Watch the Label On Your Paper; It Carries the Date Tour Subscript ion Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 20 Largest Vote in History Cast in Town Election W. T. Meadows Wins Over W. H. Crawford By Only 17 Votes One of the largest votes ever cast in a town election was registered ■here last Tuesday when town offi cials were elected for the ensuing two years. The entire vote cast reached 342 just a few minutes before the polls closed. Mayor R. L. Coburn, running without opposition was given the entire box of 342 votes. In the commissioners' race, Mr. C. O. Moore polled the argest number of votes when 336 people supported him. Interest in the election tjjbntered around a race between Mr. W. T. Meadows, the convention's candidate and Mr. W. H. Crawford, independent candidate. As the efficifel count was teing made, first one and then the other of the two men was in the lead, and the way of the race could not be determined until the ballots were practically all chocked. The final re sult found Mr. Meadows with 190 and Mr. Crawfoid with 173 votes. Two people voted for Mr. C. B. Hassell o\en though he was not in the race for an office. Absentee votes were thrown out by the judges of election on the grounds that they were not complete. They were about evenly divided, however, and would have affected the election only by increasing the number of votes cast For the next two years, Williams tcn will have the same mayor and four of its old commissioners, Mr L. P. Undsley being the only new member. The official count of the election is as follows: For Ma^or Robert L. Coburn 342 For Comniiissioners C O. Moore • 336 G. H. Harrison . 335 E. P. Cunningham L P. Lindsloy 329 W, T. Meadows 190 W. H. Crawford 173 C B. Hassell 2 Two Stills Captured By Officers Monday J. Raleigh Manning. Vance Price, and David Holliday made a raid Mon day in the Tar Kiln Neck section of Gawk and captured 13 barrels of beer, 2 empty kegs, 2 buckets and one jug at one place, but no still. Continu ing their journey a bit further they found a 75-gallon copper still com- plcte. It had just been pulled from the Are and was still hot. Five bar rels of beer, 4 gallons of liquor, a croes-out saw, an axe, and a bucket were also seized. Two men attending the second still saw the officers Snf! dashed through the woods. As one was attempting his escape, he ran too close to Vance Price, who followed and caught the blockader, Samuel Boston, a young negro man. Boston refused to tell the name of his friend. A warrant was issued and Sam went before Re corder Bailey here last Tuesday. Christian Star Quartet Here Sunday Afternoon The Christian Star quartette, of Greenville, will appear here in con cert next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock in the court house. .Seats will be reserved for white people and no admission will be charged any one. colored mshni shrdl shrdl shrdlshrdl The quartette, comopsed of col ored men, has made a splendid repu tation in surrounding stowns and its members have sung in many of the white churches in this section. CTRANH OTHEATREIJ SATURDAY Do you remember Ken Maynard in "Senor Daredevil"? Then don't fail to see him in 'The UNKNOWN CAVALIER" Also Serial and Two- Reel Comedy Always a Good Show fet-k ".*L. T THE ENTERPRISE f ' Martin's New $40,000 County Home j . : • ' • ' . Martin County's New Home for the aped and infirm, located a mile and a half from Williamston, on Highway No. 90, the home compares favorably with those of other counties. The in mates moved in yesterday. KIWANIS "BLA WHITE REVUE" STAGED NEXT FRIDAY Time To List For Present Year The call for 1926 taxes is hardly complete before the no tice is given to lint taxes for the present year. Ten tax list ers have been appointed to han dle the task thin year, and it will really be a task; for, this year, all property is to be re assessed. The time for listing will continue until May 31. hut the people are urged to attend to it at their earliest conven ience and avoid the last minute rush. For this township, Mr. R. T: Griffin has been appointed list taker. He will be at the Farm ers Supply company's store on Washington street on Wednes days and Fridays throughout ihe month and on the last two days in the month. Teachers and 'Parents Meet Two Talks Made Before Association's Last Meeting The parents-teachers held their last meeting of the present school year here yesterday afternoon in the grad ed school auditorium. The session was called to order by the association's president, Mrs. W. C. Livermari, and prayer was led by Miss Eleanor Stan back. Two talks were made before the meeting, one by Mrs. T. W. Lee and another by W. C. Manning. Mrs. Lee talking on the subject "Character Education" stressed the relationship necessary between parents and chil dren. Fathers