Watck the Labci Ob Your PaHf) U Carries the Date Taw Sabacription Expires. VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 23 Sunday School Convention of County in June To Be Held in Everetts Christian Church June 2 and 3 Plans have been made for holding the annual Martm County Sunday School convention at the Christian church, Everetts, on Thursday and Friday, June 2 and 3, 1827. Arrange ments for the convention arc in hands cf Ur. James L. Robinson and Miss Helen Adkins, president and secretary of the county Sunday school associa tion. These officers have announced that they have secured as outside speak ers for the convention Mr. D. W. Sims, Raleigh, general superintend-, ent of the North Carolina Sunday School association, and Miss lone Al verson, young people's division sup erintendent of the association. Be sides these outside speakers, a num ber of prominent pastors and Sunday school workers of the county will take part on the program. The program for the convention will include addresses and discussions of various phases of modern Sunday school work, the object being to make it possible for workers in all depart ments of the Sunday school to get help from the convention. A special request is being made to the Sunday school workers of the county to pre sent to the convention any special Sunday school problem that should be discussed. Announcement is'also made by the officers in charge of the convention that, following a custom started three years ago, a pennant will be present ed to the Sunday school having in the convention the largest number of rep resentatives, 16 years of age and over, according to the number of miles traveled. Any Sunday school in the eounty can compete for the pennant, except the Sunday school with which the convention is held and others within one mile of the convention church. 51 Honor Students At Robersonville Fifty-one pupils in the Roberson ville school won recognition when they went the entire term just closed without being absent or tardy. The sixth and ninth grades led the entire school with nine honor students each. The averages made by the Roberson ville school during the year is thought to be the highest in the county. The students who attended school 160 days this year are: First grade: Julian Hak?r, Janie Everette, James Gray, lima Iloger son. Second grade: Annie L. Roberson. Third grade: Clinton Baker, Ann Eliza James. Fourth grade: Clifton Everette, Phillip Keel, Simon Woolard, Dixie Roberson, Kathryn Chandler, Garner House. Fifth grade, Eugene Roberson, Alice Ruth Bland, Mary Glenn Tay lor, Doris Jenkins, Alga Lee Moye, Margaret Norman, Rosa White. Sixth grade: Harold House, Elton Manning, Archie T. Roberson, Edward Ross, J. C. Smith, William Warren Taylor, Irma Fac House, Marjorie lingers, Pauline WliitflelJ. Seventh grade: Mildred Creecy, Emily Roberson, Selma Gurganus. Eighth grade: Brownie Roberson, Doris Hurst, Margaret Taylor, Thelma Marshall. .Ninth grade: Wiley B. Rogerson, James Pope, Herbert Pope, Vernon Ward, Betty Crandail, Callie May Gray, Frances Jenkins, Vivian Mor riss, Elisabeth Warren. Tenth grade: Mary Johnson, Lil lian Edmondaon. Eleventh grade: Glenn Norman, Frances House, Bessie Morris, Hat tie Ross. STRANH THEATRE LI WEDNESDAY TOM TYLER 'to M REI) HOT HOOFS" \ Alao Comedy and Serial ' and FREE TICKET for Friday Show Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE Tax Listing Going. Forward Slowly; Expect Rush Later Fewer Taxpayers Have Listed Property This Year Than Ever Before in Same Length of Time Reports coming from seVeral of the county tax-list takers show that few er people have listed their taxes this year than in previous years for the si.me length of time. Indirect reports from one or two townships state that their listings are taking place at a fair rate. The majority of the town ' ship listers, however, state that notli ; ing has been done by the people in their townships to get their property on the county books. Several of the list takers seem to think the majority of the people are delaying theii list ' ing until the last minute without real ' izing the fact that it will take long er to list their taxes this year than it ordinarily does. At noon yesterday, out of the 552 taxpayer* in Cross Kouds Township, LOCAL SCHOOL TO CLOSE FRIDA Y; EXERCISE BEING WELL Corn Growing Demonstration Five Acres of Land Will Be Used in the Demonstration "Martin County will conduct a corn growing demonstration this year," stated Farm Agent Brandon today. "Feeding and marketing hogs," he stated, "is just another way