Watch Um Laboi On Your Sabacription Expiree. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 15 Plan Big Day for School Representatives Here Friday Only One Change In Town Officials L. P. Lindsley Succeeds C. B. Hassell As •Commissioner At the town convention here last night the present administration was allowed to remain practically the same when one of the largest gath erings to attend a convention here in several years nominated for re-e'ec tion R. L. Cobum, mayor, and C. 0. Moore, G. H. T. Mea dows ind E. P. Curlrttftgham, ( ?0.i.- missioners. Mr. L. P. Liirdsley v.a* •nominau-d by the convention for 'i:s first tenn as commissioner. The meeting was called to order by Mayor R. L. Coburn and with one or two exceptions it was harmoniour. A. R. Dunning was elected chairman, and YV. C. Manning, secretary with A. T. Crawford, Alonzo Hassell, 1.. T. Fowden and W. H. Carstarphen, tell tem There were only two candidates for mayor, Miss Hattie Thrower and Robt. L. Coburn. The candidacy of Miss Thrower centered the town's attention on the convention and the nomination was perhaps not so much a question of honor, or dishonor, popularity or unpopularity but was a feeling prevalent among u few of the old liners who were afraid or could not bear to see a woman mayor. Miss Thrower is one of the county's most popular and brightest as well as the staunchest Democrat in America. Mr. Ooburn's majority attests his popular ity in the town and his second,nomi nation gives a stamp of approval to his work during the past two years. There were twelve names placed be fore the convention for nomination for town commissioners. Upon a motion with ih« approval of the function the live highest were to be declared nominated. Voting by ballot went off smoothly, and L. T. Fowden, teller, began his task counting the votes. It was one, two, three order in the -majority of cases up until more than half the votes were counted. At that point the votes began to center more to the members of the old board in a part. More than an hour was re quired to check the votes. The results of the convention: , For Mayor Miss Hattie Thrower 49 Ilobt L. Cobum ___l62 For Commi*Hioners C. p. Moore 153 G. H. Harrison 140 L. P. Lindsley 117 E. P. Cunningham 116 W. T. Meadows „ 111 W. H. Crawford 110 C. B. Hassell 90 N. K Harrison 79 Mrs. Lucy Biggs , 46 Mrs. Fannie C. Staton 34 Mrs. Esther Stubbs 10 Mrs. A. R. Dunning was nominated a candidate for commissioner. She withdrew her name, however, and yet two votes were cast for her. The election of the nominees will be held the first Tuesday of next month. Protracted Meeting: at Jamesville Church Rev. Geo. D. Liggett, pa*tor, an nounces that there will be a protract ed meeting at the Jamesville Baptist Church beginning Monday night, May a, and continuing for 1& or 15 days. Rev. H. G. Bryant, pastor of the Kannapolis Baptist Church, will do the*p reaching. The public is cordially invited. STRANrv THEATRE \J WEDNESDAY Lefty Flynn in "Mulhall's Great Catch" AIM Two - Reel Comedy aad Trooper 77 and Free Ticket for Friday Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Railroad Hearing is Put Off Indefinitely The hearing in regard to the removal of trains 56 and 57, op erating between Plymouth and Tarboro, has been postponed at the request of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad. Mr. J. I). Woolard received a letter from the commission this morning stating that the railroad had re quested the hearing to be post poned indefinitely. The hear ing was scheduled to have been held here next Thursday at 11 o'clock. Just what prompts the rail road to postpone the hearing is not known, and no reasons could be learned. Seize 2 Cars for Hauling Booze 'Marriage Oak' in Gawk Is Noted as a Liquor Delivery Point The "marriage oak," in the Gawk section is about, as distinguished as a liquor delivery point as Joppa was in the exchange of ancient commerce. The "marriage oak" is a large ouk tree under which a runaway couple plighted their troth more than half a century ago. It is located in the famous Freen Union, or Gawk, section •f Unr county, and stands at a cross roads, where liquor deliveries have been made to ait north south, east, and west. iSaturday afternoon, Tom Bailey, a F'tderal prisoner, being held in the Martin County jail f° r his appearance in the court at Washington Monday to answer the charge of manufactur ing liquor, was taken to his home in Gawk to get his clothes and wind up his business affairs. Just as Depu ties Grimes and Uallard reached the forks of the road they saw two sus picious-looking cars standing up one prong of that road. They rushed In, where they found three men. Bal luid had to hold the prisoner Bailey, leaving Grimes