should be companions to their children and make themselves worthy of their companionship, but always commanding respect through love. We must remember that self reliance is a main point t6.haractei building, that life is but a school where character is always in a pro cess of formation. In the absence of E. S. Peel, W. C. Manning talked on the assigned subject, "The Child, a Citizen". It is the duty of the parent tc make a citizen of the" child, to teach him to combine ideals and ideas that he might be able to draw conclusions of a real citizen. After the several talks, the associ ation entered upon its business du ties. The roll call by grades found the ninth grade with the largest num ber and it was awarded the attendance picture. Mrs. Cone read a letter con cerning scales for the school, and a motion was made to purchase a set next fall. The playground equipment ordered to be purchased ait a previous meeting will be ready for use next year, according to the chairman of tlte playground committee. The par ents are planning to beautify the school grounds this summer, and a committee, L. H. Davis, chairman, Mrs. A. R Dunning, Mrs. G. H. Hard ison, Mrs. B. S. Courtney and Mrs. P. B. Cone, was appointed to look after the work. Suggestions will be asked of a State department, and it is the hope of the association that the grounds can be put in good shape dur ing the summer months. EVERETTS WOODMEN IN REGULAR MEETING MONDAY i ——— The regular meeting of the Everetts camp, Modern Woodmen of America, will be held Monday night, May 9. All members of the camp are urged to attend and Modern Woodmen in good standing are cordially invited to attend. Two initiations will be carried out at the meeting. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, May 6,1927 Daily Rehearsals Point to an Outstanding Production Much interest is being aroused over the coming of the first annual Ki wanis Minstrel, which will hold the boards at the high school auditorium on Friday, Jlay 13, under the person al direction of Henry Mclver, who .-.o successfully staged the musical com edy, "A Bachelor's Honeymoon," here early in the spring. Rehearsals are being held each evening, and from early indications a finished production that will eclipse anything of like nature ever attempt ed in thi« section. All the material used is entirely new and. right up-to tlie minute stuff". One of the big fea tures is the elaborate costumes worn in the first part, before a handsome setting of black and white satin drops. This setting is as fine as. you will see in any road show and some thing out of the ordinary for an ama teur show. After the traditional "firit part" will come an olio of exclusive fea tures, such as the Jazz-Ma-La Har mony Four; a delightful summer time flirtation sketch, "Getting Ac quainted," with a bevy of pretty girls in chorus; an unique novelty, "Com# and Have a Swing With Me"; a rou tine song and dance number by a chorus of girls as beaux and belles; Charlie Frank, the boy with the edu cated feet, in clever soft shoe and buck and wing dances; and "Going to the Races," an Ethiopian absurdity. The performance will conclude with the one-act musical comedy: "A Dol lar for a Kiss," which is a scream from start to finish; Murt Stubbs wih appear as the old farmer, Jostah Wil loughby; Buddy Orleans, as the col legiate "sheik"; Miss Emily Lncke, a£ "Kitty," the old man's daughter; and Mr. Mclver himself will appear as "Pete," a chore boy. This makes up a program of variety, everything from opera to jazz, and a show that will long be rejnembered in William s ton. The inanugement wishes to stress the point that in all probability a turn-away business will be done for this show, and all who intend going should secure their seats early. Fate Bailey Buried Near Bear Grass Fate Bailey was buried in the old IJaily burial ground near Bear Grasu Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Bailey, a brother of Warner G. Bailey, moved from Bear Grass to Pitt county many years ago. He married a Miss Halloway in that county and • they lived near Bethel. Recently his-health failed and he died at his homo on May 3. Mr. Bailey was about 60 years of age. FISHING FOR MAN'S BOI>Y IN RIVER HERE County Coroner, 8, Rome Digits, U having several nets drag the river here this afternoon in an efTort to recover a body which waa seen floating down the river thin morning, "-j The body thought to be that of a white man waa seen from the bank of the river by Will Staton a colored man. He was afraid to go after the body and before he could report it the body went down. L. L. Chesson Dies at Roper Home Tuesday Mr./L L. Chesson, of Roper, died Tuesday aftfijr only a few days ill ness from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Chesson was taken sick at one of his