Club Meetings Engagements Wedding* Etc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ruffin and chil dren, of Tarboro .spent Sunday with tlier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Britt. Mr. S. A. Burgess and Miss Laura Burgess, of Scotland Neck, visited Mrs. J. H. Britt Sunday. Mrs. Sallie Ross and daughter, Mrs. Albert Willis, of Washington, visited Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Manning Sun day. - Miss Kathleeen Roberson spent the week end with Miss Christine Man ning. Sebastian Macon, of Rocky Mount, visited friends here Stnday. Miss Mary Spruill, of Windsor, spent the week end with Mise Lucy Claire Ivey at the home of Mrs. John W. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Tetierbon and family, of Plymouth, spent Sunday vith Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Harrison. Mrs. B. S. Courtney and Mrs. W. J. Hodges visited their sons in Wake Forest lask week. Friends of Ben jamin Courtney who had heard he was injured in an auto wreck were glad to find out that he suffered only minor injuries. Mrs. W. H. Harrell left last week for Charleston, W. Va., where she w.'ll meet her daughter, Sarah, and return home with her. Miss Sarah has had trouble following an acci dent, and is unable to complete her year i nthe Charleston schools, where she has been teaching. Mrs. Jim l'ardo and little son, Bil lie, of Sanford, are visiting Rev. and Mrs. C. 0. l'ardo at their home on Haughton Street. T. F. Harrison spent yesterday in Tarboro. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE North Carolina, Martin County. In the superior court, before the clerk. Eliza Spruill and husband, Willie Spruill, Cordelia Keddick and hus band, Mack Reddick, Carrie Brown and husband, Haywood Brown, C. B. Keddick, and Lelia Keddick, by their next friend, J. S. GetsHiger, versus William Sheppard, Lewis Sheppard, and Ida Kogers. Pursuant to an order of the superior court made by K.iJ. Peel, clerk of the superior court of Martin County, in the above entitled proceedings on the 13th day of April, 1927, and approved by R. A. Nunn, judge holding the courts of the second judicial district, the underisgned commissioners will in Monday the 16th day of May, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court house door in the town of Williamston North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction the following described real estate, to wit: Being known and designated at Lot No. 8, allotted to James Sheppard in the land division book No. 1, at page 288, beginning at a pine, second cor ner of lot No. 2, thence S. 53 1-2 E. 8 poles to a lightwood post, thence S. about 68 1-2 E. about 62 poles to the run of Great Branch, thence up tha run of said branch to its fork, thence N. 13 1-2 E. 51 and 1-5 poles to a post in E. Peel's line, thence N. about 45 1-4 W. to the third corner of lot No. 2, thence S. 13 1-4 W. 158 and 2-5 poles to the beginning, containing 50 acres, more or less, and which was deeded to Mary M. Sheppard by James Sheppard by deed recorded in book YYY, at page 653. This the 14th day of April, 1927. E. S. PEEL, H. G. HORTON, al9 4tw Commissioners. UNEASYJLEEP \ Ikrw Were All to Piece*," Says Lady Who TdU How Carta Helped Her Whea She Was Rua-Dowa. Hopkins, 8. C.—Mrs. G.W.Arrania, Of this place, aays: *1 «m Buffering from spells of W—>ll These would come on me suddenly and I would have to give vp and go to bed For aeveral montha I did not sleep well at night «d got ao net from sleep. Iwaa vary nervous. I could not Dear the least noise. The children worried ma. My nerves ware all to pieces. 1 had taken Cardui aeveral timea before, ao I aent at once for aome and began to take it again. At the and of a abort time I felt much bet tar, ao I kept right on taking Cardui. When I would foal a nervous span coming on. I took it more frequently for a few days. "I can certainly say Cardui helped ■m wonderfully, for after a time the narvooanaaa disappeared entirely. I could sleap at night and my general health was better. My appetite pick ed up and I enjoyed my meals, {00." Thouaanda of other woman have told of the benefit they have receiv ed from the nee of Cardui. Keep it 00 hand, to take when needed. A medlrtoe of long-established merit; add, harmless^ At all dwg stores. HC lit W Society & Personals Mr*. ELBERT S. PEEL. Editor Misses Annie Harper and Lucille Allen spent the week nd with friends in Edenton. Judge and Mrs. Clayton Moore, Miss Janie Freeman and Mrs. P. B. Cone motored to Raleigh Friday for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Peel and El bert, jr., spent yesterday in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Atwood Newell, of Louisburg, ' drove down here Friday to bring her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Bell, ol Portsmouth who will visit her brother, Mr. John D. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson for ' several weeks. Mrs. Newell returned Saturday, ....accompanied by her nephew, Dillon Cobb. The condition of little Anne Fow den remains about the same, accord ing to reports frm her father, L. T. , Fowden, who visits her in the Wash ington Hospital daily. Miss Frances Hoyt spent Sunday in Norfolk. ' 9 C. C. Ware, State secretary of the Christian Church, and Mrs. C. M. Downey, secretary for the Woman's Missionary Work, of Wilson, were here Friday en route to Kinston. Sirs. J. W. Barnes, of Wilson, is \isiting her sister, Mrs. W. E. Dunn and Mr. Dunn. W. C. Manning spent Friday in Kinston, where he attended a meet ing of the State board of the Chris tian Church. Miss Anna Crawford has returned from Kittrell, where she visited a j lev. days. She has accepted a posi tion with Barnhill Bros. I Victor Shelburne, of W-ashington, I was a business visitor here yesterday. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on th 25th day of August, 1917, by Ransom Knight, and of record ill the public registry of Martin County in Book M-l at page 442, said deed of trust being given to secure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the parties inter ested, the undersigned trustee will on the 9th day of May, 1927, at 12 o'- clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public auction the following de scribed tract of land, to wit: Adjoining the lands of the Godard Brothers, Ben Gray, John Lawrence, and others, containing four (4) acres, more or less. A lso one black mule this day bought of said Tyner. This the Bth day of April, ,1927. B. A. CRITCHER, al2 4tw Trustee. Robert L. Coburn, attorney. To Polly Williams and to the heira at law of Daniel Williams or to any and all other persons claiming under, through or by Daniel Wil liams, You will take notice that purchased at a sheriff's sale on Monday, June |7, 1926, one acre of Dan Williams land listed in Bear Grass township by Polly Williams, for taxes due and unpaid for the year 1925. You and each of you will take fur ther notice that unless the certificate of said sale is redeemed withing three j months from this date, I shall de- j mand a deed for said land from the Sheriff of Martin County. This 14th day of April, 1927. A-15-4 W. H. STOKES. 666 to I Prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND HALARIA It Kill* the Germa Another Car Load of 5 Y. Galvanized . v Roofing AT THE RIGHT PRICE J Culpepper Hardware Co. PHONE Anything for This Department To . 46 TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Twentieth Century - Club held its first meeting since before Lent at the home of Mrs. J. S. Rhodes last Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The program brougnt out thu need of county hospitals in every county in the State, and Mrs. J. H. Saun ders had the paper and Mrs. N. C. Green a readings. Mrs. F. VV. Hoyt gave current events. Invited guests were Mrs. J. G. Sta ton, Mrs. Earl Wynne, Mrs. P. B. Cone, and Miss Janie Freeman, of Wilson. The hostess served lime ice with vanilla cream and frosted cakes. BRIDGE LUNCHEON BY MRS. OSCAR ANDERSON Mrs. Oscar Anderson started a new f'.ei ies of games in her bridge club when she enteitained Thursday' at 1 o'clock with an attractive bridge luncheon at her home on Main Street. Mrs. T. B. Brandon made high score and was given a lovely pair of hose. r *~~ The menu consisted of creamed to mato soup, ham, asparagus, creamed potatoes, English peas, and beaten biscuits, fruit with whipped cream and black coffee. The cluh is composed of the fol lowing members: Mesdamees J. D. Woclard, G. H. Harrison, Roy Gur ganus, Andrson, John A. Manning, 11. W. Hardy, E. P. Cunningham, W. K. Parker, M. D. and J. W. Watts, jr., T. B. Brandon, and J. W. Man ning, who is a new member. North Carolina, Martin County. In Superior Court V.'illie Sherrod vs Frances Sherrod The defendant, Frances Sherrod, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to obtain an , absolute divorce on the grounds of separation; and the said defendant j will further take notice that she is j required to appear at the office of the ! Clerk Superior Court of said County j in the courthouse in Williamston, N. i