Entertainments Clah Hertings Waddings Etc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Corey re turned last night from Washington, D. C., where they spent several days. Dr. and Mrs. John D. Biggs and Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Barnes returned today from Pinehuret, where they at tended the State bankers' annual con vention. Mrs. J. P. Boyle, Mrs. Fannie Mat thews, Miss Effie Waldo, and little Miss Peggy Long, of Hamilton, visit ed friends here Wednesday. Mrs. W. S. Harris left this morn ing for Richmond, where she will visit her daughter, Miss Pattie Harris, for several days. Miss Frances Hoyt has returned from Greensboro, where she visited friends at N. C. C. W. Mr. and Mrs. John Whitmore, of Hopewell, visited Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Saunders this week. Mr. C. A. Harrison motored to Greensboro Wednesday. He carried Misses Velma Harrison and Lucille Hassell to Winston-Salem, where they are students at Salem College. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Norman left Sunday after spending the week end with Mrs. Norman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Has* *ll. They returned to Wilmington by way of Halifax. Misses Annie Ruth and Helen Jones of Grimesland, and Virginia Jones, of Greenville, visited friends here this week. Messrs. W. C. Manning and Elbert Peel attended the meeting of the Car olina* district of the Kiwanis, which was held in Rocky Mount Tuesday. Mesdames Oscar Anderson, J. A. Manning, and B. W. Hardy spent Tuesday in Goldsboro. Dr. W. E. Warren and H. A. Biggs have returned from Durham, where they attended the medical convention. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jones and daugh ter and Miss Essie Jordan, of James ville, were visitors here Wednesday. The Ben Barnhills left this week for Washington, where Mr. Barnhill will be associated with the Susman Motor Co. They will make their home in that city. Friends of all the mem bers of the family regret their de parture. t Friends of little Cushie Hassell arc delighted that he is improving very rapidly from a recent operation for appendicitis at a Washington hospit al. His mother, Mrs. C. B. Hansell, Is in Washington with him. Attorneys B. A. CHtcher and Wheeler Martin have been attending -federal court in Washington this week. NOTICE OF TAX DEED To Hattie Nichols: You will take notice that I pur chased, at a sheriff's sale for taxes, 1 residence listed by you in Roberson ville Township, at a tax sale at the courthouse in Martin County on the 7th day of June, 1926, for the taxes due and unpaid for the year 1925. And you and all other persons in terested in said property will take no tice that unless redemption is made RS is provided by law on or before the 7th day of June, 1927, I shall de mand a deed for the same from the sheriff of Martin County. This the Ist day of April, 1927. ROOSEVELT JOYNER. PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES Where Values Lead Asparagus, Manzanita lage spears, large can - - 25c Pineapple, Hillsdale broken sliced, large can - . 23c Prunes, large size, lb 10c Picnic Shoulders, lb 1 20 c Black eye peas lb 6 v *c Lima Beans, 1b... 10c D. P. Coffee, the world's best drink, lb. .. 43c Land CFLakes sweet Our Pride BREAD Cream Butter, pound Giant 21 ounce cut from tub 61c wrapped loaf 10c D. P. BACON D. P. CAKE 1-2 lb. carton Plain, layer, or light 24c fruit, lb 25c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Society & Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL. Editor EMBROIDERY CLUB MEETING TUESDAY The Embroidery Club met with Mrs. Cone in regular meeting at her home on Church Street Tuosday afternoon. A very delightful meeting was held by the members and the following in vited guests: Miss Janies Freeman, of Wilson, house gu&st of Mrs. Cone, Mosdames Clayton aloore and Carrie Biggs Williams. Mrs. Cone served a delicious salad course and salted nuts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Hill and Mr. Harry Hill, of Tarboro, were visitors here Wednesday. i CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all of my kind friends and neighbors for their many good deeds since losing my barn, pack house, and contents. And I also wish to thank the good brothers and sis ters and friends of Holly Springs for their great effort made Sunday evening