sentenced to the roads for the term of 12 months, the beginning of the term conditional up on good behavior. ' Lee Purrington, Joe, Bullock, John nie Bullock, Archie Horner, Jesse Hopkins, and Wheeler (Town all were charged with an affftqr and assault with a deadly weapon* Not guilty. tius Hardy faced twt charges; one for assault with a deadly weapon; the [ other for carrying a concealed weap-; on. An agreed judgment of guilty of simple assault was Mnched and he was fined $lO and the cost Pureell Keel, charged with larceny, | was found to be under 16 years old, and sent to the juvenile court. The case against Spencer Hytnan, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, was nol prossed with leave.j Walter Rogers, who was brought in court for transgressing the automo bile license law, guilty oi not having obtained a license and then for driving with a borrowed license. He was fined $26 in each of the two cases and charged with all the cost. Luther Edwards plead guilty to a I charge of manufacturing liquor. He was fined $l5O and cost and placed under a suspended redd sentence of 12 months. He was given until the middle of October to pay the fine. j The cases against Tommy Griffin, for manufacturing liquor, Charlie Hymen, for ataautt wflfo s deadly weapon; and against Norman Jones, were continued for one week. Roosevelt Parker, u young negro boy just over 16, plead guilty to a stealing charge. He had broken into a store on a previous occasion and could not be punished because he was under 16. This time, while Judge liailey was trying to find some way to save him from prison, on account of his youth, he asked to be sent to | the roads, because he thought it i might help him, so the judge agreed ! to accommodate him with a term of 5 months. Jack Dixon, charged with assault, plead guilty. Prayer for judgment was continued for one week. J. B. Whitfield, charged with car rying a pistol and assault with a deadly-weapon, piearf trullty, and was sentenced to the Edgecombe roads for 8 months, but upon motion the judg ment was stricken out and prayer continued for one week. Misses Myrt Wynne, Laura Norton "and Mrs. Raymond McKensle met Mr. McKenzie and Mr. C. A. Barclay in Aulander yesterday. Text of Address Made by Woman's C At a meeting of the Woman's club Wednesday, March 30 instead of the usual program, the retiring president, Mrs. John D. IJiggs read the following report: Fellow Club Members: Today while we are gathered In our regular business session we also note the passing of another term in the life of the Woman's Club of William bton, and, as your president, 1 extend congratulations; but rather than to linger in the past would I walk in the daybreak of this new day, and while calling to you that the night Is past, and assuring you that "All's well", yet remind you that it lacks much of midday. The things that the dub haß ac complished since last April are known to each of you and are foreshadows ur rather, "fore-splendors" of the greater things that may be done if we pull with that steady pull—that ' pull together. Ft has taken time and will take further time to get fully ij) line with the work of North Carolina Federa tion of Women's Clubs but time that has not and will not be wasted. The State program has been prepared by women who are not only interested in the State's progress, but are in love with it, and determined that the pro gram shall not be in a material way alone. Realizing that "we touch heaven when we lay our hands on a human body" the first aim of the federation has been to search out and remedy the individual's needs. As a member ot the federated body we have Clean Up Week Starts Monday Don't forget clean-up week beginning next Monday. The town will have two trash carts if they are needed and the carta will call at your place of busi ness or home to aid in scrrying ness or home to aid in carrying away any debris that has ac cumulated during the winter months. There is no time of the year when our town is prettier than at Easter time when the trees are budding and the flowers are blooming. Let's make our beau tiful natural scenery more beau tiful by giving it a clean back ground. Teachers and Parents Hold Regular Meet To Buy SIOO Playground Equipment for Local School Children The local parents-teachers associa tion held its regular meeting in the school auditorium yesterday after noon, Mrs. J. F. Thigpen, vice presi dent, presiding. Following the 'devotional exercise, an entertaining program was render el by various pupils of the school. A story by Elmer Jenkins; a play, "An Exciting Time" by the Dramatic club; piano solos by Katherine Harrison ami Ruth Ward, were a few of the numbers given. Minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll call made by grades, Miss Tenth Grade winning the picture for the month. The secretary read a note of thanks from Mrs. W. H. Har rell for the flowers sent to her dur ing her recent illness. Several committees were appointed at the meeting as follows; Program commTft'ee, MYs, R. 