THE ENTERPRISE :> ublished Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY Williamston, North Carolina - , J -i"? i ..." ' " 1 \\ T . C. Manning - Editor Subscription Price (Strictly cash in advance) i year - $1.50 >'■ months ± 8 months -45 Entered at the post office at Williamston, N. C. as second-class matter under the act of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise Are We Willing for the World to Know Us? Are we willing for tfie world t» i know us" is a question which w« n.ijrht find profit in studying. Certainly, we can hide from our friends and from our enemies many j of our deeds. But when it comes Ui t.od, it can not be dome, because w» Ktand before God's camera every mln- ' ute of our lives. We can turn neith e r to the right nor to the left with out making a perfect picture of the pet for the use of the angels in the judgment. It is even so' with the things we say. The record is made with such perfection that it will bt sung for or against us in the judg ment. Even our very thoughts are jr.scribed in the pages of the boot i f life and death. It seems reasonable to think lhat many people do not seem to care , what happens at and after deathj , they are apparently indifferent> j doub'.less because the date of the J judgment is indefinite, and thought to J I.e. a long way off. {Jut the same folks that care least for the final judgment care most for ! tie present judgment. They dodge! from the true testimony of their lives worse than any oither classes. They would not have the world know about their daily walk and talk for anything. They are always dodging u showdown and trying to shielo themselves "from the light. How would we all feel tomorrow if we were called to march alone down the main street with all of our neighbors and friends lined up to tes tify of the things we have done ami ••aid and thought? Would we fee. comfortable, or would we feel stub born and sore because the record of our lives were opened to the world? Yet every man and every woman is expected to keep the laws of God, the country, and of social decency j ;;nd modesty, that his or her record j v.ill stand the fiery test of truth on tlie daily balance sheet, when all tJli testimony is ip. The folks who think they can break every law of de cency, social, political, and religious, j-nd go through the world with a bold j front will certainly come to a some day where the books are open and speak the truth. The witness may be the poor beast; it may be the poverty stricken person who has had to pay too much tribute; i' maj be the drunkard to whose lips you have pressed the cup; it may the sow jind the daughters whom we have failed to eare for with the full meas- A Mattress for a Name A Name for a Mattress To any one who will furnish a name for a mattress acceptable to the Royall and Borden Manufacturing Co., we will give absolute ly free a dandy bed mattress. You have a chance to win; come to our store and we will be glad to tell you all about this free offer. B. S. COURTNEY lire of Christian loadeiship and ad- One of the thing* we can nevei hope to escape us the witnesses. Those who know us best will doubtless tell the mont, because they see and hear most. It is strange that man will do his best to push the evil day off when it is his duty to meet it quickly ano improve it. We should remwftber that "as we sow, sow shall we reap, and we all know "tihe wages of sin is death." With such knowledge, why should we kick when the search light is turned on and the dark spot* in our lives are bared to the human -view. It is the unrighteous that fuai the law. Tlie righteous haave no fear of the condemnation of the testi mony. "lie sure your sins will firm you out." FOR SALE: SOW ANI) 7 PIGS, 4 weeks old. Reasonable price. Call or see Arthur White, -Williamston, N. C. a 29 .St I WANT TO ANNOUNCE THAT from now on, I will run my general repair shop on a stritcly cash basis. H. D. Harrison, Bear Grass. 