of sell ing our corn, but unless we grow the corn we feed and produce it at rea sonable cost, we will not secure the greatest returns from our hog-feed ing work. "Hog feeding is essential however, in a well-balanced farm program for Alurxin County; I am interested, therefore, in seeing more corn grown in the county. "In this demonstration, we will show that high acre yields will re duce the per bushel cost of growing corn. High acre yields," he contin uco, "can only be secured when the ;ilant is furnished a liberal amount of nitrogen and large quantities of ceil moisture. A soil filled with humus holds moisture and we may expect our best yields from such a soil when we a liberal amount of nitrate of roila when the corn is from knee to thigh high. It is necessary to pro duce from 40 to 60 bushels per acre if we expect to grow corn at a rea sonable cost. "Five acres will, be used in the. uemonstration," ho stated. "An ap plication of 300 pounds of nitrate or soda per acre will be used. Accurate recorders will be kept, also, of ull labor and materials required to pro ouce the crop. The location of this j demonstration will be announced la- j ter" Bryant Carstarphen Editor Duke Paper Bryant B. Carstarphen, of this (ity, received one of the most disting uished honors bestowed upon a stu dent at Duke University this year when he was elected editor of "The Duke University Archive," which is the college magazine, and ranks a mong the leading college magazines of the entire country. Bryant was not ohosen by the Btudent body alone, but the facility, and alumni also had a part in the selection of an editor. The position carries with it the con fidence in his ability to sense a sit i uation or condition of things and to ' suggest the proper thing to do to 1 make the best of it. The editor is not a gatherer of news; he is more, a : pioneer of thought. Home Department To Meet Thursday The American Home Department of { the Williamston Woman's Club will j meet Thursday afternoon, May 19, at 4 p. m., in the home demonstration kitchen at the courthouse annex. The subject for the meeting is "Salads." Mrs. J. G. King has returned to her heme at Roanoke Rapids after visit ing her mothers, Mrs. Emma Tho ma son for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson Griffin, of Goldsboro, announce the -birth of a son, A. Wilson, jr., Monday, May 16., Both Mr. and Mrs. Griffin are Martin county folks. Mrs. Griffin, before her marriage, was Miss Esaie Woolard, of Jamesville. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, May 17,1927 enly 104 had listed their taxes. Wil liamston is said to have around one fourth of its number listed. Griffins reports a large percentage of its tax payers already listed, but"that there arc ' yet many who have not. Rober sonville reports little progress in its listings, lie porta from other town ships, while they are not direct, state the situation to be about the same as it is in Williamston and Cross Roads Townships. Over half the time for listing is past, and judging: from the time re quired to list one man's property, much confusion and trouble are ex pected the latter part of the month. The list takers are making an ap peal to all property owners, urging them to list their property at once, and not wait until the last minute. Cantata Last Evening Well Received by Large Audience The first of the commencement ex ercises of the local school was held last Sunday morning when Rev. A. J. Manning preached the annuul sermon to tlw 17 graduates and several hun dred of their friend;!. Pastor of the uther churches announced no services for that morning, and the four con gregations gathered at the Memorial Baptist church for the first number of the commencement series. Choos ing "The Threefold Secret of a Great Life" as his subject, Mr. Manning de li\ered an able sermon to the young I graduates. The power to concentrate, I to forget and to anticipate go to make j the threefold secret of a great life, > according to the writings of Paul said \ the preucher. The high school juniors ( added to the impressiveness of the morning sermon when they filled the choir seats and led the music. Sixty-five little folks, appearing in a cantata in the school auditorium last night pleased one of the largest audiences seen at u school commence- ! ment here in years. From the open- I ing through the last number on the ( program the little folks drew hearty applause from the large audience. "The best thing staged by the school since 1 was in a play some 30 years ago," stated one man when he ex pressed his opinion of the "Brownie Hand," the name of the cantata. ' j The teachers of the elementary de partment of the local school are de serving of much credit for their ef forts in training the little folks for the performance last evening. In no exercise in years has there been evi dent a more thoroughness in training than was evident in the acting of the 65 primary pupils. Each of the 17 numbers in which the little folks took part reflected hours of training and perfect coaching. The individual numbers were unus ually good, and so were the sol!