'A. Pope, chair man, Mr. L. H. Davis; Publicity com mittee, Mrs. P. It, Cone, chairman, Mrs. J. F. Thigpen, and Miss Mildred Harden; Membership committee, Mrs. Robert Harrison, chairman, Mrs. O. S. Anderson, Mrs. R. A. Critcher, Mrs L. W. Lindsley; Social committee, Mrs. .G. 1;J. Harrison, chairman, Mrs. Grover liardison, Mrs. C. 11. Clark, Mrs. J. O. Manning, Mrs. Clayton Moore; Ways and Means committee, Mrs. A. R. Dunning, chairman, Mrs. Henry Harrison, Mrs. Myrtle Brown. Mrs. B. S. Courtney and Mrs. Walter Orleans. Mrs. J. F. Thigpen brought up for discussion "playground equipment", and a motion was made by Mrs. A. R. Dunning that a committee be appoint to look into the matter. By a mo tion made by Mrs. Wheeler Martin 7 the committee, composed of Mrs. Dunning and Principal L. H. Davis, was empowered to purchase equipment amounting to SIOO. The motion was carried when place before the meet ing. Mr. Davis asked aid from the as sociation in settling an athletic debt of last year. His request was met and ?25. was granted, leaving $9.72 tried in a small way to follow—giv ing to some the benefits of surgical treatment—to others mere physical v.armth and comfort. Sponsoring dur ing the summer months a story hour for the children, and beginning work in the Welfare Department by minis tering to sixteen under-nourished chil dren of elementary grade and offering prizes in the school, we have sought to get in touch with our future citizens. The year has also seen the birth of four departments—l'ublic Welfare, American Home, Good Citizenship and Fine Arts. While these departments have nut gotten under way with the dispatch % which we hoped, yet with your loyal support and co-operation, 1 now .bespeak, they are destin ed to become the source of our pro gressive and worth while life. What has been done to maJce our ciub home more attractive speaks foi itself and I cannot commend too high ly for their vision and courage the Building Committee which had the re sponsibility for this work; the im provements cost $1143.83 with an un paid balance of only $530. The Kiwanis luncheons have been a source of revenue—small but steady; should more women be willing to as sume tho responsibility of the chair manship of these luncheon committees (and it is one of the things I urge) the work would be burdensome to none. Sponsored by the Social Com mittee a shower has been given the (Continued on the back page) Treasurer Reviews - n i» • ? ! Finances of Town Capture Dodge Car and Liquor j Deputy Not Allowed to Search Car; Two Men Make Their Escape Tuesday evening, J. Raleigh Man- j nrng was on his way to Williamston | with three colored men, when near j Gardners Bridge a Dodge coupe! rushed by them, throwing a tire as it did so. It was noticed that the j two young men in the car were in i such a hurry that they had no time | to stop to attend to so small a mat- j U-r as an auto tire or so. After rac- j ing for about 6 miles, they came to the fork of the road at Holly Springs, where the Dodge on the rim shot in towards the "Big Mill." The drivers of the other car had become so amused they turned to follow, and when the Dodge struck the hump in the , road at the railroad at Hardison's Crossing the wheel on the Dodge was crushed in, so crippling it that the toys had to stop. Manning then' drove on by and on to Williamston,! where he got Deputy Grimes and re- | turned. The deputy attempted to search the car, but was bluffed; and the two] young men got in a passing car and j rode away. After they left Mr. Crimes examined the car and found it j wet with liquor. A few steps away h® found a number of cases which had I been broken when the car had struck j the railroad; also 9 gallons near by i which had not been broken. The car was later brought to town by Sheriff Roebuck and his deputies. The license number on the machine was 37-523 C, issued to 1,. R. Et he ridge of Rosemary, for a Dodge touring car. The riiotor number of the coupe Was A-244-184 and was identified has be j longing to E. R. Allen, Jackson, N. C. | It ts understood from the sheriff's I cffice that warrants will be issued for the men, both of whom made their I escape. ( om mission ers-Board j Education Joint Session ~ The Board of County Commissioners ! and the County Board of Education 1 ; held a joint meeting Tuesday, at which : time they were addressed by I*. II.; | Johnson, of Beaufort, who is a mem- j ber of the State Equalization Board, I in which he outlined the general plan,' which will be followed in the distribu- j tion of the $3,250,000 State equaliza tion fund among the counties. No definite basis has yet been fixed for the distribution, the general,principle j -rrf +he-4aw-will take money fiom tha. rich counties of the State ami enlarge the school funds of the poorer coun ties. This will work to the-advantage of Martin, as well as most other of the eastern Counties. After the joint meeting, the county commissioners held a session in which they decided to appoint three men to serve as a board of tax supervisors fcr the county. Thos. H. Johnson, of Oak City; Sylvester Peel, °R. F. I)., Williamston, were appointed; and an other is to be supplied by the com missioners. Upon duly made and carried J. Sam Getsinger was appinted or elected county accountant at a salary of S6O per month; it was also ordered J that an additional sum of S3OO be al- , lowed for assistance for the register | of deeds. Turpentine, Radio Water, or Liquor? Joe Gortjam, aged colored