toward helping me this year. May 1 long remember such friends. Mrs.A NNIE ROBERSON AND CHILDREN. , CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank the many friends and Dr. Jas. E. Smith wkk for the aid rendered us during the illness and at the death of our mother, Mrs. Hattie Roberson. THE FAMILY. NOTICE I Under and by.virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 7th day of May, 1919, and of record in Martin County regis try in book A-2, page 146, securing certain ibonds of even date therewith, und the stipulations not having been reference of said settlement of line is fcereby referred to, and being the same land sold by John D. Biggs & Co. to R. P. Satterwhite to N. S. Peel, ind N. S. Peel to Woodley Thompson, containing 300 acres, more or less. This the 26th day of March, 1927. J. C. ANDERSON, mr 29 4tw - . Trusteo. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 10th day of November, 1923, by L. D. Roebuck and wife, Hannah Roebuck, and of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in book N-2, at page 417, said deed of trust being given to se cure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will, on the 19th day of May, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following described tracts of land, to wit: First tract: Adjoining the lands of J. If. Bryan, W. A. Nelson, E. C. Spright, Manach, N. O. VanNortwick, J. O. Andrews, and schoolhouse lot Sn Parmele, and being the place where on L. D. Roebuck and wife now re side, formerly owned by D. S. Powell and being the first tract described in deed from D. S. Powell and wife to 1,. D. Roebuck. Second tract: Adjoining the lands of, John Mayo, D. D. Overton, and on DR. W. L. DAVIS EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST Bell Jewelry Co. WASHINGTON, N. C. PHONE Anything for Thia Department To 46 MACEDONIA LOCAL AND PERSONAL NEWS Mr. Gabe Roberson and Misses Car rie Ward and Sadie Mae Hadley vis ited friends in Washington Sunday night. Misses Sadie Perry, Sadie Mae Had ley, Elizabeth Williams, Mrs. Elsie Griffin, and Addie Hodges motored to Washington Collegiate Institute Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Perry left for Chimney Rock last Friday, where J they will visit their son, Garland,' The many friends of little Miss Sar ah Griffin Holliday are glad to know that she is improving. the west side of the public road lead ing from W. A. Jenkins home to Beth el road, containing 50 acres, more or less. ' The above two tracts of land being the same land described in deed of trust from L. D. Roebuck to J. A. Mi zelle, trustee for D. S. Powell, dated November 2nd, 1918, and recorded in the public registry of Martin County in book Q-l, at page 397. This the 18th day of April, 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL, a 22 4tw Trustee. R. L. Coburn, attorney. NOTICE: REAL ESTATE SALE By virtue of two deeds of trust ex ecuted to me by Alice Sykes and W. M. Sykes, one of said deeds of trust Fin* for catarrh i whan melted in a •poon or mufftd "Vtrf ap the note and ■//. , vapor* iahiUd. Head and Chest Colds Relieved In a New Way A Salvo which Releases Medicated " Vapor* whan Applied Over Throat and Chest. _ Inhaled as a vapor and, at the same time absorbed through the skin Hke a liniment, Vicks Vapoiiub reaches imme diately inflamed, congested air passages. This is the modmi direct treatment for all cold troubles tliat is proving so popu lar in Canada and the States where over 17 million jars are now used yearly. Splendid for eonr throat, tonsilitis, bronchitis, croup, head and chest colds, catarrh, asthma or hay fever. Just rub Vicks over throat snd chest ■nd inhale the medicated vapors. It quickly loosens up a cold. VICKS V APO RUQ Ovut 21 MILUQM JAHS i/sto YLAHUT Last Warning At a special meeting of the Hoard of Town Commis sioners Monday evening, April 11, 1927, a warning was ordei ed to be given all taxpayers who have not made set tlement of 1926 taxes. This warning was ordered with the hope that little, if any, property would have to be ad vertised for taxes. April 30th Is the LAST DAY , i ! ' And it is therefore very urgent that you take this as • ' a fair warning and that you make settlement as soon as possible. No extension of time will be granted this year, but all taxes must be in the hands of the tax collector by that day or property will