THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina W. C. Manning - Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) I year fc' months - -80 8 months .. — v - x 45 Enterecfat the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise Tax Question Before Us Again > The old, old tax question is up a gain. E. Vance Cook says the first tax ever levied wa* by a lazy ape in the long ago. Ho had climbed tracs for a long time. Finally grov/ing tired o the labor of climbing, the ape— very naturally and humanly—wrote himself a warranted deed on a tree leaf, conveying to himself u very line nut tree. The next day tvhen a bunch of monkeys climbed the tree anil gath eie! a line lot of nuts, the ape cun r.ingly watched the busy monkey;-,, and when they came down the tree the ape produced his title and demanded a rental,, in the following language: "All • monkeys climbing on this tree, Must-bring then gathered nuts to me; Cracking the same on equal shares, The meal, are* mine; the shells are theirs." Since that day mrist people have followed closely the work the mon keys had to perform; The folks have j gotten the shells, while the apes have eaten the "meats. The Depths to Which a Man Can Sink It seems strange to sue just how lew humanity can drift. The case aftainst Osear Wynne, who is charged with the killing of his 5-day-old baby Sunday, uppun -fitly for no other pur pose Shan to get it out of the way— |f it is true, must be the lowest notch or round to which a human be-i imr can descend. Wynne, who is a strong .healthy man in appearance, is 2t> years old.] He can neither read nor write. He married a 17-year-old girl two years a>ro. A year uiro there was horn to tin in a baby, \v hiidi (1 under sus p'eious circumstances, when two and a half months old. It now seems that his own mother thought he was re sponsible for its .death. It is a tragedy to see a man in this enlightened day who is willing to make his way ' through life without being able to write his name, nor read a signboard on the road, and yet is willing to drink liquor and live in | a home where there is nothing but j the gaunt spectPfftf poverty. When his home is seen, then it is We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES V All Standard Makes AUj EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write for Prices and Terms One of our salt* men will gladly demonstrate one in yoor borne. All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. WlHiamston, N. C VwUiKtn, N. C. Plymouth, N. C Still, our taxing plans have been greatly improved' from century to I j century, until we are now getting ' i more for our taxes than any other II people in all history. While we are I paying more taxes, we are getting I . | many times more for our tax money. ? Every piece of property in the State i.i North Carolina will be examined i for the purpose of ascertaining its value within the next three months. 1 The hard question to s«|,ve is, Will the owners come out with the plain truth and tell how many dollars-, i horses, plows, hogs and cows, and how many acres of land they have? And then will another class come clean and tell about their stocks and bonds?' if every person in the States does tell the truth about his property, and 1 the tax assessors do their duty ac cording to the legal requirements, ■ j then there witl not IK- any unbearable burden -on anybody, because the tax rate will be lowered. I of killing his own child. The more we, compare ourselves with China and Mexico, the more we !>re forced to sympathize with those benighted nations!" not such a wonder that he is accused Pre-Easter Sale Of Ladies Coats and Dresses C BEGINNING Wednesday, April 13 AND RUNNING FOUR DAYS ONLY And Too™ A Sale of Men's Easter Suits DRESS SALE ' A Sale of AH Men's Easter Suits All the newest materials are CLOTH C At SjK'Ciu 1 Prices , Dozens of spring's newest ere- 1 itk u in is grea s owing R ti ong jj ere f or your selection in ei n 7 K and sale of our newest dresses. .... j _i . *ll 1 ".OU ID , ... both dress and sport coats. All 1 s a es, a sues. e gro p. wan ted shades and sizes for and $29.50 sl6 dresses reduced to .. $9.95" small, medium, and large w0•24 •24 75 dresses - 515.95 mt ' n - Note these savings in Included in these three popu t9Q „ r . 7r P rices betow. j prices are our newest spring $29.75 dresses $24.7u .com . j j 1 m m $59.50 coats reuuced to —544..>0 patterns and styles. A complete 10 per cent Discount , £» ££ S3 * -gJS s "" on any evening dress not includ- $19.75 coats mluced to *14.95 on >our Easter suit hert. Ed in this group —— , „ JUST ARRIVED Saleof Shirts Clllldren S Dresses New white flannel sport coats, also the dressy black sat- ' Of good quality madras and Newest prints, voiles, and in coats in plain and fur trim- broadcloth in new spring pat silks in Ito 14 years. At- med. These will be on sale-at terng Two lots at these prices> tracUvely priced. 