w When a MAN — or COTTON PLANT Needs FOOD i AT the end of a hard morning's work, your whole body* seems to ache for food. It sure feels fine to put your feet under the table and enjoy your Hartaville, S. C. "For beat results it ie necessary to apply tfi ad dition from 200 to 250 lbs. of mineral nmmoni ates aa aide applications during the growing eea •on. Nitrate of Soda be ing immediately a vai table to the plant as soon as it is dissolved in the soil water, is a most excel lent form of ammoniate for those side applica tions and we use it very largely for thia purpose. Where a series of heavy rains occur during Matf, June or July\ cotton will in a few day's turn pale and shed much of its im mature fruit. The imme diate application of 75 to 100 lbs. of Nitrate will prevent this change of color and shedding and is often responsible for the production of several hundred pounds of seed cotton per acre by hold ing on the plant the crop of squares and blooms that would otherwise shed off. Our unualprac tice is to apply about 100 lbs. of Nitrate of Soda about the time the squares are beginning to form and 100 lbs. more about one*month later." David R Coker, President and General Manager Coker's Pedi greed Seed Company. Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educational Bureau 220 Professional Bldg., Raleigh,'N. C. Head The Enterprise Ads Buy Your Groceries At The Orange Front Store Specials for Sat. April 23 i ■■' ' 2 Cakes Arrow Borax Soap 2 Boxes Pride Powder Jm 1/^ 1 Can Sun Brite Cleanser ) vf\^ i Brookfield Butter, Swift's Premium Bacon 1 lb. prints fV/ Pound ! Brookfield Daisy Cheese 97/* Brookfield Tub Butter I'ound £i 4 I'ound SWIFT'S JEWEL LAItl) Per Pound 12 l-2c 4 lb. bucket 58c 2 lb. bucket 31c 8 lb. bucket $1.12 Swift's Boiled Ham Swift's Neptune Bologna 17« Found fJtJK/ I'ound A I V/ Gv.ift's Thurinffcr Qft/* Swift's Minced Ham OAo Pound .OOv I'ound .. Swift's Colonial Pure Pork Swift's Frankfurt Sausage, Sausage, lb. 27c lb. 23c Swift's Southern Style Swift's Brookfield Cheese, Smoked Sausage, lb. 23c 1-2 pound package FLOUR .. Sunset Self Rising Jersey Self Rising Ballard's Self Rising 12 lbs 50c 12 lbs * 60c 12 lbs 73c 24 lbs SI.OO 24 lbs. $1.15 24 lbs $1.40 48 lbs $1.95 48 lbs. $2.25 48 lbs $2.75 Luzianne Coffee, - Sun-Dried Apples 1 O I'ound i'ound * X v- Luzianne Coffee, 34b5., with KLIM 1 lb 7 f »r cup and saucer $1.35 RUM', 2 1-2lbs. ZZT Z" $1.65 Maxwell House Coffee,, nf) p KLIM, 5 lbs. $3.15 Pound wJ\J\s "-w*ura». Country Meal, water ground *»reen Coffee, lb 30c iwd Ov |{ cs t Ground Coffee, lb 30c SOUVENIRS FOR EVERYBODY John A. Manning & Co. dinner. Your noonday meal gives you the strength to keep going until nightfall. Things are not much different with a cotton plant. You put fertilizer under it —and that's a kind of breakfast. It carries the plant along to chopping time. Then is when every plant stand ing in your fields ought to be side-dressed with 150-200 pounds of Nitrate of Soda. They will all repay you for that good "dinner' of plant food by cherking right up and making cotton for you to the end of the season. Not what we say. But what clear - headed, practical cotton growers all around you do. They make dollars - and - cents profits feeding their cotton at chopping time with this one food that car ries it on to a high yield maturity. And Nitrate of Soda gives the same money - making results when side dressed on corn. Just cut out this advertisement and write your name and address in the margin. Then mail it to us. We will send you, without one penny of cost our little book "Side-Dressing Cotton and Corn." Our manager is a practical cotton grower and knows just what conditions call for here in the Old North State. N.Csj City Market Installs Frigidaire This Week Tiie management of the Ci'y Mar ket antiounoeii the installation of a Urge electric frigidaire. The market i..