_ and ' choruses, all going to make an ex- | cellent performance extraordinary, i Tomorrow night ut 8:15, the several i school clubs will take charge and I render the third number of the com mencement series. . Thursday night at 8:16, the seniors j will hold their graduating exercises. The final exercises will take place Friday morning when Dr. R. H. Wright delivers the commencement address. Time For Advertising Town Taxes Not Known i ! According to a official, the j time for advertising the property or delinquent town tax payers has not bren definitely decided upon. While not certain, it is thought the list of delinquents will be published within the next several days. The exact date, it is understood, will be decided upon at the board's next meeting. Respected Colored Woman Buried Sunday Martha White, who was one of the most respected and best-thought-of colored women in town, died last week and was given one of the big gest funerals Sunday that has been held in Williamston for years, either white -or colored. The serrite was .held at the Mount Shiloh Baptist Church and the procession of auto mobiles reached almost from the church to the cemetery, a mile away. Martha White was the wife of Madison White, who is regarded as highly for good citizenship as any man in town. County Schools All to be Closed ByEndofWeek Finals Held Last Week at Parmele, Hassells and Everetts Schools Commencement exercises in the j county last week brought to a close 1 \ the 1926-27 session for all the schools j I with the exception of three, Uardeng, i Hamilton, and These ] three shcools will close this week with ( exercises at each place. I Parmele Closed Wednesday j | Parmele had its finals last Wednes- j c,ay when the graduating exercises ( were held and a play was given that ] evening. Rev. Mr. Warren, of the \ Methodist Church, delivered the main ] addsess in the morning ut 10 o'clock. ] Supt. R. A. Pope made it talk, and ] Rev. J. T. Wildman, of the Presby- j terian Church, delivered certificates to , se\en pupils. The final number on \ the school's commencement program j . took place that Wednesday evening I i when the elementary grhdes appeared - in a play. —- — ' j i Hassells Closes Tuesday Monday and Tuesday saw the close | of a most earnest year's work at the , Hassell's School, when a unique pro- ' | gram of exercises were held. In a | recitation contest Monday evening, j ( Miss Gertrude Ayers won first place, | | Misses Eva Ayers and Elizabeth | | Downs tying; for second price. All i three of the were excel- ( lent,, ami the judges, Mr. and Mrs. J. /». Warren, of Parmele, and Miss Martha Council, of Hamilton, had no little difficulty in determining the 1 winner. The prize presented by Mr. J. W. Eubanks, was given by the Salsbury Supply Co. The recitations were followed by an operetta, "The I History of Music," the entire school 1 taking part. ' I Tuesday a picnic dinner was served on the grounds to the school and its ; patrons. Citizens of the town added : to the exercises Tuesday afternoon j when the married and single nu met i in a baseball game, the single nuyi winning, 13-11. That evening, the , primary and intermedial" grades ap- j peared in a program of songs and rec- ■ itations. The last numVrw# the pro- j gram, a negro minstrel, presented by j the grammar grades, brought to a , tlose the year's work. i Finals at Everetts Everetts closed its 1926-27 session , last Friday, a session regarded by the j community us one of the most sue-; ( cessful in muny years. Rev. Richard Bagby, of Washington, was the prin- j t i pal speaker of the day. He cen- j . tered his address on ".Service," stress ing the word on parent as well as on pupil. He stated that our children are worthy of the best of everything. We owe it to them to give them the best teachers, and the best school houses. The speaker stated that we find it hard to direct our energies to the high principle of giving service because we too frequently wish_to be served. The service that we are called upon to