logging camps in Bertie county, but waa able to be removed to his home in Roper. Mr. Chesson had been engaged in milling at Conoho for about a year and is well and favorably known In Williams ton. Many Attend School Finals At Jamesville I)r. H. M. Poteat Makes the Commencement Address Tonight The closing exercises of the James- j ville high school began 'last Sunday night when How Sleplien Gardner, o.f Washington, preached the baccalau reate sermon to the graduating class and townspeople. The so '}» nd number ' o-nthe commencement program was! cn Monday night when hi ;h school I pupils appeared in a play. A most pleasing; part of the exer cises was held Tuesday night when | four girls and four manly boys ] appeared in recitation and declama tion contests. A large audience hea-rd t the tow contests, and c&nsidnred it ! a treat while the judges faced the j of determining the v.'inners. The four girls competing for the pjizea .in the recitation r mtest were Blanche Davis, who recited "Jane's Graduation"; Lilian Jori , who ren dered "Soldiers' Reprieve"; Ella Mac Gaylord, who was award sd first prize for reciting; "High Cultui'' in Dixie", and Hazel Hardison, winn .1 of second prize and who recited "Tom. O' the Gleam". t Four boys battled for declamation honors, each of them choosing a gplen ; did selection. Close scores were made in the contest, and it wa feared one time that the contest would, in all fairness, result in a tie. C. 11. Mar tin, tuking "Lincoln's Gettysburg Address" as his topic made a very high score inthe contest. Russell j Martin won first prise when he ably : declaimed on "No Saloons up There", j David Modlin was awarded" second prize by the judges, when he declaim- j ed on the selection, "We Fade as a , Leaf." "The Blue and the Grey" was, admirably upheld by Henry Griffin. I Tonight, Dr. Hubert M. Potent, of I Wake Forest, will deliver the com-, mencement adorer.*. Certificates will' be awarded the 17 graduates ini- 1 mediately following tho address. Professor J. L. Jones with an able i teaching staff and splendid cooperation of the citizens in the Jamesville community, has given that town one of its best schools in years. Youthful Wife Held Here for Husband A telegram from A. L. Lynn, Kins ton, to Chief Daniel here yesterday caused local police to hold Mrs. Vir ginia I.ynn, youthfuh wife until her husband could get here from Kinston. Mrs. Lynn started out walking yes terday morning at Kinston and short- Jy» after noon she reached here when officers held her pending the arrival her husband a few hours later. On the husband's arrivel, he rented a car and carried his wife to see her mother who lives four miles from Coleraine. Mrs. Lynn was only a school girl when she married, and it was only 27 days after the first meeting thai the two were united in marriage. She al lows that a period of 21 days is too short a time to plant, and ripen a case of love of sufficient depth to anchor an entire lifetime to. A month or two ago she left her husband in' Greensboro and went to her mother's home near Coleraine. When hubby got a job in Kinston, she returned to him there, but it wasn't long before she wanted to return to her Bertie heme. So on the fifth day she started out and was held here a few hours by officers. Better Financial Conditions Shown by Tax Advertising 304 Names of Delinquent Taxpayers Appear on List as Compared to 509 on List Last Year According to figures of the county ti.x collector, the" fax situation in Mar-1 tin County this year is the best it has been jn year/. Tax Collector H. T. Roberson stated yesterday that the ; list of was the smallest this year it had been in the past sev eral, and that the number of insol- 1 vents would be considerably lower this year than last. There are ap proximately ,7,000 *tax payers in the ; county, and of this number only 304 names appear on the advertised list, i The collector stated he was sure that { not more than 25 levies would haw I to be made on personal property to j bring the list up complete. When the books were closed for the lux year 1926, around $230,000 of the $257,000 had been collected. A large part of the amount uncollected is due from real estate, nnd the remainder is due from personal and poll tax. The decrease in the tax rate for 1026 caused the total amount to drop from $815,000 in 1925 to $257,000 in 1926. With thia decrease taken into consid After Many Delays, Poor of County Move to New Home Ma. iiki Old Home Which Is Now Vacant .