Watch the Label On Your Paper; It Carries the Date Tour Subscription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 14 Insane Negro Hard to Place Under Arrest Officers Go After Man in Cowboy Style but Rope is Cut Joe Wiggins, aged colored man liv ing near here, made it very difficult for officers to arrest him last Tues day. He ran from the officers for 6 while and then took his stand, pulling from his pocket a big: knife as a means of defense. Various attempts to take him into custody failed. Seeing: no other way, the officers brought a rope into use, and no sooner than the lasso Went over the man's head, he cut it with his knife. The rope, right new, belonged to a fellow by the name of Outterbridge, aijd jvhen he saw what was about to happen he rushed to cave his rope. He was too late to the rope, but not too late for Wiggins to slash his hand almost to the bone. The next plan used to ef fect the arrest brought in a hoe han dle. One of the officers tapped Joe on the hand with the handle and the knife fell to tls« ground. He was brought here and placed in 'a cell in the new jail. During the remainder of the day Wiggins wore himself out hitting the walls of the jail. Yester c|ay Sheriff Roebuck carried him to the asylum at Goldsboro. Practically all his life Joe Wiggins has suffered epileptic fits at times, and they have impaired his mental a frility to such an extent that he is crazy most of the time. He is about 52 years of age, but physically he is very able. Edward Henry Cotten Dies Near Oak City Mr. Edward Henry Cotten died at his home on the Cotten farm near Oak City Thursday, April 14. Mr. Cotten was 95 years old. The cause of his death was old age. He had been, in his usual good health until quite recently, when he weakened a way and the end came. After completing his education at the Horner Military School, Mr. Got ten taught school for a few years, but returned to the farm when his father died in 1861. He was the son of Arthur Staton Cotten and wife, Louise Mayo Cot ten. He was the oldest of four chil dren, the others being the-' late M. A. and G. A. Cotten, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Wilson G. Lamb, of Williamston. Mr. Cotten was a member of the Baptist church for many years. He will be buried this' afternoon by the side of his mother, to whom he was euch a dutiful son and greatly at tached, caring for her after his fath er's death until her death. The burial will be in the family plot on the farm where he was born and spent practi cally all his life. Farm Loan Association Will Meet Tomorrow The Williamston National Farm Loan Association will hold a meeting at the courthouse tomorrow at o' clock. There are about 15 stockhold ers in this association, mostly in his county with a few in Washington County and several in Washington Township, Beaufort County. It is understood that the associa tion will declare and pay a dividend on the stock hold by the members. Services at the Baptist Church Next Sunday There will be the regular services at the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. At the morn ing hour the choir will render special music. The public is cordially invited to STRANH THEATRE! J SATURDAY Tom Mix and Tony in one of their latest pictures The Canyon of Light Also Two - Reel Comedy and NINTH EPISODE OF "Officer 44.4" Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE 2 Martin Farmers Get High Rating Group Center Meet at Jamesville Today The second group-center elimination iimtests of (he county commencement is taking place in Jamesville today with large numbers of pupils and teachers from all the schools in the eastern part of the county. Winners there today will take part in the final commencement here next Friday. The first ol the elimination contests was held in Hamilton last Friday. Load Poultry Car Thursday 7,000 I'onnds of Poultry Net Producers $1,438.00 Two ducks and two turkeys were lot here yesterday when they" were pi. iced in a large poultry car with thousands of old hens and roosters. Around 7,000 pounds were loaded in Jhj car here yesterday, farmers real isingl in readey cash approximately »1,438. Th car started in Plymouth, where around .it/O pounds wfie pickwt tiji. Leaving here hooked to the afternoon passenger train, its next stop war .Hethel, where the shipment was made .complete. From tnat point the car was. carried to northern markett where its contents will be sold. The large shipment yesterday was | made up entirely of "boarding" hens and roosters, with the exception of the two ducks and two turkeys. Mr. Hunt, manager of the car, stated that it was a fine shipment, and that the farmers here were acting wisely in