be advertised in accordance with law. ~ W. B. DANIEL TAX COLLECTOR TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. being dated March 19 ( 1924, and re-1 corded in the office of the register of deeds of Martin County in book R-2, at page 469, the other being dat ed September —, 1924, and recorded in book T-2, page 164, in said office, I shall offer for sale at the court-| house door in Martin County, North' Carolina, at 12 o'clock m., on Tues day, May 17th, 1927, the property conveyed to ,me in said dieds of trust, to wit: The following described lands in j Jamesville Township, bounded as fol-i lows: Ist tract: Fifty acres of land known as the Lightfoot lands sdjoining the lands of T. P. Moore on the west, Ce dar Branch on the south' and south cast, by the lands of R. D. Davis on the east, and the public road on the north, and known as the Mill Neck Road, and being the same land, con veyed to W. M. Sykes by H. T. Stal lings in 1903 and recorded in Martin County registry. 2nd tract: Being the same land con veyed to W. M. Sykes b/' Morning Bell in 1908 and adjoining the lands of John Gaskins, J. G. Griffin, Mor-! ris Mill Pond, and being on the north ! I side of Mill Nock Publii Road, con- j | taining seventeen acres. WOOD For Sale Load Delivered STRICTLY CASH Murray & McCabe 3rd tract: Being the same lands conveyed to W. M. Sykes by Jesse N. Stubbs, attorney in fact, and adjoin ing the lands of Ellen Daniels and others, and containing 17 acres, more or less. 4th tract: Beginning at a white oak on the northwest corner of Richard Davis tract of land on the road lead ing from Harrington's Mill to James ville and Washington Road, thence south 61 west 51 perches to Cedar Branch, thence westwardly 60 perches down said branch to a deep ravine. It is intended to include by description all the lands described in the deed of trust from Alice Sykes and W. M. Sykes to E. D. Wilson and A. T. Perry, which is recorded in register of deeds office of Martin County in book "H" page 423. • Terms of sale: Cash. This April 9th, 1927. E. L. HOFFLER, als 4tw Trustee. 666 is a Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It Kills the Germs The greatest car values in eachprice class CHEVROLET $525 to $745- The quality car of the low priced field. 3-speed transmission. Fisher Eodies. Ducofinish. Fully equip ' """ ped. 7 models. Also TRUCK CHAS SIS: 1 .-ton, $395; l>ton, $495. PONTIAC $775 to $975 Most powerful "six" in its price class. Fisher Bodies. Duco finish. Beautiful lines. Value proved by unprecedented sales. 5 models. OLDSMOBILE $875 to sll9O A fine car at moderate cost. Powerful6-cylindermotor. Hand . some Fisher todies. Duco finish. 4-wheel brakes. 11 models. OAKLAND $1095 to sl29s—A "six" that is win ning and holding goodwill on perform; -~r—• ance. Beaut by Fisher. Duco finish. 4-wheel brakes. 7 models. $1195 to $1995 - Famous valve-in head 6-cylinder engine. New models - vibmt ionlesa bcvund belief'. Fisher - ; .J, Eodies. Duco finish. 18 models. LASALLE $2495 to $2685 - General Motors" new and beaut iful car designed and built by Cadillac. 8 cylinder V type engine. ( Fodiesby Fisher. Duco finish. Smodels. CADILLAC $2995t059000 Pioneer 8-cylinder car. 50 body styles and types by Fisher and Fleetwood. 500 color and upholstery combinations. Duco finishes. [ALL PRICES F. O. B. FACTORIES] GENERAL MOTORS stands back of "these quality cars. A double guar antee back of every one. Decide which car best suits your purse. Then cilip and send the coupon. We will send you free full information about that car, together with a wonderfully interesting illus trated little book about General Motors' Proving Ground where its cars must prove their superiority before they are offered to you. Act today. Mail the coupon NOW, before you forget. x ~• • \ GENERAL MOTORS P I GBNERAL MOTORS fDept. A), Detroit, Mich. I ruKvuru RT n Please send, without any obligation torn#, I ' illustrated literature describing the General I I PONTIAC ["I Motor* product I have checked together | ■ with the name of the nearest dealer in a ■ OLDSMOBILE □ 1 ma y w " h • demonstration. ALSO ■ I YOUR PROVING GROUND BOOK. | I OAKLAND □ I T 5 Name I ' BUICK Q | LASALLB Q Address *... j • J CADILLAC □ j | FRIQIDAIRE □ DELCO-LIQHT □ Electric Refrigerator* Elrctric Plants I I- J

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