«•' r , . ■ M ,g \ ™ u. % r, ■ ■> -J.JW - -- 1 Martin County's old "poor house" declining year* and passed away n cated oh'the old Greenville road will Thieves Raid Meeks' Store Barrel of Meat, $75 In Cash and Many Other Artieles Carried Off Thieves made a big raid last Wed nesday night' when they fumed away from Mr .1. S. Meeks' smake house a 1 arrel of meat, $76 in cash and many articles of merchandise from his lore and many . automobiles parts from his Karate. Aihout 11 o'clock, Mr. Meeks heard a noise near his .moke house, and went out to investigate. lie did not take time to dress but hurried to the porch in his ivitcht- clothes. He fired his gun at the point whero the noise came from, but he does not know whether he hit ony of the robbers. Yesterday morning be followed the ttucks of across his field to a plans'' where a car had b»en parked (he night before, hut other than this nothing could be learned relating to who the robbers were or it: what direction th?y went.' Mr. Meeks lives about , five miles from I -re on the old roud to Kveretts. Mrs. Mary A. Ward Died Here Last Ni^hl Mrs. Mary A. Ward died at her home on West Main street hero last night from an illness dating from October of last year. For the past M weeks she has been confined to her bed.' Mrs. Ward was TTC daughter of Craven and Manila I'eel. She was bom in Pitt county and mar ried the lute J. K. Ward when in young womanhood. Mrs. Wnrd is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Fmmu Thompson and Mrs. Sudie Dennett of Williamston. anil a step-daughter, Mrs, Bettie Mullock, of Suffolk, Virginia. She leaves one sister, Mrs. Marl ha Gurgunus, three brothers and a half -1 rother, John Peel, of Sax tori, Mo., J. E. Peel, Johnson City, 111., Church Peel, Atwood, Tenn. and David VVhichard, Williamston. The funera will be held from the residence nt 16:30 tomorrow by A. .1. Manning, her pastor, and T. W. I,ee, of the Mehtodist church. Interment will take place beside her husband in the cemetery here. : oration, fhc collections for 1926 were t" better than- they were iti +he-year-4»e fore. It has been stated that Martin County tax collections are as favor able as those in many of the other j counties in the State. Some counties have reported* deficits running as hifth as a quarter million dollars. Kx-Sheri/T Roberson has Made a con ! sistent drive throughout the tax year, I and his success can be attributed to j hard work and better financial condi j tions in the county as a whole. Several townships had large lists of delinquents, while Bear Grass, Grif | fins, and Poplar Point had the small est number. Poplar Point had the smallest number of delinquents, only six taxpayers failing to settle their taxes. The record, however, set by Hear Grass and Griffins is of greater value, since those two townships have many more taxpayers than Poplar Point.' Griffins Township's record has been a most favorjUbJe one for years, and the one thLs year is only in keep ing with those of the past. where many pauper has spent hi glected and unnoticed. The houses, k be used by farm tenants. Scouts to Provide Flower 8 Sunday I lowers for the coat lapel will be furnished free of charge by the local scouts next Sunday morning. The scouts will have six distributing points, one ut each drug store and one at each of (he four churches. Ladies of the town who have white and red flowers and who are willing to {uvsisl the scouts in making Mother's Day stand out from all the others lire asked to call either Mr. Simon Lilley at No. 100 up* Mr. It. Clark at. No. nU. The) will direct the scouts late Saturday afternoon to those who are willing to give How ers. Recorder Tries Number Cases Prison Sentences Total 31 Months; Fines Were Small Recorder's court last Tuesday dis pi awl of several cases resulting in few lines but ;il months prison terms divided between the Edgecombe roads and the county jail. A case commanding the most at tention during the session was the one in which ltoy Manning and Mrs. .. 1111m ' |UiIUm k wc !♦* witli > i statutory Deputy '.sheriffs hud raided the house occupied by tlusm and found ample testimony to war n.'nt a conviction. Manning was sen tenced to the Edgecombe roads for niiU' months and the Mullock woman was ordered to the county jail for a j period of four months. Manning; is a married man and his wife was iri | the house when officers raided it. Mrs. j Mullock is also married, and has ftv» | 4mall children. Her husband left her I lust year arid since that time she has been on the go much of the Unit, "lioth, defendants appealed to the Su pc rior court and were required to furnish bond in the sum of $350. each. Others cases to come before the court were State against M. M. James for violating the liquor law. He was found guilty and sentenced t- the Edgecombe roads for 18 months. He made hotice to appead to the .Superior court. Joe (iurgunus wa.s found guilty of simple assault and he was fined $lO and charged with the cost. .Sam Hoston plead guilty to a charge of manufacturing liquor. His case was continued one week for final judg -1 ment. The against William Stokes, charging him with false pretense, was continued along with the one charging Jesse Whitehurst with reckless driving. t 8. L. Daniel and James Moore, in jury to property and larceny, were found not guilty. Installs Complete Vulcanizing Outfit The Jones Electric Shop this week installed a complete Hawkinson Vul rani zing system. The new ei/uip jrient, costing several hundred dol lars, Martin County its first complete vulcanizing " plant. Mr. Jones stated yesterday that several do-ens of tires had already been vul canized since the plant was installed ani that the tires once almost use lei s art? now' good for thousands of miles. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fog an, of Ra leigh, attended the marriage of Miss Hilda Kilpatrick Wednesday. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1600 Homes of Mnrtin County. ESTABLISHED 1898 ) New Building Is Modern in Every Respect Keeper and the Twelve inmates Moved Yesterday round thfe come? to tlie poor se" was the order issued bv the board of county commissioners in session here Monday to Keeper John IMami and his inmates. The order called for the removal'of the inmates from the old home on the old Greetir villc road—to the new $40,000 brivk -.structure on Highway No. 00. Date after date had been set for the in mates to be moved, j>ut it was not until last Monday that an order was made to Mr. lilayd to move the coun- I y's poor to the new home this week. Yesterday and today Miv Hlanl was busy moving the few odd pieces of furniture and guiding the twelve in mates-to the new building. For years Martin's county home has received many criticisms, and just ones, too, perhaps, but it was not un til a mun on the grand jury remarked that he would not want a dog of his to have to spend his declining years at such a neglected place. Action wa:; started toward the ereeetion of the new home by the board of com missiioners which went out of oHice last t December, and Mr. Henry C. tireen was appointed chairman of the building committee. The contract called for the completion of tbe build ing fast December, and it was ready for occupancy at that .time with the exception of tv liter and heat in;;. Kven though the water supply was giving trouble, it was thought the inmates would be able to eat their Christmas dinner in the new home. Repairs were made to the well, but the situa tion was unchanged. Well experts then stilted that a sifter would have to be provided, ami taking this ad vice authorities ordered one. Weeks piiss'd, and the sifter failed to show up. Arriving after a leng ttfne the thing was installed by well men, ami the water supply was at last put in order. A test has been made in lta leigh, and the bureau there has brand ed it a;; alright. The exact cost of the "new home i.s not known, since it was built in con nection witli the county jail. The ar chitect will he here not later than June, and when he arrives he will sep arate the costs of the two structures. —(Continued oil page flye) One Service Sunday at Baptist Church The Southern liaptist Convention is in session at Louisville, Ky., this week, and very many of the Baptist pastors are away attending the ses sions of the convention. Accordingly, many vf 'he churches will have no service this Sunday, ltut an effort i.- being made that those ministers who are not attending the convention may so distribute ; themselves Sunday that at least one service -be held in as many of the churches as possible. Accordingly, the Grace Baptist church, of Washington, has asked the pastor of the local liaptist church to speak in their church Sunday night in the absence of their pastor. This he hus promised to do. So, instead of there being services in only one of the two churches Sunday, each of them will have a service. At the morning hour, then, serv ices will be held as usual in the Me morial liaptist Church. The pastor will have for his sermon subject, "Talking With Jesus." There being no service at the church in the evening, the members will be at liberty to avail themselves of this opportunity for any purposes they may like. It is possible that many of them will desire to visit the other churches of Williamston or surround ing country. Ten Itipils Honored by Oak City School Oak City, May 6.—Honor roll of the Oak City school for semester end ing April 29 shows that ten pupils gained the coveted honor. To make the honor roll a score of 125 points is necessary. The score is made at the end of each semester, read before thp school and published in the coun ty paper. Tkose making a score of 126 or more points are as follows: Bth grade: Velma Hines, Mary Kathlyn Ainsley, and Gladys Hyman. 9th grade: Hilda Tyson and Naomia Btheridge. 10th grade: Rachel Rawles. 11th grade: Mildred Everett, Ctyde Manning, O hvia Johnson and Willie Johnson.