selling the old hens and roosters and saving the broilers and laying hens. This is the third car to be loaded here this year, and with a continua tion of such shipments, a greater in terest in poultry raising is expected. Bites Snake In Two to Win a $2 Wager t | The second man to bite a snake in i two in North Carolina was J. Hufus Snyder, a student of High Point Col lege, who bit a snake into three ; pieces and won a two-dollar bet this week. The first and, so far as we know, ; only other North Carolinian to have bitten a snake in two was a Bertie ! County citizen, who ran over a snake during a military drill at a general muster before the Civil War. In that case, the wager was a quart of bran dy, and when the head of the snaKe had been bitten off, and spat out, the winner drank Jus quart of liquor and Icy drunk for two days. So notable was this case that it was memorialized by naming one of the prominent townships in the Bertie Empire "Snake Bite," and we find that township wearing that name to this day. Mr. S. O. Perkins will spent Easter at Burgaw, N. C.; wlrere he has his winter home. Mr. Perkins will return Monday and will resume his soil-sur- Vcy work. He is making a complete survey of the Martin County soils. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 15,1927 A. W. Bailey and.Calvin Ayers Are (iiven "A" (iradc Certificates A, VV. HuDey and Calvin Ayers, fainiers of Hear Grass Township,, wore each awurded tirade "A" certifi cate* by the Nvrth Carina State College and the agricultural commit u- !ii i!i- North Carolina Hankers As- Kocia'.iun recently. The State college and the. bankers' association offer each- farmer in the Mute certificate* if he makes 80 per cent un the following test: 1. Kaists enough corn and forage to feed all his stock 2. Raises enough meat and lard for the family all the yuar. !i liaises enough spring and fall vegetable* to supply the family thru the year. • 4. liaises enough sweat «and Irish potatoes 'o last tin; family for 'J ! months.- ' 5. liaises enough milk and butter to supply the family the year round. C. A liberal supply of poultry mil 'Kg'. 7. Have an orchard and vineyard,, W;pt in good condition, with ah many as 10 kinds &L fruits; and th.. ■ k»lw. j tion or purchase of good seed. 8. Rotation of crops and le fumes j 1 on at,least one fourth of land for soil i fertility. !). Improve Initio by paint, land seapu and home conveniences. 10. More than oixj. regular money crop as a' source of income; enough business ability to take an inventory i at the beginning year; keep a j record of all receipts and expendi tures and ke n p a bank account. The certificates read as follows: "In recognition of service rendered' to the community and commonwealth this certificate is gratefully issued and signed on behalf of the; State. , . j "This Ist day of April, 1!>27." * The certificate is signed by E. C. H rooks, for Stale College, I. O. Schaub for the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, and 11. M. Cox, for *he North Carolina Hunkers Association. Wynne liaby is Buried Near Everetts'Monday Without funeral rites of any kind the I)i.dy of the infant thought murdered by, its father, Oscar WyVine, accord- ■ ing to 4 verdict rendered by a cor- ' oner's jury, was placed in a little home-made coffin and buried in the Clark cemetery one and one-half miles from Everetts late Monday af ternoon. As touching and cruel as the act was, rumor floated in pertain parts of the county that the littl? life less body was "pickled" and would be used when the case is tried here next j.ljune. Such a rumor is entirely un founded. The coroner brtiught the body here Monday, had an X-ray pic ture made and returned the body to its humble home the same day. Everetts Woodmen Have Good Meeting The regular meeting of Everetts Camp, M. W. A., was held Monday night, April 11, with a full set of offi cers on hqnd. There bers present, and a good meeting was enjoyed. Two new anplications have been e- ' cured to be acted upon Monday night, April 24, and a good time is promised all who will attend. AH members are asked to keep this date clear and at-, tend this meeting. Recorder Had Short Session Here Tuesday Ten Cases Disposed of In Spite of Shortness of the Session Judge Bailey and Soliiitor Horion made the session of rcvordei's court rather snappy Tuesday, getting the docket clear long befor noon. «l'he case charging Bin Purvis, col rsd, with carrying: a concealed weap on, was "hoi prossed with lea\e, and on the stock held by the members, was discharged upon the paymet.t of $50.00.i The case of Conley Dol berry, charg ing him with carrying a concealed weapon, was nol prossed with leave, Sdfa