render may lead to sacrifice, but it is always wise to sac rifice with our it makes no difference what we gain it is all lost unless wft haVe so .lived that We are worthy of the blessings of the crown of life. Supt. R. A. Pope, at the conclusion of Mr. Bngby's address, talked,onnfur tureyplans for further development of the school. Following Mr. Pope's talk, a large picnic dinner was spread, and people from many sections gathered around the heavily luden tables. A baseball game in the afternoon and a play that evening brought the year's work to a close. "Happy Jack" Caves Lands in Local Jail "Happy Jack" Caves, around-lhe , world walker, was placed in jail here ! last Friday night when he partook I too freely of Martin County rum. Caves, who is now on the last lap of i his journey around the world, landed !in Sheriff Roebuck's jail when he used obscene language and express ed a willingness to fight. While chasing a drunken auto driv er here last Saturday afternoon Chief cl Police Daniel and Deputy Sheriff ' Grimes sight of the man wanted, but without knowing it they soon got on the track of another car. Jhey fol lowed it up Elm Street and to the col ored Baptist Church, where the car t,topped alongside the church build ing. The officers soon discovered their mistake, as well as Dave "Rogers, who hopped out of his machine and broke a quart container over the hub of the car. Dave, with his friend, John Little, was placed under bond, and the two »re appearing before Re corder Bailey here today. Ned Barnes, the drunken driver, was arrested lat er in the afternoon and placed in ! jail. Barnes' drunken condition while Icriving his auto led to the arrest of all three of the men. Minstrel Plays To Big Crowd Friday Night Black and White Revue Staged By Kiwanis Is Successful Friday night around four hundred people enjoyed the minstrel staged by the local Kiwanis club under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc- Iver. The opening overture brought out some of Williamston most at tractive talent, the costumes were pretty and the singers had pep. Harry Stubbs as interlocutor first introduc ed Joe Godard, jr who began the program with the song, "1 wish you were jeaolus of me." Charles Knight, Buddy Orleans, Ned Laughinghouse, Lon Hassell, jr., Bill Manning, Henry M elver, Chas. Frank and Harry Stubbs all had solos alid each and | every one made a hit. Johnnie Phil- | pot and Gaylord Harrison could not sing but they were very funny with their jokes, in fact all the comedians j were good. The others besides John nie and Gaylord were Ned Laughing- J house, Chas. Knight, Chas. Frank and i Mr. Melver. The grand finale "Stepping Around" brough the minstrel proper to a close, I but the choruses and "Exclusive Fea- I tures" brought even more applause i from the audience than did the mins-1 trel. The chorus girls were all good and 1 they had attractive costumes. All j i their dances were enjoyed. Tho Harmony Four, Ned, Bill, Chas. ! mid Charlie were fine. Their singing was fine but their "make up" better. Lon, jr. and Miss Lyda Cook in "A Summertime Flirtation" were not j bud at all and the dancing of Chas. Frank .was one of the outstanding features of the show. "A Dollar for a Kiss" was' the last j and best all round number. Herry j Stubbs as Josiah Willoughby, the' irascible father, was up to his usual j standard. Murt is as good as the p£o- I t'essionals but he always gives geii- > erously of his time and talent to local' benefit shows. Miss Emily Lineke, as the (laughter and Buddy Oilcans, as her beau, were perfect lovers and Pete, the old darkey butler was play- 1 ed by Mr. Mclver and he is fine as a darkey, just nutural enough to be funny. The musical numbers by the chorus . girls in this act were all bright and catchy. I Drunkard for 50 Years; f Doesnt Drink Drop Now "Eight years without touching my J ■ lips to the cup," was the statement made by Hal Higgs, aged colored man, ! who happened to call by our office yesterday afternoon. Hal, known as the "old colored boy," stated that he thought going without a drink for 8 years after being a drunkard for '>o was something to talk about. A,l during the 8 years, he stated that the taste of the drink had never been forgotten, but not once has he turned to the bottle. When asked in what manner he managed tq refrain from the hard drink, 1 e stateif, "While lingering hah way between a sober man and a | drunkard, I realized 1 was disgracing j end ruining myself in body, mind, and ; soul; and added to that I was robbing j my people of the things that rightly i belonge dto them. I saw myself in that state of disgrace anil ruin and I made up my mind to stand up *s a man. ' There have been many times when 1 would have enjoyed a drink, but remembering myself as a drunken sot, I always managed to refuse. 