ILLITERACY, POVERTY, AND CITIZENSHIP (Not to be Broadcast by Radio) By Mrs. VERNON A. WARD Too illiterate to vote! We must pie. d guilty to the charge. Recent events in North Carolina prove it. We bow our heads in shame as we confess our ignorance, but truth can not be denied. However .thanks be unto an All-Wise Heavenly * Father and intelligent parents, we are not too moronic to learn. Too poor to educate! We deny this charge. We defy any one to present facts which prove it. There is money aplenty to do the things which the great and powerful political machine in North Carolina wants done; money aplenty to create boards and commis sions, with high-*alaried officials to uo the bidding- of the governor rather tnan carry out the wishes of the peo ple; money aplenty to increase court and prison facilities rather than per fect the present system so as to in jure punishment of crime, thereby preventing others from becoming crim inals. The people are almost disfranchised They pay tithes and taxes to church and state, and yet they have practi cally no voice in the government of The remedy! Education is the only (hope of salvation. It is the only of light. And w; must have more light. And the kind of education! Ths good Id golden ' rule kind, whieft ,makes us as anxious to learn as w* are to teach. Any other kind makes for conceit, vanity, anoyance, false autocracy and imperialism. What are our sourcesof education? the home where the child is bom; next ,the church and school (where his m ind, heart and body are tia'ififcd and developed; and lastly, books, newspapers, magazines, his tory, travel, music, art, literature, li braries, colleges, universities, life ex perience, .and goverenment. "How to educate! Economize, save, build. construct, serve. Education mus't reach every child, woman and man (oh, horror of horrors) in this fraud old State. North Carolina must stop standing beside South Car olina in illiterarcy; instead, she must climb to the top with the educated. When we become truly educated in mand and in heart, we will lise above Jhe sins of the past, our homes will be happier, our hearts mvre free, and -our- go v eminent stronger. The following lines from the clos jifir chapter of Ridpath's History of l*.he World seem fitting here: "The first and most general truth An history is that humanity ought to be free * * * If happiness is the ('nd of the human race, thsn freedom is its condition * * * The emanci pation, in order to be emancipation at all, must 'be complete. It is an astonishing fact that the major part of the energies of mankind have been expended in the opposite way—in the enslave-ment, rather than the; libera tion of the race. "Let it be remembered that the bat tli is not yet ended, the victory not yet won. The present is relatively as much a victim of the enslaving forces as. was the past; and it is the duty o.f the philanthropic, the sage, the statesman, to give th° best of his llife and genius to the work of break ing down and not imposing those bul warks iind barriers which supersti tion and conservatism have reared as tU' ramparts of civilization, and for vhich an enlightened people have no wore need than for a Chinese Wall. "One of the greatest enemies of freedom, and therefore of the prog ms* and happiness of our race is over organization. Organization has be lome the principal thing, and man a secondary consideration, it must bi served, *obeyed, consulted, honored, feared; crowned with flow er, starred and studded with gold. But man may be despised, neglected, left a starving pauper homeless, friendless, childless—a '.(.avenger and a begirar at the doorway of the court. All this must bj leversed. The or- GUARANTEED We rebuild shoes, an art that has saved Americans thousands of dollars bills in the last five years. No cobbling as liigft grade work as comet from the factory when shoes are new. Do not risk health with damp or wet feet during the cold spring months. If the uppers are good, we can make your shoes new at leas than half the coat of a new pair. PROMPT SERVICE SALSBURY ELECTRIC $ SHOE SHOP ganization muat serve rather than command. . "If history has proved—does prove —any one thing, it is this: Man when least governed is greatest. When he is free, he begins to flourish, to tri umph, to be glorious. He grows in freedom. He is nappy. He feels lumself released from the domination of an artificial scheme which has been used for long ages for the sub jection of his fathers and himself. "Of all things tlnat are needed to usher in the promised democracy and brotherhood of man, one of the most essential is toleration. It is a thing which the workl is jußt beginning to Almosrt every page of ancient and mediaeval history of mankind has been made bloody with some form of intolerance. Men have desired ifreo thought, but fear lias stood at Uhe door. The present must build a "highway, broad and f rc ®> i every highway, broad