- manured by Messrs. J. P. Pender and J. H. Ward. Biliie Baxter, of Norfolk, has been j ii> town this week. ——- Poor Fertliziers May Be Corrected By SiJe Dressing Under the uncertain conditions pre vailing at the beginning of this cot- 1 tott growing mason, many tanner* may have varied tlic.r u-u-. fcrU..~cr practice. True economy Is always de- | nirable, but buying low grade fertilizer j never is. It is a cane of belug "penny wise and pound foolish."-'Poor fer* 4 tilizer ineaiis a poor crop. Fortunately, there still remains'a remedy this season for the farmer j whose cotton got oft to u poor start as n result of using Insufficient or Im proper fertilizer at planting time. If j cotton plants appear poor and under j nourished they are probably hungry j r«r nitrogen. The surest and quickest | vay to feud this nitrogen to the cot I on Is by applying a readily available j plant food like nitrate of soda. The j ippllpaliou should be from 150 to 200 j pounds of soda per acre, put on one j ide of the row four or six Inches from tho cotton with a distributor or j Oy hand. This Is the method ap proved by leading agricultural experl ! ment stations. Applications made Immediately af ; tor chopping will generally be found most satisfactory Late side dress ugs do not ordinarily pay as well as he earlier ones. AN APPUM IATIOV I take this opportunity to sincerely thank each and everyone for their ready response tu the lire alarm Wed nesday night and through- whose prompt and efficient jyorlc the main tenant bujldijuc JKu& saved ami dam ages confined to two- small out-build i»'K-- S. S. BAILEY. NOTICE OF CANDIDACY At the request of many friends, 1 hereby announce myself an independ . i:t candidate for the office of town | commisstoner in the election to be [ held May 3, 1927. Any support ae i i>«led me will he gratefully apprcci- Ulwl. Ap22-2t W. H. CRAWFORD. I WANT TO ANNOUNCE THAT from now on, 1 will run my general repair shop on a wt ritcly cash basis. H. D. Harrison, Bear Grass. 2t THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON. N. C. WANTS! WATER GROUND MEAL We grind .corn only on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday of each week. Tiiis rule applys to all and in no case will it be broken. We make the b%st meal in North Carolina and can sup-; ply you an unlimited quantity. HARDISON'S MILL Williamston, N. C. R.'"F. D. 4 FOR SALE OR RENT: NICE HOME in heart of town, all modern con- j veniences. See R. J. Peel. Apls-4 FORD TRUCK FOR SALE: IN GOOD condition and will be sold at your, price. See Harrison Wholesale Co., J city. al9 2t THE OLD HOTEL FOR KENT IN Hamilton, N. C._,J. W. Davenport R. A. Edmondson, agent. a 1.5 2t lOR SALE:' MEAT AND LARD. S. 11. Coburn, Jamesville, N. C., Route No. 2. al2 3tw j I A YOUNG GILT, WEIGHING A-j bout 90 pounds, white with few ( blue kspots, nuarkejj crop and staple' fork in -the right ear, and over keel left car, has been in my field 2 weeks, j Owner please come and pay cost. N. P. Roberson. Mr 29 Btpd i 500 S. C. Rhode Island Reds, Pure Bred Baby Chicks For Sale Saturday, April 23, at sl3 per hundred See or Call R. E. Grimes . at Robersonvilk, N. C. ! O- /CIM fi Th^wei^car ~| I'* > t ' | I There it is, bright and spotless, ready for its first thousand I gHj J 11 uI I 'J j miles of moderate driving to "break it in." | / ill Every time you go over it with a duster or chamois to keep / Jifjji up its outside appearance—give a moment's thought to the oil. ■ ' //// Not only to the amount, not only to the regular crankcase drain- > ImM|| I J'jlj ing, not only to the grade—but to the quality. Just the difference r] jl m / I between unsuitable oil and the constant use of Texaco will have \ /'/// if everything to do with silent and efficient performance later on. \ I )fU M —keep it new lif\|l i i / Texaco Motor Oil fights off wear; its body and lubricating quality ■ H "Mf* •fjp preserve bearings, cylinder walls, pistons and rings. Its visible |l H and provable freedom from tars, paraffin and gummy residues • l H ■ precludes carbon accumulation. ii u,J .. , Your insistence on Golden Texaco will be more and more justi- IjH | i~ HB Buy gasoline y name as y OU drive those tens of thousands of miles with a clean —TEXACQ—tbe new engine that runs "like new." Let Golden Texaco help you stave JlfflH 9 and better gasoline off motor old-age. Buy your oil under the Texaco trade-mark— i that .forms a dry gas and identify it by its clean, clear, golden color. 