discharged upon payment of J.. Osear Bidlock, charged with non support, was charged with .he costs and required to pay $. r >,oo weekly for the support of his children. Tommy Uriftin, charge ! witn illeg al possession of liquor, and to which charge he had previously plead guil ty, was discharged upon payment of the^-tfosts. C. Hyman, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon, was foun.f not r.uilty. Jack Faulk, for injury to personal property, was fined SSO and cost:;, and sentenced to the roads for 4 months. Hp appealed to the superior court, and Was released under $l5O bond."' ~7 The ease against Norman Jones, for assault with a deadly weapon, was nol pressed with leave. Jack Dixon, found guilty of an as sault with a deadly weapon, was fined $75.00 and the costs. The case against J. It. Whitfield, for assault with a deadly weapon and carrying u concealed weapon, was con tined for 4 weuks with Whitfield un dor the same bond. The case against Oscar Wynn, charged with the murder of his 5-day old son, was called and the defend ant waived examination, lie was bound over to the 1 superior court without bond. No Date Yet Named For Train Hearing The secretary of the Kiwanis Cluh, Mr. J. I). Woolard, stated yesterday that no date has yet been set for the hearing relating to the removal from the regular schedule of trains number -50 and 57. When the protest against the railroad's intended action was made, members of the North Carolina Corporation Commission weri in Wash iiigton, 1). C., and no date could be nmntlonad than. is not certain, it is thought that a hearing will be held within the next few weeks. The towns along tne loute Served by the two trains will have""representatives at thi hearing, according to reports from chambers of commerce and civic organizations in those towns.' Williamston Highs * Lose to Windsor, Y-3 The Windsor. llixh .School boys de feated the locals here yesteiuay af ternoon at baseball, 7-3. The season for the locals is just beginning, and Coach Phillips states his team will be a safe-bet after practice has gone on foi a few more days. Georgians Increasing Tobacco Acreage Mr. K. B. Crawford, who has re cently spent several weeks in South ern Georgia in the int rest of hail in surance for the Home Insurance Co., .- ays the Georgia tobacco crop will be increased at.least one-third over the lafct year's acreage. Some thing it will be increased as high as 60 per cent over last year. Farmers there are now abut through transplanting. / -V No Developments in Infanticide Case With no direct statements other than the one made by the coroner's jury in the Wynne In. fanticide ease, it now looks as if many of the facts relating thereto will not bfe learned until the case comes up at the next term of Martin Court. The verdict rendered by the jury empaneled by the county cor oner, S. li. Biggs, to hold an inquest over the body, stated that the child diA not die of nat ural causes. Doctors connected with the examination of the in fant's body stated yesterday that they would not like to make any statements at this time as to whether or not tl)« child's neck was broken. - County Commencemet To Be Held Here Friday, April 22 County Banks Close Monday; Business Houses To Be Open Several oi County Schools Will Take Day As a Holiday; l*ost Offices Will Remain Open Tho several banks of the coun ty will not open for business next Monday morning. The officers, cashiers and clerks of the insti tutions will treat the day as a holiday and visit relatives and friends in various parts of the State. Regular business will be resumed Tuesday morning. While business on that day is expected to be light, all the met Considering Sale of Loeal Power Plant Representative Likely to Return with Good Offer for Plant Mr. J. T Chase, of the Virginia i Power and Klectric company, was in : town today getting additional infor : fruition about Williamston's power j a:ul lighting equipment. No bid will I be presented at this time, but it is I thought Mr. Chase will return with in the next few days and carry his contract before the board of town lommi.ssioncis for acceptance or re jection. This morning towji officials were going over the property now owned | and operated for the furnishing "of power and lights. They were talking j in terms of thousands of dollurs,' but I just who was to pay ami who was .to receive could not be traced. It is ex pected Mr. will take the find ings home with him and prepare the contract that will later be submitted litre. Methodist Church Easter Program There will be regular services at the local Methodist Church Sunday. Sunday school at 9.45 u. m., 10. P. Cunningham, superintendent. Preaching services by the pastor, at jll a. m. and 7.45 p. m. Preaching at llo|ly Springs at 3.30 ■p. m. —— The woman's missionary Society will meet at the church Monday af- t( moon at 4 o'clock. ; Farm Life Finals Take Place Today The high spot in the Farm Life school commencement was reached to day when more than 500 people ir> the community visited the school and witnessed the closing day's program. This morning's program was opened shortly before 11 o'clock when the school sang "Amreica, the Beautiful". A few versesfof scripture were read by Itev. W. 11. Harrington, and pray ei was offered by Kev. A. J. Man ning. Various speeches of welcome were made by patrons of the school and reports were read of the work accomplished during the year. The main eyent of the morning came when Dr. Maynard O. Fletcher, of the Washington Collegiate Institute, delivered un address. I'sing as his subject "Success", Dr. Fletcher made a splendid talk to the. large number present. Offering advice to those who are leaving the sehbol to eifter new fields, his talk will prove of much value, no doubt's Shortly after 1:00 o'clock dinner was served to the 600 visitors and school children on the grounds of the school. * As we go to press a declamation contest is underway with five boys and four girls taking part. Certifi cates of graduation and of work com pleted will be awarded at the close of the contest. Tonight the school presents a play, and this will bring to a close the ex £ ercises. ■ Mr. John Meyers Dies at Washington Home Mr. John Meyers, the father of Mrs. James Stanley, of Williamston, died at his home in Washington this •Tiorning at 4 o'clock. He was 59 jeprs old and had been in failing health for several years, gradually growing worse until the end thid morning. Interment will be made tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock in the Episco pal church yard in Washington. cantile houses here will stay open. The post office will be open as usual. The local school will enjoy a holiday that day, and it is under stood that the Kobersonville and Oak City schools will also take the day as a holiday. As for the other schools in the county clos ing, no definite information could be secured this morning. Town Convention Monday Night \\ ho knows but what next .Monday night will be one of the high spots in our town's history when the convention is held for the nomination of various city olticials. With ma jor problems now facing the town, the entire citizenship of the town should he in attend ance upon the convention and help to nominate those men and women who are willing to give time and interest to the affairs of the town. The convention w ill open at H o'clock in the court house and every citizen should feel it his duty to attend. Baptist Revival Closes Tonight Mr. Moore Shows Today to be Similar lo the Days of Pilate The revival services at the Uaptist -Church, which have been guing oil fox nearly two weeks, will close'tonight The meeting has not been a general evangelistic arousal, but has ; gone on in an orderly pleasing manner, where the spiritual development has been the center of all the services, with good singing, good preaVhing, and good fel lowship at all the services. He v. Ar thur O. Moore, of Salisbury,, has preached the simple gospel truth from the plain texts of the Scriptures. The sermon last night was tl.e best the series so far. The text was taken from Matthew 27:22,. What ji.'iall 1 do with Jesus, who is called Christ," being the words of Pilate when the accusers were ruiljng a gainst Jesus and demanding that He fce put to death, although furnishing no proof of any wrong doing. Pilate, the speaker said, was facing exactly the same thing that every individual has to face; the »hu . lei ween right LI (! wrong. P j'o :r; ito shirk ihe t tl by leltii',; the . liiiuling mob cjrose between Josuv and !l>e male f;ntor, doubtlM.s knowing al the time " a'l in the. - atate «»f -innd I ivy vould gU'oly release the robber and .tueify fit. Christ. Mr. Moore :nf. jtv.l that thi day I seems much like the days of when he could not decide what to do with Jesus. Men everywhere are put ting off and letting the crucifixion proceed, however, with the avowed in terest of some day embracing the Christ, but at a more convenient sea- Hon and after the pleasures of life had been exhausted. Then we are anxious to'have Jesus lead us through valley' and plead for us before (the bar of^Judgment. - Seniors to Give Play Next Friday Night The senior class of the local high school is announcing one of the best plays ever staged by a senior class for next Friday night, April 22. "The Charm School', a comedy in three acts, i'i