2t |P HANFORD'S m\ Ba,sam CUTS ll| SSS IS Myrrh m [ffZffSsfy M|( Use it for the I j • -J 3 *! JT hard cases! Look for the Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh yellow box i# a * OMd . ren > etJ y for cu,s * burns, bruises and sores. For Cuts and Open Wotinds —Use it as an anti septic. It covers the wound with a thin protective coating that prevents infection and aids in healing. For Sprains and Strains —Thoroughly rubbed in it is an ideal liniment. Gives relief in serious cases. Use it to relieve the pains of rheumatism, lumbago, etc. We positively guarantee you satisfaction with Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh. KEEP A BOTTLE ALWAYS ON HAND G. G. HANFORD MFG. CO., Syracuse, N. Y. Hanford's Balaam of Myrrh is put up in 35c, 65c and $1.25 sisas, especially adapted for use on domestic animals. Things 10*£ hink About By JAMES D. TAYLOR GOING TO CHURCH As I write this, I am in that sec tion of the country where the water *is unusually high. In a nenr-by State a call has been made for help. The levee gave way to the powerful wa ter and caused a large number of people to seek dry land. The levee near where 1 now sit is expected to break. God grant that it may not. There were not as many people at church this morning as is usually the case, and it was said that many people stayed home fearing that at any hour their homes might be filled water. Di 1 they help matters b.v not going to t-ic house of God? Where can comfort and help be more readily ob tain* d than in a house filled with those who come to offer thanks and ask for help? Many of those who did not attand church today will go to their regular place of business on tomorrow. There are very few things that keep people away from business. Yet the smallest things serves for an excuse to stay away from church on Sunday. On the first day of the week, re gardless of local conditidi.s, let us say to ourselves and to those about us, "let us go into the House of the lx>rd." You will find comfort there, more than you would at home or any other place, if down deep in your heait you love J'.'sus and know that daily and hourly you need His pres ence. "Ask the Saviour to help you. Comfort, strengthen and keep you He is willing to aid you, He will carry you though." NOTICE Under and by virtue of the jKiwer of sale contained in that certain deea of trust executed to the undersigned trustee on the 7..ft day of Muy.l 919, and of record in Martin County reg istry in book A-2, page 146, securing certain bowls of even date the'rewith. and the stipulations not having been complied with, and at the request ol the holder of said bonds, the under signtd trustee will, on the 31st dnv of May, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, of fer for sale to the highest bidder, (or cash, the following described proper ty^ Beginning on the north by the run THE ENTERPRISE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. of Conoho Creek, on the east by the lands in possession of John Cheesou ;.rvd the Conoho Public Road; on the south and west by W. R. Whitley, 1 unning the agreed line that was a }',re«l to by and between William P. Whitlay, sr., and John D. Biggs & Co., reference of said settlement of l;ne is hereby referred to, and beinfc. the same land sold by John D. Biggs &■ Co., to R. P. Satterwhite to N. S. Peel, and N. S. Peel to Woodley Thompson, containing 306 acres, more or less. This the 29th day of April, 1P27. J. C. ANDERSON, m 3 4tw Trustee. Wheeler Martin, Attorney. NOTRE OF SALE Under and by virtue®bf the powtr of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersign?*? trustee on the 24th day of March, 1(20, ami of record in Martin County r -gistry in book A-2, page 510, secur ing certain bonds of even date there with, and the stipulations not having • en complied with, at the request of the holder of said bonds, the under figned trustee will, on the 31st 'lay (f May, 1927, offer for sale to che SASH —DOORS - GLASS HOLLAND & B Distributors SUFFOLK —i— VIRGINIA WOOD For Sale » (Pi Load ip XT Delivered >/ a i STRICTLY Murray & McCabe IT'S TIME TO PLANT TOBACCOV^^ Time to Buy ProtedtionX^^^ / Leslie Fowden is waiting to serve you. Any kind of mes- W A, sage will bring him to your place of business. He is specializ / £ • u -i • X q 4 „ ing m hail insurance. g ' \ w « 2 > N «* c 5 C*2 5 Little drops of water; little grains of sand, HI Q £; rMake the mighty ocean and the wondrous land. - 5 w jS ~ g K *£ ' Good old farmer, working fast as he can go, * 5d y M M Hoping for good season, if God so. v g & IS vTj --> , B* S g IS Plowing late and early, fixing up the dirt; W ® S}* Old way are forgotten, they're playing safety first. © © H M 00 5 © ® 5 Jjj Working on the planter, sand all in their eyes, g c Telling all the children, we'll have good things bye and xt a - p- £ ' "" bye. _ **:§ °. F & Little wind and rain, mixed all up with hail, 8 X E ® Tf you're not protected, means another tale. § 03 S rt» p* go YOu don't have to worry, or get upon your