1 find that the man who gives you a drink is not your friend. He only thinks he is your friend, when in fact h- may lie causing your destruction." Hal says he is around 75 yeurs old, i yet he has every appearance of a! boy. Those who have been near him j for the past half a century huve per- j | feet faith in his honesty. He has probably been fishing more times j | than any other negro in Martin Coun- ! | ty, and he has paddled a boat for J. j G. Staton on so many occasions that his trips, if added, would carry him across the Atlantic several times. Hal knows where the fish stay, and when the squirrel season opens he knows ji.st what kind of oaks they feed in. To Present Play at Jamesville Saturday Under the auspices of the Christian Chapel church, the Cross Roads school .will present "A Daughter of the Desert" at the JumesVille school auditorium next Saturday night, May 21. The play has been presented in several auditoriums in the county, and at each showing it has met with approval. It is understood the play will be shown in other places of the county during the next few weeks. Young Man Killed In Friendly Scuffle Dr. Wright Will Speak Here Friday The last of the 1926-27 com mencement exercised will take place Friday morning at 11:00 O'clock when Dr. Robert H. Wright, president of the East Carolina Teachers college, de livers the main address. I)r. Wright has done much for the cause of education in the State, especially in Eastern Carolina, and his address here Friday morning will he well received by a large audience. • , School Closes At Hamilton Dr. M. C. S. Noble Will Deliver Address Toniffht Tho closing pxercises of the Hamil ton High School began Sunday night with the baccalaureate sermon by Uev. E. P. West, pastyr of the Ham ilton liaptist Ghurch,' and will con tinue through Wednesday night of this week. Mr. West's text was from the for tieth verse of the twenty-seventh chapter of Acts, "And when they had taken up the anchors, they commit ted themselves unto the sea and loosed the rudder and hoisted up the mainsail to the wind, and made towards the shore." The aim for a definite port when sailing on life's wide and rolling ocean was the advice to Ui(| young graduates when hauling their anchors from the base and launching on the high seas, where they will have to man their own ships, and they will have to set their own sails if their ships are U> glido with safety to the haven of rest at the sunset of life. The cjioir, composed of 12 junior high-school boys and girls, rendered several sacred songs. The floral cantata, "The llrownies! Whipers," given by the elementary grades, comprising almost 100 boys and girls, last night was pronounced very fine by the largo number in at tendance. The graduating exercises will he held' tonight. The program includes the salutatory, by ilertha Hell l'rit chett; class history and prophecy, by Gertrude Ayers; and valedictory, by Catherine Everett. Dr. M. C. S. Noble, jr., will then deliver the com mencement address; On Wednesday night the play, "The Wren," will be given. This promises to be one of the finest features of the entire program and a large at ti tulance is expected. K C Chamber Commerce Branch Opens at Benson Complete arrangement:; have been -made for opening a branch office of the ,astern Carolina Chamber of Com merce at Mention June 1, according to information given out at headquar ters in Kington by Secretary Newell G. Barllett on his return from lien son Wednesday night Benson has raised her quota of the amount need ed to put this office in operation; the Johnston County commissioners and Harnett County commissioners made their appropriation for the work, while the citizens of Sampson Coun ty are raising Sampson County's part of the budget. Raid Still Couple Hours Too Soon SherifT Roebuck, with Deputies Crimes and Ballard, struck the thicket | too quick Saturday afternoon when they went on a still hunt in a big Woods a few miles northwest of Bear Grass. They found an 80-gallon still complete, rcudy for business except for filling and firing. They also found about 800 gallons of beer in vats and about 400 gallons in bar rels, all-of which was poured out and | the still taken. The officers say they believe if they had been a few hours later they would have found the operators present. Hardens