and free 7 int»> every field of liberal inquiry. "The first auxiliary to freedom 's tin light to differ. The right of free thought, free inquiry, anJ fre- speech t. all men, everywhere, is as clear as the noon day, and as bounteous as the air and the sea. "A second auxiliary will be found | (is being found, th» revised history j would say) "in the emancipation of! womanhood. The tyranny and selfish- I ness of political parties will for aj while retard what they can not pre- J vent, and then" (Oh, "hear this proph- | et, Ridpath) "by an attempted falsi- j fication of history, will seek to make it appear that they have been the champions of the cause by which one- Ijalf of the hyman race is to be en franchised—removed from a state of | political and domestic serfdom to be come a great and powerful agency in the social and political reforms of thft age. "And the third and last force in securing freedom is universal citizen ;.hip by means of universal educa tion, which is to bring in and glorify the future of all lands, the golden era oi humanity and the universal mon archy of man." How abundantly John Clark Rid patii must have lived to have been able to write words such as those just quoted. The Australian ballot, a real and genuine Australian ballot, is the step ping stone to universal education. North Carolina will socure it in 1929. and then indeed we shall have passed another milepost on the road to "uni versal citizenship by means of uni versa! education." Will the human family perish un der the new order of things? No. Everlastingly, no. Instead, it will "llourish," it will "triumph," it will become "glorious," and as time goei on it shall surely attain the long desired and inuch-hopcd-foi peace, happiness and love. ltobersonville, N. C., April, 1U27. Commencement Is Success Despite Rain (Continued from first page) lection would have won in contest with all the story tellers of all the schools in the State. His words flowed free ly, his movments were natural, and his story very appealing. Neverthe less, Martin County has other story tellers just as good. They can prove it if given a chance. In arithmetic Eli Kdmondson 11, of - . in ariinrneuc eii namonason 11, 01 ii| ueywms iu your nctuuui. % tj° IT'S TIME TO PLANT TOBACCO\^ J] Time to Buy Prote&ion ™ / Leslie Fowden is waiting to serve you. Any kind of mes- Jr sage will bring him to your place of business. He is specializ- p J' Mothers' Day /Z ine in hail insurance. i May 8 A 3 - § or- Candy for Mother, of course, Q* W Q - on Her Day Because she is as 9 2 Little drops of water; little grains of sand, gl □ 3 iSt Z % "that will Make the mighty ocean and the wondrous land £ §§ take her back to yesteryear - .. P5 when beriM>©n«d boxes of can- g £ Good old farmer, working fast as he can go, © _ "^urmicos—and" ixcause H £ Hoping for good season, if God wills it so. • '# reminiscent of the joys of her U 33 W Hut more than anything else, ;5,£ Old way are forgotten, they're pla ing safety first. I Q® g it will give her Joy and happi- * ?S5 2 Z! IhTiTnot forgotten.' 1 utlon M c £ Working on the planter, sand all in their eyes, ,§ gj * Mother's own Box is exqui- O JI; Telling all the children, we'll have good things bye and g site —a selection of the finest '3 bye. I s chocolates and bonbons attract- Jjjj —. HP l v w y uv^?pi?tu^n^r^ i e t r h S % Little wind and rain, mixed all up with hail, 8 g one. two, and five pound, -H jj If you're not protected, means another tale. 2 at >I.OO per pound and up. U • Fi nn,„. Attractive "~r ~ You don't have to worry, or get upoh your feet, 3> © Boxes I If you want P rotection - simply 'phone to PETE. g. g ■■. s S- / Hfe£3u99SL. PLEASE LET ME SERVE YOU ■* LESLIE FOWDEN J4l The Insurance Man The Business That Seiyice Builty Clark'sDrug Store ayPhone 78 - Night phoM *■ > . j i., * , r . Hassells, was awarded first place, and ' in recitation Eva Ayers, of Haseeell, 1 von first place. Interest i"n these | contests is apparent where good teach j ing is found. Naturally, it is SUB- I pected that better teachers are found j in larger schools, because a larger percentage of larger schools enter the contest. Group 111 Results Among the schools of two teachers | or less, Smiths School took the cer tificate with total points made of i 11;. her nearest competitors being Hardens, with 8 points, and Mace xloria and Keels, with 5 points each, j Katie Clyde Ward, Smiths School, found no competition to bother_ in | spelling. Hugh Jordan, of Dardens, and Tom j Henry Ward, of Smiths, told their | stories with ease, and won first and j second places respectively. Edna Griffin, of Griffins School, and | Katie Clyde Ward secured the honors of first and second places, icspective ly. in the arithmetic contest. Of the two recitations, the one ren dered by J. C. Johnson, of Keels School, was awarded first place, and the one by C. B. Holliday, of Dar i dens, second place. | Of the