to look after the three men and two cars. He succeeded in gaining a foothold on the running board of the Ford roadster and pulled the switch, juat as the driver, Manse James, was attempting to speed away. He held James and his car, 10 gallons of liquor, some pint jars and a siphon, (which he held in his hand. He also held Teddie R. Jackson, a would-be customer, who" had come to the ex change to purchase his Easter supply. In the skirmish the third man had made his escape, carriykg a pair of jugs. The officers captured the jugs ; but failed to get the runner. They, however, seized his Ford touring car. together with his coat, and brought them to Williamston. They found from names in the coat and other evi dence that the coat and car belonged to Abraham Pierce. The capture of two cars and at least one man, Manse James, who is to face Judge Bailey on a charge of transporting liquor, and the seizure of a 10-gallon keg of liquor was a fairly good haul when they were not even looking for liquor. Sunday School Workers To Meet in Burlington ' Between 1,000 and 1,500 -fiunday ' w4hool workers from all parts of the State are expected to attend the annu al convention of the North Carolina -Sunday school association in Burling ton on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuro day, April 26, 27, and 28. The con vention will open on Tuesday night with an address by Governor Angus W- McLean and close* on Thursday night. The convention headquarters will be the First Christian Church, where all general sessions will be held. Gen eral sessions of the convention will be held Tuesday night, April 26, and Wednesday and Thursday mornings atnd nights, April 27 and 28. The af- Iternoons of these last two day* will be given over to departmental con ferences. Arrangements have been completed for entertaining all delegates free for lodging and breakfast in the homes of Burlington people. All Sunday-school porkers of all denominations are in- Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 19,1927 Greatest Natural Highway in the World ' ' a-s: ;r:i on «.-••«« n.,u„i h lß hw, y 50 ■ulci per hour. . ' ' " hc,r ,hjt Mi,|or s**'*»* « h.. My.lery car .el * world record la.t month of 203 Results Group Center Meet At Jamesville Certificate of Awards Won by William ston in Group I Contest Jamesville was host, and a most hospitable one, too, last* Fric.ay when it entertained all the schools in the •eastern townships of the county at the second group-center commence nient there last Friday. To the call of Professor J. L. Jones the pr»ip|j in *.hat community prepared a big lin ner for the visitors, and according to many reports the day was a great sue ' cess in every way. Jamesville com-' pared most favorably with Hamilton i ill the extent of its welcome to her | visitors, for every detail to make the, p ues&s feel at home was attended to, j and for that the members of visiting rchools expressed themselves in no un certain term*. Conflicting dates prevented several schools from taking part, but even at that there were around 500 visitors present. It is understood that these schools will be able to take part in the final commencement here next Friday. The results of the two group-center contests favor the one held at Hamil ton in that there were 109 points wore at Hamilton as against 74 at •Atmesrimr. tc the fact that several of the schools in group II could not take part on ac count of conflicting dates. As to its other features, the contest last Fri day was equally as good as the one at Hamilton, thus assuring strong competition here next Friday at the final commencement. The schools winning the certificates of award last Friday were Dardens v/ith 15 points in group 111, and Wil liamston, with 12 points in group I. liear Grass was second with 10 points, and Jamesville third, with 8 points, in group 1, while in group 111 Griffins was second, with 10; Macedonia and lilleys tied for third place, with 8 points each; and Poplar Run took fourth place with 3 points. Returns Following are the returns from Group I (6 or more teachers) con tests: Dora Mae Stalls ami Edith Peel, 'if Williamston, tied for first place in the spelling contest, while Eloise Holliday, Jamesville, won second, and Mildred Ayers, Bear Grass, took third. In the story telling contest, John Flem ing Thigpen, Williamston, was first v/ith 6 points; Elizabeth Keel, Bear Grass, second, with 3 points; Mary Wells, Jamesville, third, 2 points. In the arithmetic contest, Nossie Taylor, Bear Grass, took first; El wood Ange, Jamesville, second, and Charles Manning, Williamston, third! All the schools in this group are eli gible for the pageant and choral con tests at the county commencement here next Friday. (Continued