School Finals - r Take Place Tonight i Hardens* school closing exerciser, will be concluded tonight with a play. I*st night the. exercises con sisted of many beautiful recitations, d.aiogues and short playa. ' The Hardens school only has the pupils up through the sixth grade. Those above are transported to the JamesviUe high school. Advertiser* Will Find Our C«i- I omna a Latchkey to Over 1600 I Hones of Martin Contj. | ESTABLISHED 1898 Body Brought Here Last _> Night for Doctor's Examination Coy Woolard wa. killed Sunday evening while attending Snow Branch Holjiness church in Beaufort county by Archie Leggett. According to eye witnesses, Wool ard was getting ready to get into his car and go to his home when Leggett, boasting about his great strength, caught hold of him and started a tussle in which they fell to the ground. During the scuttle Leggett fastened his arm around V oolard's neck holding it there until a young man pulled him off saying to him that he was killing Woolard. When Leggett loosed his grip, WOol ard breathed only a few times and never moved. There seemed to be no madness ex pressed by either, yet Woolard did not want to engage in the tussle. Leg gett was said to be drinking as he hud been the night before at the same church he had caused some distur bance. Leggett,. a young man just past 2! years and Woolard, 22 both lived near each other as neighbor boys all their lives. Woolanl was regarded as a very pious, sober and dependable boy while Leggett drank and was re garded as a rowdy. A few months ago Leggett ran his car into Woolard's and tore it up. He was required to pay the damage and ii. is rumored that he hail asserted on some occasion that he was going to Kot even with him. It Is said that the two had ceased to be friends since that happened. The Woolard family had the young man's body brought here to Dr. York's office where an x-ltay picture was made to, ascertain if the neck had been broken by the powerful grip of Leggett. There has been no report made.of the finding. The body was removed to its old home where it lay in state last night awaiting its final resting place today. Robersonville Woman's Club Met Tuesday Robersonville, May 11.—The ltober- , sonville Woman's Club met on Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. H. Knox. Keports from the vari ous departments and chairmen of com ir.ittees indicate continued progress. Several new members have been en-' rolled. Mrs. W. I'. Sumner announced that a benefit motion picture would bo shown at the Trio Theater on Wednes day anil Thul'sTtay evehiiig. The chair met) of literature anounccd a meet ing of her department for Tuesday, May 17th. The president, Mrs. C. L. Wilson, stated that the cake contest v/ould be held at Crimes Cafe on Wednesday afternoon, May 18. A prize of $5 will be given for the best cuke. Mesdames C. A. Koberson, J. H. Gray, and V. A. Ward reported the important event of the convention in Durham. In their opinion, the address at the breakfast and luncheon confer nces by Miss Nell Battle Lewis, Mrs. Jane MeKimmon>. Dr. Paul Weaver, Mr. Paul Green, Dr. E. C. Brooks, and Dr. E. C. Branson were umong the high lights of thononven-/ lion. Other features of the meet ing which deeply impressed te dele gates were the beautiful music juid vocal solos prepared for the enter tainment of the guests, the address on constitutional government by the chief justice of the supreme court, and the enthusiasm displayed during the taking of pledges for the Sallie Kouthnll Cotton loan fund. The Rob ersonville clubs pledged S2O to the fund. Following the business session, Mrs, Vance Koberson gave a splen did rendition of the Spring Song, by Greig, and Mrs. A. S. Everett made rn interesting talk on Woman's Club activities in Tituavillc, Fla., afte» which the members exchanged plants, j.s is customary at their annual meet ing in May. - —— LOCAL GIKL MADE PRESIDENT OF SOROKITY AT A. C. C. .O _——• At its regular business meeting at Atlantic Christian'' college, Wilson, the Alpha chapter of the Sigma Tau Chi sorority elected its officers for the next school year. The officers are: president, Miss Ruth Manning, Wil liamston; vice president, Misa Eunice Aycock, Lucama; treasurer, Mis*., Hachel Rogerson, Robersonville; secretary, Miss Janet Daughtry, Winter Path, Florida. In the election of Ruth Manning ac president of the sorority comes tfae third special honor froAi colleges €> Williamston high school, the others bting Velma Harrison and Bryant Carstarphen. . M

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