songs rendered, Macedonia's , selection was given highest honor, and Hurst's selection was judged the second highest honor. f Thanks to Contributors but of all honors the greatest ex ' pressed goes to those who gave un- I stintedly of money, food, and serv ices to feed th five thousand about the table stretched along the cam- I pur and to bring order where con | fusion might exist. Blessings on the ! benefactors, thanks for the food, and | grateful good wishes to those who j made the splendid spirit of it all— these were the farewells of a weary i but happy lot of people who returned | home over muddy roads Friday, April 22 And thus the fourth county com mencement goes into history. Side Dressings of Nitrate Aid Fight On Cotton Pests One of our worst enemies id the 801 l Weevil, and to overcome this pest, squares must be set eafly. This prevents the weevil from destroying the squares while they are in the formative stage. Nitrogen is the most Important element in hastening the formation of the squares. A side dressing of nitrate of soda ou cotton assures an uarlier and healthier crop. interesting experiments are being conducted in a nunibe# of Southern States on i *the methods of growing corn. Directors of Experiment Sta tions have found that here, too, nitro gen plays an extremely Important role. As a top dressing, the nitrate shcmld be applied when the plants are from knee to waist high or at the second or third plowing. Ths usual rats of application Is 150 to 200 pounds per acre. If applied just be fore or after a rain, nitrate of soda goes Into solution Immediately. These tests have shown that we can rea sonably expect to increase the yield of corn from ten to fifteen bushels psr acre by top dressing in the man ner suggested. Surely this is bringing efficiency to ths farm and Increasing the termer's profits. Don't think you can draw on the soli forever any more than you can draw checks on a bank without mak lag deposits In your account. THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMBTON. N. C. ' Note of Appreciation i To the Voters of the Town of Wil liamaton:—We take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the expression of your confidence in nominating us _for commissioners of your town at the convention held 1 al the courthouse last week. Your support at the election nexi ' Tuesday will be appreciated, and, if ; elected, we assure you it will be our very great pleasure to handle the af fairs of the town to the very best in | terest of all concerned. ' | G. H. HARRISON, J E. P. CUNNINGHAM, ■ | C. 0. MOORE, I ( L. P. LINDSLEY, 'a26 2t * W. T. MEADOWS. l| WOMEN Who need a tonic should take CARDOI Made of Purely Vegetable ingredient* —contains no dangerous drugs. In Use Orer 50 Years 3 ' —^ mint HOT CROSS BVNS Tempting brown and golden, and delici ously fresh and appetizing are the Hot Cross Buns baked twice daily at the Sally Ann Bakery during the Easter season. Treat the family to them today and see how enthusiastically they are welcomed. They will make the meal more satisfying. Only the purest ingredients are used in their making, which assures you of whole some goodness. Drop in or phone your or der now. Bread, rolls, pastry, cake, cookies, and other oven specialties at very low cost. Sally Ann Bakery Messrs. T. F. Harrison and Stanley Sessoms made a business trip to i Greenville yesterday. Miss Alma Manning, teacher in the | Farm Life school during the past ses- I sion, was in the city this morning. Wants I IMPROVED PORTO RICO SWEET potato plants. Government inspect ed; 500, $1.00; 1,000, $1.75; over 10,- (MtO, $1.65 per thousand. Ready to phip now. Earl Garrett, Lenox, Ga., I Route 2. als 4t, LOST: LEATHER CIGARETTE j case, has "Sesqui-Centennial, 1926" j i.nd Liberty Bell on front. Finder | j j lease return to Enterprise. It j ! I WANT TO ANNOUNCE THAT from now on, I will run my general repair shop on a stritcly cash basis. H. D. Harrison, Bear Grass. 2t NOTICE OF CANDIDACY • -At the request of many friends, 1 | hereby announce myself an independ ! er.t candidate for the office of town commissioner in the election to be held May 3, 1927. Any support at- j corded me will be gratefully appreci- , ated. Ap22-2i W. 11. CRAWFORD. FOR SALE OR RENT: NICE HOME in heart of town, all modem con ' veniences. See R. J. Peel. Apls-4 i N itraPo » * and Nitrate of Soda We have a D. D STALLS WILLIAMSTON, N. C. When everything that is color ful in nature asserts itself, you know it is time for your new straw hat. We have just receiv ed a complete line of the latest models in straws and panamas. The Saylo The Darcy $3.00 (r TheMilcau $4.50 Tpni! The Coolage S~SMh $5.«« fflu We have straws with wide brims —and straws with brims not so wide. Soft straws —split straws —and bands of every width. A hat to fit your head in comfort—and best suited to your face. Bamhill Bros.

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