man, said it wasturpejitine from the wood, some, allowed it was radio battery water, i and ofjhers said it must have been!' liquor, according to the smell. What-j I ever it was fate handed it a death blow, for the container broke when a Ford bumped into Gorham's wagon,; which was loaded with wood, last night in front of Harri son Bros, store. The bottle's contents j trickled down the street's gutter for, quite a distance. It must have been: a full gallon to have run so far. The Ford suffered a broken light, j Joe lost part of his wood, fine woodj it waj( too, when he failed to stop! but continued on his way down to- Award the river. j Roanoke Baptist , B. Y. P. U. Meeting The semi-annual meeting of the Itoanoke Associational B. Y. P. will be held at Nashville, N. C. Sat oiday, April 9, at 10 a. m. in the Corinth Baptist church. All who are interested in B. U. work are cordially Invited to attend the meet ing. {. > Advertiser* Will Find Oar Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Report Proves Work of Present Board To Be Highly Efficient In hi* report to the mayor ami board of commissioners of the town of Williamston this week, Mr. W. T. Meadows, treasurer, sums up the fi nancial condition of the town in a most clear-cut manner. The report covers the work of the present administra tion done during the past two years along financial lines. It goes on fur- tbef* to statJ that another decrease in* town taxes is likely to come about, provided conditions as they now exist are not altered materially. It must be remembered, however, that in case there is a decrease in the valuation . of property at the next listing, that no cut in taxes 'can be expected, and it might be that the rate will witness un increase. 'lhe first'.serious handicap to reach the present board when it wont into office June 1, 1925, was in the form of calling attention to $15,0(H) borrowed money due, part .of it .then, ' find other amounts at luter dates., Du ring the board's administiatiani the ¥ 15.0(H) have been paid, and ilong with that amount all the outstanding bills in and around town were set . tied. On April 1, .the town's, notes payable amounted to $1,200. AgamsJ. this amount the town held as collater al a school board note amounting to I $ 1,066.7 L, and with this deducted there I remain in the form of notes p'lyuble only $134.29. lhe purchase of an oil engine by the board amounted to SIB,OOO, and of | that amount S9,(KM) has been paid, l'ach quarter the town pays $1,140 on the engine ,and at that rate the debt will soon be wiped out. Outside of s'3oo for fire hose, the town owes SIOO, and the financial condition is such that these bills payable can be cared for as they come due. Town Taxes.Added for First Time The treasurer added the town taxes and found the grand total-to be $37,- 739.25.. Of this amount $34,271.81 come from the white and $3,467.44 come from the colored people. Mr. \V,B. Daniel, tax collector, over to the treasurer in general taxes $17,715.92, and in special taxes $573.20 the two sums being it little under half, the entire amount of all the taxes. Taxes uncollected April I amounted to 1 $20,023.33, but of this amount the tax | collector has collected approximately I $3,000 wHich he has in the" bank wait ing to tuj'n over to the treasurer. The report, when it reached the ! bond situation, took on a decidedly I different aspect. The town's bonded i indebtedness is $340,500.00, a huge 'sum, requiring each year" $20,000 in \ interest from the town. The bonds j that mature each year amount to sll,- j 000. and at that rate .'ll v'ear.s will be required to retire them. Figuring in (Continued on the buck page) I )emonstration Agent's Report for Past Month The following report of work done tluring the month of March' was sub mitted to the county commissioners at their regular meeting heje yesterday: Twenty-eitfht meetings held, attend once, 400; 2 meetings attended, at tendance, 60; 32 home visits; 89 office calls; 34 telephone calls; 285 letters written; 288 circulars and bulletins I sent out; 1 article published; 6 office I days; 21 field days; 660 miles trav eled. Number method demonstrations: . in food preparation, 8; in steam-pres | sure cooking, 3; in clothing, 15; in J household management, 3; in house furnishings, 1; in poultry culling, 5; in beautifying home grounds, 1. Number le£Ttlfes: In nutrition, 3; in mothercraft, 3; Ih home gardening, 3. Kitchens scored for knprovement, 9. Number result demonstrations: In I 1 food preparation by women, 30; in 1 clothing by women, 15; in clothing by ; girls, 200; in house furnishings, 15; in chilil care, 3; started in gardens, | 30. Mrs. Mary E. Ange Dies In Jamesville Section Mrs. Mary E. Ange of the James- I ville section died on April 1. She was before her marriage to A. Nelson Ange with whom she lived more than ~ 50 years, Miss Bland of Cross Roads. She was the mother of twelve chil dren, ten of them now living. She was buried at the Ange cemetery near her home. For many years she had been a member of the Free Will Baptist church. li> our last issue we- stated that Mr. W. L. Holliday was a member of Board of Education. This is a mistake and It should have been H. C. Norman.

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