C. on the 14 day of May, 1927, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 14th day of April, 1927. R. J. PEEL, Ap 15-4t Clerk Superior Court Martin County. WOOD For Sale dj 1 Load «P A • Delivered STRICTLY CASH Murray & McCabe THE ENTERPRISE North Carolina, Martin County; in the superior court. L. A. Briley va. The North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bask, of Durham, The First National Trust Company, trustee, J. W. 11. Coburn and wife, Lidia Coburn, John A. Manning and J. C. Smith, trustee, N. C. Agri cultural Credit Corporation, and H. L. Glasgow, trustee, and the Green ville Banking ft Trust Co., receiver for the Farmers Banking ft Trust Co. The defendants, J. W. H. Coburn and Lidia Coburn, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Martin County to foreclose a mort gage on real estate situate in Martin County, N. C., and of record XXX, at pages 33 and 34, Martin County public registry; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the cleric of the superior court of Martin County at the court house at WilliamstOn, N. C., on the 13th day of May, 1927, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This 13th day of April, 1927. R. J. I'EEL, als 4tw Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF ELECTION An election is hereby called at the regular polling place in the town of Williamston, North Carolina, between the hours of 8 o'clock and sunset on Tuesday, May 3, 1927, when the quali fied voters of tho town of William slon will UUlot for a mayor and five commissioners of the said town for the two years next after their elec tion. The following persons have been se lected to sit as registrar and judges of ''election: J. E. Pope, registrar. John L. Hassell and Albert T. Perry, judges. The registration books will be open for registration of nny new electors residing in the town of Williamston and whose names, do not appear on the Hooks, as follows: lJooks will bo open on Friday, April I and will close on Saturday, April 0, 1927. Hooks will be open each day (except Sunday) from 9 o'clock a. m. until 5 o'clock p. m. and on Saturdays j l'rom 9 o'clock a. m. until 9 o'clock i>. m., at the oflice of J. E. Pope in thp old Farmers & Mel chants Bank; Building, Main Street, Williamston, N. j C. Uy order of the board o town com I)R. W. L. DAVIS EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Hell Jewelry Co. WASHINOTON, N. C. | f missioners of Williamston, North Car olina, at a special session called March 31, 1927. I This the 31st day of March, 1927. G. H. HARRISON, al 4tw Clerk. NOTICE The Town of Williamston, North I Carolina, desires to purchase and will I receive bids up to eleven (11) o'clock j a. m., on the 22nd day of April, 1927, | for the purchase of one 240 H. P. Diesel Oil Engine, to be used in the power plant of said town of William ston for lighting and pumping water. Bids will be opened on Friday, the 22nd day of April, 1927, at the office of the clerk of the board of commis sioners of the said town at eight thir ty (8:30) p. m. The town reserves the right to reject any and all pro posals. Plans and specifications for sflid engine may be obtained at the office of the clerk of the town of Wil liamston, N. C. G. H. HARRISON, Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE f Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed I $2,000 POLICY $12.50 to Oct. Ist, 1927 Covers all occupations, including farmers and mechanics, and costs $12.50 first payment, which covers all costs on the insurance until July Ist. The cost is then $lO quarterly, as follows: July 1, 1927, $lO Jan. 1, 1928, $lO Oct 1,1927, 10 Apr. 1, 1928, 10 Accident Benefits Death $2,000.00 Ix)ss of both eyes 2,000.00 IXJSS of both hands 2,000.00 Loss of both foot 2,000.00 Loss of either foot 700.00 Loss of either hand 700.00 Loss of either oye 500.00 Total disability, per month ' (for life) _________ 80.00 Partial disability, per month 30.00 Surgeon's fees 20.00 Financial Aid 200.00 All the Above Are Doubled for Travel Accident#' Sick Benefits Confining sickness, per month SBO.OO Non-confining; sickness per month ___i-40.00 Henefits paid for one day or more ; Benefits while in hospital, per month s $125.00 John L. Kodgerson WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Apr 5 15 22 29 Last Warning At a special meeting of the Board of Town Commis sioners Monday evening, April 11, 1927, a warning was ordei ed to be Riven all taxpayers who have not made set * * tlemenf of 1926 taxes. This warning was ordered with the hope