the name of the play. During the past several days a large number of tjie senior class mem bers have been practicing and re hearsing their parts, and all indica tions point to a highly successful per formance. A small admission will be charged to defray expenses of the production * * . I Advertisers Will find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1§()0 Homes of Martin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Many Contests on Pro gram; Basket Dinner One of Features Wiiliamston is preparing for a large assembly of folks at the local echool next Friday, April 22, county commencement, day. It is'understood that all the schools on that day which ' will be represented in any one of the contests to be given "will have 'u holiday. This means that a gi od portion of Martin County will come to \v iitutnislon. Since the schools and communities, represented' by some rupll.s from that place, feel almost >uty bound to support the.i- represen tative, there, no doubt, will be quite a number of school folks here. Then | there are the good old-fashioned poli ticians, this and that town's leading j business men, and the county's "uncles and aunts," without whom no public gathering could possibly be A-1, or what every one expects such to be. These'and others who may find time to come- are cordially welcomed by both the school and the town. Though the plans for having dinner may not seem quite so inviting, the old-time hospitality and friendliness will not be lacking. Due to the fact that the " program to be given at this time will bring the whole county, it has been decided to have a basket dinner instead of a .public iajuul. Fmnilus that come or send representatives are I invited to come and spread the con i tents of their baskets with those of baskets. brought from all over ! the county. Picnic ham, country sau ; sage, barbecue, fried chicken, and all i the "accessories" that go with picnic ! dinners will undoubtedly be spread on a 100-yard table that is being con structed on the campus. Besides the regular indoor contests j and activities, the local school is put ting on a program of outdoor events. This program will consist of running, jumping, putting the shot, and races of all kinds—potato, suitcase, peanut, and three-legged. Both .boys and girls may enter thes* contests. These events will be taking place at the fame time the regular contestants will be comparing wits on the inside of the building. • A big day is being planned, and there is a welcome for all. The ten der leaves that are fast darkening j the shade iti which the table is being constructed are inviting, the school say.-; come, and the town has opened her gate;, to Martin county's school • folks and all who are interested in I the further enlightenment of her | youth, both mentally and physically. i Easter Services at Episcopal Church lie v. C. (>. Pardo, Iteclor 9:00 a. m.- Holy Communion with I junior choir, j 10:00—Church School. 11 :tM>— Choral Communion service I and Faster sermon. The chief festival of ♦he Christian year is Faster. In the church this Faster there will be elab orate musical nurnbeis by the choir and the usual festival service. ■ There will bo no night service. Fifty-two New Members I tor Carolina Motor Club In a .drive here this week made by ! representatives of the Carolina Motor | club, 52 new members were added to the total membership of that i zation. Messrs. liiggs and Barmetiler, : the representatives, completed their work here lust night and left foi the branch office in Wilson. It lg certain now that Wiiliamston will have a bureau here this 1 year, the 50 members required by the club befora a bureau could be estab lished, having been gained', in tho drive. License bureaus in Williams ton, Wehkm, Tarboro and Wilson will be maintained by the Carolina Motor cluh this year, according to a r«*fire senbative of the organization here yesterday. Emblems of the club carrying "Wii liamston" on them will be sent the members of the club within tho next few weeks. Sunrise Service Sunday At Christian Church The Easter sunrise prayer service at the Christian Church will be held at 6.30 Sunday morning, at which time a song, prayer, ami Scripture reading program will be carried out. These services, which are held to commemorate the resurrection of Jeeus, are very impressive. - (It is hoped that every member of the Sunday school and church and all . friends will attend this service. The Sunday school will be held at 9:45. There will be no preaching service at the local church, as the •pastor, Rev. A. J. Manning, will hold services at Maple Grove at 11 o'clotjk.

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