feet, _ g If you want protection, simply 'phone to PETE. © 52 O \ PLEASE LET ME SERVE YOU / LESLIE FOWDEN S \ The Insurance Man ' The Business That Service Built f Phone 78 Night Phbne hitffcest bidder, for cash, the follow ing described tract of land: A house and lot in the towa o» V, illiamston, N. C., on the north side of Smithwick Street, and beginning at a stob on Smithwick Street, run ning thence seventy-one feet and tix j inches to a stob, C. D. Caretarphen> line, thence a line at right angles with the last-named line and along the line of C. D. Carstarphen to the line of the Martin Livestock Co., thence j along the line of Martin Livestock Co.. towards Main St., ••veaty-one j i'eet and six inches to a stake, theixe a line at right angle* with the lat* l'anted line and alor '£ the line oi C. i i). Carstarphen to a sti*W Smith-1 wick St., the beginning, and taing-j the r--ime premises this day conveyed . to :-&id Fowden by C. D. Carstarphen. j 1 his the 29th day of April, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, m.'j 4tw Trustee. May-June Chick PRICES SMASHED | Flocks blood tested, State inspectoa. j ship daily prepaid per 25 50 100 500 \Y. & Br. Leg. Anc. 3.50 $6 9.75 $47 ' Beds, Rocks ____—3.7s $7 12.00 $5/1 Huff Orp. Wyan. —4.00 $7 13.00 S6O i Free yrs. subscription Poultry Journal ( 7 C. A. NORMAN, Knoxville, Tenn. t- , STATEMENT DELAWARE FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Condition December SI, 1926, u Shown by Statement Filed I Amount of capital paid in cash . 1 ow,0W).00 Amount ledger assets Dec. 81st previous year 1,471,715.64 Income—from policyholder*, $412,063.11; miscellaneous, $74,- 187.77; total _ 486,260.88 | Disbursements—to policyholders, $189,214.78; miscellaneous, ! 1184,314.61; total __ 373,629.45 | Firerisks—written or renewed during year, $128,743,398; in force . ...... ... 81,598,056.00 ! Al! other risks—written or renewed during year, $37,025,330; ! in force 31.060,472.00 ASSETS i Mortgage loans on real estate $ 103,750.00 Value of bonds and stocks : 1,279,962.51 1 laMlk in tympany's office ____________ 300.00 IDMoaHad in tnut innwininn ml bonks not on interest 862.27 'DeMnMI in tnMt cQflMaiea and banks on interest 114,532.56 jJCwting busiiuas written subsequent to iUi iiliMmWi busbJS written prior to October 30 interest and rents due ajil accruife(r ,, _ l 2s*__ 16,330.55 All other assets, as detailed in statomcnt 85,949.99 • ' • Total $1,685,717.61 Less assets not admitted 3,273.30 Total admitted assets $1,682,444.31 LIABILITIES I Not amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 56,457.38 | Unearned premiums ; 377,029.49 j Salaeies, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 3,000.00 amount payable for Federal, State, county and mu ! nicipal taxes due or accrued 11,500.00 I Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued 1,500.00 • All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 1,500.00 j Total amount of all liabilities except capital $ 450,986.87 "•-Wpital actually paid up in cash : $500,0000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 731,467.44 i > ______ Surplus as regards policyholders 1,231,457.44 Total liabilities $1,682,444.31 Business in North Carolina During 1926 Fire risks written, $2,103,946; pMiliums received $8,241.05 All other risks written, $2,128,404; premiums received 61.33 Losses incurred—fire, $2,628.48; paid ♦2,566.77 LOBSBS incurred—all other, $16.66; paid - 18-®® President, Otto E. Schaefor; secretary, C. B. G. Gajllard; treasurer, H. H. Clutia. ... Home office: 75 Maiden Lane, New York City. _ , Attorney for .service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh N. C. Manager for' North Carolina: Home office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. " Raleigh, March Ist, 1927. » 1, STACEY W. WADE, Instance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Delaware Fire Insurance Co., of New York City, ftlod witr this department, showing the condition of .*»aid company, on the 31st day of December, 1926. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and yea/ above written. STACEY W.WADE, Insurance Commissioner. The City Market Bids for your trade on the merits of its meats, which are very choice; on prompt de livery service and on a fair dealing basis. We have just installed an up to date Frigidaire, and we guarantee our every sale. City Market J. P. PENDER J. H. WARD PHONE 52 PHONE 139

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