on the back page) Car Turns Over in Flat Swamp Sunday Mr. Gray Corey and wife narrow ly escaped being drowned in Flat Swamp, near Roberspnville, Sunday, when Mr. in some way lostcon trol of his car and it jumped into the creek. Mrs. Corey was painfully hurt. She had one finger practically cut off and was otherwise bruised and hurt. Passing people got the car off of them and prevented their being drowned in the creek. Walker Bros. Circus Here Tomorrow Walker Brothers, a circus, is billed to ahow here tomorrow on the Wash ington road, near the Standard Oil tanks. The show operates on a small scale, and very little is known about it ,DANCE HERE TOMMORROW An Easter dance with Frank Car starphen at its head will be held here tomorrow night. Stub Johnson will furnish the music. Seniors of Local School to Present Play Friday Night "The Charm School" Has Very High Rating; Has Been Presented in European Theaters Members of the senior class of local ater, London, and also in other thea achool'are planning to make a last-' ttrs in Ktigland and the .United States ing imp Tension on their colleagues and " lC P' a V comes from Samuel French's patrons and friends of the school next' rtttnd " nl library edition ' an,i hus a Friday night when the> will appear I u , , I'urmg the past several weeks, in the play, 'The Charm School," The Misses Orpah Steed and Annie Mar play, a comedy in three acts, carries; per and Professor L. H. Davis have yith it a very high rating, and has i been coaching the cast's 15 members been successfully presented by many with the hope of pleasing a large au schools throughout the country. It dience the night of the plav's presen las been staged in The- t.ition. Forest Week April 24 - 30 To Be Observed by All Educational and Civic Organizations The following proclamation was is sued by Mayor Coburn Saturday: "The week of April 24-JjO ha been set apart by proclamation of Presi dent Coolidge ant l Mcl/ean as American FoiWt Week, to be ob s«rved by all educational and cfvk or ganizations by wide publicity and by c3ii;i„ a .... "The forests of North OaivHnn form the basis of several of our im portant industries. They regulate the streams which furnish electric light tmd power; they help protect from pollution our domestic water supply and furnish recreation areas and in spiration to our citizens. It fore, most fitting that the residents of the cities of North Carolina pay special attention to this now interna tional observance and devote soma pert of their time, thought and difl cussions to this moft improtant sub ject, remembering that each one, whether dwelling in the city or liv ing in the country, hag responsibili ties as well as privileges in the use and perpetuaton of our forest re .sources. I, therefore, recognizing the re sponsibility which rests upon me and, following the example of the Presi dent of these United .States and the governor of this State, do hereby pro claim the week of April 24-.' tO, inclu sive, as American Forest Week, and urge all citizens of Williantston to make special efforts in their various ways to impress upon each other, and especially upon the young people the economic and aesthetic values of our trees and forests to us all as citizens of this county, .State, and Na tion. "In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and the seal of this city this 16th day of April, 1927. "ROBERT L. COBURN, "Mayor." Judge Moore Is Given His First Routing Judge Clayton Moore has been given his marching orders, iieginning Mon day, May 2 he will be in Raleigh V)ere he will qualify and take the oath of office. He then goes to Wind sor where he will hold a week's civil court for Bertie county which begins Tuesday, May 8. The second week in •May he goes to Raleigh to hold a one-week term. The third week will find him in Durham, going from that place to Winston j Salera for a two weeks' term for Forsyth county. Elizabeth City is next on the schedule, where he will preside one week over Pasquotank cases. It is possible that there may be some exchanges in this circuit. It may be possible that an exchange will be made with Judge Henry A. Grady who t will be in Bertie at the close of the lirst week of civil court which is fol lowed by a week of criminal cases and then another week of civil cases. If th|s arrangement is effected, then Judge Grady will hold the Raleigh and Durham courts on the 2nd and 3rd weeks In May and Moore will fill the three weeks' term of Bertie court. Negro Is Badly Hurt in Wreck Body Cut Half in Two at Stomach When Boy Hits Windshield VV illis Pierce, colored, turned his Ford roadster over a mile below Jhinesville last night. I He escaped •serious injury, but his nephew, Timo- Itlij Keys, who was in the car