10 per CENT DISCOUNT $1.50 to $5.95 New Easter SU9 and 5, 38 JUST ARRIVED MILLINERY JUO* Alvlvl» CjIJ Our stock is complete and we „ , u*o nr invite your inspection. Prices I*l en S UXIOrCIS, ■SZ.UO Complete new assortment of rangj Ladies Underwear in both cot- ** n « e - In black and tan. A good ton and silk. $1,95 to $9,95 oxford at a special price. - 1 Blount - Harvey Co. DEPARTMENT STORE GREENVILLE, N. C. ANYTHING IN FLOWERS, EAS-' •ter lilies, corsages, roses, £&na. j tions. Right prices. Early qMers mean choice flowers. Mrs. John D. biggs, Phone 65. NOTICE OF SALE and by virtue of the authpri-i t) conferred upon me by a deed of 1 trust executed to me on the 80th'day; of October, 1918, by Payrnon Gorham,! duly recorded in ths Martin County record in book , page , to se cure certain notes, the terms of which; have not been complied with, and at the request of the holder thereof, 1 will sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the courthouse f door in Martin County, on Monday, the 18th day of April, 1927, the fol- 1 lowing described land, viz: The lands in Williams Township known, as the John Perry land and .1. Ed Williams land, and bounded as fol lows: Alex ilrown land on the north; .Stanley Smithwick on the east, Ifetsy! Jones land on the south; and the pub lic path leading from the Jones road, to Wiltz Siding, on the west, contain- 1 log 50 acres, more or less, and Wirig' same land this day deeded to Pay mon Gorham by J. G. Godard. This 18th day of March, 1927. j J. E. POPE, m22~4tw Trustee NOTICE I'nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on Lite 24th day of March, ISWJO4 and of record in Martin County reg-l istry in book A-2, page 510, securing j certain bonds of even date therewith, \ and the stipulations not having been] complied, with, and at the request of; Uie holder of said bonds, the under- 1 signed trustee will, on the 20th day of April, 1927, offer for sale to the high-j est bidder, for easTi, the following de scribed tract of land: A house and lot in the town of Wil-I liamston, N. C., on the north side ol'i Smithwick Street, and beginning at a stoh on Smithwick Street, running thence seventy-one feet and six inches. to a stub, C. D. Carstarphen's liue,; thence a line at right angles with the last-named line and along the line of C. D. Carstarphen to the line of the' Martin Livestock Co., thence along the Imp of Martin Livestock Co., towards j Maiiir Street seventy-one feet and six j inches to a stake, thence a line a } right angles with the last-named line and along the line of C. D. Carstar-j phen to a stake on Smitlnviek Street, the beginning, and being the same premises this day conveyed to said Fowden by C. D. Carstarphin. This the 251h day of March, J927. WHEELER MARTIN, mr 29 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on th 25th (jay of August, 1917, by Ransom Knight, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Hook M-l at page' THE ENTERPRISE WILUAMSTON, N. C. •142, said deed of trust being given to • secure the payment of certain notes .of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust' not having been complied with, ami j ' at the request of the parties inter -1 ested, the undersigned trustee will on ; the 9th day of May, 1927, at 12 ' clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Williams ton, N. C., offer ! for sale to the highest bidder for cash j at public auction the following de- ; .scribed tract of land,-to wit: Adjoining the lands of the Godard ( Hiothera, Bert Gray, John Lawrence, | , and others, containing four (4) acres, i more or less. ' Also one black mule this day bought of. said Tyner. This the Bth day of April, 1927. li. A; CRITCHER, al2 4tw Trustee. Robert L. Co bum, attorney. Report of the Condition of the PLANTERS & MERCHANTS HANK at Everette in the Statu of North , Carolina, at the close of business, 1 March 23, 1927. RESOURCES Loans "and Discounts —5160,793.83 Demand Loans „ 6,851.41 United States Bonds and- Liberty Ilonds 3,400.00. iVcrth Carolina State bonds 5,000.00, All other Stocks, Itonds, and Mortgages 7,850.001 'Banking House?, $3500.00; Furniture and Fix tures $2H85.00 6,385.00 j-Carh in vault and net a niounts due Hanks, Hank ers, and Trust Com panies -• 34,772.32 . Cash Items hold over 24 hours -- 2,877.54 ' Expense leas'profits 111.97 ! Total - $218,041.57 -LIABILITIES i Capital Stock paid in $ 15,000.00 | Surplus Fund 10,000.00 j Dividends Unpaid 159.50 I Deposits subji ft to check, j . Individual 10N, 048.83 I Cashier's Check outstand ing Time Certificates of De posit, Due i>'i or After , 30* Days, —. 77,325.23 j Reserve* Special . 3,622.36 _ Total J. : $218,041.5'} State of North Carolina—County of] Martin, 1927* I, Paul Hajley, Cashier of the above : named Bank,'do solemnly swear that the above stat. meat is true to the ixst of my knowledge and belief. I'M L liAILEY, Cashier. • Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2 day of April, 1927. t DOROTHY TAYLOR, Notary "Public. 1 My expires January 13, 1929. , Correct- attest: V. G. TA YfcOß, J. S. A VERS, j- . J. H. D. PEEL, Directors. I NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 29th day of December, 1917, by A. J. Manning, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book U-l, at page 62, said deed of trust being given to secure the payment of ccrtu.ii. notes of even date and tenor there with, and the stipulations in said deed »f trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interest ed, the undersigned trustee will on the 9th day of May, 1927, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at. public auction the following de scribed tracts of land, to wit: Being lots number 29 and 30 of the J. W. Watts land division and record ed in book 11, at page 322, of the Mar tin County Public Registry and .known as Piney Island. This the Bth day of April, 1927. J. G. GODARD, al2 4tw Trustee. .Robert L. Coburn, attorney. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the authoi- Ity conferred upon me in a certain -deed of trust executed by Charlio James on the 7th day of April, 1919, • o secure a certain note, the samv , not having been paid according toj tns terms of said note, I shall offer fo'r iale at public auction at the court lrouse door in Martin County on Mon day, April 18, 1927, at 12 o'clock the land described in said deed of trust, DR. W. L. DAVIS I EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Bell Jewelry Co. j WASHINGTON, N. C. One Solid Car Load of - Wire Fencing CHEAP FOR THE CASH Culpepper Hardware Co. POULTRY CAR At Williamston, N. C. Thursday, April 14 9:30 A. M. TO5:00 P.M. AT A. C. L. STATION ft .* •'«-• ' ■ ' Cash Paid at Car Door COLORED HENS, lb 23c LEGHORN HENS, lb - 21c COCKS, lb. 10c DUCKS, 1b..: 18c GEESE, lb 12c TURKEYS, lb ; 22c NEW BROILERS, Heavy Breeds, 2 lbs. and under, lb 35c NEW BROILERS, Light Breeds, 2 lbs. and under, lb 32c FRYERS, lb 25c GUINEAS, Each . _ 30c Cull Your Flocks and Sell Your Old Hens and Roosters T. B. Brandon, County Agent Anna Trentham, Home Agent as follows, viz: Several tracts of land in Jamesville Township, Martin County, North Car olina, numbers 7, 9, 10, 12, nad 14, a.- subdivided and survey by the Bur ton Bros. Realty Co. for J. G. God ard; said map or plat being of record in the public registry of Martin Coun ty in land division book No. 1, page 473. Said tracts of land being a part of a tract of land kfiown as the Joiies or Norman farm, and more common ly Vnown as the "Tarkel Neck," and being the same land this day con veyed to me by J. G. Godard. This 18th day of March, 1927, WHEELfcR MARTIN, m 22 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power cf sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the sth day of December 1923, by A. J. Manning, anu of record in the public registry cf Martin County in Book N-2 at pa?" 427, r.aitl defd o' trust being FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMER DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE I lu'.ve bought the undertaking establishment formerly owned by Mr. F. L. Edwards, and have secured the services of Mr. Harper Ilolliday, an expart funeral director tuiJ licensed embalmer. Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. Courtney WILLIAMSTON, N. C. I>ay I'hone 155 ■ Night Phone 44 given to secure the payment of cer tain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on the 9th day of May, 1927 at 12 o'clock M., at the Court house Door in the Town of William ston, N. C., offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash at public auction the following described tract of land, to-wit: Being the one-sixth (1-6) undivided interest of E. E. Roterson in the J. W. Roberson lands adjoining the lands R. Roberson, B. D. Barber land, Hardy Mizelle land, and others, tract containing approximately 140 acres, more or less. The above deed of trust being given for the purchase price of the lands herein described. This the Bth day of April, 1027. E. S. PEEL, my-12-4t —Trustee. Robert L. Cobum, Attorney.

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