that little, if any, property would have to be ad vertised for taxes. April 30th Is the LAST DAY , "* , . r .r- -- . - ' I I -' ; And it is therefore very urgent that you take this as f a fair warning and that you make settlement as soon as possible. No extension of time will be granted this year, but all taxes must be in the hands of the tax collector by that day or property will be advertised in accordance with law. y •" • 4 ' jl ' .» i • . ; ■ * ->* - . - s , W. B. DANIEL *'• * ' » TAX COLLECTOR 7 ' TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON •- of trust executed on the 29th day of the town of Williams ton, N. C., offer h December, 1917, by A. J. Manning, for gale to the highest bidder for cash and of record in the public registry of at public auction the following de- Martin County in book U-l, at page scribed tracts of land, to wit: 62, said deed of trust being given to Being lots number 29 and 30 of the secure the payment of certain notes J. W. Watts land division and record of even date and tenor therewith, and ed in book 11, at page 322, of the Mar the stipulations in said deed of trust tin County Public Registry and known not having been complied with, and as Piney Island, ti at the request of the parties interest- This the Bth day of April, 1927. 1 ed, the undersigned trustee will on „ J. G. GODARD, t the 9th day of May, 1927, at 12 o'- al2 4tw Trustee. , clock m., at the courthouse door in Robert L. Coburn, attorney. STATEMENT DELAWARE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY ' Condition December 31, 1926, ax Shown hj Statement Piled Amount of capital paid in caah $ 5H),000.(X) s Amoutit ledger assets Dec. 31st previous year 1,471,'715.64 . I Income— from policyholders, $412,063.11; miscellaneous, $74,- . 187.77; total 486,250.88 I Disbursements—to policyholders, $189,214.78; miscellaneous, ■j $184,314.61; total l.i 373,529.45 - Firensks—written or renewed during year, $128,743,398; in r ! ... 11 forc3 . T r -J---- 81,598,056.00 , | All otlter risks—written or renewed during year, $37,025,330; in force „ 31,050,472.00 ASSETS Mortgage loans on real estate $ DM,750.00 IValue of bonds and stocks _ 1,279,962.51 | Cash in company's office I__lliril iJ: HI ' 30o!()0 | Deported in trust companies anil banks not on interest 862.27 Deposited in trust companies and bank:; on interest , 114,532^56 I Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1926 81,756.43 ■ Agents' balances, representing business, written prior to October I 1, 1926 3,273.30, Interest and rents due and accrued ; 15,330.55 All other assets, a.'; detailed in statement __ __ _ 85.949 9') flßMltr ).. « i _ | Total •_ ; 585,717.61 Leas assets not admitted 3,273.30 Total admitted assets _ $1,682,444 31 LIABILITIES Not amount of unpaid losses and claims ; i $ 56,457.38 Unearned premiums .'_'_"__lllll 377!029^49 Salaeies, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 3,000 00 Estimate 1 amount payable for Federal, State, county and mu nicipal taxes due or accrued _ ■ 11,500.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrue*! 1,500.00 I All other liabilities, as ietailtd in statement H 1,500.00 | Total amount of all liabilities except capital : $ 450,986.87 Capital actually paid up in cash $500,0000.00 Surplus ov r all liabilities 731,457,44 Sor|>lus as regards policyholders • 1,231,457.44 Total liabilities $1,682,444.31 Husint-ss in North Carolina During 1926 Fire risks writien, $2,103,945; premiums received .1 $8,241.05 All other risks written, $2,128,404; premiums received : . 01.33 Losses incurred—Are, $2,628.44*; paid ; j $2,566.77 Lissos iwurtvd- -all other, $16.66; paid HI II ' 16^>6 President, Otto E. Schaefor; srvr. tary, C. H. G. Giuliani; treasurer, H. H. Clutia. Home office; 75 Maiden>', New York City. Attorney for service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh N. C. Manager for North Carolina; Heme office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. (Srnl) v INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh, March Ist, 1927. , I, STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true anl_correet abstract of the statement of the Delaware Fire Insurance Co., of InW York City, tikxl witr this department, showing the condition of .-*iid company, on the ,'ilst day of December, 192'5. Witness my hand and official .seal, the day and year above Written. STACEY W.WADE, Insuranee (tommLssioner. SASH —DOORS —GLASS HOLLAND & BEAMON CO. IHstributors SUFFOLK VIRGINIA

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