with I im, was so naut; i— 1.. Dr. Smithwkk half the nitcht to re ptiir the rents in him. According to tl„. \o«o«i information, the boy was pitorhmi through the windshield ami fill on tlie broken windshield aim cut him apparently almost half in two across the stomach. Reports to day are that his recovery is very doubtful. The township constable, J. R. Man ning, was directed to examine the cai and upon investigation found a lb-gallon keg of liquor and a five gallon keg in the wrecked car, which he destroyed. Pierce, the owner of the car, was taking the litjuor to some up-country place. He was apparently taking the boy along for company and not as a helper, fierce was not thought to have been drinking. He has acquired some reputation as a rum runner. The cur which he was driving was practi cally new, and he had only a week ago bought a new $2,000 car, which indicates that he was doing a big business. Pierce be haled before the courts for reckless driving and trans porting liquor, and if the Keys boy dies he may have to face the graver charge of manslaughter. Will Attend Meeting in Raleigh Tomorrow J. Sam (ietsinger, register of deeds. •C D. Carstarphen, treasurer; E. S. Fed, county attorney and seve.ral members' of the county board of com missioners will attend a meeting in Raleigh tomorrow at which time there will be instructions given to the offi cers of the various counties as to their duties under the new County Governrrvent Act recently passed by the legislature. The act requires a specific rule by which each county must govern it self. There is some little latitude as to which special choice it makes. Once chosen it is then similar to the school regulations, a state board tells you what to do. It appears that this meeting is for the purpose of telling the various counties what and how to Non-Resident Hunters Favored by New Law Our North Carolina legislature smiled on non-residents when it pass ed a law allowing New Yorkers, or any other persons outside of the State ti~ hunt in all of the 10) counties of the State for the sum of ~515.25, while a citizen of our own State will have to pay $125 for the same privilege. The local license is $1 in each coun ty, with a 25 cent fee, ma lsig 11.25 for any person to hunt in his own county. A non-resident gets license for sl6 covering the entire State. Woman Fatally Hurt in Wreck Saturday Night Driver of Car Removes Car License Plate and Makes His Escape On Saturday night, about 9 o'clock, las Mr. Charlie Whitehurst, his wife | Wild six children were on their way home from (!old l'oint, on the road between Spring Green Church and Hut lers Brklge, they were struck by a car driven by a young colored man; both cars were torn up; Mr, White hurst was thrown out and lay un conscious for a time. When he re gained consciousness he found that I his wife had been thrown through the I windshield and her throat cut. Sev- ! oral of the children were bruised and i scratched but not seriously hurt. Mrs. Whitehurst waS taken on a passing car and rushed to Dr. Edgar j | l ong at Hamilton and was mot by the | doctor be/ore reaching his office. The j physician rendered temporary relief | and took tho. patient to his office, where he found it necessary to give | muc !i surgical attention to stop the flow of blood. She was then taken ; to her home on the Crisp farm, where site died Sunday afternoon. ; to John Henry Kborn, a colored man. I Tho driver lomoved the licence plate 'and made his escape soon after the accident, leaving his victims to their | own futj.. Blum's 19-year aid son,, accompanied by another boy, was on i the car when it struck the one be-1 longing toMr. Whitehurst. The only I cause so far assigned to/the accident i 1; that the negro was driving on tho wrong side of the toad. The driver of the Kborn car has! not yet been arrested. Mrs. Whitehurst, who was a Miss I Crisp before her marriage, was buried | near her home yesterday, Sheriff Captures Steam Still and Outfit Last Friday Sheriff Roebuck cap tured a large liquor plant of the steam variety in Hear Grass Township back of Aaron Whitaker's field. Thirteen barrels of beer and a vat containing around 300 gallons were destroyed. 'The jdant had in all probability been operated the day before the sheriff's arrival, and the beer would have been leady, about next Friday for running. No one was seen near the still when thi officers arrived. Baptist Philatheas to Have Baby Show, All local people having childrei. Un- , der two years of age are invited to enter them at the baby show cqntest | next Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock ! in the store next to J. O. Manning i Grocery company. The show is undei J the direction of the Baptist I'hilathoa I clax.i A small admission will be charged. Refreshments will be serv ed by members of the.cluss. TO HOLD HASH L I PARTY WKDNKSDAY "NIGHT, There will' bti a basket party at Mrs. John Gray I'eele's home Wed nesday night, April 2(1. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the church. The public is respectfully invited. ( Tf Explain Steam- Pressure Cooking The American Home Depart ment of the Williamston Wo man's Club will meet Thursday. April 21, at 4 p. m., in the home demonstration kitchen in the courthouse annex. This will be a "food prepara . w tion" program. A demonstra tion will be given sure cooking. Visitors will b« welcome to this meeting. ■ 5 Advertisers Will Find Oar Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Mxrtin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 Perfect Plans j for Providing Guests Dinner Program Expected To Be the Best Ever Seen in County that VV ifliamston would lag be hind in entertaining its school visi tors at the county commencement here I'riday wan corrected in no uncertain terms today when the merchants, par ent-teacher association, and Kiwanis Club backed to the [ullest decree the suggestion to prepare a dinner on that day.. The announcement that a bas ket dinner would be held came, when it was thought that the entire county would be here that day, and when the 'task of feeding that many thousands of people was considered, it was just too much lor any one organization to ■Sponsor. It was later learned that ' no such crowd is expected hero Friday, and in that case the town and com munity heartily indorse the feeding of the visitors here next Friday. Ihe congest., an the program at the commencement are expected to be the tiest yet, as they mark the "best the school : of the county offer. Schools flo;i: all over the county .will be repre sented in cases where there are con testant's to enter. It is understood that all the schools wiil not close Friday arid that around HK)u visitors will be here tiiat day. Members of the parent-teacher as sociation were very busy this morn ing calling on the patrons of the school and asking assistance in caring lor the visitors. The response was gieat in every case, patrons pledging their support to the fullest. A table will be prepared on the campus, and the social committee of the parent teacher association will have charge ud serving the dinner. Judging from the interest already manif'nstj>l hv local uevule, WilLiam a host as our neighboring friends, Hamilton and Jamesville. All who at tended the group commencements in those two towns stated, that nothing more could be done than was done by the two towns in the way of enter taining the visitors. Several Hurt in Wreck Near Kobersonville Mr. Charles Sullivan, of Knlield, ac companied by his wife ami three cnil dren, turned his car over late^Sunday evening near Kobersonville, as they were returning home from a visit to Mr.-,. Sullivan's sister at Columbia. The ear, a Willys-Knight, apparent ly turned a complete somersault when Mr. Sullivan had to make a quick turn to avoid hitting U car which-sud denly approached from a side road. The wheels of Mr. Sullivan's car were all standing in the air and the cat was resting on its top, (Every member oi was hurt, a daughter, Miss Jeannette, was seriously hurt, apparently suffering a fractured skull. After being given temporary treatment by Drs. Ward and Ward, she was hurried to a Reeky Mount hospital. The injuries of all the others were treated, and one of the boys was also placed in a hos pital, but was able to be taken home Monday. Mrs. Sullivan is still in bed at her home. Last reports were that the daugh ter was resting easily and expected to recover. All others of the family are also getting along nicely. It is not known who the driver of the Dodge car was, which apparently rushed out on the road carelessly, causing the whole trouble. No Prospect of Profit in Low-Grade Tobacco Some of the wide awake tobacco growers say they are finding too much competition in low-grade to t'ucco, and that unless a farmer can raise a good quality tobacco he had better let it alone. The darker and coarser grades of tobacco are finding keen competition in foreign lands, and foreign coun tries are becoming very stringent a gainst our darker-grade tobacco traf fic. The dark Kentucky grades for the past year gold very low, in fact at the same old starvation prices. The foreign markets on good grades of (bright flue tobacco are much more litfpfful than any other typos. Yet the farmer who has to go in the low class, from the general outlook, will stand a poor chance to make a profit. Too much tobacco generally meant poor tobacco, because it can not be properly cultivated, housed and grad ed. . t