4 THE TEXAS COMPANY, 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK CITY vIM 'jpTw^ TEXACO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WMI W! CLEAN. CLEAR. GOLDEN JKO " TEXACO (#) MOTOR. Oil. HARRISON OIL COMPANY I ond Otis FOR SALE: MAMMOTH YELLOW soy beans and Mexican Big 801 l Cotton Seed; First year from origi nator. J. S. Whitley, Oakhurst Farm, Williajnston, N. C. al9 2t WANNAMAKER CLEVELAND BIG boll cotton seed for sale. One year from breeder. $1.26 per bushel. J. D Leggett, Williamston. als 2tpd WANTED: TO KNOW WHERE abouts of Noah Godard, formerly of 311 Houghton St., Williamston, N. C. S> nd particulars to Harrison, Vulcan ize, 110 Merrick Road & Cumberland St., Jamacia, New York.. als 2t NOTICE OF SALE Under anil by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 23rd of February, 1925, by 4. G. Godard, and ol record in the- public registry of Martin County, in book A-2, at page 303, said deed of trust being given to secure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust r.ot having b»en complied with, and at The City Market Bids for your trade on the merits of it • meats, which are very choice; on prompt de livery se!"V?ce and on a fair dealing basis. We have just installed an up to date FriflriHa s .rc, and we guarantee our every sale. City Market J. P. PENDER J. H. WARD PHONE 52 PHONE 139 the request of the parties interested, the undersigned trustee will on the 19th day of May, 1927, at 12 o'clock ni., at the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at pub lic auction the following described tracts of land, to wit: Ist tract: Tract of land in the town of Williamston, on the south side of Main Street, bginning at Henry Rog ers' corner, a Stake; thence from his corner up and along Main Street 122 1-2 feet or 40 5-6 yards to Lizzie Slight's comer; thence along her lins to a stake in the back line; thence down said back line 122 1-2 feet, or 40 5-6 yards to Henry Rogers' cor ner; thence along his line N. 31 W. about 112 yards to the beginning, and bring the same property conveyed to S. R. BIGGS UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER J. G. Godard by deed from J. R. Rob rson on the 22nd day of April, 1924, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book M-2, at page 305. 2nd tract: A tract of land and im provements thereon on the south side of Main Street adjoining the land of Biggs property, Joe Griffin property, and Herbert. Peel, Main Street, in the town of Williamston, N. C., and Smithwick Street in said town, and being the identical property in said town of Williamston, whereon the J. G. Godard building is located. The above tracts of land and im provements are the same as conveyed in deed of trust recorded in book A-2, at page 303 of the Martin County reg istry, to which reference is made for a more perfect description. WHEELER MARTIN, a 22 4tw Trustee. Robert L. Coburn, attorney. GUARANTEED We rebuild shoes, an art that has saved Americans thousands of dollars in shoe bills in the last five years. No cobbling job—but as hign grade work as comes from the factory when shoes are new. Do not risk health with damp or wet feet during the cold spring months. If the uppers are good, we can make your shoes new at less than half the cost of a new pair. PROMPT SERVICE SALSBURY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP